Birthday words for husband in prose. Congratulations to her husband in prose. Beautiful in prose to congratulate her husband

I remember when I met you. It was love at first sight. I thought: "I want this man to become my husband, the father of my children. I know that we will have a happy family." Now, looking back, I realize that I was right. We fell in love, created a family, we had wonderful children, and we lived together for many years. Sometimes it was difficult, but we love each other and were able to overcome everything. Today our family and close friends got together and I want to be the first to wish my husband a happy birthday! Know that you are very dear to us, be happy on your birthday and always!

When a woman's only man comes into her life, neither a career nor other freedoms become important, as if granted to a woman in our age. I found my destiny in loving you and keeping our home, where you return from work every evening, knowing that a loving wife and family comfort are waiting for you ... I don’t need any other happiness than to be with you! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you always smile!

My beloved, precious wife! On your birthday, I want to thank you for everything you filled my life with. You brought warmth and comfort to our house, you supported me and rejoiced at my successes, you gave birth to good children for me, who cannot be seen enough, because they are a copy of you! You are the meaning of my life, you are that ray of light that will warm you in the cold and show you the right path. I love you, happy birthday and wish you the fulfillment of all dreams and hopes!

I love and I am loved, the sun always shines in my soul, and I know that everything will be fine, because I am not alone. With me, my beloved and only - my husband. My dear, my sun! On your birthday, I am happy to be there, listen to how you are congratulated, and rejoice with you, share this wonderful day with you, like everything in our life. Stay always as happy as on this day, and may your dreams come true!

When I was very young, like all girls, I dreamed of getting married. White dress, many guests - and the one without whom there can be no wedding - my husband! I knew that he should, first of all, love me with all his heart, be kind, fair, intelligent and cheerful. But I didn’t even dare to dream that the best man in the world would become my husband, whom I congratulate on his birthday today! I wish my dear spouse, who made my life a real fairy tale, always smile and be very happy!

To my husband, the master of my heart and the keeper of my destiny and my happiness, on his birthday I want to wish all the blessings of the world, all the sunshine and good health, good luck and prosperity. And I also wish him to be open to everything new and interesting, boldly step forward towards his dreams and always remember that his wife will be with him in everything, at all times!

When I open the family album, our life passes before my eyes again and again. Here are our first meetings, when we were very young, lost from the happiness that fell on our heads. Here is our wedding, we are holding hands and we already know that we want to be together all our lives. Here are the first days of our new, complete family, when a happy father holds our child in his arms. Here is our first anniversary, memorable holidays with the family, just happy moments. Page by page, we are approaching today, which will also remain warm memories captured in the photo. On my husband's birthday, I want to wish him to always remain as happy, wise and cheerful as all these years!

When you fall in love, involuntarily, thoughts of marriage come by themselves. Will my beloved become my husband? What will our family be like? Probably very happy and friendly. And what happiness when all hopes and dreams come true! When a husband loves so much, takes care of the family and puts the warmth of his heart into every minute of our life. On my husband's birthday, I want to confess to him that he is my best gift of fate, I am grateful to him for the fulfillment of my dreams and I want to wish him as much happiness as I feel!

The love that has come into a woman's life can be compared to a long-awaited downpour over the desert. Water awakens to life, flowers bloom with its arrival, and the sun does not burn, but caresses. I want to tell you, my husband, that you saved me from gray everyday life and loneliness, gave me a new life! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to be the happiest of all in the world!

Carrying love through the years without losing a single grain, but strengthening and multiplying it is possible only when the feelings of both spouses are sincere and come from the very heart. And then the reward will be real happiness, quiet and calm, with which for many years they will not get bored together, but will bring warmth and confidence in the future. I am happy that my husband is a man with whom you can live your whole life, and every year you find more and more good things in your spouse! On his birthday, I heartily congratulate him and wish him boundless, cloudless and all-encompassing happiness!

To give love, to love every day, to surround with care and attention is no less valuable than to be loved, surrounded by affection and attention. I admit, sometimes it seems to me that my husband loves me even a little more than I love him! But on his birthday, I promise that I will love him even more and be the best wife for him!

May the birthday bring
Fun, joy, mood.
May you always be lucky in life
Good luck, strength, kindness, patience.

