Technique and full description of performing Vietnamese massage. Vietnamese traditional massage. Where do local Russians go?

What do you know about Vietnam? Pointed Vietnamese hats, summer slippers, the great Mekong River, sandy beaches and smiles of oriental beauties immediately come to mind. Do you know that the Vietnamese are great at doing massage?

In Vietnam, you can not only swim, relax, eat, and see a bunch of sights. Many come to Vietnam for massages, spa visits and treatments. You can become more beautiful and healthier in this country much cheaper than at home. And with the help of Vietnamese massage you will get rid of many health problems.

Features of Vietnamese massage

Thai massage is more famous all over the world, but for some reason the Vietnamese massage undeservedly remains in the shadows. But in Vietnam there are excellent massage therapists. The history of Vietnamese massage is very old, it is more than two thousand years old. Vietnamese massage has its own characteristics. Personally, I liked it more than Thai massage, although a lot of course depends on the specialist.

The specific features of the Vietnamese massage are the impact on the bioenergy points of the body. This effect is combined with a special technique of massaging the joints and muscles, which improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and fills the body with energy and health.

During massage in Vietnam, aromatic oils are almost always used. As a result, the procedure becomes a real pleasure!

By the way, oils are needed not only to make it pleasant and tasty on the sunbed. Natural Vietnamese aromatic oils help improve skin elasticity, restore mental clarity, reduce swelling, and improve the elimination of toxins from the body.

How is the massage procedure? It's just divine!

The movements seem very soft, smooth and gentle and at the same time there is quite a lot of pressure. It is in the pressing movements that the whole essence of the Vietnamese traditional massage is imperceptibly and easily relaxed all the muscles. The small and strong fingers of the Vietnamese masseuse do not disregard any part of your body.

This treatment, soothing and at the same time powerful, has an inexpressibly pleasant effect on both the body and the spirit. Blood circulation improves, muscle tension subsides, the skin becomes elastic. Aromatic natural oils improve appearance and nervous system. It's just divine!

Where is massage done in Vietnam

It is better to get a massage in Vietnam in good salons. They can be found in Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Mui Ne and on. Contact the administrator of the hotel where you are staying, and he will definitely advise you on several salons to choose from.

On the beaches of Vietnam, you can also see girls who invite tourists to massage on sunbeds located right there, not far from the coast. Of course, you can use their services, especially since the cost is not high - from 150 rubles for our money. But do not expect heavenly pleasure from this procedure. There are no real specialists on the beach, and the girls understand the real traditional Vietnamese massage no more than you do. But they will knead your neck and smear it with coconut oil from the heart.

Vietnam is a poor country, ravaged by wars, so sex tourism is flourishing here. But officially Vietnam is a communist country and, like in the USSR, there is no sex. Therefore, no one grabs tourists by the hand, does not pull them into “special salons”, as happens in Thailand, in Vietnam, priestesses of love work under the guise of hairdressing or massage parlors, and after the main services they offer themselves. By the way, after the refusal, the ladies are offended - this is their main income, and 20-30 dollars in Vietnam is real money.

A look at prostitution in Vietnam from the outside: the opinion of the authorities and the townsfolk

Vietnam is a poor country, characterized by a variety of unusual resort areas. Almost the entire population of the country works hard and hard in the fields and it is not surprising that many attractive girls aspire to become priestesses of love - not dusty and highly paid work by local standards. Prostitution, of course, is illegal, but the authorities look at the rapidly developing sex industry through their fingers. Tourists caught in the hot can be expelled from the country, and a prostitute girl will face imprisonment, and more often a fine.

But such cases are rare, and the government realistically assesses the benefits of visiting sex tourists for an impoverished country. Perhaps, in Vietnam, you should be more afraid of the criminal elements that girls offer, and the prostitutes themselves, if possible, will not hesitate to steal something valuable from you. Therefore, follow the girl to the checked places.

