The degree of maturity of the placenta in pregnant women. Maturity of the placenta, premature aging and late maturation What is the 2nd degree of placental maturity

Seven days after fertilization, the human embryo, freely located in the uterus, begins to sink into its mucous membrane. Attached to the posterior (rarely to the anterior) wall of the uterus with its villous membrane, chorion and allantois, the embryo enters the so-called fetal period of its development. At this time, a temporary organ is formed - a child's place or placenta.

What role does this structure play in the process of intrauterine development of the unborn child, what does the degree of maturity of the placenta mean - these and other issues will be considered by us in this article.

Why is a placenta needed?

Everything that grows and develops must eat and breathe. And the future baby is no exception. From maternal blood, glucose, amino acids and, of course, oxygen enter its cells. It turns out that the blood vessels of the fetus and mother are not anatomically interconnected. This fact is of cardinal importance, otherwise the ballast substances from the maternal bloodstream would clog the blood of the embryo. On the other hand, germ proteins alien to the mother's immune system would provoke serious homeostasis disturbances in her. So it is the placenta that creates the necessary barrier, while simultaneously providing through its special structures - cotyledons - a passive exchange of plastic compounds and gases between the organisms of the mother and her unborn child. In embryogenesis, complex metamorphoses occur not only in the development of the fetus, but the degree of maturity of the placenta also changes week by week. The table below will reveal to us the dynamics of these changes.

Fetal part of the children's place

As we have already found out, the placenta is formed as a temporary organ, starting from 3-6 weeks of pregnancy. The fertilized egg - the zygote - begins to split up and is covered with a villous layer called the chorion. At 10-12 weeks, an early afterbirth is formed, and the chorionic villi grow into the endometrium of the uterus.

At first, the structure of the placenta is amorphous, but from the 12th week, the placenta gradually takes the form of a flat disk. By the end of pregnancy, its diameter reaches 20 centimeters, and its weight is 0.5 kg. The surface of the child's place facing the embryo is called the fetal. The histological structure of the amniotic membrane and the chorion that form it indicates a direct connection with the body of the embryo, which is carried out through the umbilical cords and the ring, which are included in the epithelium (skin) of the developing child.

Functions of the placenta

Together with the maternal part, represented by the endometrium, the child's place performs a number of important functions: trophic, respiratory, barrier, excretory, endocrine. We considered the first three earlier, we recall that thanks to such processes, the embryo receives the necessary nutrients, vitamins, solutions of mineral elements in the form of compounds.

The respiratory function of the placenta is carried out by diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules circulating in the blood vessels of the umbilical cord. The barrier property of the placenta prevents the penetration of antigens into the body of both the mother and the fetus. The ability of the child's place to produce hormones such as progesterone and prolactin leads to the idea of ​​the placenta as an endocrine gland. The excretory function of the child's place is to evacuate toxic products from the blood of the embryo through the umbilical veins: creatine, urea and excess salts.

Parameters of a normally developing fetus

Regular ultrasound examination of the unborn child allows you to determine what degree of maturity of the placenta should be, based on the duration of the woman's pregnancy. The shorter the period, the more the processes of biosynthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids are carried out by the cells of the embryo and the more intense the exchange processes between the blood of the mother and the fetus.

The structure of tissues and the metabolism of the child's place during this period corresponds to the 0 degree of maturity of the placenta by weeks. The table compiled on the basis of the results of diagnosing a normal pregnancy and presented below shows that the period up to 30 weeks is characterized by the following physiological norm of the state of the child's place: an almost smooth surface of its fetal part, the uniformity of the tissue structure and the absence of deposits of calcium salts in them. However, even with the full compliance of the ultrasound results obtained with the above parameters of the placental development norm, the decisive indicators will be the heart rate and the supply of organs and tissues of the fetus with oxygen.

Aging of the placenta: norm or pathology?