Always be cheerful, positive,
Sorrows, sorrows do not know.
Mobile, strict, creative,
Be able to admit mistakes.

May the sky be clean and peaceful
And the sun shines all year round.
Spiritual warmth and bread,
Know no problems, know no worries.

I wish you health, luck, love
And great happiness in addition,
So that all your affairs are successful,
And life spoiled more often!

So that on your birthday smiles and laughter
Are next to you
In business, let only success pursue
Always be in harmony with your family!

I wish you career growth
So that the sun shines through life
Smiles of children and beloved wife -
Everything must be!

We wish to live and not grieve,
A lot of prosperity, a lot of happiness.
To love, to dream, to be loved,
Let there be bad weather!
Let there be good changes
There is enough time and energy for everything,
And remains unchanged in life
The law "I came, I saw, I conquered!"

If jokes, then with a joke,
If it's a holiday, then it's fun.
If a friend, a gentle friend,
If happiness, then boundless.
If meeting, then intimate,
And love, so mutual!

We wish you happiness, joy
happy birthday congratulations
May luck be with you
For you, handsome macho!

Be always cheerful, cheerful
Strong, brave, elated
Light, sweet, loving
Hardened by a strong spirit!

On my birthday I wish:
May you be lucky everywhere!
To be the first in the rest,
He was not the last to work!
To have a big apartment
The house outside the city is high!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in my wallet!
So that health is strong -
It's impossible without him!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!
In life, everything will turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness, do not get sick,
Like a fire always burning.
Long and beautiful life
Be loved and love.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter,
For youth to shine
For old age to recede!

Happy birthday to a young man in verse

Today you are in the spotlight
You shine like a new fifty dollars!
We are our noisy company,
We wish you birthday

If the silushka is a heroic one,
If happiness - so that the ocean!
Let health be Siberian
Let love boil like a volcano!

We wish to live on the envy of everyone
No financial problems!
To "Hennessy" in a glass,
To the yacht on the pier,
House to your liking
Well, the Bentley is in the garage.

Eat oysters for lunch
And live another hundred years!
Get younger every year
And try not to get sick.
Well, if it happens
Only in Munich to be treated!

Congratulations with heart and soul
I wish you a bright life!
I wish you health, joy
Be loved and happy!

Let there be a ray of sunshine
Azure, peaceful sky,
And faithful, native people!
And this year will be the best!

We wish you happiness and good luck
Health, long bright years
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example
And look into the distance with optimism!

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

Happy birthday to your beloved man in verse

My sweet, gentle, dear,
My best and favorite!
My affectionate, so dear
And so necessary in life!
Let me tell you that I
warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And the star of love, grief,
Life shines with wondrous light!

On your birthday we want to wish
To be happy, not to know troubles.
In business we wish peace and quiet,
And in the family there will be one grace.

So that health does not fail
So that you are always lucky in everything.
Let them meet on the way
Only those with whom it is easy to go.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Only light lines in fate
So that everything comes true exactly and on time.
And good luck full bag!

Happy birthday to you
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
So that there are no doubts in life,
Feel the taste of victory most often!

And you - affectionate glances
From relatives and loved ones.
May friends always be there
Lots of new and bright ideas!

What do you want on your birthday?
To make life happy
Beloved woman to be near
So that there is a crowd around relatives, friends.

To improve health
To all doctors, to spite statistics,
To live at least a little, but easier,
And so that more often in your life you are lucky!

It is difficult for a man to wish for everything he needs.
All men have different tastes.
One - more money, and you need a car,
Others - family, children, and this is a plus!
Some aspire to a position, to a career
Others value home, wife, friends.
We want you to become the third species.
But the first - was kinder, the second - bolder!

We wish you creative victories,
To love, to dare, not to know peace,
And grow up for old age
Oak age-old, and build a house.

Marry all grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
Greet the dawn with a smile
Without pathos - be happy.
So little is needed, after all, for this!

Congratulating you with love
On my birthday I say:
Anything you wish
I will give you today!

May the days be bright and clear
Let the soul shine with happiness
And for life to be beautiful
Fate is wonderfully good!

