Topaz wedding (44 years). Topaz wedding (44 years) Topaz wedding 44 years what to give parents

A beautiful date - 44 years of marriage - very honorable and solid.

How many difficulties have been experienced together that have tempered the union and made it indestructible, how many joint holidays and anniversaries have been in 44 years!

This date is called very symbolically - topaz wedding. Topaz is a magnificent gem with crystal transparency of a soft heavenly hue.

It is not only crystal clear, but also has great strength. Such is the family in 44 years of marriage: relations are strong and transparent, there is no place for secrets, quarrels, conflicts, spouses are as a whole.

For so many years, both spouses have learned to appreciate real relationships, family warmth and family ties. A year later, they will have a big anniversary, but the topaz wedding should be modest, without pomp, but pleasant and warm. It is necessary to give each other love and care on this day, and relatives should prepare their congratulations for the spouses.

How to celebrate an anniversary?

A topaz wedding does not have any special traditions, but nevertheless it is an important holiday, and it involves congratulations, gifts and a joyful pastime. Children should organize and think over the celebration, so that the spouses in their old age only rest and enjoy.

You can organize a romantic evening for two for the heroes of the occasion. Children and grandchildren should give them their congratulations and wishes, and organize a trip to the cinema, to a quiet cafe or restaurant, or a pleasant evening on the seashore.

It is necessary to think over everything correctly - so that everything is calm and comfortable, so that the spouses do not overwork and enjoy. It could be going to the theater to see a play they both loved, a concert at the Philharmonic.

For 44 years of family life, you can arrange a family tea party with memories. Let daughters and granddaughters bake a cake, prepare a romantic atmosphere, decorate the room in soft blue topaz shades, decorate everything beautifully and festively.

It would be useful to get photo albums from the shelves, arrange a trip to the family past, ask the spouses about their youth. It is so pleasant to remember pleasant and bright events with the whole family, and, in addition, this activity unites the family very much, makes you feel the importance and value of family ties.

If the spouses dreamed of something, but did not fulfill their dream, you can give them such pleasure for 44 years of family life - it will be wonderful.

Perhaps many years ago they dreamed of going up in a hot air balloon or going to some special place, trying some exotic food, or having some special adventure. If this is acceptable for their age, then you need to give them such joy - what could be more valuable than the fulfillment of a dream!

For a topaz wedding, you can go with the whole family to a restaurant. The last few years, the spouses probably spend more time at home, and they have been in a good restaurant for a very long time.

Make them happy! Book a table, but make sure that the hall is quiet, comfortable, there are no noisy feasts and annoying music in the neighborhood. Decorate the hall in soft sky colors, prepare flowers and balloons.

Topaz Anniversary Gifts

Any anniversary, no matter how many years of marriage, involves original congratulations and memorable, pleasant gifts. And for a topaz wedding, you also need to give something valuable and dear to the heart.

Gifts within the couple should be symbolic - topaz jewelry would be the best option. A wife can give her husband a ring with a small blue stone, and he can give her a pendant or earrings with topaz.

  • Spouses on this day need warm symbolic congratulations, and more valuable - attention and love, and not material things and practicality. Over the years, valuable and necessary things, equipment have accumulated, all this is not needed.
  • But if something is needed - say, a washing machine broke down in their house, or it's time to update some furniture, then you can safely give such useful gifts, because this is how you show care.
  • Gifts made of blue transparent glass are traditional on this day. Sets of wine glasses, plates, glasses made of transparent blue glass, sets, a chic vase, and even elegant figurines are a pleasant and appropriate souvenir for a topaz wedding.
  • You can give something symbolic. For example, a transparent blue crystal with a photo-engraving or a congratulatory inscription. It is also customary to give certificates, thanks, medals and figurines with congratulations.
  • In general, you can give any nice souvenirs or beautiful home decor for a topaz anniversary - a blue soft blanket, blankets, curtains.

Give love! It has the greatest value and cannot be compared with any material things.

