Silver water. How to be treated with silver. Silver water - benefits and harms

Silver has a unique property - it cleanses the environment in which the metal is located from various pathogens. They knew how to lower a piece of silver into water and purify the liquid in this way even in the Middle Ages. Today, silver water has become a very popular drink. People drink water treated with silver to prevent and treat many diseases. Dishes are baked in silver foil so as not to doubt their suitability for consumption. The benefits of silver water for the body are invaluable.

The benefits of silver water

Silver is one of the strongest metals that can disinfect any environment in which it is located. Even copper, gold and platinum do not have these properties. In some parts of the globe there are springs, the water of which beats through silver ore. In these springs, people collect water in flasks, drink and wash themselves with it. The liquid in these places has great healing power. But why use water, how to use it and how it affects the human body, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Weakly concentrated water is used for ingestion. Due to its bactericidal properties, this water perfectly fights against various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers, gastritis, etc.
  2. Gargle with silver water for sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases. In addition, rinsing your mouth with silver water is advised for gingivitis, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
  3. Water with silver ions is used in cosmetology - it cleanses the skin well of excess fat and bacteria. The skin after that becomes smoother, blackheads, pimples and comedones disappear.
  4. Water can be used for cooking in the kitchen. In addition, the liquid is often cleaned in this way in field conditions, when there are no other means at hand.
  5. In silver water, you can bathe a newborn baby without fear that microbes and bacteria can get into the unhealed navel.
  6. On silver water, indoor flowers grow better, seeds hatch more easily.
  7. Since silver disinfects surfaces, silver water is used to heal wounds, ulcers, eczema and other skin diseases and injuries.
  8. Silver water can cure a person of some infectious diseases such as diphtheria, typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery. In this case, a person needs to drink a tablespoon of silver water every three hours.

For the sake of justice, it must be said about the contraindications of silver water. It should not be given to children, pregnant or lactating women. A large amount of silver water can lead to an overabundance of the metal in the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to constantly drink such water. But a monthly course with a break of two months will completely improve your well-being.

Making low concentration silver water is very simple. To do this, take any silver item and rinse it thoroughly. It is better to do this in advance, a few days before preparing water. To do this, apply toothpaste on silver and leave for a day. So you can get rid of the unpleasant black coating on the metal. After that, fill the silver object (coin, jewelry, spoon) with warm water and leave for a day. After 24 hours, silver water is ready. It can be used for rinsing the mucosa and ingestion.

A simple small silver coin can be kept in a filter or carafe of water. So you do not have to take care of the ionization of water every time. But do not forget to periodically take out a coin so as not to drink silver water always (this is dangerous).

How to make high concentration silver water

To prepare highly concentrated silver water, you need to use a silver ionizer. To date, such devices are on sale in any hardware store. But they are quite expensive, so we will build the ionator ourselves.

Take a square battery and make small holes on its terminals with an awl. To these holes with wire you need to attach two items of silver and stainless steel. You can use ordinary spoons for this purpose. On the side where there is a “+” on the battery, we attach a silver item. And with the one where “-” is stainless, you can use an ordinary spoon. Dip the spoons simultaneously into the water - that's it, the process has passed. This is called the electrolytic method of preparing silver water. When current passes through silver, its ions pass into water much more readily. Water is enriched with silver in this case much faster.

After a while, the stainless steel spoon may begin to develop a dark coating. It is impossible to keep the ionator in water longer. In general, the concentration of metal in water can be determined from the time the device is kept in water.

  1. If you hold the ionator in water for about half a minute, you get a weak solution, similar to the one that settles with a silver object for a day. It can be drunk to prevent many diseases, there will be no harm from such a solution.
  2. If you hold the device in a liquid for three minutes, the solution becomes quite concentrated, you can drink it for medicinal purposes, but only in courses!
  3. A highly concentrated solution is obtained if the ionizer is kept until the stainless spoon becomes cloudy. Usually it takes no more than 5 minutes. If you want to prepare highly concentrated silver water, you need to use little water, but the silver object should be large. Such water is used for skin treatment - in the treatment of wounds, sores, ulcers, etc. Drinking this water is highly discouraged.

Even Alexander the Great noticed the beneficial properties of silver water. In one of the campaigns, almost his entire army was stricken with a serious illness - food poisoning. And only the ruler and his entourage did not feel the signs of the disease. And the reason was the silver vats in which water for the royal table was stored. After this incident, it was decided to store all drinking water in silver containers.

