Make a wonderful star with your own hands! Fairy decoration for the Christmas tree. A star on a Christmas tree with your own hands from felt - a master class with a photo How to make a Christmas tree top out of paper

Many of us have been accustomed since childhood that the top of the Christmas tree should be decorated with a red star. If you do not have a purchased star, and there is a desire to see it on the New Year's beauty, then thanks to the next New Year's master class "Cross", you can make a beautiful star on the Christmas tree with your own hands!

To work, you need the following materials:

  • metallic threads
  • beads
  • sequins
  • synthetic winterizer
  • gold color lace
  • foil cardboard roll
  • Double-sided tape

From the roll cut off a piece about 8 cm long. On the one hand, we crush and grab it with a stapler. On the other hand, we glue it with double-sided tape and wrap it with a cord - this will be the tip of the star, which will be put on the top of the Christmas tree.

We decorate them with sequins and gold threads to your liking.

With threads in the color of felt - in this case, red - we begin to sew the two parts of the star with an overcast seam.

With each stitch we string beads on a thread.

We sew so that between the last two rays there is a hole - our tip will be inserted there.

We sew the remaining unsewn parts of both stars separately, not forgetting to string the beads. Inside the star we fill the synthetic winterizer, filling the three upper rays, and leave the middle empty.

We put the star on the tip, but for now it “sits” freely. With the help of a pencil, add a little more synthetic winterizer inside so that the star has a good volume. Then we sew a couple of stitches with a red thread on both sides of the tip so that the star “sits down” tightly. Our top for the Christmas tree is ready!

These large voluminous ones in the form of paper stars came to us from Sweden and Scandinavian traditions. Today, for several years now, these stars have been one of the Christmas and New Year trends throughout Europe and even in the USA. Which is not surprising: their charm, both lit and extinguished, evokes the most festive mood. They are hung in the house and on the street, in clubs and cafes, placed on shelves, put on a festive table on special thin high holders and even mounted on tops of decorated Christmas trees, like a classic symbolic star of Bethlehem.

These stars are glued together from music paper, from filigree cut (like) modules, from colored, waxed and tissue paper. They are made plain and colored, simple and decorated. You can glue a huge and small star, with long or short tops, a classic five-pointed, 18-pointed or even a ball in this style - the choice is yours. First, let's look at the basics of creating such a star, then discuss design options and how to implement them.

To you will be required:
- Heavy paper (the heaviest for a printer) or very thin cardboard (or thin sheets of easy-to-cut plastic), as well as optional colored paper or scrapbooking paper with prints;
- Access to the printer;
- Scissors of different sizes - from long to manicure;
- Stationery knife (optional);
- Glue or a good double-sided adhesive tape;
- Needle and thread;
— Unnecessary newspapers.

We collect - a star:

1. We print out a template of one vertex for a star from here. In the pdf file you will find templates for stars in three different sizes - choose according to your taste. Later, starting from them, you will be able to model stars of individual shape and size.

For a small star, all 5 vertices fit on one page, for large ones, accordingly, you will have to print several pages if you make a star from plain white paper. If your printer is capable of printing on thin colored paper, make sure you print on the back - white - side of it.

If you just need a template for colored paper - which you will then trace with a pencil on the back of colored sheets - print out only 1 template from all presented in the file. If the colored paper is too thin to create a star, simply paste it first onto thin sheets of white printer paper and let the glue dry.

2. Cut out the details from the template along solid lines (dotted line - fold lines). We bend the parts along the dotted lines.

So far, for the first craft, you need 5 of these pieces. Then you will calculate and set the quantity yourself.

3. We glue each module on the side by the tongue specially provided in the template. We make sure that each time the tongue is glued exactly inside the modules, and not outside. We put the glue a little at a time so that it does not protrude beyond the edges and does not leave marks on the paper.

You can always use high-quality double-sided adhesive tape for these purposes - it will hold just as well, and it will be easier (and faster) for many to work with it. But really hot bulbs can melt the tape, so choose your material wisely and be careful!

4. We take 2 modules each and glue them in pairs for the 2 lower tabs of the first module like this - see the picture below. The tongues go inside the second module.