Honor the elders, take an example from them, respect and care, and may every couple in your family reach a topaz wedding, and more than one joint anniversary awaits the heroes of the occasion! Author: Vasilina Serova

The couple, who have lived together for 44 years, have come a long way. He was not always cloudless and serene. However, people are also brought together by a much shorter time spent side by side, to say nothing of such a long period. Despite the fact that this is not a round date and it is difficult to call it an anniversary, it is still a great holiday for the family. After this time, the couple celebrate a beautiful radiant wedding, popularly called topaz.

About the symbol of the holiday

For a long time, people have assigned names and symbols to various wedding anniversaries, endowing these dates with special properties. The same thing happened with the forty-fourth anniversary. Why is topaz the symbol of this day? This is what we will cover in the section on symbols.

Topaz - what is this stone?

Topaz is a semi-precious stone. There are a lot of varieties that differ in colors. In principle, this mineral is transparent and colorless, however, all kinds of impurities can color it in all shades of yellow, brown and even blue, pink and green. This mineral has been known for a very long time. People knew from the beginning that he has many valuable properties, among which are not only healing, but also magical and so-called astral.

magical properties

The magical properties of topaz are mostly related to protection. And protection is very strong from almost any negative influences - evil witchcraft, the evil eye and other. Topaz can also protect from poisoning, which is already beyond the scope of metaphysics.

One of the varieties of this mineral (namely, blue) was highly valued among sailors. It was believed that in difficult and dangerous moments, the action of the stone would be aimed at bringing the ship out of the fog, bypassing the storm, dangerous places, reefs, and so on. Depending on their shade, these stones can actively influence all seven chakras - a kind of energy centers that go from bottom to top from red to purple. Precisely because of this the mineral is used for meditation, which are designed to connect the human mind and personality with the Supreme.

Medicinal properties

First of all, it is worth mentioning beneficial effect of this mineral on the nervous system. As already mentioned, protection extends to inner feelings. This, in addition to anger and aggression, includes such “troubles” that are associated with the physical health of the nervous system - insomnia, a sense of insecurity, absent-mindedness, and much more. Here are also some healing possibilities and properties of the stone.

  • It becomes possible to cure some eye diseases thanks to topaz, for example, myopia.
  • A section of alternative medicine called lithotherapy considers the mineral one of the main components in the fight against diseases of such internal organs as the gallbladder, spleen, and liver.
  • Also, the stone helps to cure asthma, in particular, bronchial.
  • Its properties also help to cure and prevent many colds associated with the respiratory system and ENT organs.
  • The beneficial effect of topaz on the female body has long been known, especially if the problem of complicated conception and even infertility arises.
  • Also, this stone has long been credited with the ability to stop bleeding.

The meaning and symbolism of the stone

Even astrologers have not ignored this stone. He is credited with the ability to fill human life with peace, peace, all sorts of benefits, both material and spiritual. Topaz somehow affects the space surrounding a person and protects him from troubles and troubles. Moreover, this feature also applies to the inner world. One who possesses this stone can easily restrain his own aggression, pacify anger, and so on. That is why topaz has become a symbol of warmth, tranquility, friendship, sincere love and tenderness. All pure and bright feelings are reflected in the facets of these crystals and fill the world around them. This also includes generosity, loyalty and honesty. It is with such feelings that the relationship between the spouses is filled with the 44th anniversary. Let this not be an unbridled passion, but a quiet all-consuming tenderness, which they generously share not only with each other. This halo falls on children and loved ones, who, in the company of such a steadfast married couple, probably feel what real happiness means.

It is also very remarkable that there is no one element to which topaz belongs. It is connected at once with all four - air, earth, water and fire, which together form what we call Space.

This is what makes it a stone of unification and fusion. And this allows us to draw another parallel with the feelings and lives of the spouses celebrating the 44th anniversary of marriage. There is another symbolic meaning of this mineral in light of the 44th wedding anniversary. Feelings and relationships for such a long period managed to go through many stages, and the husband and wife got to know each other from all sides. This is directly related to the versatility of the stone in terms of its color expression. And you will learn some more useful information about this stone from the following video:

Polyhedral number 44

Also, a few words can be said about the date itself - 44 years. This number, like the symbol of the holiday - topaz, combines all the elements and the main directions of the world. It is like the foundation on which everything else rests. One of its meanings is foundation. It means reliability and security, wisdom and fidelity. All these meanings resonate not only with the symbol of the holiday - topaz. They also show how the spouses feel about each other. The dangerous passion of nature is already a thing of the past, only good and reliable feelings remain, which, moreover, are mutual.

