Texts of congratulations on the Day of the Elderly - from officials. Congratulations on Mother's Day How to wish an elderly mother a happy birthday

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Dear, sweet, only, golden, beloved, dear mother! Happy birthday! What a blessing to have a mother like you. You will always support, and console, and cheer, and help, and give wise advice. You are the most important person in my life. Mom, I wish you health for many years of spring mood, more joyful events. Thank you for everything you do for me!

Mom, I wish you long years and good health, well-being, happiness and kindness! I will not be verbose, but let life not be stingy and be generous to you, constantly presenting joyful surprises and gifts of fate. Happy birthday!

Mommy, happy birthday! I want to wish your days to be warm, clear and cloudless, your nights to be calm and serene, and your life to be long and happy. May the sun warm you with its rays every day, every night the stars will be favorable to you and, falling, fulfill your desires, and may the Lord protect you all your life. All the best to you, bright and good!

Our dear, beloved, dear mother and grandmother! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you, from the bottom of our hearts, to always be as beautiful, healthy, happy. Thank you for your care, tenderness, attention. We love you! I really want everything to go well for you. To make dreams come true. Children and grandchildren brought joy, and relatives and friends brought kindness, warmth and sincerity to life. Happiness to you!

Our bird, mommy, dear! Thank you for being born on this day, thank you for giving us life. We love you very much and give you the warmest wishes on your birthday. Let every day be filled with affection and care, positive and joyful moments. We, your loving children, promise to keep the family comfort in our home and always delight you with our successes. Happy Holidays, Mom!

Happy birthday, dear mommy! In our palms we bring you health, warmth, happiness, tenderness, love. We want to turn all your sadness and sadness into sparks of laughter and snowflakes of joy. Let me smooth out all your wrinkles and give you our sincere smiles.

Our dear, dear, adorable mother. Thank you for giving us life, that you rewarded each of us with care and love. You always strive to understand our problems, experiences and feelings. You are not just a parent, you are our best friend. And on this day, with all our sincerity, we want to wish you health, tolerance, grace, longevity and boundless happiness. We will do our best to make you always smile and be proud of us. Happy birthday, our dear, may everything be fine with you!

Our dear mother! Let today's birthday be the most memorable, brightest day in your life! We wish you all the most magnificent: the brightest flowers, the brightest moments, the best health and, of course, great, immense and immense happiness! Happy holiday!

Mom, happy birthday! Always remain the same kind, generous with love and warmth, a luxurious woman who does not know illness and sorrow. Happiness and joy to you, prosperity, family warmth, the delicious smell of pies in the house and welcome guests on the doorstep!

For affection, kindness, care
We want to thank you.
Collect all the flowers in the world -
To you, dear, to give.
And wish you health, happiness,
More joy, goodness,
So that there is no misfortune in life
And so that the years do not grow old.

Thank you, mommy, for childhood,
Your love and tenderness of hands!
You left me a legacy
Palette of feelings and heart beat!
Be generous as always
Your world arose from tenderness!
Be the same - good-natured,
Beautiful, clean, like a spring!

Beloved mother, today is your holiday -
Mother's Day knocked on your door
And many sincere words and beautiful
Like a bright bouquet, he gave you.
Your eyes look calm and gentle,
And the softness of a smile is like silk.
Let happiness spread like a boundless sea,
Follow the sure footsteps of success!

Dear mother, you are a saint for us,
You are the best in the world
May you always be accompanied
Joy, happiness, luck and success.
Accept congratulations on mother's day,
In full health, live up to a hundred years,
We always need your love and advice
May the Lord keep you from evil and troubles.

How we all feel good
What is in the world, mom, you,
You deserve pride and respect
We wish your cherished dreams come true.
May your life span last longer
Our most beloved, dear person,
Congratulations on Mother's Day,
We wish you good health and joy.

Mommy is my beloved and dearest,
Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you today,
And for everything that was in life - one thank you,
I want you to know how much I love you.
I've been a child for a long time, I have my own family,
But, your support is still felt,
You accept my gratitude dear,
I wish you health and well-being.

Today I want to tell my mom
That there is no sacred word than "Mother",
And even though we have not been small children for a long time,
There is no one closer and dearer to us in the world.
For all we thank you alone in our destiny,
And today we want to congratulate you on the holiday,
And wish that not one wrinkle is depressing,
And we will try not to let you get bored.

