The most loyal dog breeds with names and photos. The Most Loyal Dog Breeds: A Guide to Choosing a Friend

“A friend in trouble is known” - this saying can unconditionally be attributed specifically to dogs, because when their owner is in trouble, they will do anything to save him. Touching stories about the heroic devotion of dogs and their incredible selfless deeds are just a click away.


Dog Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita. Shortly after his birth, he was presented to a professor of medicine, who gave the dog the name Hachiko. He grew up to be a faithful dog who followed his master everywhere. Such an amazing devotion of this dog in the future will make all representatives of the Akita Inu breed symbols of devotion and fidelity.

In May 1925, the owner died of a heart attack, when Hachiko was already one and a half years old. Every day the dog came to Shibuya Station and waited for the professor until dusk. And Hachiko spent the night on the porch of his native house, which was tightly closed ...

The dog was not abandoned by the professor's relatives. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its owner. Railway station workers, local merchants and just passers-by who knew the whole story never ceased to be amazed at this devotion.

Hachiko became famous all over Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with an article about this devoted dog, who had been waiting for the return of his deceased master for more than 7 years. After that, crowds of people poured into the Shibuya train station in order to see this devoted dog.

So Hachiko came, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years, the faithful dog has been waiting for the return of the professor. The day of Hachiko's death became a day of mourning for all Japanese.


In 1925, in the small town of Nome in Alaska, disaster struck: an epidemic of diphtheria suddenly raged. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine, as Nome was buried in snow far from civilization. Children were dying from a rapidly spreading illness, and then the only therapist in the city decided to take desperate measures. He equipped a relay expedition, which consisted of 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage of the delivery of the vaccine was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Eskimo huskies.

The leader of the team was a young, but strong and hardy black Eskimo Balto. In harsh conditions, the team had to make their way to the goal: -51 degrees of frost, a snow storm. Kaasen lost his bearings, he was blinded by thick snow. Gunnar had no other choice but to completely trust the leader. Balto confidently led the team, and they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome that saved hundreds of lives.

After the successful completion of the mission, Balto became a real celebrity, and a bronze monument was erected in his honor in New York.


A dog named Kabang in December 2011 threw herself under the wheels of a motorcycle that literally flew at the daughter of the owner of the dog. The girl was not injured, and Kabang received terrible injuries, but, fortunately, he managed to survive. The treatment of a devoted friend took place in one of the veterinary clinics in California for a whole 7 months. And upon returning to the homeland of Kabang - to the Philippines, the dog was greeted as a real hero.

The Dog That Prevented His Owner's Suicide

The dog did not allow his mistress from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorga, but her German Shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what any loving person would do - he knocked down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands. The woman was shot in the chest, but was not badly hurt and soon recovered.


Eve selflessly saved her partially paralyzed mistress: once an American, Katie Vaughan, was driving a truck, when suddenly the car stopped, a flame appeared, and the cabin began to rapidly fill with smoke. Kathy couldn't get out of the car on her own, but she managed to open the door for her Rottweiler dog. Katie felt that she was starting to lose consciousness, but at the same time, Eve, firmly grabbing the hostess by the legs, was able to pull her out of the burning car.


A blind and deaf dog named True bravely saved his owners during a fire. Somehow late at night in the house of an American woman named Crosley, the electrical wiring caught fire. The hostess and her little son were sound asleep, but their disabled dog, which, in addition to birth defects, had only three paws, sensing something was wrong, was able to get into the hostess’s bedroom and wake her up, “reporting” about the fire. The woman says that she appreciates her faithful friend very much and is grateful to him for saving her.


The lost child, who disappeared for 14 hours, was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all this time he was guarded by a faithful dog. Dasher, a German shepherd, was found next to three-year-old Dante Berry in the woods, four kilometers from their home.

Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child went missing from the yard. They found it missing when two police officers heard a loud cry from a low bush a few meters from the path.


The heroic deed of the pit bull Lefty is admired by all the inhabitants of the state of Virginia. The dog literally took the bullet from the robbers who broke into the house who shot at her owner. Even when she was wounded, she fearlessly attacked the criminals, but they managed to steal valuables and money.

