Kindergarten Graduation Tips - Parenting Experience. All about preparing and holding graduation in kindergarten Graduation in kindergarten in style

Graduation in the garden is not just another matinee, but a special event that is remembered by the children themselves, the kindergarten staff and parents, because this is a new and very important stage in the life of every child. In the garden, kids meet their first friends, build friendships, learn to communicate and explore the world, acquiring important knowledge for the next stage - school. Educators and parents make a lot of efforts to create a unique and bright holiday for children. It is now in fashion to hold themed and modern matinees.

Graduation script in kindergarten in the style of dudes

Children will prepare for graduation in the style of dudes with special pleasure, learn incendiary dances, learn the words of songs, and select stylish retro outfits. We offer you to get acquainted with a simple option for holding a retro-style matinee, which will allow your kids to have fun from the heart and not overwork either the children or the guests of the holiday.

The hall is decorated in a retro style, music sounds, the presenters (workers / kindergarten teachers) enter.

Photos of girls for graduation style dudes

Photo of boys at graduation style dudes

Modern scenario in kindergarten

Good luck!

Photos of boys for graduation modern style

Photo modern girls at graduation in kindergarten

Songs for graduation kindergarten

Not a single matinee in kindergarten, and even more so graduation, is complete without a mini-concert, which necessarily includes the performance of songs. All graduates perform songs and it is not necessary that all children know how to sing, because the sincerity of the kids and the sincerity of the performance will brighten up all the missing notes. However, it is important to have time to prepare and learn the lyrics. The texts of these should not be pretentious and simple, children should understand what they are singing about and only then will they be able to easily remember the compositions. We have prepared a small selection of simple songs, including songs of alterations, which we suggest you use when preparing for this holiday.

1. First waltz(music by E.M. Plakhov).

2. Goodbye, kindergarten.

4. Farewell song.

5. Hali-gali(alteration of the song of the same name).

Poems for graduation kindergarten


So many days in a row
In any bad weather
We went to kindergarten
Having learned the way by heart.
Every day they hurried here
We really loved him!
And now it's time to say goodbye
We are sorry to part with him!

We were taught to wash
Brush your teeth, get dressed.
Taught and bed
Clean up carefully.
They also taught us how to draw beautifully,
Sing songs, dance to them,
And laces - to tie and rhymes to tell.

Kindergarten in the back
We are all big guys now.
Today is our graduation
After all, you have to go to school soon.

Kindergarten behind -
It's time for us to go to school!
We learned a lot
And grown up a lot.

Already waiting for us all notebooks,
And you do not miss our kindergarten!
To become excellent students for us,
Wish you good luck!

Kindergarten, goodbye,
We no longer have time to party
Going to school is very cool
And then we get to the institute!

We are not up to toys now,
We are no longer babies!
Today we have the best holiday -
Let's have fun from the heart!

Everyone dressed up today
We were going to an important holiday.
With the first autumn call,
We all go to school together.


Sketches for graduation kindergarten

Scene 1.

Scene 2

Acting characters: 2 graduate boys. From the props you will need chalk and a board.

Graduate 1: Why are you sad?
Graduate 2: Eh... Don't ask!
Graduate 1: Come on, we're on holiday!
Graduate 2: And it would be better if it were not ...
Graduate 1: Why do you say that?! What happened?
Graduate 2: And nothing happened at all.
Graduate 1: Then I don't understand you...
Graduate 2: What is not clear here? What will you get for graduation?
Graduate 1(proudly): Rollers.
Graduate 2: Cool! Rollers ... And for me ... ice cream.
Graduate 1: Yes, this can not be!
Graduate 2: Anything can. You see, last year I asked my dad for roller skates. He promised only on the condition that I learn to write and read.
Graduate 1: So what's the problem then?! You are the best reader!
Graduate 2: I learned to read, but to write ... It turns out that I can’t write at all. So I reminded my dad about the gift, and he told me: “I don’t mind. Just write me your wishes on a piece of paper so that I don’t forget.” And I took and wrote ...
Graduate 1: And what?
Graduate 2: Nothing but how! This is how I wrote (takes chalk and writes in big letters on the board): After all, I didn’t know how to write these words correctly (corrects his mistakes and continues). And then I suddenly wanted ice cream so much, and I added ICE CREAM to the list. And it turned out that he was joking with himself, because it was the only word that I wrote correctly. And now they will give me ice cream and this for graduation ... (shrugging his shoulders and making a gloomy face, he goes to the rest of the children).

