DIY ripped jeans. How to make ripped jeans at home. How to make distressed jeans

Useful tips

12 birthmarks and moles beautifully covered with tattoos

Jeans- a piece of everyday clothing that almost everyone wears. Denim or denim has become so popular that today denim can be seen everywhere.

The main merit of this wonderful material is strength and durability, which is why you don’t have to throw away your old jeans that you’re tired of. Denim can be used to make a variety of products, from repurposed other clothing items to elegant accessories, jewelry, rugs, pillows and more.

We offer you some tips on how update old jeans or turn them into another item of clothing.

How to make ripped jeans

The biggest problem with old jeans is that they end up they just get bored. After a while, even your favorite jeans want to be replaced with new ones or at least updated. If you feel bad about throwing away weird jeans, use the following tips: by remaking them.

As you know, jeans are the only item of clothing on which holes will not look indecent. On the contrary, many jeans owners love to rip their jeans. Surprisingly, holey jeans always look very stylish.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans

Chalk or thin bar of soap

- Scissors

Let's get started:

1) Lay your jeans out on a flat surface. Mark with soap or chalk the stripes where you suspect make cuts. It is better to think about their location in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Then, using scissors, start making cuts.

2) When all the cuts are ready, pull out from the edges several threads to give the impression of wear and tear. Can you wash jeans? in a washing machine and dryer, then the threads will stretch out on their own.

3) You can make cuts along the entire length of the legs on both sides, or you can make cuts only in a few places.

4) The slits on the jeans can be left as is, or you can add a small detail: sew lace on the inside.

How to dye jeans

To make old jeans look new, you can dye them, and the pattern depends on your imagination. Original version - drawing on a space theme.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (dark color)

Spray bottle with bleach in the proportion of 2 parts bleach to 1 part cold water

Acrylic paints of different colors

Old toothbrush

- Small containers for mixing paints

Let's get started:

1) Lay the jeans on the floor, spreading a protective film first.

2) Spray the jeans with bleach in different places. Be careful not to spray too much. Wait until they appear orange spots(a few seconds) and then spray more if you wish to intensify the stains.

3) Mix first batch of paints and start using a sponge to apply it around the orange spots. Rinse the sponge periodically to ensure the colors are not too uniform. You can experiment with color.

4) Do the same with the other side.

5) Highlight some places white paint.

6) To make stars, use liquid white paint diluted with water, and an old toothbrush. Dip the brush into the paint and then use your finger to spray it into some areas. You will get star clusters.

7) Repeat all procedures on the reverse side, and then pay attention to places around seams. Treat them with paint and bleach as well.

8) Wait for the paint to dry well (about a day). Your new jeans are ready!

Decorating jeans with beads

You can decorate your old jeans to give them a completely new look. rhinestones and beads. One option is to add beads to the bottom of the jeans.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (preferably tight ones)

Beads and rhinestones of different shapes



- Needle and thread

Let's get started:

1) Using a ruler, measure the edge of the jeans and fold them several times to the desired length. Carefully use a needle and thread sew the edge so that it does not turn around.

2) Sew one at a time beads in random order. Think about the pattern in advance. Combine large beads with smaller ones.

3) Rhinestones can be glued using glue.

The decorations are ready!

Jeans with a pattern

Jeans with original designs are always in fashion, but not everyone knows that you can make designs yourself using felt-tip pens for fabrics or paint with a stencil. A very easy way to use regular old lace instead of a stencil.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (preferably white or light)

Felt pens for fabrics of different colors


- Lace

Let's get started:

Jeans with a similar pattern should wash only in cold water, and also do not dry them in a machine. Fabric markers are wash-resistant, so if you use regular paper markers, they may damage the fabric after washing.

1) Get started from the bottom edge. Insert the cardboard into the leg to prevent the design from imprinting on the other side.

2) Place the lace on top; you can secure it to the pant leg with pins. Think over what colors will you use.

3) Draw a picture dotted through lace along the contours.

5) After completing the drawing, remove the lace, you should get something like this:

6) You can combine several colors. Thus apply drawings along the entire length of the jeans and on the reverse side.

The drawing is ready!

Another easy way to apply a pattern to jeans is using a stencil and liquid paint for fabric.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans

Fabric paint

Stencil in the form of a flower


- Sponge

Let's get started:

1) Attach the stencil to the jeans using tape.

2) Using sponges apply paint.

