Crocheted heart with your own hands. Knitted crochet heart patterns and description

Good afternoon - today I have prepared an article on creating KNITTED HEARTS with my own hands - or crochet valentines. In this article, I have collected piggy bank of ideas about what gifts can be knitted for Valentine's Day. And also you will see schemes and patterns crochet hearts. That is, today we will tie a variety of hearts - both small and large - in different knitting techniques (circular, square, asymmetrical, sirloin).

Let me tell you exactly what you will find in this article…

  1. I will show craft options, which use knitted hearts.
  2. I will teach you how to knit the MOST SIMPLE flat heart from thick threads.
  3. I'll show you how to DECORATE simple knitted heart in an elegant valentine.
  4. I will give a master class on creating VOLUME plump heart from threads.
  5. Ladies schemes for crochet heart in the technique of "square + ears.
  6. I'll show you how to tie a heart according to the pattern of knitting "Peacock Feather".
  7. You will also learn how to knit CARPET in the shape of a heart.
  8. And how to knit a box of chocolates in the form of a valentine.

There will be many interesting things.

Gift Options for Valentine's Day

which you can knit with your own hands.

You can knit the SILHOUETTE of a heart with a special knitting technique... that is, we knit an ordinary fabric (pillows or potholders) ... and then in the place specified by the pattern we knit columns-knobs. You can do this with plain threads (as in the photo of the blue pillow), or you can choose different colors of threads to highlight the heart (as in the photo of the lilac-yellow potholder below). The scheme and principle of knitting a pattern in bumps can be found on the Internet.

And here's an idea valentine's day crafts- that is, a red knitted heart can decorate a white postcard. A white crochet heart will stand out brightly on a red valentine card.

You can also knit from knitted hearts hair ornament for little girls. For example, an elastic band with a heart on the side. Or you can crochet a crown of hearts(as in the middle photo). You can also use a simple connected heart decorate a regular hair band. Below I will give many heart patterns that are suitable for this purpose.

You can also knit from hearts picture-souvenir as a gift new settlers, or friends in love. The color of the hearts can be matched to the color of the interior of the room ... For example, if the furniture and textiles of the room are lilac with yellow and eggplant, then the hearts in the frame should repeat this color scheme.

Also, a flat heart knitted with thin threads can become an elegant decor for sewn heart pads. Such a heart can be knitted as a decorative element for decorating a wedding.

Well, now let's start knitting a FLAT HEART ... come on, let's learn ...

How to crochet a small flat heart.


The simplest heart (in 2 rows) is best knitted from thick threads. The scheme of such a heart is simple - it has only 2 circular rows ... First, we knit a regular chain of 4 air loops. Then we knit single crochets in a circle (we get a flat circle). And we will have the second row shape the heart(sharp tip at the bottom + recess at the top). The recess in the upper part of the heart is formed due to the stitching in this place of the columns WITHOUT a crochet. The pointed tip at the bottom is obtained thanks to 2 air loops.

Such small crochet hearts can be connected in PAIRS along the edges ... and fill the inside with cotton wool. We get a plump valentine heart.

You can also decorate our little flat hearts ordinary EMBROIDERY from knitting threads(stretching them with a regular crochet, that is, embroider flowers without a needle). Or you can decorate knitted valentines separately knitted flower, or cut out from a piece of fleece.

And you can also give a heart crocheted elegance, if each knitting row made from threads of different colors.

You can hang a heart on the window - as a decorative pendant and decorate with crystal beads.

HOW TO DECORATE a heart with a knitted flower.

You can decorate the core of such a flat heart with a connected flower.
First volumetric flower it turns out if on the surface of the finished heart (from the central row, hooking a new thread with a hook) start knitting a bump pattern (right on top of the heart canvas).

Second flower (spiral rose) - is knitted after we have a connected 2-row heart on our hands (as according to the diagram above) ... and then, when we have reached the end, we do not break the thread, but continue knitting ... and knit the THIRD ROW - (this will be the edge row of the heart - roses). This row produces curved BOARDS.

