Dark green feces from a baby in the Guards. Causes of color change. The reasons for the "greening" of feces in artificers

The baby is born with an unformed body, which improves as it grows. Underdevelopment also affects the gastrointestinal tract. The child learns to produce the necessary bacteria and secretions, gets used to new food. Calorie changes over time. Often, parents are worried about green stools in a newborn or baby. Why is this happening and what to do? To begin with, it is worth understanding the rate of discharge.

Fecal masses in a newborn differ in different periods:

  • from 0 to 3 days. Even in the womb of the fetus, poop accumulates in the intestines, consisting of cells of the intestinal mucosa, swallowed amniotic fluid, epithelium and others. The so-called original feces, or meconium, is quite thick, like tar, dark olive in color, odorless. Sometimes emptying occurs during childbirth due to hypoxia. When breastfeeding (SH) there is no other feces, because colostrum is absorbed almost completely;
  • with GV after the arrival of milk from the mother (after 3 - 5 days). The formation of a child's stool goes through two stages.
  1. Transitional cal. The consistency resembles a yellow-green porridge with a sour smell.
  2. Mature feces. The consistency is homogeneous, similar to porridge or thin sour cream, the smell resembles sour milk. Emptying occurs up to 10 times a day, gradually becoming less frequent. Sometimes milk is absorbed almost completely, so emptying happens every 4 to 7 days. This is normal if the baby is less than one and a half months old and there are no alarming symptoms (bloating, capriciousness, underweight, refusal to eat);
  • with artificial or mixed feeding. Feces are similar to mature, may have a mild putrid odor, be thicker, dark green or brown.

In infants (from 28 days to a year)

Before the introduction of complementary foods (4 - 6 months), the baby's stool is mature. New foods affect the baby's stool in different ways. The smell changes, becoming more unpleasant. The color and consistency depend on the foods that the baby eats. Constipation and diarrhea appear more often. In this case, it does not matter what kind of feeding the baby is on.

If the baby feels well and there are no warning signs, green stool is a variant of the norm.

Causes of green stool

The sources of the appearance of green feces are different:

  • some depend on the type of feeding of the child;
  • others are common despite the type of feeding;
  • the third are characteristic of a certain age of the child.

When breastfeeding

With HB, green feces are observed due to:

  • mother's nutrition and her hormonal background. If a woman consumes a large amount of green vegetables and plants (broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, dill, parsley), the composition of the milk changes, which affects the color of the baby's stool. Mom's food poisoning is unfavorable for the baby;
  • medicines. Taking antibiotics negatively affects the intestinal microflora. Iron-containing drugs stain the baby's feces green. Substances enter the intestines directly if medicines are given to the baby, or with mother's milk;
  • underfeeding. A woman takes her baby off her breast too early when feeding, so the baby receives only colostrum and "forward" non-fat milk. At the same time, the stool is frothy, with mucus. The baby asks to eat often, 1 - 1.5 hours after feeding, does not sleep after eating, weight is reduced.

With artificial and mixed feeding

The source of greening of feces during artificial or mixed feeding are:

  • a formula that replaces mother's milk with a high iron content;
  • unsuitable mixture;
  • dysbacteriosis and decreased immunity. Special formulas are not full-fledged milk substitutes, so such children are more likely to suffer from disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors recommend giving your child probiotics and prebiotics to normalize the digestive system.

Common Sources

Common causes of green stools, which do not depend on the type of infant feeding, are as follows:

  • the substances included in the feces interact with oxygen and become green, that is, they are oxidized;
  • bilirubin. This bile pigment is formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins and is excreted, including with feces, staining it green. It is the norm for children up to 6 - 8 months;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. With the transferred hypoxia in the fetus, the structure of organs, including the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, is disturbed. Subsequently, a long period is required to restore and normalize work;
  • complementary foods with a high iron content or excess sugar. In the second case, the feces are colored unevenly, with green impurities;
  • dysbacteriosis or lactase deficiency;
  • diseases (rotavirus, worms, helminths, enterocolitis), anomalies in the structures of the digestive or endocrine system (congenital and acquired), allergens.