Happy Mother's Day:

My dear, mommy, I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish you prosperous everyday life, endlessly happy time, the best health and female beauty. May you be pleased with the most pleasant and delightful moments, good news and good health. I love you and wish you endless happiness.

Happy Birthday Mommy! You are the dearest and closest person to me, because it was you who always encouraged, helped, supported in word and deed. You always believed in me and never let me give up. I would like to ask for forgiveness if sometimes I upset or offended you. Always remain the same cheerful, kind, gentle and optimistic. Good health to you, well-being, more joyful minutes and long years of life. You are the most beautiful mom in the world, I love you very much!

Our beloved mother, we congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you the most important thing - health and patience. After all, your health is our peace of mind, and your patience is our well-being. Sometimes it is difficult for you with us, and therefore we ask you for forgiveness for our actions and words, but, despite all the little things in life, you remain the most dear and beloved person for us. After all, only you warm us with your maternal warmth when we feel bad, only you press us to your chest and caress. We love you very much, our dear. Happy birthday! Be happy.

Dear mommy! I know that being a mother is the most difficult job without holidays and days off. I am eternally grateful to you for doing this job so well. You do everything to raise a decent and well-mannered person. How much work and patience is needed for this! Mommy, you are the best. I want to wish you good health, cheerfulness, good mood, more joyful and bright days. I very love you!

For my mother's birthday, I collected a bouquet, it turned out so big that you can hardly see me because of it, and so fragrant that it seems that a whole garden has blossomed in our apartment! Mom, do you remember how, as a child, I gave you an imaginary tiger or a queen's crown? Today I looked back into childhood and prepared for you an even bigger bouquet of magical flowers! Whatever the flower is a good wish. Here, see for yourself! Here there are many years, good health, excellent mood, inspiration and love! I give you all this and once again I say - Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly mother

Dear guests, today is the best day of the year - my mother's birthday. Mom is just my guardian angel and my god. I love you more than my life. Mommy, you have no idea what you mean to me. I can't even for a moment imagine life without you. I want to wish you to be the happiest mother on earth. I will do everything in my power for this.

Our dear mother, we congratulate you on your birthday. We are indebted to you. Thank you so much for bringing us to the people without taking anything in return. Today, Mom, you have a wonderful holiday - your birthday. We wish you, dear, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, more smiles, good health. May the goodness that you give to us be sure to return to you with a torus. Be always young and beautiful. May all that you dream of come true. May the good angel always protect you.

My beloved, the best mom in the world, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May your personal holiday bring you a lot of great mood. May good luck visit your home often. Good health to you, peace, and boundless happiness. May fate be favorable to you, may all bad weather fly by. All earthly blessings to you, dear, respect and a lot of joy. Live long - long, dear mommy, because we always need your care, your wise advice, and it doesn’t matter at all how old we are.

My dear mother, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. May the sun smile gently at you and give you warmth, may the birds sing the most cheerful songs. May your personal holiday bring you a wonderful mood. Be always so beautiful, kind, gentle. May spring always bloom in your soul. Peace to you, mommy, longevity, prosperity and prosperity. I wish you good health, good luck in everything, may good news please you, may your dream come true.

Today the sun shines in a special way! Today is your birthday. And I also wish you to give the world smiles every day, charge others with positive emotions and enjoy the unique moments of a happy life! Let harmony reign in your soul, and in the house - comfort and mutual understanding!

Happy Birthday! May every new day be sunny, eventful and positive! I wish you to always remain as young, beautiful and wise! Fulfillment of all desires, and may happiness never leave your home and your heart!

On this wonderful holiday, I would like to wish you more rest and do what you like! Let there be enough time for everything, relatives and friends help in everything, and let the most interesting people surround you, and the most original ideas come to your head!

Mom, I wish you to make the most cherished wish today! It will certainly come true - you just need to believe in it! May the closest and beloved people always be next to you, and harmony reign in your soul, and good luck in all your endeavors!

Mom is the closest and most native word for each of us. Today my mom celebrates her birthday. I dedicate all the compliments, all the warmest words to my own mother. Let your life flow like a full river among beautiful and strong banks. May health multiply every year. Be always beautiful, cheerful and happy, my dear. May a good angel protect you, may sorrows and bad weather forget your address. All earthly blessings to you, peace and prosperity.

My dearest and closest person on earth is my mother. Today is my mom's big day - her birthday. May this day bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, may your eyes glow with happiness. I wish you, dear, the fulfillment of all your desires, good health. May reliable and faithful friends surround you, may fate bring you the most pleasant surprises. Stay young and beautiful for a long time. May the Lord protect you from all sorrows. Good luck and more smiles to you, my dear mother.