Scene 3: Children's dreams.

Scene 4: Carlson and the baby.

The kid is going to school, putting school supplies in a briefcase. Carlson appears.
K. - Baby, hello!
M. - Hello!
K. — And what are you putting here?
M. - Me? I'm going to school! Now I am big and will learn!
K. — Why is that? It's boring! Let's get better!
M. - No. Today, Carlson, I will not be naughty! And school, so you know, it's great! New friends, teachers and interesting subjects!
K. — Isn't it great?! You'll have to sit at your desk all day! You can neither play, nor be naughty, nor burst jam!
M. — But you can learn a lot there! Here you are, Carloson, you know how to count?
K. — And why should I?
M. - Look. You want to gobble up buns, how do you count them?
K. – So, why should I count them?! I'm not on a diet! I eat as much as I can fit. And then 2 more.
M. - So, okay ... And what about the fact that you can't write?!
K. Why should I write? What are the letters? Yes, I can fly myself, but it's better than being able to write!
M. - And suppose you want to read a letter written to you? What then, will that person also have to fly?
K. - In this situation, of course, it would be better to be able to, but not everyone has a propeller! Unfortunately, I can’t read it, but I can also send an audio message via computer.
M. - Well, well. Only you do not know what this computer is.
K. - Yes! So what! You can always learn.
M. - Actually, nothing, only the design of a computer is studied at school.
K. - Well, FALL THOUGHT! But only I have a propeller!
M. - Do you know that this is not a propeller at all, but a propeller ?! And with what force he moves with you, they also tell at school!
Whom! Is that what they teach in school?
M. - Uh-huh! And there is even a dining room where they cook delicious buns!
K. - And when is there to jump and run?
M. - But for this, the school has a physical education lesson!
K. - But you can’t play pranks there!
M. How can you not?! Can! To do this, there are breaks, on which you and I will be naughty!
K. Well, Baby, now I will go to school.
They leave.

Dear and respected by us (first name and patronymic of the teacher). I would like to thank you for the sincerity and kindness that our children have been shrouded in all these years! Thank you very much for believing in each of our kids, for their development, for an individual approach, for love and empathy, for all those wonderful days that you spent with our children! I would like your new pupils to always respond to you with kindness, respect and sincerity. We wish you only clear days, health and peaceful skies!


quatrain of children for educators

To everyone who cared
Did various jobs
Worried about us
We bow now.

native educators,
You are like second mothers!
We love and respect you
We wish you happiness and wonderful days!

While the working day lasted -
You have been a mother to all of us.
And each of us today wants
Thank you for everything to say!

We've all grown up over the years
First class is already waiting for us.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let other children please you!

The earth will be famous for us!
We will grow up as honest children!
For this, thank you educators!
Thank you for everything!

Kinder and gentler than a teacher,
Not to be found in this world for anything!
Parents and children are grateful to you,
For love, effort, warmth!

What to give for graduation in kindergarten, a list with a photo

Every parent of a future kindergarten graduate is worried about the gift for their children. the site offers you a list of current gifts, and you just have to choose your own.

  1. Encyclopedia

  2. Mug with kindergarten symbols.

  3. Electronic posters.

Now you will prepare for graduation in time and spend an unforgettable holiday for future first-graders!

The child goes to the kindergarten almost every day, it is there that the baby receives his first knowledge, with which he will go on in life, overcoming obstacles in his path. During the period of preschool age, not only useful skills and abilities are laid in the child, but also the basis of socialization. The personality of a person is formed in the kindergarten, so the first graduation in his life should be remembered forever. How to do this is the task of parents and educators. Graduation in kindergarten should be bright and cheerful!

What should be taken into account when organizing an event of this type?

The heaviest matinee in the life of a baby is an event in honor of the end of a preschool institution. The organization of graduation in kindergarten by parents and educators takes a lot of time. Therefore, people close to the child begin to prepare for this holiday at the beginning of the school year to make it colorful, because the child should not forget this day.

Kindergarten graduation is a significant event in a child's life. However, for parents it is no less important. Most often, graduation in kindergarten is held at the end of April or at the beginning of May.

Parents and educators are simply obliged at the last matinee to give each child the opportunity to show his hidden talents, to demonstrate what he can do, what he was taught in the garden.