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly man in verse

A wonderful man, father, family man -
Everyone knows this, you are the only one.
Envious people let them rest on the sidelines,
Let's open the barrels on the name day.
You will have time to work, walk today,
And to put it more clearly, rest.
After all, fun on a holiday is not only appropriate,
It must certainly take place.
We wish you a cool career
Native respect, great love,
May success always be with you!

I wish you happiness, smiles, success,
Health and joy, strength and kindness,
Cars of fun, carts with laughter,
So that all life is magical and bright!

To have enough money for a sweet life,
So that their stream grows like a green sprout.
Victory and success, good luck, prosperity
So that the stormy stream does not dry out in life!

Accept congratulations,
In honor of your birthday!
We are very happy to tell you
What a life you live on "five"!

Now accept the wishes:
Love, health, understanding!
Beautiful friends, blessings to you all!
May success accompany you!

We congratulate you on your birthday
You, our hero, hero.
May luck be with you
Let there be trumps in the deck!
You have already gone a lot, and you will pass,
And every day you are stronger than granite.
You love work and do not betray your friends,
May the Lord keep you!
In a world full of noise and fury
You will always be brave.
And we wish you many more years
Let your ticket be happy.

You chose the right path in life -
Be bold and don't back down!
Let success await you in everything,
Achieve all the goals you set!
May the path always be open to you
And plans are given the green light to any!
Forward! Never doubt!
Great achievements, joyful victories!

Happy birthday
Guests in the collection - more fun.
You are beautiful, smart and stately
And pleasant to talk to.

Be healthy and don't be sad
Whatever you meet on the way.
And let the years fly
Let's say together: Don't worry!

Happy birthday, dear friend!
Peace in the soul - and the world around.
Happiness, joy, luck!
Big love and respect!

You are near, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you my clear
For the fact that you are in the world.
Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you my love
For the fact that you are in the world.
We are close, but we could
Never meet each other...
My only one, thank you
For the fact that you are in the world!

Happy birthday to the best man in verse

Usually men give flowers to ladies:
Spouses, girlfriends, co-workers, mothers.
Today, for a very obvious reason,
Ladies present flowers to a man!
When a man has a birthday
You can give flowers with congratulations,
And also a postcard, on it - a couple of lines,
This is a rhyme - mischievous congratulations!
We wish you happiness, we wish you luck,
Let's celebrate your birthday!

What a real man
Wish on your birthday?
For no reason
Sad, bored and discouraged.

Let everything be as it should be in life,
Let happiness overflow
In the family, everyone lived very friendly.
Love, dream and prosper.

Bright life, new chances,
In fate - luck is a nod.
And laughter, joy, finance -
Endless stream!

Hearty congratulations,
On this birthday!
Happiness bright earthly,
Big respect!
Euro is a full wallet!
And health to you - a bag!

Good luck, bold plans, inspiration!
Always be the first, move forward!
Let a new desire for victory
Will bring good luck!
In deeds and thoughts - complete order,
Tempting, beautiful prospects!
Good and lasting prosperity
On a new bright life path!

You are the most calm, reliable and sensitive,
And I'm counting the minutes impatiently
See you when we are apart from you,
My favorite, my dearest!

I wish you on your birthday
Health, success, good luck and luck,
Easy roads, happy returns,
My most desired, my most beautiful!

You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a gun, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love.

Happy Birthday!
And I wish you
Cheerfulness and mood
In winter, summer in the soul.
May the dawn of dawn charm
Touches your heart.
So that you have everything
And there would be nothing for it.
I also wish you good health
Get up early in the morning quickly.
Live in harmony with the world.
Do not seduce other women.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun, don't be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love.
May every moment be beautiful in life
And let fate keep you from troubles,
May the world of love be wonderful
And the dawn is joyful with your beloved.

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.

And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood ...
And together we would protect - love!

