Old fairy tales about Santa Claus. A bedtime story about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Read and listen. Fairy tale online about Santa Claus: entertaining geography

There are very different fairy tales about Santa Claus for children, but all of them are united by the fact that they are always joyful and cheerful. After all, where this red-cheeked grandfather with a long beard comes, songs and loud laughter sound. But this story is completely different and it didn’t start out so fun. In a distant country, children and adults were preparing to celebrate the New Year. They decided to arrange a carnival with songs and dances and even invited the real Santa Claus to it. The night should have been very interesting, if not for one "but".
The fact is that our grandfather Frost was already quite old and began to get tired quickly. Therefore, before going to celebrate the New Year at the carnival with the kids, he decided to have a little rest in order to be cheerful and full of energy all New Year's Eve. But the trouble is, he was defeated by a very, very strong sleep.

Beautiful music played at the ball, the children sang New Year's songs, played funny games and were very, very waiting for Santa Claus to come. "Santa Claus! Santa Claus!" they called from time to time, but to no avail. Children and even adults were at a loss, because we all know that grandfather was fast asleep at that time, and it was not clear to everyone else what had happened. Parents reassured their children that Santa Claus would definitely come by the New Year, but the miracle did not happen. The clock passed twelve, and the cheerful companion of the holiday was not with them. Nobody wanted to sing and dance. Even firecrackers and sparklers, which children like so much, did not please. The poor and upset participants of the carnival sat next to each other and were sad together. Adults, who were also at the holiday, began to tell funny stories about Santa Claus for children, but all in vain. From these funny stories it got even worse, because the New Year had already come and time could not be stopped or turned back.

Fairy tale online about Santa Claus: entertaining geography

When Santa Claus woke up on the clock it was exactly fifteen minutes to one in the morning. He quickly got up and ran to the ball. He was very ashamed that he had let the kids down like that, so on the way he thought about ways to save the situation. Grandfather found them very sad and tearful. The children were so upset that they did not even rejoice, as they should, when he appeared.
- Dear children, - began Grandfather Frost, - Forgive me, please. I'm already very old, so the New Year overslept. But to atone for my guilt, I will show you a real New Year's miracle - we will travel in time. Well, hurry up and get into my ranks!
The children didn't take long to beg. In a matter of seconds, they were seated in the sled and were ready for adventure.
- I'll tell you a little secret, there are places on the planet where the New Year has not yet come, so we'll meet him there, - Santa Claus laughed. And so it happened, when the sanations stopped, the children ended up at the ball, where everyone was looking forward to midnight, because there were only 5 minutes left before the New Year. When the arrows converged, the children were beside themselves with happiness. Firecrackers, lights, laughter, fireworks and Santa Claus: everything they dreamed of.

Having fun, they again sat in the sled and asked Santa Claus what the essence of this witchcraft was. Grandpa laughed and told me about time zones. The children were very interested in this discovery, and they asked the good grandfather to bring them for a few more holidays in other belts. So our heroes traveled all night and met the New Year as many as 23 times. After all, miracles happen where people believe in them.

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When and who told this story? Nobody remembers? Who heard it and when? No one knows? And this story is about...

Santa Claus lived with his Snow Maiden at the North Pole, a huge ice island called the Arctic. In this realm of winter there have never been other seasons, the days here were the shortest on Earth. The sun, as it were, was afraid to freeze and quickly left this eternally icy and inhospitable land, and on long nights the stars and northern lights sparkled with cold. And there was no one but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in this Arctic desert.
So they would have continued to live in sad loneliness, if not for the dream that the Snow Maiden saw on the eve of the new year.
And she dreamed that she and Santa Claus were visiting the guys at the New Year tree. And all this joyful meeting with songs, games, dances, New Year's toys and gifts was like in reality.
Waking up, the Snow Maiden involuntarily began to repeat the memorized words of one of the children's verses she had heard:

Tick-tock, the clock is ticking.
Top-top - New Year is coming.
There is a tree growing there.
Here and there gifts are given.