3) Paint may be applied unevenly, e.g. in some places more intense, then the effect will be very original.

4) Draw a picture in different places of jeans at both sides. At the end you can make a small stroke with a brush: draw leaves.

5) The drawing is ready. Let it dry well and you can put it on updated jeans!

Shorts made from old jeans

One of the most common wardrobe items that come from old jeans are shorts. They are the easiest to make. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with scissors and carefully measure everything in advance. We invite you to learn how to do original stylish shorts made from old jeans bleached in solution.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans



Bucket or other container

- Bleach

Let's get started:

1) Using scissors cut off the legs of jeans to make shorts. You should cut slightly at an angle.

2) Hang the shorts on a hanger and place them in a bucket of bleach for about by 1/3 for 3 minutes.

3) Leave the shorts to dry about an hour and then rinse them in clean water and leave to dry for the night. As they dry, the whitening will become more noticeable.

4) Trim the edges of the shorts using scissors to create small fringe.

5) You can also do cuts.

6) As a result, the top of the shorts will remain blue, and bottom – white.

Some tips for working with bleach:

When working with bleach, always use latex gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Work with bleach on the street or on the balcony to inhale as little toxic fumes as possible.

Always water with bleach flush down the drain immediately after work.

It is better not to bleach stretch denim as it is mixed with spandex, a material that can produce an undesirable yellow color when bleached.

Before bleaching your jeans, carefully study the material. If it has a yellowish tint in light areas, it is likely that the yellowness will remain after bleaching.

Sometimes some indigo paints may acquire during bleaching yellow tint.

Try bleaching first piece of test material. If you just made shorts, you can test the bleach on a cut leg.

You should not expect that after bleaching the fabric will become perfect white color. If you want this exact color, you should use a special white fabric dye.

The threads that were used to sew the product may not react to bleach and may remain the same color as at the beginning.

Short denim shorts

The shorts do not have to be cut straight and then fringed, although this is the easiest way. For example, you can do something like this original processed edges:

To work you will need:

- Old jeans



Cardboard and paper

Sewing machine

- Pins

Let's get started:

1) First, prepare template for patterned edge. To do this, use a piece of cardboard, paper and a pencil.

2) Pin the pattern to the legs and cut off the bottom of the jeans according to the drawing.

3) Process using a sewing machine hems of shorts to prevent fringe from forming.

Denim shorts with lace

If regular cut-off denim shorts are too boring for you, you can dress them up original parts, for example, with lace like this. Lace, as you know, looks very stylish with denim.

To work you will need:

- Denim shorts



Needle and thread

- Pins

Let's get started:

1) Cut off the edges of the shorts triangles as shown in the photo.

2) Cut from lace two triangular parts so that they cover the cut out triangles. Attach them with pins.

3) Using a needle and thread, carefully sew lace to shorts, hiding the stitches.

You can also trim it with lace shorts pockets.

Skirt made from old jeans

Skirts are often made from old jeans. They are a little more difficult to make than shorts and require more patience. There are several options for making skirts from old jeans. The easiest way is to sew flounces made of another material to the top. We are offering to you example of a children's skirt. Using the same principle, you can sew a skirt for adults.

Option 1:

To work you will need:

- Old jeans


Cotton or other suitable material

Needle and thread


- Sewing machine

Let's get started:

1) Old jeans are completely cut off the pant legs.

2) In the end you should succeed basis for a future skirt.

3) Prepare two strips of fabric for flounces, length about 1 and 1.5 meters. The width of the stripes will depend on the desired length of the skirt. Sew both edges of each strip using a sewing machine. These are blanks for shuttlecocks. One of them, which will go to the bottom, should be longer. The photo shows three strips, two of which will be sewn together to create one long strip.

4) Sew the flounce along the length double line. Do the same with the other shuttlecock.

5) Then pull out one of the threads of the stitch to assemble the skirt. Don't pull it too tight, try the ruffle on the denim base so that it matches its width and can be easily sewn to it.

6) Attach the flounce to the denim base using pins along the very edge.

7) Using a sewing machine, sew the flounce to the base, stitching it from the inside.

8) The second flounce is sewn on to the edge of the first. It is much longer than the first one, so you should also tighten the thread so that it matches the width of the edge of the first shuttlecock.

9) Process the edge of the second shuttlecock using sewing machine.

Option 2:

For the second version of a skirt made from old jeans you will need not one, but two pairs of pants. This original skirt looks very unusual and is especially suitable for those who want to hide less than perfect legs.