Happy birthday to an elderly mother in prose

Today is my dear mother's birthday. May this day all the flowers of the earth bloom for you, dear. Let the sun give you a golden ray of warmth. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes. May the cuckoo fill you with many long and happy years, may all your dreams come true. I wish you good health, joy, good mood. Be always so young and beautiful. May the angel keep you from trouble, may the guiding star illuminate your path.

My beloved, the best mother, thank you for always being there, always supporting me in difficult times, giving wise advice. May the bright light of your love never fade. I love you, mommy, and I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May the sun give you a ray of warmth and kindness, may the nightingale trills delight you with their singing. Forget about all illnesses and worries, let the brightest star illuminate your life path. May a good angel protect you from all failures.

All the best that exists in the world, everything is connected with mom. Mom, you are a saint. It's good to have you around. Today is the most important holiday - your birthday, my dear. Accept the warmest, best wishes and congratulations. May your life be blooming, may luck never leave you. I wish you good health, peace and prosperity. May everything that you have planned come true, may spring always sing in your soul. May the Lord bless and protect you from troubles.

Dear mom, on your birthday, accept the most heartfelt wishes. We wish you good health, love and happiness. Let anxiety, and troubles always bypass you. May your life bloom like a beautiful flower. Let the years not age you, because they have no power over you. May your strength never leave you, may all things go well. Dear mother, always be beautiful, kind, young, may all your dreams come true without fail. Long - long years of life to you, all the best and good mood.

How much we know that mom is the most precious person in the world, and how little we do to make her smile more often. How many words have already been said about my mother and how many songs have been sung about her, how many films have been made and pictures written. But I want to say the most important words that are always so hard to pronounce. Thank you. Sorry. I love. Happy Birthday Mom. ...

You are alone in the whole wide world,
Do not drive away - do not betray me,
There are no relatives on the whole big planet,
My beloved mother.
You are alone with your huge heart,
You can understand everything, accept, forgive,
And I stand before you as in childhood,
And I want to apologize.
For the deeds that caused
The appearance of wrinkles on your face,
And for long nights without sleep,
I love you, you are the only one.

Honor to a woman in the world
It contains all life and continuation,
Like a river flowing,
Limitless attraction.
The most important person
One who can move mountains.
In my memory forever
The color of the carnation will not fade.
Let's revere forever
We will shower with a bouquet.
Beauty does not fade
Miracle, let the joy come!

Great day for all the people of the Earth!
Mother's Day is a day of life and hope!
You from me, my love, accept
My love for you and quivering tenderness!
For mothers - let the sun in the sky,
And the gentle sea under their feet,
Native, sweet and kind eyes
May misfortune and anxiety not touch you!
For a mother, the main thing is that her child
Was happy - so be it
Mother's Day walks through the ages
Guardian for our children's destinies.

What will they dare to reproach you for?
Seeing graying whiskey?
The light of distant stars, And he is getting old,
Their eternal essence contrary.
Be joyful, healthy and happy
After all, everything you need in life, you met.
Let life test you for strength -
You have life force.
Look what growth is behind you,
They are your friends, your wealth,
And with this, fortunately, no longer part -
All this is called fate.

tenderness of hands
Love in the eyes
Heart beat loud.
Day - with a smile on his lips,
And for the evening instructions.
You know everything, without further ado,
About failures and victories
And dinner is always ready
Intimate conversations.
Let the years lose power
Will only benefit to last.
Every moment, let it become sweet,
We wish all dreams come true!

Beloved mother, today is your holiday -
Mother's Day knocked on your door
And many sincere words and beautiful
Like a bright bouquet, he gave you.
Your eyes look calm and gentle,
And the softness of a smile is like silk.
Let happiness spread like a boundless sea,
Follow the sure footsteps of success!

Dear mommy!
Don't count the years in vain
Do not be sad that whiskey turned gray.
This is what happens in nature all the time.
This trace is left by blizzards.
Let your life be hard
There was still joy and happiness in her.
Hold on, dear, hold on
Bypass the side of bad weather.
After all, your wealth is WE:
Daughter, son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren even!
For a long, long time you live
To babysit great-great-grandchildren too !!!

Happy holiday to all mothers of the planet
I hasten to congratulate you.
Thanks to you in the world
I live happily now.
I wish you mom
Love, health, strength and happiness,
Success to be your reward
And it didn’t hurt to bad weather.
Give us your love as well
Light the way for us, dear,
Let love reign in our family,
Keep it and protect it.

