Super dad ran onto the stage and performed a swan dance to help his confused daughter. A dancing dad with his daughters made the whole Internet talk about him. The dad went on stage with his daughter.

Became very popular online dancing dad with daughters and many mothers even began to envy him by signing comments under the video - if only my daughters had a father like him, how cute he is.

If parents love their children, then they will always spend a lot of time with them, supporting them in all their endeavors, activities, hobbies and studies. An example of this is our hero dad from the video below. You can see how the dad in the video supported his baby when she was simply confused in front of the assembled public - they are real friends and it is obvious that they spend a lot of time. This is exactly what real, loving parents should do.

Beautiful dance of swans at a children's party

If any of you have ever attended a children's matinee, then most likely you know very well what a choreographed “Swan Dance” routine for children aged 3 years can look like.

Most of them, at the sight of a huge “crowd” of spectators from their parents, begin to get lost, shy, forget movements, most often words, and just stand rooted to the spot. This is what happened in the video with one of the young ballerinas. Their performance could have been a failure if not for the ingenuity of the father of one of the daughters who took the stage and his efforts and excellent achievements in dancing.

Dad will always help

Seeing how his daughter was a little confused on stage, dad, without hesitation, immediately went on stage and decided to show everyone how to move correctly, gracefully and beautifully in dance with his daughter. It is also noteworthy that throughout the dance he was holding an even smaller baby in his hands, most likely also a girl. Below we invite you to see how dad dancing with daughters video rate with your comments under the post.

The dad, who deserves respect, performed some graceful ballet moves while holding his little daughter's hand so she wouldn't be afraid to perform in front of the audience.

In a funny video, you can see Marc Daniels rushing to help his daughter with her little sister in her arms at the dress rehearsal of the concert of her first “adult” dance.

A lawyer from Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, captivated the world last week by becoming a dancer at the most seemingly inopportune moment. As the audience applauded and giggled, he gracefully balanced on one leg and twirled with other little ballerinas.

The video shows that while going on stage, one of the girls is crying very much and does not want to dance. Then the frightened Bella's dad was called backstage to try to calm his daughter down. But the man decided that it was best to become an example for his baby.

"Bella is a very emotional child and she needed a hug from her dad. Despite the hysterics, I knew that she wanted to perform, so I did not dissuade her from the concert so that she would not be the only one who refused. I went on stage with Suri, her little sister, to help Bella gain confidence. I told her that I loved her and that she was an amazing dancer. I asked her if she wanted to dance with daddy and she nodded, so I decided to join them. I practiced many times moving around the house with her, so it wasn’t new to me,” Mark said.

The FSB for the first time named the number of labor migrants who entered Russia

Moscow, August 16. For the first time in 20 years, the FSB announced the number of labor migrants who came to work in Russia. The statistical data was published on the website of the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System. According to this information, since the beginning of 2019...

Spinning and standing on his toes like a pro, the talented dad became a full participant in the performance, and the man's impressive act did not go unnoticed among his work colleagues.

"The jurors, police officers and prosecutors are now asking me to do a spin, and they are also very grateful to me for the video, which made them laugh incredibly and lifted everyone's spirits. The other day even one of the judges commented on it and it caused laughter from everyone present," he said.

In addition, Mark does not exclude the possibility that in the future he will change his profession.

"I've never done anything like this before, but now everyone in Bermuda knows me as a ballerina. Maybe I'll change my specialty - it's never too late to become a ballerina," he added.

Lawyer Mark Daniels, who lives with his wife and three daughters in Bermuda, Hamilton City Hall, showed how caring, sensitive and cheerful he should be, the site writes.

Funny video: dad ran onto the stage and helped his confused daughter perform the swan dance

Mark Daniels is a successful lawyer, but he also copes well with the role of the head of the family and a caring father. This could have been noticed by spectators who came to watch the performance of little ballerinas who attend a ballet club.

One of the speakers was little Bella. The girl was confused on stage and was already completely upset, but her super dad came to the rescue of the little one in a cute tutu.

Mark Daniels, who came to watch his little ballerina perform with another daughter, Suri, whom he held in his arms, decided to help Bella, and since there was nowhere to put his youngest daughter, he went on stage with her.