Unfortunately, Lefty's injured leg could not be saved.

A fundraising campaign for the heroic pet was organized on the Internet, thanks to which Lefty underwent surgical operations, and she recovered quite quickly.


Siko weighs only 5 kilograms, but despite its small size, the dog faithfully protected the little granddaughter of his mistress, who was playing in the sandbox, and tried to stand between the girl and the poisonous snake approaching her. The child remained unharmed, and Siko almost lost his eye from a snake bite, but thanks to the operation, the dog managed to save his sight. Now, in the Siko family, he is called nothing more than a "little hero."


Golden Retriever Lady was a close friend of 81-year-old Parley Nichols for six years, and she stayed by her owner's side even as he developed dementia and began to lose his memory. When Nichols went missing in April 2010, police spent a week searching for the man until they found his body in a field and his faithful dog nearby. Nichols died of heart failure, but the Lady did not leave him, eating only water from a nearby stream. The faithful dog did not want to leave Nichols, but his family eventually took Lady from the scene of the tragedy and left her to live with them. (via)

Dogs have surprised and continue to surprise people with their unconditional love, devotion and desire to rush to help at any moment. On the birthday of one of these real four-legged friends - Hachiko, we have collected heroic and very touching stories of various dogs that happened in different countries at different times.

(Total 9 photos)

Dog Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita. Shortly after his birth, he was presented to a professor of medicine, who gave the dog the name Hachiko, who grew up to be a faithful dog who followed his master everywhere. Such an amazing devotion of this dog in the future will make all representatives of the Akita Inu breed symbols of devotion and fidelity.

In May 1925, the owner died of a heart attack, when Hachiko was already one and a half years old. Every day the dog came to Shibuya Station, as before, and waited for the professor until dusk. And Hachiko spent the night on the porch of his native house, which was tightly closed ...

The dog was not abandoned by the professor's relatives. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its owner. Railway station workers, local merchants and just passers-by who knew the whole story never ceased to be amazed at this devotion.

Hachiko became famous all over Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with an article about this devoted dog, who had been waiting for the return of his deceased master for more than 7 years. After that, crowds of people poured into the Shibuya railway station in order to see this faithful dog live.

So Hachiko came, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years, the faithful dog has been waiting for the return of the professor. The day of Hachiko's death became a day of mourning for all Japanese.

In 1925, in the small town of Nome in Alaska, disaster struck: an epidemic of diphtheria suddenly raged. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine, as Nome was buried in snow far from civilization. Children were dying from a rapidly spreading illness, and then the only therapist in the city decided to take desperate measures. He equipped a relay expedition, which consisted of 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage of the delivery of the vaccine was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Eskimo huskies. The leader of the team was a young, but strong and hardy black Eskimo Balto. In harsh conditions, the team had to make their way to the goal: -51 degrees of frost, a snow storm. Kaasen lost his bearings, he was blinded by thick snow. Gunnar had no other choice but to completely trust the leader. Balto confidently led the team, and they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome that saved hundreds of lives. After the successful completion of the mission, Balto became a real celebrity, and a bronze monument was erected in his honor in New York.

A guide dog who went to work at the World Trade Center every day with his blind owner Omar Eduardo Rivera. On September 11, 2001, Dorado was dozing at Omar's feet on the 71st floor of the center. When the terrorist attack occurred, due to panic, fire and destruction, the blind Omar did not have the opportunity to get out of the building, he had already resigned himself to his fate when he felt that the dog tightly grabbed his clothes and pulled him to the emergency exit. Omar completely relied on his four-legged friend, and this saved the man from death. Dorado led him out of the building unharmed.

A dog named Kabang in December 2011 threw herself under the wheels of a motorcycle that literally flew at the daughter of the owner of the dog. The girl was not injured, and Kabang received terrible injuries, but, fortunately, he managed to survive. The treatment of a devoted friend took place in one of the veterinary clinics in California for a whole 7 months. And upon returning to the homeland of Kabang - to the Philippines, the dog was greeted as a real hero.

