Wedding scenario at home. An interesting scenario for a ruby ​​wedding anniversary (40 years)

A significant event for every married couple is a wedding anniversary, to the celebration of which close and dear people are usually invited: relatives, friends, colleagues. And it is important not only to prepare a lot of delicious dishes and drinks for the holiday, but also to come up with an entertainment program for your wedding anniversary so that your guests have the most vivid impression of your holiday. This can be fun and cool competitions, which the portal will tell you about.

Games and competitions for wedding anniversary guests

To ensure that your family and friends don’t get bored during the holiday, you should definitely prepare several cool wedding anniversary competitions for them. These can be active games, which are often used as funny competitions for weddings, or entertainment at the table, which will be especially appropriate when celebrating a holiday at home.

Original congratulations

  • Participants: 2-3 guests.
  • Props: leaves and pens.

Players are asked to write down 10 adjectives on a piece of paper. After this, the presenter gives them a sheet of congratulations, in the empty spaces of which they must insert the adjectives they wrote.

The congratulation could be like this: “Dear and….. anniversaries! I congratulate you on this ….. and ….. holiday and wish you ….. happiness, …. health and….. love! A few years ago you created ...... and ..... a family, which is a standard for us, because in your home there is always reigning ..... and .... an atmosphere that makes you want to come visit you again and again! Happiness and love to you!”

Find the thing

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: cards with images and names of things.

The following competition can be used as a fun game to play on your wedding anniversary. Participants are divided into men's and women's teams. The men's team is given cards: on some of them purely female items are drawn (sponge, snood, clips, highlighter, clutch, stole), and on others - their names. For the women's team - purely men's items (jigsaw, chisel, multimeter, sinker, starter, rapier). Participants must find the correct names of the objects offered to them. Whoever is faster wins!

Famous couples

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: No.

This competition will be a great entertainment option for your wedding anniversary if you decide to hold it at home. Guests sitting at the tables are asked to name the most famous couples of the past, whose fidelity and love can be envied: Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc. The most active player can be given a memorable gift.

Marriage is...

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: papers, pens.

Guests at the table are given pieces of paper and pens, and everyone’s task is to write the definition of marriage on them. Then all the cards are given to the spouses, they read out loud what the guests wrote and determine the winner!


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: cards with the names of events (first date, going to the cinema, birth of a child, renovation, etc.).

Couples “m + f” are invited to participate. They draw cards with events written on them, which the couples must act out without words, and the other guests can guess what they are talking about. The winner is the couple that shows a scene from life more realistically than others.

At the wedding anniversary celebration, you can hold competitions not only for guests, but also for spouses, who will be happy to show how strong and harmonious their union is!

Memorable Moments

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: 2 pieces of paper and pens.

The facilitator asks the spouses questions to which they must write answers secretly from each other. Their themes can be different, depending on how many couples are together. If the wedding was recently and the memories of it are fresh, then you can find out from the spouses about their first date:

  • When did you go on your first date (date, month, year or at least time of year)?
  • Where did you go on your first date?
  • What time of day did the meeting take place?
  • What were you wearing?
  • What interesting happened on this day?

For a competition for a wedding anniversary of 30, 40 or 50 years, you can prepare questions about the celebration itself. For example, in a pearl wedding scenario you can include the following quiz for husband and wife:

  • What day of the week did you get married?
  • What was the weather like?
  • Where did you celebrate your wedding?
  • How many guests were present at the wedding?

Items of clothing

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: gloves, socks.

The spouses are blindfolded and the husband is given his wife's gloves, and the wife is given her husband's socks. Everyone’s task: quickly put a wardrobe item on a spouse blindfolded. For a competitive effect, other married couples present at the holiday can be involved in the game.

Find your salary

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: banknote.

The husband is given a banknote, which he must hide in his clothes secretly from his wife. The wife's task: quickly find a banknote, showing how deftly she copes with the distribution of the family budget.

The mystery of the name

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: No.

The following could be an interesting version of the competition for a wedding anniversary. The presenter invites the spouses to decipher each other's names, asking them to come up with adjectives in the form of compliments for each letter of their other half's name. For example:

  • Ivan is sincere, attentive, ambitious, reliable.
  • Larisa is affectionate, neat, romantic, sincere, seductive, active.