Rites and traditions

Traditions should include, first of all, the celebration itself. After all, usually couples celebrate only round dates, which are considered anniversaries. However, most couples celebrate the topaz wedding because of the beautiful symbolism of the main mineral of this day and the date itself, which is associated with the so-called angel numbers. So, the first tradition is the arrangement of the holiday itself. Further, it should be noted that it is customary to celebrate this day, albeit beautifully and magnificently, but in a rather close circle. Among those invited, only relatives - children with families, sisters, brothers, and so on. In addition to them, you can invite your closest friends, who throughout the years of their life together, the spouses kept in touch with them and were there in difficult moments. The second tradition (small scope of the celebration) is also associated with the respectable age of both spouses. Indeed, in most cases, they are both well over sixty years old, and this makes long and loud holidays not only unnecessary, but also quite tiring. Another tradition talks about exactly how to arrange a celebration. The most rare and remarkable topaz has a blue tint. Therefore, both the entourage of the holiday and the outfits of the "newlyweds" must necessarily have this color. Blue tablecloths, decorations, accessories, flowers, garlands, dress, shirt, suit, etc. - all this will help make the holiday easy and cloudless, just like the relationship between husband and wife. However, the tradition does not have an unambiguous expression here. Some couples decorate their topaz wedding in such a way that all the shades that the symbol of the holiday has are present in textiles, interiors and accessories. That is, the hall in which the celebration takes place can be almost childishly colorful- here blue, pale yellow, honey brown, greenish, blue and so on.

Unfortunately, there are practically no specific rituals that spouses perform on this day. These include, perhaps, only the oath that the spouses give each other again, as for the first time.

However, if then they stood before the altar in the presence of witnesses, then by this day their relationship has passed such a long test of life that witnesses are no longer needed. A husband and wife take an oath at the same time and in private with each other. In addition to the obligatory and traditionally accepted words, "newlyweds" must add something from themselves. The only kind of witness to these words can be a mirror, which in this case symbolizes honesty and purity, because this object does not reflect lies.

What are they giving?

Gifts for this holiday from relatives and friends must contain the symbol of the holiday.
. It will be a variety of souvenirs and decorations made of topaz. Be sure to take into account the fact that gifts will be different for husband and wife. Most men do not wear body jewelry. It makes sense to choose something universal. For example, if the hero of the occasion smokes, then a cigarette case or a beautiful lighter decorated with topaz can be chosen as a gift. It's a little easier with women. A neat ring with this stone or a complete set is quite suitable. These are all rather expensive things, so they can only be accepted calmly from relatives - best friends and relatives. And here a husband and wife can exchange rimless topazes of different shades.

They can even be raw and uncut. In this case, it doesn’t matter, since the relationship has already received its facet of time.

Congratulations in verse

The poetic form for congratulations has always been considered the most refined.

Your family is like a beautiful topaz -

Shimmers with all shades.

Happiness and fidelity, goodness and sadness -

All feelings here are like lace.

May there be many more joyful years

You will spend together.

Your love is your Everest

The path also creates hope.

Your feelings are like topaz

Versatile and wonderful.

We want to congratulate you

With this day. Be happy!

Let the reflection of this happiness

Falls on relatives and friends,

This is the best gift for everyone -

Your love is unrelenting.

Poems as congratulations on the 44th anniversary of living together can be folded independently. The main thing is to invest in them sincere joy for the couple.

The wedding anniversary is a celebration of the formation of a family, which the spouses celebrate in a warm circle of relatives and close people. Couples who honor this date and always celebrate the occasion with a family dinner deserve the highest praise. Years spent in marriage bring people very close. Especially if the time is already calculated in decades. What is the meaning of the 44th anniversary of family life, what to give for the anniversary, what words to congratulate and how to mark the date?

What is the name of the wedding anniversary of 44 years?

