Remedies for dry skin. Creams for dry skin. Itching and dryness in the summer

Today I want to talk about caring for dry skin. I have this problem in the winter. Of course I take action. Here, all the recipes are good, such as: honey, oil, oatmeal and other products. The main thing is that there is no allergy to folk remedies. Dry skin can cause tightness, flaking, and discomfort. How do you keep your skin hydrated? There are masks, cosmetics that at home will help in skin care. How to save our skin from moisture loss and provide additional nutrition, we'll talk about this today.

Our skin at any time of the year needs special care: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. Especially in winter, as the cold wind and lower temperatures negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face, because the face is the most unprotected part of the body. If peeling appears on the skin, then I recommend that you read the article "". In order to understand why the face has dry skin, let's look at a number of reasons that can cause dry skin.

Dry skin of the face. Causes.

There can be many reasons for dry skin. Here are the main ones:

  • Improper or inadequate skin care. Washing the face with hot, chlorinated water, using soap.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins A, C, E are very important for our skin. Lack of vitamins can be in winter or spring.
  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to dry skin of the face.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun in summer and frost in winter. Dry skin can be caused by changing weather conditions.
  • Dry skin can indicate a disease such as diabetes. Moreover, with diabetes, it can be not only dryness of the face, but also dryness of the skin of the legs, arms, and head.
  • Lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Dry skin can be caused by aging.
  • Frequent exfoliation can also lead to dry skin.
  • During the heating season, the use of heaters negatively affects the skin.
  • Insufficient amount of water.
  • The use of foundation and powder, especially in winter, negatively affects the skin.

There are a lot of reasons that cause dry skin, but if dry skin is accompanied by peeling, itching and other unpleasant symptoms, then it is best to visit a doctor and consult on this issue. This is a dermatologist, endocrinologist.

Dry skin of the face. What to do? Dry skin. Folk treatment.

With regular skin care, the problem of dryness will be minimized.

  1. With dry skin, you need to drink more pure water. Water is the basis of life. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  2. Wash your face not with hot or cold water, the water temperature should be at room temperature.
  3. It is better to wash with cooled boiled water. You can also wash your face with filtered or settled water.
  4. Wash your face with milder products that do not dry the skin and do not contain alcohol.
  5. After washing, you need to blot your face with a towel. Use a tonic, after washing, I use "rose hydrolat".
  6. Apply face cream, oil, lotion. Cosmetics must not contain alcohol.
  7. Use special moisturizing masks several times a week.
  8. Pay attention to products containing vitamins A, C, E. You can buy a complex of vitamins and minerals in a pharmacy, as well as fish oil.
  9. Buy a humidifier if you can.

Among other things, I use skin care oils. For dry skin, vitamins A and E can be used in their pure form, added to oils and masks.

Itchy skin, dryness and irritation will help relieve aloe. Cut an aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise, collect the aloe pulp in a container with a spoon and wipe the cleansed face with a cotton pad moistened with aloe juice. Also, aloe vera oil is great for soothing the skin.

A decoction of herbs will perfectly soothe the skin, relieve itching and inflammation of the skin. The skin can be wiped with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Oil for dry skin.

Oils perfectly nourish, moisturize the skin, saturate it with natural vitamins. The mildest for the face are peach kernel oil, apricot kernel oil and almond oil. These oils can be used for sensitive skin, for baby skin, as they are very soft, do not cause irritation and allergies.

For dry skin, jojoba oil can be used. This oil is non-comedogenic and does not "clog pores" on the face. The oil is very soft and easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy sheen on the face. I use jojoba oil for my face, lubricate my face several times a day.

You can use olive, argan, linseed, wheat germ and other oils.

For the face, you can use solid oils, that is, “butter”: cocoa butter, shea butter, mango butter, coconut oil. But, these oils can cause comedones. These oils must be warmed up before use, they can be lubricated with separate dry areas on the face. For example, I like cocoa butter.

You can lubricate your face with oil several times a day, or you can make oil compresses. Warm the oil slightly, moisten a piece of gauze in it and apply it to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do this procedure in a horizontal position. Such oil masks should be done several times a week.

Dry skin of the face. Olive oil.

Olive oil is simply an indispensable assistant for dryness and flaking of the skin of the face. This oil can be purchased at any store, but it is better to take Extra Virgen Olive Oil.

Olive oil relieves flaking and dryness of the skin, making the skin smoother and more even. The composition of olive oil contains natural vitamins and antioxidants, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the face. And also, they protect the skin from adverse environmental influences, normalize blood circulation in skin cells. Fatty acids envelop the skin with a thin film, taking care of it very carefully.