Note to mom. All children are prone to various kinds of diseases, but what if a child has intestinal obstruction? Read the article on our project and follow the advice of experts and be sure to consult a doctor, because our advice is only for informational purposes.

Be vigilant, if a child has caught an infection, then he may develop intestinal upset, a disease that most often occurs in the summer.

Before the age of 5, a child is at risk of such an unpleasant disease as encopresis (fecal incontinence), the child ceases to control the movement of feces, and uncontrolled defecation occurs.


Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, but a disorder that occurs due to an imbalance of bacteria in the intestine. It is accompanied by fever, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation), bloating, weakness, sometimes vomiting, anxiety due to spasms even during sleep, loss of appetite, mucus and foam in the feces. The body copes with this state on its own. In severe cases, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed.

lactase deficiency

Lactase deficiency is manifested by greenish or yellow liquid stools, frothy texture and a sharp sour smell. A characteristic watery spot appears on the diaper around the feces. The cause of the disease is problems with the digestion of lactose due to its excess or lack of the lactase enzyme that processes it. Dysbacteriosis develops.

Often, lactase deficiency resolves on its own by 9 to 12 months. The hereditary form of the deviation is less common. Then the diagnosis will remain until the end of life. If lactase deficiency is suspected, the diet of a nursing woman is changed: they exclude fresh milk, reduce the consumption of sour-milk. In difficult cases, lactase replacement therapy is prescribed.

By month

The appearance of green feces depends on what happens to the baby in different periods:

  • 1 month . Green feces in a month-old baby in the vast majority of cases is the norm, provided that there are no other symptoms. The digestive system adapts;
  • 2 month. A two-month-old baby often has dysbacteriosis. The gastrointestinal tract is adjusting to the new environment and is still learning to produce the right amount of bacteria;
  • 3 month. In a three-month-old baby, the work of the gastrointestinal tract should return to normal. However, for some babies, the adaptation period continues, which is a variant of the norm;
  • 4 month . A change in the color of feces is most often associated with the premature introduction of complementary foods;
  • 5 month . The introduction of complementary foods begins at the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth month, therefore, changes in the color of feces are associated with adaptation to new food;
  • 6 - 7 month. When teething, the baby gnaws on various objects, on the surface of which there are microbes that disrupt the intestines;
  • 8 - 10 month. The period when almost all bilirubin is processed by the intestines into stercobilin, so the reason for the green color lies not in this pigment, but, most likely, in complementary foods;
  • 11 - 12 month. By the end of the 11th month, the feces acquire the color of what the child has eaten (parsley, dill, spinach, etc.). Often there are allergic reactions.

Green stool as one of the symptoms of the disease

If green stool is caused by a disease, accompanying symptoms appear:

  • lethargy, moodiness, sleep disturbances;
  • refusal to eat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • very unpleasant putrid smell of stool with foam or color change to black-green - a consequence of infections, inflammation or lack of nutrients;
  • frequent diarrhea (more than 12 bowel movements per day) or constipation;
  • impurities in the feces - mucus, blood. Most often occur as a result of damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • pulling the legs to the stomach;
  • vomiting or frequent spitting up (why does a newborn spit up?);
  • rash;
  • bloating (flatulence in infants).

If you have symptoms of a violation of the digestive system in an infant, be sure to consult a doctor!

By shade and texture

in the photo - the green liquid feces of the baby on GV.

The shade and consistency of a baby's stool can indicate the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the cause of the changes:

  • dark green - normal; reaction to food lack of "hind" milk; transition to a new mixture; infections, lactase deficiency;
  • yellow-green - normal; lack of "hind" milk;
  • black-green - the norm in newborns; diseases of the digestive system; lack of nutrition;
  • bright green - lack of "hind" milk; the use of products with dyes;
  • frothy - lack of "back" milk or lactase deficiency;
  • thick - in most cases the norm.

What to do if you find green stool

If green stool appears, do the following.