Video: how to make silver water

Good day to all! I am sure that all of you know about the benefits of ordinary drinking water. But do you know how to clean it? After all, it is purified water that is useful and there are many ways to purify it. One of these ways is silver. And how silver purifies water at home, I want to tell you today and want to.

The main source that we use is water supply. All people drink and use tap water. But, despite the fact that this water is considered drinking, there are doubts about its quality. After all, while water comes to us through the plumbing, it literally absorbs all the dirty particles, rust, bacteria that live in the pipes. Tap water also contains chlorine, fluorine, aluminum and lead. Therefore, water must be purified.

The easiest way is boiling. No wonder since childhood we were told: “Drink boiled water, there are no microbes in it.” Indeed, there are no microbes, bacteria, as well as no useful properties. Boiled water is dead water, which brings neither benefit nor harm.

Such a liquid can be used for cooking, but not for consumption in its pure form. So, we purify the water ourselves, with our own hands. And for this we need any silver product, for example, jewelry or a spoon. Just remember that silver cannot kill heavy metals, so this method is suitable for slightly contaminated water.

Miraculous abilities of noble metal

Silver occurs naturally in the environment as insoluble and immobile oxides, sulfides, and some salts. Due to its healing properties, it is used as a disinfectant to purify drinking water.

The use of silver for water disinfection began in the 1950s. Currently, the metal is also used to produce special filters that effectively remove bacteria in polluted water.

A bit of history...

The method of purifying water with silver is perceived by many people as a myth. After all, the word “purification” itself implies some kind of process such as boiling or filtering. It would seem like a metal, albeit a noble one, can purify water at home. But it's true. Purifying water with silver is not new. This method has been around for thousands of years. There are many supporting facts known to us, thanks to various written sources:

  • the Greeks and Romans kept liquids in silver vessels to prevent spoilage and keep bacteria from growing;
  • during the plague in medieval Europe, mostly rich people were saved from the disease, because they ate 100% silver cutlery;
  • the very first travelers and explorers placed silver or copper coins in their drinking water and when they set out.

For many centuries, the people have also maintained a strong belief in the miraculous properties of the noble metal. It is not for nothing that our grandmothers advised us to insist water on a silver spoon, saying that such water is very useful! And with the appearance of the first tooth, the baby was given some water to drink from a silver spoon.

And, by the way, scientists who doubt the holiness of baptismal water claim that it is stored for a long time and does not deteriorate precisely because of the silver ions that have penetrated into the liquid from the priest's cross.

Currently, all the useful, and in particular, the antibacterial properties of silver have long been studied and successfully used by humans. You may not know, but silver particles are present on almost all medical instruments and dressings used in hospitals.

How does silver affect the composition of water?

Once in the water, silver ions destroy many harmful substances. With this property in mind, numerous water filters are produced. But the main disadvantage of silver-plated filters is that they use pure silver, which gets into the water. Water is not able to dissolve this metal.

Therefore, silver particles enter the human body. This is fraught with a dangerous disease, argyria. This disease comes from an excess of metal. The main symptoms: the skin and eyes become gray. The danger of the disease is that it is not treated.

That is why it is better to use silver items to purify water, the same jewelry - rings, earrings, chains or dishes. Such a metal does not break up into particles and does not dissolve in a liquid.

In the container you need to throw, for example, a silver spoon and leave for a while. In order for the water to become drinkable, a day is enough, during which time the liquid will be completely cleared.

You also need to remember that the water contains an acceptable amount of silver ions. Safe water for oral administration - with silver 50 mcg / liter. With more concentrated water, you can wash dishes, fruits, wash your face, but not drink at all.

And remember that water purified with silver particles is not intended for continuous use in order to avoid overdose. One glass a day is enough for a person to increase immunity, remove toxins and increase the efficiency of internal organs. This liquid can be washed daily to prolong the skin youth.

Surely, each of you at home has silver earrings or rings of pure 999. If there is, then immediately start purifying water, which should become your assistant on the path to beauty and health. And I have everything. Glad to be useful to you, dear subscribers! I say goodbye to you, but will soon return with a new portion of interesting and useful information. Bye bye!

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Since ancient times, the disinfecting properties of silver have been known. It was used not only as a piece of jewelry, but also as a substance suitable for water disinfection. But is it fair? After all, it is known that silver water, the benefits and harms of which are being actively discussed in modern medicine today, has many peculiar properties.

A bit of history

According to the testimony of the "father of history" Herodotus, it is known that Cyrus, who reigned in Persia, kept water in silver vessels. He used this water during military campaigns. Due to this, such water is stored for a very long time.
Various historical information that has come down to us from hoary antiquity clearly indicates that water enriched with silver ions was used by many peoples.

