Your boyfriend in a skirt. Special women. From boy to lady. Tips and Instructions

Are you friends with guys and can't stand makeup? Let's see what are the reasons that you consider yourself a tomboy

I solve everything myself

You love to make decisions, love the position of a warrior, shield the underprivileged with your chest and even make decisions for others. But here's the problem: for some reason, all the normal guys with whom you find yourself in a relationship either initially behave like girls (they are capricious, offended and do not want to decide anything), or gradually change their position to a passive one.

And in fact…

You just have a control problem. And fortunately, she is completely asexual. You strive to make decisions for your boys just because you are afraid for the future: you think that without you it will be gloomy and unpromising. Leading your comrades and less combative girlfriends, you are trying to track the behavior of the entire party - so that something “such” does not happen. You must know where someone is and what he is doing at this moment - otherwise you lose ground under your feet. In general, you are not a tomboy, but just a little anxious young lady.

That's why…

  • Start dealing with stress. Pay attention to nervous attacks, groundless anxiety and any other jitters that you so actively hide. Be aware of these sensations and explain to yourself logically that they have no basis. Bring arguments, weigh everything, think it over. It'll get better soon.
  • Reconsider your surroundings and rhythm of life. This problem could appear because you are under constant stress. Plans are frustrated, exams fail, relationships deteriorate, the bus leaves from under your nose after a 40-minute wait ... You experience anxiety and always find it in life. Maybe you should slow down?
  • Think about what made you take the wheel in your hands. Maybe some critical situation you were in? For example, did you end up on a desert island where you had to crush coconuts and hunt for seagulls? Even if life has already tripped you once, you need to recover from this.

I'm not myself

In all the girlish paraphernalia, you feel out of your element. You don’t like feminine clothes, as a child you ripped off the heads of dolls and robbed cars from your younger brother, and now you have short hair and are listed on the university football team. It infuriates you when your mother says - “take off these berets, you're a girl!”, And dad thinks that your dream of becoming an auto mechanic (or, say, a boxer) is not the best idea. And everyone around endlessly repeats: “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, “don’t wear that” ... And you like all these things so much!

In fact…

Even if you get sincere pleasure from driving a motorcycle, which at times exceeds the thrill of shopping, this is not the main problem. “Not friendship” with your gender is connected with the fact that you do not quite accept and understand yourself. This adds an unpleasant bonus in the form of incomprehensible parents and shocked girlfriends who can’t come to terms with the fact that you are playing the “boy”. On the one hand, you are trying to attract attention with behavior that is not quite standard for a young lady, on the other, you don’t know what to do next with this attention: after all, if you don’t understand yourself, then it will be difficult for society.

That's why…

  • Get to grips with your self-esteem. Your virtues are not equal to the number of goals scored, and a shaved head does not demonstrate them in any way. You are simply not ready to love yourself for who you are, and “boyfriendship”, unfortunately, will not help here.
  • Accept the fact that a girl is an integral part of your personality. You are not yet familiar with this person, therefore you deny her undeniable, obvious qualities. Instead of declaring war on others, try to study yourself: understand your sincere feelings, desires and intentions, your weaknesses and strengths.
  • You attribute to the female sex a certain list of traits that you do not like. For example, it seems to you that femininity is necessarily weakness, gossip, stupidity, or something else like that. Establish relationships with girlfriends, and you will understand that positive traits have no gender.

With a crown on my head

You have a very strong desire for leadership, which is why many people say that you "think like a man." In fact, you wear dresses and paint eyelashes, but you like to take a dominant position, lead others and see other people as fulfillers of your desires. For you, commanding tone and insistent language is a way to show who's in charge here. And, in principle, you are ready to defend your right to primacy in front of everyone who gets in your way: from friends to teachers, through guys, including parents.

In fact…

You felt oppressed for a long time, and at some point you "rebelled" against external pressure. Result: your leadership has grown too large, and now you can't get used to the idea that someone else is capable of commanding the parade. Your desire to be the most important and the very first is nothing but protection from an old and long-forgotten humiliation. You probably really have the makings of a leader, but you put too much emphasis on them.

That's why…

  • Having developed the ability to withstand any trouble, use it wisely: only when it is really needed. A liberal attitude will make you popular in the party, and undeniable leadership will come in handy more than once in critical life situations.
  • Learn to be a leader for yourself: add your goals, break stereotypes, fight laziness, overcome weaknesses. Irresistible energy can be directed in the right direction: for example, for self-development.

8 tomboy rules

  • You can wear camouflage and be fond of hockey, but this does not mean that you should follow the image: your goals and desires should not be divided by gender.
  • Boys also fall in love, meet guys and flirt. And not all guys like girls in pink and bows. You will definitely meet that MCH who will be charmed by your appearance.
  • Less aggression: being a tomboy is not the same as being conflicted. And it’s not heroes who get into a fight for any reason, but people with hurt pride.
  • Accept yourself for who you are: there is nothing wrong with your sneakers, skateboards and basketball.
  • Don't try to become more feminine if you don't need to. But don't stop experimenting!
  • A tomboy is not a style of clothing and life, but a state. Think more about what you really want, and less about what you broadcast to the outside world.
  • A real tomboy copes with difficulties and gets up when she falls. Use your power!
  • Do not be afraid to turn from a tomboy to a good girl: we all grow and change, this is normal.

Yes! They were boys!