  1. Check the correct attachment to the chest. Make sure that the baby cuddles tightly to the nipple, does not swallow air. Let the baby get enough and release the breast on its own.
  2. Make sure your baby is eating the right amount of food. If underfeeding is suspected, breastfeed more frequently. Wait until the baby stops eating on his own. If the shape of the nipples is irregular, use special pads. Keep a regular diet.
  3. Watch your own nutrition with HB. Eliminate synthetic additives and products that can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions (sausages, smoked meats, canned food, juices and other foods with artificial additives). The amount of vegetables and fruits should not prevail over other products.
  4. Choose a mixture that is suitable for the composition of the baby with IV.
  5. Monitor your baby's well-being. With good health, normal development and the absence of alarming symptoms, the green color of the feces is most likely an indicator of the adaptation of the child's gastrointestinal tract, that is, the norm.
  6. Make sure you introduce complementary foods at the right time.
  7. If you have any worrying symptoms, see your doctor. There are many reasons why a child has green poop. The hospital will perform a general examination and offer a series of tests (eg, blood and feces, checking milk for harmful bacteria), based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed.

Do not take or give medication without your doctor's approval!

Heavy green, yellow, or greenish stools in babies are most often normal. You do not need to do anything if the baby behaves calmly, eats well and develops. There are many reasons why the stool turns green: from the adaptation of the body to new food to diseases and anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract. Monitor your child's well-being and consult a doctor if alarming symptoms appear.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Parents always treat a newborn baby with special trepidation.

The first year of a child's life is incredibly difficult. It is necessary to notice any details and changes in the behavior of the baby. Therefore, when changing a diaper, you need to pay special attention to the bowel movements of the child, because they can tell a lot about his health.

When mom or dad notices green loose stools in a baby, this is always alarming and a cause for concern. However, you should not panic right away. It must be remembered that the digestive system of a child in the first months of his life is unstable, so sometimes loose stools may well be the norm.

Normal newborn stool

In the first five days of life, liquid green stools are quite normal for a child. This is due to the fact that even in the womb, the baby received nutrition through the umbilical cord, and also swallowed amniotic fluid. With the help of such feces, the body of the baby in the first days of his life undergoes cleansing, freeing the intestines.

Then the baby's feces become yellow or orange with a characteristic sour smell. But in the process of growing up, the stool can change both in smell and in color.

In infancy, every baby poops almost after every meal, that is, 7-10 times a day. This is considered an absolute norm, if at the same time the newborn does not lose his weight and does not refuse to eat. Therefore, in this case, green loose stools should not be a cause for concern. As soon as the baby's digestive system will establish its work. The number of bowel movements per day will decrease to 3-6 times.

During the first year of life, the number of bowel movements is reduced to once a day.

Green liquid feces in a newborn while breastfeeding

For a breastfed baby, greenish loose stools are normal and acceptable. Feces of a similar color and consistency appear due to:

hormones that are in mother's breast milk;

the presence of bilirubin in the baby's stool;

oxidation of the child's feces; because of the intestine, which is not yet fully functioning and is not able to provide the body with all the necessary bacteria;

lack of enzymes that the liver still does not secrete in full.

When breastfeeding, green liquid stools are considered normal even with mucus, but only if it does not have a fetid odor.

Green liquid stools indicate that the baby eats only foremilk. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the baby receives food and back milk, which is more saturated with useful substances and fats.

There is no reason for concern in this case. The main thing is to monitor the behavior of the baby, his temperature, how he eats and sleeps.

The color of the bowel movements can change depending on what the mother eats, who needs to be selective in her diet so as not to harm the newborn baby.

To maintain a normal baby's stool, the mother should act according to the following rules:

Eat lean meats in boiled form. It is necessary to include in your daily diet foods such as cheese and cottage cheese. But it is better to replace milk with sour-milk food, because it often leads to an allergic reaction in a child. Consuming fruits and vegetables while breastfeeding is a must. However, red and orange fruits should be avoided. So that the baby's stools do not foam, you do not need to eat foods. promotes fermentation in the intestines: grapes, pastries, cakes, sweet drinks. Do not eat a lot of citrus fruits, they lead to allergies.

Liquid green stools with artificial feeding of a newborn

A formula-fed baby should have firmer stools. In this case, loose green stools may not be the norm. The frequency of bowel movements usually reaches 2-3 times a day and is yellow or brown. Liquid feces of green flowers in this case is considered a rarity. It can occur when changing from one mixture to another. Especially if the mixture contains an increased amount of iron.