Having lived together for 44 years, what wedding anniversary do the spouses celebrate? Topaz. The symbol of the holiday is the gemstone topaz. It is crystal clear and is considered one of the most valuable, costly minerals. Topaz attracts attention with its perfect transparency and play of shades: from sunny yellow to sky blue. The mineral symbolizes the longevity of marriage, during which the spouses learned all the facets of each other.

The relationship of the spouses, like topaz, shimmered with different colors of the rainbow for 44 years. However, despite the difficulties of family life, the wife and husband are still together, and their marriage has only become stronger. The love of the spouses became even greater, and the feelings turned out to be as pure as topaz. Thanks to this comparison, this mineral was chosen as a symbol of the 44th wedding anniversary.

Options for congratulations on your wedding anniversary

On the day of the 44th anniversary of family life, it is imperative to say a few pleasant congratulatory words to the spouses who have been able to live in peace and harmony for so many years. Wishes for the topaz anniversary should be uttered from the heart, because the joint path of the “newlyweds”, their ability to cope with any difficulties together, are worthy of praise. You can congratulate the heroes of the occasion using poetic lines or short SMS congratulations (if you are far away and you don’t get to see your spouses in person). The examples below will help you choose the right words.

Beautiful wishes in verse

I wish my wife
On our topaz anniversary,
So that you bloom like a rose,
Always been pretty
I wish you happiness with all my heart
Let there be peace in the heart
I wish not to be discouraged
And do not know trouble.

You've been married for a very long time
Experienced a lot together
Passed through the obstacles
Luckily, we found our way!
Be happy rich
And live without being bored!
Happy Anniversary Topaz
I congratulate you today!

Congratulations to grandma and grandpa
You are 44 years old - for each other!
We wish you good health
You are a worthy husband and wife.
We want the best to happen
All the good things happened
To stop bad things
Only good things have come!

Father, my dear, beloved,
And my dear mother!
I congratulate you today!
I wish you happiness, good!
You are on your topaz anniversary
Keep love and warmth!
So be happy, darlings!
Let everything in life be light!

Parents, thank you for everything!
And on this day I wish you
See only goodness in life
Go forward without getting discouraged!
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy topaz wedding!
I wish you happiness and love!
To be beautiful every hour!

Short SMS congratulations

You have a special day today
Your marriage has only gotten stronger.
So we wish you a lot of happiness.
Kiss sweetly, hotly!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Your union grows stronger over the years,
Any difficulties, disagreements
Let love help you decide!

With another wedding anniversary,
We are happy to congratulate you now.
You are beautiful, like a woman with a man,
And as a family, you are just super class.

Happiness is the right foundation
Only in love, my friends!
We congratulate you again
Happy birthday family!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
So many years you are near - so wonderful!
May love always live between you,
Let it be interesting together!

Today is your wedding anniversary
Everything seemed to be yesterday...
Let them bypass the turmoil
Evenings with family!

What to give for the 44th anniversary of marriage?

On the "topaz holiday" husband and wife usually give gifts to each other. So, a spouse can present a piece of jewelry, an accessory with topaz or a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the shape of a “heart” to his beloved. A wife, as a gift for a topaz wedding anniversary, can give her husband something collectible, for example, a rare book or a cigarette case. The ideal option would be if the family exchanges rings decorated with topaz - this amulet will bring good luck to the anniversaries.

Traditional gifts for the 44th wedding anniversary are any jewelry decorated with a mineral - a symbol of the anniversary. It is also appropriate for this holiday to give crystal, glass things, but they must be pink or blue, like topaz. It is not necessary to present a symbolic gift. Home decor elements that will complement and decorate the interior of a family hearth will also appeal to a family celebrating a topaz wedding anniversary.

If you want your parents to spend time together, forgetting about worries and affairs, give them tickets to a play, a movie, or even a romantic trip. When choosing a festive bouquet in honor of the wedding anniversary, pay attention to blue roses. A handmade gift would be a good gift. You can also please your spouses by preparing sweets or a cake for the holiday. Expensive wine, vintage cognac will be a great addition to a sweet gift. And before the start of the festive feast, it is worth giving the family playful letters of the husband and wife.

