The scenario of the spring holiday in kindergarten methodological development. Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios Spring holidays for children

"Early Spring" Artist I. Ostroukhov

Spring came! And everything changed in nature. Nature is alive. They ran, merry brooks murmured, nosy rooks pace the muddy roads. The days got longer and the nights shorter. The trees shook off the remnants of winter sleep and reached for the sun. Hello Spring!

At the beginning of the holiday, Tatyana Morozova's song "Merry Drop" sounds:

"Spring-Red comes and sings a song,
And in the song there is a flute,
Merry drop…”

beauty walks,
Lightly touches the ground.
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snow, and on the flower.
Answer: Spring

Hello Spring-Spring, Red Maiden!
We have been waiting for you a lot.
Spring, where have you been for so long?
- Wintered in the winter thicket,
- Garden fenced,
- Paints started,
- Dawn called,
- I met the sun.

- Spring-Red! What did you come for?
- On a whip, on a collar.
Leave the sleigh, take the cart.
We'll go to the depths -
bow to spring
Drink from the spring.

Literary composition on the theme "Signs of Spring"

F.Chopin’s waltz “Towards Spring” sounds in the hall

Leading: Everyone knows that spring is coming. And by what signs can one determine that Spring-Krasna comes into its own?

1 sign. The snow darkened, turned brown and began to melt under the influence of the sun's rays.
"The sky is blue, the sun is shining,
Snow rays burned.
There is no happier day in the world
Than the birthday of Spring!

2 sign. The first thawed patches appear - a characteristic sign of spring.
“Thawed patches appeared under the snow,
Cold and blizzards - down,
Snowdrifts collapsed,
The days are longer, lighter in spring.

3 sign. Silvery streams murmured, ice moves on the river.
"The streams are roaring! Streams are shining!
Roaring, the river carries
On the triumphant ridge
The ice she lifted

4 sign. Nature wakes up from a long winter sleep
“Sleepy birches smiled,
Tousled silk braids.
Green earrings rustle,
And the silver dews are burning

5 sign. In spring, the air is clean and fresh, and the sky is azure.
"Spring, spring! How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
His azure alive
He blinds my eyes"

6 sign. Migratory birds return home from distant lands

"Spring has come to us again,
Birds can fly.

Why birdie
Singing by the window?

“They departed, the blizzards walked off,
The water was noisy in the ravines.
Cranes flew home from across the sea,
The shepherds drive out the flocks.

7 sign. In the spring, primroses appear and delight the eye
"pigeon, clean
Snowdrop flower!
And near the see-through,
The last snow...

Let's listen to the "Children's Tale of Spring" -

Spring riddles

I hung like an icicle in the frost,
It was prickly like a dagger
And now he sang, gurgled,
He ran through the hollows.
Answer: Creek
Riddle author: G. Skrebitsky

Like a snow globe is white
It bloomed in spring
It exuded a delicate scent.
And when the time has come
She became at once
All from the berry is black.
Answer: bird cherry

Other riddles about Spring-Red can be viewed

Songs about spring

The red spring has come
Clear spring has come:
With the sun, with showers,
With amazing songs.

There is a song about spring “From the sea-ocean, from Buyana Island ...”

From the sea-ocean
From Buyana Island
Spring-Red is coming,
Warm summer brings...

Expressive reading

Let's listen to a story about spring ... (text of the story)

« Spring is an amazing time when plants, animals - our smaller brothers, shake off a long winter sleep. Silver streams murmur in hollows and ravines. Spring comes to us with perky sun and warmth ...»

Pictures of great Russian artists about spring

K. Kryzhitsky "breathed in spring"
K. Kryzhitsky "Spring"
A. Venetsianov "On arable land"
I. Levitan "March"
A. Savrasov "Spring"
I.Grabar "Birch Alley"
I. Grabar "March snow"

The final poem of the holiday

This morning, this joy
This power of both day and light,
This blue vault
This cry and strings
These flocks, these birds,
This voice of the waters

These willows and birches
These drops are these tears
This fluff is not a leaf,
These mountains, these valleys,
These midges, these bees,
This tongue and whistle

These dawns without eclipse,
This sigh of the night village,
This night without sleep
This haze and the heat of the bed,
This fraction and these trills,
It's all spring.

Spring Festival for preschool children 5-7 years old. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: the scenario of an extracurricular event is intended for educators and primary school teachers to organize leisure, expands the horizons of children about the season - spring.
Target: organization of leisure activities for younger schoolchildren and preschoolers.
- expand the horizons of children about spring;
- to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, to spring signs;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities.

Music sounds. A boy and a girl come out.
Boy: If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.
Girl: Spring has a fun start -
March is on the doorstep.
Fun ringing drops -
April is already upon us.
May quickly catches up with them,
He greets everyone with flowers.
Light, full of joy,
All three months of spring.
Music sounds, the rest of the children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing a song.
Look how blue the sky is
Why do the birds sing so cheerfully.
The queen is coming to us - the red maiden,
Everyone affectionately calls her spring.

And in the song there is a flute,
Cheerful drops.
Spring comes red and sings a song,
And in the song there is a flute,
Cheerful drops.

The sun is shining, the rays are playing,
In transparent puddles they dance and sing.
The queen is coming to us - the red maiden,
Everyone affectionately calls her spring.
Spring enters.

