Sex during pregnancy: myths and realities. Are you of normal weight? During what periods of pregnancy can you have sex

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of every family. But while you are expecting a baby, your intimate life is undergoing major changes. Remember: pregnancy is not a disease, and in most cases, sex is not contraindicated. Future mom and dad should not deny themselves the pleasure of making love. Knowing the "secrets" of sex during pregnancy, you will not only mitigate the possible risks, but also bring something new, bright, and sensual into the relationship.

Transformation of attraction in a woman and a man

To have sex during pregnancy or not is the individual choice of each couple. The recommendations and warnings of physicians concern only some of the nuances that change from trimester to trimester.

How does a particular trimester affect a couple's sexual preferences?

First trimester

1. Woman. Sexual desires come and go. The reason for what is happening is the well-being of the expectant mother. Vomiting, drowsiness, nausea - these are the constant companions of the first trimester. At this moment, gustatory and olfactory senses are aggravated, moods change almost instantly, the woman becomes extremely emotional. It can be unpleasant for a girl to have sex because of the increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and frequent chest pains.

2. Man. He is frightened by the behavior of his wife, does not know what to expect next time. At this stage, the couple is often haunted by scandals and quarrels - and if earlier everything was decided by good sex, now the partner can refuse her husband intimacy. At the psychological level, the main thing is to be able to find a common language and learn to understand each other.

3. Physiology. Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy is irregular, it requires a man's increased attention to his wife's feelings. Physical intimacy is quite safe in the absence of contraindications.

Second trimester

1. Woman. Her well-being has improved significantly, she feels every movement of the fetus and this is a little encouraging, calming. Against the background of emotional stability, bursts of hormones subside.

2. Man. Having got used to the role of the future father, the spouse is in a happy, serene state. He is very sensitive, gentle and responsive to his wife. The second trimester is often referred to as the "golden period" of intimacy, because it is then that the couple discovers the best aspects of sex during pregnancy.

3. Physiology. Spouses can feel free to show sexual desires - in the normal course of pregnancy, physical intimacy is not contraindicated.

third trimester

1. Woman. The fetus grows, women experience discomfort in the abdomen, and the feeling of fear increases at the thought of an approaching birth. Sex can be painful.

2. Man. Sexual activity is reduced - the spouse is afraid to damage the fetus. His fears are not in vain, because it is definitely impossible to say whether it is possible to make love in the third trimester. The exact answer to the question of whether your couple has contraindications will be provided only by a doctor.

3. Physiology. Doctors recommend not having sexual intercourse a few weeks before the expected date of birth. In the process of arousal, oxytocin is released, which stimulates uterine contractions and can cause contractions. The only exception is for couples expecting twins.

From medicine to practice: how to have sex during pregnancy

Sex is not prohibited both at an early stage of pregnancy and at a later date. It is almost impossible to cause physical harm to the fetus, because it is protected by the muscles of the uterus, the membrane, and amniotic fluid. The only exceptions are medical contraindications relating to:

  • threats of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in one of the partners;
  • the presence of bleeding;
  • opening of the cervix of the uterus;
  • improper location of the placenta;
  • miscarriages in previous pregnancies.

Feel free to discuss with your doctor the positions, features and nuances of having sex with your husband during pregnancy. Based on the specifics of your pregnancy, a qualified doctor will be able to give more comprehensive and accurate recommendations.

In the event that there are no contraindications, have sexual intercourse without fear!

1. Vaginal sex can be practiced almost without restrictions.

2. Oral sex is acceptable when the partner does not have infectious diseases of the oral cavity (for example, herpes).

3. Anal sex is possible with strict hygiene.

This is interesting! During pregnancy, anal sex should be treated with extreme caution. Violations of the microflora of the birth canal can lead to premature rupture of the fetal irradiation, provoke childbirth. Follow standard hygiene procedures, have anal sex only with a condom.

Having sex during pregnancy: TOP of the best positions

Physical intimacy during pregnancy brings positive emotions to both mother and baby. Feeling the joy of a woman, the child also remains satisfied. Have sex without fear, but choose comfortable, and most importantly, safe positions.

