Survivor's insurance pension. survivor's pension

Who, where and how can apply for and receive a survivor's pension (benefits)? Not many people know that even citizens without work experience are entitled to state pensions. And in case of premature death, the right to such a pension passes to dependents. All issues related to the appointment and payment of pensions are regulated by the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ, which, subsequently, was made various amendments and additions.

In fact, the survivor's pension is his labor pension. A person cannot bequeath it, but if after the death of a person there are people who were on his maintenance, then the state assumes the obligation to pay his pension in the form of benefits. In addition, the recognition of a person as missing may become the basis for paying a pension to dependents.

So, if there is a document confirming the death of a person (death certificate), or a document establishing that the person is recognized as missing (this is a court decision that has entered into force, on the basis of which the registry office will issue a death certificate), then the people who were on his dependents are eligible for this benefit.

Entitlement to a survivor's pension

The most important thing is to understand who is covered by this law and can qualify for a survivor's pension. So let's see who the law considers dependents. First of all, these are people who are completely and completely financially dependent on someone, that is, they are on the full material support of a person. First of all, these are children (children mean not only children born from the breadwinner, but also his brothers, sisters, and grandchildren), who are considered incompetent by law and cannot work and support themselves until the age of majority. Minor citizens, these include persons under the age of 18, do not need to prove the fact of dependence, it is assumed based on their disability.

Further, the same categories of kinship, but under the age of 23 years. A pension can be accrued until the age of 23 if these citizens are students of educational institutions of full-time departments. In this case, a document confirming the fact of dependency and disability will already be required. This is a certificate from an educational institution.

Again, children over the age of 23 can also claim this pension, but only if they have a disability, but the fact of receiving it must be recorded before they reach the age of 18. It should be noted that in this situation the right to a pension is reserved only for brothers, sisters and grandchildren who do not have able-bodied parents.

For natural children, the opportunity to receive a survivor's pension remains regardless of whether their parents were legally married. The main thing is that the fact of paternity (maternity) is established, this is either a birth certificate or a certificate of paternity. Only those children who have gone through the emancipation procedure and have been recognized as fully capable before reaching the age of 18 can lose their right to receive benefits. Emancipated citizens include children who entered into a legal marriage before their 18th birthday, or who work under an employment contract or are engaged in private business with the permission of their parents or guardians.

In addition to children, the spouse, parents or grandparents of the deceased citizen, as well as his siblings who have already reached the age of 18, but are caring for the children of the deceased breadwinner, may have the right to a pension, provided that they are less than 14 years old. In this case, the pension is assigned to only one person, regardless of how many dependents are left after the death of the breadwinner and how many relatives actually care for them, since this is a separate type of pension: a pension in connection with the care of dependents after the loss of a breadwinner. If there are several children under the age of 14, then the pension is paid until the youngest one turns 14, after which payments to relatives for the care of dependents cease. It is important here whether the person who has taken care of minors has a permanent source of his own income. After all, only a person who does not have his own source of income can apply for a pension. While looking for a job and being on the labor exchange, the right to a pension is retained, since unemployment benefits are not considered a source of permanent income.

I draw the attention of readers to the fact that disabled parents or the spouse of the deceased also have the right to receive this benefit for themselves, in addition, having lost their source of income some time after death, this right is reserved by law for them. Retirement (reaching retirement age by parents or spouse) is also considered a fact of disability. The same provision applies to the receipt of disability by the above persons. The law gives widowed spouses the right to retain such a pension even when they enter into a new marriage, provided that it was concluded after the death of the breadwinner, and the pension itself has already been issued.

The disabled grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwinner (if they have reached retirement age or are disabled) are also entitled to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, provided that there are no persons obliged by law to support them.

Another category of people entitled to receive this type of pension includes adoptive parents and adopted children, while they have equal rights with parents and natural children. Minor children already receiving a survivor's pension do not lose this right even after adoption.

The stepfather or stepmother, according to the law, is entitled to their part of the pension (on equal terms with the father or mother). To obtain it, it will be necessary, among other documents, to provide those that confirm that they have been dependent on the deceased stepson or stepdaughter for at least 5 years. Just like natural children, the stepson and stepdaughter have the right to a survivor's pension, but with confirmation that the deceased stepfather or stepmother raised and supported them.