Beautiful congratulations to her husband in prose

We have lived with you it seems all my life hand in hand! Both of us are no longer young, and on this day, on your birthday, I want to give you these words...
You know, you became a gift of fate for me, my right hand! You, like no one else, supported me in difficult moments of my life. With you, we experienced a lot, but every second I knew - you are there, you will always find a way out! Thank you for this!
I want to continue to share every moment with you, to keep up, if only my health does not fail, and I sincerely wish you this. Be cheerful in spirit, strong and strong, my dear man!
Thank you for our children, for your reverent attitude towards them, for your attention, love, affection and care! You are the best father!
Be happy, and I will do everything so that troubles do not touch you, so that your every day is filled with peace, love and peace of mind! ©

Husband and dad

My beloved, invaluable, desired, faithful and devoted husband, loving, sensitive, affectionate father! Today another village of life is closed - another happy year has passed! And now I want to wish that the book of our life together will continue to be filled with love, warmed with warmth, and provided financially! So that you feel the support of the family, we will not let you down! Happy birthday dad and husband! ©

Husband from wife in prose

My dear, dear! I want you to know - I will always be with you, in any weather, in cold and heat, in all bad weather and happy moments! I wish you to remain the same sensitive, attentive and responsive, the same loving husband and dad, strong and brave! To be an example to our sons, to be the support of the family, a first-class strict commander at work and the same merry fellow in the company of friends! Know - you are the best! ©

Congratulations to her husband in prose

My dear! We've only recently been married, but I have a feeling we've known each other forever! And I do not believe that there were once years spent without you!
You are my support, my captain! Lead me through life, be my commander, boss, boss, and I will be an obedient slave! I'm yours! ©

Congratulations to your husband in your own words

Dear, I thank fate for having once connected us, that we had a chance to connect our destinies! Thank you for allowing me to become yours, to whisper “I LOVE” to you every evening, to try to be the best for you in everything (the best wife, the best lover, the mother for our children, the mistress of the house). I live with you like in paradise, happy if you are near, crazy when we are together! Thank you for your daily support and patience, for understanding from a half-word and glance, because sometimes words are superfluous - you feel me. And that makes me love you even more! Happy Birthday be happy! ©

My dear hubby!
Congratulations on your birthday! And although this is not news to you, I want to confess to you again - you are the best husband in the world, an incredibly caring loving dad, I love you!
May your every day be filled with the warmth of our love, family comfort, and the success of our children! May health never fail, luck accompany and dreams come true!
Happy Birthday sweetheart! ©

My dear! It's your birthday today! I congratulate you, kiss you tightly, and wish you to be successful, healthy, vigorous and confident in your strengths and deeds, so that no doubts torment you, good luck accompanies you in all your endeavors, and all troubles bypass your house. I want every day for you to be filled with the joy of victories, accomplishments, pride in our children, the warmth of our relationship! I'm proud to have you by my side! ©

Darling, when you are with me, I am warm, calm and do not need another life. Every day I understand that I love you more, although yesterday it seemed that it was simply impossible to love even stronger! I know, no matter what surprises fate has in store for us, you will always be there, shoulder to shoulder: you will understand and support - this is the little secret of great happiness. Thank you my love! ©

My beloved man! I am happy to call you my husband and the father of our children. On your birthday, I want to tell you for the millionth time that I love you very much, and my most cherished desire is to live with you, with our family in harmony and prosperity. Thank you for the care, reliability, joy and love that you fill every day of our lives. Happy Birthday honey!

With all my heart, my dear, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! Together we walk a long road and I wish it never ends. You gave me both joy and happiness, and an incredible amount of emotions and impressions. I wish you good health, career growth and true friends. And the rest we will achieve together. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday my sweet. Today I want to wish that from now on we will get away from quarrels and omissions, never be offended by each other and not angry in vain for nothing. For a long life together, we had everything, but let the bad be left behind, and the most tender and joyful days await you ahead. After all, you are the only one for whom I am ready to give everything!

What is more expressive than words? Of course, actions. It is they who speak of real feelings and serve as the criterion of truth.
What do our actions say? That we, the guests, put aside all our affairs, put on a marathon, polished our boots, dressed in smart clothes and came here to congratulate our dear birthday man! So, he is really dear to us. Let's move our glasses for him, for his health, for all his present and future successes!

Happy Birthday Husband

On this sunny and beautiful day, I want to wish my husband a happy birthday. You are a unique person who always gives people positive and energizes. You help everyone around you to become even better, more confident in yourself and in the future. I have never seen you sad or depressed, although I know that sometimes you go through hard times. I want you to remember this birthday of yours as the one that will lay a new beginning to our family life. You always say that age is just a number, so don't even pay attention to it. At heart, you are still that twenty-year-old guy with whom we secretly went for a walk. The most important thing I wish you is health. Everything else is a matter of gain.