Most often, couples prefer the following positions:

1. "Woman on top": the position guarantees the woman the ability to control the depth of penetration and the degree of pressure on the abdomen.

2. "Spoons" (the couple lies on their side, the man behind): the peculiarity of the position is that the man's sexual organ does not penetrate deeply, which means it does not cause discomfort even in the later stages of pregnancy.

3. "Kneeling": the woman leans on her elbows and knees, the man stands behind.

4. Sex sitting on your partner's lap is optimal for the second trimester.

Remember! The main criterion for the "correct" posture is your inner feelings. If the pregnant spouse feels that she is comfortable, then sex is absolutely safe. Otherwise, be sure to change your position.

What should a man do during sexual intercourse? The husband must remember that during this period, he needs increased attention and understanding of women's needs for sex. In return, physical contact will bring the couple a lot of new sensations - the excitement will increase faster than usual, and the orgasm promises to be long.

The benefits of sex for the expectant mother and baby

What is the positive effect of sexual contact for a pregnant woman and fetus? This is about:

  • the appearance in the female body of the hormone prostaglandin, which contains in semen and has a positive effect on the cervix, helping it to better open during childbirth;
  • uterine muscle training, which guarantees more productive contractions;
  • release of the hormone endorphin, which has a beneficial effect on the emotions of the baby.

And 5 more scientifically proven facts

In conclusion, check out a number of questions, the answers to which are exciting for all future parents:

No. 1. Why does the baby in the stomach either fall silent or start to move actively after sex?

This is due to the natural contractions of the uterus. The process is absolutely harmless to the fetus, but it calms some children, in others, on the contrary, it encourages.

No. 2. Is it true that a pregnant woman begins to snore more often in her sleep?

Yes, and there is nothing to be ashamed of - it's just that your membranes in your nose swell a little.

No. 3. During what period of pregnancy is a woman most sexually active?

In the second trimester, the expectant mother is literally insatiable. Nausea and toxicosis have passed, the woman again feels desirable, attractive and healthier than ever.

No. 4. Is it true that having sex helps speed up labor when you're pregnant?

Yes, because semen contains a substance that stimulates contractions.

No. 5. What is prolactin and how does it affect sexual performance?

Prolactin is a hormone released around the 28th week of pregnancy and is responsible for the formation of milk in the breast. Prolactin tends to suppress sexual desires.

Pregnancy is a special period during which it is important to seek spiritual intimacy and not give up physical relationships. Feel free to tell your spouse and doctor how you feel, and enjoy life to the fullest while taking every possible precaution.

All pregnant women are concerned about the question of whether sexual activity is allowed during pregnancy? The news of pregnancy is happy news in the life of every woman. Naturally, a mother wants to see her child healthy and happy. Therefore, one of the important questions is how to behave during this period, so as not to harm the baby. This is especially true of sexual life. We propose to understand this issue and dispel all existing myths.

Truth or myth

Many mothers, having learned about their pregnancy, put a strict taboo on sex life during this period, having learned from their friends that it is “forbidden”. However, do not believe all the rumors, and it is better to consult with the doctor you are seeing.

An experienced doctor will be able to give a full qualified consultation. Experts do not prohibit sexual activity during pregnancy, and some even advise to adhere to its usual course (only with certain precautions), especially in the first or second trimester.

Sexual activity during pregnancy is allowed if there are no contraindications

Experts say that an increase in sexual desire, most often in the first trimester, is justified by a change in the hormonal background of the female body. So there is no need to be afraid of the appearance of attraction, and even more so to deny yourself pleasure. Sex in early pregnancy will not cause any harm to the fetus.

Why then is there a myth about its ban? And is it a myth? Not everything is so clear. Indeed, there are contraindications for having sex during this period, but they do not apply to all future mothers. You should also follow some simple rules, and be sure to listen to the reaction of your body.

