Traditions and events in the family circle. Family holidays and traditions. Family traditions: what is it

Family traditions and customs bring great benefits: they strengthen your family ties, make life rich and interesting with your family, decorate your childhood and create wonderful memories for years to come.

Here are some examples of family traditions that you can use in your family or create your own based on them.

Traditions for every day

What are family traditions? These are small actions that create a feeling of unity in the family, a feeling that relatives are nearby and will always support each other. Now it is very difficult to involve children and adolescents in spending time at home when there is the Internet, a computer, a smartphone. The daily activities of this category are designed to bring family members together for a short moment, renewing family ties daily.

"Secret Handshake"

This is how members of communities, organizations or clans have long recognized each other. A family handshake is much more important than just a sign that you, for example, " from the Petrov family". This is a tangible proof of the support and warmth of loved ones. Fold your fingers in a special way, shake your hands three times, clap your palms ...

Such a secret handshake will give confidence during a responsible step, when the closeness of parents is especially important - at a wedding ceremony, graduation, and even in difficult moments of life.

"We eat together"

In the family tradition of the Russian people, it is customary to eat together: this is the custom of a large dining table, and special dishes for adults and children, and a family tureen, from which mother pours a portion of her favorite dish. It is not necessary to sit down to eat at the same time each time, but one of the meals should be shared.

Decide how it will be more convenient in your best place - it will be breakfast, lunch or dinner, a snack in the kitchen or a full feast in the living room. Enter the rules: no mobiles, no TV, you might want to taboo some topics at the table.

Good habits are easy to stick to if everyone follows them without exception:

  1. wash hands before eating;
  2. dress neatly for the table;
  3. take care of the table for grandparents;
  4. observe etiquette;
  5. help mom clean the dishes.

Adults, of course, set an example for children, older ones for younger ones. Over a meal, they usually tell good news, discuss plans for the future, and share impressions about what happened during the day.

Praise and gratitude to the one who cooked delicious food can also become a must-have item for lunch. In some families, it is customary to pray before meals - a short prayer is said aloud by the head, most often the father, but there may be an eldest son, mother.

"Family Hugs"

Psychologists advise parents to hug their children more often so that they grow up calm and self-confident. As they grow older, especially in adolescence, children begin to be burdened " veal tenderness"caring mother or sister, but if you turn hugs into a tradition, then this will become another source of inner strength and support.

Instead of the usual affection, you can hug and say something like " Once! Two! Three! We are together!". At first it sounds forced, but if children are accustomed to such manifestations of unity from childhood, it will be received with a bang even at an older age.

"Bedtime Story"

Some traditions of family education are important for the development of a child's personality. Children whose parents indulge them in reading at night are more successful in their studies and make better friends at school than their peers who are deprived of this wonderful tradition. Pick up fairy tale stories by age, sit on the bed with the baby and read him a few pages every evening with soul.

Listening develops attention, calms the nervous system and instills peace in children's hearts. The beautiful memories of a bedtime story keep many adults coming back to this custom when they start their families, so it's a really powerful way to create a generational bond.

"An evening walk"

Some families have the opportunity to take a quiet walk before going to bed to put all the problems that have accumulated during the day out of their heads and get ready for a night's rest. This is a very healthy habit that can be cultivated from childhood. Comfortable clothes and shoes, five minutes to get ready - and you are already having a leisurely conversation in the fresh air.

Weekly Traditions

The goal may be to spend a little more time together than usual in order to maintain an atmosphere of love and warmth in the house. Give up the temptation to arrange debriefings - criticism and the tone of the inspector are out of place here.

"Sunday breakfast"

What will make it special? Other, more elegant dishes, dishes that your family loves and take longer to prepare, long-awaited news and important decisions that children look forward to.

For example, at Sunday breakfast, you can announce where the family will go on vacation this year, which of the relatives will be received at the house for the New Year and other, always good news.

"Shopping Trip"

Everyone knows that making purchases for a week is not easy, so mom can involve everyone in the family in this process. This is both a help and an opportunity to take part in choosing the menu for the next week, and a great practice for children who need to learn little by little about housekeeping and budgeting. If the child has their own cash, help them choose a purchase, but do not push psychologically - the free choice is still theirs.

"Football Day"

Or another sport. It will be easier for children to decide on the choice of sports hobbies if they have been engaged with their parents on a regular basis since childhood. The anticipation of the weekend and the obligatory trip to the football field, treadmill or tennis court makes toddlers and teens focus on family instead of dubious outdoor activities in the alley.

Simple tracksuits, sneakers and equipment (ball, stopwatch, rackets, etc.) are all you need for a family event.

Other family values ​​and traditions

Consider how the family can be involved in school, career success, special days, and holidays for each member of the family.

"Family photo album"

Perhaps you have not thought about it, but among our Russian people, it is especially customary to take pictures as a keepsake.

Make an effort to shape and preserve the pleasant moments of life:

  1. photo on the first day of school;
  2. photos with relatives from other cities who came to visit;
  3. a group photo with the whole family, where each member has his own special place;
  4. pictures from competitions, competitions, awards;
  5. old photos of a generation of grandparents.

"Little Holidays"

Parties about events that determine the future of one of the family members are very important. Have small celebrations with simple treats, be sure to bring everyone together, without excuses, when something wonderful happens: going to college, getting a job, winning a competition, passing exams, getting engaged, etc.

"Together Outside the Home"

An excellent tradition can be family trips to their native places, joint observation of grandiose phenomena - an eclipse or starfall. Many families like to attend local festivities as a whole (parade, city or village fair, festivities).

Minyazeva Alsou

Research work.



Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Department of Education of the Municipal District Krasnokamsky District

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Boarding school of secondary (complete) general education named after. Hero of the Soviet Union Sh.Suleimanov p. New Kainlyk»

Municipal district Krasnokamsky district


Family traditions

Completed by: Minyazeva Alsou, 3rd grade student

MBOU "Boarding school of secondary (full)

General Education. Hero of the Soviet Union

S.Sh.Suleimanova v. Novy Kainlyk»

Head: Shaikhrazieva Z.G.

v. New Kainlyk



Chapter I "Family, family traditions"

  1. What is a family?…………………………………………………………5-6
  2. Family Traditions………………………………………………………6-7

Chapter II "Family Traditions"

2.1. What traditions do we have in our family?………………….…………………..8-12

2.2. Great-grandmother is the keeper of family heirlooms.………………….12-13


Literature. ……………………………………………………………………….15



I study in a combined class - a set together with students of the 4th grade. This academic year, fourth-graders at the lessons of secular ethics talked about the family, about their family traditions, presented their creative projects. I thought: are there traditions in our family, what significance do they have. I was interested in this topic, because the family is the most important thing for a person. Thus, the idea of ​​the study was born.

Relevance of this topic is that family traditions are what unites the family, makes us friendlier and stronger. Education, rules of conduct and spirituality are based on traditions. And this means that the family will withstand any difficulties, and will go through life boldly and confidently.

I think everyone wants his house to be cozy, hospitable, unique, so that wherever he is, he always knows that they are waiting for him at home, they will always listen and understand, they will help in difficult times. Therefore, there should be traditions in the family that children should adopt and transfer to their future families.

The purpose of our study isfind out the role of traditions in the formation of a strong and friendly family.


Learn what family and family traditions are;

Find out what traditions are in our family;

Determine how traditions affect family relationships.

Subject of study- family traditions, object is our family.

In our work we usedthe following methods:



Working with dictionaries;


Search for information on the Internet.

Research hypothesis. We assume that good traditions make a family strong and friendly.

Work structure. The research work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and an appendix.

Chapter I. "Family, family traditions."

  1. What is family ?

Each person is part of one big family living on the beautiful green planet Earth. This huge family is divided into millions of others. The family comes from the words “Seven I”, i.e. several relatives living together.The family is a special world.The family is the oldest structure on earth and it occupies an important place in human society.

A happy family is a safe and peaceful haven. Imagine for a moment the ideal family. Caring parents discuss with their children at dinner how the day went. Children vying with each other tell their father and mother about what happened at school. Having rested together, both parents and children receive a charge of vivacity the next day, when they again have to go about their business.
In a happy family, a child knows that if he gets sick, dad and mom will take care of him, perhaps all night, taking turns at his bedside. The child understands that, having come to his mother or father with any of his misfortunes, he will receive advice and support. No matter how disturbing the world outside the house, the child feels safe.

As adults, children usually marry and start families of their own. An Eastern proverb says: "Children will understand what they owe their parents only when they themselves become parents." Feeling deep gratitude and love, grown children try to make their own family happy and take care of their now elderly parents, who are happy to communicate with their grandchildren.

When people truly appreciate, respect and love each other, then their family has an interesting life together. They are pleased to give pleasure to their loved ones, give them gifts, arrange holidays for them. Common joys gather everyone at a large table on the occasion of family celebrations: birthdays, name days, anniversaries. They have their own rituals for receiving guests, customs to congratulate relatives, rites of commemoration of people who have passed away dear to them. The structure of their family life constantly absorbs all the best from the surrounding life, but at the same time they create a unique world of their home.

Thus, family is a special world. A happy family is a safe and peaceful haven.

When people truly appreciate, respect and love each other, then their family has an interesting life together.

1.2 . Family traditions.

What is tradition?

Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary” says: “Tradition is what has passed from one generation to another, what has been inherited from previous generations (for example: ideas, views, tastes, mode of action, customs).

And I read about family traditions: “Family traditions are the usual norms accepted in the family, behaviors, customs, views that are passed down from generation to generation.”

In another article, I also found the following definition: “Family traditions are repetitive, understandable joint actions, rituals, rituals that are passed down from generation to generation.” If so, then I can say with confidence that traditions are faithful companions of our family, they are closely intertwined with all the events of our life.

And not all adults think about the fact that family traditions are extremely important for us children, because they preserve the connection between generations, warm, tender relationships between parents and children. Traditions are a special spirit, unique cosiness and atmosphere, typical only for your family.Some traditions passed to them from their parents, some they create themselves. They are well aware that the observance of traditions is the path to family unity.

Thus, we found out that the family tradition is:

  • orders and customs that pass in one family from one generation to another.

It is family values ​​and traditions, habits that distinguish families from each other. After all, each family has its own.

  • Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the home.
  • Creating family traditions is work.
  • Family traditions are repetitive, understandable to others joint actions, ceremonies, rituals that are passed down from generation to generation.
  • Good traditions, like springs, strengthen and give life to the family.

There are criteria for defining a tradition:

  • The tradition pleases every member of the family and does not severely restrict his freedom.
  • The tradition is "traditional", that is, repeatable.
  • Tradition naturally enters our lives and easily takes root, changes our lives for the better.

The mere thought of this tradition already warms us, causes a feeling of inexplicable feeling of happiness.

Chapter II "Family Traditions".

2.1. What are the traditions in our family?

We have a big, friendly family. It consists of the older generation - this is the grandfather Imamov Albert Kamaletdinovich, the grandmother Imamov Lyabuda Fazylovna. The middle generation is dad Minyazev Salavat Akhnafovich, mom - Minyazeva Gulnur Albertovna and the younger generation is Minyazev's sister Milyausha Salavatovna and I - Minyazeva Alsu Salavatovna. (Annex 1)

Our family has good traditions, and I will tell you about some of them with great pleasure.

One of our family traditions is to live close to your roots.

There are other traditions in the family.The most important thing, I think, is respect for people and hospitality. You can come to us at any time of the day, and you will always be listened to, advised and treated to something tasty. My parents instilled in us from childhood respect for the elders, for the people around us, taught us to sympathize and empathize in sorrow and in joy. It may not always work out, but we try. Great-grandmother taught respect to grandmother, grandmother taught mother, mother taught me, and I have to teach this to my children.