Grandpa, grandpa! - the Snow Maiden cried out loudly and joyfully, loudly knocking her crystal heels on the floor of the ice palace.
Santa Claus sitting in an ice chair coolly asked:
- I'm listening to you, granddaughter.
- Grandpa, we are not alone, we are not alone!
- What happened, Snow Maiden?
-Grandfather, I had a dream, I saw the guys. There are a lot of them, they all have fun together. I want them! I really want to see them, grandfather!
Santa Claus got up and approached the Snow Maiden, hugged her warmly and smiled:
-Of course, of course you will see them soon. Just don't worry so much.
-No! You just calm me down. You do not believe me! - The Snow Maiden began to cry, and large icicles of tears fell from her large eyes.
- Okay, okay, I promise you, we'll set off tomorrow, on our way, however, I don't know the way to these guys.
-I'll show you everything, grandfather, I remember everything! Jumping for joy, the Snow Maiden kissed Father Frost on both cheeks.

Three days until new year...

The next day, by morning, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were ready for the road.
Santa Claus took out his staff and, knocking it twice, wished that the northern lights would serve as a path through the sky for them, and the stars would illuminate the right path for them. In an instant, the stars lined up in a chain, and the lace of the northern lights stretched out in a path, lowered one edge to the feet of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. As soon as they stepped on it, the path, hovering in the air like a snake, itself moved towards the illuminated path.

Two days before New Years...

The whole day Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden flew over the Arctic, and at the end of the day their speedy path began to quickly shorten before our eyes and descend lower and lower to an unknown land. These turned out to be the islands of Severnaya Zemlya, the owner of which was the polar bear.
“Grandfather, look what a funny creature is approaching us,” the Snow Maiden had only time to say, when the rattling voice of a large polar bear rang out:
Who are you and what do you need here?
- We are in a hurry with the Snow Maiden to the New Year tree to the guys. Could you help us get to them?
The bear did not answer, only smiled and submissively offered his shaggy back. With all his might, he carried Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and by morning they had reached the mainland.
-I can't go any further. This is the tundra, and its ruler is the noble reindeer. It will help you to travel further. Farewell!

One day before new year...

And now Father Frost and the Snow Maiden continued their journey riding a reindeer. All the next day they raced tirelessly across the expanses of the tundra.
Ahead was the taiga with its numerous inhabitants. Having learned that the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are in front of them and that they are late for the New Year's meeting with the guys, the animals gladly agreed to help. As before, with the help of a magic staff, magnificent sleighs appeared, in the harness of which they stood up: an elk and a bear, a wolf and a wild boar, a fox and a hare, a sable and a squirrel. And black grouse with capercaillie also helped: from a bird's eye view, they looked out for the most passable places for sleds.
One hour before the new year...

And here is Baikal itself, the sea-lake! And his beautiful daughter Angara.!
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden thanked the hospitable taiga animals and moved on high-speed skis further to the old merchant city of Irkutsk. It was there that our Snow Maiden visited in a dream three days before the New Year.

The clock strikes 12

Finally, the evening lights of Irkutsk appeared with its beautiful New Year tree and a cheerful round dance of children.
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden heard:

Tick-tock-the clock ticks.
Top-top - New Year is coming.
There is a tree growing there.
Here and there gifts are given.

Yes, I saw it all in a dream, grandfather! - exclaimed the Snow Maiden and, happy, began to dance around the New Year tree with Santa Claus and the guys.
-Happy New Year to you guys! - Said Santa Claus.
-Happy New Year! - the Snow Maiden echoed him.


The story was written in 2000.

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Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were never late for the New Year holiday. And then this happened - the Snow Maiden got lost. Who found her? Not Voron Voronovich and not a clear month ...

Once upon a time there were Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. We didn't grieve, we were preparing for the New Year. But here's how it happened! The Snow Maiden is lost. The time has come for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to go to the children for the New Year's holiday, but she is nowhere to be found.