My affectionate beast

  • Participants: spouses.
  • Props: pieces of paper with pens.

Secretly from each other, the spouses write on a piece of paper 10 names of representatives of the animal world: animals, insects, birds, etc. Then the presenter gives the husband and wife cards with templates in which they must insert the names of the animals they have written. For example, a husband may:

  • Tender as...
  • Talkative like...
  • Cheerful as...
  • Caring like...
  • Neat as...
  • Brave as...

Or you can come up with this version of the phrase “The husband behaves...”:

  • In a supermarket, like...
  • In bed, like...
  • On vacation, like...
  • At work, like...
  • With my mother-in-law, like...

The portal told you what fun competitions you can hold for your wedding anniversary, regardless of whether the celebration will be organized in a restaurant or at home. Some of them are suitable for young couples celebrating a chintz or wooden wedding, others - for time-tested unions lasting 30, 40 or even 50 years. If you didn’t find anything suitable for your holiday here, then in our other article there are also wedding anniversary competitions, among which you can find the idea you need!



    31 messages

    The first stone was once laid,

    There was once a moment of a beautiful wedding

    And now he has reached his fortieth birthday!

    time for achievements, maturity, victories!

    For our anniversaries and their growth

    Let's raise the first musical toast!

    The day is beautiful and bright!

    smile, friends, have fun!

    Today is a wonderful holiday,

    Today, as you know,

    Celebrating a big anniversary!

    Your family is 40 years old!

    This is the overall best holiday.

    in a blue helicopter

    and will present awards.

    He will give you medals

    That the family was saved

    You with love all 40 years

    and the days that you lived then

    let the photos of previous years and productions

    will remind you of the situation at that time!

    Ved: You have lived together for 40 years, there have been ups and downs during this time, but you managed to save your marriage. Such a strong union is very rare in our modern world, and therefore your couple is an excellent example both for your children and for everyone around you, and you can be rightfully proud of this.

    Ruby is a red gemstone, a transparent variety of corundum. Ruby is second in value after diamond. And its color ranges from pink to deep red. After processing, the ruby ​​turns into a beautiful gemstone.

    It’s the same with family relationships: after cutting and polishing over the years, they become stronger and stronger, able to withstand numerous life blows. Through joint spiritual labor, like corundum, spouses wear off the sharpness of relationships and smooth out the roughness of their characters. And now, years later, their love not only did not fade, but flared up with the bright fire of a ruby, turning into a unique jewel.

    Love is always associated with warm colors: a red heart, scarlet lips, red roses, fires of sunrises and sunsets, hot pulsating blood. All this merged into ruby.

    The Ruby Wedding is a celebration of true love, preserved despite all the difficulties of family life and twists of fate.

    The first toast is made by the children of the celebrants.

    Our dear mom and dad! You have long ago passed the basics of the science of love, you were diligent students - the ruby ​​of your love now shines with eternal fire. We, your children, took up the baton of this flame, we became your students. Now your grandchildren are growing up, ruby ​​reflections are already on their faces.

    Dear guests! Today we would really like the heroes of the day to feel like a king and queen on the throne. Therefore, we are happy to present them with a gold crown (worn on the hero of the day) and a golden diadem (worn on the hero of the day) and invite them to listen to their loved ones. After all, for you, today’s 40th wedding anniversary is a gift to rejoice in the love and affection that your loved ones and friends have for you, and for us, it’s a reason to come to the people we love so much and say what’s in our hearts. So, dear guests, with your hand on your heart, so hot and ruby, find kind words addressed to the heroes of our occasion by deciphering the card you have chosen.

    Cards in the form of rubies, on them it is written

    For example: OVD - we adore Valera for a long time.

    Ved: Our heroes of the day have been living together for so long that they understand each other without words. I invite everyone to stand in a circle. Game "Sign Language"

    Host: How many languages ​​do you know? You don’t even realize that you know another language besides this. And this is sign language. And now we will use it. Stand in a circle.

    1. When we greet each other, we shake hands. This gesture is now clear to everyone. And in China in the old days, when greeting people, they shook hands with themselves. We dance, shaking hands with ourselves.

    2. If you get to Tibet and a passer-by sticks out his tongue at you, don’t be upset. This will mean - “I am not plotting anything against you. Be calm!” We dance, sticking out our tongues.

