Textile doll grandmother. Rag doll “Grandma is characteristic. How to sew a grandmother doll from pantyhose

Today, you can find a variety of toys on sale, however, do-it-yourself dolls are especially popular. To do this, you do not need to have special skills, just take old nylon tights or stockings, a needle and thread. In this article, you will learn how to sew dolls from pantyhose with step by step instructions. Even beginners can easily master these master classes and be able to sew a grandmother doll or a funny baby doll.

How to sew a grandmother doll from pantyhose

Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle first, leaving the bottom and neck intact. Take the padding polyester and wrap it around the bottle, securing it well with threads. Form a ball of padding polyester to make a face, and then gradually replenish it, forming the cheeks.

Recesses in the face are made with a thread and a needle. If you want your grandmother's face to look like a real one, you will have to work hard or look for a step by step.

Hands are made of wire. Separately make the elbow and forearm of thick wire so that the limbs do not fall from the weight of the blouse. Twist the palm, wrap it with padding polyester and pull the stocking on top. Use the thread to form the fingers of the doll. The handles are sewn to the body with a hidden seam.

If desired, you can make legs for the doll from a synthetic winterizer and a nylon sock. Hair is easily made from threads, often needlewomen use old wigs. It remains to dress the doll and the grandmother is ready. By a similar principle, it is easy to make other dolls from tights.

Beautiful do-it-yourself baby doll made of nylon stockings

If you wish, you can form the ass and tummy at your baby doll if you tighten it with threads. Glue your hair to the top of your head or sew it into your head. Don't forget to draw or embroider eyes and a mouth. The baby doll can be wrapped in a diaper-sock or other clothes can be sewn for him.

Dolls sewn are beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly. Even small children can play with them, so realize your talents.

Ellen Jonua
Master class "Dolls of our grandmothers"

Master- a class for parents and children of the middle group

Subject: « Dolls of our grandmothers»

Today I want to introduce you to a wonderful toy: "Look who's visiting us?"

Yes it dolls, but they are not like her current girlfriends.

What do you think, and the code appeared first doll? (answers)

It's hard to say exactly, but doll, as a children's toy appeared among the Slavs about a thousand years ago. This is confirmed by excavations near Novgorod. And in other, earlier civilizations and much earlier. The British Museum has a rag doll, which belonged to a little Roman who lived 300 years before our era. The most ancient doll found in an Egyptian tomb 4,000 years ago. Made from wooden planks "hair" from clay beads.

Since ancient times, rag doll was a traditional toy of the Russian people. In Russian peasant families, the game of dolls was not considered empty fun. On the contrary, she was encouraged in every possible way. The peasants believed that the more and harder the child plays, the greater will be the prosperity in the family and the more prosperous life. And if with puppets are mistreated, play carelessly and slovenly - then troubles cannot be avoided.

Doll- this is the most famous toy in the world that accompanies us all our lives. She teaches, educates, dolls children can feel like adults, and it gives adults the opportunity to return to the world of childhood again.

In Rus' and all Slavic peoples there was a great variety of dolls. They were made with different purpose:

Some were amulets, protected the family from troubles and illnesses;

Others were made for the holidays and were an obligatory gift;

And they were just doll toys with which you could play or sleep sweetly in the crib.

In ancient times doll was a protection for a person from diseases, misfortunes, evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, her so and called: guardian or guardian. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without needles and scissors. In the manufacture of dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it. (sometimes the dolls were called so - "rvanki").

Traditional rag faceless doll. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, it remained white. Doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible for evil, unkind forces to enter into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him well-being, health, joy.

The Russian people had dolls in which people saw their helpers and considered them a talisman. Such dolls were made throughout life, starting from early childhood. They were twisted from old clothes worn by a father or mother. AND dolls lived in houses, becoming not just a toy, but a part of the world and a member of the family. Therefore, they turned to them even in difficult moments of life, talked, shared sorrows, and did not forget in joy.