In addition, olive oil is a great helper at the first signs of skin aging. You can read more about olive oil in the article "". There you will find recipes for face masks with olive oil.

How to apply olive oil? A few drops of olive oil can be added to a serving of face cream. I rub my face with slightly warmed oil after cleansing. Salvation for dry facial skin is an oil mask with olive oil, as well as compresses, rubbing, lotions with olive oil.

Honey for dry skin.

Bee products have a positive effect on the skin of the face, including dry. But, with honey and other bee products, you need to be careful, as they cause allergies. Before applying the mask, you need to test on the skin, since honey, moreover, is a strong allergen.

Honey relieves inflammation, peeling, dry skin, tones, softens, saturates the skin with natural vitamins. And honey masks have a rejuvenating effect.

My favorite face mask is honey + yolk. I buy country eggs, honey from a beekeeper I know. All products are natural. For one yolk, I add a teaspoon of honey. I mix everything well and apply the mask on the face, without affecting the eye area. I apply the mask for 15 minutes. I wash off the mask with water. The mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

With dry skin, you can make a mask of oatmeal and honey. Mix a spoonful of crushed oatmeal and two teaspoons of honey and apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes. A mask of oatmeal and honey tones, nourishes, whitens the skin of the face.

I really like the mask of sour cream and honey. I buy rustic sour cream, it is oily and well nourishes and moisturizes the skin, making it soft, smooth, more hydrated. I mix honey and sour cream in equal proportions and apply it on my face for 15 minutes. I wash off the mask with water. In more detail, about all the subtleties and rules for using a mask of sour cream and honey, you can read in the article "".

What to do if dry skin of the face in winter?

Often in the cold season, we are faced with dryness and flaking of the skin of the face. Strong wind, rain, hail, frost have a very negative effect on the condition of our skin. During the heating season, we turn on heaters, which dries our skin even more.

Dry facial skin, if not properly cared for, quickly begins to fade and the first signs of aging appear on it.

The skin needs to be cleansed, moisturized, nourished. I recently discovered oils, because it is really very difficult for me to choose a face cream for myself. Of course, I use a cream, but now I actively use oils in skin care, plus homemade masks.

In frost or wind, I try to cover my face with a scarf. Which in turn, at least a little, protects the skin from adverse environmental conditions.

In winter, remember to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. You can start your day with a glass of water.

Do not forget about vitamins, fish oil, trace elements. The complex of vitamins can be drunk several times a year. As for vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is also very important.

At a minimum, in the cold season, I use foundation and especially powder. Since the powder is very dry on the skin of the face.

And also, I use all kinds of masks from herbs (chamomile, calendula), masks from fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Masks should be done several times a week. Such masks, prepared at home, allow you to retain moisture in the skin as much as possible, soften and moisturize the skin.

I prepare myself an "ointment" that softens the skin and has a healing effect. I apply it on dry areas of the skin of the face, elbows, knees, hands, lips. Ointment based on beeswax and oils. I melt a tablespoon of wax, add two tablespoons of cocoa butter, wait for the butter to melt, remove the oils from the heat, add a spoonful of wheat germ oil. I pour the ointment into a jar and store it on the window.

If you have your own recipes for how to moisturize dry skin, then share them below in the comments.

  • Signs of dry skin
  • Causes of dry skin
  • Dry skin care
  • Dry skin care
  • Overview of funds

Signs of dry skin

The tendency to dryness is mostly genetic. Therefore, fundamental changes cannot be achieved here. But to make friends with your skin and improve its condition is quite real. The main thing is proper care and preventive measures.

Typically, dryness is characteristic of both the skin of the face and the skin of the body. Such skin is usually thinner and more sensitive.

When the sebaceous glands do not produce enough secretion, that is, sebum that protects the epidermis from drying out and minor damage, the skin retains moisture worse, so it often dries out, reacts with irritation, and ages faster.

Dry skin is often sensitive © iStock

Dry skin is often prone to poor air pollution and hard water. It is more likely to react to common allergens (for example, honey).

For dry skin, choose light textures © iStock

Causes of dry skin

A common cause of pathological dry skin is atopic dermatitis. A dermatologist will tell you more about this disease. But with a feeling of discomfort and tightness, sometimes those who are not usually bothered by this problem also experience. What exactly makes the skin dry?

  1. 1

    Cleansers with aggressive surfactants in the composition destroy the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin.