Again I hear loud laughter
Mom is calling us for dinner.
I am now __ years old
But she loves us just the same.
Even though we don't live together
And it's hard to visit us
But still in love
In your kindness, what is needed.
You also need to know that forever,
It will be a holy example for me
Our mother is impeccable,
In raising children!

congratulations for dear mother,
Affectionate and kind,
On your festive day, accept
Keep him in your heart!
No matter how far we are,
You know: I'm there, in spite of everything!
There is an unbreakable thread between us
Love that can survive anything.
Be also beautiful for another hundred years,
Let a joyful light sparkle in your eyes!

How do you live, my dear,
You don't get sick there, don't you feel sad?
I am writing from the Earth of another land,
And I see how you sit in the window,
How it smells like home, pies,
How do you work endlessly
Kiss, dear, dear,
A wrinkle on every face!

A quivering look, delight and a smile
Eyes reflect relatives:
Slightly creaks in the garden gently gate -
Fires are burning in them mischievous!
I congratulate you on Mother's Day! Again
I give you all my love and hope.
You are joy, a stronghold, a ray of light, a foundation,
Grace, become, serenity!

Nature rewards with the great title of mother
Those women who do not have a soul in their children.
Those who do not sleep at night, rocking the cradle,
And children are always welcome without closing the door.
And today I congratulate you on Mother's Day,
I always wish you to be healthy and happy.
Let laughter ring in the house, love always lives,
So that your heart sings with happiness again and again.

You, who gave birth to us into the world!
To you, in whom the soul hurts for us!
You who inspired the darkness of poets
Having endured many insults -
I will praise you forever
Bowing low every time!
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Mother's Day to me today!

The most dear, alone in the whole earth,
The most beloved, my mother!
Life dedicated to me, surrounded by warmth, affection,
You filled me with boundless love.
I give thanks to you
Know how much I love you!
I congratulate you on the holiday of all mothers,
I pray for you, I wish you to be happy!

The main women of any achievement -
This is a family favorite sequel.
Only mother gave life,
Mom raised, fed watered,
Long nights did not sleep at the crib,
If only the baby slept peacefully and sweetly!
I congratulate every woman
On Mother's Day, I wish you only happiness!

How much does the word "Mom" mean?
How much fire of goodness is in it,
Always the happiest one,
So that everyone has a mother!
Happy Mother's Day I congratulate
All women and all ages
And I wish you love
Never know the troubles of shackles!
Your care gives a fairy tale,
And hands - tenderness, warmth,
Love, the most magical caress,
Charm, beauty!

Happy Mother's Day, universal Madonnas!
Low bow to the very ground
For the fact that sparing no effort, worthy,
You were able to raise and educate children!
Health to you, and long days in life,
Incorruptible happiness and earthly joys,
And so that the Lord Almighty saves from troubles
And frequent meetings of children gave relatives!

At first glance at the cute baby
Love comes to a woman's heart
Will live in it and purr like a cat,
To pour in a stream of the most affectionate words.
Will be sad, beat like a bird and cry,
He will suffer in the hour of illness and trouble ...
This is how the Mother Woman works:
A son or daughter for her is the whole world.
Happy Mother's Day! Let the party
Evil and bad weather bypass you!
And stay forever
Woman, Mother, Bereginya, Wife!

Better mom than you
Not found on earth.
Only you can be so attentive.
Accept gratitude
For communication with children.
Such a wonderful character!
Let you bypass
Sadness this year
And bright things will happen.
To mother's day
You succeeded too
Fulfill all cherished desires.

Happy Mother's Day with your word
I congratulate you with love
I wish them solemnly
Warmth to you in life, health.
May joy guard your house
And let your life protect
So that there are no worries in life
Fulfills your wishes.
And I wish you
Bliss, tenderness, affection,
You bring happiness to the family
Giving her life all the colors.

Happy Mother's Day, my light, you
Today I congratulate you with a verse
You are everything on earth to me
I wish you health.
I wish you universal love
Prosperity, soul of intoxication,
Everything that you yourself want
Good luck, success, luck.
May happiness embrace you
Like your naughty child
You are the best mother on earth
And your laughter is as thin as a rainbow.

Happy Mother's Day to you
I wish you love and care
You are tenderness in the family,
I love you with all my heart.
May the holiday bring you
Good unbreakable joy
Let there be no worries in life
Their goodness will take the place of itself.
I wish you prosperity
Attention of grown-up children
Happiness, smiles in fate
And joys that warmed the soul.