Mark knew the basic dance movements because he had watched Bella's rehearsals many times. Therefore, when the young dancer suddenly became confused on stage and began to cry, a caring dad with his little sister in his arms hurried to her aid.

It must be admitted that a lawyer with many children is no stranger to artistry. His incredible steps touched everyone present in the hall. And the video recording of the amazing performance spread all over the world and gained a lot of positive reviews on the Internet.

Who can be more spontaneous and sincere in their answers than a child? Looks like he was thinking about this when they were born. Some of the answers surprised even the parents.

Nothing and no one can stop a loving father if his child is in danger. This has been proven repeatedly by life. Another example was added to this collection by Mark Daniel, a lawyer by profession and father of 3 children.

His middle daughter, two-year-old Isabella, studies at a dance studio in Hamilton, Bermuda. That day she had to rehearse a performance with other children. But when she went on stage, the little girl was confused and started crying. The father tried to calm her down, whispering something from the hall, but the daughter was inconsolable. Then Mark rushed to her rescue.

He appeared on stage with his youngest, seven-month-old Syuri. He took Isabella by the hand and began to repeat the movements that the teacher showed.

In Motion School of Dance / Facebook

The future ballet star immediately calmed down, gained confidence, and together they successfully completed the performance. The audience was delighted!

One of the viewers recorded this episode and posted the video on the Internet. The video instantly became popular, gaining almost 700 thousand views in two weeks.

This master class in parental love left no one indifferent. Mark showed that he knew how to calm his daughter down, and did everything to do this. Without hesitation, he rushed onto the stage because his child needed help. It didn't matter that he found himself in front of a large audience without knowing how to dance.

Andrey Domansky sang for the first time with his daughter Kiraat Inter's New Year's concert

In the big holiday concert “On Inter - The Main Christmas Tree of the Country,” which the TV channel will show on New Year’s Eve, the famous presenter and showman Andrei Domansky will perform for the first time together with his 7-year-old daughter Kira. Fans of the children's talent show “Coolest of All” have been waiting for this moment for three seasons! In almost every interview, the father of many children was asked when one of his children would demonstrate their talents to the audience. Finally, Andrei Domansky will appear on stage with his daughter - they will perform the song “New Year” in a duet.

« I was offered to sing with Kira before, but only now I felt that my daughter was ready to perform on stage,– says Andrey Domansky. – Kira studies ballet, she has been on the set of programs, but she has not yet appeared on stage in front of a large audience. I was worried, to be honest, that she, as a very responsible person, would be stressed. Therefore, before filming, we agreed that this performance was just another opportunity to show ourselves and be with dad. The most difficult thing was to find the right lines that would be easy and comfortable for Kira to sing, since the song is not for children. When these treasured lines were found, everything went like clockwork».

The stylists prepared a concert outfit for Kira: an elegant red dress and matching shoes - in this any girl will feel like a star. Before the performance, the debutante admitted that she is not at all afraid to go on stage, and the most important plus is that her dad is nearby, which means everything will be fine.

According to the director’s idea, in the number for the song “New Year”, Kira first hides behind a mountain of gifts, and then unexpectedly appears on stage during her dad’s performance - in fact, she becomes the most important “Christmas tree gift” for him. Together with Kira and Andrei Domansky, this song was performed by little artists from the Paradise ensemble.

« Performances involving children are always a big responsibility,– says director of the New Year’s concert Katya Tsarik. – When this is a professional child who has appeared on stage with this number more than once, that’s one thing. But for Kira Domanskaya it was a debut! Moreover, the girl not only had to go on stage for the first time and perform everything that we had come up with for her, but also emotionally perform the number for the cameras. This is difficult even for adults, but Kira did an amazing job. She was not afraid of anything: neither the stage nor the audience in the hall. On the eve of the shooting, Andrei, Kira and I rehearsed the number several times, but before the concert itself there was no opportunity to go through it again. And I was very worried whether the girl would forget to turn on time for the camera and act out. Although, it seems to me, Andrei Domansky was most worried. Not only is he a dad, he is also a professional who worries three times more about the child and the result in such a situation. Kira did everything perfectly, we are all very delighted with her».

TV viewers will see Andrei Domansky’s first joint performance with his daughter Kira, as well as other surprises and musical gifts from popular Ukrainian performers, on New Year’s Eve in the big festive concert “On Inter - The Main Christmas Tree of the Country.”