The husband on the day of the topaz wedding anniversary must give his wife flowers. And if she loves indoor plants, then a new pot with her favorite plant, complementing the collection, can be a present. If you are invited to a topaz wedding, take care of buying a themed gift for the spouses. A product with a mineral - a symbol of the anniversary - is ideal, but it is expensive. Therefore, you can turn to budget gift options: crystal dishes, wine glasses or beautiful vases and figurines made of transparent glass.

Original gifts for parents

If you are a child of parents who will soon celebrate the 44th anniversary of family life, you should choose a good gift for such a significant date. Usually, by such dates, children become adults and have realized themselves in life, so the present can be valuable and of high quality. There are many options for gifts for spouses celebrating their 44th anniversary:

  • Jewelry. Beautiful jewelry as a gift for the anniversary of the "topaz" wedding is in the first place in the rating of desirable things that spouses would like to receive. It can be bracelets with topaz, necklaces or earrings - for mom, cufflinks, money clips - for dad.
  • Bytekhnika. This is a versatile gift that any family will love. Your parents will not be an exception. Home cinema, food processor, plasma TV or multicooker - any of these gifts will delight spouses.

  • Things to decorate the home. These gifts are also classified as "useful". For example, buy for the "newlyweds" pieces of furniture, new mirrors of the original form, paintings, table lamps.
  • Impression. Such gifts can be presented when parents have everything, or if you want to surprise them. By giving them experiences, such as a hot air balloon flight or a professional photo session for two, you will delight your loved ones and provide them with a lot of positive emotions on a festive day.
  • Rest. One of the best topaz wedding anniversary gifts is a visit to another city or country. Perhaps you will buy them a romantic tour of Europe or book a sightseeing tour of some beautiful resort. The road to another place will save the spouses from everyday worries and fatigue. Such a gift will be a second honeymoon for the "wedding birthdays".

How to celebrate a topaz wedding

Despite the fact that the 44th wedding anniversary is not a round date, it is a good occasion to gather with family and friends. Set the festive table and share your joy with loved ones. On this day, it is worth doing something memorable and special. For example, if 44 years ago, a husband and wife swore vows to each other at a wedding ceremony, then it is not difficult to repeat the ritual at a topaz anniversary.

If you want to sincerely celebrate this family holiday, it is better to organize it in a quiet, cozy place. Invite your closest friends and family. To create a warm atmosphere of a "topaz" celebration, pay attention to the design of the room. Lay a pale blue tablecloth on the table, decorate the chairs with pink or yellow ribbons. Show your imagination, then the interior will look beautiful, festive. Make sure your guests are comfortable.

It is undesirable to give the decoration of the premises before the celebration into the hands of professionals, even if the celebration will take place in a restaurant or cafe. It is better if the hall is decorated with children or grandchildren. You can decorate the walls with photo collages made up of family pictures of topaz spouses, drawings of grandchildren, as well as numerous congratulations. Children will not miss the opportunity to play balloons. Such decoration of the festive room will give it warmth and family comfort.

On the day of a topaz wedding, flowers in beautiful vases, designed in the colors of the tablecloth, will look great on the table. The best option would be a bouquet of your wife's favorite plants. Cutlery also needs to be matched to the color of topaz. Spouses celebrating their 44th wedding anniversary should also add something “topaz” to their own appearance - wear jewelry with this stone or choose clothes to match the color of the stone.

The 44th wedding anniversary is a family holiday that should be remembered. At such celebrations, entertaining games and contests are appropriate, which will amuse not only the guests, but also the "topaz" spouses. You can present postcards and diplomas to the family, such as "Iron Hardening", "Support of the Family". It is important that during the holiday the spouses are surrounded by the attention and care of loved ones, even if the celebration is modest. On the day of a topaz wedding, the house should be filled with merry laughter, warmed by warm wishes, and illuminated by the radiant smiles of relatives.

Every year, spouses begin to value family relationships more, to perceive the date of the beginning of their life together, the celebration of a significant event in a special way. Many are interested in the name of the 44th wedding anniversary, the existing traditions of the celebration, the design of the festive table, ideas for congratulations, traditional and original gifts.

What is the name of the anniversary?