5. We glue two paired modules and one remaining in the same way into a star. At the same time, we do not glue the first and last modules together (if you want to place a light source inside the star; if your star is a simple decoration without lighting, feel free to glue these modules with the edges too). Instead, we cut two identical long ropes from yarn of medium thickness (or take two thin ribbons), glue the tip of the first one (at least 5 cm) or stretch it into the hole from the inside out of the first module from the bottom (if you decide to “sew in”, do it on the tip of the rope / tape a larger knot, you can also string a small circle of cardboard on top of the knot for sealing, finally, sew in ropes / tapes no more than 2-3 cm from the lower edges of the modules), the tip of the second is inside the second module. We are waiting for the glue to dry, if used. With these ropes, you can tie the cones so that the star retains its shape.

Or you can take one long rope to thread it into the holes of both modules - also from the inside out. This method is not suitable if you put a Christmas tree garland inside the star.

Here the ropes are sewn in the middle of both modules, but this is not aesthetically pleasing, and in general they do not do this. By the way, tying the ropes will be quite difficult, so be patient and/or ask someone with longer and thinner fingers to do this (or just help you - hold the first knot).

6. We completely put a short Christmas tree garland with a battery-powered control unit inside the star (we put the unit at the very hole in the star) and then tie the ropes on the bow - so that later you can easily untie them and turn the garland on / off or change the battery in the garland if necessary. See lighting options below.

7. Remarkably, when you untie the strings and take out the light source, your star folds nicely into this layered flat shape for absolutely safe storage - and takes up almost no space!

IMPORTANT : Although your stars are not connected to the network, for safety reasons, do not leave them on unattended, because sometimes the bulbs get quite hot, which can cause a fire. The optimal type of light bulbs for these fixtures are compact fluorescent light bulbs and of course light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs, which are usually - usually! - remain relatively cold.

Alternative light source for the Swedish star lamp - also switchable:

1. Buy separate small LED bulbs (1 bulb for one star, the optimal bulb length is about 10 mm; they are freely available both in Runet and in real building supermarkets), a set of large flat round batteries (CR2032; 1 battery - 1 light bulb) and the same number of small flat neodymium magnets (commercially available). Also prepare a transparent or matte ordinary tape - you can separately reels of adhesive tape with a width of 1.9 and 1.2 cm - and any double-sided tape. The coin in the picture below is just for clarity of size.

2. From cardboard we cut rectangles 4.5 cm long and the same number of rectangles 1.9 cm long. Their width should be slightly larger than the width of a large flat battery. The number of such paired parts is equal to the number of stars that you want to illuminate. We buy a set of seals for holes (if you find it on sale) or cut rings from the same cardboard (the diameter of the ring is equal to the width of the strip).

3. Glue the ring to the tip of a longer cardboard rectangle. The glue is dry - we cut out such a hook on this tip. A hole for convenience in the center can be made with a hole punch.

5. We shorten the wire-antennae of the LED-bulb with wire cutters by about 0.6 cm. This can be done or not done - depending on the size of your star - so that the bulb then hangs strictly in the center of the star. Moreover, if you still cut, do it at the same angle at which the antennae were cut initially, so that one antennae remains shorter than the second.

7. Now we squeeze the battery with adhesive tape - completely sealed edge forward - between the antennae of the LED bulb, while the longer antennae should fall on the side of the battery with a plus, and the shorter one on the back side of the battery. And we stop the longer antennae at the edge of the adhesive tape so that the wire does not touch the battery. If you are not sure which antenna should be attached to which side of the battery, push the battery deeper so that both antennae touch their sides of the battery: if placed correctly, the bulb will light up - and then pull the battery back to the desired level; if it doesn't light up, swap the antennae on the battery.

8. We glue the battery with the light bulb with the back side down to the bottom of the cardboard label - to the double-sided tape - and securely fix it in place and from the bottom with adhesive tape originally glued onto the battery. Careful - do not move the upper antennae of the bulb beyond the border of the adhesive tape.

And here's how it works: we apply a magnet simultaneously to the free tip of the antenna from the light bulb and to the large battery - and the light turns on. The magnet will attract to the battery and it will “sit” in place quite firmly. We turn the cardboard with the magnet over to the other side (magnet up) - and again apply it to a large battery - and the light turns off, but the cardboard with the magnet still stays in place. That's the whole secret!

For such a label with a light bulb, the connecting rope on the star on top must be made solid - so that you can hang the label on it by the hook.

Variants of designs of classic Swedish lamps in the form of stars:

1. Buy figured hole punchers and put in bent, but not yet glued star modules (after step 2) figured holes - as symmetrically as possible or just in random order. These can be completely different figures from stars and months to hearts and flowers, or you can use only 1 type of figures (and also - of the same or different sizes). Classic voluminous Swedish stars - usually come with curly holes, and not from solid paper.