  • Angelina Jolie hated miniskirts, ruffles and bows, from which she got her first roles in a tomboy image (remember the movie "Hackers" or Lara Croft). The actress said that in adolescence she was considered a black sheep because of her love for men's outfits and dislike for makeup and dresses.
  • Beauty Megan Fox since childhood did not know how to make up and wear dresses, and still considers herself a tomboy girl. She had to study for a long time a feminine walk, facial expressions and style, and until now she resorts to the services of image makers before each exit, because she does not know how, according to her, to behave "like a girl."
  • Rihanna has repeatedly said that instead of girlfriends, she had only friends: with them she felt much more comfortable. The girl communicated exclusively with guys, shared their love for video games and basketball, could not stand girls' companies and believes that the ability to be masculine and feminine at the same time is one of the secrets of her success.

The dry, loosely packed earth pliantly admitted a shovel into itself, flew out of the pit and, almost without a rustle, poured down the slopes of the hill formed nearby.
The pit deepened, the hill grew every minute.
Soon its edge crawled to the pit, and Sanka had to get out and throw the earth away. His bare, muscular back was glistening with sweat, and his hair was matted on his forehead. Throwing away the earth, he took out cigarettes, sat down and lit a cigarette, dangling his legs into the pit.
A cool breeze rustled the leaves of the birches, shook the bushes and the tall, burnt grass. From the direction of the village the music continued to be heard.
- Dance, ***** .. - Sanka muttered angrily and took a strong puff, which made the cigarette crackle and illuminate his face. - As they danced, so they dance ... fuck them ...
Invisible smoke hit him in the eye, making him wince and grunt.
- Epte ... oh ... Natasha ...
He looked into the black hole, sighed.
- After all, my soul has been hurting for a long time ... so it happened ...
His hands fumbled across his bare chest.
- You bastards... didn't even write... didn't even write... bitches...
Throwing away the cigarette, he jumped into the hole and began to dig further. Below, the earth remained just as warm and loose. It smelled sweet of roots and rot.
Half an hour later, when Sanka went into the pit up to his shoulders, it became more difficult to throw out the earth. The shovel flashed less frequently, Sanka often stopped and rested. The mound of discarded earth moved up again.
Soon the shovel thumped dully on the lid of the coffin.
- Here...
Sanka began to frantically throw out the earth, part of which again crumbled down.
- Here ... Lord ... here ... Natasha ...
His trembling voice sounded muffled in the pit.
He dug out the coffin, which buckled and crackled under his feet, with difficulty climbed up, took a flashlight and slid into the hole.
- Exactly...
He lit the flashlight.
A black-and-red-lined coffin was half peeking out of the ground.
Putting the flashlight in a corner, Sanka quickly threw out the interfering earth. Then he pulled the lid. She was nailed. Swinging, he drove a sharp shovel into her.
- Here ... they killed you ... bastards ... right now, right now ...
Lean on the handle of the shovel. The lid creaked loudly, but didn't budge.
Pulling out the shovel, Sanka began to rip off the black calico from the lid.
- Natasha ... my darling ... caulked ... bitches ...
Having torn off the fragile material, he shined a flashlight, then, tilting the coffin, put the shovel into the crack, and leaned on it.
The walls of the pit interfered, the handle of the shovel touched them, showering the ground.
Sanka tilted the coffin more. The lid cracked and came off slightly. Throwing the shovel aside, he grabbed the lid and pulled. With a crash, she began to move away from the coffin. A musty stench came out of the crack.
Sanka stuck his foot into the expanding opening, rested, pulled and tore off the lid. The suffocating smell of a rotting body filled the pit, making Sanka dumbfounded for a moment. He tossed the lid aside, leveled the tilted coffin, and bent over it.
In the coffin lay the corpse of a young girl, up to her chest covered with a sheet. The head with a white halo on the forehead was slightly turned to one side, the hands were on the chest.
Sanka shined a flashlight.
Several nimble woodlice, fleas and bugs, which stuck to the arms, face and blue jacket of the corpse, rushed away from the light, climbed into the folds of clothes, over the shoulders and over the head.
Sanka leaned lower, greedily peering into the face of the dead man.
- Natasha, Natasha...
A large, prominent forehead, broad cheekbones, and a strongly pointed nose were covered with brownish-green skin. Blackened lips curled into a half smile. Worms moved sluggishly in dark blue eye sockets.
- Natasha ... Natasha ... Lord ... rotted something ... rotted something like ...
The flashlight trembled in Sanka's hand.
- For a month ... for a month ... Natasha ... darling ...
He began to cry again.
- I'm ... I'm ... it's ... I ... ve ... d ... Natasha ... Lord ... managed to you ... and I'm ... I'm .. . Love you...
Sanka sobbed, shaking and shedding tears on his blue moldy jacket.
- And this ... and this ... Natasha ... I always loved you ... always ... and Petka is a bastard ... I tried to dissuade ... this work ... damn ... bastards. .. shit... I'll burn this fucking farm... I'll burn... spa... I... *****.. to hell... no... mother... ...
The beam of the flashlight danced along the walls of the pit.
“I didn’t know then… you bastards… and they didn’t write… but I came… and… and… I didn’t believe… but now… but now.” .. a... those... feathers... I'm this... this... this! Natasha!
He sobbed with renewed vigor, his sweaty shoulders shaking.
- It's all of them ... they're all ... ga ... dy ... ***** .. suuuki ... and this ... and this ... foreman I **** will kill. .. *****.. bitch fuck...
Earth crumbled from above.
- They're... it's... and I love you. And with Zinka, I didn’t have anything ... nothing ... but I love you ... I love ... dear ... barking ... dear ... dear!
Sanka sobbed, clinging to the edge of the coffin. A shovel thrown under his feet hurt his knee painfully. The smell of rotting flesh, mixed with the smell of Sanka's sweaty body, filled the grave.
Sobbing, Sanka wiped his face with his hands, took a flashlight, shone it in the face of the corpse.
- Natasha... I really couldn't. They didn't send me letters. And I was there. There. And then he came, and they say: Natashka was electrocuted. I didn't really believe it. And I don't believe. Natasha. What about Natasha? Natasha! Natasha!
He shook the coffin.
