Table for Valentine's Day beloved. A romantic evening at home is a fabulous date on Valentine's Day. Salads on the festive table

Are you looking for ideas for a romantic evening for Valentine's Day? I have great stories for you and your soulmate how to celebrate this holiday.

The best gift you can give each other on Valentine's Day is lasting memories. Despite the fact that this year Valentine's Day falls on Thursday, i.е. working day, you should definitely find a romantic way to spend time together in a bright and unforgettable way. Perhaps some ideas will seem banal to you, but what can you do, I believe that romance is still alive ...


The first romantic idea involves drawing a treasure map to some special place or surprise, and leaving small gifts along the way. Gifts can be hidden in various places, and in order to receive them, your soul mate will have to solve a riddle. These can be any questions regarding the two of you or just hints.. For example: "My tenderness is basking in a cup .." And put some kind of romantic little thing or a note in any cup in the house. Searching for gifts is an exciting and interesting process at any age, it will surely please your love.


For this idea, you will need art supplies. Take watercolors, brushes, canvas, lots and lots of paper, and old clothes. Draw for as long as you like. You will see how drawing together will bring you even closer. Moreover, your artistic talents or special training do not play any role, the creative act itself is important as such, and your inner state, which will manifest itself as a result of drawing. Express yourself with paint spontaneously and freely, without worrying at all about the artistic merit of your work. It is not only fun, but also useful, drawing tends to relieve stress, improve mood, helps a person open up and has many other positive properties.

Quiet Romance:

You can create an atmosphere of love at home to celebrate Valentine's Day in the evening when your loved one arrives. If, of course, you have such an opportunity, and you will be at home. Fill the bath for the two of you, decorate the way to it with flower petals or paper hearts, or balloons, or notes with words of your love. Light scented candles when he is about to arrive. Turn on calm melodic music. After a bath, you can enjoy a romantic dinner in an intimate setting.

Valentine's Day Party:

Gather your friends, relatives, acquaintances and arrange a theme party. Think over the decor, games, treats in advance. Any Valentine's Day party is complete without hearts, candles, gifts, music and, above all, lots and lots of love in the air...

Of course, there are many more unique and interesting Valentine's Day ideas that you can try this year. These plots are just an example to set you in a romantic mood. Turn on your imagination, think about your one and only, and ideas will pour in one after another. You can also surprise your loved one and give him a gift. I am sure that you will figure out how to please your loved one and enjoy this day together.

Do you want to arrange a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day for your soulmate?

We will show you how best to organize it so that this evening goes perfectly.

So, a good romantic dinner consists of the following elements:

  • beautifully decorated room
  • themed table setting
  • delicious dishes
  • romantic music
  • good mood and love :).

We will talk about all this in order in our article.

Room decor

The room where a romantic dinner will take place can be decorated with themed flags.

Of course, candles will be the main decor of the evening.

Rose petals will help add a romantic mood.

Letters or a heart with light bulbs will look very nice (you can buy them).

And the wall can be decorated with a garland with your photos - it turns out very romantic (you can buy such a garland here).

Also, balloons will perfectly complement the holiday:

Decor and table setting

When organizing a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day, you should pay attention to table setting. An elegant tablecloth, candles, small decorative trifles will add a special mood to your evening.

Food for a romantic dinner on February 14

The answer to the question "What to cook for a romantic dinner?" depends on your preference. If you are a novice cook, you can prepare dishes you already know by decorating them festively.

Heart-shaped pizza or baked potatoes will definitely delight your lover or sweetheart. It is not the complexity of the dish that is important, but the feelings that you have invested in their preparation.

If you want to surprise your soulmate with something new, then take a look at our section. But you can find special dishes for Valentine's Day.

By the way, take care of the presence of dessert and drinks. For dessert, you can choose cake, biscuits or cakes, as well as fruit.

Romantic music

As a backdrop for your evening, you can burn your favorite melodies on a disc or use our selection

A romantic evening for two is the best end to Valentine's Day. Yes, February 14 came into our lives quite recently, but not only children, young people, but also older people have already liked it. Why not, if there is an additional reason to show your feelings for relatives, friends, most importantly - your soulmate, say, and give cute valentines.

How to properly organize this celebration for two, what can be done and what are the main rules? we already wrote, it's time to dream about this foreign holiday.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 13th century, but it only came to us in the 90s. It is customary to celebrate it on February 14th. It was then, according to legend, that the authorities executed a priest named Valentine, who dared to marry lovers.