  2. 2

    Your moisturizer isn't rich enough for you, or your skin doesn't have enough nourishment to keep moisture in.

  3. 3

    Severe weather conditions, such as heat with increased dryness of the air or frost combined with an icy wind, undermine the protective potential of the skin.

  4. 4

    Insufficient indoor air humidity is a common problem in our latitudes when central heating is turned on.

  5. 5

    Some types of hormonal treatment or use provoke severe dryness of the skin. You will have to wait until this side effect disappears, smoothing out its manifestations with the help of cosmetics.

What is the difference between dry skin and normal and oily skin?

Compared to oily and normal skin, dry skin has an insufficient hydro-lipid layer. It is thinner, and the vessels are located so close to the surface that spasms are possible even after a short exposure to frost.

In owners of oily skin, the stratum corneum and sebum form a powerful defense, so it ages more slowly and more resistant to negative external influences - from peeling to cold weather. But dry skin is insured against acne, enlarged pores and other troubles that complicate life in youth.

The best moisturizing ingredients are glycerin, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid © iStock

What to do with very dry skin

It happens that the condition of the skin causes serious concern: it turns red and feels pain even after contact with tap water, and not a single cosmetic product helps with dryness and peeling. There is only one advice here - make an appointment with a dermatologist.

  1. 1

    remove alcohol-containing products from the cosmetic bag;

  2. 2

    use delicate cream textures instead of alkaline cleansers;

  3. 3

    Install water filters if possible.

Dry Skin Care Precautions

    On the beach, use Thin and dry skin burns faster. And do not forget that ultraviolet provokes the formation of free radicals - the main enemies of skin youth.

    In the cold season, before going outside, apply on the face, protective - on the hands, do not forget about the scarf and gloves.

Overview of funds

For face

Tool name Mode of application Active ingredients
moisturizing cream for dry and very dry skin of the face and body, Cerave Apply twice a day to cleansed face and/or any part of the body. ceramides,
Extraordinary Facial Oil "Luxury Nutrition", L'Oréal Paris Use as the last step in your evening skin care routine - in place of or over cream. clove, rosemary, chamomile, lavender oils
Use as needed. For best results, we recommend applying the cream after every hand wash. glycerin, allantoin
Soothing shower gel with protective properties Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay Pour a small amount onto a washcloth or into the palm of your hand and massage into damp skin. niacinamide, shea butter
Melting body milk, Garnier Apply daily to the skin of the body with massaging movements. bifidocomplex, shea butter
Nourishing body cream, Kiehl's Apply the cream to wet or dry body skin with light massaging movements. squalane, avocado and sesame seed oils, aloe vera, beta-carotene

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 5 minutes


If after a shower you are bothered by an unpleasant feeling of tightness, redness and peeling, then you have dry skin. This problem should be given special attention, since it can cause premature aging, wrinkles appear on such skin earlier. To choose the right treatment strategy, you need to understand the causes of dry skin. That is what we are going to tell you about today.

List of the main causes of dry skin of the face and body

Unfortunately, over the years, our skin begins to feel a lack of moisture. Therefore, many women after 40 often complain of dry skin. But this problem may arise not only at a mature age, but also at a younger age. Therefore, many of the fair sex are concerned about the question "Why does the skin become dry?". And now we will try to answer it.

The most common causes of dry skin are:

  • Violation of the sebaceous glands, as the main cause of dry skin

    Fat, which is produced by the sebaceous glands, is a kind of protective layer that retains moisture in the body and gives elasticity to the skin. If there is no such important protection, then your skin very quickly loses moisture, and with it its youth. After all, without a sufficient amount of moisture, it begins to peel off and age quickly, the first wrinkles appear on the face.

  • General health can affect dry skin

    Some experts can look at your skin condition to pinpoint which systems in your body are not working properly. For example, dryness of the skin of the body and face indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, or endocrine glands.

  • Dry skin is a consequence of beriberi

    may cause dry skin. Indeed, useful substances are necessary for its nutrition, but vitamins A, E and C play a special role. If your diet lacks these elements, then get ready for the fact that your skin may become dry.

  • Long exposure to the sun, wind or frost dries out the skin

    It has been scientifically proven that direct sunlight, strong wind and frost have a negative effect on the condition of our skin. Ultraviolet destroys important parts of the skin layers, which are responsible for moisture retention in the epithelium. The skin may become dry after excessive sun exposure, or as a result.

