Essay in English with translation. Calendar holidays in Russia Plan for celebrating the day of the city to write in English

City Day is an annual holiday in almost all relatively large cities (Russia and the former USSR), as well as many of the cities in the world, usually dedicated to weekends (Sundays). City Day along with the main Country Day ... ... Wikipedia

"Day of the city"- citywide holiday of Muscovites. Celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In 1947, at the beginning of September, the 800th anniversary of Moscow was celebrated. "City Day" began to be celebrated regularly since 1986 on the initiative of B.N. Yeltsin, who at that time was the first ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

DAY OF THE CITY- a solemn, mass entertainment event marking the date of the founding of Yekat. In modern form took shape in the 1970s. The first experience of bringing the holiday into the open space took place in 1973, when the 250th anniversary of the city was widely celebrated. In the Central city was ... ... Yekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

Day of the city- Day of the city … Russian spelling dictionary

Moscow City Day- Type City Day Celebrated in Moscow Celebrating the first Saturday of September City Day of Moscow is an annual citywide holiday in Moscow. Celebrated on the first Saturday in September. On this day, festivities and concerts are held throughout the city. ... ... Wikipedia

Day of the city of Lipetsk- City Day is the main holiday of the city of Lipetsk. Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July. 1703 is considered to be the year of foundation of Lipetsk. In 1979, the city administration planned to celebrate City Day on the day Lipetsk was awarded city status ... Wikipedia

Day of the city of Lipetsk

Moscow has not celebrated City Day for 700 years. history of the holiday- Every year on the first weekend of September, Moscow celebrates City Day. The tradition of celebrating City Day in Moscow as such did not exist for a long time. True, it is known from history that on January 1, 1847, Moscow celebrated its first anniversary of 700 ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

Day of Lipetsk- City Day is the main holiday of the city of Lipetsk. Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July. 1703 is considered to be the year of foundation of Lipetsk. In 1979, the city administration planned to celebrate City Day on the day Lipetsk was awarded city status. ... ... Wikipedia

Cities of military glory (coins)- Cities of military glory ... Wikipedia

Capital Day (Kazakhstan)- Capital Day Type Public holiday Capital Day Established Adoption day ... Wikipedia


  • Lucan's Birthday, Tatyana Aleksandrova, "Lukan's Birthday" is a historical novel written by a philologist, translator, and specialist in late antique and early Christian literature. The novel takes the reader to Rome in the 1st century. n. e. IN… Category: Historical novels Publisher: Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities, Buy for 569 rubles
  • Day of the city. Novels & Stories, Gleb Nagorny, "Gleb Nagorny is a man who perfectly knows how to put words into phrases and has an adequate sense of style." Evgeny Yu. Dodolev, Moskovskaya Pravda & Novy Vzglyad Novels… Category: Modern Russian literature Publisher: Publishing Solutions, Buy for 248 rubles eBook(fb2, fb3, epub, mobi, pdf, html, pdb, lit, doc, rtf, txt)

The Official Holidays in Russia

January 1 New Year's Day

January 7 Christmas, Russian Orthodox

March 8 International Women's Day

May 1-2 Spring and Labor Holiday

May 9 Victory Day (Over German Nazism in the WW2)

June 12 Independence Day

August 22 Day of the Russian Federation State Flag

November 7 Day of Accord and Conciliation

December 12 Constitution Day

The New Year is first on the calendar and in popularity. Many celebrate it twice, on January 1 and 14 (which corresponds to January 1 in the Julian calendar, used in Russia before 1918).

Next is February 23, Soldier's Day, known until recently as Soviet Army Day, popularly viewed as holiday for all men and closely followed by its female counterpart, Women's Day, March 8, when women receive flowers, presents and are toasted by men.

Mayday, until recently officially termed International Workers" Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labor Day. On some years, it occurs on or close to Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while some attend customary demonstrations.

Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9 to commemorate the millions fallen in World War II. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves on this day, and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Alas, there are fewer of them with every passing year.

June 12 is Russia "s newest holiday, Independence Day, which commemorates the adoption in 1991 of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

November 7 - the anniversary of the socialist revolution of October 1917 which established communist power - still survives. The system is gone, but many still cling to the custom.

Church feasts have been reborn. Easter is celebrated nationwide, as of old, and Christmas became a day off. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists also celebrate their feasts without fear of secular authorities.

Official holidays (days off) in Russia

New Year is the first in the calendar and in popularity. Many celebrate it twice, on January 1 and 14 (which corresponds to January 1 in the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia until 1918).