It is believed that at that time the Roman emperor Claudius II sent his forces to conquer new lands. For these purposes, he needed a strong army, but the soldiers gave a lot of strength to the family. A way out was found - to prohibit subordinates from marrying until the end of military service.

And only an ordinary priest agreed to marry couples, spitting on the taboo. For this, he was arrested and later executed, but in captivity the guy managed to find his love, the guard's blind daughter, and completely heal her. Before his death, the priest wrote a note to his beloved, signing simply "your Valentine." Since then, lovers give to their loved ones as a sign of deep feelings.

You can spend this day in different ways: in a large company, a public place, or just the two of you. We offer some interesting ideas for celebrating.

A romantic evening at home is the most common option, but this does not mean banal. A beautifully set table with hand-made culinary masterpieces, or light snacks, fruits, sweets on a small table by the TV. You can organize a real movie show by choosing a tape of romantic content and turning off the lights.

Computer craftsmen can mount a slideshow or a short film with the best moments of relationships (family life, underline the necessary), in order to remember all the good things that happened and strive for new heights. A game of desires will do. For example, drawing forfeits, lovers should: kiss, say words of love, compliment, reveal a secret.


A day spent together at the spa will do, but treatments can be arranged even at home. It is enough to buy the necessary aromatic oils, choose slow music, fill the bath with warm water, add salt there.

Erotic games

No one talks about whips or domination, although if the wife and husband themselves dream of this, please. But adding zest to an established intimate life never hurts. Enough:

  • put on a beautiful, emphasizing all the dignity of the figure, underwear, stockings, a good dress
  • pick up exciting music, you can shade the room a little
  • learn a few erotic movements or just dance for your loved one "from the heart", you can invite him to participate
  • a trick with a blindfold, hands is suitable - in the dark, each touch is felt sharper, and the inability to participate makes you want more.

Dinner on the roof

If it is possible to rent a room or simply negotiate with public utilities, organize a dinner on the roof, from where you can admire the city at night. The only drawback is the complexity of the implementation, since you will have to deliver a table, chairs, tablecloth, dishes, food (yes, so that it does not cool down), blankets, because winter is in the yard. Fortunately, some companies are ready to take care of all organizational issues, of course, on a paid basis.

Sports, you are the world!

For people who love sports, a date on the street is suitable. For example, skating to test the strength of relationships even in frankly slippery situations, or skiing. Yes, just a walk around the city, because cool flash mobs are often timed to coincide with this holiday, for example, for the longest kiss!


An excursion to a beautiful city, even if it is not Paris, but we also have places to go, admire the snow-covered streets, beautiful architecture, and nature!

Cultural recreation

A great gift for a wife or girlfriend is a trip to a restaurant. Firstly, she does not have to stand at the stove, preparing goodies for the table, and secondly, this is an occasion to dress up beautifully, show herself and see others. It’s just not worth it, like in the movies, to make an offer right in a restaurant, it’s still too personal a moment. What if she wants to refuse?

cultural trip

A cultural trip is also an option for a festive evening. A trip to the theater, cinema, or exhibition that has long been postponed can easily be timed to coincide with this date, especially since here, too, the repertoire is often dedicated to Valentine's Day.

Riddles, searches, adventures

The idea for the most active ones is a romantic quest, which is arranged in many large cities. Riddles, tasks, tests will show the strength of your feelings.


A gift-impression is no less original, this day can be devoted to a lesson in tango, ballroom dancing, pottery, yoga, rock climbing.

Interior decoration for February 14

Decorating a room or house for the holiday of lovers is a separate topic, I propose to briefly mention the most striking ideas.

  1. Candles. This invariable attribute of romance can not only add mystery to the room, but also visually makes people more attractive, hiding imperfect features, emphasizing the best. These small pieces of live fire will be appropriate on the table as additional lighting, even as a separate decoration. Just imagine how beautiful the path of tiny candles looks, leading from the threshold to your beloved! There are even floating views suitable for a relaxing romantic bath.
  2. Balloons. They are easier to buy ready-made, filled with light helium. It remains to tie the strings to the furniture or release the balls to the ceiling, giving them the shape of a heart. Another option is to tie valentines with wishes, compliments, gentle words to each “tail”.
  3. Hearts are a standard attribute of a holiday; when decorating a room, different things of this shape will be appropriate, but garlands hung in different directions look the most elegant.
  4. Photos. Print, put in different frames photos depicting the best moments of relationships and hang them all over the room. This decoration is distinguished by one considerable advantage - such decor will bring a good mood for a very long time!