- Natasha. Well Natasha. Well, it's me - Sasha. Do you hear? A?! Do you hear?!
He paused, looking into her face.
There was a deafening silence in the hole.
- Natasha. Well, no one sees. Natasha! Natasha! Hear?! It's me, Sanka!
A small centipede crawled out of the dead man's blackened nostrils and, quickly running over his lips, fell behind the lapel of his jacket.
Sanka sighed, scratched the covered board with his fingernail:
- Natasha. I am this. I just don't understand anything. How did it happen?! We went dancing, remember?! And here - in general ... *** some kind. I don’t understand something ... and there are dancing again. And at least *** everyone... dance... Huh, Natasha? Natasha? Natasha!
The corpse did not respond.
Sanka carefully removed the white cloth. Under it was a blue skirt and Natasha's legs, shod in black patent leather shoes.
Sanka straightened up, put the flashlight on the edge of the pit and, jumping up, got out himself.
Upstairs it was fresh and cool. The wind died down, the birches stood motionless. The sky darkened, the stars burned brighter. The music was no longer heard.
Sanka lifted his shirt, took the bottle, uncorked it and took a sip twice. Then again.
There is very little water left.
He walked to the edge of the hole, raised his flashlight and shone it down.
Natasha lay motionless in the coffin, stretching out her slender legs. From here it seemed that she was smiling from ear to ear and was looking attentively at Sanka.
He scratched his chest and looked around. After standing for a while, he took the bottle and slid into the hole.
Several earthen clods fell on Natasha's chest. Sanka took them off, placed the bottle in the corner and bent over the corpse:
- Natasha ... you are ... I'm here ... this is ...
He licked his dry lips and whispered:
- Natasha ... I love you ... I love ... I'm right now ...
He began to take off her jacket. Rare insects rained down from it.
- Bastards, ***** .. - muttered Sanka.
Tearing the jacket in his hands, he tore it off the ossified corpse.
Then he tore and took off his skirt.
Underneath was a moldy nightgown.
Sanka tore it apart and straightened up, illuminating the pale body.
From the neck to the lower abdomen, a long incision stretched along it, intercepted across with frequent threads. Worms swarmed in the cut. The chest seemed unfemininely flat. In the navel, woodlice curled up. The dark groin stood out against the background of the pale blue body.
Sanka grabbed his stained leg and pulled.
She didn't give in.
He pulled harder, leaning against the coffin and poking his back against the wall of the pit. Something crackled in the stomach of the corpse, and the leg moved away.
Sanka went in from the right and pulled the other one.
She gave in freely.
Sanka straightened up.
Natasha was lying in front of him, spreading her legs.
He knelt down and began to touch her groin.
- Here... my dear... here...
The groin was cold and hard. Sanka began to run his finger over it. Suddenly, the finger fell off somewhere. Sanka pulled it out and shone it. The finger was covered in cloudy green slime. Two tiny worms stuck to it and moved furiously.
Sanka wiped his finger on his pants, grabbed the bottle and poured the vodka over his groin:
- Here ... so that ...
Then he quickly covered the upper part of the corpse with a white cloth, lowered his trousers and lay down on the corpse.
- Dear ... Natasha ... like this ... like that ...
He began to move.
Member heavily slid in something cold and sticky.
- Here ... Natasha ... here ... here ... - Sanka whispered, squeezing the shoulders of the corpse. - So... here... here... here...
After a couple of minutes, he grunted, fidgeted and froze in exhaustion:
- Oh, *****..
After lying a little on the covered corpse, Sanka slowly got up, shone on his penis. The brownish-green mucus on it mixed with cloudy white semen.
Sanka wiped him off with a sheet and pulled on his pants.
Throwing a shovel up, he with difficulty got out himself. Upstairs, he caught his breath and smoked, wandering around the cemetery. Then he threw the lid of the coffin into the pit, took a shovel and began to dump the earth.
He returned to the village at four o'clock.
When he began to climb over the curtains, Naida, who was sleeping in the yard, barked and ran into the garden.
- His own, - Sanka said, and the dog, whining joyfully, rushed to him. - His, his, psyusha ... - He patted her, went to the barn and put the shovel in place.
The dog squirmed around, rustling the grass, touching his legs with a warm body.
- She went, she went ... - Sanka kicked her and, going to the window, knocked loudly.
A light flashed in the hut, and the sleepy face of the mother looked out.
“Mom, it’s me,” Sanka smiled.
The mother shook her head and disappeared.
Whistling, Sanka moved to the porch. The latch clanged, the door opened.
- Where were you wandering around? Got completely pissed off...
Sanka went up to the porch:
- Yes, at the dance. What are you making noise?
- Neither day nor night there is no peace! Close yourself.
She hid in the passage.
Locking the door behind him, Sanka went into the room. Standing in the dark, he scooped up water from a bucket and drank. He went to the table, took out bread from under the tablecloth, and chewed it. Looked out the window.
- Are you going to be a lodger or not?! - the mother stirred on the stove.
- Right now, sleep.
Sanka stood for a moment, chewing bread, then took off his father's three-row shirt from the chest of drawers and cautiously moved towards the door.
- Where again?
- Yes, right now, mother, well, what are you ...
He went into the yard, splashing through the mud, opened the gate and found himself in the apiary.
It smelled of wax and apples.
Sanka made his way between the apple trees and sat down on a narrow, rickety bench, directly opposite four beehives. A cool breeze rustled through the leaves, swaying a mountain ash standing at a distance. Sanka unfolded the bellows and walked over the buttons:
- Unfortunately, birthday is only raaaz in goooooduuu.
Fingers did not obey.
He chirped, bowing his head to the harmonica. The furs smelled of old leather and mothballs.
Naida came running, cautiously sniffed the accordion.
Sanka drove her away and played louder:
- Bread is good, bread is right...
But the fingers again did not obey, the harmonica squeaked falsely in the dark.
Sanka sat, sighing and shaking his head.
Then he suddenly froze, smiled and looked at the sky. The young moon, surrounded by a scattering of stars, hung over the apiary. Sanka smiled again, as if remembering something, shrugged his shoulders shiveringly and took up the accordion.
This time she answered with a harmonious melody.
Sanka played the introduction and sang, slowly drawing out the words:

I am my beloved
I will dig out of the grave,
I'll help, I'll help
I'll eat, I'll bury.

He tightened his bellows and listened. There was complete silence in the village.
Soon the first roosters crowed.

If you are a girl, but at the same time you like to do what young people usually do or you are more attracted to men's clothes, then most likely you and the people around you consider you a tomboy. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for how to become a tomboy, because every girl is unique. However, if you notice yourself spending more time with boys or preferring to do what they like, changing your wardrobe and new activities will help you find friends who will accept you for who you are.


1 Dress like a tomboy

  1. 1 Wear loose t-shirts and shirts. Opt for plain t-shirts with cool prints that won't emphasize your femininity. In addition, the selected T-shirts must be straight cut. Wear loose t-shirts with your favorite band's logo or similar. In addition, a shirt with a collar and rolled up sleeves should be in your wardrobe. A shirt, whatever style you choose, should be tried on before buying to make sure you are comfortable in it.
    • Opt for plain shirts. Complete your wardrobe with a shirt in black, navy blue, brown, red and green. Plus, camouflage shirts will help you look like many boys.
    • You can also team up with plain trousers and a brightly colored overcoat, or vice versa.
    • Some girls prefer to dress in men's clothing stores. However, you can wear women's clothes and still be a tomboy. Your clothing should be loose and sporty.
  2. 2 Choose straight cut trousers with pockets and belt loops. Women's trousers, as a rule, tightly fit the hips and taper towards the ankle, emphasizing the slimness of the figure. They may also have fake pockets. Instead, opt for cotton tweed trousers or jeans, which are characterized by the expansion of the lower part of the legs, starting from the knee with deep pockets. You can also wear sweatpants if you feel comfortable in them.
    • Roll up the bottom of your jeans if they're too long or if you want to show off some cool shoes. In such clothes, your figure will be more like a boy's physique.
    • When it gets warm outside, wear beach shorts or shorts with lots of pockets. Don't be afraid of bright colors and patterns. However, make sure the shorts you choose match your personal style!
  3. 3 Avoid ballet flats, sandals and high heels. Wear slip-ons or sneakers, boots or classic men's shoes. Choose shoes in solid colors with neutral prints, such as stripes or checkerboard patterns. This will make you look more masculine. Do not wear shoes that emphasize your femininity, such as shiny shoes with flowers. You may also choose not to wear socks.
    • Visit online stores that sell men's clothing and shoes for girls in small sizes.
  4. 4 Choose matching accessories such as cufflinks, ties and hats. Cufflinks and ties are great accessories to help you achieve your desired tomboy look. This is a great option for girls who like to wear button down shirts. Shop for accessories that feature your favorite TV shows, animals, or movies. This will help you emphasize your individuality. Wear beanies or dark hats with a straight and flat brim.

  5. 5 Keep your hair simple. You may want to cut your hair, shaggy or crew cut. If you are not ready to say goodbye to long hair, collect it in a ponytail or bun. Skip complicated hairstyles, braids, barrettes, and lots of styling products. You must look simple. Seek help from a professional stylist if you want to change your look.
  6. 6 Do not wear makeup or use nail polish. Of course, you can still use concealer to hide facial imperfections. Besides, there is nothing wrong with that. However, remember, the main principle of the image of a tomboy is simplicity. Ask the sales assistant at the beauty store to find you cosmetics that will match your skin tone and hair color.