Another important tradition is to always celebrate all the holidays together. How nice it is to gather with all relatives at a large table in nature or at home!

New Year.

Our family annual tradition is the celebration of the New Year. New Year is our favorite holiday, as its symbol is a Christmas tree, we are happy to decorate it. By the way, in our country, the Christmas tree as a festive tree first appeared during the time of Peter I. Having transferred the celebration of the New Year from September 1 to January 1, Peter I ordered that branches or whole trees of spruce, pine or juniper be used to decorate dwellings. Nowadays, so that young Christmas trees are not cut down for the sake of the holiday in huge quantities, many people try to replace the forest beauty with an artificial Christmas tree or, in extreme cases, use a bouquet of fir branches.

Our family uses an artificial Christmas tree to celebrate the New Year. And I'm responsible for her outfit. I really like to hang the most beautiful toys: round, in the form of a house, stars, fish, snowflakes - on our beautiful Christmas tree, and then carefully arrange a multi-colored garland consisting of colorful little bulbs on green fluffy branches and decorate with rain.

We put the Christmas tree in the house a week before the New Year. During this week, each member of the family puts gifts under the tree.

And New Year's Eve itself, the thirty-first of December, is special, magical for our family. Each of us believes in miracles, because after all, a completely different, successful, prosperous year is coming. Of course, everyone wants miracles. We gladly lay the festive table and sit down when the clock shows ten minutes to twelve. Then we turn on the TV and listen to the New Year's address of the President of our Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian Federation. And under the chiming clock, of course, each of us makes the most intimate desires, hoping for their fulfillment in the New Year. Then, exactly at midnight, we raise our glasses together and congratulate each other.

My favorite activity in the New Year is the launch of fireworks, fireworks, which we purchased in advance. Already in the New Year, we go out into the street and launch all this beauty. This is also our family tradition. I love that this tradition continues year after year. It's so nice to just create a real festive atmosphere for yourself, to feel a piece of happiness. (Appendix 2).


Among all family holidays, the traditional and most expensive for each family member is the birthday. This day is full of surprises and surprises, gifts. The most exciting moment in the life of every birthday person is receiving gifts.

Of course, we are happy to celebrate the birthdays of each member of our family, we always think in advance which gift will please the birthday man the most and give him real pleasure. For example, I know that my parents will be most pleased with my good grades obtained as a result of everyday activities at school. And sometimes we prepare some kind of surprise for the birthday boy. For example, on the birthday of our sweet mother, we learn her favorite song. Mom always remains pleased with the gift, and in her heart she rejoices that such wonderful children are being raised together with dad. (Appendix 3).

Religious holidays.

Our family also celebrates religious holidays. These are Uraza Bayram (Eid al-Fitr) and Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha). On these holidays, we all get up early in the morning and put on clean clothes. Mom always cooks pancakes, because on this day it is customary to cook something. Then we go to the mosque, lower the hair into a special urn and the mullah reads a prayer to appease the souls of the dead ancestors.

Hiking in nature.

This tradition is expressed by summer trips for strawberries. Every summer we arm ourselves with buckets and go to the forest to pick berries. And from the forest we always come with full buckets and are satisfied from a perfect journey.And the road to the glade we found, rich in strawberries, is not close. On the way to it, we still stop at a spring to drink cold spring water in hot weather. While we, me, my sister, my mother are picking berries, our father and grandfather are gathering birch and oak branches for a broom. By the way, the smell of such brooms is very pleasant, and they are useful for improving health. In autumn we pick mushrooms. From the mushrooms, chanterelles, honey agarics collected by us, mother prepares blanks for the winter. In winter, we often arrange walks in the forest, observe the sleeping nature. And in the spring, the whole family on the first warm weekend of spring, we go to rest in the forest. We can even say that we are celebrating the arrival of spring! We listen to birds singing and breathe fresh air. This tradition has been going on since I was born. Also, every year we observe such a beautiful phenomenon as ice drift. (Appendix 4).

labor traditions.

We do a general cleaning every Saturday. Each of us has his own duty - to wipe the dust, vacuum, wash the floors, clean the cabinets. And in the evening, after the bath, the whole family likes to drink tea brewed with herbs.

Another labor tradition is to take care of indoor plants. We have more than 70 types of them at home. Love for indoor plants was passed on to my mother from my grandmother, from her to us. Mom teaches my sister and me how to properly care for them so that they delight with abundant flowering. And in the summer we make flower beds in the garden every year. Passers-by admire our flower meadow, often come in and look. (Appendix 5).

Family get-togethers.

In our family, I really like the traditions of family gatherings. We arrange them on long winter evenings, when there is little to do around the house. Mom and grandmother bake their signature pies with raisins, apples, cabbage. Dad is decorating the room. My sister and I learn songs together with my grandfather. He is responsible for our musical arrangement - he plays the button accordion well. Guests often come. They know that we will be happy for them! (Appendix 6).

Conclusion: Family traditions are what unites our family, makes us closer and stronger. Family traditions are the value, the uniqueness of each family.

2.2. Great-grandmother is the keeper of family heirlooms.

My great-grandmother's name is Sultanova Kifaya Ilyasovna. She is 82 years old. She was born in the village of Taktalachuk, Aktanyshevsky District, Republic of Tatarstan. Her parents were ordinary collective farmers. My great-grandmother was left an orphan at a very young age. After the death of their father, they moved to Bashkortostan to the village of Taktalachuk. My great-grandmother had a difficult childhood. At the age of 10-11, she helped adults plow the field. Was home front workers. Very early at the age of 14, she began working on a farm. She was a front runner. For valiant work has a lot of awards. There are awards that I received from the hands of the Secretary of the Regional Committee. Grandmother has a medal "Maternity". Currently, my great-grandmother lives in the village of Novokhazino, Krasnokamsk district. We love her very much, respect and often go to visit her. Listen to her interesting stories.(Appendix 7).