  • Frequent use of peeling makes the skin dry

    Dry skin often has keratinized particles that flake off. Women, in an attempt to get rid of them, often use peeling. However, the abuse of this procedure gives the opposite result: the skin becomes even drier, in addition, various inflammatory processes can begin. Why is this happening? Yes, because peeling destroys the fatty layer that retains moisture in our skin. Accordingly, having lost its natural protection, the skin becomes even drier.

  • Frequent bathing and washing as a cause of dry skin

    Bathing or washing with soap in hot or chlorinated water washes away the skin's natural fatty layer. Moisture in the epithelium does not linger, the first symptoms of dryness appear.

  • Heredity is one of the factors of dry skin

    Some women are genetically prone to dry skin. If you have excluded all of the above causes of dry skin from your list, then ask your immediate family, perhaps this problem is hereditary. In this case, you just have to properly care for your skin.

So that the struggle for the moisture of your skin does not last forever, it is necessary properly care for it, protect it from external influences, moisturize . It plays an important role in the health of your skin, because your body must have a sufficient amount of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Update: October 2018

Dry skin causes a lot of problems for its owners. As a rule, the matter does not end with dryness, other symptoms are present in parallel: dullness, irritation, itching, peeling, tightening. Dry skin is more exposed to natural and domestic factors, it ages more quickly and becomes more inflamed.

The objective sensations of the owners of dry skin are also far from pleasant. Irritation is caused by both clothing in contact with the skin and touch, and the very sight of the skin, resembling desert land, depresses the mood.

The problem should not be ignored, since it is not only aesthetically ugly, but is often a sign of some diseases.

Why does the skin need water

Moisture provides elasticity and firmness to the skin, as well as cell nutrition. The degree of hydration is determined by the state of the stratum corneum of the skin and the amount of sebum, which are responsible for moisture exchange between the dermis and the environment. A moderate stratum corneum and fat create a lipid film on the skin, which prevents moisture from leaving the skin and aggressive environmental factors from penetrating into the skin.

The lack of formation of a protective lipid film, due to external or internal factors, leads to excessive evaporation of moisture, which means dry skin. At the same time, microcirculation of blood and trophism worsens, collagen fibers suffer. The skin becomes not only dry, but also flabby.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin occurs due to a decrease in sebum production in the presence of provoking factors. Sometimes ineffective sebum secretion is a hereditary feature of the body.

  • If the problem is found in young people, it is most likely a genetic feature.
  • In mature people, this condition occurs against the background of certain external and internal causes. Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which immediately affects the condition of the skin. Lack of proper care exacerbates the problem.

It should be understood that in cases where dry skin is caused by internal causes (diseases or conditions of the body), no external influences - creams, baths and other procedures aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin do not lead to the desired effect. And only treatment of the underlying disease can improve the condition of the skin.

Internal causes

External causes

  • Skin diseases: keratosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, fungal infection
  • Hormonal disruptions (diabetes, menopause, pregnancy)
  • Dehydration, which is a consequence of insufficient drinking regimen, indigestion, hyperthermia, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
  • Metabolic disease
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Iron-deficiency anemia
  • Natural skin aging
  • Hypovitaminosis, especially A and E
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics and certain other drugs
  • Nutrient deficiencies, debilitating diets
  • Passion for coffee and strong tea
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
  • Frequent stress
  • Dry climate
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun
  • dry air
  • Freezing
  • Hot or cold water
  • Exposure to household or industrial chemicals
  • Improper care: frequent use of alkaline soaps, alcohol lotions, household chemicals, aggressive cosmetics, frequent peeling.
  • Work on the ground, etc. without protective gloves
  • Work at elevated temperatures (hot shops)

Dryness of the skin can be general or affect some parts of the body (face, arms, legs, etc.). Localization of dryness can directly or indirectly speak about the reasons for its occurrence.

Symptoms of dry skin

There is a simple home test to help determine if there is dry skin: press on the skin with your fingers so that marks remain - if they do not disappear for a long time, the problem of dryness exists.

Other signs:

  • Tightness. With accidental or deliberate tension of such skin, visible cracks appear on the stratum corneum;
  • Itching. Dryness and accompany each other, and one phenomenon exacerbates the other;
  • Imperceptible, erased pores, as if lightly powdered;
  • Irritation, redness;
  • up to significant, when the skin is literally dotted with scales. It becomes most noticeable after washing the skin and then drying it.
  • When complicated by an infection that has penetrated through microcracks: areas of inflammation with swelling.