What are the unique properties of water with silver

Upon contact with this noble metal, water acquires completely new qualities. First of all, it may not deteriorate for a long time, since most of the microorganisms die in it. Silver is much better at killing germs than, say, copper, and also gold.

The benefits and harms of silver in water are discussed by doctors also because it can quickly penetrate the cell without changing its qualities. This fact alarms many experts. Many doctors still agree that the penetration of silver into the cell does not interfere with its normal functioning.

It is believed that water with silver is no worse than tincture of iodine or a solution of chlorine. Under its action, many types of microbes die. However, yeasts are the most stable in such water.

What are the benefits of silver water

  • This metal retains its useful properties for a long time;
  • Silver in water does not spoil the taste of water, as does chlorine;
  • The noble metal does not have any harmful effect on the mucous membranes of the body, unlike chlorinated water;
  • Silver fights many types of microbes. Other disinfectants do not have this combination of effectiveness and safety;
  • This metal perfectly conducts the energy of the Moon, and therefore the water that has been in contact with it acquires some miraculous properties. For example, it can record information;
  • Silver water is also able to accumulate particles of bioenergy. She is also able to transfer this energy to other people;
  • Silver-enriched water has a very complex structure. All the water contained inside the body is also capable of rearranging itself under such a structure. So many organs and organ systems are able to heal.

When to Use Silver Water

Today, the use of water enriched with silver is very common. For example, it is able to conserve large quantities of water for ships sailing long distances. In addition, astronauts also drink such water during space flight.

Silver-enriched water is used to preserve juices, baby food, drinks, and dairy products. It is not uncommon to use water enriched with silver in the production of alcoholic beverages.

The use of water with silver particles for tinctures, ointments and other medicinal mixtures significantly prolongs the period of their use. For the same reason, ointments and tinctures based on silver water are used in veterinary medicine.

Without silver, the natural functioning of the brain and spinal cord, glands that provide internal secretion of hormones, bones, and bone marrow is impossible. Water with silver ions also has a stimulating effect, positively affects the course of many natural processes in the body, and has a positive effect on the blood. Although the debate about the benefits and harms of silver water continues all the time, many doctors advise using water with silver ions to treat such diseases:

  1. Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  2. Many diseases;
  3. Stomatitis;
  4. Infectious diseases of the ENT organs;
  5. Infection of the bladder, urethra;
  6. Brucellosis;
  7. Asthma bronchial;
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, silver water is used for the primary treatment of wounds and the treatment of burns.

Under the condition of regular drinking of water enriched with silver ions, a person has an improvement in the functioning of hematopoietic organs, and the number of lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes and the percentage of hemoglobin increase in the blood.

How to make silver water

There are several ways to make water with silver. The first one stipulates that silver objects must be in it for at least a day (at normal temperature). For this, both silver coins and dishes can be suitable. But in order for the energy of such water to be positive, it is necessary to “work” with silver objects.

It is necessary to take a silver object in the palm of your hand and put your hand on the heart area. Next, you need to imagine that the spoon is very clean and does not have any negative energy. She is like a filler of primordial, pure energy. If you adjust the item, you can safely lower it into the water so that it becomes silver.

The second way to prepare silver water is to use an ionizer. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the concentration of silver in water does not exceed 50 micrograms per liter. Only in this case, water will be beneficial to health. Usually, the time required to prepare several liters of water with silver ions is only half a minute.

Is silver water harmful?

Some experts, when deciding on the benefits and harms of silver in water, still tend to the second option. They motivate this by the fact that this metal belongs to the second class of danger. And the permissible dose of silver in water cannot exceed 50 micrograms in one liter.

In addition, the role of silver in human physiological processes is not fully understood. Some evidence suggests that it blocks the processes of energy metabolism in cells. Children's doctors say that silver is contraindicated for children. In any case, in families with children, such metal cannot be treated as harmless.

The most radical point of view is that silver belongs to the strongest cellular poison. It can also affect internal organs. And there are no ways to treat internal organs after silver damage.

So before you start taking silver water, or prepare it at home, it would be useful to consult a doctor. He will give all the necessary recommendations for its reception.

Silver has a strong bactericidal property, which is why its ions perfectly purify water. In fact, by lowering silver into water, you are doing a real antiseptic cleaning. At the same time, I do not use chemicals that are harmful to health.

Purification with silver makes water safe for drinking, because the ions of this metal destroy a huge number of microorganisms harmful to health. In addition, silver makes water even more beneficial.