I propose to consider a few pupae - amulets:

"Kubyshka - herbalist"- This doll from fabric with your own hands, which is filled with medicinal herbs. It was believed that if someone from the family fell ill, then with this doll you need to walk around the house, kneading the herbs with your fingers, thereby healing the air. Then, doll put in bed with the patient. Such doll Not only will it be an excellent decoration for the house, but it will also protect the house from adversity. After 2 years, the grass in the chrysalis must be changed. That's exactly what they did our ancestors. "Kubyshka-Travnitsa" still making sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, as from a caring hostess. She is both a protector from evil spirits of illness, and a good comforter.

Doll"Porridge"- This is the image of a girl of seven years. At the age of seven, the girl began to cook porridge for the whole family. They did it as an assistant bag-shaped doll. This the doll was a measure. Groats were poured up to the legs, water was poured up to the waist up to the neck - porridge was obtained. Doll made from linen. Height dolls with saucepan where porridge is cooked. The doll is filled with grits. Meaning croup: rice - wealth, buckwheat, barley - satiety, oats - strength.

Doll"Bell"- doll of good news. The motherland of the pupa is Valdai. From there, the Valdai bells went. The ringing of the bell protected people from terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc on all the celebratory troikas. The bell has a domed shape, and from above it resembles the sun. The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold.

And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body is well, the soul is joyful, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy. This doll is cheerful, perky, brings joy and fun to the house. Charm of good mood. Giving the Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

Doll"Krupenichka". It is based on a canvas bag with buckwheat, decorated with threads and fabrics. (In those places where there were problems with buckwheat, it was replaced with peas and other cereals, and these were already called dolls in another way - Grain, Pea). Such doll lured wealth into the house, promised a good future harvest and an increase in the family.

Doll"Swaddling". After the birth of a child, a special doll was placed in his crib. As you understand, such doll- The amulet could not be bought. Just do it yourself. It was made from a piece of worn homespun clothing. Such clothes carried the warmth of a person, and this warmth was transmitted doll, along with a particle of human life force. Such doll served as a talisman against the evil eye. The guests looked at the child and doll and talking, referring to doll, - "Oh, to what doll is good so as not to jinx the child. "Swaddling" it was impossible tinker with a needle or scissors - this could "injure doll"and damage, but in such doll invested maternal love and care. At first, such a toy was placed in an empty cradle - so that it would settle down there. And then they laid her next to the baby, saying “Drowsy-insomnia, don’t play with my child, but play with this doll!”.

And today man-made folk dolls can become children's favorite toys. And making dolls is an exciting activity for family leisure. We invite you to make a cheerful doll - a bell, so that there will always be joy, happiness and love in your house.

For the manufacture of dolls- bell to us need: three circles cut out from three different multi-colored fabrics (diameter of circles 25 cm, 20 cm and 17 cm - we will make a skirt from them dolls; a 20x20 square made of white fabric - it is designed for the face and pens dolls; rags (cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, threads, a bell, scissors; a strip of 4x15 cm. from a colored fabric - it will make a warrior on the head dolls; triangle of color (may be single color) fabrics 16x26x16cm. - will serve as a scarf.

The procedure for making a rag handmade dolls.

In the center of the largest circle we place a bell along with a padding polyester (rag). We tie the resulting ball with threads, trying to make the ends of the skirt of even length on all sides. Then we also put on

we tie a circle of a slightly smaller diameter. We do the same with the third circle. We got a three-layer skirt. From a white square we make a face dolls: bend two opposite corners to the center. The resulting "figure" put on the head dolls so so that its sides are slightly lower than the neck (at least 1 cm.). Neatly tie with threads around the neck. From the pieces of fabric sticking out on the sides we form the hands of a rag charm dolls: we bend the ends a little inside the hands and bandage them, stepping back from the edges about 5 mm.

From a colored strip we make it on the head povoinik dolls: we bend both sides of the strip to its center, then in half - we get a narrow strip. We put it on our heads dolls and fasten with threads to the neck. We put on a scarf from above and tie it at the back, let it cross under our arms dolls. The finished rag doll-amulet can be hung on a braid and placed on the wall of the house. You can also use this amulet as a gift to loved ones.

See how different you got the dolls, but in one they are similar, they are made with love and in joint creativity.

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Abstract of the conversation "Dolls of our grandmothers" with the subsequent manufacture of dolls Purpose: to introduce children to Russian folk dolls, to teach children how to make a doll from fabric. Demonstration material: dolls or pictures.