When can

You can have sex during pregnancy if there is no threat of miscarriage or premature birth. You should also take into account the course of a previous pregnancy (if any), miscarriages or abortions.

Another aspect is the woman's well-being. One of the most important indicators. Be sure to monitor the changes in your body and how you feel during this period, as well as the body's reaction to sexual intercourse. If you observe discomfort, or incomprehensible changes (discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, etc.), be sure to contact the clinic.

Important! Do not force yourself to have sexual intercourse during this period just for the sake of your husband. However, you will get rid of your fears, and, on the other hand, a joint trip to an experienced specialist will help your husband understand the seriousness of the issue. Feel free to ask any exciting questions!
First trimester

Let's talk about the features of sexual life in each period of pregnancy. In the first trimester, changes occur at the hormonal level, which affects the libido of expectant mothers in different ways.

Some have a decrease in sexual desire, which is justified by a hormonal surge and psychological readiness for childbirth. Some women already perceive themselves in the role of a mother, not a wife, which psychologically reduces the level of attraction.

We must not forget that during pregnancy you still remain a woman who is as sexually attractive to your man as before.

Sexual life in the first trimester (up to 13 weeks) does not cause discomfort to future parents, and will not harm the baby. Some experts argue that up to 14 weeks, the embryo needs sperm as nutrients.

Attraction and desire in a pregnant woman in the first trimester may increase

That is, at the physiological level, sex in the first trimester is allowed. But at this point, other factors may come into play. Namely, the mental and physical state of a woman. During this period, due to the restructuring of the body, toxicosis and sharp jumps in the emotional state are observed, which can affect the desire and possibility of sexual intimacy.

Second trimester

Contrary to many prejudices, sexual activity is also allowed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, this period is considered the most favorable, since toxicosis has already passed, and the embryo is still at the stage when sexual contact will not harm him.

During the second trimester (14-27 weeks), the blood supply to the uterus increases greatly, which makes it more likely to have an orgasm. Often in the normal state, this is hindered by poor blood circulation in the uterus, which normalizes during pregnancy. Feelings during this period become much stronger.

Many women get their first orgasm during the second trimester.

third trimester

During this period (28-40 weeks), sexual activity usually stops, as it is somewhat uncomfortable: the size of the abdomen increases, back pain appears, the woman is preparing for childbirth. However, there are no contraindications for sex in the third trimester. If a woman feels well and has chosen a comfortable position with her partner, do not give up sex for fear of harming the baby.

In the third trimester, couples are often afraid of harming the baby and stop having sex.

If a pregnant woman continues to have sexual activity during this period, the frequency of acts should be further reduced, and the most comfortable position should be chosen (deep penetration is contraindicated).

It should be remembered that 2.5 - 3 weeks before childbirth, it is necessary to give up sexual activity, as this can already harm the baby and complicate childbirth.

postpartum period

If during pregnancy sexual life is not prohibited, then in the postpartum period, the situation is different. Within six weeks after childbirth, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, doctors categorically forbid it.

After childbirth, the uterus is severely damaged, there are many micro-ruptures and various soft tissue injuries on its surface, which can lead to the formation of inflammation after intercourse. It also does not contribute to a pleasant sensation. In general, there is no attraction for some time after childbirth. But doctors advise starting sexual activity no earlier than after 6 weeks.


The risk group includes women who have previously suffered a premature birth or miscarriage. In this case, sex is not forbidden, but it makes sense to be extremely careful not to have sex on dangerous days. These are the days when menstruation should be in the normal state. Also in the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is particularly high, you should abandon sexual intercourse in general, the same applies to the third trimester.

If there are contraindications, it is not worth risking the health of the expectant mother and baby

Sex is also undesirable if, according to the indications of ultrasound, the woman has a low location of the placenta. In this case, sexual contact can cause bleeding.

Precautionary measures

Continuing sexual activity during pregnancy, you should adhere to several conditions:

  • take good care of hygiene. A shower before sexual intercourse is mandatory for both partners!
  • use a condom, as the uterus becomes especially sensitive to any changes in the microflora.