The child's place is a temporarily functioning organ, therefore its tissues gradually coarsen (their consistency thickens), which leads to a deterioration in the processes of diffusion and osmosis, as well as to a decrease in the rate of blood flow in the placental vessels. The most significant for elucidating the mechanisms of aging of the placenta is the 34th week. The degree of maturity of the placenta during this period increases greatly, and by the 39th week of pregnancy, the placenta becomes very dense, and its functioning decreases.

This is a genetically and physiologically normal phenomenon that occurs during pregnancy. The dependence of the state of the child's place on the trimester of pregnancy is determined as the degree of maturity of the placenta by weeks. The table below provides visual information showing the correlation between the period of fetal development and the histological picture of placental structures.

Why does a child's place get old?

In some cases, the rate of aging of the organ connecting the mother and child organisms may increase. For example, according to the result of ultrasound, the doctor puts the 2nd degree of maturity of the placenta, although the gestational age is less than 32 weeks. There may be several reasons: a viral infection, regular intoxication as a result of smoking, chronic diseases of the woman herself (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis), or Rh conflict.

How much this will affect the development of the fetus is determined by the attending physician, who will choose the right treatment strategy. Usually it includes both additional diagnostic procedures and examination in a hospital setting.

The relationship between gestational age and the state of the placenta

As you can see, quite a lot of different factors can affect the degree of maturity of the placenta. The norms given in the table will help the expectant mother compare them with her own ultrasound indicators.

Early aging of the placenta is not necessarily a symptom that threatens the life of the mother and fetus. For example, if the 3rd degree of placental maturity, detected at 34-36 weeks of gestation, is not associated with impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus and the child's place, or with a diagnosable violation of embryogenesis, or with an Rhesus conflict, then there is no cause for concern. Otherwise, the pregnant woman will be offered a course of treatment in a hospital, and as an extreme option - an artificial birth.

How pregnancy pathologies affect the early maturation of the placenta

Let us recall once again that a child's place is the most important temporarily functioning structure that connects the organisms of the mother and the unborn baby. The afterbirth unites the circulatory systems of the pregnant woman and the embryo, thanks to which nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood diffuse into the organs and tissues of the fetus. Thus, all violations of the general blood flow will have multiple negative consequences. For example, gestational hypertension (increased blood pressure in a woman) from the 20th week of pregnancy can lead to the formation of defective vessels in the placenta. This inevitably entails the processes of decompensation of the placenta arteries, which leads to its premature aging, not to mention the threat of hypoxia in the fetus.

In this article, we found out how the various stages of pregnancy and the degree of maturity of the placenta by weeks are interconnected. A table compiled according to the results of Doppler ultrasound diagnostics will help expectant mothers to obtain the information they need.

Placenta (baby place, placenta) - an organ that occurs in the uterus when carrying a child. Its main duty is to ensure the vital activity of the embryo, its development and growth. This organ will be completely created by the 12-week gestation period and will increase in size, just like the baby. To determine the state of the organ, there is a definition - the degree of maturity of the placenta.

Until the onset of the 3rd trimester, it has a zero level, the maximum maturation is the 3rd degree of placental maturity. During the zero degree, the structure of the placenta is homogeneous, later the initial features of maturation appear. The period of maturity of the placenta is noted by weeks and detailed monitoring of its condition and the ratio to the gestational age is constantly carried out. Small differences in its functioning can cause significant deviations in development. It is possible to assess the condition of the organ only by ultrasound.

What is the placenta for?

This is a one-of-a-kind organ that unites the unborn child and his pregnant mother. Thanks to the placenta, all the necessary elements come to the embryo, and the well-being of pregnancy depends on it.

The functions of the placenta are to perform the following tasks:

  • helps to breathe (provides an inflow of air to the embryo, the removal of carbon dioxide);
  • provides nutrition (delivers nutrients from mother to baby);
  • removes fetal waste;
  • performs the function of a barrier, protecting the baby from harmful elements;
  • provides a healthy hormonal background, forms a large number of hormones necessary for a normal pregnancy.

How is the placenta formed?