Then on February 23, Soldier's Day, known until recently as the Day of the Soviet Army, is usually regarded as a holiday for all men and is soon followed by its female counterpart, Women's Day, March 8, when women receive flowers, gifts and congratulations from "men.

May Day, as the International Workers' Day was recently officially called, is now known as Spring and Labor Day. It sometimes falls on Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate it in church while others attend conventional demonstrations.

On May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day in memory of the millions who died in World War II. On this day, flowers and wreaths are laid on soldiers' graves, and veterans put on their military orders and medals and take to the streets. Alas, every year there are fewer of them.

On June 12, Russia celebrates the youngest holiday, Independence Day, in honor of the adoption in 1991 of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

November 7, the anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917, which established communist power, is still celebrated. The system has gone into oblivion, but many still cling to custom.

Church holidays were revived anew. Easter is celebrated on a national scale, as in the old days, and Christmas has become a day off. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists also celebrate their holidays without fear of worldly authorities.

Level B. My world.

My Town

I live in the most beautiful town in Russia. It is Cheboksary the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the Volga river located on the right bank.
I have many favorite places in my town: the Volga Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see many people and children on the Volga Bay. There are many exciting colored fountains here. In summer you can boat and in winter you can skate.

We have a lot of parks. Each park is very nice and cozy, where children and their parents gather for the merry and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is located on both banks of the Volga, and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is good location on the Volga River, which flows through the picturesque and green places. Volga and Sursko beaches, attractive natural landscape are attractive moments for tourism development.

The town also has a cinema. I love to go and watch movies with friends and parents.

We have a lot of monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including prominent figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much and I love my city.

I live in the most beautiful city in Russia. Cheboksary is the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the banks of the Volga, located on the right bank.

I have many favorite places in my city: the Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see a lot of people and children in the Bay. There are many interesting colored fountains here. In summer you can go boating and in winter you can go ice skating.

We have many parks. Each park is very beautiful and cozy, where children and their parents gather for fun and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is located on both banks of the Volga and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is that it is in a good location on the Volga, which flows through picturesque and green places: the Volga and Sursky beaches, an attractive natural landscape are attractive moments for the development of tourism.

The city also has a cinema. I like to go and watch movies with friends and parents.

We have many monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including prominent figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much and I love my city

In English Translating to Russian language
city ​​day Day of the city
My name is Nikita. I'm 13 years old and I'm a secondary school student. My native town is Voronezh. Every year in September we celebrate a special holiday – the City Day. It usually falls on the third Saturday of the month. The holiday commemorates the date of city foundation. In my opinion Voronezh is a beautiful city of great importance for the country. Sometimes our History teacher lectures us about the history of the city. I know that it was founded in 1586 not far from the River Don. By the 17th century it was one of the most valuable trade centers of Russia. In the time of Peter the Great the city became famous as the cradle of the navy and merchant marine. The first remarkable event took place in 1860, when the monument to Peter I was established. At the end of the 19th century there were many new enterprises, plants, libraries, and theaters built in the city. One of the main educational institutions of the country, the Voronezh State University, was founded in 1918. Hopefully, in the future I will be studying there at the biological faculty. Today, our city is actively growing and developing. Surprisingly, the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144 was created here. Local citizens are fond of the City Day celebrations and I'm proud to be the part of it. Every year, my family and I participate in various festive events on this day. In the afternoon we observe the cheerful processions and parades or hear the speech of municipal authorities. I especially like the evening part, which is followed by the concert, featuring popular artists, and massive fireworks.My name is Nikita. I am 13 years old and I study in a secondary school. My hometown is Voronezh. Every year in September we celebrate a special holiday - City Day. It usually falls on the third Saturday of the month. With this holiday, we honor the memorable date of the founding of the city. In my opinion, Voronezh is a very beautiful city of great importance for the country. Sometimes our history teacher lectures us about the history of the city. I know that it was founded in 1586 near the Don River. In the 17th century it was one of the most valuable trade centers in Russia. During the time of Peter the Great, the city became known as the cradle of the navy and merchant fleet. The first significant event took place in 1860, when the monument to Peter I was unveiled. At the end of the 19th century, many new enterprises, factories, libraries and theaters appeared in the city. One of the main educational institutions of the country, Voronezh State University, was founded in 1918. Let's hope that in the future I will be able to study there at the Faculty of Biology. Today our city is actively growing and developing. Surprisingly, the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144 was created here. The locals love City Day celebrations and I'm proud to be a part of it. Every year, my family and I participate in various festive events in honor of this day. At noon we watch merry processions and parades or listen to the speeches of the municipal authorities. I especially like the evening part, which is accompanied by a concert with popular artists and large-scale fireworks.

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