2 Find interesting activities

  1. 1 Try new sports. You don't have to be an athlete if you want to be a tomboy! If you have never played sports before, start with or. When you feel comfortable on the field, you can try yourself in and. These are fun sports games.
    • Find out about sports clubs in your area. Ask your friends about it.
    • You can also visit a youth recreation center if your area has one to learn more about sports clubs and teams.
  2. 2 Play video games. Video games are considered a fairly common male occupation. However, you may like this activity too! If you've never played before, ask your friends where to start. If you already play video games, join online forums where video games are discussed. If you need to buy a console, ask the seller to help you choose the right one.
    • Great games to start with are MarioKart and Minecraft. Classic arcade games like "Galaga" and "Frogger" are great fun too!
    • When you feel more confident, you can move on to the more challenging video games The Legend of Zelda and Dark Souls. There is a wide variety of video games. Choose the ones that are of interest to you.
  3. 3 Spend more time outside. Go hiking. Get busy. Thanks to this, you will become strong, like many guys. Also you may find that you are interested or keen. However, remember that some activities are potentially dangerous. Therefore, do them under the supervision of a person who has extensive experience in this.
  4. 4 Joke like a kid. You may want to learn how to play pranks on people, as young people do. Learn right. Feel free to laugh at yourself. And remember that your jokes should not be rude and hurt someone's feelings.
    • Of course, you shouldn't laugh if you're not laughing. Ignore jokes that offend people of a particular gender, race, religion, or other idiosyncrasies.
    • . Don't get involved in gossip.

3 Make friends like a tomboy

  1. 1 Go to events that interest you. If you are old enough and enjoy playing sports, visit sports bars. Also, attend outdoor activities. Such events include an exhibition of cars and releases of new computer games. If you want to get to know someone, go up to that person and talk about the event in progress.
    • Do not go to events that you are not interested in. If the topic of cars is not at all yours, you should not force yourself to go to a car dealership. It will be difficult for you to discuss a topic that you are not interested in.
  2. 2 Develop your own way of speaking. Of course, it will be easier for you to make friends with guys if you talk like them. However, you should not completely copy their manner of speaking. Your manner of communication should show that you are one of them; if a young man has a nickname, address him, not by name, but by calling the nickname. Discuss what you both like.
  3. 3 Remain calm and confident. Don't be discouraged if you get dirty or lose the game. Instead, stay calm and friendly. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
    • If someone mistreats you, don't be afraid to defend yourself. To stop bullying, be prepared to fight back against the bully using their own methods. However, don't be overly harsh. Otherwise, you may lose friends.
  4. 4 Be who you want to be. There is nothing wrong with being a shy tomboy; you don't have to be an extrovert to have a lot. If you don't want to do what everyone else is doing, don't do it.

  5. 5 Surround yourself with people who treat you well. Good friends are honest people who are ready to provide the necessary support. If someone hurts you, instead of being a source of joy for you, you can say: "I don't think we should be friends." You know what's best for you, so surround yourself with people who support and respect you.
  • Not all of your friends have to be boys! You can also be friends with girls.
  • Do not humiliate girls who seek to emphasize their femininity. There is nothing wrong with being feminine, just as there is nothing wrong with striving to be a tomboy. To each his own!


  • If you feel unsafe, be sure to let your teacher or parents know.
  • Some people may laugh at you because you are different from other girls. However, ignore the comments of such people and surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are.

I solve everything myself

You love to make decisions, love the position of a warrior, shield the underprivileged with your chest and even make decisions for others. But here's the problem: for some reason, all the normal guys with whom you find yourself in a relationship either initially behave like girls (they are capricious, offended and do not want to decide anything), or gradually change their position to a passive one.

And in fact…

You just have a control problem. And fortunately, she is completely asexual. You strive to make decisions for your boys just because you are afraid for the future: you think that without you it will be gloomy and unpromising. Leading your comrades and less combative girlfriends, you are trying to track the behavior of the entire party - so that something “such” does not happen. You must know where someone is and what he is doing at this moment - otherwise you lose ground under your feet. In general, you are not a tomboy, but just a little anxious young lady.

That's why…

  • Start dealing with stress. Pay attention to nervous attacks, groundless anxiety and any other jitters that you so actively hide. Be aware of these sensations and explain to yourself logically that they have no basis. Bring arguments, weigh everything, think it over. It'll get better soon.
  • Reconsider your surroundings and rhythm of life. This problem could appear because you are under constant stress. Plans are frustrated, exams fail, relationships deteriorate, the bus leaves from under your nose after a 40-minute wait ... You experience anxiety and always find it in life. Maybe you should slow down?
  • Think about what made you take the wheel in your hands. Maybe some critical situation you were in? For example, did you end up on a desert island where you had to crush coconuts and hunt for seagulls? Even if life has already tripped you once, you need to recover from this.

I'm not myself

In all the girlish paraphernalia, you feel out of your element. You don’t like feminine clothes, as a child you ripped off the heads of dolls and robbed cars from your younger brother, and now you have short hair and are listed on the university football team. It infuriates you when your mother says - “take off these berets, you're a girl!”, And dad thinks that your dream of becoming an auto mechanic (or, say, a boxer) is not the best idea. And everyone around endlessly repeats: “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, “don’t wear that” ... And you like all these things so much!

In fact…

Even if you get sincere pleasure from driving a motorcycle, which at times exceeds the thrill of shopping, this is not the main problem. “Not friendship” with your gender is connected with the fact that you do not quite accept and understand yourself. This adds an unpleasant bonus in the form of incomprehensible parents and shocked girlfriends who can’t come to terms with the fact that you are playing the “boy”. On the one hand, you are trying to attract attention with behavior that is not quite standard for a young lady, on the other, you don’t know what to do next with this attention: after all, if you don’t understand yourself, then it will be difficult for society.