Treatment for dry skin and flaking

It should be understood that a qualified specialist, a dermatologist, should find out the cause, and then prescribe treatment. If harmless dry skin can be dealt with without medical help, then in case of diseases, creams and other remedies will simply be useless.

If dry skin occurs with complications in the form of irritation and microcracks, basic therapy should include ointments with dexpanthenol. Only after removing irritation, you can switch to cosmetic preparations and creams. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, aggressive peels, film masks should be excluded. Do not actively wipe the skin with a towel after washing.

Dry skin of the hands

In most cases, this phenomenon is caused by external factors. If, in addition to dryness, there are also cracks in the fingers, this may indicate hypovitaminosis, allergic contact dermatitis, fungal infections, etc. (see). With weeping cracks between the fingers, you should consult a doctor - most likely, this is eczema.

  • Protect hands with rubber or cotton gloves when working with aggressive compounds or on the ground, washing dishes.
  • Protect your hands with warm gloves or mittens in winter.
  • Use pH-neutral hand and body wash products.
  • Use sunscreen while sunbathing.
  • Normalize the diet, be sure to include vegetable and animal oils in the menu.

Traditional medicine recipes

  • Potato mask. Peel and mash the boiled potatoes in their skins, add a spoonful of warm milk to it. In a warm form, apply a mask on the skin of the hands 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days in a row. Hold until cool.
  • Olive oil mask with lemon juice. Hand cream (1 tsp) is taken as the basis, 1 tsp is added. butter and half tsp. lemon juice. It is applied before going to bed, cloth gloves are put on top. Repeat weekly.
  • Honey-glycerin compress. Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, liquid honey, flour and water and apply the mixture on your hands, wearing cloth gloves over it. It is recommended to do a couple of times a day every day, withstand 20 minutes.
  • Sour cream compress. About 200 ml of sour cream with a fat content of 20% is mixed with egg yolk and lemon juice. Clean gauze is soaked in this mixture and applied to the hands, wrapped on top with cling film and a towel. After 20 minutes, the residues are washed off and cloth gloves are put on hands. It is better to do before going to bed for several days in a row.
  • oil bath. Heat any vegetable oil to a warm state and immerse the brushes in it for 20 minutes. Conduct twice a week.

Wound healing, nourishing and softening creams:

  • Astroderm

healing cream based on D-panthenol, vinylin, allatoin, vitamin E and yarrow and calendula extracts. Quickly restores the protective functions of the skin, heals cracks and regenerates the skin. The price is about 85 rubles.

  • Healer with aloe

Healing and dryness-removing cream. The extract restores the skin, accelerates regeneration, prevents cracks and softens the skin. 110 rub.

  • Velvet handles For very dry skin

Eliminates irritation, dryness and peeling. Ingredients: cocoa butter, D-panthenol, allatoin, glycerin and olive oil. 75 rub.

  • Cream-restoration for hands Belita

Soothes, restores and softens the skin thanks to extracts of lime blossom and sea buckthorn, and wheat germ, glycerin, vitamin E. The price is about 85 rubles.

  • Oil cream from Vitex

Eliminates dryness and peeling. Ingredients: extracts of calendula, chamomile, burdock, apricot kernel oil and Shea butter. 90 rub.

Crack treatment

  • Ointment from honey and resin. In a metal pan, mix 10 g of resin and honey, add 30 ml of vodka and 15 g of beeswax. Put on fire, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool and refrigerate. The ointment is applied directly to the crack and sealed with a bactericidal plaster for 7-8 hours.
  • Ointment from calendula. About 100 ml of dried flowers of the plant are ground into powder and mixed with 200 ml of melted lard. Bring to homogeneity in a water bath, cool. Applied in the same way.
  • Plantain ointment. Grind dry grass into powder and add 9 parts of vaseline and 3 drops of vegetable oil. Applied in the same way.
  • Wear comfortable and proportionate shoes made of quality materials.
  • Once a week, gently remove the keratinized layer of the skin with a natural pumice stone or scrubs.
  • Use foot cream regularly.
  • Make contrast foot baths that improve skin nutrition.
  • Do not walk barefoot on gravel or sand.

Traditional medicine recipes

  • Apple mask. Grate a green apple on a fine grater, put the puree on gauze and, in this form, apply to the feet, putting on over socks. Leave overnight, and in the morning rinse and apply a suitable cream.
  • Castor oil mask. Soak gauze in warm oil, apply it to the feet and put on socks. Leave overnight, in the morning blot the remaining oil with a napkin.
  • Oil baths. Heat vegetable oil, pour into a wide flat dish and lower your feet there. Hold for 20 minutes, then try to rub the remaining oil into the skin. Remove excess oil with wet wipes.