Eve selflessly saved her partially paralyzed mistress: once an American, Katie Vaughan, was driving a truck, when suddenly the car stopped, a flame appeared, and the cabin began to rapidly fill with smoke. Kathy couldn't get out of the car on her own, but she managed to open the door for her Rottweiler dog. Katie felt that she was starting to lose consciousness, but at the same time, Eve, firmly grabbing the hostess by the legs, was able to pull her out of the burning car, and as soon as the dog managed to drag Katie a few meters to the side, the car completely caught fire.

A blind and deaf dog named True bravely saved his owners during a fire. Somehow late at night in the house of an American Kathy Crosley, an electrical wiring caught fire. The hostess and her little son were sound asleep, but their disabled dog, which, in addition to birth defects, had only three paws, sensing something was wrong, was able to get into the hostess’s bedroom and wake her up, “reporting” about the fire.

Katie says that she appreciates her faithful friend very much and is grateful for saving her life and the child.

The heroic deed of the pit bull Lefty is admired by all the inhabitants of the state of Virginia. The dog literally took the bullet from the robbers who broke into the house who shot at her owner. Even when she was wounded, she fearlessly attacked the criminals, but they managed to steal valuables and money.

And since the dog's family was robbed and could not afford expensive treatment for the injured Lefty, their neighbors and friends on the Internet organized a fundraising campaign for the heroic pet, thanks to which Lefty underwent surgery, and she quickly regained her strength.

Siko weighs only 5 kilograms, but despite its small size, the dog faithfully protected the little granddaughter of his mistress, who was playing in the sandbox, and tried to stand between the girl and the poisonous snake approaching her. The child remained alive and unharmed, and Siko almost lost his eye from a snake bite, but thanks to the operation, the dog managed to save his sight.

Now, in the Siko family, he is called nothing more than a "little hero."

In the small Russian town of Primorsk-Akhtarsk, there is an obelisk with the names of police officers who died as a result of hostilities, and more recently, a monument to the dog Elga appeared nearby. The shepherd began her service together with the guide Evgeny Shestak, and Ingushetia became their first business trip. Then - Chechnya. Already in the first reconnaissance, Elga found a tripwire with a hand grenade. A month later, she "sniffed out" a mined machine gun, thereby saving 10 policemen. Usually the period of work in dogs lasts no more than 6 years, since they begin to go blind from the smell of TNT and plastid. At 20 percent blind Yelga worked for another 3 years. The last time she was blown up by a mine. Shepherd survived, but began to get sick. She died in the arms of Eugene at the age of 13. At the request of the veterans of the unit, a shepherd fighter, who saved the lives of dozens of people, was erected a monument in early 2013.

In terms of devotion and fidelity, perhaps not a single pet can be compared with dogs. Below are 10 stories about dog loyalty.

1The dog that led rescuers to the site of the owner's fatal accident.

The faithful dog led rescuers half a kilometer down a dark Florida highway to the site of a fatal car accident involving his owner. Gregory Todd Travers, aged 41, lost control of his car on Highway 84 near Davey, after which he crashed into a traverse support and slid into a ditch. When rescuers arrived at the scene, a dog hobbled over to them.

Simon, a German Shepherd, led a rescue team to a wrecked car. Simon circled and licked Travers, then jumped into the car next to his owner and waited for the rescuers to finish their job. Travers died on the spot.

2. The dog ran away from home to find the grave of his dead owner, and spent 6 years next to it.

The faithful dog has been refusing to leave his dead master's grave for six years. German Shepherd Captain ran away from home after his owner Miguel Guzman from Argentina died in 2006. A week later, the Guzman family came to Miguel's grave, where they found a heartbroken dog whining near the place where his owner is buried.

Since then, the grieving dog has rarely left the cemetery in Villa Carlos Paz, central Argentina. Guzman bought the Captain as a gift for his 13-year-old son Damian in 2005.

Although the dog often leaves the cemetery to spend some time with the Guzman family, he always returns to the grave before dark.

3. The dog guarded a two-year-old child lost in the Australian forest for 14 hours.

The lost child, who disappeared for 14 hours, was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all this time he was guarded by a faithful dog. Dasher, a German Shepherd, was found next to two-year-old Dante Berry in the woods, four kilometers from their home in Mildura, Victoria.

Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child and dog disappeared from their home's garden. They found it missing when two police officers heard a loud cry from a low bush a few meters from the path.

4. The dog spent 12 hours next to his owner, who was hit by a car.

The faithful dog spent 12 hours next to his owner, who was hit to death by a car. A man was hit by a car at night on a highway in Santa Cruz, California. He was riding a bicycle when he was hit to death by a car, and the body of the victim lay on the side of the road until the next morning.

A passer-by noticed a crippled bicycle in a ditch on the side of the road, along with the body of a man and an uninjured dog. The basket that the man had attached to his bicycle in order to carry his dog with him was broken nearby.

The man's body was there from 8 to 12 hours, and his grieving dog, a Cairn terrier mix, similar to Toto from the Wizard of the Emerald City, all this time remained next to the owner.

Source 5The dog that prevented his owner from committing suicide.

The dog did not allow his mistress from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorgues, but her German Shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what any loving person would do - he knocked down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands.

"The dog sensed what was happening and in an attempt to save her life, he knocked her down," the policeman said. The woman was wounded in the chest, but was not badly hurt and is expected to make a full recovery.

6. The dog attends the liturgy every day in the church where his owner's funeral took place.

A heartbroken dog whose owner died a few months ago misses her so much that he attends services at the Italian church where his owner's funeral was held and waits for her to return. Loyal Tommy, a seven-year-old German Shepherd, was owned by Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and has been her faithful companion ever since she adopted him after discovering him in a field near her home.

Loki adopted several mongrels, but her friends say she had a particularly close relationship with Tommy, with whom she walked every day to church, whose priest allowed him to sit still at her feet. After her death, a memorial service was held in San Donaci, near the city of Brindisi, at which Tommy joined the mourners, and since then he has always come to the church, appearing there as soon as the bells announce the beginning of the service. .

7. The dog was guarding the corpse of his friend in China.

This is one of the most touching photographs of friendship the world has ever seen. The dog from Zhangzhou, China, was photographed guarding his girlfriend who was hit and killed by a car. The dog was not afraid of passing cars and stayed close to his girlfriend. Sometimes, according to witnesses, the dog pushed the corpse, trying to wake her up. The faithful dog guarded her for more than six hours.

Xiao Wu, a local butcher, says he often saw the two mutts walking together.

8. The faithful dog waited while his owner was rescued from the cold waters of the river.

As if there were few examples of dogs being man's best friends, a recent news story told the story of a devoted dog waiting half an hour while rescuers pulled his owner out of the Colorado River. A 60-year-old man and his dog went to the river bank in the afternoon to hunt ducks. A man fell through the ice after he entered the river to collect his prey.

Other hunters noticed the incident and called the rescue service. However, while they were waiting for the arrival of rescuers, the dog did not want to leave the scene. Like a worried relative in a waiting room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to help the man who was chasing his dog away, fearing for his safety.

9The Husky Who Found His Owner In The Hospital

Husky missed his owner so much that somehow, in the middle of the night, he found him in a hospital a few kilometers from home. Zander is a white husky that John Dolan adopted from a shelter five years ago. After Dolan ended up in a hospital in Long Island, New York due to skin problems, Zander became sad and wandered around the house listlessly. As a result, the selfless husky slipped out of the house at 3 in the morning and somehow found his owner at the Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip (West Islip).

A hospital worker found the dog on the street next to the building where Dolan was being treated. The orderly called the number on Zander's collar, which turned out to be Dolan's mobile phone - he answered the call from his room. Dolan's wife came a little later and took Zander away. The faithful dog visited the hospital a second time a few days later.

10. The guide dog returned to save his master during the attack on the World Trade Center.

On September 11, 2001, Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind computer scientist, was working on the 71st floor of the World Trade Center with his guide dog Dorado. When the hijacked plane crashed into the tower, Rivera knew it would take a long time to get him out, but he wanted his Labrador Retriever to escape, so he disconnected his leash on the stairs. “I thought I was lost forever - the noise and heat were terrifying - but I wanted to give Dorado a chance to escape. I unhooked the leash, ruffled Dorado's fur and ordered him to go,” says Rivera.