In any other cases, with the appearance of green liquid stools, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Especially if the child's behavior has changed: he became lethargic. sleepy, refuses to eat and constantly cries and acts up.

Prolonged diarrhea in infants

The first year of life for a baby is especially difficult.

He is developing the digestive system and intestines. Therefore, loose stools may well be the norm. But it's still worth paying attention to. Maybe the reason lies in the wrong mixture, or the mother’s malnutrition.

The intestines are just beginning their full-fledged work, so they are not yet populated with the necessary bacteria. Any deviation from the diet can lead to diarrhea. Loose stools for a long time can cause dehydration. In this case, it is imperative to be under the supervision of a doctor and give the baby more fluids to drink, preferably clean water.

Symptoms that should see a doctor

The number of feces of the baby increased, an unpleasant fetid odor appeared. The body temperature of the child has risen. Green stools with bloody discharges. The appearance of vomiting, as a result of which the baby has a body mass. Weight gain in the first year of life is very important, so this indicator must be monitored.

Each of these symptoms signals that you need to immediately call a doctor.

The liquid green stool of a newborn baby can indicate a developing infection or virus in the body. For a clear picture, it is necessary to take feces for analysis. As a result of the study, the causes of diarrhea will be identified and appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

A common cause of liquid green stools can be dysbacteriosis. As a result, the baby is subject to frequent pain in the abdomen and colic. In this case, an analysis of the microflora will help to deal with the condition.

If light or white blotches appear in the baby's feces, then this indicates problems associated with the liver. Most often, with such symptoms, a mother with a baby is offered inpatient treatment, as a result of which a complete diagnosis is carried out.

Before raising a panic, you should always initially pay attention to the behavior of a newborn baby. This may be a common short-term bowel disorder. In a short period of time, bowel movements will return to normal.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 02/05/2019

When changing a baby diaper, parents should always pay attention to its contents. After all, this is an important indicator that can tell a lot about the health of your baby, especially if the child is bottle-fed. In this case, the functioning of the intestine changes in the child, and, consequently, there are noticeable changes in the feces.

You need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • stool consistency;
  • regularity of bowel movements;
  • chair color.

In the event that the color of the bowel movements is unnaturally yellow or orange, this may indicate problems with the liver. Green stool is an indicator of a different type of dysbacteriosis. Therefore, noticing any changes in the baby's feces, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Can the green stool of the baby be the norm with artificial feeding

There is a certain period when the green stool of a formula-fed baby should not cause any concern. This period is a natural process and lasts about five days after birth.

The initial bowel movements of a newborn are always characterized by a green color. This is due to the fact that the body tends to get rid of swallowed epithelial tissues, amniotic fluid, etc. in the first days after birth. This is how the intestines are cleansed.

Gradually, around the fifth day, the baby's stool should undergo noticeable changes:

  • stools may contain white curd pieces of undigested milk mixture;
  • the color of the stool changes to yellow-green, which should gradually become completely yellow or mustard.

However, there are exceptions to all rules. There are cases when a baby has a green stool with the presence of mucus, which indicates that the digestive system is not yet fully formed and there are not enough enzymes for the proper processing of food.

Sometimes dark green stools can cause bilirubin to be flushed out of the body. This is also a fairly common process, which can be characterized by these changes.

In a formula-fed newborn, green stools may be a common reaction to formula intake. This is especially facilitated by a diet with a high content of iron in its composition.

In a five-month-old child, a greenish tint of stools may be a consequence of the introduction of the first complementary foods or the beginning of teething.

Symptoms of an unhealthy condition of the baby with a green stool

Having noticed a green stool in a baby, it is necessary to constantly monitor his condition. If the behavior of the newborn has changed dramatically, he has become more whiny, capricious, began to refuse food, then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Green stools that cause anxiety and fear should look like this:

  • green stool foams and has a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • frequent green stools that have a liquid consistency;
  • green stools with black patches, having a rotten smell;
  • slimy green stools in combination with a sharp deterioration in the baby's well-being;
  • green stools with bloody discharge or inclusions (usually observed with constipation).