The sides are obtained due to the fact that in the third row we DO NOT ADD the number of columns - but we knit them as much as there were in the second row. And our knitting from flat turns into a BOWL-shaped (like a cup in the shape of a heart).

And when our third side row comes to an end - WE START THE SPIRAL. Namely, after the third row has approached the hole-hollow of the heart, we turn the course of our knitting DEEP into the heart (and continue to knit, picking up the middle knitting columns with a crochet (columns of the second and first rows ... turning knitting in a circle and so bringing it to the middle (in a spiral ).

HOW TO MAKE A CARPET using the flat heart technique.

Having mastered the technique of knitting flat hearts, can be linked fluffy CARPET in the shape of a heart. As a knitting material for such a carpet ordinary threads will not work.

Here we need EITHER thick polyester cord for knitting (google it, many stores sell it) ...

OR you can make the same thick thread yourself- if you buy in a store plain jersey-stretch... and cut a long thread out of it with scissors. Just cut with a zigzag snake - first we cut a strip of fabric along the edge, and when we reached the corner, we turned back and cut again ... we reached the corner again, smoothly turned and cut again ... Get an endless plump knitted cord-strip. Our grandmothers also knitted rugs from it (they also cut rags). If you look closely at the photo, you will see that here the threads for the heart-shaped carpet are made from a cut serpentine knitted cloth.

As I said, it's better to buy one stretchy knit fabric with a slight sheen- the shiny coating applied to the fabric glues the loops of the knitted fabric together, and therefore the cut strip DOES NOT FRINGE along the edges, but retains a neat, even cut. Yes, and the carpet from such overflow jersey turns out to be glamorous and stylish.

The heart shaped carpet is very easy to knit. First, we knit an ordinary flat heart (as in the diagram above). And then, when the heart-carpet is ready, we will make a relief on it (protruding ribs).

So that such ROLLED steps appear on the carpet. It is necessary after the carpet is already tied (without steps yet, just flat), take the thread again .... crocheting it in ANY middle row of the knitted carpet ... start knitting regular single crochets - knit along the entire row - another SURFACE ROW.

yes, knit OVER the carpet along the selected row(as we just knitted a spiral rose over the heart in the paragraph above) - but here we knit not in a spiral, but in a CIRCLE, repeating the shape of a heart with a knitting stroke. Thus, we get one edge-step. And then repeat the same thing in some middle row of our rug.

Here in the photo below ... you can see how, after the finished red heart was tied, a white pattern was knitted on its SURFACE (just hooking (in any row) a white thread and pulling it into a loop ... Here is a similar process on our carpet ... only there we we not only stretch the picked up thread, but also knit a column together with it (with or without a crochet).

Volumetric crochet heart

– MASTER CLASS for beginners.

These are so beautiful plump hearts can be knitted even by a novice master. It looks like a difficult job - but if you hold them in your hand, it immediately becomes clear how it's done. Here I post Master Class, where all the stages of knitting are clearly visible and understandable.

We knit cups-caps (we just knit in a circle, and from the fact that in each circle we add few columns, our circle wraps itself in a cup). We cut the thread in the first cap ... and when the second cap is already tied, we leave the thread ... we bring the caps closer with barrels to each other and begin their GENERAL BINDING in a circle - in a GENERAL CIRCLE around their barrels (without touching the membrane wall).

Gradually we begin the REDUCTION OF THE COLUMNS in this circular row - so that our heart narrows down. When there is already a small hole left below, we fill the valentine with cotton wool and finish knitting.

Hearts connected according to such a master class may not be monophonic, but striped… And they can be made elongated. In order for them to lengthen, you just need to reduce the columns in a circular row not so often ... That is, do the reduction of the columns is not in each row - but through the row.

Volume heart crochet,

knitted in ROW knit.

And here is the principle of creating a crochet heart, which is knitted NOT IN A CIRCLE .. but row after row - from left to right. Two flat swimsuits are knitted, and then folded together and crocheted.