Spring: How beautiful in your hall,
And in your song you invited me to visit.
We will sing and dance
And play games.
Educator: Oh spring is so beautiful
She brought a lot of sun and light with her.
I invite you to read poetry
And then we'll play.
Child: The sun looks out the window
Spring has come to visit us.
We clap our hands
We were looking forward to the heat.
Child: Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
black thawed patches,
visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring.
Child: Noisy on the river ice drift,
The gardener is busy in the garden,
Funny lapwings scream
The crow feeds the crows.
A warm breeze blows
The first moth woke up
And the song of the finch is heard -
Spring came! Spring came!
Spring: I liked your poetry. But I brought you the sun and it's time to play. And what games can you play in the spring?
Children answer.
Spring: I suggest you play. Divide into two teams, you need to throw the ball to each other. The ball must be caught and not dropped.

Spring: Look at the windowsills are bright, beautiful balls. You take a ball and go out to dance.

Spring: Guys, in the spring, it's beautiful outside, everything blooms and smells. Flowers in the meadows shimmer with multi-colored paints.
Child: The cold winter will pass
Spring days will come
The sun will melt with warmth,
Like wax, the snows are fluffy.
emerald leaves,
The forests will turn green
And together with velvet grass,
Fragrant flowers will sprout.
Spring: And let me tell you riddles, these will be riddles about flowers.
- White peas,
On a green leg.
In May every year
The people are happy. (Lily of the valley)
- Yellow, fluffy,
The balls are fragrant.
I will give my mother
See for yourself. (Mimosa)
- Appeared from under the snow,
Reaches for a piece of the sky.
The very first, most tender, -
Such a small one ... (Snowdrop)
- On a green fragile leg,
The ball has grown by the track.
The wind suddenly rustled
Instantly dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)
You will find them in Holland
They are always respected there.
Like bright glasses
Everyone pleases the eye ... (Tulips)
- Curly blossomed in the garden,
She has a white shirt on.
And the golden middle
What kind of beauty is this? (Chamomile)
- He is a flower prince-poet,
Wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring
Will read to us ... (Narcissus)
- Long thin stem
Crowned with a scarlet light.
And stands like a beacon
Important, bright red ... (Poppy)
Spring: Well done, all riddles have been solved.
Child: Another week will fly by
And March will ring a drop.
April will come for him in flowers,
And the sun will flood the earth.
Through the groves, nightingale parks
Concerts will start again.
Educator: We continue the holiday, we dedicate the next concert number to Spring.
Conversation with spring
- Well, Spring, how are you?
- I'm cleaning.
- Why do you need a broom?
- Snow revenge from the hillock.
- Why do you need streams?
- Garbage wash off the tracks!
What are the rays for?
- For cleaning too.
I'll wash everything, dry it -
I will invite you to the party!
Spring: Here is the clearing and removed,
Come out to play
Show your prowess.
We are funny guys...

Game progress.

Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them, or we stretch the cord. A line or cord is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.
Children in chorus pronounce the text:
We are funny guys
We love to run and play.
Well, try to catch up with us:
One, two, three - catch!
After the word "catch!" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who was touched by the trap before the player crossed the line is considered to be caught and sits near the trap.
After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected.
Game instructions. A new trap is chosen even if the previous one does not catch anyone.
Spring: You are great fellows
They ran heartily.
It's obvious that you love sports.
I want to finish our holiday, give you small medals (I'll tell you a secret), they are edible.
I say goodbye to you, I suggest you listen to songs about spring.


The hall is decorated with attributes of Russian folk life. The central wall is the scenery of the village. At the window - a house with windows. Next to it is a stump. A teacher in a Russian costume (leading storyteller) meets the children.

Narrator: Please, dear guests, please. We have a place and a word for everyone.

The children enter the room.

Storyteller: Spring! Gracious, long-awaited? Everyone is waiting for Spring: animals, birds, people, and Mashenka.

Masha looks out the window in the house.

Storyteller: Masha is waiting for a warm, kind spring. And you can't see it, you can't hear it. What to do here? Trouble?

Masha: Spring, red spring,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread.

Oh, guys, spring is not coming. I'll go look for her. Mashenka hangs her bag over her shoulder and walks in a circle. Masha: Help, kids, I can call the Sun. Maybe it saw Spring-Red?

Children: Sunny, Sunny,
red bucket,
Look over the mountain
Look out until springtime?

A girl in a suit "Sunshine" comes out.

Masha: Have you, Sunny, seen the red Spring, your sister?

Sun: I did not see Spring, but met the old Winter. How fiercely she fled from Spring, she carried cold in a bag, the cold shook the ground. The old woman scared the birds away. They all scattered, Call the birds, and ask them.

The sun slowly sets, closes with hands.

Storyteller: After a cold winter, rooks are the first to return from warm lands. With their arrival, Spring begins.

Masha: Oh, guys, can you help me call the rooks?

2nd child: Come to us,

3rd child: Bring us

4th child: Warm time,

5th child: New bread!

Children dressed as rooks run out.

Masha: Rooks, have you seen Spring?

Children: No.

Masha: Yes, and the Sun hid somewhere. Without him, it is not fun for us to play and sing songs. Look for the Sun for us, Rooks. The Russian folk game "Cold - hot" is being held. Storyteller: With the arrival of the rooks, Spring came even closer. But Masha will never find her.

Masha: Children, what other birds can you call?

1st child: Starlings, starlings.

2nd child: Little black feathers!

3rd child: The sun warms warmer,

4th child: Come quickly!

Children dressed as starlings run in. The musical game "Skvorushki", music by V. Gerchik, is being held.

Masha: The starlings have already arrived.

Only I will never meet Spring.

Children, call the main birds of Spring - larks. They will tell me where to find Spring-Red.