The placenta begins to form at 5-6 weeks of gestation and increases so rapidly that it outstrips even the embryo in terms of growth. By the end of the gestation period, the child and mother are united by a child's place with a diameter of 15-20 cm, and weighing about half a kilogram.

Further, from the 33rd week, maturation processes begin in the placental tissue. The onset of labor activity is associated with the highest degree of placental maturity. By the end of the term, she ceases to carry out her own functions, the baby's body releases a certain hormone into the mother's blood, which provokes the onset of contractions.

Placental thickness by week

1 degree of maturity of the placenta

Until the 30th week of pregnancy, the placenta has a zero degree of maturity. The placenta is homogeneous in its structure, has smooth tissues. It effectively satisfies all the needs of the fetus, perfectly fulfilling its purpose. Sometimes it happens that already from the 27th week, an early transition of the placenta to the first degree of maturity begins. Its state changes - inclusions, waves and other initial signs of maturation appear on the surface. In some cases, when it was not possible to establish 1 degree of placental maturity, doctors set the degree 0-1. The transition that occurred before the stipulated time is called premature aging. In this case, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment to normalize the supply of nutrition and oxygen to the fetus, improve placental blood flow.

According to the norms, 1 degree of maturity of the placenta lasts until the 34th week. In this case, there is no reason to worry about the health of the baby. But often at the 30th or 32nd week, during a planned ultrasound, 2 or 3 degrees of placental maturity are diagnosed. These values ​​do not always indicate a dangerous placental insufficiency, therefore, an additional comprehensive examination is carried out for each specific case.

2 degree of maturity of the placenta

In pregnancy without any complications, the placenta reaches the second degree of maturity from the end of the 34th week. Waviness, tortuosity of the placenta increase until the 37th week, the number of echopositive fragments, convolutions on the membrane increases.

If the 2nd degree of placental maturity was detected before the gestational age reached 33 weeks, an additional examination is necessary. The complex of diagnostic measures, as a rule, includes blood tests, smear analysis for flora, fetal CTG. The results of these procedures will show if there is a risk to the fetus and if there are pathologies. It is worth noting that the premature maturity of the placenta does not always harm the development of the fetus. Then all measures will be aimed at maintaining the condition of the placenta and improving blood circulation. Most often, outpatient treatment is prescribed with the use of drugs such as Actovegin, Curantil and others. It is very important to take vitamin supplements, take daily walks in the fresh air and improve your diet to prevent oxygen deficiency.

If hypoxia has already been diagnosed, and the fetus lacks nutrients and other essential compounds, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized. The hospital will conduct a course of medication, regular CTG procedures and other supportive measures designed to maintain the health of the woman and child.

If during a comprehensive examination a dangerous complication is detected that harms the health of the child, and maintenance therapy does not lead to significant improvements, doctors may resort to premature birth.

3 degree of maturity of the placenta

3 degree of maturity of the placenta during full-term pregnancy is the norm. The vital activity of the organ slows down, the placenta prepares for the completion of gestation. The period of development of the placenta is completed, and at the end, the physiological aging of the placenta occurs. Deep folds reaching the basal layer are considered signs of aging of the placenta. The surface is covered with numerous inclusions and salt deposits, spots of arbitrary shape. After the 37th week, the pregnancy is defined as fully term. In emergency cases, a caesarean section is prescribed if the child has an acute lack of oxygen or placental abruption

In some cases, the 3rd degree of placental maturity does not correspond to the actual gestational age. This creates a threat to the development of the fetus due to acute hypoxia, provokes premature birth. As soon as the risk is detected, dopplerometry is performed. This procedure helps to assess the quality of the blood supply to the fetus and understand what the risk is. Sometimes the 3rd degree of placental maturity is observed at the 30th week of pregnancy. This usually occurs after uterine bleeding or previous diseases. There is no cure for this condition, so the only solution is to induce labor.

The main prerequisites for early aging of the placenta

There are more than enough circumstances leading to this. Often, such a difficulty appears in pregnant women who are careless about their own well-being or experiencing health problems.