    3. If a resident of Spain pulls down the lower eyelid with the index finger of his left hand, this will mean “Caution!” We dance, pulling the lower eyelid with the finger of our left hand.

    4. To express admiration, we clap our hands. And in Brazil, when they admire something, they will grab your earlobe. We dance holding our earlobe.

    5. Laplanders rub noses when greeting each other. Let's rub noses with the person standing next to us and dance.

    Suddenly there is loud music and Baba Yaga bursts into the hall.

    B.Ya. Look how pretty they are, and how beautiful they are. (approaches the celebrants of the day) That’s what lucky me today. There will be a great dinner.

    Ved. Wait Yaga, what were you thinking? Today is a holiday for people and you say such things. Aren `t you ashamed?

    B.Ya.: What did I think? I live as I live, all hedgehog grandmothers live like that. It's boring here in the forest. You will go mad from such a life.

    Anniversaries: Baba Yaga, we invite you to our holiday. Will you go? We have fun and there are a lot of guests and food) and no one will have to eat. There is music and dancing.

    B.Ya. How can I go to you without a gift? Wait a minute. (runs away and brings the chest)

    I, FOREST Baba Yozhka

    I walked here towards you along the path.

    I hurried as much as I could

    And she carried the chest with her.

    Gifts here suit different tastes.

    I undertake to hand them over first.

    For a ruby ​​wedding

    I give you a beautiful tablecloth

    She will decorate any table

    Either wooden or whatever.

    And I give you ruby ​​candles,

    I've been looking at them for a long time.

    Place it in your room

    The hostess will have more fun.

    From ruby ​​cups to you

    A drink is offered. (Gives cups)

    May your family prosper.

    And I'm waiting without a doubt

    For the next anniversary, your invitations. (leaves)

    Ved: During our 40 years of marriage... (names and patronymics of the celebrants) have gone through many different sciences. And that’s why they are entitled to diplomas. HUSBAND’S DIPLOMA from “___”_____________201_g. This diploma was issued to _________________________________________________________________ (full name of the hero of the day) as a certificate that he completed 40 years of courses for future husbands in the specialty “Love is a ring, but the ring has no end.”

    He defended his thesis on the topic “Husband and wife are one Satan.” With excellent behavior he showed the following abilities:

    1. Loyalty to wife - 5 (excellent) - deal, and even go to the bathhouse.

    2. Raising children - 5 (exc.) - from a good tree good fruit

    3. Running to the shops - 4 (good) - water does not flow under a lying stone.

    4. Repair of electrical appliances - 5 (excellent) - jack of all trades out of boredom.

    5. Cooking - 4 (good) - at least rinse your mouth with cabbage soup!

    6. Driving a car - 5 (excellent) - have all rights.

    7. Getting money - 5 (excellent) - the husband has the right to work, the wife has the right to rest.

    8. Conquest of the cave - 5 (excellent) - with a sweet paradise and in a hut!

    9. Going to your mother-in-law for pancakes - 5 (excellent) - a mother-in-law for a son-in-law is a very high argument.

    By decision of the Supreme Council of Families with experience, the qualification “Tender Husband and Caring Father” was awarded. Chairman - Lyubov

    Secretary - Happiness WIFE DIPLOMA from "___"_____________201_g. This diploma was issued to ________________________________________________________________ (full name of the hero of the day) as a certificate that she completed a 20-year course for wives in the specialty “Where there is love, there is advice.”

    1. Fidelity to husband - 5 (excellent) - the wife in the family is the president, the husband is her deputy.

    2. Raising children - 5 (excellent) - a kiss is something that is given to children for free.

    3. Housekeeping - 5 (excellent) - such labors, such fruits.

    4. Economics - 5 (excellent) - grain by grain there will be a bag.

    5. Cooking - 5 (excellent) - you'll lick your fingers!

    6. Running to the shops - 5 (excellent) - does not carry its own burden.

    7. Beauty and charm - 5 (excellent) - you, my dear, look good in any outfit!

    8. Weather forecast in the house - 5 (excellent) - wisdom is the daughter of experience.

    9. Hospitality - 5 (excellent) - honor to the guest - honor to the owner.

    By decision of the Supreme Council of Families, the experienced woman was awarded the qualification “Tender wife and loving mother.” Chairman - Love

    The presenter hands the documents to the celebrants (prepare them in advance)

    Ved: Ruby color is the main color at our holiday today. But the life of our heroes of the day should shine with all its colors.

