The daughter-in-law is touchy on the father-in-law's big dick stories. "I sleep with my own father-in-law

Such a diversity in the sexual life of men who are older in a large peasant family, where two or three, or even more “cells of society” existed under one roof and ran a joint household, oddly enough, in the villages themselves in the 18th - 19th centuries, it was not particularly condemned. Perhaps because so many villagers lived this way, unable to separate from the family of their father, father-in-law or father-in-law.

The reason for this incest

In-laws who cohabited with their daughters-in-law (daughters-in-law for mothers-in-law) were called daughters-in-law. Such fornication was possible mainly in families where families of parents and sons were forced to coexist in one hut (hut). Sometimes even the presence of a legitimate husband was not an obstacle to encroachments on his wife by the father-in-law. But most often such adultery was committed during the absence of the spouse.

At first, daughtership was practiced in families where sons were shaved into recruits. Military service in pre-revolutionary Russia was very long - from 1793 to 1874, recruits served for 25 years. Then this period was reduced to 7 years, only by 1906 it dropped to 3 years.

Then the main reason for the absence of young husbands and, accordingly, the reason for the encroachment on the honor of their wives left at home was the outhouse trade. Guys and young men went to work in cities and other villages for a long time, and in the meantime, “seniors in the house” had fun with their spouses.

In the Chernozem region, and in other regions of Russia, in the 19th century, fathers often married their sons as teenagers to 16-17-year-old girls, often specifically with an eye to their further sexual diversity. After the wedding, the young man soon, at the insistence of the head of the family, went to the outhouse, visiting his wife only a couple of times a year.

The Russian Orthodox Church considered such cohabitation to be incest (incest). In particular, according to the definition of the Russian Orthodox Church, daughter-in-law was one of the reasons for the dissolution of a church marriage.

Gave a handkerchief and shut his mouth

The daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law), being, in fact, in the shelter in the house of her husband's parents, was sometimes the most powerless and unfortunate member of the family. Her mother-in-law hated her, and her father-in-law "used it at his own discretion." Both could rot the young woman with the hardest peasant labor, entrusting the most menial work around the house.

Salvation did not come from anywhere - if the wife told her husband about the encroachments of her father-in-law, the husband most often beat the woman with a mortal battle. Volost courts refrained from considering complaints about daughter-in-law. Temporary shelter in the house of their parents also did not solve the problem - anyway, the father and mother soon sent the unfortunate daughter back (“what will people say”).

Forcing sexual intimacy on the part of the father-in-law was a simple matter - the master of the situation with the help of persuasion, gifts and promises not to burden him with housework and in the field most often achieved his goal. Moreover, the young woman, as a rule, still had nowhere to go. An ordinary scarf could act as a gift (in the villages, all married women were required to wear such hats all season) or some kind of trinket.

Daughterhood is widely reflected in Russian literature and in domestic cinematography - N. S. Leskov, in particular, wrote about him in the story “The Life of a Woman”, M. A. Sholokhov mentioned him in the novel “Quiet Flows the Don”. Accordingly, the special relationship between the daughter-in-law and the father-in-law is also shown in the film adaptation of these works.

Separation saved the situation

“The housing problem ruined them,” M. A. Bulgakov said about Muscovites on another occasion. With regard to the phenomenon of dreaming, the problem also largely depended on the traditions of close cohabitation of the patriarchal family, when several generations huddled under one roof.

As soon as this way of coexistence in Russia began to collapse after the 19th century, and in the countryside parents and married children began to live separately, the phenomenon of cohabitation of fathers-in-law and daughters-in-law gradually lost its relevance.

Love square: father and son married sisters

The son got married, brought a young wife to the house. And his father is even where he is! In addition, their tastes are very similar ... The young beauty is between two fires. The theme of fathers and children takes on a piquant sound. It is known that Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin stared at the young spouses of their own sons, and Charlie Chaplin generally took the bride away from his son literally on the eve of the wedding ...

In the Rostov region, the hot father-in-law Oleg Nebrat found an original way out of a difficult love triangle, turning it into a square.

Thumbelina and the athlete

In early July, a girl Katya and a boy Maxim were born in the maternity hospital of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky with a difference of a week. Surname one - Nebrat. Relatives, that is. Just what - you can’t immediately make out. Maksim is Katya's uncle on his father's side, and his cousin on his mother's side. Maxim's father is also Katya's grandfather. Guess how this can happen?

The thing is that the father-in-law married the sister of his daughter-in-law.

