Combination skin care. Proven and affordable method of daily skin care. Decorative cosmetics for combination skin care

Combination skin 80% of people have. Combination of dry and oily skin types. In the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, the skin is oily and porous, it is usually called the T-zone, in the rest it is a dry type. The skin as a whole has a healthy appearance and smooth structure.

The skin is divided into several sections, where a different number of sebaceous glands. Most of them are in the chin, forehead and nose. They are more exposed to sunlight, wind and bad weather. More sebum is produced here for protection, so the skin in this area is oily.

If the skin of the face is combined and the areas are very different, then you need to have 2 sets: for dry and oily skin. If these differences are not strong, then you can use conventional cosmetics designed for combination skin.

Many people make the mistake of treating combination skin as if they were oily. Consequently, the dry area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin around the eyes is overdried. This leads to early wrinkles. Therefore, you should take care of dry and oily areas of combination skin separately.

The most common mistake in combination skin care lies in the fact that they begin to look after her exclusively as a fat one. At the same time, the areas around the eyes are overdried, which leads to the early formation of wrinkles in this area. It should always be remembered that a differentiated approach to the care of this type of skin is the main principle.

Usually a pronounced type of mixed skin appears in adolescents. It is then that it is important to properly care for oily areas of the skin, preventing the appearance of acne, while not forgetting to moisturize dry areas. If you take care of your skin daily, it will become normal over time.

Daily care for combination skin

Face care means not only morning and evening care, but also throughout the day.

morning care

When you wake up, refresh your combination skin with warm or cold water. Use a cleansing milk or foam, gel. Prepare the skin for applying makeup: moisten a cotton swab with tonic and wipe the skin of the face with it, you can use lotion for more oily areas.

We moisturize the face with a softening cream or cosmetic gel for combination skin. The gel will help retain moisture and restore the stratum corneum. Oily areas are best lubricated with a nourishing cream. But do not abuse it, use it in doses, it should not be applied to oily areas of the skin.

Combination skin care throughout the day

Oily areas during the day will make themselves felt, then use a napkin and remove excess fat. Then lightly powder your chin, nose, and forehead. If the makeup has lost clarity, then do not apply too thick a layer of cosmetics, it is better to do it again. In summer, the skin releases more oil or sweat, use a spray bottle with thermal water. In case of severe acne during the day, lubricate the skin with antiseptics.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for combination skin, you should be guided by the following rules: a liquid consistency at the foundation, powder and shadows are dry, and it is better to choose a creamy blush, because the cheeks are dry.

Evening care for combination skin

First thing skin cleansing from make-up, do with the help of washing gels, cosmetic milk or foam. Treat oily areas of the skin with lotion or tonic, do not touch dry areas. Then spread the moisturizing cream with massage movements along the skin lines in a thin layer. After a while, dry areas can be moistened with cream.

Youthful mixed skin is usually with pronounced areas, so it is necessary to use products for oily skin in the morning and evening. Hydrogel is recommended during the day. In the evening, lubricate the skin of the neck and around the eyes with a cream for normal skin, and do not touch the middle of the face. At night, the cream is not applied to the T zone.

Special care - peeling, masks

Peeling– superficial cleaning, previously cleaned of contamination, of the skin with a scrub once a week. Perform a facial massage along the skin lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, in a circular motion from the chin to the earlobes and from the nose to the temples along the massage lines. Do everything gently with your fingertips.

Peeling and masks are better not to combine. Do peeling one day, masks the next. Since combination skin has different skin areas. The masks must also be different. For dry areas, choose nutritious ones. And for oily film (gel) masks. The helium mask will tighten the pores, turning into a film, which then must be carefully removed.

Daily care for combination skin can take a long time, but with proper care, this type of skin will not age for a long time.

Recipes for combination skin

Apple mask for dry skin

nourishing face mask | apple, egg yolk, olive oil | combination skin

An apple, peeled and grated on a fine plastic grater, is thoroughly mixed with egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, washed off with soft warm water. This nourishing mask is suitable for combination skin tending to normal to dry types.

10 minutes | | 2010-09-05

lettuce leaf mask

softening facial mask | salad, sour cream, olive oil | combination skin

1 st. a spoonful of lettuce leaves pounded into gruel is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, add 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil and apply the mixture on hones with dry skin. The mask is kept for 20 minutes, washed off with cool boiled water.

5 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Sour cream-carrot mask

cleansing facial mask | egg yolk, carrot | combination skin

2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream are beaten with egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and mix well. The mask is applied to dry areas of the skin and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water.

15 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

birch lotion

facial cleansing lotion | birch, alcohol, glycerine | combination skin

Mix 200 ml of birch sap, 30 ml of 70% alcohol and 30 ml of glycerin and wipe the skin of the face with this lotion in the morning and evening. It cleanses and tones the skin well.