    The host says, "Touch blue!" Everyone is grabbing something blue. Those who fail are eliminated. so until the last one remaining. Next with a different color.

    Ved: May everything in your life always be sweet and tasty. And for this I propose the “HEDGEHOGES” competition

    The pear is cut lengthwise and its half is placed in front of the participant in the competition. All participants sit at the same table, in front of them are stripped hedgehogs (pear halves) on plates and in the center of the table is a mountain of toothpicks. Everyone is given a minute to dress (stick with toothpicks) their own hedgehogs. In a minute, we will determine the winner - the most careful "dresser" - based on the largest number of toothpick needles. Don't forget about the photos at the end of this competition. By the way, pears become especially tasty after this competition

    Ved: Congratulations and wishes are coming from all over the world today. Allow me to read out to you the telegrams received.

    “Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. So accept me today as I am.”

    "Drink, go for a walk, just to have enough of me"

    “I am devastated as always on major holidays.

    “I want to cuddle up to your knees or chest”

    “You’re still drinking, but are you thinking about me?”

    I'm already deformed, when will the dancing start?

    Oh, and I’ll unwind today.

    “Oh, when will everyone leave, when will we be alone and you will start looking at me?”

    Thank you for the holiday, I will come back next year"

    (next 41st anniversary))

    “Such physical exertion can make you go crazy.”

    “We report: we started work with a bang!”

    (Congratulations and Wishes)

    (Jellied meat or Ice cream)

    “I forgive you for not noticing me.”

    “Knock, knock, knock, it’s me!” Open the door!"

    The presenter invites guests to compose congratulations for the anniversaries. And for this, he asks each of the guests to name one of the adjectives, which he writes into the congratulations in the order of naming. After filling in all the blanks, the finished congratulation is read out.

    Now it’s time to once again congratulate and then say thank you to ___ the hero of the day, that 40 years ago she did not refuse to marry the hero of the day, otherwise he would have burned with ___ love, and also thank ___ (the name of the hero of the day), that he dared and that’s all - 40 years ago I married ____ beauty. So let’s raise ___ glasses of ___ wine and sincerely wish ___ the heroes of the occasion happiness. Our dears, may your life flow like a ___ river - rosy, cheerful and calm! ___ love to you and ___ marriage.

    Ved: So our holiday ends. There was a lot of fun, sweet, lyrical stuff on it, a lot of gifts. Only mine was a little late. I must admit - intentionally. Because my gift is special. Here's a chest for you. I put in it dry twigs, sharp twigs and thorns, withered leaves, gray moss - in a word, everything that could darken the life of your beautiful home. Don’t open it, don’t let discord, tears, or resentment escape. At the next anniversary we will solemnly burn them so that the next anniversary will not be overshadowed by anything.

    To the tune of "The Musicians of Bremen"

    There is nothing better in the world,

    How can we congratulate you on this date!

    We have reasons to have fun!

    May you be inseparable forever!

    After all, love makes a marriage stronger!

    We wish you warmth and passion,

    The lucky star shines forever!

    The lucky star shines forever!.

    Or is happiness in your blood?

    The fire of love shines within you.

    And, of course, all this together

    Protects your hearth from harm

    And keeps the treasure of honor.

    God bless you with many more years!

    These are the joys of a new dawn.

    Everything that happened was not in vain.

    Everything that will happen is a gift from fate.

    Burgundy rose! Like wine in a glass

    Sparkles! And sparkles like eyes.

    Oh, take care of the ruby ​​of love and happiness,

    So that everyday thunderstorms could not break it

    And cool down the lazy everyday life of sleepyheads.

    Keep his life-giving fire

    In happy years, and in storms, and in bad weather,

    So that the joy of life overflows

    And overflowed with a sea of ​​happiness!

    Radiant sparkling wine

    And for you I raise it,

    And I wish you great happiness,

    So that they burn both night and day

    Your souls with love fire.

    The hot shine of his magic fire,

    So that happiness never changes

    And so that fate does not take away a single day.

    May the bright light give him life

    It will save you from troubles, losses, bad weather,

    And so that everything that is given to you by fate,

    Life filled me with boundless happiness.