STITCHING OF TWO HALVES occurs regular crochet stitch. Thread under knitting, hook over knitting. We lower the hook from the bottom up THROUGH the knitting - we pick up the thread and pull it to the top of the knitting a little bit so that the head of the hook and the eyelet on it look out. Again we crochet - through knitting down (already in another place, through a column) - we pick up the thread, emerge with a hook with a new loop and stretch it into the one that is already on the hook ... And we repeat the same dive with a hook through the column down - grab the thread and pull it from the bottom up and stretch it into the loop on the hook.

Or you can combine the principle of TRIANGULAR DIRECT knitting - and then tie SEMI-ROUND EARS to the triangle (as in the photo below).

Crochet heart

L-shaped way.

This means that our knitting looks like the letter G, which we constantly knit in a circle, making the letter G thicker and thicker - until it looks like a heart. Here in the diagram below I have 2 stages of the scheme - the beginning and the continuation. To make it clear to you where knitting begins ... and how to continue it.

And also having learned to crochet a FLAT heart, you can knit Here's a valentine's box. In order for the connected flat heart to form BOARDS (wall-boxes), you need ... after finishing the flat upper box part (without breaking the threads), continue knitting in a circle (around the heart) BUT WITHOUT ADDING COLUMNS IN THE FOLLOWING CIRCULAR ROWS ... and then our knitting will begin to bend over wrap the sides …. Choose the height of the sides yourself ... in the photo there are 3-4 rows of columns (each row has the same number of columns - equal to the number of columns along the edge of the upper surface of the heart).

And by the way - in the photo it is connected in an L-SHAPED way - but in fact it doesn’t matter at all how you knit the surface of the cover. That is, you can choose ANY way to crochet a heart (in the photo below we see the usual heart pattern in the form of even rows). The main thing to do is to CONNECT THE BOARDS (the walls of the box).

Also in the same technique (in the form of the letter G) you can tie an OPENWORK holey heart-valentine, with a red ribbon stretched into it.

The diagram below shows that this pattern is almost the same as the top one, only here in each row we do not just sculpt the columns close to each other ... but we do gaps in the form of two air loops And then to such a heart, you can add a LACE BINDING along the edge of the finished heart shape. And stretch the ribbon around the edge.

Hearts in the technique of FRAME KNITTING.

And here is the idea of ​​crochet HEART FRAMES. First we knit regular BIG RING of air loops- and then we tie this ring with single crochets. We do the strapping in such a way that we get a CLOWN from the top in the center ... and from the bottom in the center a SHARP END of a heart.
Hollow it is done with the help of the fact that in this place we knit not an ordinary column, but a connecting one - we just hook it up and pull the thread into the loop, without calling the column.

pointed tip it turns out due to the fact that in this place we knit THREE COLUMNS into one air loop.

If the front-frame consists of SEVERAL rows, then for all these rows GENERAL RULE applies - in the hollow we do LOWERING THE COLUMNS(that is, instead of a cape, we make a capless column ... or instead of the usual capless column, we make a tiny connecting column).

= at the bottom for a pointed tip In EVERY row we knit 3 columns in one hole, instead of one.

And you can put a wire inside such a heart-frame. And make a rigid frame for a photo or for a bird.

The wire will be inserted into the knitting immediately at the FIRST STAGE OF WORK.

That is, we immediately we start our knitting NOT WITH AIR ... but immediately with columns... we begin to knit these columns by picking up the hook under the wire. Just like we always hooked the hook under the ring of air loops - only now we don’t need a ring of air loops - instead a ring of wire. It's okay if the dragging during knitting will be jammed by hand - then you will level everything.

By this principle, you can knit any lace patterns - on a wire bent in the shape of a heart ... or in the shape of lace.

crochet valentines

in the SQUARE + EARS technique.

And here is the principle of crocheting a valentine when we first knit regular square with any pattern(albeit just columns as in the photo below) ... and then to this square from two sides we tie semicircular ears.

The scheme of the square and the scheme of the ears can be any ... with tight or holey openwork knitting.