There are no other applicants for this pension. If you have any doubts about whether you are entitled to it or not for any reason, please contact the pension fund at the place of registration for a preliminary consultation. Most likely, you will need a preliminary consultation in any case, since the package of documents for registering a pension is individual for each and you will need to obtain the list of documents you need from the specialist involved in registration.

The procedure for applying for a pension

To apply for a survivor's pension, you should contact your local pension fund. To do this, you will need to personally fill out an application of the established form, which will be issued to you on the spot. Typically, the application contains information about the applicant, the deceased breadwinner whose pension you are claiming, a list of dependents on whom the pension is supposed to be assigned. In addition, passport data and a current account in a savings bank are indicated, to which it will be necessary to transfer the due payments, as well as the grounds on which dependents are entitled to receive a pension or to extend it. The application can be sent by mail, but this will require prior notarization of the application itself and the entire package of attached documents.

The application package is conditionally divided into two parts. The first part consists of an identity document of the applicant, a document establishing the fact of the death of the breadwinner and a document establishing the degree of relationship between the applicant and the deceased, a work book issued by the employer of the deceased - it is mandatory for everyone. But the second part contains various documents confirming additional information, individual for each specific case. It can be:

Certificate of average earnings of the deceased;

Passport or other document confirming the identity of the guardian or representative;

Confirmation of the fact of caring for a disabled citizen, in connection with which the right to receive a pension arises;

Confirmation of the fact of being dependent on the adopted children of the deceased;

If the deceased breadwinner is a mother, then a document confirming her status as a single mother;

Certificate from the educational institution on full-time education for children under 23 years old;

A document confirming the fact that the applicant does not work and actually cares for the minor dependents of the deceased;

Confirmation that the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased are eligible to receive benefits;

Death certificate of the other parent;

A document confirming the disability of the person for whom the allowance will be issued;

A court decision declaring a person missing or dead;

A document confirming that the source of livelihood has been lost;

A document on other recipients of the pension on the occasion of the loss of this breadwinner;

Registration document on the territory of the Russian Federation, confirming permanent or temporary place of residence;

A document confirming the permanent place of residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation abroad.

All documents are provided in original with photocopies attached. After the specialist accepts your application, it will be considered within 10 days, the period begins to be calculated from the moment you provide all the necessary package of documents, and not from the date of the first application. After consideration and determination that the application and the attached documents contain comprehensive information for the appointment of a pension, it will be assigned and accrued from the date of submission of the full package of documents.

A pension is issued once for the entire period in which payments are due. But it must be borne in mind that for minor children, the payment terms have several milestones. As MirSovetov considered above, this is the achievement of the age of majority (18 years), then the achievement of 23 years, for those who go to study full-time. In this case, the time interval between 18 years and the date of actual admission to full-time education in an educational institution will not be paid, since with the onset of 18 years the right is lost, and it is restored only from the day of enrollment in an educational institution. For disabled citizens due to disability, the term for assigning a pension will depend on the disability certificate and correspond to its validity period. Cases of registration of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner are allowed at a time indefinitely (i.e. for life). In any case, when applying for a pension, a pension fund specialist will immediately announce to you the terms of its appointment and the terms of repeated applications, if there is a need to extend or after some time provide additional documents for this.

The procedure for calculating the pension

In order to calculate the size of the survivor's pension, you need to take into account many aspects and it is impossible to do it yourself. The only thing you need to know is that the pension will consist of two parts. The first is basic, it is fixed and is divided into three categories. So for orphans from April 1, 2014, it is 3910.34 rubles for each child, for other disabled family members 1955.17 rubles for each. For residents of the Far North and areas equated to it, the size of the base part is increased by the established regional coefficient. The base part is indexed on the same basis as the regular old-age pension.

The second part is called insurance and is calculated individually. Here is the formula that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides for its calculation in official sources:

The size of the survivor's pension = PC / (T x K) / KN + B, where

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner, taken into account as of the day of his death;

T is the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension. When assigning a pension starting from 2013 - 228 months

K - the ratio of the normative duration of the insurance experience of the breadwinner (in months) as of the day of his death to 180 months. The normative duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age, starting from 19 years, but not more than 180 months;

KN - the number of disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner as of the day from which the labor pension is assigned in the event of the loss of the breadwinner to the corresponding disabled family member.