Causes that initiate untimely aging of the placenta:

  1. smoking and drinking alcohol;
  2. lack of vitamins and essential minerals;
  3. viral and enterobacterial infections;
  4. past miscarriages, abortions and pathologies in the uterus;
  5. multiple pregnancy;
  6. ailments of the endocrine system;
  7. preeclampsia;
  8. physiological characteristics of women.

What is dangerous premature aging of the placenta

The aging of the placenta is considered a natural and irreversible process, but in certain circumstances it occurs ahead of time, which indicates a pathology and will require additional research.

Circumstances of deviations from the norm are the following conditions:

  • childbirth with complications, numerous abortions;
  • thyroid problems and diabetes;
  • genital infection;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • late toxicosis, gestosis;
  • exfoliation of the placenta;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Usually, a placental disorder is asymptomatic and practically does not affect the health of a woman. For better diagnosis, in addition to ultrasound, Doppler and fetal cardiotocography can be prescribed.

Any treatment in the course of deviations is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. All activities are aimed at maintaining the course of pregnancy. However, in case of urgent need, doctors can resort to inducing premature birth in order to save the life of the child and the health of the mother.

It is characterized by an earlier development of the placenta (aging), which entails possible conditions that threaten the health of the fetus. Most often they talk about fetal hypoxia, that is, its insufficient supply of oxygen, which leads to oxygen starvation. At the same time, due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the unborn baby, violations of the functions of the brain are possible, and for the process of childbirth - their premature onset and severe course.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta:

  • diabetes mellitus and other hormonal disorders in the mother's body;
  • abortions that a woman had before a real pregnancy;
  • endocrine diseases of the expectant mother (thyroid disease);
  • late toxicosis - preeclampsia;
  • smoking or drinking by the mother;
  • chronic disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • infections of the genital tract and uterus.

However, despite such ominous data, a woman who is diagnosed with placental maturity stage 2 for a period of less than 33 weeks should not panic. The doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests and studies on the blood flow of the fetus. If this pathology is not detected, then the woman has nothing to worry about. In the case of confirmation of a real threat to the normal life of the fetus, effective treatment in a hospital is prescribed. As a rule, the drug course is aimed at restoring the functions of the placenta to fully supply the child with all the nutrients. substances.

2 degree of maturity of the placenta at a period that does not correspond to the norm does not always mean the presence of pathology. If the doctor does not notice a real threat of premature birth, then most likely a course of treatment with Curantil or other appropriate medicines at home will be prescribed. In any case, a woman should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and regularly come to the appointment.

The placenta is a unique organ that connects the fetus and mother during pregnancy. It is through her that all the necessary substances come to the baby, therefore, the successful outcome of pregnancy depends on the state of the placenta. One of the indicators of the work of the placental complex is the degree of its maturity.

What is a placenta?

Translated from the Latin placenta - cake, cake. This organ got its name due to its disc-shaped flattened shape. It is formed only during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby, it is excreted along with the fetal membranes.

Functions of the placenta:

  • Respiratory (delivery of oxygen to the baby, removal of carbon dioxide)
  • Nutrient (transport of nutrients from mother to fetus)
  • Excretory (all waste products of the fetus are excreted through the placenta)
  • Barrier (protection of the child from harmful substances in the mother's blood)
  • Hormonal (the placenta produces many hormones that allow pregnancy to develop)

How does the placenta develop?

The formation of a full-fledged "children's place" begins far from the first days of pregnancy. For a period of 4 weeks, the entire fetal egg is surrounded by a special villous tissue - the chorion. By 9-10 weeks, an early placenta is formed - the remaining chorionic villi that have penetrated the upper layer of the uterus and connected with its blood vessels. By the end of pregnancy, the baby and mother are connected by a half-kilogram organ with a diameter of 15-20 cm.