When son Misha brought Irina to the house, I really liked her, - recalls the 39-year-old head of the family Oleg. - Well, of course, the son's bride is sacred. And I felt sad, the song kept spinning in my head: “Why didn’t you meet me, young, tender, in those distant years of mine, in those spring years ...” With my wife, Misha’s mother, we parted a long time ago. He walked and thought: no matter what happened, he even tried to look at Irinka a little less. And when it turned out that Ira has a sister, Sveta, who is only two years older, he asked his son to introduce him ... They turned out to be similar. And everything turned around. God sent me a light.

The thin girl, modestly lowering her eyes, barely audibly admits that she also immediately liked Oleg. She looks like a tiny Thumbelina against the backdrop of an athletic husband.

“I don’t feel filial”

At first, Svetlana jealously followed her young husband and Irina - you never know what! She knew perfectly well that at first Oleg fell in love with her sister.

I thought that maybe I was just a replacement for Ira for him, - the girl admits embarrassedly. - She is younger than me, and more beautiful. But Oleg reassures me all the time, says that I am the best, and he no longer thinks about her.

You are now your sister, in fact, your mother-in-law. Have your relationships changed, do you teach life? - I ask Sveta.

I think she is an ideal mother-in-law for Irina, Oleg is responsible for his wife. - After all, usually mothers-in-law always take the side of their son, intervene, find fault with daughters-in-law. And Sveta, on the contrary, tried to support Ira. Although she doesn’t offend my Mishka either, she’s not the kind of person to offend anyone.

Does Misha respect his stepmother?

Well, let's say I don't feel filial feelings for Svetka, - Mikhail smiles. - Do not think anything bad - I treat her like a brother. They live very cool, my Ira should learn. But now she doesn’t even want to communicate with her sister, even though they have children of the same age. Maybe he is jealous that everything is so good with them, he thinks that she should have been in the place of Sveta?

The fact is that Misha and Irina are now in a relationship with complete discord.

Both are young, hot, - explains Oleg. - Because of any trifle, they start to make a fuss. So they came, speaking in official language, to the brink of divorce. It’s another matter with us: I am an experienced person, I treat the female lot with sympathy, I will always help Sveta with both the child and the housework.

But how well it all started, - Svetlana sighs. - All four of us celebrated the holidays together, together like that. Mikhail Grigoryevich, Oleg's father, was touched, saying: my Olezhka is with you - like a father with three children!

But it seems that she is still calmer now that her sister does not appear in their house. Is there a little…


Daughtership, the cohabitation of a father-in-law with a daughter-in-law, was widespread in the Russian village in past centuries. Taking advantage of the absence of sons (departure to the city to work, military service), and sometimes in their presence, father-in-laws persuaded young daughters-in-law to be close. And in the 18th century in Siberia it was the custom to marry young sons, and until they came of age, it was the fathers of the young husbands who quite “officially” lived with the young wives. Daughtership in the village has always been treated condescendingly, although the church tried to fight this phenomenon.

For a long time I did not dare to write to you, but I no longer have the strength to keep all this in myself. I have a very difficult situation: my father-in-law is not indifferent to me. I can’t tell my husband because I’m afraid to spoil their already difficult relationship.

Igor Ivanovich divorced Seryozha's mother long ago and moved to another city. But he called back with his son, sent gifts. After graduation, my Sergei found an interesting job exactly where his father lived. And since he never married, he settled with him. Igor Ivanovich is completely dedicated to his work and did not even devote much time to Sergei. The son, who also suffered in childhood due to the absence of his father, was very depressed.

When Seryozha and I got married, of course, there was no housing of our own, his father offered to temporarily live with him.

Everything was great at first. We didn't interfere with each other. Igor Ivanovich disappeared at work, often came at night when we were already asleep, and left early in the morning.

But over time, Sergei sometimes needed to go on business trips. And here something strange began. Igor Ivanovich came home from work early, as if so that I would not be bored alone. He brought sweets delicacies, gifts. He drove me to work in the morning, met me in the evening and drove me home.

In the car, he seemed to accidentally try to touch my knee, which confused me very much. I felt that all this was a little like the relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law.

I was happy when we bought our apartment and moved to the other end of the city, it was often inconvenient for Igor Ivanovich to visit us. My husband was upset, I was happy. But, as it turned out, prematurely.

Soon I became pregnant, my father-in-law began to overwhelm me with gifts - clothes for pregnant women, shoes, baby things. Sergey was glad that the future grandfather was so attentive to me, but I knew what was the matter. Once again, giving me a dress, he would certainly say how sexy and attractive pregnant women are.