That's why…

  • Get to grips with your self-esteem. Your virtues are not equal to the number of goals scored, and a shaved head does not demonstrate them in any way. You are simply not ready to love yourself for who you are, and “boyfriendship”, unfortunately, will not help here.
  • Accept the fact that a girl is an integral part of your personality. You are not yet familiar with this person, therefore you deny her undeniable, obvious qualities. Instead of declaring war on others, try to study yourself: understand your sincere feelings, desires and intentions, your weaknesses and strengths.
  • You attribute to the female sex a certain list of traits that you do not like. For example, it seems to you that femininity is necessarily weakness, gossip, stupidity, or something else like that. Establish relationships with girlfriends, and you will understand that positive traits have no gender.

With a crown on my head

You have a very strong desire for leadership, which is why many people say that you "think like a man." In fact, you wear dresses and paint eyelashes, but you like to take a dominant position, lead others and see other people as fulfillers of your desires. For you, commanding tone and insistent language is a way to show who's in charge here. And, in principle, you are ready to defend your right to primacy in front of everyone who gets in your way: from friends to teachers, through guys, including parents.

In fact…

You felt oppressed for a long time, and at some point you "rebelled" against external pressure. Result: your leadership has grown too large, and now you can't get used to the idea that someone else is capable of commanding the parade. Your desire to be the most important and the very first is nothing but protection from an old and long-forgotten humiliation. You probably really have the makings of a leader, but you put too much emphasis on them.

That's why…

  • Having developed the ability to withstand any trouble, use it wisely: only when it is really needed. A liberal attitude will make you popular in the party, and undeniable leadership will come in handy more than once in critical life situations.
  • Learn to be a leader for yourself: add your goals, break stereotypes, fight laziness, overcome weaknesses. Irresistible energy can be directed in the right direction: for example, for self-development.

8 tomboy rules

  • You can wear camouflage and be fond of hockey, but this does not mean that you should follow the image: your goals and desires should not be divided by gender.
  • Boys also fall in love, meet guys and flirt. And not all guys like girls in pink and bows. You will definitely meet that MCH who will be charmed by your appearance.
  • Less aggression: being a tomboy is not the same as being conflicted. And it’s not heroes who get into a fight for any reason, but people with hurt pride.
  • Accept yourself for who you are: there is nothing wrong with your sneakers, skateboards and basketball.
  • Don't try to become more feminine if you don't need to. But don't stop experimenting!
  • A tomboy is not a style of clothing and life, but a state. Think more about what you really want, and less about what you broadcast to the outside world.
  • A real tomboy copes with difficulties and gets up when she falls. Use your power!
  • Do not be afraid to turn from a tomboy to a good girl: we all grow and change, this is normal.

Yes! They were boys!

  • Angelina Jolie hated miniskirts, ruffles and bows, from which she got her first roles in a tomboy image (remember the movie "Hackers" or Lara Croft). The actress said that in adolescence she was considered a black sheep because of her love for men's outfits and dislike for makeup and dresses.
  • Beauty Megan Fox since childhood did not know how to make up and wear dresses, and still considers herself a tomboy girl. She had to study for a long time a feminine walk, facial expressions and style, and until now she resorts to the services of image makers before each exit, because she does not know how, according to her, to behave "like a girl."
  • Rihanna has repeatedly said that instead of girlfriends, she had only friends: with them she felt much more comfortable. The girl communicated exclusively with guys, shared their love for video games and basketball, could not stand girls' companies and believes that the ability to be masculine and feminine at the same time is one of the secrets of her success.

Befriend guys. Boys spend more time with guys than girls because they get along better with them, because they like the same things and do the same things. Gather a few of your friends for a pizza and Mario Kart night. Or if your friends are going out to play football, ask if you can join them. Be prepared that they may tease you at first, but they will stop once you show that you are a worthy participant in the game. 2
Be physically active. It can be sports (or several sports), rock climbing or just hiking. Enter the game - awaken the spirit of competition in yourself and do not be afraid to sweat. A tomboy can be called a girl who participates in activities that are often considered exclusively male. To become a tomboy, you must find a sport or activity that you really enjoy and perform at your best. 3
Become a video game champion. If you don't like sports, try playing video games. Video games are considered by most to be only for boys. Why not show the guys who's who in the virtual world? Learn how to play Mario Kart and then invite your friends to a racing tournament. Don't discuss boys with guys. Leave your opinion about that handsome man for your girlfriends. Your friends won't necessarily enjoy hearing about which actor you think is the sexiest, or who you're in love with during the second half. Learn to ride a skateboard or scooter. Girls who spend time with skaters are often considered tomboys. Skateboarding is considered an activity for boys, so why not learn how to skate and surprise your friends at the skatepark. Longboarding is another great way to fit in, especially if you live in a city that doesn't have many hills. Don't be afraid to get dirty. As they say, no one hurts to get a little dirty. When hiking or playing, don't worry about grass stains on your knees or dirt on your shoes. If dirt really disgusts you, don't make a problem out of it. Just try to avoid it.
Know how to respond to jokes. Guys often tease each other, and if you spend time with them, you will definitely become the object of their ridicule. Don't take them to heart - just laugh it off. Joking and teasing is okay, but be careful not to take it too far or you could make someone angry or upset.