After 44 years of marriage, they celebrate a topaz wedding. The event testifies to the strength of the union. Spouses sum up some results of joint relations. By this time, they have learned to come to a compromise in different situations and areas of communication. Love, mutual respect and care for each other grows stronger every year. Storms and passions have already subsided. Loyalty and reliability become indispensable companions of the family.

It is no coincidence that the symbol of the 44th wedding anniversary is the semi-precious stone topaz. Rhombic transparent crystal shimmers with golden, tan, pale blue, purple, pink. The stone is famous for its durability. It retains its properties: does not fade, does not crack.

The symbolic meaning is the comparison of the mineral with the 44th wedding anniversary, which was called a durable and beautiful stone. Complete transparency and inviolability of relations resembles a crystal and strong topaz. The union of a married couple is associated with the purity of the mineral, peace and inner enlightenment.

Now the spouses are more tolerant of each other's shortcomings. Quarrels, conflicts for a topaz wedding usually weaken and gradually become obsolete. There are no secrets left for the spouses. Husband and wife become one. Harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family. The couple learned to understand each other perfectly, to forgive, to give warmth and love.

They favorably and kindly treat their soul mate. Resentments and reproaches are left behind. The couple is filled with a sense of gratitude for the difficult path traveled together.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

Topaz wedding does not belong to the anniversary event, but they love to celebrate it due to beautiful traditions and customs.

The clothes of the spouses on this day should contain some topaz element: breast bows interspersed with a mineral, a brooch with a stone. The wife can wear earrings, a pendant or a bracelet with topazes, the husband - a watch or cufflinks with pebbles. Spouses give each other vows that were pronounced at the time of the birth of the family, 44 years ago.

The husband presents his wife with topaz jewelry, and she presents her betrothed with a ring or cufflinks with the appropriate stone. Often spouses at a topaz wedding exchange rings.

It has become a tradition to give parting words to posterity. Often this happens in the form of writing a message, which is placed in a capsule and buried or walled up somewhere. It is advisable to organize the planting of a tree. It is believed that while the seedling grows, the marriage will last. The tree is a symbol of a strong and beautiful union. A sprawling plant guarantees multiple multiplication of the next generations.

A wedding photo shoot for two will keep the impression for a long time. You can take pictures in nature: in an open field, in a grove, on the banks of a river, a pond. Photos on the playground or gym will look original. Some arrange a photo shoot in a supermarket against the backdrop of shelves with products. Sometimes they do a photo session of three generations. Often very touching photos are obtained.

How to mark the date?

44 years of marriage is not a round date, so pomp, pomp and a huge number of guests are not expected. You should invite your closest friends and relatives to the celebration. By the topaz wedding, the family most often has adult children, grandchildren, some even have great-grandchildren. According to the established tradition, the holiday is organized jointly with the descendants.

Children and grandchildren should take care of the celebration. It is difficult for parents to endure an event that is too long, so the celebration should be taken seriously. It should be concise, but at the same time full of interesting contests, games and various entertainments. Parents should enjoy the celebration, and at the same time not overwork.

A cozy room can be decorated with balloons and ribbons in topaz shades: blue, yellow, purple and pink. Sometimes they prefer one color of topaz and try to decorate the room with accessories of a specific color. Funny posters, collages of photographs, drawings of grandchildren, a homemade family newspaper are attached to the walls.

Videos about a married couple, photo albums will plunge those present into the history of the spouses living together, remind them of happy moments in life. Such events unite the family, teach the younger generation to appreciate the hearth.

In the warm season, the celebration can be arranged in nature. Barbecue, conversations, active games will allow you to have a great time with close friends and beloved relatives.

Some ideas for congratulations:

  • in poetic form, give a brief description of the life of a married couple;
  • transpose the words of some famous song, adjust its plot to family events, sing together with parents;
  • put portraits of the spouses in funny attire, for example, dress the father in the outfit of the king, and make the mother the queen;
  • mount a video clip from old videos, interview potential guests the day before, write down their wishes and include them in the clip;
  • cut out a TV frame from cardboard and read with humor congratulations from relatives and friends living in other cities and not coming to the celebration;
  • put in balloons the wishes that the spouses get from the burst balloon;
  • create a family coat of arms.

It doesn’t matter if the guests themselves compose congratulatory speeches, poems or use someone else’s, as long as beautiful words come from the very heart, bring warmth and love to the celebration ceremony.