Our great-grandmother has some family heirlooms from different generations, which she carefully preserves. This is a camisole, ancient coins, prayer beads and silver noisy pendants. (Appendix 8).

This camisole belonged to her mother-in-law, who was a deeply religious person. The great-grandmother looks at the camisole and remembers that it used to be a very expensive thing. 2 coins survived. One dates from 1748. The age of the coin inspires respect – 265 years! Unfortunately, the mother-in-law of the great-grandmother could not explain to her from whom she got this coin, since she no longer remembered. But she is certainly interesting. The second “younger” coin was issued in 1894, with a denomination of “1 kopeck”.

And the prayer rosary was left to the great-grandmother from her mother, who herself grew a plant called “mәryәmәnenң kүҙ yashe” (unfortunately, we don’t know the translation into Russian) and made them with her own hands from the fruits.

The most interesting thing for me is this silver pendant. They decorated women's clothing. They are made from coins. On one date 1849, 1876, 1912. Great-grandmother says that there were many of them, but they were lost during the Great Patriotic War.

Relics are objects that are especially revered and kept as a memory of the past. Family heirlooms are doubly valuable. They help to understand that a person's life is endless if descendants remember it.


During my work, I learned that

  1. family traditions are repetitive, understandable to others joint actions, rituals, rituals that are passed down from generation to generation;
  2. there are many good traditions in our family, which I would like to bring to my family in the future;
  3. family traditions are what unites the family, makes us closer and stronger. Education, rules of conduct and spirituality are based on traditions. And this means that the family will withstand any difficulties, and will go through life boldly and confidently.
  4. Family relics are the memory, the most valuable thing that connects a person with relatives, with the past of his family. Every thing is a witness of private life, a witness of time. This means that family heirlooms must be protected so that the connection of times is not interrupted.

Based on the results of this study, I came to the conclusion that family traditions, relics, reverence for elders, hard work, faith are important concepts for a family that make it strong and friendly.

Thus, the hypothesis that I put forward at the beginning of the study was confirmed.

When I grow up, I will have my own family. I think that I will bring the best traditions to my family, which will help create a strong, friendly family. This is important, because such a family brings up decent, kind, cheerful people who love their family, their homeland.

When I did this work, I was once again convinced that my family is strong and friendly, because my mother and father, and grandparents supported me, they talked about the traditions of our family.

Now I know for sure that supporting each other in business is another tradition of our family that the elders did not tell me about. I figured it out myself. This was my happy discovery.


1. Bagautdinova M.I., Yagafarova G.N. Organization of research work of students, Ufa, Kitap, 2012.

2. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language, Yekaterinburg, "Ural - Soviets" ("News"), 1993. - 796 p.

3. Family traditions.

4.Leonid Pastushenko. What are they… family traditions?

5Svetlana Kukhterina. The unifying power of family traditions.

Annex 1

The older generation - grandfather Imamov Albert Kamaletdinovich, grandmother Imamova Lyabuda Fazylovna

Middle generation - father Minyazev Salavat Akhnafovich, mother - Minyazeva Gulnur Albertovna

The younger generation is the sister of Minyazeva Milyausha Salavatovna and I - Minyazeva Alsu Salavatovna.

Appendix 2

Everyone's favorite New Year's holiday

Appendix 3

This is how we celebrate birthdays

Appendix 4

Our nature walks

Appendix 5

Our indoor plants

Our flower beds

Appendix 6

family gatherings

Appendix 7

Our great grandmother

Appendix 8

Most families have their own overt or unspoken traditions. How important are they to raising happy people?

Traditions and rituals are inherent in every family. Even if you think that there is nothing like this in your family, most likely you are a little mistaken. After all, even the morning: "Hello!" and evening: "Good night!" It is also a kind of tradition. What can we say about Sunday dinners with the whole family or the collective production of Christmas tree decorations.

To begin with, let's remember what such a simple and familiar word “family” means from childhood. Agree, there may be different options on the topic: and “mom, dad, me”, and “parents and grandparents”, and “sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc.”. One of the most popular definitions of this term says: "A family is an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance." That is, these are not just blood relatives living under the same roof, but also people who help each other and are mutually responsible. Family members in the true sense of the word love each other, support each other, rejoice together on cheerful occasions and grieve on sad ones. They seem to be all together, but at the same time they learn to respect the opinions and personal space of each other. And there is something that unites them into one whole, inherent only to them, in addition to the stamps in the passport.

This “something” is family tradition. Remember how in childhood you loved to come to your grandmother for the summer? Or celebrate birthdays with a large crowd of relatives? Or decorate the Christmas tree with mom? These memories are filled with warmth and light.

What are family traditions? Explanatory dictionaries say the following: "Family traditions are the usual norms accepted in the family, behaviors, customs and views that are passed down from generation to generation." Most likely, these are the habitual standards of behavior that the child will carry with him to his future family, and will pass on to his children.

What do family traditions give people? First, they contribute to the harmonious development of the child. After all, traditions involve the repeated repetition of some actions, and, therefore, stability. For a baby, such predictability is very important, thanks to it, over time, he ceases to be afraid of this big, incomprehensible world. Why be afraid if everything is constant, stable, and your parents are nearby? In addition, traditions help children see in their parents not just strict educators, but also friends with whom it is interesting to spend time together.

Secondly, for adults, family traditions give a sense of unity with their relatives, bring together, strengthen feelings. After all, these are often moments of pleasant pastime with those closest to you, when you can relax, be yourself and enjoy life.

Thirdly, it is the cultural enrichment of the family. It becomes not just a combination of separate "I", but a full-fledged cell of society, carrying and making its contribution to the cultural heritage of the country.