Following these simple rules is enough to lead a safe sex life during pregnancy.

Pay attention to the physical and psychological state of the expectant mother. Be sure to consult a doctor if you feel discomfort after sex during pregnancy.


Sexual life during pregnancy is not a ban. However, you should consult a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications. Also consider your mental and physical condition. Be healthy!

The question of whether or not to have sex during pregnancy can be answered as follows: if a woman really wants sexual intercourse, but if she does not have such a desire, sexual life should be limited even with a normal pregnancy. Sexual desire can fade or increase, largely subject to fluctuations in hormones

A bit of physiology

First, let's remember what happens in a woman's body during intercourse.

Stimulation of erogenous zones during foreplay activates numerous receptors (nerve endings), the signals from which are sent to the spinal cord. Excitation of the vasodilating nerves going to the vessels of the external and internal genital organs of a woman causes their blood supply. The overflow of blood vessels of the female genital organs causes the release of a special secret through the vaginal mucosa, which moisturizes the woman's genital tract and facilitates the friction (movement) of the penis during intercourse. With sexual arousal, oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions, is released into the blood of a woman; the same effect is exerted by prostaglandin, a hormone contained in the partner's seminal fluid. The state of orgasm is formed as a result of reflex contractions of the internal or external genital organs. During orgasm, the uterus deviates backwards. There are rhythmic contractions of her muscles and muscles of the anterior third of the vagina, the glands of the vagina secrete light transparent mucus.

If in the first 6 months of pregnancy, orgasm is accompanied by fixed contractions of the muscles of the vagina, then in the last trimester, contractions of the muscles of the vagina are often not felt due to radical changes in this organ. However, the contractile activity of the uterus is also observed during pregnancy, and in the last trimester, contractions can be more frequent and stronger. The uterus of a pregnant woman in the orgasm phase may show increased contractility, that is, contractions after intercourse can last longer than usual - up to half an hour. The stage of orgasm is replaced by the stage of refractoriness, during which no stimulation can lead to excitation (there is a decline in sexual excitability). In the discharge phase, the outflow of a large amount of excess blood in a pregnant woman is delayed, inhibiting the decline in sexual tension. Her sensual sensations during sexual intercourse, as practice confirms, are aggravated to the limit.

I must say that during the entire pregnancy, the nervous system of the genital organs is in a state of increased excitability, that is, even a slight physical impact on the uterus, abdomen or lower back of a pregnant woman can lead to the development of uterine contractions.

In addition to changes in the sexual sphere, there are also changes in other organs and systems. So, for example, cardiac activity accelerates from 70-80 to 110-120 beats per minute. Breathing also becomes deeper and more frequent, increasing from 16-18 to 40 breaths per minute.

During sexual intercourse, an increase in muscle tone, especially the muscles of the limbs, was registered. In some cases, this can lead to spasms and prolonged convulsions.

Harmful or helpful?

Knowing all these features of sexual intercourse, one might think that pregnancy and sex are incompatible, because the increased excitability of the uterus, its contraction during orgasm can lead to a threat of abortion, an increase in heart rate can provoke an increase in blood pressure, and changes in the muscles, along with changes that occur in the body during the period of bearing a baby can cause the appearance or increase in seizures. But everything is not so scary, and if the pregnancy is going well, there is a mutual desire, then sex is quite acceptable and allowed. In addition, if everyone knows about the threat of termination of pregnancy in connection with orgasm, then information about the threat of termination of pregnancy associated with prolonged abstinence, especially when there is a strong desire, is not so common. So, sexual tension that develops with prolonged abstinence leads to the formation in the body of a woman of prostaglandins - special biological substances that increase the tone of the uterus (in modern obstetrics, prostaglandins are administered to a woman to stimulate childbirth and abortion). So abstinence "by gritting your teeth" also does not benefit either the mother or her unborn child.