Dorado was blown down a few floors by a crowd of fleeing people, but a few minutes later Rivera felt the dog poking his nose into his legs - Dorado returned to him. Then, with the help of a colleague and Dorado Rivera, he descended to the ground, which took almost an hour. Shortly after they run out of the tower, the building collapses and Rivera says he owes his life to his faithful dog.

For thousands of years, faithful, irreplaceable animals - dogs - have been living next to us. It was they who became the first living creatures tamed by man. These animals guard the house, protect their owners, help hunt and graze livestock.

Tandem of man and dog

Dogs are man's best friends, because thanks to their instinct, endurance and special character, they organically entered our lives and are always there: at home, at work, on vacation. If someone does not have children and relatives, then the dog will become the closest living creature.


More than 20 thousand years ago, a primitive man brought a completely wild wolf into his home. It took millennia for the predator to unlearn its habits and become a domestic animal. Initially, they guarded the house and, sensing danger, gave a signal. These creatures have well-developed hearing and smell, so they can hear and feel what is beyond the control of man. The dog is a natural hunter. She hunted with pleasure with the owner, hunted down and drove game. When a person tamed other animals, the protection of livestock also entered the duties of dogs.

Role in human history

Archaeologists have discovered dogs during the excavations of ancient settlements, which indicates a long-standing relationship between people and these animals. Since then, dogs have been considered to be man's best friends throughout history.

In ancient Egypt, there was a belief that the dog is a symbol of the kingdom of the dead. The Egyptians worshiped her and assigned the status of a deity. Ancient frescoes depict dogs sitting next to the pharaoh. They accompanied their leader to the world of the dead. Separate sarcophagi were built for dogs, they were buried with honors.

In ancient Greece and Rome, fighting dogs were bred. So, in the army of Alexander the Great there was a detachment, which consisted of more than 5 thousand animals. Four-legged warriors were chained in armor and sent to battle. The dead animals were buried with honors, like glorious heroes.

In Rus', most often the dog was taken with them to hunt. Especially for this occupation, well-known hunting breeds were bred, distinguished by speed, endurance, agility and courage. According to historical data, Tsar Peter I had a liaison dog that delivered orders and letters.

Our smaller brothers used such abilities and quietly passed by the enemy and carried important messages. During the war years, field hospitals had nurse dogs. They were looking for the wounded on the field, each had a bag of medicines tied to their backs. Many soldiers owe their lives to four-legged rescuers. Therefore, it can be easily argued that dogs are man's best friends.

In some countries there are four-legged postmen who deliver telegrams and letters high in the mountains to tourist bases.

Dogs are man's best friends, they will always come to his aid, they will not leave him in difficult times. Due to this quality, these animals are used in search of missing people. Hundreds of cases are known when a dog pulled people out of the water, found those lost in the forest or in the mountains, and searched for victims in the rubble after earthquakes.

dog devotion

What is dog loyalty? Is it measurable and defined? Maybe it's just the attachment of a living being to a person or gratitude for affection and care? It's very difficult to figure this out. Some scientists believe that dogs in a certain period have a need for an owner, for submission to a stronger individual.

Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human ones. The loyalty of dogs, like the friendship of people, must be cherished. After all, friendship and devotion are a priceless gift that is given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that subtly feel the connection with the owner. The behavior of a four-legged pet shows the features of its owner. Regardless of the dog was and remains the most devoted creature. Even after death, she does not leave her friend: she gives various signs, warning of danger or foreshadowing significant events in life. Repeatedly, people talked about night visions or about visits by ghost dogs that saved them from trouble and death.

The relationship between children and dogs

Many dogs become very attached to children. The four-legged pet will become not only a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A loyal dog will never offend a child, it touchingly soothes and plays, rejoices uncontrollably at the sight of a little friend, worries when he is sick. It is children's sincerity and purity that attracts animals. It is not surprising that children at school write an essay "A dog is a man's best friend." After all, one can cite many examples of such friendship, both well-known and from one's own life. Schoolchildren enthusiastically talk about the dog Hachiko, who met his owner every day at the station and continued to faithfully wait even after his death. Children describe stories related to dog monuments known around the world, as well as stories that happened in their neighborhood in their hometown.