Up to 32 weeks of pregnancy, the permeability of the placental membrane increases. A growing child requires more and more oxygen and nutrients. To maintain his health, the number of placental vessels increases, and the placental membrane itself becomes thinner. After this period, the placenta ceases to develop, its aging begins.

What is the aging of the placenta?

After 33 weeks, the processes of "aging" begin in the placental tissue. This is an absolute norm provided by nature. According to one hypothesis, the onset of labor is associated precisely with the maximum maturity of the placenta. By the end of the term, it ceases to fulfill its functions, the fetal body releases stress hormones into the mother's blood, which triggers contractions.

What does the degree of maturity of the placenta mean?

All changes depending on the duration of pregnancy are determined using ultrasound (see). There are a number of special parameters by which the doctor sets one or another degree of maturation of the placenta.

  • 0 degree - up to 30 weeks of pregnancy
  • I degree - at 27 - 36 weeks
  • II degree - at 34 - 39 weeks
  • III degree - after 36 weeks of pregnancy

To determine the aging placenta, an ultrasound specialist evaluates its thickness, the presence of cysts and calcium deposits. Despite the high information content of ultrasonic methods, when determining maturity, there is an overdiagnosis.

Until recently, it was believed that prematurely aged placenta leads to miscarriages, antenatal death and the birth of small children. After the research, these assumptions were not confirmed. Women with a III degree of placental maturity up to 35 weeks are simply included in the group of increased attention.

Table of degrees of maturity of the placenta by week

Factors contributing to early aging of the placenta

  • Hypertension in pregnancy

Most often, gestational hypertension (high blood pressure during pregnancy) is associated precisely with the function of the placenta. For various reasons, the placenta forms defective vessels, which affects the condition of the fetus and mother. A pregnant woman can suffer from edema, high blood pressure, and even preeclampsia. The baby, being in the womb, cannot get enough oxygen through defective arteries. Therefore, the placenta works at full capacity, aging prematurely.

  • infections during pregnancy

Any, including the banal ARVI, makes the placental tissue work actively. It filters maternal blood from viruses, passes protective antibodies and increased oxygen to the child in order to cope with the disease faster. This causes accelerated maturation and aging of the placenta.

  • Excess calcium intake

One of the main signs of physiological changes in the "children's place" are calcium deposits. By the end of pregnancy, there are more and more such calcifications in the placenta. If an excess amount of calcium enters the body of the expectant mother (with uncontrolled intake of large doses of vitamins, for example), then the placental tissue is gradually replaced by it, ripening ahead of time.

Prognosis for premature aging of the placenta

All pregnant women need to remember an important fact: in itself, the early maturation of the placenta does not threaten complications for mother and child. Only when the "old" placenta is combined with other signs of fetal suffering can we talk about a threat to health. These signs include:

  • Violations of the uteroplacental and fetal-placental blood flow
  • Severe intrauterine growth retardation
  • Severe hypertension in pregnancy
  • Signs of Rh conflict in the fetus
  • Maternal diabetes (decompensated)

All of the above conditions are dangerous in themselves, even without signs of an overripe placenta. Therefore, they require special attention, special treatment, and sometimes urgent delivery.

Why is an immature placenta dangerous?

The placenta that has not reached the II-III degree of maturity by the end of pregnancy is considered immature. This condition is rare, and is more often caused by diagnostic errors. For example, with a Rh conflict between the mother and fetus, the placenta may "swell." Her increased edematous smoothness on ultrasound looks like 0 degree of maturity. Therefore, the immature placenta itself is not dangerous, but its signs often mask serious complications of pregnancy.

Additional research methods

doppler ultrasound

It is impossible to assess the condition of the fetus according to the degree of maturity of the placenta. Therefore, the main criterion for normal pregnancy are normal Doppler values. This method, based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from different biological media, allows you to evaluate the blood flow through the placenta. With a normal pregnancy after 20 weeks, there is a decrease in blood resistance in the vessels connecting the uterus, placenta and fetus. This stable resistance provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby. Even if the placental tissue on ultrasound looks older than it should be, a good Doppler ultrasound result dismisses all concerns. Conversely, the placenta of normal maturity may not be able to cope with its task, which will immediately affect the condition of the fetus.