Therefore, the question of whether or not it is necessary to live sexually during pregnancy can be answered as follows: if a woman really wants sexual intercourse, but if she does not have such a desire, sexual life should be limited even with a normal pregnancy. Sexual desire can fade or increase, largely subject to fluctuations in hormones. The sexual behavior of a pregnant woman is largely determined by her initial sexual activity, the characteristics of her sexual life, the behavior of her sexual partner, and the physiology of pregnancy.

At the very beginning of pregnancy interest in sex decreases. This is quite natural, since in a woman's body there is a restructuring of the work of the most important systems - the endocrine and nervous. Smells, sounds are perceived more sharply than before, and those aromas that previously excited can cause negative emotions. A woman becomes more emotional, vulnerable, irritable, often inadequately reacts to rather banal everyday situations. The well-being of the expectant mother is influenced, and the manifestations of toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy are nausea and vomiting. Already in the first trimester of pregnancy, the mammary glands undergo significant changes, the size of the mammary glands may increase, they become painful, extremely sensitive and sensitive to touch. As you know, the breast, nipple, areola are especially sensitive erogenous zones in many women. And at the beginning of pregnancy, even touching the breast often becomes painful. In addition, they suffer from bouts of dizziness, sometimes fainting, often in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman is in a sleepy, lethargic and tearful state. All these symptoms are due to the action of progestins - hormones produced in large quantities during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. In this state, a woman needs more care, sympathy from her partner than passionate sex.

In the second trimester, the expectant mother both physiologically and emotionally adapted to pregnancy, there are no serious fluctuations in the hormonal background. The state of health improves significantly, the phenomena of toxicosis, as a rule, disappear. In addition, fetal movements, which are felt after the 18-20th week of pregnancy, regularly tell the woman that everything is in order with the baby. A protruding tummy is already visible in a pregnant woman, it is still quite small and does not interfere with the expectant mother. Already from the beginning of pregnancy, the blood supply to the vagina and uterus increases dramatically. And, as you know, the onset and fullness of orgasm partly depend on the flow of blood to the genitals. Expectant mothers undergo changes in the vascular system, and the blood supply to the uterus becomes more intense, turning it into a kind of "depot" of blood. This determines the fact that many women experience orgasm for the first time during pregnancy. All this leads to the fact that in many expectant mothers in the second trimester of pregnancy, sexual desire increases significantly.

The changes that occurred in the second trimester may continue into the third, when the libido is still quite high. But if the grown tummy causes inconvenience to the expectant mother, pain sensations appear during sex, and fear of the approaching birth plays the main role in your emotions, then some decline in sexual desire is quite likely.

But it cannot be said that the above changes are a regularity. So, there are women who during the whole pregnancy experience an increase in sexual desire, others, on the contrary, its decline.

Is it possible or not?

In addition to desire, the intimate life of a pregnant woman is regulated by the medical aspects of the course of pregnancy. So, sexual intercourse is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if there is a threat of abortion, that is, the tone of the muscles of the uterus is increased, sexual intercourse can cause premature birth; spotting from the genital tract is also a contraindication for sexual intercourse;
  • with placenta previa, when the placenta closes the exit from the uterus, sexual intercourse can provoke placental abruption, bleeding;
  • if there are doubts about the integrity of the fetal bladder: if there is a discharge that looks like water (clear, colorless liquid), you should consult a doctor. In this case, there is a high probability of infection of the membranes and the fetus, since one of the functions of the membranes is to protect the fetus from infection;
  • for any sexually transmitted infections, one of the partners should not have sex during pregnancy

It should also be borne in mind the so-called critical periods during pregnancy - this is the time when exposure to the fetus can lead to serious consequences. These periods include:

Implantation period when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Once in the uterine cavity, the embryo does not immediately penetrate into the uterine mucosa, but for another two days it is in a free state. These days from the moment the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity until it is attached to the uterine wall constitute the implantation period. The fact is that this process occurs even before the delay of menstruation, when the partners do not yet know about the pregnancy. However, if pregnancy is desired, then after several sexual intercourses with an interval of two days at the time of the expected ovulation, you can limit sexual contacts

Period of organogenesis and placentation, which lasts from the moment the ovum is introduced into the uterine mucosa until 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, all organs and tissues of the fetus, as well as the placenta, are formed.