To work you will need:

- Old jeans (2 pairs)



- Sewing machine

Let's get started:

1) Cut off the first pair of jeans that will be the basis for the future skirt. internal seams, opening them. There is no need to touch the external seams on the sides.

2) On the reverse side, cut out the old seam until until the curved part ends

A skirt made from old jeans is ready!

By the way, instead of the second pair of jeans, you can use some original cotton material, making inserts from it in front and behind, which looks very impressive.

Jeans that have undergone an artificial aging procedure have not gone out of fashion for many seasons. Scuffs or tears allow you to make the image more vivid and give an unusual look to an ordinary item. But while finding denim pants that fit your body can be challenging, picking up ripped jeans can be an even more challenging task. But if you know how to make ripped jeans, you can create a unique item with your own hands without much difficulty.

Before you make holes in the fabric yourself, you should choose the right model. First of all, decide whether you want to process the male or female version. There is no significant difference, they are made from the same fabric, and tears or worn areas can be repaired in the same way. But clothing designs for men and women may differ.

You should not take models made of stretch fabric. You won't be able to rip elastane skinny jeans nicely at the knees or hips. It is better to choose wide pants or medium-width models made of denim. The holes look perfect on them.

Some tips for choosing:

  • Any color is suitable, but products in a blue or light blue shade look most advantageous. On them, the white color of the warp threads will contrast favorably with the shade of the main fabric;
  • the selection of material for work should be taken carefully. It is better to choose one that is not too sparse (arrows may appear) and not too dense (you will not get a spectacular fringe). The composition is also important: you should not take fabric with a high synthetic content;
  • models with straight legs, flares, and skinny pants are suitable for making torn jeans;
  • You should not choose things with prints, appliqués, or colored inserts. Cuts can overload the composition, which looks awkward;
  • if you take old jeans, you can make holes where there are already abrasions. This way the product will have a natural look, and aging will give the clothes a “second life”.

If you have not processed fabric using the proposed method before, you should not buy new trousers or an expensive item. There remains (albeit a small) risk of ruining it, and it’s better if you don’t feel too sorry for it.

Where is the best place to make holes?

The placement of cuts on the fabric should be carefully considered, depending on the intended effect. Properly aged jeans can emphasize the shape of the legs, disguise defects, and distract attention from problem areas of the figure. Before work, you should find photographs of pants with artificial tears to understand how to correctly position the cuts.

  • owners of long slender legs are recommended to make slits in the knee area and in the upper thigh;
  • for short girls, small cuts scattered throughout the surface of skinny pants are suitable;
  • girls with large hips should opt for classic models, keep the holes rare and place them vertically. The main thing here is not to do them too often, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

The main mistake in the location of the slots is placing them close to each other. This visually shortens the legs and makes it difficult to achieve the desired effect. And, of course, the cuts should occupy no more than half of the trouser leg, so as not to look vulgar. For the first experiment, it is better to make one or two holes, and then add to the model of ripped jeans if you like the result.

What tools will you need?

To make jeans torn without ruining the item, you should start working after everything you need has been prepared. You should first prepare a suitable workspace with enough light and free space to lay out your trousers.

You will need for work:

  • knife for cutting. The ideal option is a fabric knife, but usually those who do not sew professionally do not have one. You can take a stationery knife or any other tool with a narrow, sharp blade. Scissors can be used, but in some cases it is not convenient;
  • marking tools. It is required that the mark be clearly visible on the fabric, but then be easily removed from it by washing or cleaning. The pencil erases quite well, but its mark is hard to see. The felt-tip pen doesn't wash well. Therefore, it is worth using the tools from the tailors’ arsenal - a chalk or a piece of soap;
  • cutting board - it is inserted into the leg so as not to damage the back fabric when making a cut. If you don’t have a special board, you can take a piece of plywood or a cutting board from the kitchen. The main thing is that it fits into the trouser leg and is not too thick (no more than 10 mm);
  • If it’s easy to make torn ones out of old jeans (the cuts are made in the place of abrasions), then new trousers will have to be aged artificially. To do this, you need to prepare a piece of sandpaper or a file. A whetstone will also work.

You will also need tweezers and a darning needle. The weaving threads will be pulled out with tweezers, and the base will be unwoven with a needle in order to make a beautiful fringe. You can also prepare a bleach solution or laundry bleach to make the edges of the holes white. This way they will look much more impressive.