Do not forget about the little things - rose petals on the bed, beautiful, perhaps bright scarlet bed linen, a pretty bucket for champagne, sweets with hearts will create the right mood.

What to give for Valentine's Day

As a rule, gifts for this holiday are not so expensive, large-scale. They are more likely to show love, and not the thickness of the wallet. Therefore, small romantic gifts will be more appropriate here: cute photo frames, paired cups, pendants, T-shirts, soft toys, heart pillows, useful little things. Gift ideas are detailed in a separate article.

Congratulations for loved ones in poetry and prose

You can congratulate your loved ones not only in deed, but also in word. A well-chosen phrase can convey a whole bunch of emotions. It is clear that not all of us are by nature poets and writers, well, nothing - there is for Valentine's Day.

What to cook for dinner for your beloved man (husband, boyfriend) on February 14

A romantic dinner prepared by one's own hands is the best gift for a loved one or a loved one (perhaps a girl or woman will be even more delighted, you won't even have to stand at the stove that day). It is worth choosing something special for the festive table, we offer such recipes.

Salads on the festive table

Salads are traditionally served first, here the scope for imagination is huge. You can cook "Male whim", because the dish is being prepared just for your loved one. The recipe is:

  • take boiled beef, hard cheese, eggs, onions, mayonnaise
  • finely chop the onion, marinate in wine vinegar with water
  • cut the meat into cubes
  • lay out the salad in layers: meat, onion without marinade, mayonnaise mesh, grated egg, grated cheese, mayonnaise again, repeat all products twice.

hot food recipes

Shrimp pasta

This is pasta familiar to us, but with a more original presentation. We have to:

Take: spaghetti, grated cheese, milk, onion, garlic clove, dry wine, shrimp, eggs;

  • finely chop shrimp, garlic, onion
  • in a hot pan with butter, fry the onion, add the shrimp, seasonings, white wine, salt, simmer until the excess liquid disappears

  • heat a glass of milk, add two eggs, mix quickly until thickened, add cheese, green onions if desired
  • add sauce to shrimp

  • strain the spaghetti, put on plates, put the sauce on top, decorate.

You can also cook chicken breast, meat in French (LINK to an article about a romantic dinner),

Snack "Kiss Beloved"

The original delicacy is prepared as follows:

- take a lemon, hard cheese, walnut, mayonnaise;

- cut the fruit into rings, if necessary, remove the seeds;

- grate cheese, chop nuts;

- sprinkle the lemon with sugar, put a little cheese, mayonnaise, nuts on top;

- roll everything up, secure with a toothpick at the skin.

Various heart-shaped snacks look pretty - cut tomatoes connected with a toothpick, pieces of sausage, fastened in the same way. If you have time, you can use metal molds to cut out hearts from vegetables, fruits, making original delicacies from pineapple, apple, watermelon. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy.

Easy and Quick Recipes for Valentine's Day

A delicious dinner can be prepared simply, quickly, easily without loss of quality. Don't believe? Read on!

Potato baked with sausages

The dish is prepared simply, even a not very economic husband can easily cope with the process.

potatoes, carrots, onions, hunting or other thin sausages, spices, salt, butter;

  • peeled products cut into rings, mix

  • pour everything with melted butter, salt, pepper, mix

  • put on a baking sheet, bake at 190 ° until the potatoes are soft
  • serve with greens.

Chicken Chops with Cheese

They prepare quickly.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 0.5 kg fillet
  • two eggs,
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable fat

  • wash the breast, cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick, beat off, salt, pepper
  • grate cheese
  • Break eggs into a bowl, add flour, mayonnaise, salt, cheese
  • grease the meat with batter on one side,

  • put on a hot frying pan with butter chop batter down
  • top also smeared with batter

  • After frying, turn over, cover with a lid.

So we found out how to organize the perfect Valentine's Day, delighting your soulmate. And may love, mutual understanding, romance be present in your relationship not only on February 14, but every day! Check back often, subscribe to blog updates!

How to spice up Valentine's Day?

1. Most couples go to a restaurant that day - standard, banal and boring. Distinguish yourself by going to, for example, MacDonald's. Better yet, cook your romantic dinner with your loved one at home. So it's much easier, calmer and more at home.

2. Play a game in which you need to find a gift with the help of hints. On the first piece of paper with a clue, write where the second clue is, and so on, until the last clue becomes a gift. Together with the hint, you can write declarations of love.