On a grand scale, 45 years from the date of marriage can be celebrated in a year, and on the day of the topaz wedding, some married couples prefer to sit quietly and peacefully together, alone with each other, in a cafe or at home by candlelight. In a romantic setting, they recall the bright moments of family life. If possible, they will definitely visit the place where their acquaintance or first date took place.

How to arrange a holiday table?

It is customary to cover the festive table with a pale blue tablecloth. By tradition, blue dishes are displayed. Be sure to put vases with pink flowers on the table. To give originality to the celebration, it is recommended to purchase blue or blue roses. You can place them in vases of delicate pink or blue tones.

Napkins, ribbons, bows and other decorations on the table and chairs should be yellowish, purple, blue or pink. If possible, cutlery inlaid with small topaz should be used.

The heroes of the occasion will be very pleased if the children and grandchildren bake a pie, a cake, and cook some dishes with their own hands. Salads are desirable to form in the form of hearts. Herring under a fur coat can also be laid out in the shape of a heart.

  • To prepare the salad, you need to grate 4 pieces of boiled potatoes on a fine grater, put them on a heart-shaped dish, cover with a mayonnaise net, put canned or boiled squids (500 g) on ​​top.
  • Then put finely grated boiled eggs (4 pieces) and again cover with mayonnaise.
  • Spread fried chopped champignons (300 g) with finely chopped onion.
  • Grated hard cheese (100 g) is spread on a layer of mushrooms with onions, another layer of mayonnaise is applied and evenly covered with red caviar.
  • Peeled, well-cooked shrimp are laid out along the contour of the heart.
  • Salt, pepper and other seasonings at different stages of preparation are added to taste.
  • The prepared dish is left for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Salad "Heart of an Angel" is ready.

What to gift?

On this day, it is customary to give gifts related to topaz. Decor elements for the apartment will not only decorate the home, but also bring comfort to the family nest. There is a belief that topaz brings beauty to a woman, and prudence and a strong mind to a man.

The heroes of the occasion not only exchange jewelry with topaz, but also present surprises to their beloved halves. Over the long years of living together, they studied the tastes and passions of their beloved. A gift can be a rare book, any accessory with topaz, a bouquet of unusual flowers. To order, a tea pair is decorated with topaz splashes.

Sometimes spouses give each other blue or pink clothes: the husband gives his wife a dress, and the wife gives her half a shirt. A scarf, a stole, a cosmetic bag, a handbag in blue or pink are a great gift for a betrothed. A husband can give his wife a certificate to a beauty salon.

A massage course will be a great gift for any of the spouses. A wife can give her beloved man a certificate for sport fishing. The dagger with topaz inlay on the handle is an original gift for a husband. Watches with topazes, stationery can be presented to a business spouse.

Guests on this day traditionally give:

  • vases;
  • paintings;
  • caskets;
  • decorative lamps;
  • unusual floor lamps;
  • mirrors of the original form;
  • bed sheets;
  • bedspreads, blankets, terry towels;
  • curtains.

Friends and relatives can donate household appliances: a microwave oven, an electric samovar, a kettle, a coffee maker or a food processor. Equipment must be blue. You can present a certificate, then the spouses will choose a gift to their taste. Often, a married couple is presented with a symbolic gift - a crystal with a commemorative engraving.

Children can buy their parents a plasma TV or home theater. It is advisable to give the mother a bracelet, earrings, pendant or necklace with topaz, and the father - cufflinks or a money clip interspersed with a stone. Good gifts are various vouchers to a resort or a sanatorium, sightseeing tours of cities and countries, tickets to the theater and cinema.

The "recipe" of the original wedding anniversary cake with your own hands, see below.

Time flies quickly and imperceptibly, and now 44 years of the couple's life together are behind them. Such an anniversary is called a "topaz wedding". Why was it named after topaz, a semi-precious mineral?

Everything is very simple: the distinguishing features of this stone are purity and transparency, and between people who have lived together, shoulder to shoulder, such a solid period of time, in most cases, pure trusting relationships reign, which do not imply any secrets and secrets.