I never thought that you can love someone as much as I love my husband, I just can’t imagine life without him. We have known each other since school, though at first we couldn’t find a common one, and today I confess my love to him for the hundredth time. My good, you are my everything. My love for you is limitless. And I want to wish you on this day the happiness that I promise to give you, the love that we will multiply, success in all your endeavors and a little luck. Thank you for everything you do for me. It makes me so happy when you just call in the middle of the working day and ask how I'm doing. I appreciate it all, my love. Happy Birthday honey! I promise to make you the happiest person in this world.

I am proud of you, my beloved husband. You are my kindest, smartest, most reliable. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything be in order in your life, may luck always accompany you. Good health to you, long and happy years of life. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being. Be always confident in yourself, never doubt anything, and solve all life's problems easily.

My beloved husband, you are the best in the world. I am very lucky with you, and I am so grateful to fate for connecting us. You are my soulmate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. We share all the joys in half, and we cope with all the failures easily and simply together. Today is your birthday, I congratulate you and wish you great happiness, good mood, good health and long life. May your dream come true, may good luck often visit your home.

My only husband, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, much happiness, and long, long years of life. May luck always be with you. May life bring you inspiration, and may fate favor you with all earthly blessings, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the family, my beloved husband. I wish you joy, luck, self-confidence. Be always loved and desired. May my love always protect you. May youth and beauty accompany you through life.

"The whole world is related to the magnanimous," says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this holiday, I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is "chronically healthy" ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, happiness he has ... And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

Your birthday is also my holiday, and I will tell you what I would like to say every day. I am grateful to heaven for such a generous gift - love and indestructible support in life. I wish you not to give a chance to sadness, to believe in yourself, to grow hopes, and I will always be in your orbit, my sun. Let luck guide you along the path of life, but if you stumble, my helping hand will be in your palm.

My dear, closest man, happy birthday! Happiness to you, successful solution of all cases! May your eyes never tire of burning with delight! Let your head swarm with many ideas! And of course, let everything be as you want! Thank you for having me!

My dear, beloved and reliable husband! Congratulations on your birthday! You are my kindest, sweetest and most affectionate husband on earth! Let our life together turn into a fairy tale, and let love become even stronger. I wish you good health, be cheerful and courageous!

Love is like a flame. It can warm and bring back to life - or burn to the ground. The flame must be handled carefully, not in a hurry, and if you manage to enclose it in the hearth, the house will be warm and light. Over the years of marriage, we have tamed our flame of love, and now it burns peacefully in the family hearth. On your birthday, I congratulate you and as if I see dancing tongues rising from the flame, I know for sure that they will always flare up in our lives, not allowing the fire of love to go out!

Congratulate your husband on his birthday in prose

I wish you, my dear man, that the soul be full of love, light and warmth. I wish your feelings to please us, I wish it to be cozy in our nest now. I will certainly give you all my dreams and dreams, so that for you, dear husband, they come true on your birthday. I wish you to be healthy and incredibly cheerful. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to my beloved, priceless and unique husband. An interesting job for you, a progressive career. Let your songs sound with a guitar on camping trips, and barbecue is cooked. May the years and days be wonderful, wonderful, unforgettable. Happy holiday, dear, you!

My beloved husband, we have been together for a very long time, but I still cannot understand how I can correctly express what I feel for you. But know that this is the purest and most sincere love that I have never felt before. You turned my life into a fairy tale, showed me how to love. My day is always filled with happiness, joy and love. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, happy birthday! I wish you to achieve everything that you so dream of. You and I have so many plans and ideas, it's time for us to start implementing them. Maybe start with a trip? I think we both need to get some rest. I love you my best! Thank you for being you, for being there. We are still ahead of you.

I never thought in my life that it was possible to love someone as much as I love my unique husband. Why is he unique? He manages everything in the world: work, sports, family, parents, friends, fishing, recreation and so on. This list can be continued indefinitely. But I understood what it was - you just don't like to sit around doing nothing. Even when we go on vacation, we do not have the right to just lie on the beach. But I love this lifestyle. You and I visited so many places, saw so many sights. In different countries we met interesting people with whom we still communicate. I congratulate you on your birthday! Always remain as active, sociable, caring and attentive. And I promise to make you the happiest!