5 minutes | | 2010-11-12

Curd mask

cleansing facial mask | parsley, cottage cheese, little wheat germ | combination skin

2 teaspoons of cottage cheese are mixed with 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil and 1 teaspoon of parsley juice is added. The mass is applied to dry areas of the skin, kept for 15 minutes, washed off with cool water or infusion of herbs (mint, nettle, oregano) and a nourishing cream is applied.

15 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Vegetable mask with lemon

cleansing facial mask | carrot, cucumber, lemon | combination skin

1 st. a spoonful of carrot, cucumber and lemon juices are mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of starch and apply the mixture with a cotton swab on the skin of the face. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask well vitaminizes, softens and refreshes the skin.

30 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Watermelon and peach juice lotion

facial cleansing lotion | watermelon, peach | combination skin

Mix equal parts watermelon juice and peach juice. Cool in the refrigerator and wipe dry areas of combination skin. Watermelon cleanses the skin well, and peach moisturizes and nourishes.

1 hour | | 2010-08-25

Almond mask

cleansing facial mask | almond, cucumber, blue clay | combination skin

3-4 peeled almond kernels are poured into 100 ml of cold boiled water and crushed in a blender. Grate 0.5 small cucumber on a fine plastic grater, squeeze out the juice, add the cucumber mass to the almond milk and stir. Then add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of blue clay. Stir thoroughly and, gently massaging, apply the mixture on the face. The mask is kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm boiled water. This mask cleanses the skin, makes it matte.

30 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Honey mask for combination skin

softening facial mask | egg yolk, honey, almond oil | combination skin

Egg yolk is ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond or nut butter and stir well. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, washed off with lime or mint infusion. This mask is useful for dry flaky skin.

5 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

cucumber mask

cleansing facial mask | egg white, cucumber, beer | combination skin

A small cucumber is peeled, rubbed on a fine plastic grater and mixed with beaten egg white. Add 70 ml of unfiltered beer and apply the mixture on the face. The top of the mask is covered with a gauze napkin. Keep it for 15 minutes, then wash off with soft cool water.

10 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Dandelion Lotion

facial cleansing lotion | dandelion | combination skin

1 glass of crushed fresh dandelion plant, along with the roots, is poured with 200 ml of vodka in a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and infused for 10 days in a dark place. Then filter, dilute with boiled water (1: 2) and rub the areas with oily skin with this lotion 2-3 times a day.

10 days | site | 2011-11-13

Chamomile infusion for the face

cleansing infusion for the face | chamomile | combination skin

3 art. spoons of chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Infuse at room temperature for 45 minutes. Chamomile infusion is used on oily areas of the skin: wet a cotton pad and wipe the T-zone of combination skin.

1 hour | | 2010-08-18

mint lotion

facial cleansing lotion | mint, beer | combination skin

Half a tablespoon of peppermint leaves is poured into 100 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, allowed to brew for 45 minutes and filtered. 100 ml of unfiltered beer is added to the infusion and used as a lotion for dry areas of combination skin.

1 hour | site | 2011-11-13

Yolk mask

cleansing facial mask | egg yolk, cream | combination skin

Whipped egg yolk is mixed with 1 teaspoon of cream and the mixture is applied to areas with dry skin. The mask is kept for 20 minutes, then washed off first with warm, then cool water.

5 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Washing with fermented milk products for all skin types

facial cleansing milk | cream, milk, kefir | combination skin

Washing with fermented milk products: cream, sour milk, curdled milk, kefir. This recipe cleanses the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, whitens, removing freckles and age spots. The rougher and oilier the skin, the more acidic the cleansers should be. Soak a dry cotton swab in a fermented milk product, and wipe your face with it. Moisten another cotton swab and wipe your face again. Every next moisten more and more abundantly. You can do this 3-5 times. Wring out the last swab well and remove the excess. Rinse your face with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. If the skin is oily, leave a thin layer overnight.

10 minutes | | 2010-08-19

Yeast mask

anti-inflammatory face mask | yeast, kefir, soda | combination skin

1 st. a spoonful of yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir, yogurt or yogurt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix well and apply the mask on areas with oily skin. Hold for 15 minutes, then wash off with soft warm water. This mask cleanses pores well and relieves inflammation.

15 minutes | site | 2011-11-13

Kefir mask for oily skin

moisturizing face mask | kefir, oatmeal | combination skin

Mix low-fat kefir and oatmeal, 1 tablespoon each, in a bowl. Apply the mask evenly along the massage lines. After 15 minutes, wash off with a decoction of chamomile. The mask moisturizes the face well. After the mask, we recommend applying a nourishing cream.

Combined (mixed) type includes both oily and dry skin. In the central part of the face, there is a tendency to increased production of sebum. The so-called T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose and chin, shines all the time. There are enlarged pores, blackheads and even pustular rashes. On the cheeks, the opposite is true. The skin here is smooth, thinned and slightly tightened. There is no hint of inflammation, however, there is a tendency to peeling and early formation of wrinkles. It is also possible to have uneven skin tone. This pattern is typical for combination skin type.

What Causes Combination Skin?