CTG is a method that allows you to assess the condition of the baby in real time, here and now. Special sensors capture the fetal heartbeat, count its movements, and record uterine contractions. All this helps to determine the minimum disturbances in the work of the placenta.

If the prematurely aged placenta was determined on ultrasound, then the only way to find out the condition of the child will be Dopplerography and CTG.

How to slow down the maturation of the placenta?

Usually, after the conclusion of an ultrasound doctor about the premature maturation of the placenta, expectant mothers begin to worry and look for ways to “rejuvenate” it. This is a pointless and futile exercise. All pregnant women need to know the following facts:

  • In itself, the early maturation of the placenta does not pose a threat to mother and baby.
  • When determining the maturity of the placenta, diagnostic errors very often occur.
  • An aged placenta is a reason to do dopplerography and CTG, but not a reason to worry
  • With normal blood flow in the placenta and fetal heart rate, you can forget about the degree of maturity of the "children's place"
  • With severe hypoxia of the baby (according to CTG and Doppler), either observation, or treatment of the cause, or emergency delivery is required
  • There are no drugs that slow down the aging of the placenta. , chimes, pentoxifylline, multivitamins and other drugs have no evidence base

Prevention of early aging of the placenta

  • Pregnancy planning
  • Quitting smoking, drinking alcohol
  • Timely screening, dopplerography and CTG
  • folic acid intake
  • Taking iron supplements for anemia
  • Avoidance of crowds of people (in order to prevent SARS).

Placenta- "binder" between the mother's body and the fetus during the period. This is a unique organ, because it is through it that all the substances necessary for development enter the fetus. That is why the overall outcome of the gestation period depends on the state of this organ. The degree of maturity of the placenta is one of the important indicators of the functioning of the placental complex.

Placenta - what is it?

In Latin, the word placenta" means "cake, cake." It's all about how the placenta looks: this organ got its name because of its flattened shape, because it looks like a flat disk.

When is the placenta formed during pregnancy?

Its formation begins only when conception occurs, and when a child is born, it is excreted along with the fruit membranes.

The placenta performs the following functions:

  • respiratory - through it oxygen enters the fetus and carbon dioxide exits;
  • barrier - protects the fetus from those harmful substances that are in the mother's blood;
  • nutritional - nutrients come from the mother to the fetus;
  • hormonal - produces a number that determine the normal development of pregnancy;
  • excretory - through it the waste products of the fetus are excreted.

The process of development of this organ does not occur immediately after conception. In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetal egg surrounds chorion - This is a special pile fabric. The formation of an early placenta occurs around the ninth week. It is formed by chorionic villi that have penetrated the upper layer of the uterus and connected with the local blood vessels.

By the end of gestation, the placenta already weighs about half a kilogram, and its diameter is 15-20 cm. The permeability of the placental membrane increases until the 32nd week of pregnancy. After all, every week the size of the fetus increases, and it needs more and more oxygen and nutrients.

Accordingly, in order to provide such nutrition, the number of vessels in the child's place increases, and the membrane becomes thinner. After the thirty-second week, the development of the placenta stops, and it begins to age. If this happens earlier, then it is diagnosed premature aging of the placenta .

Aging of the placenta

In the placental tissue, aging processes begin as early as the 33rd week of gestation. This is a normal, natural phenomenon.

In medicine, there is a version that it is at the maximum maturity of the child's place that the birth process begins. Since by the end of pregnancy the placenta no longer performs its functions, stress hormones are released from the baby's body into the mother's body, and this leads to the onset of contractions.

In the process of pregnancy development, the doctor looks out for all internal changes during an ultrasound examination. And the degree of maturity is also determined in the process of ultrasound, taking into account certain parameters.