Stages of work

Having prepared everything you need, you can start working. Here are step-by-step instructions for making ripped ones from regular jeans. The instructions are designed for women's models made of blue material, but the work is done in exactly the same way with men's pants.

It is better to mark the item on yourself, then the location of the cuts will most accurately correspond to the places where you want to see them. Draw the outlines with chalk or a piece of soap and look at yourself in the mirror again. Don't worry if you have to redo the job several times - remember that after the first cut it will be much more difficult to change the item.

There are two main markup options:

  • in the first case, the places of future holes are marked with rectangles. Then the holes will look more neat, and the warp threads will tighten the hole quite well;
  • in the second case, the contour is made in a more arbitrary shape. Then the hole will look rougher and more closely resemble a natural break.

Having completed the markings, proceed to the next stage.

Processing holes

Straighten the pant leg and insert a cutting board inside where the cut will be. If you do not plan to make large fringes, you can simply cut through the material with scissors. If you need to make a large fringe or tighten a hole with warp threads, it is better to take a stationery knife. The main thing is to act step by step, take your time and complete all steps as carefully as possible.

Make several horizontal cuts inside the outlined outline. Then, using tweezers, pull out the blue threads that weave the fabric, leaving the white warp threads untouched. You can pluck the threads in bunches, or you can pluck one thread at a time. This is a more labor-intensive option, but the result will look neater.

The warp threads can be separated into individual fibers with a darning needle. Some of them can be trimmed to create fringe. But you need to remember that the product will take on its final appearance only after washing. The last step is to reinforce the edges of the hole with stitching so that the material does not spread further.

Decor and aging

After the holes have taken on the planned appearance, the final processing of the product needs to be carried out. First you need to sand the edges of the holes to give them a worn look. You can then bleach the fabric by applying bleach to the warp threads and around the cuts. Then you need to wait the prescribed time and wash off the remaining bleach with plenty of water. Whitened edges highlight the cut.

If necessary, you can decorate the holes by hemming pieces of colored fabric or lace under them. You can also use beads, sequins, and embroidery with colored threads to decorate jeans.

Ripped jeans look great on almost any figure. But you need to remember a sense of proportion so that the processed item does not look vulgar. Then they will be able to complement the image favorably. Don't be afraid to experiment, and good results will be achieved.


Ripped jeans aren't exactly new: they've been in fashion since the 80s, but they've become more popular than ever recently. Making fashionable ripped jeans at home and with your own hands is quite simple; you don’t need any complex skills or expensive equipment. A little patience, accuracy and imagination - and a unique thing is ready.

Of course, you can buy torn, frayed and worn-out jeans - it’s much easier, lazier and more affordable. Even if you don’t give a damn about the incubator similarity of your pair and ten thousand other similar ones throughout the city, the main disadvantage of new jeans will remain - the geography of abrasions, to which you have nothing to do.

Gaps, abrasions and other decorative holes will be located where they were placed by the creative hand of the designer, and not by your delicate taste. Their size, shape and design will also remain outside of possible influence.

Making ripped jeans with your own hands has many advantages: exclusivity, saving money and natural resources, satisfaction from creativity and joy over a new thing.

DIY ripped jeans

The first step, obviously, is to choose your lucky pair: skinny, boyfriend, high-waist, hip, navy, light blue, black? The best option, and also the easiest to process, is jeans made of pure cotton, without any admixtures of lycra or other synthetics (synthetic threads will not only complicate the aging process, but will also require additional processing, cutting off holes).

Of course, before you boldly cut into your favorite designer jeans, you should practice on something simpler - old, small, ugly jeans, or even just a scrap of denim.

The beauty of the situation lies in the absolute freedom of process and intentions.

Proper washing

If you want your jeans to look stylishly worn in the future, you need to wash them in hot water with a small amount of bleach before starting the execution.


Ideally, you need to artificially “wipe” the same places that are rubbed themselves from long and persistent wearing of your favorite item. With chalk, soap or, ultimately, a pencil, mark the places that are destined to suffer.

Surface preparation

The marked areas must be prepared: gently rub the fabric several times with a pumice stone, steel wool or sandpaper - such actions will make it thinner and visually age. In addition, further manipulations will be much easier.

For thick denim, you can take more radical actions: use a scraper; scissors and kitchen knives have proven themselves excellent in this capacity.