Of course, these are far from all the “pluses” of family traditions. But even this is quite enough to think: how do our families live? Maybe add some interesting traditions?

Family traditions in the world there is a huge variety. But still, in general, we can try to conditionally divide them into two large groups: general and special.

Common traditions are traditions found in most families in one form or another. These include:

  • Celebration of birthdays and family holidays. Such a tradition will surely become one of the first significant events in the life of a baby. Thanks to such customs, both children and adults receive many “bonuses”: anticipation of the holiday, good mood, the joy of communicating with the family, the feeling of being needed and important for loved ones. This tradition is one of the warmest and most cheerful.
  • Household duties of all family members, cleaning, putting things in their places. When a baby is taught to do his household duties from an early age, he begins to feel included in the life of the family, learns to care.
  • Joint games with children. Both adults and children take part in such games. Doing something together with children, parents show them an example, teach them different skills, show their feelings. Then, as the child grows older, it will be easier for him to maintain a trusting relationship with mom and dad.
  • Family dinner. Many families honor the traditions of hospitality, which helps to unite families by gathering them at the same table.
  • Family Council. This is a “meeting” of all family members, at which important issues are resolved, the situation is discussed, further plans are made, the family budget is considered, etc. It is very important to involve children in the advice - this way the child will learn to be responsible, as well as better understand his relatives.
  • Traditions of "carrot and stick". Each family has its own rules, for which it is possible (if possible) to punish the child, and how to encourage him. Someone gives extra pocket money, and someone gives a joint trip to the circus. The main thing for parents is not to overdo it, excessive demands from adults can make a child inactive and lethargic, or, conversely, envious and angry.
  • Rituals of greeting and farewell. Good morning wishes and sweet dreams, kisses, hugs, meeting when returning home - all this is a sign of attention and care from loved ones.
  • Days of memory of deceased relatives and friends.
  • Joint walks, trips to theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, travel trips - these traditions enrich the life of the family, make it brighter and richer.

Special traditions are special traditions that belong to one given family. Perhaps this is a habit on Sundays to sleep before dinner, or go on a picnic on weekends. Or home theater. Or hiking in the mountains. Or…

Also, all family traditions can be divided into those that have developed on their own and deliberately brought into the family. We will talk about how to create a new tradition a little later. Now let's look at interesting examples of family traditions. Perhaps you will like some of them, and you want to introduce it into your family?

How many families - how many examples of traditions can be found in the world. But sometimes they are so interesting and unusual that you immediately start to think: “But shouldn’t I come up with something like that?”.

So, examples of interesting family traditions:

  • Joint fishing until the morning. Dad, mom, children, night and mosquitoes - few will dare to do this! But on the other hand, a lot of emotions and new impressions are also provided!
  • Family cooking. Mom kneads the dough, dad twists the minced meat, and the child makes dumplings. Well, so what, which is not quite even and correct. The main thing is that everyone is cheerful, happy and soiled in flour!
  • Quests on the occasion of a birthday. Each birthday person - whether it be a child or a grandfather - is given a card in the morning, according to which he is looking for clues leading him to a gift.
  • Trips to the sea in winter. Collecting backpacks with the whole family and going to the seaside, get some fresh air, have a picnic or spend the night in a winter tent - all this will give unusual sensations and unite the family.
  • Draw postcards for each other. Just like that, without a reason and special artistic talent. Instead of being offended and pouting, write: “I love you! Although you are sometimes unbearable ... But I am also not a gift.
  • Together with the kids, bake shortcakes for the feast of St. Nicholas for orphans. Joint selfless good deeds and trips to the orphanage will help children become kinder and more sympathetic, and grow up to be caring people.
  • Night story. No, not just when a mother reads to her baby. And when all adults read in turn, and everyone listens. Light, kind, eternal.
  • Celebrate the New Year every time in a new place. It does not matter where it will be - on the square of a foreign city, on the top of a mountain or near the Egyptian pyramids, the main thing is not to repeat yourself!
  • Evenings of poems and songs. When the family gets together, everyone sits in a circle, composes poetry - each line by line - and immediately come up with music for them, and sing along with the guitar. Great! You can also arrange home performances and puppet theater.
  • "Putting" gifts to neighbors. Going unnoticed, the family gives gifts to neighbors and friends. What a pleasure to give!
  • We speak kind words. Every time before eating, everyone says nice words and compliments to each other. Inspiring, right?
  • Cooking with love. "Did you put love?" “Yes, of course, I will now. Give it to me, please, it's in the locker!
  • Holiday on the top shelf. The custom is to meet all the holidays on the train. Fun and on the move!

In order to create a new family tradition, you need only two things: your desire and the principled consent of the household. The algorithm for creating a tradition can be summarized as follows:

  1. Actually, come up with the tradition itself. Try to involve all family members to the maximum to create a friendly close-knit atmosphere.
  2. Take the first step. Try your "action". It is very important to saturate it with positive emotions - then everyone will look forward to the next time.
  3. Be moderate in your desires. Do not immediately introduce many different traditions for each day of the week. It takes time for habits to take hold. Yes, and when everything in life is planned out to the smallest detail, this is also not interesting. Leave room for surprises!
  4. Reinforce the tradition. It is necessary to repeat it several times so that it is remembered and began to be strictly observed. But do not bring the situation to the point of absurdity - if there is a blizzard or a downpour on the street, it may be worth refusing to walk. In other cases, the tradition is better to follow.

When a new family is created, it often happens that the spouses do not have the same concept of traditions. For example, in the groom's family, it is customary to celebrate all the holidays in the circle of numerous relatives, and the bride met these events only with her mother and father, and some dates could not be coped with at all. In this case, the newlyweds may immediately brew a conflict. What to do in case of disagreement? The advice is simple - only a compromise. Discuss the problem and find the most suitable solution for both. Come up with a new tradition - already a common one - and everything will work out!