When the stool is frothy and green in color, it may indicate a lack of nutrients or vitamins in the newborn. Breastfed babies are often deficient in the so-called colostrum. This can cause a deficiency of the elements necessary for the body. In the presence of such a chair, testing is necessary, with its help it is possible to identify various infections that adversely affect the well-being of the baby.

The unpleasant smell of green feces can be a herald of the onset of the inflammatory process. And stools with blood blotches indicate either a serious problem with the digestive system, or a violation of the integrity of the intestinal lining. With these symptoms, contacting a qualified specialist is considered necessary.

It is worth being attentive to other signs of an unhealthy condition of the baby:

  • increased weakness and drowsiness;
  • tearfulness;
  • refusal to eat;
  • constant tightening of the legs to the abdomen;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • nausea and gag reflex;
  • colic and pain;
  • temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulty with defecation;
  • rash;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • flatulence.

Reasons for the presence of green stool in infants with artificial feeding

The reasons for the green stool of a child can be quite natural, not cause for concern, or they can pose a huge threat to the health of the newborn.

The most common reason is food. The digestive system of an infant is not yet able to work one hundred percent. Therefore, there are often problems with the digestion of food. In this case, green stools may be accompanied by mucus. To normalize the bowel movements of a newborn, it is often sufficient to simply change the mixture.

Also, every baby at the beginning of his life is faced with such a problem as dysbacteriosis. It occurs at the time of the formation of the necessary microflora in the intestine. This period is characterized by an increase in the development of pathogenic bacteria that can change the color and consistency of the baby's stool. The bowel movements will return to normal when the microflora is fully formed.

Serious causes of green stools during artificial feeding of a child can be:

  • rotavirus or fungal infections;
  • congenital disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weak immunity;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • allergic reactions;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diarrhea, etc.

Necessary measures to combat green stools in an infant

In order to facilitate the well-being of your child, it is necessary to take certain measures in the presence of green stools.

Secondly, it is necessary to submit bakposev. This analysis will characterize the state of the intestinal microflora.

Thanks to the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the right method of treatment that is necessary for your child. Often, infants are prescribed nutritional supplements that contain probiotics and prebiotics. They help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. These drugs include:

  • linox
  • acipol
  • lactobacterin, etc.

The most important thing in this situation is not to self-medicate. Otherwise, you can worsen the health of your child. You should also monitor the nutrition of the newborn and his reaction after each meal.

Pediatricians advise to leave the child on breastfeeding as long as possible. This has a positive effect not only on the growth and development of the newborn, but also on the condition of the stool.

Note that in a baby, unlike a newborn who is on artificial feeding, the stool regularly changes in quantity and quality. Feces are primarily affected by the age of the baby and the nutrition of the nursing mother.

As a rule, a baby with breastfeeding has liquid feces of a light brown color with a small amount of white patches and mucus with a sour smell. Sometimes the stool is frothy or has a green tint.

In newborns on mixed or artificial feeding, dark brown stools are hard.

Why does the baby have green stools

Often the stool in a newborn when breastfeeding is green. Do not panic and think that the health of the baby is at risk. As mentioned earlier, feces in infants can be of various shades. Let's find out why the feces are this color.

Causes of green stool:

  • Oxidation of feces in the air, if the baby has defecated for a long time;
  • Mom's food. The foods that a nursing woman consumes affect breast milk and the baby's digestion. Most often, this result is given by vegetables during breastfeeding (cucumbers or zucchini);
  • A sharp change in the nutrition of a nursing mother;
  • Taking medications. The use of drugs during lactation should be treated very carefully. Many drugs adversely affect the body of the baby. Green color may appear due to the medicine, which includes iron;
  • - an imbalance in the intestinal microflora of the baby. In a mild degree, it is typical for 90% of babies under the age of one year. This is not a disease, but a slight violation of the digestive system, which gradually adapts to new conditions. It is important for mom to make the right diet, eat dairy products. However, at the stage of desolation of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor!;
  • Bilirubin is a yellow-brown bile pigment that results from the breakdown of blood proteins. Bilirubin makes stools green, dark green, yellow, or orange. It occurs in 70% of babies and goes away on its own. Bilirubin is excreted from the body along with feces and urine.
  • If the baby's feces are of a standard yellow-green or green color, but at the same time a sour, unpleasant odor and foam appear, then special attention should be paid to the baby's digestion. This is due to a lack of hind breast milk.