I want to raise a glass now to drink to my beloved husband. To this wonderful man who has been putting up with me for so many years and hasn't killed me yet! For his long-suffering, which lasts for years, and the love that I feel daily.
Confessing love every day somehow does not work, and therefore I will once again do it a year in advance. You are understanding and wonderful, and the best! Dear, happy holiday to you!

Dear and beloved husband! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful birthday and wish ... well, I wanted to wish you good health, but I remembered that you have it stronger than granite. A lot of money ... but we seem to have enough of them, but the extra ones are useless. Good friends ... but you have a lot of them, and they are the most wonderful in the world! Happiness ... but I already gave it to you on the Day of our marriage. Good luck and success ... but they accompany you at every step. God, I have nothing to wish you ... therefore, I wish you to preserve and increase everything that you possess!

Life is short, but its hours are long. Let there be long happy hours of our life together! And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me together with you. Let our future continue to be only common, and a black cloud will never come into our relations.

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love for you, my husband! I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dull for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one.

In marriage, I realized that my husband is the best! Therefore, dear, I want to wish you, as my beloved spouse, to always remain as healthy, forever young and always cheerful! Happy birthday!

My dear, my most important person in life. With you next to me, I feel so comfortable and good. You are my hope, my support, my hope, my most important person in life. We share all sorrows and joys in half, we are one with you. Today is your birthday. Let me heartily congratulate you on your personal holiday, my beloved husband. I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck in everything. Be always gentle, loved and most desired. May a good angel always protect you, my only one.

My closest and dearest person, my soulmate. With every year of our life together. I love you more and more. You and I are one. I am so grateful to fate that we are together now. On your birthday, I wish you great happiness, good health, reliable and true friends. May luck always accompany you, may only good mood always be with you. Let your life flow like a full river among strong banks. I love you, my dear husband, and wish you long life.

I am proud of you, my beloved husband. You are my kindest, smartest, most reliable. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything be in order in your life, may luck always accompany you. Good health to you, long and happy years of life. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being. Be always confident in yourself, never doubt anything, and solve all life's problems easily.

My beloved husband, you are the best in the world. I am very lucky with you, and I am so grateful to fate for connecting us. You are my soulmate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. We share all the joys in half, and we cope with all the failures easily and simply together. Today is your birthday, I congratulate you and wish you great happiness, good mood, good health and long life. May your dream come true, may good luck often visit your home.

My only husband, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, much happiness, and long, long years of life. May luck always be with you. May life bring you inspiration, and may fate favor you with all earthly blessings, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the family, my beloved husband. I wish you joy, luck, self-confidence. Be always loved and desired. May my love always protect you. May youth and beauty accompany you through life.

"The whole world is related to the magnanimous," says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this holiday, I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is "chronically healthy" ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, happiness he has ... And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

I often look at the succession of days lived, which, like pearls in a necklace, have stuck close to each other. And in each I see reflections of small rays of happiness and beauty. Dear, without you there would be no happiness in my life, without you my life would not be so beautiful - you mean a lot to me. When you are not around, everything around loses its meaning. I want the sun of love and kindness to always shine in all the remaining days of our life together, and I will try to be this sun for you! Happy birthday!

For me, you are the dearest and closest person. I am glad that I have you and that you are always with me. Together we are not afraid of any obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband! I want you to always be happy, and everything you dream about will definitely come true!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! On birthdays, it is customary to say pleasant things and wish happiness, health, and success. All this I also wish you - like no one else, as the closest person can wish. But I also want you to know - I love you very much, you are the only and dear, you really are the very soulmate that many people have been looking for all their lives and do not find. And I found you, I'm lucky! I am happy with you and I want you to know about it. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

I hasten to congratulate the one and only husband on this exceptional event! You are my hero, my patron, my guiding star! You go into the world to get and win, and at home you will always find peace, love, warmth and understanding! Continue in the same spirit! Dare, go forward, achieve goals and harvest. Most importantly, enjoy life!