Get a dog - change yourself and your life

The dog will always be next to the person, ready to help him in any emergency. For thousands of years, she faithfully serves, fearlessly protects, saves from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe that four-legged friends help cure some psychological diseases. A person who has made such a friend changes his character dramatically, he becomes more responsive and kinder. There are people who think that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, on reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the advent of a dog in the house, a person is forced to become more responsible, take care of the pet, take into account its needs, which means that its selfishness decreases. Walking a four-legged friend, the owner struggles with laziness and begins to engage in outdoor activities or even sports.

Here are a few facts that answer the question of why a dog is man's best friend:

  • a dog helps to gain faith in oneself;
  • a person becomes liberated and sociable;
  • the feeling of loneliness disappears;
  • relations with relatives, loved ones and friends become more harmonious;
  • gain confidence in achieving the goal;
  • the dog becomes a companion, assistant and guard.

A dog is an animal that is rightfully considered a man's best friend.

1 German Shepherd

This breed rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most devoted dogs. German Shepherds are incredibly smart, easy to train, they will follow the owner into fire and water. It is not for nothing that these are service-search dogs that successfully help police, customs officers and the military.

German Shepherds rarely become attached to all family members, they choose one owner for themselves and serve him faithfully until death.

2. Labrador

This is the perfect family dog. Labradors are extremely smart, they love their owners without memory, but you can’t grow a defender out of them, this breed is distinguished by exceptional good nature. Labradors make excellent companions, guide dogs, they become best friends for children. They have a cheerful disposition, they will gladly play with the baby.

Labrador Retrievers require minimal grooming and shed moderately, making them trouble-free to keep. The scent of Labradors is as much as 25% better than that of a German Shepherd, he will make an excellent detective.

3. Dachshund

These long dogs follow their beloved owner everywhere with their tail. They are easy to train: in order to remember any command, they need only a few minutes. Dachshunds should not be forced to anything, otherwise they can become stubborn, but it is very easy to captivate them with the game.

Dachshunds love their master so much that they absolutely cannot bear to let him go even for a few hours to work. They are ready not to part with the owner for a minute.

4. Rottweiler

These dogs are incredibly loyal to their owner. They are distinguished by obedience and ingenuity, have a stable psyche and are perfectly trainable. The Rottweiler is one of the best defenders, it is not scary to let the child go for a walk with him in the evening. The Rottweiler will never give offense to the owner.

Despite the remarkable strength, the Rottweiler is affectionate and loving. He constantly needs the attention of the owner, his affection and care. The only negative is that the Rottweiler can accidentally injure the owner during games, because an adult dog weighs a lot and does not know how to calculate strength. Therefore, before starting a Rottweiler, you need to wait until the children grow up.

5. Doberman

This is an excellent guard dog. The mental abilities of the Doberman are high, it can be taught a lot. Unfortunately, the Doberman has been badly damaged by films about the use of these dogs in the police and in the war, he is considered one of the most evil breeds. It cannot be said that the Doberman is not at all aggressive, but he has a balanced psyche and is well trained, is strongly attached to the children in the family and will never offend them, but he will always stand up for them. A true friend and a reliable guard rolled into one.

6 Collie

Collies or Scottish Shepherds are accommodating and get along well not only with households, but also with other animals in the house. They are devoted to the owner and in a critical situation are ready to stand up for him. Strangers are treated with suspicion, but once they fall in love with a person, they will never forget him.

The only minus of a collie is the laborious process of grooming, the dog must be constantly combed out, to prevent the appearance of tangles, and vacuuming, which is already there, will have to be done more often than usual.

7. Boxer

Boxers are considered stupid, but in reality they just need to be approached. They are extremely loyal to their masters, without hesitation will give their lives for him, if necessary. They are willingly included in any game, they need the constant presence of their beloved owner, they can even be obsessive in the struggle for his undivided attention. Therefore, dogs need to be educated from childhood if you do not want the next 15–20 years to be endlessly licked and loved by you.

8. Terrier

All representatives of terriers love their owners more than you can imagine, regardless of the size and characteristics of a particular breed. Although some terriers can be quite complex in nature, this problem is easily solved with the right education and training.