Talismans by date of birth and zodiac sign. Secret Ways to Find Your Talisman Stone

Those who like to bring a touch of magic and magic into their own lives are often worried about the question of how to choose a stone by date of birth and name. It is always interesting to learn about the forces capable of developing the best qualities within a person and suppressing negative traits. Stones endowed with certain properties act as assistants in this. To achieve success, you just need to determine which pebble is yours. Today we will talk about some of the most popular methods of how to choose a stone for yourself by name and date.

Select by name

There is more to your name than meets the eye. Parents from the first days of life reward us with a whole set of qualities. It is not for nothing that mothers and fathers, who are waiting for replenishment, read hundreds of books, articles, watch films in order to correctly name the child, giving him strength of mind and various abilities.

Talismans are selected, as a rule, based on the meaning of the name. Although magicians still do not have a clear answer on how to find stones by name. There is a general opinion among esotericists that each gem is endowed with properties that will certainly be transferred to the owner. Studying you as a person will help you to know your strengths and weaknesses and understand what you lack and what, on the contrary, is in excess. Pebbles help to restore harmony and balance inside, which is important for a quality and productive life.

Now we will talk about women and the most common names:

  1. Alexandra. It has not a simple and prickly character, but attracts the interlocutor with briskness and vitality. Often has hundreds of contradictions and doubts in his head. Sasha, being the only child in the family, is selfish and wants it to be the way she wants. She is wonderful as a friend and comrade, but she will easily break off relations, both friendly and love, if she realizes that there are lies, betrayal, and petty deceptions in the relationship. This means that the Alexanders need to select protection that can remove excessive excitement, nervousness, and also selfishness. Amulets include alexandrite, tourmaline, jadeite, beryl, aventurine and carnelian.
  2. Svetlana. She gives the impression of being light and sociable, although in reality she likes to command and be strict. In unforeseen situations, it is difficult for a girl to gather strength and figure out what to do. This means that her amulet should give, first of all, the ability to quickly “group” when difficulties arise. Talisman - moonstone, coral.
  3. Soberly assesses the whole world and what is happening around, does not build illusions. It can be harsh and cold, it is almost impossible to touch such a strong personality. Ira is amorous by nature, but always retains independence and even strives to be a leader not only at work, but also in the family. This type of temperament needs pacifying stones that open female energy flows. Such amulets include: opal, topaz, chalcedony and pearls.
  4. She is caring and attentive to everyone, but often wants to be left alone, in her own thoughts. Lena considers alienation not a punishment, but rather happiness. Since childhood, the girl is honest and fair, amorous and attractive. Knows how to find a common language, barely starting a conversation. Elena needs to maintain this positive trait. The amulets include chalcedony, onyx, emerald, jade.
  5. Maria. Very warm, kind and caring. He knows how to sympathize and runs to help those who need it. She is faithful in marriage, Masha does not have a desire to change, and she never forgives betrayal from men. Masha should cultivate kindness and honor inside, although the notes of rigidity in her character will not be superfluous, because others around her can take advantage of an unnecessarily too good person. Amulet - diamond, garnet, carnelian.
  6. A passionate and creatively gifted girl, she knows her own worth and can easily subdue people. It happens that it does not differ in its bright appearance, but this does not prevent it from attracting the views of the opposite sex. Marina can be offended and harbor sadness in her soul. She needs a symbol that gives lightness, calmness and balance. Marina has two such talismans - black opal and mother-of-pearl.
  7. Lyudmila. Endowed with both softness and severity. All his life he is looking for balance, but it is difficult to find it. After all, the duality inherent in Luda makes the girl either very kind and disposing, or angry, rude and callous. Red garnet suits this temperament, giving positive and joy to the owner. Talisman - pomegranate, alexandrite and yellow sapphire.

This is by no means a complete list, only a small part, but we advise you to turn to numerous sources and study in more detail what is written there. You can be sure that you will find 90% of matches and you will be very surprised how you can say so to the point about your behavior, manners, traits.

Date of Birth

Numbers play an important role, so make no mistake, we depend on them to one degree or another.

Numerologists say that a person's birthday corresponds to its own set of traits, behaviors and character.