Popular cities for sex tourism

The most popular cities for sex tourism in Vietnam are Saigon (Ho Sho Min), the capital of Hanoi, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. In Saigon, sex tourism is most developed, and right near Windsor Plaza, girls drive up to tourists, offering themselves with the catchy phrase boom-boom. In the same way, local bikers offer girls, who are a kind of “roof” for prostitutes. But the outcome of such sex can be disastrous: everything that can be taken will be stolen from the tourist, he will not get the desired pleasure, and clonidine may be in the drink.

Where to find a night butterfly in Vietnam?

You can’t take a girl to a hotel, almost all hotels prohibit this kind of entertainment in the rooms. Yes, this is quite dangerous and can end with the same theft of not only money, but also documents. This is not an obstacle, and you can have fun with a Vietnamese woman in a cafe, restaurant and even a karaoke bar. For example, you may be offered to watch an erotic film in a massage parlor, and then choose a girl from those present. After entertainment with a prostitute, payment is made at the reception or the money is given to the owner of the establishment. There are many such salons, a similar scheme with hairdressing salons. After the haircut, you will be offered a "different" massage, so to speak, to massage the lower part of the body. Girls in such places are dressed provocatively, in identical dresses, so that it is easier for the client to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each, and not to look out for elements in colorful clothes. For example, in Nha Trang, there are massage parlors where women are not allowed in principle, and men pronounce the cherished phrase "VIP massage" at the entrance, this is a pass for receiving the entire range of services.

Another proven place to find a girl for an hour club Apocalypse Now. It would never occur to anyone present that you visited the institution for the sake of dancing or drinking. Girls in the club behave freely, imposing themselves on tourists. If you agree, then the priestess of love will take you to a special room at the club.

In the most ordinary cafes, you can also find a girl, you just need to ask a question (or drive it into an interpreter) with the administrator or owner of the establishment. Most often, at small restaurants there are rooms "for this business." In this case, the girl will have to wait - she must come to the call, and this takes 15-20 minutes.

Variation in prices for sex services in Vietnam

The farther from the capital - the cheaper sex, this is partly true. In Vietnam, sex services are generally inexpensive, with a slight touch of extreme. For example, near the hotel swiss village(15 minutes to Phan Thiet) there is a shop with a Russian-speaking seller who, for 50 US rubles, organizes a safe meeting with a pretty girl.

In Saigon, you can directly ask the taxi driver about where there is a choice of girls. He takes tourists to local haunts where they offer massages, a girl for the night and a hotel (local deals with cheap motels). As a result, order 100 dollars, this includes massage, sex per night and the price of the room. Girls from local clubs offer their services for only $20-30 per night, masseuses are a little more expensive - about $40.

In remote towns where there are few tourists, such as Do Son, Halong, oral sex and other types of stimulation "pull" $ 10, and traditional sex $ 20.

Which country is more successful for sex tourism: Vietnam or Thailand?

Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are famous sex tourism resorts. But, according to the tourists themselves, in Thailand or the same Cambodia, it is much calmer and more pleasant to relax than in Vietnam. It starts with the attitude of the locals: in Thailand everyone is friendly and beaming with smiles, but in Vietnam the locals are gloomy and unfriendly, theft and clonidine are common, although in Cambodia tourists are often given hallucinogenic teas.

Prices are about the same, only housing is cheaper in Vietnam: you can find a room or room for only $10. But massage and sexual intercourse with a Vietnamese woman looks strange in the eyes of a European, because girls do not undress, do not always carefully observe personal hygiene, personal ladies strive to deceive a tourist by taking something valuable with them. Unlike Cambodia or Thailand, Vietnam will not offer you spicy sex entertainment. Everything is crumpled, fast, and the price for entertainment is not much lower.

If you really go to an Asian country in search of entertainment and sex, then you should still choose Thailand, in particular Pattaya. There certainly will not be the intrigue of unpermissibility, increased danger and many prohibitions.

Many tourists save money for a whole year to go to Thailand for an amazing massage. The massage course restores the body well after long working days, but is quite expensive. Is it necessary to go to Thailand in order to get such an effect, is it not possible to find the same massage, for example, in Vietnam?


Far from the subtleties of Asian massage, it is difficult to understand the differences between Thai and Vietnamese techniques. Although Vietnamese massage is not so popular and famous, there are tourists who do not mind trying it out. Here you need to try each type of massage on yourself, and then decide which one is better.