1st child: Chuvil-vil-vil,


2nd child: Bring spring

On your tail.

3rd child: On the plow, harrow,

4th child: On a rye pile,

5th child: On an oat sheaf.

Children dressed as larks run out. The recording of M.I. Glinka "The Lark" sounds. "Larks" "fly" around the hall, then sit down.

Storyteller: Oh, Masha is tired of looking for Spring. She sat down on a stump to rest, but under the gentle ringing-ringing of the first drop, she fell asleep.

Children's orchestra performs a melodic folk song.

Spring enters the hall.

Storyteller: A white swan flies, noticing, through a wing silver through two-gilded. It flies and spreads down and feathers on the ground. That swan was Spring. Spring releases silk grass across the meadows, spreads pearl dew, spills fast rivers and small streams.

Masha wakes up, runs up to Spring.

Masha: Oh, spring-spring, kind mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter. Old. Winter: does not leave, cold-cold lets in.

Spring: Oh, sandpipers, larks,
Come visit us alone.
A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
Brought a sandpiper 10 locks.
Sandpiper, sandpiper close the winter.
We are tired of the cold winter
We froze our hands.

Bird children carry the key.

Spring: I close the winter.
I let Rosa go.
Dew honey.
Silk grass.
Drive away the winter
Meet spring in a round dance!

Children lead the Russian folk round dance "Vesnyanka".

Spring: And now, kids, play with me. On the spring holiday of Magpies, it was customary to bake larks from dough, call them and treat relatives and friends. We will also treat each other.

The game "Feed a friend" is being played. Blindfolded, you need to feed your friend. And before that, say the invocation:

Kulik - Samorot,
Flew to the garden.
Broke a stick
Killed the jackdaw
The jackdaw is crying
Kulik is jumping.

Spring: And there was also such a custom: the children ran out of the hut into the yard, made a wish and threw forty chips back over their heads. Come on guys let's play a game of hit the hoop.

Those who wish stand with their backs to the hoop and throw the chips over their heads so as to get into the hoop.

Spring: I, Spring, came with joy, with mercy.

She brought with her not only spring warmth, fun games, but also hard work on the field. Here the snow has melted. Stop sleeping and napping, you have to work during the day.

Children show a staging of the Russian folk song "Drema".

Spring: And I also brought with me the day of Kasyan the Envious,

Masha: We please Kasyan,

Storyteller: We welcome apples!

Carry out baskets of apples and treat the children.

Target: Consolidation and application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in speech therapy, music classes, creating a positive emotional mood in children.


Correctional and educational:

  • activate the dictionary on the topic "Spring", "Flowers";
  • to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation;
  • to consolidate the skills of highlighting the first sound in a word, determining the place of a sound in a word;
  • improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words;
  • improve the ability to select words - antonyms;
  • reinforce the formation of the plural of nouns.


  • develop general speech skills: voice, intonation, tempo-rhythmic;
  • develop clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech, the ability to navigate in space;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, singing data, emotionality and expressiveness;
  • develop memory, attention.

Correctional and educational:

  • to form an emotional-volitional sphere, the ability to act in a team;
  • develop activity, independence, self-confidence;
  • develop respect for nature.

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on prepared seats.

Host (music director).
Tell me guys
If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So, she came to us ... (E. Karganova)

Children: Spring!

1st child.
Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

2nd child.
Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

3rd child.
It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow. (S.Ya. Marshak).

4th child.
Spring is coming to us with rapid steps.
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible
That's right, spring has very warm feet. (I. Tokmakova).

Music sounds, Spring enters (speech therapist).

Spring (teacher-speech therapist).
Hello guys, here I am Spring!
Walked with warm steps on the ground
I brought the sun hot, radiant
And it walks in the clear sky.
Are you guys happy or not?
I want to hear, children, your answer.
Are you happy, children?

Children. Yes.

Hold hands then.
Let it spin, sing our spring round dance.

Children with Spring perform a round dance "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian n.m., arranged by Polonsky.

The sun shines brighter, and streams run
Flowers grew in a clearing in the forest.
And today, children,
Suddenly my house became magical -
Delicate flower - speech flower
Bloomed in my garden.

(Speech therapist shows children "flower-speech flower")

There are many sounds in the world:
The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,
And there are speech sounds.
We must know them for sure! (I. Lopukhina)

You have learned to speak
To pronounce all sounds
Clearly, loudly, clearly.

This speech flower has prepared tasks for you to test your knowledge.

We tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus with you
A few magical lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle."
A petal flew to the sun.
Sunshine, sunshine, shine brighter.
Give us your rays, sun!

(The speech therapist shows the children a flat image of the sun, to the rays of which pictures are attached)

Task 1. "Find the letter." On the rays of the sun pictures. You need to select the first sound and find the corresponding letter. (Children complete the task.) Figure 1

Picture 1

The sun shone even brighter, icicles dripped.

Children sing the song "Playful icicles", accompanying the singing with playing children's musical instruments.


Icicles will melt faster if you follow next task flower-speech flower.

We tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus with you
A few magical lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle."

(Speech therapist offers children a new task)

We know different words:
Grass, propeller, kids...
We can easily say them
We can play with them.

Task 2. The game "Say the opposite" using picture material. for classes V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Antonyms"

Icicles melt, melt, and we hear their sonorous song.

Children sing the song "Solar drops", music. S. Sosnina, sl. And Vakhrusheva, accompanying the singing by playing the bells and triangles.

Now it's time for the next petal.
We tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus with you
A few magical lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle."
A petal flew to the stream.