As noted by the director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", a family psychologist, interpersonal relations consultant Elena Kuznetsova, it is not so much that she gives out a lady or a tomboy. A tomboy may well wear dresses, minis and necklines, but at the same time swear like a shoemaker and drink vodka with guys, thereby demonstrating a masculine style of behavior, and a lady, even in jeans, sneakers and with a short boyish haircut, will still remain.

“Appearance in this case does not matter, behavioral aspects are more important. Although, of course, there is a stereotype that tomboys love sports style, and ladies will not allow themselves to go out, ”says Kuznetsova. She notes that the standards in clothing in the modern world have certainly changed, but the old ones have not completely lost their relevance, and ladies who sometimes allow themselves to wear jeans and a shirt still prefer feminine clothes. Unlike boys.

Character and behavior

Boy behavior. Such women are characterized by rolliness, sharpness of movements, a sharp word, expressiveness, emotionality, spontaneity, even childishness. Boys can talk loudly, reinforcing their speech with active gestures. Maybe, slang. Boys are often categorical, do not recognize halftones. They have no "gray", only "black and white", "good and bad".

“You are a good guy, Natasha” is the best expression that characterizes a tomboy.

The tomboy will compete with him, compete, argue, take on weakly, try to hook, wake up the excitement: "Look how I can." She lights up a man with her drive to get his attention.

Lady is the opposite of a tomboy. For her, following the rules of etiquette. When talking, the lady does not wave her arms (this is indecent), maintains closed, “energy-saving” poses, thus distancing the interlocutor. The lady speaks slowly, quietly, and perhaps even a little primly.

Lady will never be with him. To conquer the representative of the stronger sex, she will use exclusively female tricks. This includes looks, intonation, sexuality - the lady uses the entire arsenal of girlish means.

This is what is characteristic of a lady.

“In our society it is impossible to be a classic lady, you need to match the realities. Modern ladies skillfully combine femininity and boyishness. True young ladies can afford both childishness and childishness, which are distinguished by tomboys, but at the same time not stoop to rudeness and harshness. Only a self-sufficient and harmonious woman can maintain the necessary balance, ”says Kuznetsova.

Through the eyes of men

With a boy, a man feels free. Thanks to this, the tomboy easily wins the sympathy of the opposite sex, without difficulty. On the other hand, the attitude towards the young lady is also appropriate - as towards her boyfriend. Even the elementary requirements of etiquette, such as opening the door in front of a lady, giving her a hand when she gets out of the transport or goes down the stairs, -. A tomboy can easily be offered: “Well, vodka or beer?” The boundaries are erased.

As for intimacy, most often a masculine girl can only count on. Guys don't mind but don't appreciate her.

You might think that girls do not pay attention to such "little things", but this is not so. Despite the "prickly" shell, the boys in the shower would often like to see next to them, who would protect them.

“The trouble is that a man is friends with a tomboy, even if between them. A man is not able to perceive a tomboy as a fragile, defenseless woman in need of guardianship, and treats her like a guy - no romance, no courtship. Many boys do not like this state of affairs, and they, ”explains the psychologist.

Kuznetsova clarifies that one of the brightest images of a tomboy can be considered a woman who complains that. At the same time, the lady does not stop competing with the man, again and again proving to him that she is cooler. This is classic tomboy behavior, even if she walks in a dress with a neckline.

Boys don't get aesthete men. More often - . More striking representatives of the type are chosen by crazy guys, hippies. Such a pair is usually very harmonious.

Lady likes any type of men. Representatives of the stronger sex always feel the true lady by the elusive flair that comes from her, thanks to femininity, smoothness and fineness.

Comes from childhood

A tomboy or lady is "born". A girl most often grows up as a tomboy if she has an older idol brother, from whom the young lady “rips off” her demeanor.

The second reason is the prevailing male environment. For example, a girl in her childhood did not have girlfriends, only boy friends. I had to comply in order to fit into the "society".

Another scenario is the concealment of complexes. Like, and that's why guys don't pay attention to her. Then she decides in a different way - like Mowgli: "You and I are of the same blood." Applying this "military trick", the lady achieves her goal, she falls into the circle of men, but at the same time loses her femininity.

As for the lady, her mother took an active part in her upbringing. In addition, parents actively developed the child's aesthetic taste and taught music, dance, drawing, and languages.

About Lostness and Harmony

In life, the tomboy has a harder time, because she has lost her bearings: she was born a woman, but for some reason she behaves like a man, says Kuznetsova. The psychologist believes that the tomboy has more difficult and worries just because she is not able to completely "score". It makes itself felt at the most inopportune moment and introduces an imbalance in the world built by the tomboy.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35. Call on weekdays from 11:00 to 19:00

The lady is more harmonious and more friendly with herself, because she does not go against nature, but gives herself completely to her and skillfully uses all the natural benefits given to a woman.

If you want to suggest your topics related to interpersonal relationships, write to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

Quite often you can hear such female memories of a “barefoot childhood”: “I was a terrible tomboy as a child! All with boys! With the boys! ”, They say, they climbed garages and trees, played football - they beat the windows with a ball, but it was no fun at dolls. What kind of women grow out of these "tomboy" girls?