I wish you on Mother's Day
Smiles to beautiful lips
Alive all day mood
And a lot of luck in life.
Love to you, health, prosperity,
So that you live sincerely sweetly,
I wish you warmth and good luck
To become richer in money.
Peace of mind, bliss,
So that happiness grows in you shoots,
Let the heart know no anxiety
And the gods love you sincerely.

On Mother's Day, I wish with my heart
Good and fun to you
I congratulate you with verses
May happiness come true in fate.
I wish you all the happiness
You feel this day
You are the perfection of the whole world,
You can only love.
Let the children surround you
With your care and warmth,
Let the words caress the soul
And good done to people.

When I remember my mother
Not so problems press shoulders.
I only think of my mother
Life is immediately much easier.
I love my mother with all my heart
And I will take care of her with all my might.
I hasten to congratulate her on the holiday
And wish her to live as long as possible!

"Do good? Ah, it will!
I'll wait for an opportunity…”
Our mothers always hope
That we will be the best.
That we will become the smartest
Heart pure, brave, glorious;
Only at breaks noisy
And with Einstein equal talents ...
We spent them warmly without measure,
They say that they give, do not return -
So let this Mother's Day
All the hopes of mothers will come true!

There is only one person in this world
Which is dearer to me than all the others.
This is my own mother.
Without her, life would simply be impossible.
I remember my mother every minute, every hour.
I love her immensely with all my heart.
And on this day, I want to congratulate, wish
Health, happiness and heartfelt love.

Divinely gifted goddesses
The ability to breathe life into a baby
Between heaven and earth in the middle
Your bright and imperishable path lies.
We are ready to pray for you all our lives,
Love and tenderness, gratitude - to you.
And to the ground to the very bow
We owe all great mothers.

She rocked you in the cradle
She sang to you in the evening,
She asked for gray blizzards
Do not come across to meet you in life.
I asked the showers not to whip you in the back,
And the ice asked under you not to break,
And the mountains - to hold back the avalanches,
Well, you taught them not to be afraid.
Let time, unknowing pity, rush,
But hands and speech are not subject to him,
Your eyes are still clear, radiant.
You, mother, are happiness that is given forever!

Mother's heart and hands:
You won't find them better anywhere.
Knowing birth pains,
This is a woman with the title of "mother".
As the land is fertile, rich,
You give life to your children,
And your children are growing, guys,
You give your heart to them.
Congratulations to mothers of Ukraine
I want to be with everyone today
Send thanks in verse
And light a candle for health.

My favorite, most wonderful, dear mommy!
You are my best, you are my beauty!
Your beautiful eye light illuminates my life path,
And the gentle warmth of your heart warms me everywhere.
Your care is so quivering and admiring,
And your smile is like the sun, illuminating my soul with a ray of light.
I'm so happy that you are my mom
More expensive than you in the whole white world I do not have!
And on this special day, reflecting your significance in my life,
Let me tell you the most tender, warm, kind words
My soul is overflowing today.
Let me present them to you with rhymes of fragrant flower words,
Let them pour a soft balm on your heart and soul
With their radiant droplets.

Hard work - to give birth to children,
Grow, wash diapers.
Let the mother be the heroine
For every child.
Who can give the world
Divine miracle?
Conceive, bear, love,
Where does she have so much strength?
Let mother Mary keep
All women on the planet.
I will not tire of repeating:
You are the best in the world.

For your good heart
Such warm attention
For your subtle flair,
And for simple understanding
For maternal love
All the tenderness of the world and care
I thank you again and again
Succumbing to feelings whirlpool.

Mommy dear, dear mommy!
With a bouquet of tender flowers
I hurry to you today to congratulate you.
Wish you a long and beautiful life
May you be the most successful and happy on this earth.
So that the warmth of close hearts always warms you.
So that there are no problems on your way,
So that each message only fills the heart with joy.
May your health be eternal, unshakable,
And nearby there is the light of the eyes of loved ones.
Mom dear, we love you very much!
And for the fact that you gave us the most valuable -
Our life, we will thank you forever!

Mother's Day is celebrated today
And I would give it the whole year
I can't fit gratitude into today
For a whole heap of mother's worries.
For my mother's tired smile,
For the beauty of all our mothers,
Not enough words, flowers and congratulations,
Centuries, years, and, of course, days.
But now let special joy
Burning in your most beautiful eyes
Accept a gift from us on Mother's Day,
Take a breath, and, laughing, shout: "Ah!"