Nourishing and emollient creams

  • Foot cream BALLET

Contains extracts of wormwood, oak, horse chestnut. Effectively softens and protects against dryness, heals small wounds, stimulates blood circulation. The price is about 35 rubles.

  • Cream Instant effect

Reduces peeling and irritation of the skin, effectively nourishes the skin thanks to vitamins A, E, D and B5, Shostakovsky's balm, St. John's wort and sage. The price is about 90 rubles.

  • Foot cream with extracts of calendula and Belita

The active composition of the cream contains provitamin B5, mint oil and extracts of medicinal plants. Reduces dryness and heals microcracks. The price is about 40 rubles.

Even if you have high-quality facial cosmetics in your arsenal, your skin can still be unnecessarily dry. By the way, this can negatively affect the condition of the skin in the future. A well-known dermatologist has listed seven reasons why the skin remains dry and how to reduce it.

“Such symptoms of dry skin lead to premature. In particular, the following signs of dry skin may be observed:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • irritation;
  • skin microcracks.

All of the above symptoms are due to persistent dryness of the skin of the face, which can already be called chronic,” says Annie Chiu, MD, dermatologist at The Derm Institute.

The good news is that if you can identify the reason why your skin is so dry, you can stop the process and improve your skin. Expert Chiu names seven main reasons why the skin lacks nutrition, and how to deal with it.

1. Home dry air

During sleep, body temperature rises, and as a result, the skin, especially, loses moisture, because moisture evaporates more strongly. This is called transepidermal water loss. The skin becomes drier, says Chiu.

The dermatologist proposes to solve this problem in this way. Humidify the air at home and moisturize your skin. Get a humidifier and a hyaluronic acid moisturizer like Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel,” the expert advises.

2. The reason is in your favorite perfume

Most likely, an amazing perfume cheers you up, but it has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, including. The chemicals in perfumes often make dry skin worse, says Chiu.

Therefore, look for such options for toilet water, which contain the following moisturizing ingredients:

  • vanilla;
  • oils in the form of butters based on legumes (solid oils) (butter, shea butter).

The listed ingredients in the cosmetic formulas of perfumes will moisturize dry skin as much as possible and make it soft and silky.

3. Hot showers cause dry skin

Showering in too hot water or showering more than once a day can dry out your skin even more. “When you bathe in hot water, the body relaxes perfectly, but if you have dry skin, then you cause serious damage to it,” shares Chiu.

“Hot water definitely destroys the top layer of the epidermis and leads to excessive dryness of the skin,” adds the dermatologist. What is the epidermis? This is the outer stratum corneum of the skin. ? Try to wash in warm water.

4. Chlorine in the pool

When you swim in the pool in the morning, you have a great opportunity to relax and move around in order to feel good throughout the day. But bleach, which protects you from germs, is also bad for your complexion and causes flaky skin as well as dryness.

Apply a moisturizing milk or lotion like Aquaphor to your body before washing, the expert advises.

5. Heredity

If the skin is very dry and pale, and at the same time flaky, it is worth considering in this case the role of the hereditary factor. Chiu says some people are already born with skin cells that are deficient in proteins, which help retain moisture.

What to do in this case? Stock up. “Look for moisturizing ingredients in the arsenal of cosmetics that are sold in stores, in particular:

  • ceramides;
  • lipids.

They help the skin recover and renew itself,” says dermatologist Chiu. Experts suggest using CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion.

6. Anti-aging products

It must be remembered that cosmetic products that help the skin look younger longer () can also provoke excessive dryness of the skin. Active ingredients in face and body creams increase the rate of cell population renewal, in particular:

  • retinol;
  • glycolic acid;
  • salicylic acid ;
  • benzoyl peroxide.

“Try putting anti-aging products on top of your moisturizer,” Chiu recommends. “Avoid applying such an anti-wrinkle cosmetic directly to the skin to avoid the side effects of such cosmetics,” adds the doctor.

7. Hard water aggravates dry skin

Dermatologists report that hot water is bad for skin, especially dry skin. Remember that water, which contains a large amount of minerals (highly mineralized), washes away the natural fat that is in the skin, reminiscent of Chiu.

Limescale is a white, dense substance that forms at home on faucets, in pipes, and in the sink. According to experts, plaque indicates that you have hard water in your home. In this case, get a water filter to purify the water from excess minerals. In this case, the condition of the skin will definitely improve.