Text: Margarita Tsarik

tom girl

In general, most often quite feminine persons grow out of them, or even completely glamorous things and sex symbols, like the exquisite Jessica Biel, who admits that she wanted to be a boy as a child, or the sexiest Cameron Diaz, who easily pounded in her teens not only peers, but also older guys. But sometimes nature decides to be consistent and continues this kind of experiment - and the tomboy girls, growing up, turn into girls - "their guy": they are friends mainly with men, do not like to dress up, take care of themselves, prefer "male" entertainment - from fishing to power sports, and professions are often chosen by traditionally male. How is their personal life? Do they express themselves in purely feminine forms? I observed directly among my friends such a girl - "my boyfriend", and using her example, we can trace the causes and consequences of the behavioral characteristics of women of this type.

boy girl

Our heroine's name is Maya, and we studied together at the university. A typical "tomboy" - rude manners, a short expressionless haircut, always in jeans and sneakers, no one has ever seen her in a dress (and the figure, meanwhile, is beautiful), it was very rarely possible to persuade her to put on makeup - she immediately looked attractive, but I felt uncomfortable in such an "outfit". Maika did not refuse girlish friendship, but still she preferred the male company more - classmates consulted with her about all sorts of technical tricks that were inaccessible to the girlish, humanitarian brains of the rest of the students of our psychological faculty. Often, together with the guys, Maika went to football, played billiards and rafted on a catamaran. There is nothing blatantly unfeminine in all this - many girls know how to play billiards and love extreme sports, but at the same time they still remain girls - they fall in love, want to look good, show off new outfits. Maya did not have a single novel in all her student years - in any case, we did not notice. However, she still did not really stand out against the general background in those years when we were still yesterday's schoolgirls, still slightly angular and not quite mature.

M or F?

The contrast began to appear closer to the age of 30, when all Maya's peers had already married and had children. And those who have not yet started a family were absorbed in relationships with men - stormy romances, meetings-partings, passions-faces. Mikey "on the personal front" was quiet, no one ever saw her with a man as a boyfriend. It is possible that Maya remained a virgin - she did not speak frankly on this subject. After graduating from the university, our Mike decided not to work in her specialty, but chose a rather masculine occupation - she became a cameraman. A heavy camera, a heavy tripod, a lot of non-standard situations where you need to show composure and courage. Outwardly - the same eternal jeans, the same familiar lack of makeup, haircut "under the boy", no curls and styling. With all her rudeness and severity, Maya was kind, sympathetic, ready to help, everyone in our company loved her. And the girlfriends were invariably preoccupied with marrying her boyfriend, marrying her off, or at least fixing her intimate life. Maya stopped all attempts to invade her personal space in the bud, and after several fruitless attempts at matchmaking, we gave up. We have already begun to quietly consider that our Maya is either preparing for a sex change operation, or simply does not advertise her non-traditional orientation.

Comes from childhood

What is the mystery that for several thousand ordinary girls with normal girlish manners there is one such “girl-boy” who behaviorally violates the idea of ​​how a future woman should behave? As a rule, the reason is in the situation that has developed in the family where the child grows, in particular, in relations with the mother. Very often, in childhood, “boy girls” do not have contact with their mother, they are deprived of attention, care, they have nowhere to draw lessons in femininity, gentleness, affection, and sometimes elementary housekeeping skills. This is not necessarily a dysfunctional family - drinking parents and an abandoned child, but almost always a difficult “daughter-mother” relationship in which the mother is either too bossy, or practices harsh parenting methods, or is indifferent to the child, and the daughter suffers without parental love. Maya's story is no exception, her childhood was sad - she grew up without a father and without her mother's tenderness, in an environment of increased control, but lacking the feeling that you are loved unconditionally. As soon as Maya began to earn money, she immediately began to rent an apartment in order to quickly leave her mother, and to this day she tries to communicate with her to a minimum.

wait for the prince

This story could be sad, but it turned out almost fabulously - at the wedding of friends, Maya met the groom's cousin and ... you guessed it! - they fell in love with each other. Dima (this is the name of our prince) - a hero, a kind man and an officer of the Russian army, as if he did not notice the unfeminine appearance of our Maichka - looked after her reverently and persistently, and millions of scarlet roses did their job - Maya blossomed, prettier. When they got married, the young wife quickly learned how to cook (which she categorically did not know how to do before) and generally became a very good hostess. All unrealized femininity, having suddenly become in demand, manifested itself in all possible facets. Now Dima is leading a stubborn siege of Maya, convincing her that it is necessary to wear not just skirts (she has already learned this), but short skirts. But, apparently, it will be necessary to postpone this, because the happy spouses are expecting a baby.

Instead of a conclusion

Why did Maya's biography take such a happy turn? Because such a one hundred percent man appeared in her life that next to him even she felt like a woman. He knows a lot, knows a lot, commands respect, you can rely on him, so next to him you can finally feel weak and gradually free yourself from the shell of a strong, but lonely "boy" girl. We can assume another scenario for the successful development of events - Maya meets the man of her destiny, but not a brutal alpha male, but some kind of "nerd" who is poorly adapted to life. It is possible that she would want to patronize him, even protect him - maternal instincts would get ahead of the “basic instinct”, this also happens, and harmony in such a pair would be based on the fact that the spouses switched roles. The main thing is to wake up this dormant, shy, notorious femininity, and for this you need a man who sees in the "boy" not outward masculinity, but inner tenderness and the need for love. Is it possible to guarantee that at some point each such frog princess will meet her Ivan Tsarevich and everything will end with a wedding feast and a good peace? Oh, I don't know - I don't know, that's where the arrow will hit.

Mom, can Zina and I have sex?

But why?

Tom, I clearly said - you can’t!