This takes into account all disabled family members who are entitled to the specified pension, including persons who are recipients of another pension.

If the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or labor disability pension was established for the deceased breadwinner on the day of death, the amount of the labor pension in case of loss of the breadwinner is determined from the specified amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or labor disability pension (excluding the fixed base amount).

The size of the labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner for the children of a deceased single mother is determined from the doubled estimated pension capital of the deceased mother or from the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension or labor disability pension established on the date of her death.

B - fixed basic size of the labor pension in case of loss of the breadwinner.

In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that there are two very important factors on the basis of which a survivor's pension can be assigned to his dependents. This is the presence of at least one day of work experience for the deceased breadwinner and the cause of death is not associated with intentional harm to one's own health or with the commission of a deliberate criminal act

The amount of the survivor's pension

Members of the family of a serviceman are assigned a pension in the amount of:

150% of the social (minimum) pension if the breadwinner died after an illness resulting from military service;

200% of the social pension if the breadwinner died after a war injury.

Family members of a citizen who died as a result of a man-made or radiation disaster are assigned a pension in the amount of:

250% social pension for children who have lost both parents or children of a single mother;

125% to any other disabled family member of the deceased.

Family members of the deceased/deceased cosmonaut (cosmonaut candidate) are assigned 40% of the earnings of the deceased breadwinner for each family member.

The amount of the survivor's pension does not depend on the length of service of the deceased.

Simultaneous receipt of several types of pensions

Due to the fact that the specified pension is the guarantor of the state in relation to persons who during the period of life performed complex state functions, some relatives are entitled to a second pension (for old age, for length of service or for disability). This:

military parents;

Widows of military personnel who have not remarried;

Disabled family members of certain categories of citizens affected by major radiation disasters (including the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

Indexation of pensions

As a result of the indexations made since April 1, 2017, the average pensions are:

Insurance for old age - 13,714 rubles;

Disability insurance - 8,465 rubles;

Survivor's insurance - 8,619 rubles;

Social pension 8,774 rubles;

Social pensions for disabled children amounted to 13,026 rubles;

The pensions of citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions amounted to 30.3 thousand rubles. and 34.2 thousand rubles. respectively.

State pensions, including social pensions, will be increased by 4.1% from April 1, 2018.

The state supports disabled people who have lost their only source of income. Under certain conditions, they are assigned a survivor's insurance benefit. One of the main conditions for receiving state support from the budget of the Pension Fund (PFR) is the fact that the deceased has insurance. The size of the survivor's pension depends on this. We will analyze what benefits citizens can apply for in 2019.

How the amount of payments is determined

Survivor's benefit, in fact, is a compensation for lost income. This is one of the ways to implement the social function of the state. After all, it guarantees its citizens protection under special conditions. Just like this, a person who does not have the opportunity to earn money on his own gets into it.

Important: the insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned exclusively to disabled citizens (without taking into account the reasons for such a circumstance).

The list of persons entitled to claim insurance support is contained in Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ, signed on December 28, 2013. In particular, they include:

  • minors;
  • children of the deceased who study full-time until the age of 23;
  • parents and spouses who do not have the opportunity to earn;
  • other disabled relatives;
  • persons caring for minor (under 14 years of age) children of the deceased owner.

What does the charge depend on?

According to the current methodology for 2019, this manual consists of two parts:

  • fixed;
  • insurance.

The following factors influence the amount of accruals:

  • the number of individual coefficients earned by the deceased person in the pension insurance system;
  • the duration of the period during which the administration of the enterprise made contributions to the Pension Fund for this worker.
Important: there is also a funded part of the pension. It is also paid to the heirs specified in Article 10 of the said normative act. However, the methods of obtaining such savings are somewhat different from the appointment of insurance maintenance for the loss.

Fixed part of accruals

This component of the content is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Its value is expressed in a fixed amount. It is also increased by government decree annually. The value of the fixed component is affected by the inflation rate for the previous period.

In addition, this part of the allowance in some cases increases legally. Namely:

  • orphans are doubled the established indicator of the fixed component;
  • in the regions of the Far North and equated regions, the corresponding coefficient is applied.
As of January 1, 2018, the volume of the fixed part was equal to 2491.45 rubles. (50% of 4982.90 rubles) for each disabled relative/family member.