Benefits of silver water

Silver-purified water improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, prevents chronic diseases, and even cures some. In general, the well-being of a person who drinks silvered water improves.
It is enough to drink one glass of such water a day to be protected from SARS, gastrointestinal diseases and other things. In addition, silver water is especially tasty.

What silver to use

To cleanse everything, use real silver (sample 999). Water purified with such silver is stored longer and retains its properties for a long time.

For oral administration, water with a concentration of 20-40 mcg / l can be used. It is this amount that is enough to overcome harmful microbes and not harm the human body. In no case should the concentration be higher. This concentration is safe, it makes the water tasty and healthy.

Cons of silver cleansing

This method of water purification has its drawbacks. Silver is a highly toxic metal and in large quantities can harm the body (like lead, for example). That is why such water should be drunk, adhering to strict dosages and rules. Water with a strong concentration of this metal can be life-threatening.

For outdoor use

For the treatment of objects, washing fruits and vegetables, cosmetic masks, health baths, it is recommended to use silver water with a concentrate of 10,000 µg/l or more. It is impossible to drink water with such a concentration inside, it is dangerous to health.

How to make silver water at home

Many people use the "grandmother's" way and put silver items in a carafe of water for several days. On average it takes 2-3 days. But it is quite difficult to determine exactly when the water has reached the desired concentration. In addition, it can be difficult to understand whether the concentration has exceeded the desired level. Therefore, many people use modern electric water silverers.

There are legends about the beneficial effect silver has on the body. Ancient civilizations used this metal for healing. In the modern world, when a variety of medicines are offered in pharmacies, many people have silver water at home. This miracle remedy is said to be able to cure many diseases and be a powerful means of prevention. You can buy water with silver and industrial production. "Silver Key" - water from this category. What water is better? Is silver water really that good? How to use silver water ionizers and is there any sense in them? We'll figure out.

Healing properties of silver

Since ancient times, many positive properties have been attributed to silver: from mystical (supposedly it is able to scare away dark forces) to quite earthly ones. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effect of this noble metal on the body.

Even in the aristocratic families of the century before last and the last, it was noticed that silver utensils make water tasty and retain its beneficial properties longer.

Indeed, silver is vital to the human body. Yes, we have a certain amount of argentum inside us, most of it in the brain, nerve cells and bones.

The beneficial effect of silver on the immune system, its ability to resist viral infections and bone diseases has been proven.

The ability of metal to quickly heal wounds has always been widely used. Argentum interacts best with water, through which it enters the human body. Silver ions, as it were, are enveloped by a water molecule, protecting it from decay - this is how the metal enters the human intestine. This is the most common way.

Also, with the help of water, silver gets on the skin and can be absorbed into the body through it.

Silver in ancestral medicine

The history of the use of silver in healing originates in ancient civilizations. So, in ancient Egypt, it was customary to apply small thin silver plates to wounds, due to which healing took place much faster. During the campaigns led by Alexander the Great, it was noticed that the commanders were better able to resist diseases. The discovery was shocking: the soldiers drank water and ate food from the Macedonian one - from silver. Due to the bactericidal properties of the metal, the body of military leaders was more protected from diseases.

Since ancient times, small pieces of argentum have been used internally. According to them, the metal will help to normalize the work of the intestines. And about the healing properties of the Ganges River - the ability to heal from skin diseases - legends have long circulated. After studying the problem, the scientists came to the conclusion: along its length, the Ganges washes silver deposits, which endows its water with healing power.

After observing the ability of silver to have a detrimental effect on bacteria in water, scientists of the 20th century began trying to create silver water. At the same time, the time during which the destruction of microorganisms will occur was recorded. Scientists put the following water ionizers into the vessel - silver coins, wire, even silver-plated surfaces using various auxiliary substances.

The newest way is enrichment with the help of electrons. Modern devices for water enrichment work on its principle.

The benefits of silver water

Silver water, the benefits of which will be described below, is used to treat and prevent numerous diseases. All thanks to the wonderful properties of silver.

So, what do those who use this miracle remedy gain?