To select a mineral by date of birth, based on numerology, you do not need complex mathematical operations. In order to calculate, you need to do the following:

  • As an example, take the date December 7, 1993. 12/7/1993
  • We sum up the components and get: 7+1+2+1+9+9+3=32
  • We need to get a number from 1 to 9. Now, sum 3 + 2 and get 5.
  • Now we have received the figure that must be found in the memo in order to understand what the result is.

Finding a suitable talisman stone by date of birth and month is not difficult. Based on the number of the month, there are such correspondences:

  • 1,10,19,28 - heliotrope, amethyst, ruby ​​and lapis lazuli.
  • 2,11,20,29 - geacinth and citrine
  • 3,12,21,30 - aventurine and emerald.
  • 4,13,22,31 - aquamarine and jade.
  • 14,23,5 - topaz and chrysolite.
  • 15,6,24 - agate, sapphire, garnet.
  • 25,7,16 - lapis lazuli, jasper.
  • 8,26,17 - obsidian, onyx.
  • 9,27,18 - pearls, amber, diamond.

A memo with the meanings of the stones, which helps in deciphering the results and selecting a talisman by date of birth:

  1. Sapphire gives energy and determination. Obsidian is an excellent assistant in matters of the heart.
  2. Citrine, as well as sapphire, determine the right path in life and lead to enlightenment of the mind.
  3. Coral restores balance in the depths of the soul and maintains health.
  4. Emerald repels evil looks, does not allow them to influence a person and his fate.
  5. Turquoise is able to soften too hard, prickly and strict character, gives harmony.
  6. Carnelian develops creativity and helps progress in any endeavor.
  7. The diamond symbolizes good luck.
  8. Ruby establishes friendly ties and, in general, has a beneficial effect on relationships.
  9. Rock crystal clears thoughts of unnecessary things and tunes in to solving urgent problems.

By zodiac sign and day of the week

At birth, we also receive a zodiac sign. Based on it, it is also possible to choose magical amulets. And this approach will be more correct than the previous ones. The fact is that the signs of the zodiac outline the personality more accurately. Gems of the month can capture not only one month, but several. We recommend getting acquainted with the constellations and their minerals:

  1. Topaz suits Aries.
  2. Taurus should choose beryl, turquoise and onyx.
  3. Gemini will be suitable jasper.
  4. Cancer - tourmaline, emerald.
  5. Leo - chrysoprase
  6. Virgo will be protected by turquoise.
  7. Libra - obsidian and sapphire.
  8. Scorpio - chalcedony.
  9. Sagittarius - diamond, opal.
  10. Capricorn - opal and topaz.
  11. Aquarius - sapphire, citrine.
  12. Fish - coral, bloodstone.

Let's not forget about the days of the week when we came into the world. Each has its own match.

  • Monday - absolutely any gem with a predominance of white colors.
  • Tuesday - red, blue and dark shades.
  • Wednesday - bluish tones.
  • Thursday - purple saturated.
  • Friday - green color or its blotches.
  • Saturday is dark.
  • Sunday - warm colors associated with spring and summer, sun and good weather.

Terms of use

It is not enough just to find your mineral, it is important to apply and activate it correctly.

First, clean up. After all, until this moment, other people's hands touched its surface. Then it will take some time to gain the energy of a new decoration.

Secondly, where to wear, as a rule, intuition tells. It can be both rings and earrings, and pendants of different sizes. Please note that the shape of the cut is also taken into account and affects the "work" of the protector. There are both simple forms (circles, squares, ovals) and more complex ones (crescent, circle with an empty middle, heart, leaf, horseshoe, insects, drops, etc.).

Thirdly, if you feel psychological discomfort, put the jewelry on another place or reconsider your choice. If you suddenly lost the talisman - do not be sad. He just got the job done

Today we have considered a vast and fascinating topic. We want everyone to make the right choice.


Since ancient times, precious stones have been given special attention. Crystals were an indicator of status, they were talismans for the owner, protecting from adversity. Maybe these were prejudices, but astrologers have already proven that magical minerals really have the properties to improve health, protect a person from negativity.

Stones according to the signs of the zodiac

Whatever the gem, it has cosmic energy that saturates a person from the inside. It helps to overcome life's difficulties, put thoughts in order. The longer the crystal is in contact with the skin of a man or woman, the greater the effect it has. It is important to know which of the gems you can trust your energy so that everything does not turn into complications. Which zodiac sign is suitable for which stone?