Organizational moments

Everyone should understand that organizing a graduation in kindergarten is not so easy, because there are simply a huge number of points that will have to be taken into account. Firstly, there should be gifts for the kids at the event. Secondly, there should be a program according to which graduation in the kindergarten will take place. The script will need to be selected very carefully, you will have to edit it more than once so that everything is as it should be. Thirdly, it will be necessary to decorate the hall in which the matinee will take place.

In no case should you forget about gifts for teachers and other employees of the kindergarten, because they have been watching your children for more than one year, and this is worthy of respect and gratitude.

How to decorate the hall?

When parents are wondering how to organize a graduation in kindergarten without unnecessary problems and costs, they need to be immediately brought up to date - it will be difficult to prepare such an event! The hall can be decorated as you wish, but there are mandatory criteria:

  • do not forget about the balls (children cannot live without them);
  • various decorations (ribbons, etc.);
  • drawings and fakes made by the heroes of the occasion.

Graduation in kindergarten: script

As noted a little above, the scenario for the children's graduation is still the problem. Therefore, in no case should you pull to the last, otherwise it will turn out not a very interesting holiday for your kids. To create a scenario, first come up with a theme for the event. Most often, parents choose a fabulous tone for the celebration, in other words, all the heroes of the matinee are the most beloved characters from children's works. It is worth noting that the script must necessarily include roles for parents, grandparents, as well as educators, so that the children see and understand that they are not alone, their loved ones are always ready to help.

Matinees in this spirit have always been popular and went with a bang, so you should prepare something like that. A less popular way to celebrate graduation is a fun lesson. Here you have to present everything in the form of lessons, between which fun breaks are held. Adventure holidays can also be easily called a popular type of graduation in a kindergarten. If you choose such a scenario, you will have to pick up simple but interesting puzzles, create exciting quests and some fun tasks.

How to put everything together to make it beautiful?

How to quickly organize a graduation in kindergarten? In fact, it's not that difficult, but why rush somewhere when you can prepare much better so that the children will remember this day (their graduation) for the rest of their lives. If you are asking such a question, you should know that it is better to do everything beautifully and efficiently than to get something that is not clear, because children are our future, and we must do everything possible for them.

It is clear that graduation in the kindergarten cannot but be accompanied by various musical themes (of course, fun), but this is not the most important thing. In addition to funny songs in the background, there should also be children's performances. In any group there is a child who goes to a music school. And why not give him a chance to speak at such an important holiday?

Another very important tip: actively participate with the whole family (grandparents, moms and dads) so that the child feels that he is surrounded by his family and friends.

Clowns and animators, professional photographers - are they needed?

This is not for one person to decide, but for the entire parental staff. Animators can easily answer the question of how to quickly organize a graduation in kindergarten. Reviews, however, about such merry fellows are not always good, because everything happens in a hurry, and this business does not require haste. Of course, the presence of real professional clowns or animators will only benefit. Thanks to bright emotions, the baby will remember this day for a long time. After all, we all remember the fun and bright moments of our lives with warm feelings.

Well, it’s not worth talking about photographers at all, and everything is clear. They are absolutely necessary. A real professional will take wonderful pictures that you will be happy to get out of the album to remember that beautiful day. For an additional fee, the photographer can make a colorful album. Don't forget to film the entire Kindergarten graduation so you can show your little one someday what he was like.

Outfits and hairstyles for kids

Every child at graduation should look very beautiful. The most caring parents choose outfits for their children in advance. Some mothers also manage to pick up a wonderful hairstyle for their daughter so that she is simply stunning. Well, dads are more like sons - fathers choose youth bow ties and ties for their "boys" so that the kids look not only beautiful, but also officially. Know that you, as parents, must do everything to ensure that your child is the most beautiful at his first graduation. Boys will also need to make some popular hairstyles so that they look harmoniously next to the girls.

Financial opportunities

In no case should we forget about finances, because organizing a graduation party is a very costly business, especially when a “graduate” goes to first grade in a couple of months. Everyone understands that you need to buy the first school supplies, and this is also a huge expense. Because of this, some parents will be against video filming for memory and clowns, but everyone can always be persuaded. And, in the end, one of the fathers can become a clown, and every second can shoot and take photos.