Using a sharp cutting tool (a paper knife or scissors) you can make ragged holes. To do this, you need to place something under the fabric (for example, a sheet of hard cardboard or a board) so as not to cut right through the pant leg, and make even horizontal cuts.

These holes must be additionally treated with pumice or sandpaper; it is also advisable to pull out the threads, thus creating a short fringe.

By the way, not all abrasions should become rips, and not all rips should become holes.

"Black holes

Large holes - or holes with material removed - are actually not so easy to make, it's all a matter of their design. You can, of course, snatch out a piece at random with blunt scissors, but the aesthetic effect will not be the same. Making cuts, as a result of which the denim would hang in sad rags, is not an option; it is not in trend now.

The best choice is a large hole slightly above the knee (so that the knee looks erotic in a sitting position), with smooth, but perhaps not entirely rectangular edges.

For several years now, you can see ripped jeans at the shows of world-famous fashion designers. This particular wardrobe item is considered a unique basic item. With various combinations and additions, these jeans can be worn both to a party and for a walk. Today, good, high-quality denim is considered one of the most expensive. And if, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy ripped jeans in a fashion boutique, then any girl can make them herself.

As you already understand, this article will talk about how to make ripped jeans with your own hands.

Before you start creating a new item for your wardrobe, think through everything to the smallest detail and prepare the necessary materials and tools. Advice from experienced needlewomen will help you not only not to ruin your existing jeans, but also to create a truly original and beautiful outfit:

  • For modeling, choose old jeans. They must be made of medium density fabric.
  • It is not recommended to use jeans with an insulated base or fabric that is too thin.
  • All seam elements and main parts must be intact and wearable.
  • When making holes in jeans, be sure to place a wooden board or thick cardboard inside the leg to avoid damaging another part of the fabric.
  • For modeling, take a sharp blade or a stationery knife. The cutting object must have a sharp tip.
  • Before turning your jeans into ripped jeans, sketch and mark with chalk the locations of holes and scuffs.
  • Do not make incisions in the buttocks or knees, as this will look unsightly.
  • You can add additional wear to the fabric using a chlorine-containing substance. For example, treat the remaining threads and the edges of the holes with bleach.
  • A lot of scuffs and holes don't always look nice. After you have made a few cuts, try on the jeans and see the result, maybe this will be enough.
  • To remove small threads, you can use a special machine or a regular vacuum cleaner.

DIY ripped jeans: step-by-step instructions

You can create beautiful and shocking ripped jeans at home very quickly, quite simply and without much expense. If you prefer laconic and modest outfits, then it is best to make small holes from the level of the shorts line to the knees. But brave representatives of the fair sex can make jeans torn along the entire length.

Required tools:

  • wooden board, block or thick cardboard;
  • sandpaper with large and small grains;
  • needles;
  • stationery knife or blade.

Step-by-step description of the process:

How to make scuffs on jeans?

What skillful needlewomen can’t come up with! Representatives of the fair sex have come up with several options for how to make scuffs on jeans at home:

  • using a bleaching agent;
  • using oxidizing agents;
  • using pumice stone;
  • using sandpaper.

If you want to create a worn effect over the entire surface of your jeans, then use the first two methods. However, you need to be extremely careful when working with bleaching and oxidizing agents so as not to damage the fabric or cause burns. Most often, experienced needlewomen use the last two methods. Let's take a closer look at them. The execution process will be the same when working with sandpaper and pumice.

Necessary materials:

  • jeans;
  • sandpaper or pumice stone;
  • wooden block;
  • pins.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. Before you start creating the scuff marks, be sure to mark out the areas where you will be making them. It is not recommended to rub the fabric on the knees and buttocks.
  2. Select the desired section of jeans and make three or four folds, which are secured with pins.
  3. Treat the folds you have made with water. There is no need to wet the denim too much.
  4. Next, take sandpaper or a pumice stone and start rubbing. Scuffs should be made horizontally. Periodically look at the level of wear, perform all actions carefully so that holes do not form.
  5. This is how you can easily make a fashionable and modern outfit out of old jeans.

Ripped jeans with lace

Recently, ripped jeans with lace inserts have become a very relevant and fashionable outfit. These clothes can be combined with almost any basic items in your wardrobe. Depending on the cut of the jeans, they can be worn with high heels or wedges, as well as with a sophisticated blouse or top. Making ripped jeans with lace at home is quite simple. You will need a little patience and sewing skills.