Amethyst, agate, ruby, jasper, diamond, serpentine

Chrysoprase, chalcedony, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, sapphire, sultanite, agate


Agate, alexandrite, beryl, topaz, carnelian, sapphire

Pearl, emerald, chrysoprase, moonstone, aquamarine, agate

Amber, topaz, chrysolite, garnet, onyx, opal, carnelian, demantoid

Jasper, jade, chrysolite, sapphire, carnelian, diamond, onyx, rock crystal, sultanite

Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, citrine, tourmaline, opal, amethyst, jade


Aquamarine, garnet, turquoise, beryl, alexandrite, malachite, black opal, tiger's eye, serpentine

Turquoise, chrysolite, topaz, chalcedony, amethyst, emerald, blue quartz, sultanite

Green malachite, ruby, onyx, garnet, zircon, chalcedony

Amethyst, zircon, turquoise, lapis lazuli, jade, garnet

Amethyst, pearl, sapphire, opal, emerald, alexandrite

Semiprecious stones according to the horoscope

Natural crystals are used for the manufacture of jewelry, interior items, and in the industrial industry. Any gem is valuable. Having studied in more detail the property of each, you can decide which zodiac sign which stone is suitable for, and choose your own unique amulet:

  • Agate is a mineral whose origin is directly related to volcanic rocks (quartz, opal, chalcedony). Thanks to the unique sinuous patterns, multi-colored stripes, you can wear a piece of jewelry that is exclusive in its kind. Translated from Greek, this nugget means "prosperous". The lucky owners of the stone can be such zodiac signs as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries.
  • Amethyst is a quartz that can change its hue when it lacks light. The mineral contains iron concentrate, thanks to which it acquires an extraordinary purple color palette, it can be transparent or translucent. The stone is suitable for such signs of the zodiac: Aries, Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Coil. A stone that has a color from rich green to yellowish with dark veins, which resembles snake skin. In its original form, the rock is opaque, has a fibrous base. Ornamental serpentinite is very popular today and corresponds to the energy of the zodiac signs Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn.

Gemstones by zodiac signs

It is known that jewelry is always spectacular, even in the twilight. If they bring not only aesthetic benefits, but also spiritual satisfaction, then crystals are truly priceless. By choosing natural stones according to the signs of the zodiac, you can save yourself from various adversities, because gems have an unknown power given to them from birth by nature itself:

  1. Sultanite (tanatarite, sultanite, diaspore) is a mineral of amazing beauty, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Outwardly, the crystal is glass, but in the light it is like a chameleon. By saturation, the stone can be raspberry, yellow, lilac, pink, green. What zodiac signs are gemstones suitable for? Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus.
  2. Jasper is a precious stone that is well polished, durable, reliable and can serve its owner for decades. Stones for Pisces surprise with unique spots, stripes, green, blue, black, red shades. Jasper is also suitable for the zodiac signs of Virgo, Aries, and is considered the main talisman in life.
  3. Emerald is green beryl. The color of the stone depends on the place of extraction, where the rock merged with different metals that affect its color. The crystal can be juicy green, olive, pale salad tone. If you see natural bubbles, cracks, inclusions of other rocks in the product, be aware that the jewelry will cost a little less than a pure emerald. These are suitable stones for Leo, Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Lucky stones of the zodiac signs

In fact, each zodiac element can correspond to several stones at once. One will bring luck to a person's life, the other - wisdom. You can pick up stones according to the signs of the zodiac by date of birth, which will help speed up the coupling of the energies of the carrier and the crystal. The impact of the gem also depends on the method of obtaining, the month or year of wearing the jewelry, the zone of contact. Before acquiring a talisman, it is necessary to study all the stones and signs of the zodiac. For example:

  • Aries suits a diamond. The stone gives self-confidence, serves as protection against inner rage, helps to bypass life's troubles. The power of the crystal is doubled if the stone is given as a gift. True, the energy of a nugget can become crushing for the owner if the person’s intentions are impure.
  • Taurus becomes wiser and more perspicacious when human energy suits the power of the emerald. The gem makes a person happy and lucky. When Taurus falls in love, the stone becomes more saturated in color. If you want the talisman to influence fate, carry it with you during the full moon.
  • Gemini suits agate, alexandrite, topaz and beryl. For example, the first talisman stone pacifies the wayward character, helping to get rid of internal shortcomings. In return, the mineral helps to reveal the creative inclinations, to bring the plan to the end. To maximize the effect of the crystal, women are advised to wear agate earrings.
  • To reveal their talents, Cancer should wear pearls. This stone will help the zodiac sign to get more positive emotions, luck. The mineral is a protection from an external negative environment and protects women from the mistake of falling in love with an unworthy man. When a person is sick, pearls can darken.
  • If Leo wants to develop his communication skills, he should pay attention to the chrysolite stone. The gem makes its owner softer, more communicative, and at the same time a strong, talented person who knows how to skillfully win people's trust. If you dress chrysolite in gold, it will be able to strengthen the spirit of its owner.
  • Virgo stones are suitable: jade, jasper, chrysolite. For example, the last crystal is a talisman of happiness and attractiveness. It oppresses categoricalness, teaches you to dynamically conduct business, to develop intellectually. In order for a gem to properly saturate a person with energy, it is necessary to frame the stone in platinum or silver, but in no case in gold.
  • Opal is a talisman of fidelity and hope for Libra. When a sign has a difficult period in life, this stone will help to feel inner harmony and remove apathy. If a person struggles with negative qualities of character, opal will become for him an amulet of success and excellence. True, people with an upset nervous system are not recommended to wear a mineral due to possible overexcitation.
  • Scorpio girls who are looking for love and respect in a relationship with a partner will suit aquamarine. If you give a stone to your lover, the crystal will draw his energy to yours and merge with yours. Set in silver, the breed will give more benefit and saturate the body with positive power.
  • Rimless turquoise can give Sagittarius good luck in work, in their plans, help to suppress excessive carelessness. If the stone is blue, then the owner will be endowed with justice, nobility. The white mineral will protect the sign in risky actions, and the green one will consolidate the status of a successful person. The last color of the stone is not suitable for young guys who are still unsteady.
  • Ruby is the talisman of Capricorns. The person who gave this stone to the zodiac sign will bind himself forever with love and find happiness with the chosen one. True, the properties of the stone are changeable depending on the nature of the owner. If the person is evil, then the mineral will make her even more aggressive. Ruby will give good people a sense of peace. If the amulet darkens, Capricorn is in danger.
  • The horoscope of stones portends for Aquarius harmony with such a mineral as amethyst. The mystical characteristics of the crystal help the zodiac sign to realize their plans, develop intuitive abilities, and experience serenity. For medicinal purposes, amethyst can be applied to the body to improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.
  • Pisces suits pearls. The stone protects the sign from the evil eye, gives longevity and prosperity. By the radiance of the mineral, you can determine the state of health or the mood of the owner. It has already been proven that after the dormancy of a person, the talisman darkens and loses its former energy. Pearls should not be re-gifted, but it is better to leave them with their owner.

Unsuitable stones for odiac signs

When choosing your stone, it is important to know which minerals should never be combined:

  1. Pearls are not recommended to wear with a cat's eye, diamond and hessonite.
  2. Ruby with diamond, sapphire, hessonite, cat's eye together will negatively affect the character of its owner, suppressing the spirit and affecting health.
  3. An emerald is categorically not suitable for a pearl stone, red coral.
  4. Blue sapphire is the opposite of such minerals as ruby, red coral, pearls.
  5. The cat's eye is generally a kind of rock that does not perceive the energy of pearls and rubies.
  6. Yellow sapphire loves to be one and only for its owner, therefore it has the opposite pole with stones such as diamond, emerald.

You can choose a talisman yourself. To do this is not difficult at all. You don't even have to seek the help of an astrologer. First, determine the zodiac sign opposite to yours. Using the zodiac circle, count the sixth position after your own element. For example, Aries - Libra, Taurus - Scorpio, etc. The stones from his list are harmful to you, the rest can be worn.

Video: mascot stones

The article contains only popular questions and provides exhaustive answers to them.

There are other articles on the site that provide no less interesting information for any woman.

How to check the authenticity of a stone amethyst, agate, alexandrite, diamond, garnet, coral, lapis lazuli

Real amethyst discolours noticeably in water.

Artificial agate heats up quickly in your hands, real agate stays cold longer.