After we first knitted a SQUARE, then one ear, and then the second ear-semicircle ... we can tie the whole heart along its EDGE ... the strapping along the edge can be in the form of simple columns ... or in the form of openwork lace (as in the photo below) .

And here is the option when a garland is connected from such hearts - it can be hung over the fireplace or along the bookshelf ... or along the upper edge of the doorway.

Patterns for knitting such hearts can be very different. Here are the schemes of SQUARES and ears to it. As you can see, pattern patterns can be completely different. And there is only one principle - first we knit a square (according to any pattern) ... and then we tie semicircular ears to it - also according to any pattern of a round napkin ... or invented from my head.

Crochet valentine

in the technique of THREE CIRCLE + BINDING

And here is another simple way - when THREE CUPS fit in ... then they interlock together. And they are tied around - in the shape of a heart.

Instead of three circles, you can connect three flowers.

Also, you can create your own your author's heart from crocheted many different-sized flowers or circles. Here's how. First, draw a large heart shape on a piece of paper - THIS WILL BE A TEMPLATE.

Then collect around the house all sorts of round objects that can serve as a Stencil for us (glasses, round cream lids, jars with round bottoms, etc.). now we we circle these glasses and caps with a pencil inside our drawn heart. Our task is to cover the whole heart with such stencil circles - from small to large.

And then you have to take threads of two or three colors close in shades (pink, red and white - for example). And tie flowers of different colors- we knit a flower with any circular pattern (taken from the patterns of any napkins or snowflakes) - we knit until our round circle is equal in size to one of the circles we have drawn.

Once a knitted circle matched to size with one of the circles drawn on the template - we take the adhesive tape and stick it on our drawing - in the circle where it should be (I advise you to stick the adhesive tape on the template so that you do not get confused which circles are already connected and which ones are not yet).

Valentine napkins

in the technique of FILLET knitting.

Loin knitting is knitting in a straight line (from right to left) - we knit CELL BY CELL ... Cells alternate... empty... or filled with bars. And thanks to this, a drawing is obtained.
It is VERY SIMPLE here ... either an empty cell (three airs) or filled with columns (three columns).

And the patterns for such filet knitting look EXACTLY THE SAME as the patterns for cross stitch. Any two-color cross stitch pattern is suitable as a pattern and for filet crochet.

With a pattern in the form of a heart in loin technique, you can knit a BORDER for a tablecloth or a towel and give it to a friend. It is possible to crochet such a CURTAIN for the kitchen window in the country using the sirloin technique.

You can decorate with fillet knitting a heart-cushion made of fabric. And from it to make a beautiful gift composition in a frame, with roses and a butterfly.

Valentines knitted in the technique of FIGURED knitting.

And the SHARE of the heart (right lobe and left lobe) can be connected in the technique of the pattern PEACOCK FEATHER. That is, among the crochet patterns there is such a fashionable knitting pattern as a PEACOCK FEATHER (or a drop) ... And if we take two of these elements and put them together, we get a valentine heart.

Knitting starts from the tip of the heart ... diverges in a triangle to the sides. And then the triangle is divided into two lobes. Each ear is knitted separately ... first one, break the thread ... then the other.

Can be used as the basis for the pattern the scheme is only the TOP of the peacock feather pattern.

You can crochet valentines in a technique called ZAVITO K. This is when our knitting turns the corner ... and then comes back ...

If using the CURL technique to connect such 4 hearts (or more), then you can fold a napkin out of them.

You can also hang lace hearts on windows. And even add them with pendants.

Crocheted heart with an ASYMMETRIC pattern.

And here is a beautiful design technique for creating openwork crochet valentines. Where the pattern has an asymmetrical shape. Here the direction of knitting is the most unpredictable.

Your knitting the canvas is bent bagel itself, while you knit row after row. And then you leave this half-donut ... break the thread from the top of the bent canvas. AND start knitting from the lower end of the same fabric.. And this time too the course of your new knitting is bent into a steep curl. And then, when the curl is ready, it is sewn with its upper side to the TOP edge of our first half-donut.