Mommy, dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day to you
I congratulate you today
Sincerely, dearly loving.
Clearly you are the best
My dear man!
May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's age!

Our most important person
You gave us life
In exchange for this wonderful gift
Didn't ask for payment.
On Mother's Day we hurry you
Congratulate with all my heart
Be happy and be forever
Our very own.

Only mothers love us not for something, but simply,
Just because we are, we live,
We only go to mothers on important issues,
We only bring our troubles and problems to them.
We dedicate successes, victories to mothers,
And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of filial love,
We wish them to pass all troubles,
So that their children only bring them happiness.

My dear mother,
I love you beyond measure!
And I wish you happiness
And health by all means!
And I also wish you
Many good warm days
To keep you as long as possible
She made us children happy.

my swallow,
My mommy!
You are the only one with us
We love you!
There is no you more tender
Better and kinder
You are our support
You are a gift from above!

Perhaps we are absurd, stubborn,
Perhaps there is some sin in us,
But for my own, for my dear mother
We are definitely the best!
Your love is like the doors of a temple;
You live like this, loving us all,
That God, inventing the word "mother",
He named you!
We can't imagine without you
And here we stand and stand
What standing with the whole family to congratulate
Happy mother's day to you - happy your day!

On this beautiful May day,
Sun shining in the eyes
Not in vain similar to you,
I want to tell you:
The sun doesn't warm without you
And the nightingale is not heard;
You are my bright light in the window
My dear mother!
Mother! How nice to be with you!
You are like a ray in the darkness...
Was, is and will be the main
The word "mother" on Earth!

Find out. In your or neighboring area
There is certainly a monument like this:
There is a wife, not a tea of ​​honors for herself,
The child is held in a gentle hand.
Above her, winter swirls in a white shroud,
In the cool of warm times.
And the children are pigeons. And they fly apart
In the far distances, in foreign lands.
From glorious flight from high
Not holding them back,
She stands, lonely in advance,
Worried about the fate of their children.
You lay flowers at its foot,
And feed the local Sisars...
Everything in our life is only by the will of God,
And through the prayers of our mothers.

Dear, you went through life's adversity,
Not a drop spilled from the heart of goodness,
And the hands are rough from hard work,
But how much affection and warmth are collected in them!
Today is your holiday, it is a scarlet number
Reminded us that you love and wait,
Sorry! Following this little news,
From my heart I send a million scarlet roses!

Happy mother's day today.
May your dreams come true together!
And luck will not be superfluous here.
I wish you beauty!
I wish you so much luck
How can you wish for yourself!
And friends, if anything, let them help,
And you're lucky again!
Congratulations, I wish you
Warmth in your house forever!
May you not be forgotten by people forever.
Know that you are an important person in fate!

Listen dear...
I will sing about cherry blossoms
And the May wind
About the meadow blooming in the sunlight
About how wonderful life is in the world
With sweet mother
affectionate herself,
The best of all!
Dear mother, do you hear the song?
hello song?
It's hard to tell you everything I want
This song!
You warm like the sun, helping in everything,
You are all dearer to me, my dear,
This song -
hello song
The best of all!

Hello mom, congratulations!
And I wish you well
Get strong, get strong!
And health! You are my rear!!!
I promise not to be lazy
And get married soon
Then about a year later
You can babysit the kids!

We celebrate Mother's Day again.
And we want to wish you
Know that we love you
And we will send our poem again!
May there be many happy days.
Let sadness pass like gloomy rain.
And we congratulate all of you again!
And troubles will be with you apart.
We wish more light in the world,
And peace in the house to all-all-all.
You are all beautiful to us.
Let there be no trouble at all!

What can you wish for your mother?
Of course, health, long years,
No need to worry about us so much
After all, in life and their enough troubles.
I want her to sleep well at night
So that insomnia is gone forever,
So that the legs and head do not hurt,
Always smiled happily.
So that children and grandchildren visit and call,
It’s not hard to grieve about the past,
So that there is no suffering and separation,
Do not lose friends, family and loved ones.
It's hard to watch when she's sick...
I'll sit next to you on the edge of the bed
Let's chat a little, heat the heating pad,
I will distract from sad thoughts.
Everything will be fine, it's not over yet!
Be with me for a long, long time!
Thank you very much for everything,
Accept the bow of the earth from your daughter!