  1. Protection against infectious diseases. This is due to the ability of silver to kill harmful bacteria.
  2. Treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia.
  3. Used to combat diseases of the oral cavity.
  4. Helps to cope with skin lesions: ulcers, allergic rashes, burns. As a preventive measure, it can be used from birth while bathing the baby.
  5. Silver water can be used to disinfect household items, children's toys, cutlery, etc.
  6. Helps restore metabolism.
  7. Silver ions have a beneficial effect on the formation of nucleic acids, which are indispensable for the active functioning of the brain.
  8. Among the bacteria targeted by the miracle liquid is Helicobacter pylori. This microorganism adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Able to gradually rejuvenate the body.
  10. Silver water enhances the effect of antibiotics and other drugs. Some, for example, hydrogen peroxide, a hundred times.
  11. Saturation with silver ions not only improves the quality of water, but also helps to keep it for a long time.

It should be noted that, although the miracle liquid kills bacteria, the favorable microflora of the internal organs remains unchanged. Therefore, the person who uses it is not threatened with dysbacteriosis.

Treatment with silver water from the inside

How to use such an indispensable tool as silver can take place in several ways. It is taken orally, inhaled, lotions or bath solutions are made. The liquid is used both in its pure form and with an admixture of other drugs. Silver water is suitable for mixing with herbal ingredients and synthetic preparations. Let's consider popular recipes for treating water with silver ions.

To cure such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis or periodontal disease, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with silver water in the morning and evening. Treatment is carried out until the problem ceases to bother. It will not be superfluous to drink a couple of sips of such a liquid.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink half a glass of silver water on an empty stomach. Eating is allowed in half an hour. To enhance the effect of the liquid, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to it. You can not stop treatment as soon as it becomes easier. Further, water should be used as a prophylaxis, reducing the dose.

As a prevention of viral diseases, it is recommended to use silver water every day. It is also indispensable for preventing intestinal infections.

Outdoor use

Water with silver ions will help to cope with skin complications caused by diabetes and other diseases. A bath based on a miracle liquid is done as follows: it is necessary to infuse 3 liters of boiled water and aspirin dissolved in it in the amount of 20 tablets for a day in an enamel bowl with an ionizer. After the appointed time, you must take a bath, with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. The procedure time is 20 minutes. Here is such a healer silver water. Patient reviews say that improvement occurs after 10 sessions.

A 0.5% solution of silver water can be used as a poultice in the treatment of burns and other skin lesions.

Making water at home

Silver water can be crafted in a number of ways. If you need it for preventive purposes, then the preparation will be the simplest, but the water will also have a maximum average concentration.

In order to get a weakly concentrated liquid, it is necessary to put an object made of silver into a vessel with pure water: a spoon, an ornament - it can be anything. In a day, the miracle liquid will be ready. It is important to remember that water intended for enrichment with silver must be passed through a filter or natural, spring. Tap water and non-drinking water must not be used.

You will receive a solution of medium concentration if, after doing the manipulations described above, put a vessel (enamelled dishes are best) on gas and boil in such a way that the liquid is reduced by half. Two hours later, the liquid is ready. This is a stronger solution, it is used for treatment.

Do-it-yourself ionizer device

To obtain the highest quality silver water, it is customary to use ionizers. They can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can make your own. Making the device with your own hands is quite simple.

It is necessary to take a three-liter jar, close it with a plastic lid. After making holes, make a stainless steel spoon handle for the “-” charge, a silver object is needed for the “+”. We connect the design with a charger for a mobile phone.

To obtain water enriched with silver, fill the jar, close the lid with a mechanism and plug it into the network. As soon as a kind of “cloud” appears around the silver anode, we immediately turn it off from the outlet. Time will pass about 3 minutes. We remove the jar in the dark for a day. After them, the water is ready.

Bottled water with silver ions

When making silver water on your own, it should be remembered that in this case it is difficult to achieve the optimal concentration of metal ions: it is either negligible or exceeds the norm. Currently, it is possible to purchase bottled healing liquid.

"Silver Key" - water produced by the sanatorium, located on the sources of healing natural water. The Bekhtemirovskoye deposit in the Altai Territory is a source of water production, enriched not only with silver, but also. This makes the water the owner of diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is ideal for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

"Silver Spring" - not medicinal water, but table water. The name reflects only the purity of the spring flowing in Khadyzhensk. It belongs to the Apsheron aquifer. There are no silver ions in this water.

When water can hurt

It should be remembered that enriched water is useful in moderation. The harm of silver water can be very detrimental to health. Argentum belongs to the class of heavy metals that are toxic to humans in excess doses. So, jewelers who constantly work with him sometimes suffer from argyria. With this disease, silver accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and in bone tissue. These processes are irreversible, as is the grayish skin tone caused by an excess of the concentration of this metal in the body.

Therefore, silver water should be consumed in courses and carefully monitor the concentration. Consultation with a doctor before starting the use of miracle liquid is required.