Real alesandrite is rare and expensive, buying in well-known stores that value their reputation, most likely you will not run into a fake. It is difficult to determine the authenticity of the stone with the naked eye. With the help of a refractometer, you can tell for sure a fake in your hands or not.

A diamond is one of the most expensive stones. When buying it, they will give you a document of authenticity, if all such doubts remain, you should go to a specialist. Regardless of the transparency of the diamond, it will be visible in the water. He is also the hardest stone, rubbing with sandpaper should not leave traces.

A real pomegranate has the peculiarity of being magnetized. Putting a stone on the scales, bring the magnet about 1 cm, the value of the scales should change.

A heated needle is brought to the coral, if a hole remains, and an unpleasant smell appears, plastic is in the hands. Real coral will not be damaged, let alone melted.

Artificial lapis lazuli, having lowered the water, stains it, holding a wet fake stone on the hand will remain blue.

How to check the stone for authenticity at home emerald, rose quartz, onyx, ruby, carnelian

A real emerald has inclusions that are clearly visible under a magnifying glass.

Real rose quartz is pale pink, has natural defects.

Onyx is a cheap stone, it is rarely faked. One of the methods of checking for authenticity, the temperature regime, putting your hand or tasting with the tip of your tongue, the real one should be cold.

The ruby ​​in the water begins to shine brightly, a fake does not have such an effect.

Carnelian when scratched will either not leave a mark at all, or the scratch will be very thin without chip separation.

How to check the stone for authenticity sapphire, chrysolite, zirconium

Sapphire is a durable stone, scratching should not leave a trace. It is best to contact a specialist who can say for sure about the authenticity. Chrysolite is forged from glass and plastic, these materials are prone to scratches with chips, quickly heat up in the hand. Zirconium differs from many other stones in its diamond brilliance, the presence of inclusions in the stone will also indicate authenticity. At a very close distance from the eyes, you can see how the edges of the cone bifurcate.

How to determine your lucky stone, talisman, amulet by date of birth

It is best to choose a stone for the talisman, which is suitable for the date of birth. You can use the science of numerology, using the date of birth to calculate your number, for example, having been born on the 15th of the day 1 + 5 = 6

3-aventurine, chrysolite.
5- aventurine.
6 agate.
8-onyx, garnet.
9-crystal, moonstone.

How to identify your gemstone

To understand which stone is designed specifically for you, it is best to look at the date of birth, horoscope and name. Comparing these indicators, choose the most suitable.

How to determine your stone by zodiac sign, name, horoscope

Aries - diamond, ruby, emerald
Taurus - turquoise, malachite, sapphire
Gemini - agate, crystal, jasper
Cancer - emerald, moonstone, pearl

Leo - aquamarine, amethyst, emerald
Virgo - agate, lapis lazuli, pearls
Libra - jade, onyx
Scorpio - topaz, aquamarine

Sagittarius - ruby, moonstone
Capricorn - agate, emerald
Aquarius - aventurine, sapphire
Pisces - diamond, garnet, amazonite

How to check whether a stone is a diamond or not, turquoise, opal, amber is real or fake

Diamond is the hardest stone, it cannot be scratched, with sandpaper you can check the authenticity. There are many bluish particles in artificial turquoise. If a fake is made of plastic with a hot needle, it will melt.

Opal is tested in the sun, genuine opal will play with all colors, and the rays, refracting, will fall on the fingers and color them in all colors of the rainbow. Amber is tested in salt water, real amber has a specific gravity less than salt water, so amber will not sink. Another way is with acetone. Having dripped, there will be no trace left on the amber.

How to check bianshi black jade stone, rhinestone

Black bianshi jade is very durable, it cannot be damaged with a needle or pin, there should be no scratch marks left. When in contact with the skin, heat radiates from it. To the touch, this bracelet is smooth and pleasant.

Crystal is most often counterfeited with glass, air bubbles can be seen in the glass, they cannot be in rock crystal.

The article is answers to frequently asked questions about one of the most interesting stones. In other articles of this project can be found not many...

Since ancient times, precious and semi-precious stones were not just a part of jewelry, they were also talismans, a means of healing from diseases, a way to achieve goals. Most often they were chosen by date of birth or zodiac affiliation of a person.

Each era had its favorites among the stones. So, the Egyptians with particular pleasure wore jewelry inlaid with emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, rock crystal. Cleopatra and Semiramis, as well as other queens of those times, loved pearls, in the Renaissance they preferred rubies, sapphires and topazes.