At 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the ovaries transfer the function of hormonal support for pregnancy to the chorion (future placenta), and if the chorion is not sufficiently developed, not active, then there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Very often, a miscarriage, an undeveloped pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage (bloody discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back) appears precisely at this time.

We can say that the entire first trimester is a "fragile" time of pregnancy, when the body adapts to a new state. As we have already said, during this period, women often experience a weakening of sexual desire. We can say that this is a kind of natural protective reaction of the body, protecting the developing fetus.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, there are also periods when the hormonal background changes, in particular, the amount of male sex hormones increases. So, at 13 weeks of pregnancy, the male fetus begins to produce its own testosterone - the male sex hormone, at 20-24 weeks the production of cortisol and male sex hormones by the adrenal cortex of the fetus begins, at 28 weeks the fetal pituitary gland begins to synthesize a hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands - adrenocorticotropic hormone , resulting in increased production of male sex hormones. During these periods, women with an initially elevated level of male sex hormones who are receiving treatment for this should be especially careful. In the last issue of the magazine in this section it was said that sexual desire, sexuality largely depends on the level of male sex hormones, so during these periods the desire for intimate contacts may increase.

So, one of the most beautiful periods of a woman's life - the period of waiting for a baby - can also give you an unforgettable experience from intimate communication, but do not forget that sometimes desires have to be subordinated to reason in the name of preserving your health and the health of your baby.

Marina Bogoslavtseva,
Doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist,
Article from the magazine "9 months" 4/2006

Pregnancy is not only a new stage in the life of a family, but also a new stage in relation to spouses. Regular women make both partners think about sexuality. The answer to the question of how sex will affect the future health of the baby and his mother is increasingly being asked by doctors. In this article, you will find arguments for and against continuing sexual intercourse during pregnancy.

When a woman finds out that she is carrying an unborn child under her heart, her world changes completely. Domestic problems and hobbies move to another plane. Therefore, intimate relationships are completely dependent on the state of health of the expectant mother. In most cases, during the first trimester, it discourages a woman's desire for intimacy. The mammary glands become heavier, and because of this, the sensitivity of the nipples increases, so caresses of the breast seem unpleasant. As for the psychological state, it is also not so simple. There is irritability, anxiety and indifference. All these factors, of course, affect sexual life - many women simply do not want to enter into intimacy in this state.

Consult your doctor - whether it is necessary to stop sexual contacts due to various possible complications (the possibility of miscarriage, habitual). If, nevertheless, physical contacts are contraindicated for you, then it is advisable to contact a specialist so that he can help you overcome this difficult period associated with restrictions in the sexual sphere.

Be sure at the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better before it, both partners need to be tested for sexually transmitted infectious diseases, and if possible, cure them. If this does not happen, then use condoms during intimacy, otherwise you can seriously harm the baby.

The second trimester of pregnancy most often passes for a woman quite easily. There is a desire for intimacy and general well-being improves. This helps to fully enjoy sex with a loved one, many women experience an orgasm for the first time during this period.

However, during this trimester there are some nuances that should be considered. It happens that observations of pregnancy bring new data that may partially or completely affect sexual relations. It is during this period that the possibility of abortion or an unsuccessful location of the placenta can be detected.

At the last stage of pregnancy, most couples completely refuse sexual relations. The reason for this is an increase in the volume of the abdomen, which causes significant inconvenience during intimacy. During this period, you can’t experiment much in sexual relations, and you also need to choose only those positions that definitely won’t harm the baby. These include the position on the side, the position when the woman is on top and the position on the knees.