The parent committee of the group is simply obliged to spend a little 3-4 months before the celebration in order to resolve all financial issues. At the same meeting, it will be necessary to distribute who will do what and choose the person who will be responsible for the gifts to the children, as well as to the kindergarten staff.

for kindergarten graduation? Photos and more

The question, frankly, is not an easy one, since it is very difficult to decide on gifts. There are a few tips: firstly, presentations for all staff should be the same so as not to offend anyone, and secondly, surprises for “graduates” should also be chosen based on the first tip. Kindergarten staff can be presented with sweets with liquor, a bottle of inexpensive cognac and, of course, an album containing a huge number of photographs.

Well, for the sake of savings, children can be presented with what they will definitely need in the next six months, when they go to school: rulers and other stationery, backpacks and briefcases, as well as a box of sweets. And, of course, in no case do not forget to make diplomas confirming the fact that your baby graduated from kindergarten.

sweet table

At the end of such a wonderful holiday as a graduation in a kindergarten, you will definitely need to feed the children, and not with soup, but with something tasty and very high-calorie - cakes, ice cream, pastries, juice and everything, everything, everything.

It is best, of course, to cook everything yourself. You can entrust baking cakes to those parents who are culinary experts or just love to cook very much, but it would be better to buy ice cream, because at home it turns out not at all the same as in the store.

In no case should you forget about additional contests during the sweet table. It would be best to make interesting and at the same time very simple riddles for the kids like: “A pear is hanging, you can’t eat it.” Be sure to take photos during the celebration, because most often the coolest photos are taken during the sweet table.

It is also recommended to shoot a video during the feast, so that later you can sit on the couch and remember this wonderful day. If you still have money for a clown, then call him also to a sweet table, let him also amuse the kids a little there, take one or more common photos with them, and then quietly leave so that no one notices, otherwise there may be tears.

Summing up

Numerous reviews of parents of schoolchildren are advised to start preparing for the holiday in advance so that everything works out at the highest level. In addition, it is imperative to choose a script for graduation, give words to mom, dad, grandparents, let those guys who are already doing something and have some achievements speak. However, you should not single out such kids too much, because every child is talented in something in his own way. It is better if all the children perform, because they so want to be proud of their relatives and friends.

Many parents advise not to forget about photography and video shooting. You should also give the floor to the educator. It is important to correctly distribute the responsibilities for organizing the event between parents, as well as prepare costumes for the children. Some time before the holiday, it is necessary to hold a meeting in order to finalize everything. Good luck in organizing graduation for your beloved children!

Graduation in kindergarten is a memorable and emotional day for adults and children. Recently, we have already written about the main points that parents should pay attention to.

Today we want to dwell on ideas for the holiday program. After all, it is boring to hold a graduation in a kindergarten the same way from year to year, because children live with emotions and impressions.

We have selected for you several options that can surprise and entertain your “almost schoolchildren”.

Favorite toy holiday

The essence of the idea : Every kid has his own. And, of course, if the kindergarten graduation is dedicated to his little friend, any child will gladly support this idea. It's great if the toy hero is the same for everyone, for example, your favorite teddy bear. Children will be able to visit each other with toys, introduce their cubs, organize competitions for them, have tea parties, make various clothes for them, draw, sew, make wool of their pets and much more.

Dress code : we support the theme and decorate the outfit of each participant with a small accessory in the shape of a bear (badge, handbag, brooch, sticker, hairpin).

Decor : as many large and small teddy bears of different shapes and colors as possible, tea sets, cookies, sweets and cakes in the theme of bears and honey, a variety of props for themed competitions.

Holiday Land of fairy tales

The essence of the idea : "Fairytaleland" - an inexhaustible theme for graduation in kindergarten! You can take one as a basis, but a much better and brighter idea is for each kid to present his favorite fairy tale or hero. Usually children arrange such a masquerade ball for the New Year, but if you remove Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and the “rain”, then the holiday will have a completely different character.

For example, each participant can prepare a short speech, 5-7 sentences long, and present their role to other heroes. Children will be able to remember the heroes of familiar and not very fairy tales by passing a literary test that will tell about the characters' characters. The aerobatics of the holiday is to create a new fairy tale with the participation of all the heroes, where each participant will come up with a plot, his own role and words. Here you will get the original symbiosis of Kolobok, Pinocchio and Batman! You can also ask the children to illustrate the created work and collect a new fairy tale from their drawings. The main thing is not to forget to capture all this splendor in photos and videos.

Dress code : costumes of heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Decor : illustrations from various fairy tales on the walls, books with fairy tales, stationery, one large decoration for dialogues, a book with fairy tales as a gift for each child.