2. Having outlined with a pencil the same design of large slots on each module that has not yet been glued together (it is optimal to do this using a single cardboard template - for complete symmetry of the pattern on the finished star), place each module on a stack of newspapers or a special cutting mat and cut it out with a clerical or craft knife this design.

4. From above, the stars can be decorated with a pencil or rhinestones, sparkles or additional details from colored paper, but, as a rule, the patterns in these cases are made very simple and as discreet as possible so as not to distract from the simple graceful beauty of the star itself. It's just that it's accepted according to the classics, the rest is up to you!

5. Stick thin colored paper on thin white paper (so that the light passes through better later) before cutting out the modules - and you will get not a white, but a colored star.

6. If you have 5 sheets of paper with the same large pattern, you can, by overlaying and tracing the pattern in a strictly defined place on the patterns, cut the modules with the pattern in the center, and then, as described in step 2, cut out individual specific parts of this pattern on all modules. Under the cut out areas, you can again stick colored tissue paper, or you can just leave the holes as they are.

Add additional ears to all the lower edges - and you can glue a pointed “ball” instead of a star.

And it doesn't matter whether you made a complex pattern on a star or a simple one - it will look amazing in any case!

Happy New Year!


The main symbol of the New Year holidays is a decorated tree: spruce or pine. The green beauty is dressed up using a wide variety of toys. At New Year's fairs, you can buy special balls, icicles, garlands and tinsel. In many families, it is customary to make or hang sweets in bright wrappers on the spruce. An important decorative element is the top of the Christmas tree.

What are crown jewelery

One of the most popular Christmas tree tip options is the five-pointed star. This element has been used since time immemorial as a biblical symbol. It would seem that it should have disappeared from all Christmas trees in the USSR. However, on the contrary, such a top on the Christmas tree was in almost any Soviet apartment. The thing is that the star is also a special communist symbol.

Another traditional decoration for the top of a spruce is a spike tip, which often has a base in the form of a ball or cone and an elongated sharp tip. Today, in Christmas tree decoration stores, you can also see quite unusual tops for Christmas trees. They can be made in the form of large bows or decorative figurines. For example, the top of the Christmas tree "angel" or "Santa Claus's hat" looks very interesting.

Choosing a tree top

You can dress up a Christmas tree in various styles. Classic involves a combination of two or four colors; country - the use of handmade jewelry from improvised materials; eco-style is characterized by an abundance of natural materials in the decor. In our country, the “Soviet vintage” is also popular - decorating a festive tree with toys inherited from mothers and grandmothers. Whichever option you choose, the most important thing is that the top of the tree is combined with other toys.

The easiest option is to purchase a large set of jewelry, which already has a tip for the crown, and balls, and figures of other shapes. However, you can also choose a suitable top in the New Year's toys department, where all items are sold individually. The choice of form and design is a personal matter for each buyer. It is important that the tip for the crown is in harmony with at least one set of balls or figures.

And the lights are on!

Today, many manufacturers offer their customers an original solution - a Christmas tree tip with lights. Such a decoration will definitely not go unnoticed, especially in the twilight of New Year's Eve. If you plan to hang glowing garlands on the spruce, make sure they match with the topmost decoration. An illuminated Christmas tree top may be the only luminous element in your holiday arrangement. In this case, the choice of colors and glow style is completely free.

How to make a tip for the top of a Christmas tree with your own hands?

Lovers of handmade jewelry will surely love the idea of ​​making a top for a festive tree with their own hands. For the manufacture of such crafts, you can use almost any materials - cardboard, foil, fabric. One of the most interesting stages of work is the creation of the mount. Take a roll of foil or cling film and cut off a piece of about 8 cm from it, crease one edge and fix with a stapler. After that, you can proceed to the decor of the visible part of the mount. It can be wrapped with foil or painted with paint.

The top of the Christmas tree "star" can be made of fabric or cardboard. To do this, you need to cut out two parts of the same size and sew or glue them together. Next, we attach the workpiece to the base-mount and decorate it to your taste. Sequins and rhinestones, sequins, beads and paints are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree top. If you want to make a tree top out of thin material, make a wire frame in advance, on which to stretch the fabric. As an addition to the homemade tip, you can make several pendant figures using the same technique.