When I married you, I already knew that you are the most wonderful person on Earth! I wish you all the very best in the world on this beautiful day, although you already have me, so I wish you more smiles and nice people around you! I love!

My favorite ray, beloved hubby! Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to wish you great happiness, good health and much, much joy! You are the best in the world for me! I love you! Happy birthday!

Life flew by unnoticed, because when you are happy and love, you don’t have to count the years. Thank you for your loyalty and unquenchable love. Be such a faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, a clear mind and a cheerful character.

My dear, beloved and reliable husband! Congratulations on your birthday! You are my kindest, sweetest and most affectionate husband on earth! Let our life together turn into a fairy tale, and let love become even stronger. I wish you good health, be cheerful and courageous!

My most beloved and dear person in the world is my sun and my support. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, peace of mind and stability at work, so that your management will appreciate your professional qualities on merit. Joy to you, light, inspiration, so that all your plans come true. So that everything in your life is like in a good movie and that you always want to go home! I love you!

On the one hand, you personify strength and confidence, strength of mind and body, and on the other, tenderness, caring and love! All these qualities complement each other, live in harmony and balance. Thank you for being a warrior and winner at work, and a loving and gentle husband at home!

On this beautiful day, I would like to wish love to my beloved man in everything and everywhere: at work and at home, in training in the gym, on long business trips, in foreign resorts and local sanatoriums, in fashionable planes and in luxury cars! But in moderation, as the most beloved and only wife is waiting at home! Happy birthday!

The time of our life flips through the calendar, and again the dawn moves after sunset, may this Birthday add many long and happy years. May you remember this day for a long time, and all those warm words that I have prepared for you, my dear.

“The whole world is related to the magnanimous,” says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this festive day, I would like to wish my husband good health, but he is "chronically healthy." Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, he has happiness ... And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he always was and thanks to which he made so many wonderful friends!

Dear husband, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday! For many years you have been a support for me in all difficulties! I can't imagine how I would live if we hadn't met! I really want you to continue to remain as strong, reliable and gentle!

Today, on a solemn day, on the birthday of your beloved, I wish you health and live without aging, more joys for you, less sadness, and troubles so that they never knock on you. Always be healthy, never be sad, and in such a mood that you live to a hundred!

It's nice to see you at the festive table - a cheerful and handsome man, the closest and dearest person - a beloved husband! We have a common destiny and one life path that we will go hand in hand and will always be happy together! Take care of yourself and me, dear!

Dear beloved husband! Today a new and better page of your life opens! And now I want to wish your life to be filled with love, warmed with warmth, provided materially and without any extra effort! To make your life easy and pleasant! Happy birthday!

My dear, how much you mean to me, you can’t even imagine how dear you are to me. May your day be sunny, beautiful, and your path will be strewn with roses. And every evening - starry, clean, clear, my dear happy, always be.

When you are with me, I feel warm, comfortable and calm. I know, no matter what surprises life brings, you will always be there: you will understand and support - this is the little secret of great happiness. Thank you my love! I wish you to be successful, healthy and self-confident, so that no doubts torment you and all troubles bypass. I want every day for you to be filled with the joy of victories and accomplishments! I'm proud to have you by my side!

With you, my beloved, nothing in life is scary, together we will be able to overcome any path, because a more reliable person cannot be found in the world. Your warm loving heart can save you from all troubles and hardships. Thank you for your loyalty and devotion, I love you very much.

Happy birthday to my beloved, priceless and unique husband. An interesting job for you, a progressive career. Let your songs sound with a guitar on camping trips, and barbecue is cooked. May the years and days be wonderful, wonderful, unforgettable. Happy holiday, dear, you!

This day - common to all people - is of great value to me. On this day, you were born, and it's so beautiful! Now we are together, hand in hand, going through life, and our hearts beat in one beat. I am happy that life gave me you, because you have become for me the most dear, closest person in the world! Therefore, on this day - your birthday - I want to wish you the highest happiness. And I will try to make every day of our life together the happiest for you!

My dear husband, my support, my protector and best friend! I want to wish you a happy birthday and say again how grateful I am to fate that I met you! I wish you to always be the same worthy example for our children! I am always proud and admire you!