Holiday Circus Family

The essence of the idea : if your kindergarten group is active and cheerful kids, offer them a kindergarten graduation scenario in the style of "Circus Family". The program of a successful holiday should include a lot (throwing rings or pebbles into a container, children's bowling) and dancing, and the use of face painting would also be a great idea.

Dress code : outfits with funny circus accents - fluffy skirts, ties with big polka dots, multi-colored suspenders, bright vests and scarves.

Decor : Lots of colorful balloons, garlands, red foam noses, colorful wigs, brightly colored hoops and hats.

Holiday Chocolate Pranks

The essence of the idea : All kids love chocolate, and parents are not far behind them, so the idea to hold a graduation in the kindergarten in the style of a chocolate day will go with a bang! At such a holiday, children and adults will be able to try different types of chocolate and create chocolate treats with their own hands. "Lviv's chocolate shop" will help you to spend the holiday "excellent" by holding a master class on making chocolates.

Each child will have at their disposal a bar of delicious chocolate, various molds, powders and fillers, with which they will create their own chocolate masterpieces. After making children's works of chocolate art, you must send them to the refrigerator for a while (you should take care of the reality of this condition in advance). While the sweets are cooling, experienced chocolatiers will tell the children what chocolate is made from, hold a fun quiz, and animators will help arrange a contest for eating Potato cake without hands or blindfolded chocolate to find out its variety.

Dress code : if desired - in the colors of chocolate, or without restrictions. You can support the theme of the holiday with a small accessory in the form of a chocolate bar or candy.

Decor : various paper and wooden images of sweets, chocolates and other goodies, cocoa or milk chocolate cocktail in convenient cups, fruits, a lot of dry and wet wipes for young chocolatiers.

Of course, for the proposed options for holding a memorable holiday, you will need to pay for the help of at least two animators, but the children's pleasure and joy are worth it.

And what is the script for graduation in kindergarten for your baby? Share with us in the comments to the material.

Elena Aksenova
Tips for parents on organizing graduation in kindergarten

Tips for parents on organizing graduation in kindergarten

The very first high school graduation in the life of your baby is a serious and at the same time exciting event. Ahead is the school with its joys, new discoveries, small and big victories. And while at parents there is a great chance to give children an unforgettable graduation in kindergarten- a holiday of farewell to the most carefree times childhood.

We make plans.

The first step in preparing for the future holiday is the creation of a kind of creative committee. It usually includes parents, administrators and educators. Pre-holiday preparations take a lot of time and effort, and therefore it is wiser to calculate and allocate time and financial costs in advance.

It is best to distribute responsibilities based on preferences and capabilities. parents. Some will take over graduation album for kids garden and preparation of letters of appreciation for employees. Others will consider the design of the music hall. Still others will take care of the festive table for children and adults. With this approach, all the preparatory nuances will be taken into account and no misunderstandings will arise during the holiday itself.

We decorate the hall.

The design of the hall in which the celebration will take place, and the group itself, should be thought out to the smallest detail. For these purposes, it is not at all necessary to invite specialists - designers. With the help of simple decorating techniques, you can independently transform the room and give it a look appropriate for the event. A group of 2-3 will do just fine with this task. parents.

The main thing is to show imagination and creativity. Objects with which you can decorate a room for graduation in kindergarten, set of multi-colored flags, funny drawings, photos and baby applications, posters and garlands. Great helpers in creating a festive atmosphere are balloons that children love so much. They can be inflated by yourself or with a special pump. By tying 4-5 balloons together, you will get an original air balloon. "flower", which can be fixed on the curtain fabric with threads and pins. Helium balloons can also play a completely independent role in the celebration scenario. Bought in advance by quantity alumni, balloons throughout the ceremonial part graduation in kindergarten I will play the role of decorating the hall. And at the end of the holiday, children can go outside and release balloons into the sky, symbolically saying goodbye to kindergarten.

Ordering gifts for alumni.

No holiday is complete without gifts. And the first in life high school graduation should not be an exception. Original gifts for graduation in kindergarten will bring a lot of positive emotions to children and will be remembered for a long time. Often graduates Give away sets of stationery. Also, children can be presented with beautiful alarm clocks or educational board games. An interesting gift will be children's wrist watch. However, it is better to give preference to memorable gifts - those that, even years later, will remind those who have already grown up. graduates and you - parents - about carefree kindergarten years.

Great gift - graduation album for kindergarten - bright, colorful and positive. Such an album, made of high-quality materials, you will be able to leaf through with your child even after many years.