According to the gestational age, the degrees of maturity are determined as follows:

  • degree of maturity 0 - up to 30 weeks;
  • the degree of maturity of the placenta 1 - 27-36 weeks;
  • the degree of maturity of the placenta 2 - 34-39 weeks;
  • the degree of maturity of the placenta 3 - after 36 weeks.

To determine what degree of aging - the first, second or third - the doctor determines its thickness, looks for calcium deposits and cysts.

Not so long ago, the maturity of a child's place was viewed differently than at the present time. So, it was believed that with its premature aging, there is a high risk of antenatal death of the fetus, children with low weight are born. However, after scientists conducted a series of studies, this interdependence was refuted.

If a woman under 35 weeks (for example, at 32 weeks) has a third degree of maturity, she is classified as an increased risk group.

In more detail about the features of maturity, for example, about the degree of maturity of the placenta 2, what this means, the gynecologist will explain.

Below in the table you can clearly see the degree of maturity by week.

Table of degrees of maturity of the placenta by week of pregnancy

This parameter is a very important point in the course of diagnosis, since deviations from the norm can be evidence of pathologies. There is a special table of the thickness of the placenta by weeks, which indicates the limits of the norm.

The thickness of the placenta by weeks is determined during an ultrasound scan, which is performed after 20 weeks. If the process of carrying a baby proceeds normally, then the greatest thickness of the placental tissue is noted at 34 weeks, and at 36 weeks. its growth stops, and the thickness may even decrease slightly.

Provided that the placenta is too thin, diagnose hypoplasia of the placenta . However, as a rule, this is not too threatening, unless a significant decrease in size is noted. Very often, such deviations are associated with a genetic disposition, the influence of unfavorable factors, and diseases of a woman. If it is associated with diseases, treatment is carried out, in all other cases supportive therapy is practiced.

This indicator also affects the physique of the expectant mother. In short, thin women, the size of the child's place is smaller than in ladies of high stature and magnificent physique. If a thickening of the placental tissue is diagnosed, this condition may threaten to terminate the pregnancy. But with the right approach to treatment, pregnancy can be saved.

Thickening may be due to Rhesus conflict , iron deficiency anemia transferred infections . With serious deviations, careful monitoring of the expectant mother is important. The fact is that with the rapid growth of the child's place, its active aging occurs. With thickening, hormonal function is disrupted, which can adversely affect pregnancy.

However, if, after a series of additional examinations, the doctor concludes that the fetus is developing normally, only careful observation will be needed.

Why does the placenta age too soon?

If an old placenta is diagnosed during pregnancy, this may be due to various factors.


Gestational, that is, an increase in pressure during pregnancy is very often associated with the function of the placenta. For various reasons, defective vessels are formed in the child's place, and this affects both the condition of the fetus and the health of the woman. As a result, the expectant mother develops high blood pressure, sometimes, in severe cases, preeclampsia . A child, developing in the womb, does not receive enough oxygen due to defective vessels. As a result, the placenta has to “work” at full capacity, which is why it ages ahead of time.


If the expectant mother falls ill with any infectious disease, then the placental tissue works more actively. It ensures that the mother's blood is filtered from viruses, passes more oxygen and antibodies to the baby in order to activate the fight against the disease. As a result, its maturation and, accordingly, aging is accelerated.

Eating too much calcium

deposits calcium - one of the main signs of aging in a child's place. The closer to the end of pregnancy, the more calcifications determined in the placenta. And if a woman's body constantly receives a large amount of this trace element, then gradually calcium replaces the placental tissue, which provokes its active premature aging. This often occurs if a pregnant woman takes vitamin preparations uncontrollably.

What causes the early maturation of the placenta

For every expectant mother who is interested in what threatens the early maturation of the placenta during pregnancy, it is important to realize that this phenomenon in itself is not a threat to the health of the mother and baby. Only in the event that other signs of fetal aging are noted during aging, a threat to health can be noted. These signs are the following:

  • Severe intrauterine developmental delay.
  • Violation of the fetal-placental and utero-placental blood supply.
  • The presence of signs of Rh-conflict in the fetus.
  • Expressed hypertension at mother.
  • Diabetes in a pregnant woman (decompensated).