New formula for calculating the insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner

The two components of pension accruals are well traced in the formula for calculating it. She is like this:

  • RPpk \u003d IPK x SK + BV, where:
  • RPpc - the amount of accruals paid to the recipient;
  • IPC - individual coefficients accumulated in the system by the deceased;
  • SC - the equivalent of one coefficient in rubles, established on the day of calculation;
  • BV - basic or fixed component.

Thus, accruals depend on how much the citizen who gave them the right to officially worked. Contributions to the FIU transferred by the enterprise for it were converted into IPC or points. The allowance for the abandoned dependent directly depends on their number.

Important: in some cases, the IPC increases. This happens for the following people:

  • When calculating the pension provision of round orphans, the IPC of the parents is added up.
  • For the child of a deceased single mother, a rule has been established to double the IPC.

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Latest news about the restoration of indexing in full

In 2016, the increase in base charges was carried out at a level that did not reach the general inflationary background of the previous period. In this regard, pensioners in January 2017 received 5 thousand rubles each as compensation. Such a measure was associated with serious problems of the federal budget.

However, the prospects for a slight economic growth made it possible for the authorities to return to the previously established procedure for compensating citizens for the loss of income associated with inflationary processes.

In 2017, social payments were indexed by 5.8%. This figure is fully consistent with last year's inflation. In 2018, the price of one point was 81.49 rubles.

In 2019, the cost of 1 pension point was indexed in January and amounts to 87.24 rubles.

How to calculate the amount of the future payment

To determine the charges, the applicant must apply the formula (given above). At the same time, up-to-date data regarding fixed indicators should be taken into account. Namely:

  • BV - 2491.45 rubles.
  • SK - 81.49 rubles.

The specified components of the formula are also not a constant. Their data is set for a certain period. In this case, the figures for 2018 are given.

Attention: the IPC indicator is individual. It can be obtained from the local branch of the FIU.

An example of calculating an insurance payment related to the loss of a breadwinner

Citizen N., born in 1964, has been officially engaged in labor activity since 1984. She died in a car accident in March 2017. She is survived by two children:

  • son, born in 1985, military man, born in wedlock;
  • daughter, born in 2003, schoolgirl, father in the birth certificate is indicated from the words of the mother.

Subject to current legislation, the minor daughter of a deceased single mother is entitled to bereavement insurance benefits.

The allowance is calculated according to the above formula. At the same time, PFR employees take into account the IPC indicators accumulated by the deceased mother:

  • for the period of work from 1984 to 2015, points were converted. Citizen N. scored 60 points;
  • for 2015 and 2016 - 3 and 3.4, respectively;
  • additional 3 b. for periods of care for children up to one and a half years.

Thus, the total sum of the individual coefficients of citizen N. was:

  • 60 b. + 3 b. + 3.4 b. + 3 b. = 69.4 b.

They double as the child was raised by a single mother:

  • 69.4 b. x 2 \u003d 138.8 b.

The specific amount of payment to the daughter is determined by the formula:

  • 138.8 b. x 81.49 p. + 2491.45 rubles. = 13802.3 p.
Attention: the indicator of the calculated allowance is necessarily compared with the subsistence minimum in the region.

The family of citizen N. lived in the Astrakhan region. For children in this region, a minimum is set at the level of 8476 rubles. The estimated amount is higher than this indicator. Consequently, N.'s daughter will not receive an additional social supplement.

Minimum Survivor Benefit

The practice of calculating the insurance pension for the dependents of deceased people has shown that its value is rather low.
The rule is established by legal documents. It says:

  • the amount of insurance maintenance associated with the loss of a breadwinner cannot be less than the subsistence minimum established for a given region.

Thus, the amounts differ depending on the territory. In addition, they depend on the age of the recipient. For example, some data is shown in the table below:

Attention: for insurance maintenance that does not reach the subsistence level, a social supplement is established. The source of its financing is the federal budget.

No special application to the FIU is required to receive social benefits. In the initial application, there is a column in which the citizen agrees with the allowance.

When is the recalculation of the assigned amounts

Operations to change the amount of accruals are made if new information is received by the FIU that affects the indicators from the formula. Moreover, this can happen both at the initiative of the recipient, and without his participation.