A rather serious problem can be increased vulnerability of the cervix. Therefore, during intercourse there are minor. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

Some couples themselves refuse sex during pregnancy, as they believe that it is harmful to both the expectant mother and the baby. However, you should not be afraid: the sexual relationship of the parents does not harm the fetus, on the contrary, it is believed that the pleasure that the mother experiences during sex has a positive effect on the child. At the same time, he does not know at all and does not understand what his parents are doing. However, for many couples this is a big problem. Some people can't have sex because they think they are no longer two in bed, but three. But there is no need to consider the unborn child separately from the mother: they are still a single whole. Often, from the very beginning of the gestation period, a husband begins to perceive his pregnant wife only as a “mother” and refuses to have sex, but she is primarily a woman, and intimate relationships can be just as important for her as they were before pregnancy.

Or, on the contrary, out of fear of harming the baby, a woman refuses to have sexual intercourse. These fears are unfounded: the fetus is reliably protected from any external influences by the cervix, the mucous plug, the walls of the uterus and the fetal bladder with amniotic fluid. By the way, amniotic fluid plays the role of a kind of shock absorber and absorb shocks, that is, your baby does not experience any discomfort.

Also, the expectant mother may simply not want sex. The fact is that libido during the period of expectation of a child changes greatly.

In the first trimester, especially in women who are expecting their first child, libido weakens for a number of reasons: this is poor health (toxicosis, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness), and psychological state - worries and fears associated with a new unfamiliar position, fear of harming the child.

In the second trimester, the woman's psychological and emotional state flourishes. Many fears go away, well-being normalizes, the state of the genital organs also changes: blood flow to them increases, which increases their sensitivity. Therefore, often during the second trimester, libido in pregnant women increases, and sexual relations become more vivid. The release of hormones of joy endorphins into the blood helps to improve the mood of the expectant mother, and this has a positive effect on the baby.

In the third trimester, libido often decreases, a woman often experiences discomfort due to an enlarged tummy, weight gain, swelling, it may seem to her that she has ceased to be attractive.

Whether it is necessary to refrain from intimate life during pregnancy, your obstetrician-gynecologist in any case decides, based on the individual characteristics of the course of your pregnancy - you should not make diagnoses yourself, without a doctor. However, every expectant mother needs to know about possible situations in which, while waiting for a child, you will have to do without sex.

Sex during pregnancy: dangerous periods

Even if the pregnancy is going well and your doctor is generally okay with intimacy during pregnancy, there are still times when it is better to give it up. This is especially true for women expecting their first baby. First of all, the first trimester of pregnancy is considered critical. Until the 7th week of the obstetric period (it is considered from the first day of the last menstruation), it is better not to have sex during pregnancy for a simple reason - the place of attachment of the fetus, the chorion (subsequently the placenta is formed from it), has not yet been fully formed, it is very weak, and when strong contractions of the uterus there is a high risk of its detachment. This could lead to miscarriage.

There is a widespread myth that it is worth doing without sexual intercourse after the 36th week of pregnancy (8 months). On the contrary, 2–3 weeks before delivery, certain changes begin to occur in the uterus and cervix, which prepare the birth canal for childbirth, the cervix “ripens”: it shortens and becomes softer. And the substances that are contained in the sperm of a man (prostaglandins) help prepare the cervix for the process of childbirth.

Orgasm during pregnancy can cause uterine contractions, for prepared birth canals this can serve as an impetus for the onset of labor, but if the cervix is ​​not yet ripe, then uterine contractions due to orgasm are not able to cause premature birth.

Also, after 38 weeks of pregnancy, sex is not recommended for those expectant mothers who plan to give birth by caesarean section. Prostaglandins, which are contained in the semen of a man, can soften the cervix, and this can provoke spontaneous labor. For greater safety, it is worth protecting yourself with a condom.

In addition, if there is a scar on the uterus from a previous caesarean, by the last weeks of pregnancy it often becomes very thin, and sexual intercourse can worsen the situation.

Avoiding sex during pregnancy for medical reasons

There are other reasons why a doctor may recommend a mother-to-be not to have sex.

Multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets) is, as a rule, more difficult than a single pregnancy, during which the pressure on the uterus is always very strong even without sexual activity. And most often a woman after 20 weeks of pregnancy should either limit or exclude sexual life in any form. This issue is also resolved on an individual basis with the attending physician.