We have a boy. Grandfather began to come to us every day, and always in the absence of Sergei. Either we collided “inadvertently” at the door, then, as if by accident, his leg touched mine under the table, you know. I do not know where to go from him, and he, as it were, enjoys my embarrassment.

On my last birthday, he gave quite intimate lingerie, I did not accept the gift. I can't be alone with him for a minute. Every time it comes, I quickly pick up the child and go for a walk. And sometimes I don’t open the door at all, it’s like we’re not there. But it can't go on like this for long. And most importantly, what I'm afraid of is not to recognize Sergey. I don't want to hurt him. I love him so much... What should I do?


“Misha and I have been married for about three years. After the wedding, we rented an apartment, but my husband lost his job, and we had to move in with my mother. At first, the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law developed well. And then off we go. Misha constantly found fault with his mother and made scandals. He didn’t like how she cooked borscht, then how she wiped the dust. In a word, he was not satisfied with everything that my mother does. Living together was simply unbearable. But in order to rent a separate apartment again, there was no question: there was a catastrophic lack of money. Then we decided to stay with my husband's parents for a while. That's where it all happened...

He stroked my butt

Mishka was looking for a job every day. He came home only in the evening. His mother worked several hours a day as a cleaner in a grocery store, and spent the rest of the time in the garden. The father-in-law sat on a well-deserved rest and lay on the couch all day, staring at the TV. In general, most of the time we were alone in the apartment. At first, my second dad just threw lustful looks at me. I was terribly embarrassed and averted my eyes. When he realized that shooting with his eyes did not work, he decided to seduce me in a different way. I was peeling potatoes in the kitchen, he came up behind me and began to stroke my ass. I jumped away from him, shamed him and demanded an explanation. But the father-in-law only smiled and climbed to kiss. I dropped the knife, ran out of the kitchen and locked myself in the closet. I was disgusted, but it was all exciting at the same time. I decided not to tell my husband. Why ruin a relationship?

It's impossible to get away...

The next time, my father-in-law asked me to make coffee and bring it to his room. When I went in to see him, I dropped my cup from what I saw: daddy was watching porn! What the hell was happening on the screen. He gave me a languid look and offered to do ... the same. I said no, but... I decided to watch the movie for a bit too. And again I felt both self-loathing and insane excitement at the same time! Then the father-in-law went to the bathroom and asked to rub his back. I didn't answer, but a few minutes later I went after him. Seeing a naked man, I was very embarrassed and wanted to leave. But when she looked at his manhood (which was just huge!), She herself attacked her husband's father! What happened in the bathroom was simply indescribable. I have never experienced such an orgasm. I love my husband very much, and in bed with him, in principle, I’m not bad, but ... His father made me feel like a real woman. I can’t stop intimate relations with this man - such a thrill! What will happen to my marriage?

Having put her son to bed, she threw off her shirt, and nakedly darted to her husband in bed. Misha, as usual, dug a kiss into his wife's plump lips and, briefly fumbling over her collapsed breasts, slid his palm down over her quivering belly. Slightly penetrating his finger into the cave of his wife, he was surprised that the wife had long been bleeding juice of love.

Don't, Misha ... - she whispered hotly into the night, - come on, come into me soon!

The story with her father-in-law, which had frightened her so much during the day, now, alone with her husband, served as a catalyst for sex that required immediate satisfaction.

The excitation of the wife was immediately transferred to her husband, and his cock instantly stretched out along her naked thigh. Misha hovered over Svetlana, who spread her legs wide, and putting the tight head of his average bolt to her sweet cleft, gently slid inside.
- O-o-o-o-x! - the young woman exhaled, and immediately greedily pulled her booty, unable to restrain herself any longer.

The man glided with pleasure inside the hot cave, and Sveta synchronously met his desired movements with her lower abdomen. Only a few sweet minutes of fucking passed ... She suddenly felt that it was not her beloved husband who was fucking her, but in some incomprehensible way, the insatiable father-in-law plunged into her pussy to the full depth, reaching right to the uterus ... From all these thoughts, Sveta froze, not unable to restrain herself, she moaned long and thrashed under her husband's body in convulsions of a powerful orgasm.

Misha, feeling a pleasant grip on his wife's cock's vagina, accelerated the rhythm, caught up with Svetlana, and jumping out of her sweet slit, also groaned. The hot seed gushed out in jerks, generously pouring water on the stomach and shaggy pussy of the wife ...

The heated bodies lay down beside him, breathing heavily in the darkness.
- It was so good, not to convey! - said Misha, - And what is it that suddenly got into you today? ..
- I don’t know ... I probably missed it! - Svetlana lied.