The New Year is approaching and most of the time in the last days of the outgoing year is spent preparing for the holiday. To decorate the main symbol - the Christmas tree - we use a variety of different decorations. Someone prefers Christmas balls, others take out old Soviet toys from the mezzanine, and still others prefer to make decorations with their own hands. Let's figure out how to make a star on the Christmas tree yourself, and save this year's holiday budget.

Paper toys are simple and inexpensive

Both children and adults love to make paper out of paper. Try decorating the Christmas tree one of those long winter evenings with your child. So many variations of paper stars for the Christmas tree have been invented that it’s impossible to list them all. You think that paper toys will look too simple - not at all. Just look at what beautiful crafts are made from this material.

To make a star, use double-sided paper of your favorite color. Fold it like an accordion. To make the parts even, we recommend that you first fold the sheet in half, then unfold and fold each half in half again. Expand again and repeat the steps with a quarter sheet, i.e. a quarter of the sheet must be folded in half again. You will get fold lines along which it is easy to fold an even accordion.

Fold the accordion in half, this is done to mark the middle line. Expand this fold. Cut a piece of paper diagonally from the outer bottom corner to the middle, but not reaching it.

Fold the accordion in half and cut off exactly the same piece of paper from the second half along the cut line. In principle, you can cut off the excess at once, but since the paper here is several folds, it will be difficult to do this.

Tie the workpiece in the middle with what you will subsequently attach it to the Christmas tree.

Expand the star. There will be extra gaps between the rays of the star on both sides, glue these sections with tape.

Straighten the star and fasten it to the top of the Christmas tree.

If you like five-pointed stars in the style of the Soviet era, then they are easily made from thick paper or cardboard - ordinary, for children's art, or decorative, which is used in scrapbooking.

Proceed according to the following instructions.

Here is another variation on this theme made of perforated cardboard.

If the previous options are best fixed on the top of the Christmas tree, then the star, made according to the next master class, will decorate the branches. It looks more like a fluffy needle ball, and you can’t immediately say that it is made of paper on its own, it looks so professional.

Cut out 10 round pieces. For outlining, you can use any object of a round shape or a compass.

Fold the circle in half. Then again in half and again. Expand the figure.

In the center, draw a small circle about 2 cm in diameter and make cuts along the folds to the inner circle.

Lubricate the tip of each petal with glue and, using a sharpened pencil as a form, roll each petal into a cone.

Lubricate the petals with glue, you can sprinkle them with sparkles, additionally decorating.

Now let's collect the star. Make a hole in the center of each blank with an awl.

Put a small sequin on the cord. Insert two threads at once into a thick needle.

String the first part so that the wrong side looks up. The rest are strung on the contrary. We fix the last detail with sequins. Pulling the two threads in different directions, form a star.

They also make origami stars out of paper. It may seem difficult at first glance. But if you follow the instructions carefully, it turns out that the process is not so much complicated as painstaking. The easiest way is to make a star from separate modules, which are then nested one inside the other.

To make, you will need 6 squares of paper of different colors 9 by 9 cm.

All modules stack the same way. Fold the paper diagonally. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise and fold again diagonally.

Unfold 90 degrees clockwise, flip and fold in half like a booklet.

Unfold, push the paper from the sides and it will lay in the folds. You get a double triangle.

This is how it looks from the back.

And so - from above. Make 6 of these parts.

Let's start assembling. Each module has two corners on each side. Take the red module and the yellow one.

Insert the two corners of the yellow module into the two pockets of the red module.

Insert all the way.

Fold in half. Turn back. Get a fold.

Now in this place the paper is revealed.

Fold it in the same way as in the photo.

Take a new red module and insert it into the pockets of the yellow module. Push all the way in again.

Lay the pleat. Open and bend.

Attach the modules further in order, alternating the red and yellow modules.

Close the shape at the end. Don't forget to fold. Straighten. It remains only to thread the thread. Make a loop and slip it into a pocket. Glue so that the thread does not fly out.

Here is another instruction for making small stars, they can decorate a miniature forest beauty.

We make notes on a sheet of paper two centimeters long.

We draw lines along the marks to get even stripes. And cut off the strips.

Take one paper tape. Fold the edges into a loop: the left edge under the right. There should be little left edge.

Insert the left edge into the loop and align.

Tuck the little tail up.

Lower the top ribbon down and to the left. We lay out exactly on the edge.