And here is another valentine pattern, also an asymmetric crochet heart. Here, too, knitting goes along the course of the curl ... It twists itself, and then flowers or jumper posts are knitted in the middle, which connect the two sides of our bent knitted ribbon.

Like these ones crochet heart ideas I collected in this article. I would be glad if here you found an idea for your crochet valentine.
Good luck knitting.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Crochet crocheted hearts are the perfect souvenir for Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. On this day, I want to give a piece of my heart to a loved one. A do-it-yourself knitted heart will convey your feelings in the best way. We've rounded up some super-quick, easy, and heart-shaped motifs that you can use anywhere:

Crocheted hearts can be used as:

  • Hot coasters
  • Potholders for the kitchen
  • Openwork napkins
  • Applications for Valentine, postcard
  • For headband decoration, hairpins
  • Keychain or bag pendant
  • Fridge magnet
  • Brooch
  • Decorative appliqué for clothes
  • And much more…

Knitted hearts - hot coasters

There is a small heart on the diagram.

To knit such as in the photo, you need to dial 11 ch. and knit 10 rows of st b / n., then 1 ch. for lifting and 9 st with 2 / n in the middle of one side of the square, st b / n in the corner of the square, and 9 st with 2 / n in the middle of the other side of the square. Between the columns we knit 1 in.

Crocheted heart pattern

Beginning of work- a chain of air loops, on which 8 rows of loin net are connected with large cells (column with 2 crochets, 3 air loops). For the semicircular top of the heart, 1 ch is made. lifting and 20 st b / n on 5 cells of the grid (red), then turn the work and tie a chain of 10 ch, attach it with a connecting column to the strapping of the grid, 1 more connection. st., turn the work and tie an arc 16 st b / n (green), tie 4 st b / n for 3 ch. cells.

Continue to work with an arc of 6 ch, 1 st with 2 yarns in the green st b / n of the tying of the arc, then according to the scheme, finish the black row of conn. st on red st b / n mesh strapping, ch 3 (blue color), conn. st, turn the work and connect 7 blue st with 2 n on a black arc of 6 ch, finish the blue row according to the scheme. Link 4 st b / n for 3 ch. cells of the grid, turn the work, perform a black row, alternating st with 2n and 1 ch, attach the last column. At the corner of the grid, tie 1 ch, 1 st b / n, 1 ch. (lilac color) and tie the 20th st b / n 5 grid cells (lilac color).

Next, knit the second semicircle of the top of the heart in the same way as the first one - an arc of 10 ch, on it 16 st b / n and further according to the scheme. Openwork strapping (1st row - green) starts from ch 1. and 1 st b / n in the corner, then arcs from 5 ch. along the semicircle of the top, st b / n on two sides of the square of the loin mesh and the arc of 5 ch. in a semicircle of the second top, ch 2 2nd (black) and 3rd (red) rows of strapping - arcs of 5 ch. In the last (black color), denser row, arcs from 2 and 3 ch alternate.

Keychain in the shape of a heart diagram

According to the diagram below, you can crochet a three-dimensional heart and decorate it to your liking.

Knitted hearts crochet patterns

Crocheted heart video master class:

Crochet heart video master class:

Crochet heart - Stand for hot video master class:

On the eve of Valentine's Day, souvenirs, gifts and crafts in the form of hearts become especially relevant. And if we are all used to the paper version of the symbol of love, then such a sign of attention as a knitted heart is already a more original version of a do-it-yourself valentine.

If you already know how to crochet a heart, then here are at least 10 options where you can apply it:

  1. The heart can be used as a keychain or fridge magnet.
  2. It can be used to decorate a flower pot (by planting it on a thick, strong stick fixed inside the bouquet or flower stems).
  3. Crocheted hearts with a special eyelet can be hung on furniture handles, on various hooks, i.e. used as a cute interior detail.
  4. Several multi-colored knitted hearts can be laid out in a glass vase at once - elegantly and modernly. Or such home-made gizmos can be a decoration of the festive table, one has only to arrange them in an interesting way between dishes.
  5. Having fixed a piece of Velcro on the back of the heart, you can attach it to clothes as a symbol of involvement in the holiday.
  6. The heart can be embroidered with a bead or beads, decorated with braid or lace, making it a real little work of art.
  7. You can make a funny little man with arms and legs and a heart-shaped base. Kids will love this surprise.
  8. You can embroider a muzzle on a knitted heart, and let her emotions be an expression of your feelings.
  9. Sewn on lace wings will make such a souvenir more touching.
  10. Finally, a knitted heart in itself can be a self-sufficient valentine.