Santa Claus is walking, looking behind the trees, and Raven Voronovich is flying towards him. Hairy whirlwinds, black feathers, a gilded chain around the neck. Santa Claus asks him:

- Have you met, Voron Voronovich, the Snow Maiden?

“No, I didn’t,” he replied.

- Have you met, Clear Moon, the Snow Maiden?

“No, I haven’t,” he replied.

- Have you met, dear Sunny, the Snow Maiden?

- How not to meet, - said the Sun, - now she is in the hands of the Nightingale the Robber. The nightingale does not want to work, sits on a tree, and whistles all day long. And so that the forest trees all bow to the ground. Who is happy with such a whistle? Nobody! His great-grandfather Whistle was fond of all sorts of sounds, and this one is the same. And the Snow Maiden cooks food, cleans the house and the yard.

Santa Claus got angry here, got angry. He did not deal with the Nightingale the Robber himself. The chief in the Bird Kingdom is Oryol Orlovich, and Father Frost asked him to put things in order in his kingdom - to free the Snow Maiden, and to force the Nightingale the Robber to work. Work - it will make anyone better.

The Nightingale the Robber Snegurochka let go, and Orel Orlovich told the Nightingale the Robber an instructive tale. He immediately took up the broom.

And Santa Claus seated the Snow Maiden in a painted, dashing sleigh, and took her to the children. The children are already waiting for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

New Year's Eve! Have time, do all the things - and take time for the holiday.

Questions for the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus

What three characters did Santa Claus talk to?

What was the name of the great-grandfather of the Nightingale the Robber?

What duties were assigned to the Snow Maiden by the Nightingale the Robber?

Who contributed to the release of the Snow Maiden?

Were Santa Claus and Snow Maiden late for the holiday?

Shatokhina Sofya, 6 years old, pupil of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: We recommend the material for children from 5-8 years old, for home reading. A literary work can be used by both primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers when conducting classes with children. The story may be of interest to both young readers and young writers.
Raising interest in literary creativity.
-Develop the imagination, creativity, oral speech of children.
- To instill a love of books, a desire to read and compose fairy tales on their own.

There lived - there was a boy in the world. He didn't believe in Santa Claus.

Once he had a dream: he met a beautiful girl. And said to her:

Oh what a beauty! There are miracles in the world! Who are you?
- It's me, the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Santa Claus! – answered the girl.

- I do not believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, - says the boy.
- But why?
Because I've never seen him! After all, every New Year I find gifts under the tree, but I don’t see who brings them to me.
- I will help you to believe in Santa Claus ...
Then the boy woke up.
After a while the boy forgot his dream.
Winter has come. The New Year has come.

While the parents were laying the New Year's table, the boy was sitting in his room and playing with toys.

Then the window opened and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden flew into the boy's room through the window. Magical music played. The boy opened his mouth in surprise.
The Snow Maiden was the same as in the boy's dream. Beautiful…
And Santa Claus was real! Steam emanated from him, because he was all cold. There was frost on his beard. And the eyes were very kind and a little tired.

Santa Claus hit his magic staff on the floor - and a real Christmas tree appeared in the boy's room.
The second time Santa Claus hit his staff - and toys appeared on the Christmas tree, all beautiful, bright, all different. No matter how much the boy searched, he did not find similar toys.
For the third time, Santa Claus hit his staff - and gifts appeared under the tree.
There were gifts here: for mom, and dad, and grandma, and grandpa, and everyone - all relatives.

Santa Claus screwed up his kind eyes and asked the boy if he now believes in Santa Claus.
The boy, of course, believed in both Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Since then, the boy never doubted that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden brought him gifts. And if suddenly Santa Claus, for some reason, did not arrive, it means that at this time he is with another boy or girl of the same kind and shows them his miracles and gives gifts.
After all, there are a lot of children in the world, and Santa Claus is one.
So, what I wish you: believe in Santa Claus and wait for new New Year's gifts and surprises.