    First, you need to lay three thick satin ribbons of different colors on the floor at a distance of about a meter - red, yellow (golden), white (silver).

    For forty years you are united,

    The halves are intertwined forever.

    And so the turn has come

    You should dry the glass first.

    Champagne is poured from a donated bottle with the original label.

    Presenter: Well, dear newlyweds and guests, we invite you to the table! Observe the rules of decency, seats according to purchased tickets

    This was the end of the short solemn part.

    After pleasant words were said to the heroes of the occasion, and everyone had a drink and a snack, competitions and entertainment began.

    The “highlight” of the holiday was watching the presentation (playcast), which I wrote about in the article “Gift for parents for their wedding anniversary.”

    1. Competition for knowledge of wedding anniversaries

    By the name of the wedding, you need to guess when it is celebrated and vice versa - by the number of years, participants guess the name of the wedding (a list of names of all anniversaries). The winner who gives the most correct answers receives a prize.

    2. Competition "Praise"

    All participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team is led by a captain - one of the “newlyweds”. Teams take turns drawing out a letter and calling out praise for the captain of the other team. For example, my dad’s team chooses the letter “B” and names compliments addressed to mom - Cheerful, Gorgeous, Faithful, etc. For each compliment the team receives a point. I gave out counting sticks so as not to get confused. At the end of the competition, all members of the winning team received small prizes.

    3. Five-minute musical

    The presenter invites everyone to sing the well-known song “Grandma Next to Grandfather” as a gift to the “young people.” You can play this song quietly and sing along in chorus, or a more fun option is to accompany children’s musical instruments (drum, pipe, tambourine, maracas - well, in general, whatever you find). First you need to print out the words of the song. The word “golden” in the lyrics of the song can be replaced in accordance with the name of the anniversary that is being celebrated. Such a competition is relevant only if the grandchildren of the heroes of the day are present at the celebration.

    4. Dancing with balloons

    Pairs (not necessarily opposite sexes) are formed from among the participants.

    Each pair is given a balloon, which is placed between the players. As soon as the music starts, couples begin to dance, holding the ball with their stomachs. It is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. Those who could not hold the ball, or whose ball burst, are eliminated from the competition. The last couple remaining wins. Both participants receive a prize.

    5. Competition “EVERYONE DANCE”

    A fast, cheerful song is turned on (for example, Verka Serduchka). All active participants receive a prize.

    6. Karaoke competition for the best performance of a love song

    The winner is awarded a super prize.

    As prizes, I had various sweets (chocolates and sweets - I picked them up in red candy wrappers), as well as small stationery and handmade soap in the shape of red hearts. The super prize is a beautiful spice set in the shape of angels, which I packed in a white box and tied with a red satin ribbon.

    Appetizer “Nests”, salad “Pomegranate Bracelet”, salad “Naughty Chicken” (subscribe to the RSS newsletter so you don’t miss interesting recipes for delicious dishes).

    Against the background of white plates and tablecloths, red napkins with original handmade napkin rings looked great (you will soon learn how to make such rings if you subscribe to receive free announcements of new articles).

    Today is your wedding anniversary,

    We have reasons to have fun!

    We have reasons to have fun!

    Your union is successful in everything,

    May you be inseparable forever!

    You love more every day,

    After all, love makes a marriage stronger!

    After all, love makes a marriage stronger!

    We wish you warmth and passion,

    Let the bright house of misfortune pass!

    Let your bank account go to infinity!

    The ruby ​​wedding celebrates forty years of married life. This anniversary is not as common as silver and golden weddings, but this does not make it any less interesting and solemn. Agree, living forty years in a happy marriage is a unique talent, especially in our unstable time in terms of interpersonal relationships.

    If the spouses have lived together for forty years, then they are approximately 60–70 years old. That is, they are already pensioners, for whom a ruby ​​wedding will be a good reason to have fun and see their family and friends. It’s great if the relatives themselves remember about the anniversary, then the holiday will become doubly expensive for the celebrants, but if not, then the guests must be notified in advance so that they have time to prepare gifts and congratulations or come if they live in another city.

    To have a beautiful and fun holiday, you need to correctly understand the meaning of a ruby ​​wedding. Why is it called that? The key to understanding will be the words “ruby” and “red”.