What is modern man leaning towards? What does he prefer? What does he believe in? What does it need? The most important thing is comfort and peace.

The talisman should not only suit a person by date of birth, but also instill a sense of security, arouse sympathy, a desire not to part with him and become related, becoming one.

All this is very important, because you choose not just an expensive piece of jewelry, but a talisman, the magic and beauty of which should wrap you in mystery and evoke positive emotions. Therefore, we recommend not to be guided only by the data of the horoscope, which, for example, recommends that you wear a turquoise amulet, and you yourself cannot stand all shades of blue and blue, preferring the yellowness and redness of summer, its warmth and kindness. Don't force yourself.

Look for your talisman by getting to know each individual instance you like. Study the specifications. Pick up and hold the rock, trying to understand how you feel. You will immediately recognize your stone, because when you touch its surface, you will feel something unusual and at the same time familiar. The talisman should become not only your protection, but also a continuation, revealing you and your potential to the world.

Legends about the ability of stones to heal and protect against all kinds of negativity have been passed down from generation to generation. So, the tiger's eye, for example, is a good amulet that warns of danger - it becomes heavier. Beads from the tiger's eye begin to "strangle" the hostess if she is in trouble, danger or grief.

Note that we do not at all undertake to claim that having found your talisman, you will become impenetrable, impenetrable and invulnerable. All this is not true. Yes, you will be protected, but at the same time you will have to take care of yourself, not rushing into all serious. I would like to note that if you mistakenly take someone else's stone for your own, then it can negatively affect your life and destiny.

Date of birth and stones

By studying all the tables of stones available in the world, stones were bred corresponding to certain dates of birth. However, when choosing a stone, remember your intuition, which you can trust more than any horoscope and table!

A certain pebble gives energy that contributes to the development of the situation, your forces today.

Since the situation can change dramatically next year, it would not hurt to change the stone, according to your goals and objectives.

When the stone works out, be sure to thank him for his help and assistance by saying “thank you”. This stone can be borrowed or donated to someone if a person needs it, just do it from the bottom of your heart, otherwise it will not be good either for the one who accepted it or for you.

It happens that the rock, after completion of work or during it, cracks, then it needs to be given a rest, the best place to rest is the earth. Bury a pebble in the garden or in a flower pot by the window. After working off and resting, the stone can be charged again by putting it on a druse of crystals for a couple of days.

Talisman stones

Here is a small list of stones that fit certain dates of birth. This list is incomplete, but perhaps you are the lucky one to find your talisman here:

Aventurine - 15 II, 19 II, 8 IV, 12 VI, 19 VIII, 26 IX;
Aquamarine - 8 III, 30 III, 22 VI, 3 VIII;
Amazonite - 1 III, 9 V, 2 VII, 30 XI;
Amethyst - 6 IV, 10 IV, 27 V, 17 IX;
Beryl - 14 III, 29 V, 8 VI, 19 VI, 3 VII, 10 VIII;
Gagat - 25 II, 21 VII, 17 VIII, 22 XI;
Rock crystal - 3 III, 7 IX, 16 X;
Pomegranate - 12 III, 6 IV, 24 IV, 25 IV;
Pearls - 2 III, 7 V, 25 VI;
Emerald - 27 II, 20 III, 10 V, 21 V, 22 VII;
Carnelian - 4 III, 20 V, 20 IX;
Coral - 20 II, 16 III, 17 IV, 22 V, 5 VII, 22 IX;
Lal - 20 I, 5 III, 13 IV;
Moonstone - 15 III, 6 V, 5 VI, 26 VI, 18 VII, 19 VII;
Nephrite - 23 II, 2 IV, 1 V, 23 VI, 28 VI, 13 VII, 23 IX;
Rhodonite - 26 II, 31 VIII, 15 X;
Ruby - 9 III, 22 III, 25 X;
Sapphire - 21 II, 7 III, 21 VI, 24 VII, 25 VII;
Sardonyx - 12 II, 11 III, 19 III, 21 III, 4 IV, 13 VII;
Tiger's eye - 10 II, 28 II, 29 II;
Chrysolite - 13 III, 16 V, 10 VII;
Chrysoberyl - 14 II, 24 II, 21 IV, 3 IX;
Chrysoprase - 17 III, 24 III, 21 IX;
Charoite - 18 III, 23 III, 1 VII, 21 X;
Amber - 22 II, 9 VI, 22 VII.