In particular, the recalculation is carried out:

  1. When the next government decree on indexing the main indicators is adopted.
  2. If the FIU receives information about new insurance premiums paid to the personal account of a deceased person. Accounting operations are carried out from August 1 of the period following the date of receipt of information.
  3. If the recipient proactively provides information that affects the amount of charges. They are taken into account from the first day of the month following the date of receipt of documents by the FIU.

Attention: when recalculating additional IPC, the following are taken into account:

  • in total for orphans;
  • double the amount for children of single mothers.

In April 2018, another indexation of social pensions was carried out in the amount of 2.9%.

Social pension for dependents

In cases where the deceased citizen was not insured in the national pension insurance system, another payment is assigned to his dependents. It is called social pension.
The amount of this allowance is fixed. It is established by law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001. The amount is indexed annually. Payments come from the federal budget.

On April 1, 2017, the last indexation of social payments was carried out. The size of pensions related to the loss of a breadwinner was fixed at the level of:

  • a child who has lost one of the parents - 5034.25 rubles;
  • children - orphans or who have lost a single mother - 10068.53 rubles;
  • other disabled citizens - 5034.25 rubles.
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May 28, 2017, 12:03 Mar 3, 2019 13:48

An insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him. An exception is persons who have committed an intentional criminally punishable act, resulting in the death of the breadwinner and established in court.

Who is entitled to the appointment of an insurance pension in the event of loss of a breadwinner

  • disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him, regardless of the duration of the insurance experience of the breadwinner, as well as the cause and time of his death. Family members of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as being dependent on him if they were fully supported by him or received assistance from him, which was for them a constant and main source of livelihood;

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18;

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner studying in basic educational programs in organizations engaged in educational activities, including in foreign organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation (in the direction in accordance with an international treaty), until they complete such training but no longer than until they reach the age of 23;

  • children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching the age of 18. At the same time, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as disabled members of the family, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;

  • parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled;

  • grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the age of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled, in the absence of persons who are obliged to support them;

  • disabled parents and spouse who were not dependent on the deceased breadwinner, regardless of the time elapsed after his death, if they lose their source of livelihood;

  • one of the parents, spouse, grandfather, grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, as well as the brother, sister or child of the deceased breadwinner who has reached the age of 18, if they are not working and at the same time are taking care of the children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 14 and entitled to a survivor's pension. In this case, the right to this type of insurance pension arises regardless of the fact of being dependent on the breadwinner.

Adoptive parents are entitled to a survivor's pension on an equal footing with their parents, and adopted children are entitled on a par with their own children.

A stepfather and stepmother are entitled to a survivor's pension on an equal footing with their parents, and a stepson and stepdaughter are entitled on a par with their own children, subject to certain conditions.

Where to go

For a survivor's insurance pension, apply at any time after becoming eligible for it, without any time limits. An application for the appointment of an insurance pension with documents must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration (including temporary) or to a multifunctional center (MFC). If you live at an address that does not have confirmation of registration, then contact the Pension Fund at the place of actual residence. An application with documents can be submitted in person or through a legal representative (trustee) directly to the territorial body of the PFR, by mail or through the MFC. When submitting an application by mail, the day of applying for an insurance pension is the date indicated on the postmark at the place of sending the application, through the MFC - the date of receipt of the application by the MFC. Russians who have left for a permanent place of residence outside Russia and do not have a place of residence and stay in Russia confirmed by registration, apply directly to the Pension Fund of Russia (Moscow, Shabolovka st., 4).

What documents to submit

  • an application for the appointment of an insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

  • passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation) or residence permit (for foreign citizens and stateless persons);

  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);

  • documents confirming the death of the breadwinner (death certificate);

  • documents confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner;

  • documents confirming the duration of the insurance period; Documents confirming periods of work and other periods must contain the number and date of issue, last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen to whom the document is issued, the date, month and year of his birth, place of work, period of work, profession (position), grounds for their issuance ( orders, personal accounts, etc.). Documents issued by the employer upon dismissal from work can be accepted to confirm the length of service even if they do not contain grounds for their issuance;

  • other documents necessary to confirm additional circumstances.