In Russia, from time immemorial, family traditions have been honored and protected. They are a very important part of the country's historical and cultural heritage. What family traditions were in Russia?

Firstly, an important rule for each person was the knowledge of his family tree, moreover, not at the level of "grandparents", but much deeper. In each noble family, a genealogical tree was compiled, a detailed genealogy was carefully stored and transmitted stories about the life of their ancestors. Over time, when cameras appeared, the maintenance and storage of family albums began, passing them by inheritance to younger generations. This tradition has come down to our times - many families have old albums with photographs of loved ones and relatives, even those who are no longer with us. It is always pleasant to reconsider these “pictures of the past”, to rejoice or, conversely, to feel sad. Now, with the widespread use of digital photographic equipment, there are more and more frames, but most often they remain electronic files that have not “flowed” onto paper. On the one hand, it is much easier and more convenient to store photos in this way, they do not take up space on the shelves, do not turn yellow over time, and do not get dirty. And yes, you can shoot more often. But even that trepidation associated with the expectation of a miracle has also become less. After all, at the very beginning of the photo era, going to a family photo was a whole event - they carefully prepared for it, dressed smartly, everyone walked joyfully together - why not a separate beautiful tradition for you?

Secondly, honoring the memory of relatives, commemoration of the departed, as well as care and constant care for elderly parents has been and remains a primordially Russian family tradition. In this, it is worth noting, the Russian people differ from European countries, where special institutions mainly deal with elderly citizens. It is not for us to judge whether this is good or bad, but the fact that such a tradition exists and is alive is a fact.

Thirdly, in Russia since ancient times it has been customary to pass on from generation to generation family heirlooms - jewelry, dishes, some things of distant relatives. Often young girls got married in the wedding dresses of their mothers, who had previously received them from their mothers, etc. Therefore, in many families there have always been special "secret places" where grandfather's watches, grandmother's rings, family silver and other valuables were kept.

Fourthly, earlier it was very popular to name a born child in honor of one of the family members. This is how “family names” appeared, and families where, for example, grandfather Ivan, son Ivan and grandson Ivan.

Fifth, an important family tradition of the Russian people was and is the assignment of a patronymic to a child. Thus, already at birth, the baby receives part of the name of the genus. Calling someone by name - patronymic, we express our respect and courtesy.

Sixthly, earlier very often the child was given a church name in honor of the saint who is honored on the baby's birthday. According to popular beliefs, such a name will protect the child from evil forces and help in life. Nowadays, such a tradition is observed infrequently, and mainly among deeply religious people.

Seventh, in Rus' there were professional dynasties - whole generations of bakers, shoemakers, doctors, military men, priests. Growing up, the son continued the work of his father, then the same work was continued by his son, and so on. Unfortunately, now such dynasties in Russia are very, very rare.

Eighth, an important family tradition was, and even now they are increasingly returning to this, the obligatory wedding of the newlyweds in the church, and the baptism of infants.

Yes, there were many interesting family traditions in Russia. Take at least the traditional feast. No wonder they talk about the "broad Russian soul." But it’s true, they carefully prepared for the reception of guests, cleaned the house and the yard, set the tables with the best tablecloths and towels, put pickles in dishes stored especially for special occasions. The hostess came out on the threshold with bread and salt, bowed from the waist to the guests, and they bowed to her in return. Then everyone went to the table, ate, sang songs, talked. Eh, beauty!

Some of these traditions hopelessly sunk into oblivion. But how interesting it is to notice that many of them are alive, and they are still passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter ... And, therefore, the people have a future!

The cult of family traditions in different countries

In the UK, an important point in raising a child is the goal of raising a true Englishman. Children are raised in strictness, they are taught to restrain their emotions. At first glance, it may seem that the British love their children less than parents in other countries. But this, of course, is a deceptive impression, because they are just used to showing their love in a different way, not like, for example, in Russia or Italy.

In Japan, it is very rare to hear a child crying - all the wishes of children under 6 years old are immediately fulfilled. All these years, the mother is engaged only in raising the baby. But then the child goes to school, where strict discipline and order await him. It is also curious that the whole large family usually lives under one roof - both old people and babies.

In Germany, there is a tradition of late marriages - it is rare for anyone to start a family before the age of thirty. It is believed that until this time, future spouses can realize themselves at work, build a career, and are already able to provide for their families.

In Italy, the concept of "family" is comprehensive - it includes all relatives, including the most distant ones. An important family tradition is joint dinners, where everyone communicates, shares their news, and discusses pressing problems. Interestingly, the Italian mother plays an important role in choosing a son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

In France, women prefer a career to raising children, so after a very short time after the birth of a child, the mother returns to work, and her child goes to kindergarten.

In America, an interesting family tradition is the habit of accustoming children to life in society from early childhood, supposedly this will help their children in adulthood. Therefore, it is quite natural to see families with small children both in cafes and at parties.

In Mexico, the cult of marriage is not so high. Families often live without official registration. But male friendship there is quite strong, the community of men supports each other, helps in solving problems.

As you can see, family traditions are interesting and cool. Do not neglect them, because they unite the family, help it become one.

“Love your family, spend time together and be happy!”
Anna Kutyavina for site site

We often do not think about what turns us from a group of people living together into a real unit of society. And here the customs that have developed over the years play an important role. In our article, we will talk about what family traditions are, what is their significance, and also give examples of habits that occur in families from different countries and make our own list.

Family traditions: what is it

To define what a family tradition is, let's first define what it means - "family". According to the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, this is “a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.” This means that in a full-fledged cell of society, relatives not only live under the same roof, but also love each other, take care of each of their members, and spend time together. If some occupation or action is repeated repeatedly, passes from one generation to another, then it becomes a custom of this kind.

Family customs are not necessarily something grandiose and large-scale. Even modest weekly rituals that are instituted in one or another union can be considered a tradition. For example, cleaning on Saturdays, having breakfast together on Sunday mornings, or watching cartoons with the kids on Fridays.