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Once I listened to Chernyaev's lectures that earlier houses were built using ancient Russian measures - sazhens, spans, etc. He says that the fixed measure that we measure now is dead and does not allow space to breathe. And that during the construction of the house, the owner's fathom was taken into account, because each person has his own. And having built a house taking into account the measurements of those living in this house, he had a harmonious energy, he could even heal. Chernyaev left this world, leaving us as a legacy the records and books of this new forgotten teaching. But I don’t build houses, although who knows how life will turn out, but now I often use measurements with a span and vershoks and other measures.

And a SLR camera helps me to photograph my dolls, which has been serving me for more than one year.

For the doll, it took fabric for the head, body, arms and legs of a skin tone of about 50 cm. A piece of fabric for a shirt and pants 30-40 cm, for a skirt about 10 by 20, a scarf for the head 20 by 20, beads, raffia for a basket, wool for felting felt boots.

On a piece of fabric intended for the body, put the palm of your hand to cut out a square.

Put a rag with a pea in the center, fasten with a thread, you get a nose.

Put more rags, form a head, distribute the folds of the fabric to get nasolabial folds and wrinkles to the eyes. Fasten with thread.

The legs are a piece of fabric equal to the width of the palm and the length of the palm from the little finger to the thumb and a little more. Roll up, twist with a thread, form a foot by pulling the thread with a figure eight. Fold in half, twist on the fold with a thread.

Wrap rags around the legs. Put a rag into a square piece of fabric with a palm.

Insert the legs, tighten with a thread forming a sirloin.

We collect the body. Place a head knot on the “back”.

Pull the thread around the neck.

Wrap the excess on the chest, wrap the thread again, moving towards the waist. Wrap the ends of the knot on the back up, rewind everything again, without breaking the thread, put the doll aside.

Make two knots for the breasts from two square pieces of fabric 5 fingers wide, fasten to the body. In the original, the breasts are not very large, but my maternal grandmother has breasts of the ninth size, and remembering this, I decided not to waste time on trifles.

I figure out the volume of a piece for pantaloons like this, from the neck to the foot, the height, the width of the fabric is the girth of the chest of the grandmother, plus a little more.

Give a line to the middle of the height of the pants, cut off the corner by 1 cm at the bottom of the pants.

I sewed lace down the legs, take it not transparent, mine is almost invisible, place the seam in the center, cut out the triangle of instep seams.

Give a line stepping back from the edge of 3-4 mm. Make a notch without reaching the line 1 mm. Turn out..

Put on the grandmother, fasten at the waist with a thread. Gather the bottom of the pants over the lace on a thread, slightly lift and sew directly to the leg. With the second one, respectively.

A piece for a shirt - chest girth plus a little more, long at will, who likes it higher, who is more authentic. My grandmother has a knee-length, lace around the edge. Collect the top on a thread.

In a reversible way, tighten around the neck, secure with a thread. Drop your shirt.

Tie with thread at the waist, distributing the folds.

A skirt is a piece of fabric two spans long (from the index finger to the thumb) or more, from the waist to the feet. Connect in a ring, sew a braid down. Collect the top on a thread, in this photo I immediately sewed an apron, but in the final version I removed it, because. on a skirt that is not too voluminous, the apron does not look.

Fasten in a reversible way on the grandmother's waist.

We admire.

For pens, a piece of fabric 1.5 spans long and 3 fingers wide. Fold with an accordion, twist with a thread from one end.

Unscrew tighten under the knot so that the palm is more voluminous and puts a rag. I put it on the back and tried on the length of the arms, I just have to make a palm on the other side.

For sleeves, a piece of fabric equal to the length of the arms and a little more 3 fingers wide. In a reversible way, fasten the palms under the knot.

Repeat on the other side.

Fasten crosswise on the back.

Sew beads to the neck. From a raffia pigtail, build a basket for the “case”, sew white egg beads or hanks of thread inside. Sew the basket to the palms. Put a white piece of rag on the head - the bottom scarf, red-smart on top. I recommend sewing a scarf to the head.

So that the grandmother does not freeze. ready. There is not enough grandfather, but this is the topic of one of the following articles.