If not all the required documents are attached to the application, then you will be given explanations of which documents should be submitted additionally. If after that you submit the missing documents no later than three months later, the day of applying for a pension will be considered the day the application was received.

The documents, the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant, are listed in the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving and registering citizens' applications for the establishment of pensions in accordance with the Federal Laws "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” (approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 12, 2011 No. 1521n).

Terms of appointment

The following conditions must be met in order to be granted a survivor's insurance pension::

  • the insurance experience of the deceased breadwinner (at least one day);

  • the occurrence of the death of the breadwinner is not connected with the commission by a disabled member of the family of an intentional criminally punishable act that entailed the death of the breadwinner and established in court.

Terms of appointment of insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

The Pension Fund of Russia considers an application for the appointment of a pension within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents or from the date of submission of the last missing document within three months from the date of giving the relevant explanations by the specialist of the territorial authority. An insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned from the day of applying for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it arises. Earlier than the date of application, it is appointed if the application for the specified pension followed within 12 months from the date of the death of the breadwinner. In this case, her appointment occurs from the day of the death of the breadwinner. If more than 12 months have passed, then 12 months earlier than the date of application. The survivor's insurance pension is granted for the period during which the applicant is considered disabled, including indefinitely.


The survivor's insurance pension is paid monthly. The pensioner has the right to choose, at his discretion, the organization that will deliver the pension, as well as the method of receiving it (at home, at the cash desk of the delivery organization or to his bank account). In addition, a trusted person can receive a pension for a pensioner. The payment of a pension under a power of attorney, the validity of which exceeds one year, is made during the entire period of validity of the power of attorney, provided that the pensioner annually confirms the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the pension.

Pension delivery methods:

  • via Russian Post– you can receive your pension at home or on your own at the post office of your place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is set the date of receipt of the pension in accordance with the delivery schedule, while the pension can be paid later than the established date within the delivery period. It is better to find out the end date of the payment period in advance, since each post office has its own. If the pension is not received within six months, then its payment is suspended, and it will be necessary to write an application to your Pension Fund in order to resume payment;

  • through a bank- you can receive a pension at the cash desk of a bank branch or issue a bank card and withdraw money through an ATM. You can find out the date of transfer of the pension in advance. Delivery of the pension for the current month to the account is made on the day of receipt of funds from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. You can withdraw your money from your bank account any day after they are credited. Crediting to the account of a pensioner in a credit institution is carried out without charging a commission;

  • through an organization that delivers pensions– you can receive a pension at home or independently in this organization. A complete list of such organizations in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. The procedure for paying a pension through another organization engaged in the delivery of pensions is the same as through a post office.

To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to notify in writing the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia that assigned you a pension.

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension in case of loss of the breadwinner

As of 01/01/2019, the amount of the fixed payment to the survivor's insurance pension is 2667 rubles 10 kopecks (50% of 5334 rubles 19 kopecks) for each disabled family member.

Material support for disabled or economically vulnerable citizens is the responsibility of each state. Today, about 43 million people in the Russian Federation are pensioners. Most draw up documents for payments by age, but there are those who are interested in a survivor's pension. Find out what the essence of such benefits is, what package of documents you need to collect for their execution and where to apply.

What is survivor's pension

In fact, this state compensation is the receipt by family members of the labor pension of a deceased person. It cannot be bequeathed or inherited, but if after the death of a person there are people who depended on him financially or were dependent on the deceased, the state undertakes necessarily material support and pays a pension. In addition, the recognition of a person as missing is also the basis for receiving funds. The survivor's pension can be of several types.


The main purpose of such compensations is the reimbursement by the state of material assets to all disabled members of the family of the deceased, who were fully supported by the insured person. Priority for the payment of insurance benefits is given to the children of the breadwinner, then next of kin. The assignment of an insurance pension occurs only when its recipients are considered disabled. In rare cases, the amount is calculated indefinitely.


It belongs to the number of mandatory state pensions and is regulated by the regulatory legal act No. 166-Ф3 and 400-ФЗ. When compared with other types of payments, a survivor's pension is assigned not to a specific insured person, but to members of his family who were dependent before his death. Citizens may be on state support if their deceased relative belonged to one of the following categories:

  • was in military service;
  • was an astronaut, tester or researcher by profession;
  • took part in the prevention of radiation or man-made disasters.