Vietnamese massage is not as intense as Thai massage, so it does not use much force. If in Thailand techniques that affect the spine more are popular, then in Vietnam they focus on skin care. No one will intensively stretch and knead the body intensely. The Vietnamese prefer energy points, various oils and aloe juice. The healing effect of aloe juice is known to many, and here it becomes possible to try the healing properties on your skin. After it, the skin will become smooth, elastic and hydrated.


Their benefits depend on the quality of the procedures. Of course, there are places in Thailand where they can cheat by providing poor quality massage services. But still, tourism and massage are developed there somewhat better than in Vietnam. At the same time, no one says that Vietnamese massage therapists are unprofessional or do not know their job well. There are simply fewer places with quality services at the moment.

If you do not agree to any offer of a massage right on the beach, but spend a little effort to find out about professional massage parlors, then the quality will be at a high level.


The cost of services is different, both in Thailand and in Vietnam. Of course, Thai massage on average will cost more than Vietnamese. Though looking with what to compare. At hotels and expensive salons, prices in Vietnam for massage can “argue” with prices in Thailand. For a quality massage, you will have to pay a decent amount of money in any of the countries.

If there is no principled attitude about what kind of massage should be: Thai or Vietnamese, but you just want to relax and get a boost of energy, then it is not necessary to go to Thailand. Vietnam is fine too. Here you can have a good rest and get a lot of pleasant impressions.

What are the massages and spa treatments offered in Nha Trang?

Many tourists who visit Nha Trang want not only to get acquainted with local attractions, but also to look into the salon, where they do massage and carry out other wellness procedures. In Vietnam, there are schools where massage therapists are trained. There are traditionally developed several techniques that are aimed at improving the body and preventing diseases.

The work carried out by the massage therapist is based on a special Vietnamese philosophy. According to her, the human body needs to establish balance and the correct distribution of energy. This helps a person to maintain health and well-being for many years. Vietnamese specialists influence special biologically active points that are responsible for the functioning of various organs. As a result, the body is cleansed, toxins are removed, blood circulation improves, tension and muscle pain are relieved. At the same time, immunity increases, physical and mental balance is established, a feeling of inner harmony and tranquility is created.

The following types of massage are offered at the wellness centers in Nha Trang:

  • Medical;
  • Spa massage;
  • Massage treatments for the blind.
Therapeutic massage is aimed at correcting existing ailments, eliminating and alleviating pain in the body. A trained specialist can work on all or individual parts of the body. Indications for the treatment procedure can be various diseases, traumas and operations. This is an excellent addition to the general therapy that the patient is undergoing.

Spa massage is a special complex that includes relaxation, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere, which helps to create special relaxing music, fragrant incense and water with flower petals. This massage is very soothing. It can be carried out both with hands and with special bags filled with herbs, bamboo sticks or shungite stones, with adjustable water pressure. The procedure may include mud wraps. This is a great way to get rid of problems with the figure, remove cellulite, improve lymph flow, metabolism. Massage can also be cosmetic. Face building has gained particular popularity.

Blind procedures are carried out by blind specialists who have been trained in advance. In people who have lost their sight, other senses are usually aggravated, which allows them to better feel the human body and understand which muscles or points need to be worked out. Despite the fact that this type of massage is quite specific, and sometimes painful, it remains popular among many tourists. Masseurs conducting blind sessions have the necessary qualifications.

Unlike Thai techniques, Vietnamese ones differ in that specialists act directly on the body. The procedures are carried out by hand, no hoodies are put on the body beforehand. The use of hot stones helps to more effectively influence the energy channels. The technique helps to get rid of stress, heals the nervous system.

Benefits of massage in Nha Trang

There are many centers in Nha Trang that differ in the level of service, prices, and qualifications of workers. In time, the massage can take 60-90 minutes. Additional services include body wraps, beauty masks and facials. Massage can relieve the pain of sunburn, which can benefit those who get sunburnt on the beach. To do this, aloe juice is rubbed into the skin. For a complete list of spa services, please see our dedicated brochure.