It is important to understand that even if there is no premature maturation of the placenta at 32 weeks of gestation or at another time, the conditions listed above are dangerous in themselves. In such conditions, special therapy is required, and in some cases urgent delivery is necessary.

What is an immature placenta and why is it dangerous?

If the placenta does not reach the 2-3 degree of maturity until the end of pregnancy, it is considered immature. This is a fairly rare occurrence, as a rule, this is due to errors in the diagnostic process.

For example, if there is a Rh conflict between the mother and the fetus, then the child's place can "swell". When ultrasound is performed, due to edematous smoothness, the placenta looks like at 0 maturity. Therefore, an immature placenta is not a dangerous phenomenon, but such signs can often mask dangerous complications for the mother and child.

To determine the degree of maturity of the fetus and placenta and in order to diagnose or exclude dangerous conditions, additional research methods are practiced.

doppler ultrasound

It is impossible to assess the condition of the child, guided by information about the degree of maturity of the placenta. Therefore, it is the data obtained from dopplerography , are considered to be indicators of normal pregnancy.

Data is obtained due to the reflection of ultrasonic waves from a variety of biological media. They make it possible to assess blood circulation through the placenta. Provided that everything goes well, after the 20th week, the blood resistance in the vessels that connect the uterus, fetus and child's place decreases. Due to the stable resistance, oxygen and nutrients are steadily supplied to the fetus. If a good result was obtained during the Doppler ultrasound, then there is no need to be afraid, even if the ultrasound examination of the placental tissue looks older than it should be at this moment.

It is also important to take into account that the reverse situation is possible: the placental tissue may be of normal maturity, but it may not perform its functions as it should. Accordingly, this will negatively affect the condition of the child. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular examinations.

Cardiotocography CTG

This method is good because it makes it possible to assess the condition of the baby at the present time. With the help of special sensors, it is possible to catch the fetal heartbeat, count the number of its movements, and register how the uterus contracts. The totality of the data obtained allows you to determine even the most minor violations in the functions of the placenta.

If premature aging of the placental tissue is determined by ultrasound, then CTG and Dopplerography should be performed to determine the condition of the child.

How to stop the aging process?

If the doctor, based on the results of research, concluded that the placental tissue is aging prematurely, then pregnant women, of course, are worried about this and are trying to find out how to “rejuvenate” it. If diagnosed with grade 3 placental aging in pregnancy, or lesser grade aging, any attempt at "rejuvenation" is pointless.

Every mother-to-be needs to be aware of the following:

  • The immediate early maturation of the child's place is not a threatening condition for either the mother or the baby.
  • If aging of the placental tissue is determined on ultrasound, additional studies are necessary - CTG and Dopplerography. However, this fact is not a cause for concern.
  • In the process of determining the maturity of a child's place, diagnostic errors occur quite often.
  • If in the course of additional studies normal indicators of the fetal heartbeat and placental blood flow are determined, then the expectant mother has no reason to worry about the aging of the placenta.
  • Provided that Dopplerography and CTG determined a pronounced fetus , then it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the child. The doctor decides on treatment or emergency delivery.
  • There are no drugs or methods that can slow down the aging process of placental tissue.
  • At present, there is no evidence base regarding the use of funds, multivitamin complexes, etc. for this purpose.

How to prevent early aging of the placenta?

To prevent such manifestations, a woman must be very careful in planning pregnancy and lifestyle in the process of bearing a baby. It is important to practice the following preventive measures:

  • plan pregnancy;
  • do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
  • practice moderate physical activity;
  • to walk outside;
  • timely conduct screenings, CTG, dopplerography;
  • accept ;
  • with anemia, take iron supplements;
  • try to avoid crowds of people in order to prevent infection with infectious diseases.

If a woman is overwhelmed by anxiety about certain indicators obtained during the examination, she should definitely seek additional advice from a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe additional examinations.