Benefits of this nature, as a rule, are assigned to children of minor age. Important: in order to apply for a social benefit, it is necessary that the deceased relative has no work experience at all. In other cases, a work allowance is assigned. Features of social payments are as follows:

  • The survivor's pension is fixed and indexed to inflation every year.
  • A prerequisite for its calculation is the disability of a citizen, the presence of Russian citizenship or a residence permit.
  • If the amount of money is below the level of the minimum living allowance, then the state makes a social supplement.
  • When entering a paid job, material assistance from the state does not stop.


Separately, the state allocates people in uniform who, on duty, risk their own lives. If an officer or soldier dies in the line of duty, then the dependents are awarded a survivor's pension in the amount of 200% of the social allowance paid for each family member. As a rule, this amount is within 9920 rubles. When there were other causes of death of military pensioners, then the percentage of funds will be 150 or 7440 rubles.

Although, under Russian law, it is impossible to receive two pensions at the same time, amendments have been made for certain categories of citizens. For example, the exception is the widows of a deceased serviceman who died during military service. A wife is entitled to receive her husband's allowance along with other benefits. However, this amendment is valid until she remarries.

Legal regulation

According to the constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen is guaranteed social security in case of illness, age or disability, for the upbringing of children, and also in the event of the loss of a benefactor. The accrual of pensions is regulated by the following regulations:

  • The provisions of Articles 39, 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 9 dated January 27. 1993 "On the approval of the clarification" On the procedure for determining the amount of actual damage for the establishment of pensions for military personnel, the disabled of the Chernobyl disaster and their families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Legislative act No. 18-FZ of March 21, 2005 “On federal budget funds allocated to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of insurance or labor pensions for old age, disability, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner to certain categories of citizens”.
  • Regulatory document dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation".
  • The first paragraph of Article No. 11 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001.
  • Decree of March 18, 2010 No. 167 “On approval of the coefficient of additional increase from April 1, 2010 in the size of the insurance part of the labor pension for disability or in case of loss of a breadwinner”.
  • Guarantees for family members of servicemen are established by the federal law "On the Status of Servicemen".

Changes in legislative acts in 2019

Today, legal acts have undergone minor changes. So, in accordance with the law, the survivor's pension is accrued and paid even when the deceased had not relatives, but adopted children. A stepmother or stepfather has the same rights to financial compensation as parents, but only if they raised a stepson and can provide documentary evidence. At the same time, the documents contain indications that the term of guardianship lasted at least 5 years.

Who is eligible for survivor benefits?

When applying for a pension, one of the important points is an understanding of which categories of citizens fall under the current legislation. The list of beneficiaries is as follows:

  • assigned to disabled children under the age of 18;
  • disabled children under the age of 23 or students who cannot support themselves;
  • the family of the deceased - the spouse, parents or forefathers of the deceased citizen;
  • adult siblings caring for the children of the deceased, provided that the child is not more than 14 years old;
  • adoptive parents and adopted children are equated with natural children;
  • disabled grandfather or grandmother of the deceased, upon reaching retirement age or having a disability, provided that the supplement will be the only source of income;
  • stepfather or stepmother - equated with natural parents.

Terms of appointment

For stepsons or stepdaughters, the opportunity to receive monetary compensation exists if their maintenance by the deceased breadwinners is documented. If a stepfather or stepmother claims compensation, they must submit documents to the pension fund that confirm the maintenance of the child for at least 15 years. Other conditions for calculating compensation include:

  1. The presence of at least one day of work experience for the deceased.
  2. Evidence that the death was not due to an intentional act of a criminal nature in relation to the deceased.

Conditions for termination of payments

Payments stop under the following circumstances:

  • if a child, sister, brother or grandson has reached the age of majority;
  • the recipient did not renew the status of disability received by him before reaching the age of majority;
  • will not pay benefits to able-bodied relatives;
  • the child being cared for by the adoptive parents or recipients is at least 14 years old;
  • the widow of a military conscript got married;
  • recipients of material compensations got official jobs, with the exception of relatives of military conscripts.

Until what age is the pension paid?