    Ruby is a red gemstone, a transparent variety of corundum. Ruby is second in value after diamond. And its color ranges from pink to deep red. After processing, the ruby ​​turns into a beautiful gemstone.

    It’s the same with family relationships: after cutting and polishing over the years, they become stronger and stronger, able to withstand numerous life blows. Through joint spiritual labor, like corundum, spouses wear off the sharpness of relationships and smooth out the roughness of their characters. And now, years later, their love not only did not fade, but flared up with the bright fire of a ruby, turning into a unique jewel.

    Love is always associated with warm colors: a red heart, scarlet lips, red roses, fires of sunrises and sunsets, hot pulsating blood. All this merged into ruby.

    The Ruby Wedding is a celebration of true love, preserved despite all the difficulties of family life and twists of fate.

    The color red should predominate in the design of the room where the anniversary will take place. These could be bright curtains on the windows with red and pink flowers; there should be a beautiful tablecloth on the table, also with a pattern of red
    and pink flowers or with red ornaments, on the windows and on the table - vases with red flowers or with live branches on which hang red berries of cherries, raspberries, red currants, rose hips, etc. It would be nice to hang red balloons, especially in the shape of a heart, red serpentine, bows, red paper garlands.

    Guests can have small rubies made of red shiny paper on their chests, with the names of the guests written on them.

    You can tie red ribbons to the chandelier and fasten them on the walls and furniture in a circle. Everyone will find themselves as if under the tent of a festive fair carousel.

    Red slogans like: “Forty years – forty victories”, “Welcome to the holiday of love”, etc. look solemn. and so on.

    The festive table is also a riot of red colors and shades. In addition to a bright tablecloth, the table will be decorated with dishes with red floral or berry painting, red napkins and, of course, red wine. Red wine is a must at a ruby ​​wedding; it corresponds to the color of the ruby. But the wine must be good, natural, preferably table or unfortified, so as not to affect the health and behavior of the guests.

    You can also offer guests good homemade wine: raspberry, cherry, currant, strawberry, cranberry, grape and others.

    As a dessert, the following are possible: red marmalade and sweets, fresh berries in vases, such as strawberries, various compotes and liqueurs in which the red color predominates, cranberry juice and, finally, a birthday cake decorated with fresh (or compote) red berries, flowers from cream.

    A ruby ​​wedding does not have to be held in a narrow circle of those closest to you, like diamond-gold and diamond weddings. You can invite relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors.

    Naturally, the main gifts for a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies.

    Ruby earrings, rings (a ring with a red ruby ​​is worn on the ring finger), bracelets, beads, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, key rings are magnificent, especially if the rubies imitate flowers and bunches of berries.

    For example, a bouquet of flowers made from semi-precious stones has simply fabulous beauty. Rubies can be used to decorate paperweights, boxes, vases, bowls, vases, cigarette cases, watches, caskets, hairpins, tie pins, ashtrays, candlesticks, and beautiful writing utensils. The hilts of ancient daggers, swords, and pistols, trimmed with rubies, are very beautiful.

    However, gifts made from rubies can not only please the celebrants with their beauty, but also significantly influence their character.

    A very good gift for a ruby ​​wedding is a bottle of vintage red wine or several bottles (ideally 40 pieces).

    You can buy a bottle of expensive wine and order a special sticker for it, on which there will be a vignette with a family portrait of the celebrants, the monogram “40”, and below the year of the anniversary.

    An excellent gift for a ruby ​​wedding would be a bouquet of red flowers. These can be roses, tulips, carnations, poppies, gladioli, dahlias, or just wildflowers that you collect with your own hands. If the housewife loves indoor plants, then give her some red or pink flowers in pots.

    Considering that the spouses have lived together for forty years, you can give them, for example, 40 bottles of wine, 40 pieces of beautiful postcards with views of nature, cities of the world, animals, etc., 40 pairs of socks, accompanied by a humorous parting word: “So that there is enough before the diamond wedding”, 40 handkerchiefs: “So that you have something to wipe away tears of joy and laughter”, 40 packs of paper napkins: “So that you have many holidays and guests and these napkins are always on the festive table”, 40 books (preferably in red bindings).

    Order or buy a large photo album with a red cover, take a photo of the “groom” and “bride” during the anniversary, put it in the photo album and give it to the celebrants.