Complications of pregnancy

Sexual life should be completely abandoned when pregnancy is complicated by conditions such as:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (shortening, opening of the cervix), including after correction by suturing the cervix or after installing an obstetric pessary (a device that supports the uterus in a certain position) - a high risk of preterm birth;
  • low location or placenta previa - a high risk of bleeding and placental abruption;
  • partial detachment of the placenta;
  • suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid or violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder -
  • high risk of intrauterine infection and pre-
  • temporary childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (for example, bacterial vaginosis, herpes, chlamydia);
  • the threat of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Also, a relative contraindication may be habitual miscarriage (miscarriages in the past), but it all depends on the cause of such a problem - therefore, it is important to consult a doctor.

Venereal disease during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman (or her partner) has sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, etc.), it is necessary to observe sexual rest. Firstly, so that these infections do not penetrate the cervix and fetus. This can cause intrauterine infection of the baby and, as a result, provoke premature birth, in addition, further cause infertility, and also cause the child to develop such pathologies as brain damage, blindness, pneumonia, and many others. Secondly, it is better to abstain from sex, so as not to infect a partner or get infected from him.

Sexual contacts should also be excluded during the process of treating sexually transmitted infections. At the same time, a condom, which seems to many to be a very reliable method of contraception, may not work if it breaks unexpectedly. Therefore, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse altogether.

Sex during pregnancy: green light

Let's see in what cases pregnant women can have sex? Everything is very simple here: if a woman is healthy and her pregnancy passes without complications, you can not refuse intimacy. However, it is important to comply with a number of conditions:

  • Have sex in positions that are comfortable for the expectant mother, based on her feelings. The missionary position is not contraindicated, but, of course, it is important not to put pressure on the stomach. The most successful postures will be the side position, since pregnant women, lying on their backs, often experience back pain and dizziness, they have a decrease in pressure (portal vein syndrome.) It occurs due to the fact that the uterus in this position of the pregnant woman women can pinch the inferior vena cava, which reflexively causes a decrease in pressure, and hence an unpleasant feeling. You can try both the cowgirl position and the knee-elbow position, in which the woman herself can control the depth and intensity of sexual contact.
  • It is not recommended to stimulate the nipples: this reflexively contributes to a large release of oxytocin and prolactin into the blood and may contribute to uterine contractions.
  • Sexual intercourse should not be long, in addition, it should be calm, unhurried and as gentle as possible.
  • Also, do not endure any discomfort or pain. In such cases, it is better to try to change the position.
  • After intercourse (and especially orgasm), a pregnant woman should not immediately jump up and do business. You need to relax and just lie down for at least 20-30 minutes so that the uterus stops contracting, because after an orgasm, the contractions are especially active.
  • If after sexual intercourse you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, or spotting appears, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is worth noting that a woman with erosion (ectopia) of the cervix after intimacy may have slight spotting from the genital tract, they do not threaten the course of pregnancy, but psychologically this causes great discomfort to the pregnant woman.

Intimate life during pregnancy is a very important part of a couple's relationship. But if you have to give it up during pregnancy, this does not mean that your relationship should deteriorate. In addition, sex can be replaced by other forms of intimacy - for example, erotic massage. After all, both the expectant mother and her man during the period of expectation of the child want tenderness, warmth, understanding and, as a result, bodily contact even more.

In addition, during the 9 months of pregnancy, you and your spouse should be brought together by other emotions, spiritual, and not just physical: caring for the unborn baby, love for him and a magical sense of anticipation of his birth. All this can make any couple even more harmonious, and the sexual side of your life will definitely fully recover after the birth of a child and, perhaps, become even brighter than it was before pregnancy.

I do not want anything…

The first trimester of pregnancy is often complicated by a condition such as toxicosis. Attacks of nausea, feeling unwell, drowsiness, increased fatigue, and with it irritability due to a surge of hormones - in this case, a pregnant woman may refuse to have sex. At the same time, it is important for a man to understand his wife and not insist.