One of the benefits of Vietnamese spa treatments is the use of natural ingredients. Among them are various plants, tropical fruits, seaweed, collagen, which gives the skin a toned look and elasticity. Masks, wraps contain aromatic oils that have a beneficial effect on well-being. The stones have an excellent warming effect, which is good for the health of the back and spine. The price for a massage in Nha Trang can range from $5 to $20, which is affordable for any budget. On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews from tourists who have visited Vietnam and tried out such a healing procedure. However, you should beware of establishments with an incomprehensible reputation, visiting only proven well-known salons.

Famous salons of Nha Trang

There are many specialized salons in Nha Trang that perform such procedures. They are divided into expensive and budget. Salons "NAM SAO SPA", "Everyday Spa", "SPA lucky foot massage", "SPA Lavender", "Cattleya", "TYMY SPA", "Orchid tatu and SPA", "TyMy Spa & Beauty Salon" are in demand, SPAsibo.

A lot of enthusiastic reviews can be found from the visitors of the salon "NAM SAO SPA". Among its advantages are cozy rooms for 1-2 people, additionally equipped with showers. Here massage "four hands" is carried out, the study of the feet and active points on them. Everyone can visit the steam room and sauna. NAM SAO SPA employs experienced professionals who have been trained and qualified.

Nha Trang is a place of concentration of a large number of mud and mineral springs. One of these is Thap Ba. This complex includes healing baths, communal pools. Many tourists are satisfied with the quality of the services provided, which can be seen from the reviews that they leave.

A spa can also be found at the hotel. There, wellness procedures are carried out in the most comfortable conditions, but their cost can be high. In the capital of Vietnam, there are many massage centers with blind specialists. One of the popular establishments of this type is Matxa Nguoi Mu.

Vietnamese massage (as well as any Asian massage) is a whole philosophy based on ancient teachings and knowledge. The Vietnamese believe that all the energies in the human body must be in balance and then there will be health and longevity. It is possible that there is some rational grain in this, but it is difficult for Europeans to understand this, the main thing for us is that massage is good.

Vietnamese massage affects certain points of the human body, which helps to quickly remove toxins, improve blood circulation and relieve tension. From the popular Thai massage, Vietnamese massage differs in that it does not use force on the body and various kinds of stretching, and at the same time, special attention is paid to rubbing and energy. There are also a number of features in the procedure and technique of execution. If you have had a massage before, you will immediately feel the difference. In general, Vietnamese massage can be called more pleasant, without pain and discomfort.

In any Vietnamese resort, finding a massage parlor will not be any problem, they are everywhere, as numerous signs tell the tourist, including in English and Russian. These can be large buildings with several floors, which offer a large selection of various spa treatments, or small and seemingly inconspicuous buildings.

A single session of Vietnamese massage lasts from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. If, in addition to massage, you ordered a number of other spa treatments, then such a session can last for several hours. You can choose to massage the whole body or individual parts (legs, back, head, arms, etc.).

In Vietnamese salons, there are various types of massage: herbal, anti-cellulite, relaxing, using hot stones, and many others. One of the best and most popular types is massage using aloe. For tourists, this massage is a salvation after they got burned under the scorching Vietnamese sun. Aloe juice has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and promotes tissue repair. A certain effect is felt after the first procedure. In addition to aloe juice, the Vietnamese use various natural oils and other natural ingredients. In combination with a massage, tourists are often offered wraps with seaweed.

The price of a massage primarily depends on the location of the salon. If atmosphere and high quality service are important to you, then choose large spas located near the beach. Prices there will bite, but they serve at the highest level. There are even Russian-speaking administrators in such salons. It is also likely that in a prestigious area the quality of massage will be better (but not a fact). Everything is individual here and in order to draw a conclusion about where massage is better, you need to check it on your own experience. The cheapest massage is offered on the beach, but its quality is at the lowest level there and there will be zero sense from it, so you should not agree to it.

The average price of one massage course, without additional services, ranges from 5 to 20 dollars. The number of visits directly depends on the type of massage you choose, but usually it is 5-7 sessions.