    You can film the most interesting moments of the anniversary celebration with a hidden camera. Or let the grandchildren ask their grandparents to tell some funny stories from their family life in front of the camera, remember the names of their great-grandparents and tell something about their lives. Such a video recording can serve as the beginning of a family newsreel.

    Congratulations for a ruby ​​wedding can be as follows:

    Guests have gathered today
    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    In wishes and toasts
    Glorify your ruby ​​of love.
    With its bright beauty
    This gem
    Outshines all the gifts
    What fate gave you earlier.
    Congratulations, congratulations
    We are the “groom” and the “bride”
    We wish you a lot of happiness,
    May you always be together.
    Let the hearts sound in unison,
    Blazing red ruby,
    And let it until the very end
    No evil fate will befall you!

    Our dear mom and dad! You have long ago passed the basics of the science of love, you were diligent students - the ruby ​​of your love now shines with eternal fire. We, your children, took up the baton of this flame, we became your students. Now your grandchildren are growing up, ruby ​​reflections are already on their faces.

    Our dears! We thank you for this unquenchable light and hope to be present as it turns into diamond radiance!

    In these wonderful moments,
    On this glorious anniversary
    Please accept congratulations
    From family and friends:
    We wish you to live an ever better life,
    So that hard things
    Finish safely
    You always succeeded
    Happiness, joy, good luck,
    Help from all the children,
    New grandchildren to boot
    Let the nightingale whistle.
    Congratulations, spouses,
    Let your ruby ​​shine
    May your love for each other
    The snow will not cover the gray hairs!

    Our dear (names of heroes of the day)!

    We have been friends with your family for many years. We have witnessed your successes and failures, joys and sorrows, we have seen how your children and grandchildren grow up. And we really envy you. To your young hearts, your golden hands, your talent to attract good luck and good people, your wisdom in life.

    We sincerely congratulate you on your fortieth year of marriage. Let every gray hair turn into a new happy day for you, let every wrinkle remind you not of age, but of years lived in love and harmony, let every morning inspire you to new things and dreams! Sunshine and joy to you!

    It is customary to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of marriage by holding ruby wedding.

    Spouses who have lived for such a long time in harmony, love and mutual understanding are worthy of universal admiration and respect. As a rule, the family comes to such anniversaries in a rather “branched” form, multiplied by young families of children, and in some cases, grandchildren. Therefore, a huge, cheerful and noisy company always gathers at the festive table.

    In order to beautifully decorate and have a fun celebration, you need to understand the meaning of a ruby ​​wedding. Why is she called that? First of all, you need to understand the concept of the word "ruby".

    Ruby is a red colored gemstone, a transparent variety of corundum. It ranks second in value, after diamond. And its color ranges from deep red to soft pink. And only after a long processing process does this mineral turn into a gemstone of amazing beauty.

    The same thing happens with family relationships: after long grinding and cutting by years lived together, they amaze with their durability, beauty and harmony.

    Therefore, the children and grandchildren of the heroes of the day organize a cheerful celebration, as a sign of respect and honor for their strong, beautiful and long love.

    At room decoration, in which it is planned to hold the celebration, it is necessary to maintain an exclusively red tone. Bright red curtains in combination with the same tablecloths on the tables and floral arrangements of roses, raspberry branches, cherries, and rose hips will give the room a thematic crimson hue. And bows, serpentine and heart-shaped balloons will perfectly complement the interior with notes of solemnity and elegance. At the entrance to the hall, you can hang a poster with an invitation slogan, for example, “You are welcome in love,” etc.

    Particular attention should be paid to the design festive table. In addition to the bright red tablecloth and napkins, the table is decorated with snow-white dishes painted in burgundy or garnet color. As for drinks, it is better to give preference to good natural red wine. It is better if it is homemade raspberry, cranberry or cherry wine.

    The invitees are greeted by the children of the celebrants, and small “rubies” made of shiny red paper with the names of the guests written on them can be attached to the chest of each guest.

    The right of first toast is granted children of anniversaries. They express their gratitude to them for many years of love and patience and present them with gifts. On this day you can give anything you see fit - from household appliances to antique paintings or souvenirs. The main thing is that the gift is truly worthwhile and corresponds to the significance of the event. Many people are of the opinion that the best gift is money. To some extent, we can agree with this. After all, having collected the necessary amount, the celebrants can purchase exactly the thing they have long dreamed of or, for example, go on a trip for which they constantly lacked funds.