For those who do not know how to crochet a heart, do not worry. It is easy to do, the process itself will take a little time. When working, we focus on the size of 5.5 by 6 cm.


  • Hook (ideal size - 3.5)
  • Yarn (100% acrylic)

You can choose the yarn for knitting a future souvenir yourself, but you should choose the right hook size for it.

So, to crochet a heart, first we make a magic ring. To do this, we begin to knit a lifting column - three air loops.

Then we connect them with the lifting column into the upper (third) air loop.

And again we knit a lifting column - this, as we remember, is three air loops.

After that, we again knit a chain of three air loops and, using a half-column without a crochet, connect them to the lower (first) loop of the lifting column.

Now we vertically knit a half-column without a crochet between the columns of the inner circle of the heart.

We must knit a circle, and then connect to the beginning of knitting (using a half-column without a crochet).

After this stage, we knit along the contour of our heart according to the scheme: 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in a loop, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in one loop, etc.

Now we need to form a pico: at the bottom of the heart (where two double crochets are knitted), we carefully knit 1 loop into the first double crochet, then 3 air loops, connect the third loop to the first with a half-column without a crochet.

We knit one loop in the next double crochet and continue (as before) to alternate: 2 single crochet, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 1 double crochet, etc.

With three columns without a crochet, we tie the last column of the rise, cut the thread, pull it out of the last loop, connect it with the beginning of the first column of the rise.

From the back of the heart we connect this thread and the thread used for the magic ring. We cut off the tails of the knot, of course.

Here is our souvenir! Now you know how easy it is to crochet a heart.

See 2 more master classes on knitting valentines in the video tutorials:

For Valentine's Day, I decided to impose a festive decor. The choice fell on crochet hearts. Ten minutes - and the beauty is ready! I will scatter them on the holiday table.

This master class will be quite capable of beginners. To tie a heart, you must be able to do: air loops (vp), single crochets (st.b.n.), connecting posts (s.s.).

For work you will need:

  • crochet threads;
  • hook of suitable size;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • scissors.

How to crochet a heart step by step:

  1. Dial a chain of 7v.p. We turn knitting. Insert the hook into the second loop from the hook.
  2. We knit 6 st.b.n., 1v.p. We turn knitting.
  3. We knit 6 st.b.n., 1v.p. We turn knitting.

  4. We knit 3 st.b.n., 1v.p. We turn knitting.
  5. We knit 3 st.b.n., 1v.p. We turn knitting.
  6. We start tying the heart: we knit 2st.b.n., 3st.b.n. in one loop, 5st.b.n. (one for each row), st.b.s. + 1c.p. + st.b.s. in the first loop of the beginning of knitting (tip of a heart), 5st.b.n., 3stb.n. in one loop, 4st.b.n., s.s., skip one loop (this will be the middle of the heart on top), s.s., 2st. to the beginning of the row. We make a knot, cut the thread, leaving a small tail.

  7. We knit the second heart (we repeat steps 1-8).
  8. We fold the hearts inside out to each other.
  9. We combine the loops - tip to tip, three from one loop to three from one loop.
  10. Passing the hook through both paired loops, we knit in each according to st.b.n.

  11. When a small hole remains, we fill the heart with padding polyester.
  12. We continue tying. At the end of the strapping, we do s.s. at the beginning of the binding.
  13. We tie a knot.
  14. After passing the hook from one end of the knitted heart under the last connecting loop, we grab the tip and hide it inside the toy.

Decor for Valentine's Day is ready!

Shared the master class

Anastasia Kononenko

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