Payments are made:

  • if the brother, sister, child or grandson of the deceased is under 18 years of age;
  • full-time students up to 23 years old, with a certificate from an educational institution;
  • for life, provided that the recipient has a disability since childhood;
  • until the children of the deceased are 14 years old, in the case when the documents are drawn up by guardians;
  • spouse of the deceased of retirement age, parents, grandparents for life.

How much do survivors get paid

According to the regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation No. 166-FZ, social payments are established in a fixed amount of money, which is associated with the category of the recipient. In addition, such sums of money are subject to mandatory annual indexation according to inflation over the past period. The amount of benefits is consistent with the subsistence minimum for a particular category of citizens and the region of residence. If the purpose of the survivor's pension is lower, then the state makes an additional payment. The minimum sizes after changes for different categories of citizens are indicated in the table:

Name of the pension

Basic amount of payments before increase, in rubles

Benefits after the increase, in rubles

Special conditions


If the deceased was the only breadwinner or the children were brought up earlier by one mother, double the amount is charged.


For children who have lost a single mother, it will be 11,068.53 rubles.


9919,70 – 200%

7439,78 – 150%

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

9919,70 – 200%

7439,78 – 150%

The size of the insurance pension and the fixed amount

On the basis of article 15 of the Russian legal act No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, the amount of the insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is calculated according to the formula: SP = IPC * SPC, where:

  • SP - a fixed amount of insurance monthly payments;
  • IPC - independent pension coefficient;
  • SPC - the tariff for an individual number on the day from which the allowance is assigned.

If a disability or old-age pension was established for the deceased on the day of death, then the amount of labor compensation will be calculated differently: SP \u003d IPK / KN * SPC, where KN is the number of incapacitated dependents. When calculating insurance compensation, it is worth considering the fact that the amount of pension payments to a deceased single mother will double. The fixed insurance payment as of April 1, 2019 is 2402.56 rubles for adults and 4805.11 for orphans.

Features of the calculation of pensions for children of military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Money is accrued to a disabled child if the parent died during military service in the army as a soldier, sergeant, foreman or sailor, or death occurred no later than three months from the date of expulsion from the army or when death occurred after this period, but due to shell shock, injury or injury received in the service. When submitting a declaration to the pension fund, in addition to the mandatory papers, the applicant provides additional documents for processing a survivor's pension:

  • Extract from the order to exclude a person from the list of military personnel.
  • A document on the establishment of disability indicating the reasons and date. It must necessarily state that the injuries were received during military service.

Social benefit for the loss of a breadwinner per child

All other children of deceased parents under the age of 18 or 23 are entitled to a survivor's pension, regardless of whether the parents were married at that time or paid alimony. In addition, one-time payments under the accumulative system remain. Children who have passed the emancipation procedure, according to the results of which they are recognized as capable, can lose the right to receive benefits. As a rule, these are citizens:

  • legally married before the age of majority;
  • citizens who have got a paid job;
  • people who are self-employed.

How to apply for a survivor's pension

In order to apply for benefits from the state, the applicant must, on his own initiative, contact the nearest pension fund and provide employees with a list of necessary documents, send papers by mail or complete an application via the Internet. For minor children left without parents, an application can be issued by adoptive parents, guardians or guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Where to go

To apply for benefits, you must write a request for the assignment of benefits to you or a disabled relative, and then choose one of several options:

  • applying personally to the pension fund;
  • send documents by registered mail;
  • come with an application to the multifunctional center;
  • send the completed form through the personal account of the PFR website, having previously gone through the registration procedure.

Documents for registration

Along with the application, you must provide:

  • passport and its photocopies;
  • death certificate;
  • certificate of pension insurance - SNILS;
  • papers with the insurance experience of a deceased relative;
  • family documents;
  • papers confirming the fact of dependence;
  • if necessary, a certificate of full-time education or disability;
  • certificate of the average monthly earnings of the deceased.

Indexation of pension payments for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019

Recalculation of any pension payments occurs on February 1 of each year. Indexation coefficients depend on the level of inflation compared to the previous year. So, according to the calculations of Rosstat, in 2016 inflation was 5.4%, which means that the income of pensioners will increase by this figure. In addition, two indexations were carried out in 2019: one on February 1, the other on April 1. The latter was adjusted in accordance with the Russian budget law and amounted to 0.38%. The increase is small, but still nice.