Question with an order graduation the album is better to decide in advance. Their manufacture is labor intensive. A photo session for your kids, design and layout of albums, printing - everything takes time. Besides, graduations in children's gardens pass at about the same time. And it may happen that the studio simply cannot accept your order due to high workload. Therefore, you should take care of memorable gifts for your children in the first place.


1. You need to order a photographer to create a folder graduate, where there will be photos of all the pupils of the group and employees kindergarten.

2. You can order a photographer for high school graduation, then every festive moment will remain in the memory of your children.

We shoot video and photos.

An important part organizations holiday - video filming. The quality of the video impressions that your children and you will have for many years largely depends on the skill of the videographer. You can invite a specialist - a professional - to the holiday. And you can do it on your own. Make an appointment with someone parents or acquaintances about shooting a holiday on a home video camera. And later, give the footage to professional editing and replicate the resulting video. Thus, in every family graduate there will be a memorable video.

We choose a treat for the festive table.

No less important than gifts for graduation in kindergarten, and treats for the sweet table. The latter, as a rule, completes the solemn part of the holiday and requires a particularly responsible attitude towards itself. You can make a solid menu with hot dishes and desserts. But it is better to stop at an easy option, including fruits, cakes, juices and pizza so beloved by children in the list of treats.

If an adult buffet is planned for parents and educators, you will need to create another menu option.

graduation gowns

Dear parents Don't forget your holiday attire. They will be appropriate not only for girls, but also for boys. And it’s better to choose the time with the child and go to the store for a dress or suit, so that he himself feels all the solemnity of the moment.

We thank the staff.

It's a good tradition to give thanks kindergarten staff graduation who have been teaching, developing and raising kids for several years. Be sure to take care of fresh flowers for them. By the way, the abundance of flowers at the festival will give the whole atmosphere a special touching and solemnity.

It is customary to give gifts graduation in kindergarten not only to the heroes of the occasion, but also to the head, educators, junior educators and other staff.

An obligatory addition to flowers and gifts is sincere words of gratitude to those who helped your children become more mature and smarter. Thanksgiving speeches can be printed and inserted into the original frames. To receive such letters of gratitude in decent design to employees children's garden will be especially nice.

We are preparing a speech.

If you have the opportunity to speak at the celebration on behalf of parent committee, then it is better to prepare a thank-you speech in advance. It would be useful to take with you a small "cheat sheet". The natural excitement experienced parents at graduation holiday of your children, it may prevent you from pronouncing even a well-learned and rehearsed text. Having a hint at hand will make you feel more confident.

instead of a conclusion.

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! Remember that your mental costs, time and effort that you invest in organization of the celebration, will pay off a hundredfold with the happy eyes of your children and their joyful smiles. And for a long time they will enthusiastically tell their friends about what a cool holiday was in their kindergarten and what wonderful gifts for kindergarten graduation they got.

Tips for organizing graduation in kindergarten(experience parents)

- parent organizers easier to distribute responsibilities. So that everyone is responsible for their front of work.

It is better to decorate the group in the evening, so that when you enter in the morning, the children already feel the atmosphere of the holiday. And the hall is better to decorate in the evening.

Congratulations and thanks to garden workers are best done at the end of the holiday so as not to interfere with the celebration and pay enough attention to employees.

It is better to order a cafe where you can celebrate the holiday until late in the evening and invite an animator for children. If it is not possible to order a cafe, then you can always set the table in a group kindergarten. True, there is a time limit - kindergarten is open until 19:00. So, if the final part takes place in a group, then it is better for children to set the tables while they launch balloons into the sky. 2-3 people will successfully cope with this. Bring food in advance in the morning (can be left in the fridge in the kitchen). Arrange tables and dishes 2 hours before graduation, and then give the opportunity to educators organize and gather your children.

When seating at tables, it is desirable to take into account the preferences and children (who is friends with whom, or the way they usually sit).

If invitees are involved (photographers, videographers)- do not forget to treat them too, and continue working during the feast. In general, very interesting and funny shots happen just in an informal setting.

Prom sequence:

1. Solemn part (Music Hall kindergarten. Start at 16 :00)

Children's performance (songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, slide shows, etc.)

Speech by the head of the d / s

Giving gifts to children

Answer word parents.

Launch of balloons on the street.

2. Final part (cafe or group kindergarten)

Tea drinking for children and adults

Photo session in an informal setting