Moreover, the habit of wishing each other good morning, kissing at a meeting or parting, a call that you have safely reached your destination, can also be attributed to the norms adopted in this cell of society.

Types of family traditions

The list of what can be attributed to family traditions can be endless. However, they can be conditionally divided into general ones, which are inherent in many people in different variations, and completely unique, specific rituals.

The first group includes such actions as:

Joint celebrations

In most houses in Russia, on a birthday, New Year, Easter, a large circle of relatives and close friends gather at a richly laid table to congratulate the birthday man or spend the outgoing year.

These days it is customary to present gifts and souvenirs, write congratulations, sing songs and dance, make toasts, followed by the adoption of alcoholic beverages, which of course does not benefit the nation.

Joint meeting of important events in life

It is customary for many people to discuss daily or at least once a week in a narrow circle how the day went, what events happened, share their thoughts on this matter, give advice, or simply empathize from the bottom of their hearts. It also discusses plans for the weekend and the near future. Such close, frank communication is very uniting, allowing all members of the family to feel their importance and significance for the rest.

Joint travel

If circumstances permit, many spend their holidays together, if possible going to the sea or to another city. And there are those who prefer annual trips to the country in the summer, where outdoor recreation is combined with work duties. Any such trip brings a lot of positive to each of its participants, which strengthens the relationship of the household.

Photos for memory

I want to capture pleasant events on photographs so that, if desired, at any time I can return to a memorable day. Fashionable now photo shoots can become a good tradition, especially in families with children. After all, each age of the baby has its charms, and time flies so fast that you won’t have time to come to your senses. In addition, there are usually long joint preparations for such an event, and the child will perceive the shooting itself as an adventure.

Joint attendance at various events

Cinema, theater, exhibitions, museums, festivals - it's all very interesting and informative. If everyone in the house is set to develop their personality, then the household will never be bored with each other. So joint visits to cultural or entertainment events are a very good and useful custom.

The list of other common family traditions can be very long. After all, the smallest daily habits can also be attributed here, as well as all religious rites, national features associated, for example, with marriage or initiation into religion. Russia is a multinational country, and each nation has its own historical customs.

Specific customs include those features that are unique to your unit of society. For example, you like to eat only oatmeal for breakfast, or you don’t go to bed on Friday before dawn.

In addition, there are those actions that have developed on their own, and there are specially introduced ones. In any case, this is exactly what is repeated in one house with some periodicity.

The role of family traditions: what does their observance mean

If we single out the main positive theses, then they, perhaps, will sound like this:

  • Traditions give a sense of stability, inviolability of marriage for spouses.
  • Cultivate respect for elders.
  • They instill a craving for work and order.
  • They rally and unite relatives.
  • They allow you to feel like an integral part of something big, strong, what we call a cell of society.

What are family traditions for children

It is especially important to observe established customs for babies, because it gives a feeling of stability, and therefore security. Guys love it when something is repeated many times, it is good for their psyche, makes the child calm and balanced. That is why doctors so strongly recommend observing the daily regimen.

The following traditions will be especially useful for children:

Reading bedtime stories and singing lullabies to babies

Evening reading not only develops the child's imagination, but also sets him in a calm mood, appropriate before going to bed, and the mother's voice always calms and lulls.

Joint games

In the age of computers, televisions and an endless number of entertainment, it is very easy to keep a child busy. However, the warmest memories from childhood will be exactly those when the baby played with his parents. It can be board games or outdoor activities, the main thing is that all relatives take part in the game.

Household duties

It's good when every member, even the smallest one, has some household chores. It does not have to be a fixed labor service. Classes can be changed and each time offer a new task. Invite your child to wipe the dust during one cleaning, and the next time to work with a vacuum cleaner. And with such an assignment, how to water the flowers, even kids are happy to cope.

family meals

Kisses and hugs

Psychologists say that to feel happy you need at least eight hugs a day. And kids need even more. So hug the little ones for any occasion. And a kiss at night will be a wonderful end to the day for both the child and the parents.

Preparing for the New Year

For many adults, one of the most magical moments of childhood is the New Year holidays. You can create a fairy tale together with your child, decorate the Christmas tree together with themed songs, make souvenirs as a gift for your relatives, write letters to Santa Claus. After all, the baby knows how to do what many adults have forgotten how to do - to believe in miracles.

All these and many other traditions will allow children to form the right attitude towards marriage as one of the main elements of their lives. Already as adults, they will carry into their young cell of society precisely those foundations and principles that they learned from childhood.

Description of family traditions of different countries

Of course, every society has its own, historically established customs. Let's talk in more detail about what is accepted in other states.

In Russia

Since ancient times, traditions have been honored and protected in Russia, they were an important part of the life of both the common people and the nobles.

One of the main customs was a good knowledge of one's kind, all one's ancestors up to the tenth generation. In an aristocratic environment, each family name was necessarily compiled family trees, which listed all the ancestors with names, patronymics, surnames and titles. Stories from the life of the ancestors were passed from mouth to mouth, and with the invention of the camera - pictures. Until now, many families carefully store old photo albums, gradually supplementing them with modern cards.

Respect for elders is one of the pillars of education in Rus'. In our country, unlike Western countries, it is not customary to send parents to live out their lives in pensions and nursing homes. Children until the last day take care of their elders. And after their death, it is customary to commemorate departed relatives on the day of death and birthday, to look after their graves.

Another Russian feature that testifies to respect for one's family is the assignment of a patronymic to a child. This is a tribute, first of all, to the father. It was also often possible to meet a “family” name, that is, often found in this genus, when a child is named after one of the relatives.

The transmission of relics by inheritance was also widespread. And it is not necessarily jewelry worth a fortune. It can be simple, but dear to the heart things - interior items, cutlery. Often the wedding dress passed from mother to daughter.