Turn the shape over and rotate so that the long piece of tape is on top. Fold down and to the right. Turn over again, bend down and to the left, turn over - down and to the right, then turn over again - down and to the left.

We hide the remaining piece in the resulting pocket.

Use your fingernail to push the star from the sides and it will become voluminous.

For a more complex master class on making origami, see the video format.

Video: origami star of Bethlehem

From fabric: a star on the top of the Christmas tree and patchwork pendants

Fabric toys look a little unusual for us. But how great they will look on the Christmas tree. For example, this eight-pointed star can be tied to the crown. It is not done in 5 minutes, but for the sake of such beauty, you can spend some time.

To sew a lace star of Bethlehem on a Christmas tree, you need a pattern. You can build it yourself, but we recommend using a ready-made one, just enlarge the image to the desired size. In the original, the size of the finished asterisk was 24 cm.

Source materials:
  • two types of fabric close in tone, but different in texture, however, this is to your taste;
  • fabric for the back of the toy. This can be a piece of the material that is already used for the front side, if you suddenly have an extra one.
  • ribbons with which the star will be attached to the top of the spruce;
  • for decoration, use whatever you want: sequins, buttons, rhinestones, beads, beads. The lace looks especially good.

Cut out eight "petals" of the star for the front side and the back side, of course, from two halves.

Fold the pieces and sew where you see the red lines.

Smooth out the seams well.

Fold the resulting parts two together and sew again.

Now you have two facial parts that need to be smoothed out.

Just sew them with one center seam.

Finish off the piece.

On the reverse side, sew a ribbon 50-60 cm long and a loop 10 cm long.

Sew both halves, and use scissors to make cuts where marked in green.

Stuff the toy and sew.

Decorate as you like or as pictured. The central bead is sewn through, while at the same time a button is attached to the back.

Now see what result you can get. Such needlework can also be given as a gift.

And if you make several small toys, you can make pendants out of them.

A six-pointed star is sewn in a similar way.

Speaking of pendants. Original variations on the theme of the Christmas eight-pointed star are obtained from patches. These stars are unusual, but they are also hung on the Christmas tree.

By themselves, they are round, but the pattern created from patches of different colors forms a star. This decoration looks very elegant on the Christmas tree. Moreover, the color of the toy is predominantly red, New Year's.

First of all, prepare the material. You can buy it specifically in craft stores, but it's much more practical to use old shirts, blouses, bed linens for this purpose - anything, as long as the colors go well with each other. In total, 40 parts with sides of 5 by 4.5 cm are required. From this number of elements of the indicated size, an ornament with a diameter of about 10 cm will be obtained.

Bend the long side of each part inward by about 1 cm and smooth it with an iron.

Now lay out a few parts face up and draw a line in the center. Do it with all the details.

We cut out a square-substrate and draw it as in the photo: two diagonals and a cross passing through the middle of the sides.

Lay the first part so that the top edge and the line in the center coincide with the lines on the substrate.

Move the second part down a little.

Place three more pieces in the same way.

Sew all the details with a “back needle” seam. Be sure to make sure that the edges of the parts are sewn, the stitch must exactly fall on the beginning of the part.

Sew seven more rows in the same way. The center lines on the parts match the lines on the backing.

Bend the right piece first.

Then drop it.

Bend again, but up.

Do the same with the left part.

Then everything is easier. It will only be necessary to fold the part first in the form of a triangle.

Then lay down. We do not bend anything up. This is done only with the first part in the row.

We repeat similar actions with all shreds in all rows.

As a result, such an ornament is obtained. Pin the front piece to the backing with pins and cut out.

Sweep and, stepping back from the edge about 1 cm, draw a line in a circle.

Cut out the front side of the back and a circle of synthetic winterizer for the inner layer. On the back, we also draw a line, retreating 1 cm from the edge.

We take an oblique inlay from a store or from the material from which the toy was sewn, cut out a strip along the oblique.

Carefully we sew the decoration in a circle. We process the edges.

Don't forget to sew on the ribbon.

Openwork and original thread decorations

Maybe you have a small skein of knitting thread left and you don’t know what to make of it for the good of the cause? Try to make airy, graceful charming stars on a wire frame.

To make such a cute fluffy star pendant, you will need very few materials.

Prepare the wire.

Bend the wire so that 5 rays are formed.

Cut the wire, leaving a small margin.

Take fluffy yarn.