Necessary materials:

  • jeans;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • pumice stone or sandpaper;
  • a piece of lace fabric or guipure;
  • needles;
  • threads

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. As in the methods described above for modeling ripped jeans, before you start cutting, be sure to mark the locations of holes and abrasions.
  2. Use sandpaper, a pumice stone, a vegetable grater, or a fish scaler to create scuff marks and holes.
  3. The step-by-step methods described above will help you do this very quickly and without much effort.
  4. Cut a hole to the size of the selected lace fabric and lightly frame it with fringe.
  5. Next, turn the denim leg inside out and place the lace fabric right side down.
  6. Make notes and see the result.
  7. Lace fabric can be sewn on by machine or by hand.
  8. These are the original ripped jeans with lace inserts you should get.

As you can see, you can create a unique and very beautiful wardrobe element with your own hands. Ripped jeans have been a fashion staple for several years now. Agree that making ripped jeans yourself is quite simple and you don’t need any special sewing or cutting skills. Ripped jeans are considered a wardrobe staple and can be paired with a variety of outfits and shoes. Be original and irresistible!

Ripped jeans are coming back into fashion; it would seem that they were already forgotten back in the nineties. But, as we know, fashion is cyclical, and once again famous couturiers bring models to the catwalk wearing jeans with scuffs and holes.

These jeans have become a real hit this season. If you want to be known as a real fashionista, you should definitely have at least one such stylish thing in your wardrobe.

There is no need to buy expensive ripped jeans, especially since they are not cheap. It is quite possible to turn old jeans into a real fashion masterpiece.

To do this, choose the right jeans. They should not be too narrow or wide. Because the finished cuts on skinny jeans will stretch even more, and on wide ones they will become completely invisible. So, the jeans have been chosen. What else do you need? Take a sharp utility knife, scissors and chalk.

We will need chalk at the very beginning stage. Hang the jeans on a hanger, mark where the cuts will be, they should be symmetrical and not very close to each other, because the denim can crumble over time and instead of neat cuts you will end up with a huge hole that will not make the product attractive. Mark the places of the cuts with chalk, then look at the jeans from the side, moving a few meters away from them. If you are satisfied with everything, proceed to further work.

It is worth noting that quite large slits will be fashionable in the new season. However, before you do them, be critical of your external data; if your legs and butt are far from ideal, you should not emphasize your shortcomings. Make neat cuts that will not draw attention to problem areas.

  1. So, everything is ready to transform your old jeans. Take a sharp utility knife and make cuts of the required size. You should be cutting, not tearing. Denim fabric tends to quickly fall apart when it rips, and a large hole usually appears at the tear site, which only grows over time. We don’t need this effect at all, since we are making a beautiful, designer thing.
  2. Then you need to fray the edges of the resulting holes and pull out a little extra thread. This usually results in a two-tone effect since denim is always lighter on the inside.
  3. If you end up with hanging threads that are too long, be sure to cut them, otherwise it will look completely sloppy.
  4. The threads around the cuts can be thoroughly ruffled and combed with a wide comb, then you will get a more “fluffy” version.
  5. You can also rub the hole a little and then the effect will be different – ​​worn. This feature is also in fashion today.

In addition, you can make not only longitudinal cuts, experiment, make stars, hearts and other shapes. They can also be beautifully frayed around the edges, making them look very original and fresh.

To begin with, make very few cuts and try them on, because the fabric will stretch on the body and the holes will become more noticeable. And you can always add a couple more cuts, but there’s no way to remove them. So don't rush, take more time, get creative, and you'll end up with chic ripped jeans, no worse than those from famous designers.

So, you finished the job, tried it on and were satisfied with the result. Then rinse the finished jeans in cold water and dry. Then iron it and you can wear it with great pleasure!

Ripped jeans - style

It should be said that when wearing such jeans, be sure to do hair removal. Otherwise, your legs, which are visible in the slits on your jeans, will not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Pay attention to the choice of underwear, it must be suitable.

Also think about what clothes you will wear with ripped jeans. It is very important that your image looks like a single, harmonious ensemble. A great option is T-shirts, tops, shirts tied in a knot, denim jackets. Designers and stylists offer complete freedom of choice when it comes to footwear – these can be boots, over the knee boots, sneakers or high-heeled shoes.

How to make ripped jeans? Video

As you can see, having spent very little time, you could easily create a stylish basis for a fashionable wardrobe!