    After all the guests have spoken congratulatory toasts, you can move on to the entertainment program. To do this, you should prepare several interesting gaming competitions in advance. What exactly they will be depends on the age and preferences of all those gathered at the holiday. The main thing is that everyone takes an active part, giving each other a lot of positivity and positive emotions.

    And competitions must be alternated with slow and dance tunes, preferably from the repertoire of the favorite performers of the celebrants.

    And you can end the evening with an anniversary fireworks and scheduling the next meeting to celebrate the golden wedding!

    Suddenly reflected in a fiery splash

    The memory of years in a drop of pure tears,

    Like ruby ​​shine in the sun

    Sweet grapevine juice.

    Spouses who have lived for many years in love and harmony evoke a feeling of special admiration. The family comes to such anniversaries “branched”, multiplied by young families-companions of children, and even grandchildren. How can one not celebrate such a triumph of Love and Patience!

    Mischief, or ruby ​​wine,

    Or is happiness in your blood?

    The fire of love shines within you.

    And, of course, all this together

    Protects your hearth from harm

    And keeps the treasure of honor.

    God bless you with many more years!

    Time adds wrinkles to us, throws up gray hairs, but over the years we see each other rather through the eyes of the soul, and the souls of those who love do not age, because everything present does not die, it is eternal.

    Forty is the period of triumphal arches,

    Everything that happened was not in vain.

    Everything that will happen is a gift from fate.

    A “Ruby” wedding is a wonderful bright date, full of fire and enthusiasm. It is celebrated most often in the family circle, inviting the closest friends - “to sit, be silent, remember the past days.” But this does not mean that nothing can be done at the “ruby” table. Here, too, there can be song competitions, including thematic ones, say, songs with the words “love”, “beloved”, “sweetheart”, “dear”; or songs of past anniversaries, etc. You can start the feast by determining the future professions of your grandchildren. For example, children are offered a choice of several sandwiches, pies, etc., in one of which a symbolic object is hidden. Whoever gets the coin will become the financier and treasurer of the future family; whoever wants a button will be a fashion designer, a corner of a school eraser will be taught to children, etc. Dances, funny pranks, and flying competitions have not been ordered. In a word, the holiday scenario depends on the imagination and capabilities of the family. You just need to remember that there should be more red on the table - from the tablecloth to the filling of the cake and the filling of the pie. After all, the wedding is ruby!

    Gifts for this anniversary are ruby ​​jewelry and ruby ​​glass. Red wines are preferred among drinks, and flowers, of course, are red, and preferably roses.

    Love itself reigns in the hall today

    Burgundy rose! Like wine in a glass

    Sparkles! And sparkles like eyes.

    Oh, take care of the ruby ​​of love and happiness,

    So that everyday thunderstorms could not break it

    And cool down the lazy everyday life of sleepyheads.

    Keep his life-giving fire

    In happy years, and in storms, and in bad weather,

    So that the joy of life overflows

    And overflowed with a sea of ​​happiness!

    The lucky stone for the 40th birthday is ruby. A purple, fiery ruby, symbolizing the brightness and heat of the summer sun, as if born from the Sun itself. It brings happiness in love. Astrologers advise: “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give the one (or the one) to whom your heart is inclined a ruby ​​the color of a flame and you will kindle love in her.” Ruby gives rise to an attraction to the great. It leads a noble, moral person to victories, to feats, protects ordinary people from evil spells, gives happiness, love and warns of danger by changing color.

    On the day of your “ruby” wedding - the wedding of fire and love - pour wine into two identical crystal glasses. Take them, they are twin brothers, they have one character, one soul. And a magical ruby ​​drink is poured into them. Drink it. It will warm you, give you the joy of bright love and mutual understanding for many years. And in another 10 years - on the day of your “golden” wedding - you will remember this anniversary and again pour into them the magic drink of love, warmed by the sun and the warmth of your souls. And the wine will sparkle, sparkle with a bright flame of unquenchable feeling. And this wonderful drink, the eternal drink of youth, will convey to you my congratulations and wishes.

    And today mine will do it