At the opposite wall, Alyosha suddenly began to cry, and Sveta ran to him...

And at this time, behind a thin partition, Pyotr Ivanovich lay on his bed, and listening to the creak of the marital bed of the young and their sweet sighs, he jerked off his bolt.
As soon as he heard the daughter-in-law's long groan, which, like a decoder, revealed what had happened, the man increased his speed, fisting like a good pump.

At the bottom of his stomach, the muscles contracted sweetly, and the accumulated semen burst out at once, spattering the tangled blanket. Ivanovich, by an effort of will, suppressed a scream torn from within, and calmed down, slowly diving into a well-deserved, sweet dream ...

The next two days passed quietly for Svetlana. Ivanovich did not seem to show any interest in her, and the woman calmed down.
But the next morning showed the illusory nature of all her hopes!

The father-in-law appeared on the threshold of the kitchen in a dressing gown, which had not happened before. He sat down in a chair in a businesslike manner, combed his thin hair back with his five hands, and said to his sister-in-law, who was busy at the table:
- You earned something early in the morning, blue ... Sit down! he pointed downwards.

Sveta dutifully approached and began to sit down on her father-in-law's knees. At that moment, when she turned away, the skirts of his dressing gown suddenly parted, flashing naked and, unsuspecting Sveta, sat down with a dressing gown on his naked body.

Get up a bit, you crushed the eggs! - suddenly said the father-in-law. Sveta rose slightly and Pyotr Ivanovich suddenly pulled up her dressing gown and pressed down on the daughter-in-law's pelvis.

The young woman flopped, suddenly feeling with her thighs that she was sitting on the naked body of a man!
- Oh, dad! Svetlana screamed, trying to jump off.
But the old horse-radish securely held her wide pelvis.
- Nothing, nothing, daughter! Let's rub ourselves a little, like last time ... - he “reassured” her. - Do you still want to live with me?

The daughter-in-law became quiet, but… she felt the growing pressure from below!
- Spread your legs, let my mischievous go free! Look how hard it is for him!
Light hesitated.
- Well-u-u! the old man ordered sternly.
The daughter-in-law scaredly shifted her ass and removed her leg to the side. Gaining strength, Ivanovich's bolt rose resiliently, ending up between her thighs.

Well, another calico! - the owner said contentedly, - And you squeeze your legs tighter ... Now you can!

Sveta obediently squeezed her legs, holding her hot thighs, gaining strength, a large horseradish father-in-law. Her lowered dressing gown carefully covered this shameless picture, but the owner did not like it!

You are a dressing gown! Why now ... It’s heated with us, you won’t get cold! - he bent his own and, looking at Sveta, his eyes flashed angrily.
She doomedly untied the belt, and the old man joyfully shoved it to the floor.

Oh, and you are beautiful, Sveta! - embracing her by the waist, Ivanovich assessed, shaking, as if weighing, with his other hand, her full, engorged chest.
From such an intimate caress, the father-in-law blushed deeply.
Pyotr Ivanovich corrected his cock, clamped by the daughter-in-law's thighs, tightly pressing it to her crotch, covered only by tight panties.

Well, now, daughter, pull your ass back and forth! Make dad happy!

Svetlana leaned her hands on the back of the chair and the table, and began to masturbate her father-in-law's considerable member, slightly rising and again sitting down with her bare hips on his knees.
She suddenly and involuntarily wound up herself, fulfilling the will of Ivanovich. A hard cock, sliding a dark crimson prick on her thin panties, caused an irresistible desire ... Her heavy breasts, slightly sagging from milk, swayed enticingly, threatening to drive her partner crazy.

Grasping her wide pelvis with greedy palms, pleased Ivanovich regulated the course of the process.

Svetlana suddenly felt that she was leaking, and her panties were wet.
- No, dad! No!!! It's not right! - she screamed, suddenly jumped up and ran to her room.
- Nothing, nothing, daughter! Get used to it! - said her father-in-law after her.

He pulled a small remote control from his robe pocket, pressed a button, and stopped the video recording.
Pyotr Ivanovich, a former employee of the research institute, was at YOU with advanced technologies, and was well versed in such trifles as a video camera and a computer.
Taking a video peephole the size of a small button off the shelf, he slipped it into his pocket.

It will be necessary to settle accounts with Kolyan later, to buy him a bubble ... A former colleague helped out! Ivanovich thought, and grinned quite a bit...
- Nothing, nothing - will not get away from you! Get used to it! - Ivanovich threw after her. - But in what mansions you live! ..