A topaz wedding is not a round date, and for this reason, a grand celebration is usually not arranged. In a year, the couple will celebrate the 45th anniversary of their life together, and the 44th anniversary can be considered something of a dress rehearsal. Depending on the wishes of the couple, the following options for organizing a holiday are possible:

  1. Quiet family gatherings surrounded by children, grandchildren and closest friends.
  2. On this significant day, the spouses can recreate the day of their marriage by visiting memorable places for them and having a photo session, and in the afternoon continue talking at a table in a cozy cafe.
  3. You can also have a full blown party with a beautiful dress, hairdo, flowers and lots of guests.
  4. If possible, you can organize a picnic by the pond with a boat ride.

Children often organize a topaz wedding, but they must remember that this is a holiday primarily for their parents, so it is necessary to take into account their wishes and visions of this celebration.

To give the holiday a thematic color, you can use the decoration of the room in topaz shades.

Looks beautiful, for example, a table covered with a blue tablecloth, in combination with pink and yellow ribbons on the backs of chairs. An invariable decor element of a topaz wedding is fresh flowers in beautiful vases.

Topaz notes in the form of jewelry can also be included in the wife's festive outfit. To recreate the atmosphere of the day when the couple got married, they can take an oath to each other, which they took forty-four years ago. Another way to immerse yourself in pleasant memories is to repeat the first date as accurately as possible.

Such touching moments cannot be replaced by anything else, so they should not be neglected.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

Giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving them. For such a long period of time, the spouses have perfectly studied the character, tastes and preferences of their halves, so there are usually no difficulties with choosing the right gift. To make a gift for your wife fit into the theme of a topaz wedding, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Topaz jewelry. Their choice in jewelry stores is quite diverse, you can effortlessly pick up a product that will bring your wife sincere joy.
  • Cup with topaz inlay. Finding such a gift is not easy, but it will be one and only.
  • Decorative figurine adorned with topaz. Such a thing can become a family amulet and even a relic.

Regardless of the gift, the husband must definitely present his wife with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, because no woman, regardless of age, will remain indifferent to such a gift. As for the gift for the husband, the task before the wife is more difficult. The choice of men's gifts with topaz is not so diverse, but still possible. Depending on the preferences of the husband, you can give cufflinks, a ring, collectible weapons, a cigarette case decorated with topaz.

However, one should not get hung up on the presence of topaz in the presented gift. Any thing donated from a pure heart will bring joy to her husband.

How to congratulate spouses to friends and relatives - tips

Loving children, grandchildren and all close people, of course, will not disregard such a significant event in the life of people dear to them. Warm words combined with a gift will help to show attention and care to far from young heroes of the occasion.


Ideally, the gift should match the topaz wedding name. Traditional gifts are jewelry with this beautiful stone.

However, such an opportunity is not always given, since the cost of such gifts is significant. Alternative options could be:

  1. Crystal or even glass. It is recommended to choose objects of pink or blue color, corresponding to the color of topaz.
  2. Caskets, mirrors, figurines and other decorative elements.

As the well-known saying says, it is not a gift that is dear - attention is dear. It is not so important what the value of the gift is, it is only important how valuable it will be for the spouses.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

When presenting a gift, you must definitely say at least a few words about the "topaz" couple. To make the congratulation sound solemn and beautiful, you can memorize the text from the postcard dedicated to this date.

However, it is not at all necessary to congratulate the spouses in poetic form. No less interesting will be a congratulation in prose, addressed directly to the husband and wife, and not faceless.

It is advisable to think over and compose it in advance in order to pronounce the text confidently and without hesitation.

Original and practical gifts

So that the gift does not get lost among its own kind, you can choose something unusual, memorable, or practical, reminding you of yourself every day.

Such gifts can be:

  1. Cinema, theater or other cultural event tickets.
  2. Subscription for a massage or swimming pool.
  3. Electrical appliances that make housekeeping easier.
  4. Furniture and interior items.

In this video you will learn how to celebrate the 44th wedding anniversary and what to give to the “newlyweds”:

A topaz wedding is a great occasion to show care and attention to loved ones, so you should not miss this event. Have you ever been to a topaz wedding? Share with us your vivid impressions of this event.