Almost all of these traditions have been preserved in our society to this day. But many, unfortunately, are almost lost. For example, professional dynasties, when some craft was deeply studied, and its secrets were passed down from generation to generation.

A good trend has been a return to the roots and centuries-old traditions. "Russian House of Genealogy" offers assistance in compiling a family tree of a kind. They have more than five hundred genealogists on staff, working around the world, who will certainly find any archival documents that mention this or that surname. Also, experts not only compile a pedigree, but also teach this difficult craft. A rich choice of design will allow not only to make a tree for yourself out of interest, but also to purchase a genealogy book as an original and useful gift.

In Great Britain

This is a country that sacredly honors its customs, especially for aristocratic dynasties. Traditions are followed in everything from the daily rituals of morning porridge and afternoon tea to the concept of how to raise children.

One of the features of the English is the education in their children of strict control over their emotions. Saving face for a true gentleman is as important today as it was a couple of centuries ago.

in Italy

Italy is a very patriarchal state. Almost 90% of all enterprises there are related, that is, they are transferred from father to son. In addition, the surname in this state is not limited to a narrow circle of the closest relatives, all relatives are an important part of a large clan.

On holidays, the whole family gathers at a richly laid festive table, they joke, laugh, share news.

In America

Despite the fact that Americans are mostly workaholics and very career-oriented, there are three or more children in many cells of society. An interesting tradition is to take the baby with you everywhere, even to parties and gatherings with friends. It is believed that such early integration into society will help the child in adulthood.

Historically, family traditions are an integral part of the life of any society in every state. They are like cement when building a house, they bind all relatives, allow them not to lose common interests. So observe the existing customs and make new ones, then in your home there will always be an atmosphere of love and friendship.

A clear sign of a happy, prosperous and friendly family is the creation and observance of traditions. Tradition is translated from Latin as "transmission" - the transfer of family values ​​​​and customs to the younger generation. Why do we need family traditions and customs? Let's start with the fact that parents for a small child are mentors and teachers. To teach a child to respect adults, to honor old people, to love relatives, to be well-mannered, kind, sympathetic, to be able to control their feelings, emotions and behavior, and much more - this is all that you have to instill in your child. Warm relationships in the family have a positive effect on the formation of the personality of a small person. If harmony, mutual respect and love reign in your family, you spend all the time together, even if not very much, you have events that you organize and spend with your family, then be calm for your child.

Thus, family traditions and values ​​are the most powerful and effective tool for raising a child from birth. Of course, the rhythm of modern life greatly modifies family traditions, acceptance in every cell of society. But their goal remains unchanged - strengthening kinship relations, transferring cultural, moral, moral and ethical values.

Key Examples of Family Traditions and Customs

A wonderful tradition and the most common is the celebration of birthdays, name days. This is always a very anticipated event in the life of a baby. Careful preparation, gifts, goodies, a sweet table, the joy of meeting with loved ones, a sense of celebration - all this brings the family together and speaks of the importance of each. In addition to birthdays, special events in the life of the family can also be celebrated: weddings, graduation from school, graduation in the garden, diploma defense, and so on. In addition to family events, it is customary to gather on holidays such as the New Year, March 8, February 23 and many others. The custom of celebrating public holidays with the family is also a wonderful tradition that speaks of the unity of all family members and their desire to spend their free time together, share joy and festive mood.

Family traditions should be not only festive and dedicated to any event, but also everyday. A great example is the sharing of household chores and joint cleaning, caring for animals. At a younger age, this gives the child a sense of security, constancy and confidence. It allows older children to feel like a full-fledged member of the family, who has every right to bear responsibility on an equal basis with an adult.

Make it a tradition to dedicate an hour to play with your child. Show interest in his activities, draw together, sing, sculpt and come up with new activities. This manifestation of the adult's indifference to matters important to the child also gives the child confidence in his own importance, and at the same time he will receive many useful and interesting skills that his parent once mastered.

Cultural family traditions

It is nice to look at families walking in the park or visiting a museum, exhibition, concert, theater, circus. Such events will help instill in the child a sense of beauty, love for art, enrich his spiritual world and the ability to contemplate cultural values.

Get in the habit of bringing all the family members together for a meeting that might look like afternoon tea, for example. Discussing important issues, planning trips, events or purchases, budgeting for the family, choosing designs and materials for repairs, etc. in the presence of the child, allowing him to express his opinion, you dedicate the child to ongoing family events, give him the right to vote. This is very important for the formation of the emotional component of his personality.

Family traditions help in awakening friendliness and hospitality in a child. Arrange, for example, lunch on Sundays. Invite friends and show your child how to greet guests, how to talk, how to sit, how to use appliances. This will help your child learn to communicate not only with close relatives, but also help to make friends in the future.

You can start a small but very sweet tradition from infancy. Take turns reading a bedtime story to your child. This will help the baby not only fall asleep, but also appreciate the equivalence of mom and dad in his life. Even such trifles as a wish good night, good morning, a pleasant day, a kiss goodbye, hugs at a meeting - all these small family values, manifestations of love, affection and care will allow your baby to grow up as a kind, sympathetic person, with a positive outlook.

The unique ability of a person to empathize is also developed through traditions, such as the day of remembrance of deceased relatives, the joint viewing of family photo albums, the transmission of family heirlooms and inheritance, the stories of grandparents about the roots and origin of the family.

The observance of family customs is an expression of the cell of society towards family happiness and cohesion. At the heart of any tradition in the family lies, first of all, the experience of previous generations, the values ​​of life, the norms of morality and ethics. Your task is to teach this to your children, supporting the successive process of generations. It is difficult to bring family traditions into the life of an adult child who has already formed his own worldview, his attitude towards family and loved ones. Therefore, start introducing these rituals from an early age so that they become ordinary and familiar in the life of your child, enveloping him with home comfort, love and a sense of security, participation in his life and his own value for the family.