Lubricate the frame with glue in the place where you will start wrapping the sprocket.

Gently wrap the thread around the entire frame.

Then, in a chaotic manner, fill in the gaps, as shown in the photo.

That's all. It will take only a few minutes to make the pendant, and you can decorate the entire Christmas tree with such toys, you don’t even need anything else.

And how do you like the next master class, which shows the manufacture of a star from cardboard and twine? The original decorations are painted with acrylic paint.

Make a template out of cardboard. Outline the outline. You will need two identical parts.

Cut out the frame of the future star from cardboard.

Lubricate one half of the frame with PVA glue.

A small star, which turned out from the middle of a large star, can also be wrapped with threads.

Glue two layers of the frame for the small and large stars.

Coating cardboard with PVA glue from the outside, start wrapping it with twine. Fasten the edge of the twine with glue.

The star can be painted with acrylic paints and a sponge.

It remains only to tie the thread.

An openwork star, similar to a real work of art, will turn out if you make a frame for stretching threads from matches. Soak the thread itself in PVA glue, and then start wrapping the frame: first along the contour, then in the middle, creating a fantasy pattern. Let the star dry and remove from the matches. The toy, thanks to PVA glue, will keep its shape.

See the video for making a star according to this scheme, it will be simpler, but the technology is similar.

Video: thread star

Products from beads and beads

To make stars on the Christmas tree, they also use beads and beads. They are incredibly beautiful and graceful. You will need wire, beads, beads, wire cutters and a lot of patience if you want to make something more difficult than in the photo above.

Video: yellow bead star

The option of several rows looks more interesting, but not everyone can make such a star.

Video: how to make a snowflake

Small pendants made of glass beads can also serve as Christmas decorations. We offer one of the manufacturing schemes.

Do you want a simpler, but very decorative option? Make a frame of thick wire, and collect a lot of multi-colored beads on a long piece of thin wire for weaving. Then wrap the frame with beaded wire. Here's what you should get.

Crafts from newspaper tubes

An interesting direction of needlework is weaving from newspaper tubes. Preparations are very easy to make. It is necessary to cut the newspaper sheet lengthwise into strips about 7-8 cm wide, then twist them diagonally, using a knitting needle, a wooden skewer or something similar at the beginning. Decorative crafts, souvenirs, doll furniture, flower pots and, of course, stars on the Christmas tree are made from such tubes. It is quite difficult to present clear instructions in a photo, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the master class in video format.

Video: weaving a star from newspaper tubes

Decorate the resulting star with bows, rhinestones, paint with paint.

Stars are made not only from the listed materials, but also from ordinary thin twigs.

Fantasize and make original decorations for the Christmas tree. Good luck in creativity!

Photo of pendant stars

The New Year is getting closer and closer, and it's time to seriously think about creating a festive atmosphere in the house. Shops offer us just an incredible amount of holiday decorations. But what could be more fun than creating wonderful things with your own hands?

We will share with you how to make a very beautiful star on the Christmas tree yourself. This craft can also serve as door decoration or become an unusual element of decor.

Christmas tree star


  • 2 sheets of cardboard 30 × 30 cm gold or silver
  • silicone adhesive
  • scissors or utility knife
  • sequins


  1. If a sheet of cardboard is golden on only one side, you need to glue two sheets together. If there is no shiny cardboard, do it yourself: apply a thin layer of ordinary glue on thick paper on both sides and thickly sprinkle with sparkles. Cut the cardboard into 20 identical strips 1.5 centimeters wide each.

  2. Take two strips and fold them in the middle crosswise at an angle of 90 degrees, as in the photo.

  3. Add more stripes on the sides. Interlace the vertical stripes with the horizontal stripes as shown in the picture. Fasten the structure with glue. As a result, there should be 10 strips in a row.

  4. In the same way, add stripes on top and bottom. Do not forget to fix them with glue at each joint.

  5. Unfold the workpiece so that its middle forms a diamond in front of you. Glue the two nearest bottom strips together to form a loop.

  6. In the same way, connect 4 strips on each side of the workpiece. You should have 2 loops in each corner.

  7. Make another identical figure.

  8. Glue both halves to get a star.

  9. Stretch the strips that remained unused inside each ray of the star. Fix with glue.

  10. Here is such a wonderful star as a result. You can additionally decorate it or mount a garland inside so that it really shines.

It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree with a star. You can make several of these toys and hang them from the ceiling.