Mom can easily eliminate such reasons herself. For this you need:

  • Do not change the breast at the first difficulties in the child;
  • To stimulate lactation, breastfeed not on schedule, but on demand;
  • Monitor the correct position of the baby when sucking;
  • Feed your baby on a full stomach in a relaxed environment.

Other causes can also be eliminated on their own. First of all, it is necessary to normalize nutrition. The diet should be varied and nutritious. You can not change the menu drastically, introduce new products should be gradual.

Carefully monitor the reaction of the baby, pause between the introduction of a new product in two to three days. If the newborn has colic or allergies, you should postpone the intake of new food for at least two months.

When green stool is a sign of illness

In addition to the main ones, there are more serious reasons for the appearance of green feces:

In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor. The main symptom of these diseases and abnormalities is a change in the behavior and appearance of the baby. The baby often cries, experiences discomfort during bowel movements, does not gain or lose weight.

Disease symptoms:

  • green frothy stools with a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • frequent green loose stools;
  • black-green stools with a rotten smell;
  • green stools with much mucus, with aggravation of the infant;
  • green stool with blood impurities;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • weight loss and fever;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • bad breath.

How to fix a chair in a baby

Green, dark green, and yellow-green stools rarely mean that the baby has some kind of abnormality or disease. First of all, pay attention to the child's well-being and additional symptoms. If the child is active and gaining weight well, then there is no cause for concern.

In order for the baby to have a normal chair, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • Apply the baby to one breast until it is completely empty;
  • Watch your diet carefully.
  • Eat dairy products and dried fruits;
  • Drink plenty of fluids. The minimum daily allowance is 2.5 liters;
  • Avoid breastfeeding for as long as possible;
  • When artificial or mixed feeding, carefully choose the mixture. Often it is the cause of abnormal stools;
  • Don't start feeding too early.

The same applies to the frequency of defecation. Rare bowel movements should not cause concern to the mother if the baby is behaving normally. A newborn can go “to the toilet” after each breastfeeding, and maybe once every one or two days.

By the baby's stool, you can judge the work of his digestive tract. If you correctly assess the amount, color, smell and presence of impurities in the feces of a child, then inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other problems can be identified. Most often, concerns arise in parents who notice the green color of the child's stool. Why can a bottle-fed baby's feces turn green?

When is it the norm?

The green color of the stool in a newborn in the first days of life is the norm. The stool during this period is viscous and dark, it has no smell. This stool is called meconium.

The consistency of the stool of the crumbs fed with formula should not be liquid. Normally, it is dense. The feces of the "artificial" are yellow-brown in color and have a rather pungent odor, similar to an adult's stool. The frequency of stool in artificial children per day is 1-2 times, less often once every 2 days.

Green liquid feces in a formula-fed baby is rare. Such a change in stool is possible during the period of replacing the mixture with another, especially if the new product contains a large dosage of iron.

Green stool in a baby is possible when changing the milk formula

It looks like a normal stool in a bottle-fed baby

Symptoms for Anxiety

You should be aware of the following changes:

  • Increased stool frequency. At the same time, the stool is watery, and its smell is unpleasant and sour. Such changes are characteristic of lactose deficiency. If the stool has acquired a putrid odor, such a symptom often indicates intestinal damage by bacteria or viruses. A bowel movement more than 12 times a day may be a symptom of a viral infection in the small intestine.
  • An increase in body temperature of the crumbs.
  • The appearance of frequent regurgitation, as well as vomiting.
  • The appearance in the feces of a large amount of mucus, blood. These are typical symptoms of colon damage.

In such cases, you should urgently show the baby to the doctor.

If blood appears in the stool, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Mucus in the stool indicates the need for a pediatrician to examine the child

Possible reasons

The reason for the change in color of the stool of an artificial baby is most often the composition of the mixture. In particular, a high iron content in the new formula can lead to greenness in the diaper.

What to do?

Only by the presence of a green color of the stool, no conclusions can be drawn. Be sure to take into account the condition of the crumbs - the child's appetite, his sleep, mood and other factors.