(children listen to the sounds of the stream in the audio recording)

Snow is melting, streams are running ...
Who knows a poem about a stream,
He will now read it to us .

The sun laughs softly
Shines brighter, hotter.
And from the hillock it pours loudly
Talking stream.
It is radiant, silvery,
And sparkles and trembles.
The other one is just as clean.
Joyfully runs nearby. (Y. Kolas)

And we'll play with the streams.

A musical exercise-game "Streams-lakes" is being held, music. E. Tilicheeva. To the music A "Streams" - children with blue ribbons in their hands easily run scattered around the hall, to the music B "Lakes" - they make a big circle. Exercise-game is performed several times.


Task 3. "Collect the pebbles." What unusual streams run with us - Sound streams. Pebbles along the streams, pictures on the pebbles. You girls need to collect those pebbles where the pictures with the sound Zh at the beginning of the word. And you boys, where are the pictures with the sound F in the middle. (Children do the task) Well done boys! Running, murmuring streams. Do you hear someone buzzing? Who is this? (children's answers: beetles, bees, bumblebees). This is how nature came to life around. Read poems about her.

1st child.
The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.
With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter
Chirp from the road hello to us soon.
I will give you grains, and you sing a song.
What did you bring with you from distant countries? (A. Pleshcheev)

2nd child.
The swallow rushed from behind the white sea,
She sat down and sang: don’t be angry like February,
How are you, March, do not frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring. (A. Maikov)

3rd child.
Hey spring! Hey spring!
How red are you?
The snow is thinning before our eyes,
The wind takes off
Rays dance in puddles
Merry stream murmurs
And fly in all directions
Vociferous starlings.
And on the willows by the river
Kidneys like lights.
We are blinking boldly
All around sang!

Children sing the song "Spring Polechka", music. Olifirova, accompanying the singing with movements and gestures (the movements were developed by the music director).

And now we find out next task flower-speech flower.
We tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus with you
A few magical lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle."

The word is encrypted here, you will guess it and find out the task of the petal.

Task 4. "Read the word." Children are presented with a series of pictures. According to the first sounds of the names of the pictures, the children make up the words from the letters: “RIDDLES” and “PROVERBS”. Figure 2

Figure 2

Children of group A make riddles to children of group B.

  1. Gingerbread man on a plate h golden, ruddy side.
    And the blue plate has no end in sight. (sky and sun)
  2. One pours, the other drinks, the third grows. (rain, earth, grass)
  3. Black, agile shouts CRACK, worms - the enemy. (rook)
  4. On a thawed patch, a forest light burns in the spring.
    The light is timid, like a white snowflake. (snowdrop)
  5. Not a beast, not a bird lurks under the snow.
    Spring will come, run, sing. (Creek)

Group B children tell proverbs.

  1. Spring - light the snow, play the ravines.
  2. Spring day feeds the year.
  3. April with water, May with grass.
  4. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.
  5. I saw a rook - meet spring.
  6. In spring, it wets the day, and dries for an hour.
  7. Rook - spring bird
  8. Red spring, but hungry.
  9. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  10. April, April - drops are ringing in the yard.

April, April
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.
Get out the ants after the winter cold.
Bear makes his way through the forest deadwood
The birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed. (S.Ya. Marshak)

I have a surprise for you guys. A whole basket of flowers.
And what are these flowers, do you know?

(Children call flowers)

You disassemble the flowers,
Start dancing with them.

Children of group B perform "Dance with snowdrops", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky (“Snowdrop”) (movements developed by the music director).

1st child.
The snow has come down and up to the sun
The daffodil stretches boldly.
He is so gentle, so good.
So it looks like an asterisk.

2nd child.
Early, sunny time
On thawed patches in spring
Decorate tubercles
Mother and stepmother flowers.
In bright yellow handkerchiefs
Yes, green socks.

3rd child.
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley was born on a May day
And the forest keeps it.
It seems to me that his behind -
It will ring softly.
And this ringing will be heard by the meadow and the birds, and the flowers.
Let's listen, and suddenly you and I will hear. (E. Serova)

And what is last task prepared us a flower-speechflower?
We tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus with you
A few magical lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle."

Guys, what are the first spring flowers you know? (Answers of children).

Task 5. "Put flowers in vases." Planar pictures are cut out of paper: vases and spring flowers. There are syllabic schemes on the vases. Children need to "put" the flowers in the appropriate vases, dividing the words-names of flowers into syllables.

Flowers: snowdrops, violet, forget-me-not, lily of the valley, dandelion, narcissus, tulip. Figure 3

Figure 3

The spring wind came and collected my speech flower

(Shows a fake flower to the children).

Thanks guys for the games, for the songs
I want to give you an interesting flower.
Take it in gratitude
And find a treat in it.

(Spring gives a magic flower to children, it contains a sweet treat)

You keep this flower and speak beautifully!
Now it's time to say goodbye.
See you. See you, friends!

To the music of Spring leaves. The host thanks everyone for their attention and invites you to a tea party.

Children and guests leave the hall to cheerful music.

Used Books:

  1. S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina Music and movement: (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6-7 years old) M .: Education, 1983.
  2. V.P. Lapkovskaya, N.P. Volodkova Speech entertainment in kindergarten: a collection of scenarios for children 5-7 years old. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009
  3. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko"Antonyms". Picture didactic material for classes and play activities with children of senior preschool and school age. Moscow: Gnom i D, 2009
  4. O.V. Gavrilova The use of speech therapy holidays and entertainment evenings in corrective work with children. Logotale "Flower-speech flower". Article from the site "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"":

Spring sports festival for children of primary and secondary groups. Scenario

Shortly before the holiday, teachers take the children for a walk in the forest, in the meadow. Spring changes in nature are monitored.