3. Original romantic idea. Buy a small photo album and colored paper (you only need red). Cut out hearts from paper and write your most pleasant memories, compliments on them, and then pick up photos for them and put them in an album. This surprise will please even the coldest heart =)

4. Write a romantic verse to your significant other - this is definitely not what he (a) will expect, unless you are a poetess / poet.

5. Have a picnic at home. Create an appropriate atmosphere: more light, wine, fruit, barbecue. In the evening, light candles and watch a movie.

6. Get ready by writing a wish list in advance. Write what you want from your loved one this month (year) and exchange lists. And then try to fulfill everything written for each other. Lists can be stored and remembered on each Valentine's Day, how your desires have changed, what you were able to do / get.

7. You can make such a romantic surprise: wake up a little earlier, sign a valentine with the words "I love you" and put it under your pillow. When the beloved wakes up, she will be delighted with such a surprise. Great mood for the whole day is guaranteed. It is better to prepare such a surprise for a girl.

8. Spend the whole day together without leaving a single step. Cook some dessert together. Give yourself completely to each other on this day.

9. Book a hotel room in a nearby town and hit the road together in the morning. End the evening with candles, a bed in rose petals. You will remember this day for a long time.

10. Go to a disco in the evening, to a club. Relax, dance, and continue the evening at home.

11. Try to hug your partner more often on this day. After all, this day was created in order to show your love to others as much as possible.

12. Decorate your apartment on this day with garlands, balloons, declarations of love. Turn on light music, look at your album. Confess your love to each other.

13. An ordinary walk around the city can also become no less romantic for Valentine's Day.

14. Watch a romantic movie together.

15. Give each other a massage. To do this, buy oil, candles, read in advance how to do a romantic massage.

16. Play adult games. For example, undressing. You will definitely have fun.

17. Coat each other with chocolate cream or any other and ... then it’s clear what needs to be done =)

Whatever you do on this day, consider the main rule: no TV and computer (unless it is connected with romance). Make the most of this day for each other!

Catch the romantic mood in the little things! To do this, it is not at all necessary to re-paste the bedroom with pink wallpaper. Your helpers are colored paper, scissors, a pen, thread and a glue stick. The algorithm is simple: we cut out hearts, write confessions, warm words, memories and everything else that you want to say to your partner in a fit of tenderness. We fix the hearts on strings and hang them from the ceiling or on the cornices.

Or breakfast. Or lure your other half to dinner! No borscht and goulash (although we know that the sacred power of love is in them), we will change the usual diet in favor of unusual taste sensations. Feeling like a superstar in the kitchen? Then experiment with spices. But you should not bake a goose or a roe deer: after a hearty meal, the continuation of a romantic rendezvous may be in jeopardy.

It is not necessary to give something impressive: on Valentine's Day, you can get off with a simple, but at the same time original present. For example, homemade certificates for the second half: for a massage, taking baths out of turn during the week, homemade pizza on Saturdays and a mandatory breakfast in bed. Of course, all these desires will have to be fulfilled, but what can not be done for the sake of love! Even an omelet at seven in the morning.

Choose for yourself and your other half such clothes that will complement the evening and make something memorable out of the usual routine with dinner and TV shows. It doesn't matter what it will be: special underwear, paired homemade pajamas or a hot dog costume.

Do you want the evening to be romantic and exciting? Set the rules of the game right off the bat. Think over a quest: spread notes around the apartment with instructions for actions for your partner. Start in the hallway, in the first task, ask to shout about your love for you! Next is the kitchen: a small, neatly folded piece of paper with a task can be left at the bottom of a plate with dessert (however, there is a risk that the piece of paper will be eaten in excitement, and then another quest will begin). The third - in a glass of sparkling wine, the fourth - on the way to the bedroom. The main prize of this epic, of course, will be you.

A non-trivial way to relax: take colored bath salts or dry dyes and glitter from the store to make a bath with space-colored water. If such experiments are in your life for the first time, it is better to test all the ingredients and their proportions until the X moment. Otherwise, there is a risk that after water procedures the bath will remain colorful and shiny. Another point: do not take a bath in advance - only walruses can relax in cold water.

Have you been together for a year? February 14 is a great day to remember past exploits. Print photos from past birthdays, travels and other interesting events. Is there a picture where a birthday cake is thrown in the face of a friend? Or your gentleman was stung by a jellyfish five minutes ago, and in this photo his face is sourer than a lemon? Great! Take out the garland from the bag if you have already managed to clean it up after the New Year. Attach photo cards to clothespins and hang the garland on the wall or cornice. It will be fun and cute.