Stones talismans: useful information

  • The stone that a person buys himself is not a talisman. It can become such only in a couple of years, not earlier. However, they can give you a talisman, but only a close and loving person should do it.
  • The pebble you wear should match your horoscope. The sign of the zodiac has a strong influence on a person, just like a correctly or incorrectly selected stone. It is undesirable to wear a stone that you simply like in appearance, shape or name.
  • Things are different with found or hand-bought stones. In no case should they not only be worn, but also picked up, bought, even if the price is incredibly low, and the stone is incredibly beautiful! Such a stone can be negatively charged and the power of this negative is great if it is thrown onto the stone consciously.
  • The stone can be inherited. However, you must understand that such a stone has served the previous owner and even the owners for a long time. Find out as much as you can about what the former owner of the stone was like if you don't know for sure. If the pebble belonged to a person who was lucky in every sense, you can safely wear the stone. If the owner of the stone was constantly sick, was unlucky, etc., then it is better to refuse such a gift.

The following stones cannot be used as a talisman, as they affect their owner too much, these are:

  • Opal. Can only be worn by those born at the end of September. The rest of this breed relaxes, introduces into deep melancholy, turning into apathy;
  • Pearl And Amber. Only Lions are allowed;
  • Amazonite. Generates irresistible laziness;
  • Pomegranate, sapphire, bloodstone. Makes the owner vicious and lecherous, rude and harsh.

Talismans and amulets are probably as old as humanity. The triumph of technology and science has not forced them out of everyday life. People believe that a magical gem will help and protect. This is true if you choose stones, talismans or amulets correctly.

Today, magical allies are also in demand, but not everyone understands the difference between them.

The amulet (or amulet) protects the owner from negativity, external or own. This is a passive character.

The talisman is more active - it attracts good luck, activates the necessary qualities, dulls those that interfere with the owner.

How to recognize your talisman? It is determined by the sign of the Zodiac, name, profession. An amulet or amulet is chosen according to a different principle. The main thing here is to feel compatibility with a particular stone.

The best amulets are recognized as "eyes" - tiger, cat, falcon. Another option is obsidian. This volcanic glass contains the energies of Mother Earth and reliably protects the wearer. You can take onyx, topaz, jade, for children - bright malachite. These are semi-precious or ornamental inexpensive gems (except for topaz), but amulets strong as stones.

Precious minerals for the role of a protector require a careful approach, it remains to be seen whether the noble gem will “get used” to the new owner. Yes, but that is not their purpose. An exception is family or inherited stones or jewelry that serve as a talisman for several generations of a clan or family.

Classification system of talismans and amulets

Properly selected amulets and talismans are the most powerful. A system for distributing stones according to various criteria has been tested, from which it is easy to find out your version:

  • target;
  • "clue".

How to determine the talisman by the last criterion? It is based on chance, when, unexpectedly for the owner, an ordinary stone helped in a given situation and became a talisman or amulet.

How to choose a stone talisman

When choosing from precious minerals, it is worth remembering that they are very powerful and you need to know how to correctly identify your stone and apply it.

  1. The best talisman is considered to be a gift from a pure heart. Therefore, amulets stones are accepted as a gift only from a person in whose sincerity and good disposition there is no doubt. Gems will become, as it were, a link with the donor, a channel for the transfer of energy. And if it is dark, trouble cannot be avoided.
  2. Any stone, especially a precious one, needs time to get used to the owner. The diamond “thinks” the longest; it does not forgive separation from its owner.
  3. Purchased talismans and amulets are immediately cleaned at home, because on the counter they absorbed different energies, many people touched them. After cleaning, the stones are recharged in the sun.
  4. Each mineral has its own temper, as well as compatibility with the owner and neighbors in jewelry.
  5. So that the power of the amulet does not decrease, they communicate with the stone, praise it, and regularly clean it from adhering negative energy and physical dirt.
  6. When looking for a stone amulet, they exclude damaged, cracked, with extraneous inclusions specimens.
  7. If the minerals determined by the horoscope are categorically disliked, the choice of the talisman is made intuitively.