Adults: Host, Spring, Chicken.

Children of the younger group: Titmouse, Sparrow, Swallow, Chickens, Rabbits.

Children of the middle group: Dog, Cat, Mouse.

A cheerful sports festival of spring is held in the kindergarten on the territory of the site. The children, enriched by the impressions from excursions to the forest and the field, sing songs, read poems, dance in round dances and perform amusing exercises.


The snow is melting.

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming.

When does it happen?

Children: Spring!

Leading: And now Spring itself has come to us.

Spring comes out in a colorful costume.

Spring: Do you know that there are three springs: spring of light, spring of water, spring of green grass? March is the first month of spring, the spring of light. The snow is still lying, but the sun warms it more affectionately, stronger ... "Drip-drip-drip!" - ringing in the morning drops. And at night, frost will hang icicles like a necklace on houses. The sky is turning blue every day, spring is coming and leading feathered friends. Get ready to meet them.

Children of the younger group in bird costumes run out to the site - Sparrow, Titmouse, Swallow.

Children of the middle group sing a song about birds (at the choice of the music director).

Spring: Come on, children, let's play with the birds!

1st child: Let's Play!

2nd child: We count!

3rd child:


Birds sang.

Soared -

They flew to the forest.

The birds have become

Nest to twist.

Who does not viet -

Therefore, drive!

The game "Fifteen" is being played.

Spring: April is the second month of spring, the spring of water. For a long time people say: "April is Aquarius."

1st child of the middle group:

The sun laughs softly

Shines brighter, hotter,

And from the hillock it pours loudly

Talking stream.

Spring: Snow melts everywhere in April. Flowers are full of flowers all around: white stars of anemone, pink bushes of wolf's bast. Name some spring flowers you know.

Children(vying): Sleep-grass! Lungwort! Snowdrop!..

Leading: And about the snowdrop, the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote wonderful music. Listen! It's called "Snowdrop".

The play "Snowdrop" by P. Tchaikovsky (recorded) is performed.

Spring: May is the third month of spring, the month of green grass and fragrant flowers. It is green, sunny, but deceptive. For this, the people call him: “May is a month! Give the horse hay, and climb onto the stove yourself! In May, frosts are frequent, but they are not terrible, they are short-lived. At the end of the month, a white-pink sea of ​​flowers of apple, pear, cherry, bird cherry trees will seethe in the gardens ... A fragrant sea! ..

Leading: In May, from morning until late at night, cars are buzzing in the fields. What are these machines? And who controls them? (Children's answers.)

Spring: People will work hard in the spring - a good harvest will be in the fall. Children, do you want to play?

Children: We want, we want.

Spring: And I want to see first how strong, dexterous and fast you are. To do this, we will hold a competition with you.

Competitions, exercises and games are held at the choice of the educator from the extensive material offered.


Children of the younger group, together with Spring, stand at one edge of the playground. At the direction of the Leader, everyone runs to the other side of the site, trying to catch up with Spring. The leader must at the same time ensure that the children do not push each other. He affectionately attracts the children who come running to him. Then Vesna invites the children to run away to the other side of the playground, and she catches up with them.

1. "Running in a column"

It is not so easy for small children to run in a column one at a time. They still cannot control their movements so much that when running they do not run into people in front of or next to them. Therefore, at first the column should be small, 5-6 children each. Spring runs ahead, the children behind it, trying to keep the line. First they jog, and then, after a short rest, they take long strides. (Gradually, the column can be increased to 15-20 children.)

2. "Running in pairs"

Running in pairs, holding hands, is also quite difficult for kids. During the run, the child must coordinate his movements with the movements of a friend, keep up with him and not get ahead of him much, do not pull him along with him. If children run in pairs in a column, then they should not collide with those running in front.

Three or four pairs of children stand at the edge of the playground. At the signal of Spring, they run to the opposite side. Depending on the availability of free space, couples run all at once or in turn. Then, lining up in a column in pairs, the children run around the playground or in the middle of it, along a long and wide path (the length of the path is at least 25-30 m).

3. "Horses"

Children are divided into pairs according to their desire: one is a horse, the other is a coachman. The coachman harnesses the horse, takes the reins and rides in the middle of the platform from one edge to the other and back. Then, at the direction of the Leader, the children change roles, and the game is repeated.

You can also allow to play on the track adjacent to the group area. In this game (5-6 people each), children also have to learn to coordinate their movements with the movements of others.

4. Horsemen

5-6 children stand at the edge of the playground. Spring gives everyone a stick 50-60 cm long. They sit on the sticks astride and jump to the opposite side of the site, depicting horsemen. The leader makes sure that the children do not run into each other.

You can arrange and competition "horsemen". The task is given: who will most likely ride a horse to the opposite edge of the site, to the end of the track or to any pre-selected place. 3-4 children run at the same time, and if the area allows, even more.

5. "Catch the ball"

Children stand on the edge of the playground. Spring takes the ball from the basket and rolls it to the opposite side of the court. At the same time, she calls the children in turn and offers to catch up with the ball. The child runs after the ball, catches up with it and brings it to the basket.

If space allows, you can roll several balls at once, sending 5-6 children after them at the same time. Then Vesna invites the children to roll the ball themselves and catch up with it.

6. "Catch up with the hoop"

If the children have not yet learned how to roll the hoop evenly, Spring or the Leader can roll the hoop themselves, and then invite one of the children to catch up with him. The child must run fast to be able to catch the hoop as it rolls.

7. "Run and don't crash"

Several (4-5) pins are placed in a straight line, the distance between them is 1 m. Children run around the pins and trying not to touch them (cubes, low logs can be used instead of pins). For the smallest, you can put pins in two rows, with a distance between them of 30-35 cm, and between the pins in a row - 20-25 cm. Children pass and then run along the corridor back and forth without hitting objects.

8. "Bring an item"

Children are on one side of the playground. On the opposite side, objects (rattles, flags, toys) are laid out. Spring invites someone to run to the toys, take one and bring it.

Having examined the brought toy with the child, he asks to take it back. Then the same task is offered to another child. Children can complete the task and two or three at a time.

9. Spinner Run

Children are very fond of running with a turntable: the faster you run, the more it spins. The pinwheel can be made like this: cut a square of thick paper (10x10 cm in size) from the corners diagonally, but not to the very middle. Then, bending the corners to the center, nail the turntable not very tightly with a small carnation to the stick.

10. "Wider step"

Spring draws several lines or circles at a distance of 35-40 cm (the diameter of the circles is 40-50 cm). Children of the middle group run, stepping over lines or from circle to circle. The exercise helps to develop an easy run; it can be done by children individually or in small groups.

11. "On a narrow path"

Spring draws two straight or zigzag lines on the ground (at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another) 4-5 m long. Children must run along a narrow path without stepping on the line. At the same time, they learn to move along a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, while maintaining balance.

12. "Sparrows and a cat"

Sparrow children hide in their "nests" (behind the line, in circles drawn on the ground) on one side of the site. On the other side of the site, a cat is basking in the sun. As soon as the Cat falls asleep, Sparrows fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, tap their knees with their fingers, as if pecking).

But then the Cat wakes up, meows and runs after the Sparrows, who fly away to their "nests".

First, the role of the Cat is played by the teacher, and then one of the children of the middle group.

13. "Do not run in a circle"

A large circle is drawn on the ground (2-3 m in diameter). Children are located behind the line of the circle on one side, Spring becomes the center of the circle. Children run across the circle to the opposite side, trying to quickly run out of it. Spring catches those who did not have time to run out of the circle. If some children are afraid to run into the circle, Spring may pretend not to look in their direction, and, emboldened, they will also run across the circle.

14. Shaggy Dog

One child portrays the Dog, he lies down on the grass, puts his head on his outstretched arms. Several children of the younger group, together with Spring, quietly go to the Dog and at the same time recite the following verses:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws,

Quietly, quietly, he lies.

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see what will happen.

The dog jumps up, starts barking and runs after the children, they run away and hide.

15. Corydalis Hen

The teacher depicts a Chicken, the children of the younger group - Chickens. A child from the middle group sits on a bench, away from the rest of the children. This cat is napping in the sun. The mother hen goes out with the chicks for a walk. She says:

The chicken came out

She has yellow chicks with her.

The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the Cat, the Hen says:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

The Cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the Chicks, who run away with the Mother Hen.

16. "Sun and rain"

Vesna has a large colorful umbrella in her hands, the children gather around her. Spring says: “The sun is shining! Let's go for a walk." Children walk or run with her all over the site (you can invite them to “pick berries”). After a while, Spring says: "Rain, hide under an umbrella." Everyone runs to her, stands under an umbrella and waits for the rain to stop. Then she says: “The rain has stopped, the sun is shining again. You can go for a walk, ”and the children scatter again.

17. "Cucumber, cucumber ..."

Children of the younger group stand behind the line on one side of the playground. On the opposite side lives the Mouse (a child from the middle group). Everyone walks along the site towards the Mouse and says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

After these words, the Mouse begins to catch the fleeing children.

"Jumps and Jumps"

1. "Jump up"

Spring holds a ribbon or paper strip in her hands. She calls several children of the middle group to her and invites them to jump so as to touch the ribbon with their hand - first with the right, and then with the left. She adjusts the height of the ribbon depending on the height and physical capabilities of the child.

2. "Touch the ball"

Spring holds a small ball in a net in her hand, invites each of the children to jump up and touch the ball with both hands.

3. "Ring the bell"

Spring takes a small bell on a small cord and holds it in her hand or hangs it on a cord stretched between two trees or poles so that it is slightly higher than the child's outstretched arms. Children can jump up to the bell from a place or slightly run up.

4. "Catch a butterfly"

A string is tied to the end of a small rod or stick, and a butterfly cut out of paper is tied to it. Spring holds the rod so that the butterfly does not fly too fast over the head of the child of the younger group. The kid jumps up, trying to catch it.

5. "My cheerful, sonorous ball"

Children gather on the playground around Vesna, who is holding the ball. She shows how easily and high the ball bounces if it is beaten off with her hand, and at the same time she says:

My cheerful sonorous ball.

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

After that, the Host invites the children to jump like balls, while he himself hits the ball on the ground and says: “Now I’ll catch up!” Children stop jumping and run away. He pretends to catch them.

You can offer another option. Spring or the Lead, without using the ball, offer the children to jump like balls, while they themselves raise and lower their hand above the heads of the kids, as if they are hitting the balls.

6. "From circle to circle"

On the site it is necessary to draw small circles (30-35 cm in diameter) at a distance of 30-35 cm. The location of the circles can be different - in one line, throughout the site. Children of the middle group should move to the opposite side of the playground, jumping from circle to circle. When performing the exercise, they jump, pushing off simultaneously with both legs and trying not to go beyond the circles. At the same time, they learn to push off vigorously and land softly.

7. "Rabbits"

On one side of the site, 3 circles (with a diameter of up to 1 m) are drawn - these are cages for Rabbits. Three or four children of the younger group become in each circle, then they squat. A cat is sitting on a bench. Between the Cat's house and the cages is a lawn on which the Rabbits are let out for a walk. The leader approaches the cages and “releases” the Rabbits into the meadow. Children jump out of the circles, jump on both legs all over the playground, crouch, “pinch the grass”, jump from place to place. At the signal of the Leader: “Rabbits, in cages!” Everyone rushes to their circles. The cat chases the rabbits. After a while the game is repeated.

8. "Through the brook"

On the ground, you need to draw a “stream” - two lines at a distance of 20-25 cm. Children of the middle group are offered to jump over the stream from a place, pushing off with both legs at once. At the same time, we can say that the stream is deep, so you should definitely try to jump over it. Gradually, the distance between the lines - the width of the stream - can be increased to 35-40 cm.

After repeated repetitions of this exercise, you can draw several streams, one wider than the other. In this case, the children jump first over a narrow stream, then over a wider one, and finally over the widest one. If one of the children failed to jump over the first or second stream, he should try to jump over it again and only then approach the next one.

9. "Jump to the line"

Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of at least 40-50 cm from one another. Children of the middle group are offered to jump as far as possible in order to jump to another line. The better the children can jump, the farther the second line should be drawn from the first.

10. "Jump over the stick"

Several (3-4) sticks (small cubes, dice) are placed on the ground at a distance of 1 m from one another. Children are offered to jump over each stick (cube, plate).

11. "On one leg along the track"

Children of the middle group stand on the edge of the playground. Spring invites them to jump to the opposite edge of the platform on their right foot (5-8 m). You can run back. Then jump on the left leg.

12. "Jump Down"

Children of the middle group stand on a log 15-20 cm thick. At the signal of the teacher, they jump from the log to the ground.

13. "Chickens in the garden"

Children-Chickens are located behind a log. On the other side of the log, a large rectangle is drawn on the site - this is a vegetable garden. The cat walks around the garden, looks to see if there are any chickens, then goes to the opposite side and sits on a bench. As soon as he leaves the garden, the Chickens sit on a log, and then jump off it into the garden and start running, pecking at the planted vegetables. The cat, noticing the Chickens, drives them out of the garden, clapping his hands and saying: “Shoo, shoo!”

14. "White rabbit sits"

On one side of the site, the house of the Rabbit is marked. On a signal, the children go to the middle of the playground, forming a circle. The child named Spring becomes the center of the circle, he will play the role of the Rabbit. Children of the middle group, together with Vesna, pronounce the text and perform the appropriate movements.

The white rabbit sits

He moves his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

Children, sitting down, raise their hands to their heads and move their hands.

It's cold for him to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

Children clap their hands.

It's cold for him to stand.

The rabbit must jump.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

The rabbit must jump.

Children jump on two legs.

Who scared the rabbit?

The rabbit jumped... and ran away.

Spring is clapping. The children, along with the Rabbit, run away to their house.

15. "Hen and chickens"

Children of the younger group depict chickens, the teacher - a chicken. All are located in a place fenced with a rope stretched between the uprights (at a height of 30-40 cm). The hen goes in search of food, calls the Chicks: "Ko-ko-ko." At her call, the Chickens crawl under the rope, run to it, walk, bend down, squat, "look for food." When the Hen says, "The big bird is flying!", all the Chickens quickly run to their place. The chicken at this time can lift the rope higher so that the children do not touch it.

Exercises and ball games

The child of the middle group stands at the line drawn on the ground and throws the ball forward. Where the ball will fall, the Leader makes a mark and offers to throw the ball even further. If the ball is large, the child throws it with both hands over the head, and if it is small, with one hand, making a strong swing.

The task can be performed simultaneously by several (3-4) children. In this case, the host can mark those who threw the ball further and use their example to stimulate others. As the children master the skill of throwing the ball with their right hand, the Facilitator invites them to throw small balls with their left hand.

2. "Catch the ball"

Leading or Spring becomes in the distance

1.5-2 m from the child of the middle group. They throw the ball to the child, and he must catch it and throw it back. During this exercise, the Leader can say the words: “Catch, throw, don’t let fall”, accompanying each word with a throw of the ball. The words are pronounced slowly so that the baby has time to catch the ball and throw it slowly.

3. Throw and Catch

Spring invites the child to toss and catch the ball. Initially, she suggests tossing the ball up, waiting for it to hit the ground, and only then catching it; then - hit the ball on the ground and immediately catch it.

4. "Aim back"

Spring draws a line on the ground, places a basket at a distance of 1.5-2 m from it. The child is offered to approach the line and throw a small ball or a bag of sand (weight 150-200 g) into the basket. Spring can count how many times the child will throw the ball into the basket.

If the task is performed by several children, then you can introduce an element of competition. The winner is the one who throws the ball (bag) into the basket more times. Spring makes sure that the children, when throwing the ball, do not cross the line. When repeating the game, you can increase the distance, as well as give the task of throwing the ball into the basket not only with your right, but also with your left hand.

Hoop exercises

For hoop exercises, a free area with well-packed soil or a flat track with a length of at least 15 m is best suited.

1. Spring gets behind the line on one side of the site. At a distance of 3-4 m from it behind another line stands a child of the middle group. Spring rolls a hoop towards him, offers to catch him and ride him back. If the child cannot roll the hoop for such a distance, then it can be reduced. It is imperative to show how to roll the hoop correctly and comfortably: put it on the ground with its rim, hold it on top with your left hand, and vigorously push it away with the palm of your right hand so that the hoop rolls along the site without bouncing.

2. Children of the middle group stand with hoops on a track 15-20 m long. At the signal of Spring, they roll the hoops in turn, adjusting them with their hands, to the end of the track. When children learn to run by rolling the hoop with their hands, they can perform a more difficult task: adjust the hoop with a stick while running, without letting it fall. You can roll a hoop along a long path, supporting it with a hook.

3. "Taxi"

Children hold on to a large diameter hoop: one at the front of the rim, the other at the back. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. They run around the playground or along the path. After a while they switch roles.

4. At the direction of Spring, the children of the middle group should raise each of their hoops with both hands up, lower it to shoulder level, then lower it along the body, get out of the hoop without letting go of it. The one who completes the task raises the hoop above his head.

fun games

1. "Hide and Seek"

Spring invites several children to hide (behind the gazebo, behind the bushes), and she closes her eyes so as not to see where they are going. After a while, she asks, “Ready?” Children answer: "Done!" Spring is coming to look for them. She looks into (different places, pretending that she will not find the children in any way. At the same time, she can utter such words: “Where did the children hide? Where are our children?” Sometimes the kids can’t stand it and, pleased that Spring can’t find, run out of hiding.In this case, Spring affectionately draws them to her and says: "Here they are, our children!"

After several repetitions of the game, you can offer to look for one of the children. First, Spring helps, and then the child fulfills his role on his own.

2. "Zhmurki"

Vesna invites the children to disperse around the playground, blindfolds herself with a scarf and says that now she will catch them blindfolded. She walks all over the playground or veranda, spreading her arms wide, pretending that she cannot catch the guys. This gives them a lot of joy. Vesna asks: “Where are our children?”, carefully moves around the site so as not to scare them, but to amuse them. After a while, she takes off the bandage, goes up to the children and says: “Here they are, our children!”

After several repetitions, you can invite one of the children in the middle group to be the “blind man”. But in this case, the place where the game is held and the number of players should be limited.

3. "Zhmurki with a bell"(option)

One of the children is given a bell; the other two are blind men, they are blindfolded. A child with a bell runs away, and the "blinds" catch up with him. The one who catches the child with the bell changes roles with him. For this game, you also need to limit the place, since in a large space it is difficult for kids to catch comrades, especially when blindfolded.

4. "Soap bubbles"

To play, you need to prepare straws of ripe rye or wheat according to the number of children, as well as dilute soapy water in a small saucer, bowl. First you need to show how to get a soap bubble: lower one end of the straw into soapy water, then, removing it from the water, carefully blow into the straw from its other end. All the guys get straws and make attempts to blow a soap bubble. If this succeeds, the children blow bubbles with enthusiasm, watch their flight, follow whose bubble flew longer.

5. "Drum"

Spring invites the children to stand in a circle and gives someone a new beautiful drum with the words:

Presented to Vova (Sasha, Olya...)

New drum.

How handsome

New drum!

Oh, what a drum! they said.

Here's a drum they gave!

Vova (Sasha, Olya...) beats the drum loudly. Children, at the direction of Spring, move back with her. After that, the child quietly beats the drum, and everyone comes closer to him.

The drum is then passed to another child. Actions to distinguish dynamics are repeated.

6. "Children went to kindergarten"

Spring chooses children to play the roles of the animals mentioned in the song (Geese, Horse and Cow). Spring sings at first alone, then connects the children who are entrusted with this or that role. The rest during the performance of the song dance, as best they can.

The children went out into the green garden

Dance, dance.

The geese became surprised

Cackle, cackle.

- Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! - echo the Geese children. Everyone else is dancing.

The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“And-go-go, and-go-go!

Why do you need to spin

For what, for what?

- Wow, wow! the child imitates the horse.

And the cow was surprised:

“Moo-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu!

What made you so happy

I don't understand, I don't understand?"

- Mu-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu! - echoes the child - the performer of the role.

Movements that imitate the behavior of geese, a horse and a cow can be prompted by the Host or invented by the children themselves.

7. Corydalis

For the role of Corydalis, Spring appoints in advance any child from the middle group, the children of the younger group portray Chickens. Spring gives a whistle to one of them. All actions are performed according to the lyrics of the song. At the end of the game Corydalis helps Chicken get off the stump, takes the whistle from him and gives it to another Chicken.

The game is repeated. The song is sung by Spring herself:

Here the Corydalis brought the chickens into the garden ...

These words can be repeated several times so that Corydalis and Chickens can walk around the garden. A child with a whistle climbs onto a stump, onto a bump.

The chicken got on the stumps,

And he whistles in his whistle

A whole hour in a row.

Mother from afar calls her son:

— Where-where! Where-where!

Where-where! Where-where!

(These words are pronounced by the Corydalis child.)

He whistles the same

That he can't get down

From this hemp.

The chicken whistles into the whistle, the Corydalis with the Chickens goes to him. The Chicken continues to whistle, everyone dances around, after which Corydalis helps the Chicken to get off the stump.

The game is repeated.

Leading: This is the end of our holiday. Now you know that spring is a fun and happy time of the year. Every month of spring is famous for something. In the spring, the harvest is judged.

Go spring!

Go spring!

Bring a rye ear.


All participants perform a round dance with Spring. She gives gifts to children (small toys, sweets, balloons, flags). Children say goodbye to Spring and go to groups for tea.