The reasons for the appearance of mixed skin are that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin, nose and forehead, that is, in the T-shaped zone, there is more sebaceous glands than in the cheek area. The sebaceous glands in these areas secrete excess sebum, which is deposited on the surface in the form of a greasy film. The reason for this is the male hormones testosterone, which stimulates the sebaceous glands. A little consolation: pronounced mixed skin in most cases occurs only in girls and young women. After thirty years, the secretion of sebum in these areas normalizes and the skin type almost always changes towards normal.

Combination skin type requires different ways of caring for different parts of the face. Below are recommendations for the care of combination (mixed) skin type.


Combination skin, like oily skin, requires thorough cleansing. Both in the morning and in the evening, it is recommended to wash your face with a gel or foam cleanser (for combination or normal skin), wash off the foam cool water th, which narrows pores and eliminates peeling (hot water is impossible in any case, it dries out dry skin and “fattens” oily skin).

From the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), the gel must be washed off with a special sponge, thus achieving a slight peeling effect.

After washing, it is necessary to wipe the face with a tonic for mixed or normal skin. In the presence of inflammatory processes for disinfection, blot only the T-zone with toilet water containing alcohol. Cheeks do not need to be moistened with toilet water.


1-2 times a week you need to do facial peeling with scrubs. These tools are indispensable in the fight against the dead layer of dead cells. In addition, they reduce the secretion of sebum in the central part of the face.

Hence the rule: when peeling, you need to focus on the T-zone. It is she who needs to be exfoliated most thoroughly. But the cheeks must be cleaned very carefully, otherwise they will react with irritation.

So dry skin should be treated for a very short time - no more than a minute. But the nose, forehead and chin - at least three minutes. After this procedure, you can not go outside for several hours. The fact is that during peeling, a large number of microtraumas appear on the skin, which are very easily infected in the air.

Oatmeal or black bread scrub. Bran or black bread crumb soaked in sour milk is considered to be a particularly effective remedy for cleansing mixed skin types. Try this scrub - it will perfectly cleanse oily skin with clogged pores, soften and moisturize normal and dry skin.

This tool not only perfectly removes impurities, but also has an equally beneficial effect on mixed skin types. In addition, this cleanser allows you not to switch to differentiated care methods and significantly improve skin condition.

Here is one of the most common ways to make a scrub:

Ingredients: 1 cup of oatmeal "Hercules" or lightly dried crumb of black bread, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda or borax, table salt and sour milk. Method of preparation: pass oatmeal or crumb through a meat grinder. After grinding, store in a glass or porcelain container. Add baking soda and salt to the oatmeal or bread mass, mix well. The resulting mixture will last you for several months.

Cleaning is done as follows:

  1. For 1 st. l. mixture, take 1 tbsp. l. sour milk, mix and apply the resulting slurry on a face previously moistened with water.
  2. Gently wipe the skin with light massaging movements. Especially carefully wipe those areas of the skin that are heavily contaminated with black dots.
  3. When the slurry begins to move freely on the skin, rinse it off quickly and thoroughly with hot water, and then rinse your face with salted cool water.

steam baths

It is very good to do steam baths 1-2 times a month, best in the evening before bedtime. Under the action of steam, the pores of the skin are cleared of black spots, the skin vessels begin to act more intensively.

For combination skin, steam baths are best. with lemon or cranberry, which has a natural tonic effect and equally well vitaminizes the skin in different areas.

Ingredients: 0.5 lemon or 0.5 cup cranberries, 2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the lemon or pass through a meat grinder along with the zest, remember the cranberries.
  2. Place the lemon or cranberry mass in a bowl and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Before using a steam bath, lightly grease the skin of the eyelids, temples, cheeks with a fat cream, and take the hair into a ponytail so that they do not interfere with you.
  4. Cover your head with a thick towel, lean over the steam. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

After a steam bath, the skin will steam out and soften, which is very favorable for the subsequent deep cleansing of the skin.

Masks for mixed/combination skin

Cosmetic masks are an integral part of the complex of procedures for the care of combination skin. They can be considered the most basic and most effective means.

The best time for masks and in general for beauty care at home is from 9 to 11 pm. It has been proven that it is at this time that our skin has the highest absorption potential of substances applied to it.

For mixed skin, masks, wrapping masks, lifting masks, as well as massages and compresses from medicinal herbs are useful. It is recommended to make masks at least once a week. Mask recipes are given below.


The condition of combination skin is favorably affected by the use of both hot and cold compresses. Hot compresses are applied to the face before cleansing or masks, while cold compresses are used to soothe the skin and tighten pores after the above procedures.

With combination skin, hot compresses should be applied to all areas of the face, while cold compresses should be applied only to oily and porous areas.

Great for combination skin contrast compresses- alternating hot and cold. In this case, they should be applied to the entire face. Compresses perfectly moisturize the skin, help maintain its water balance, improve metabolic processes. Recipes for compresses are given below.

Hydration (nutrition)

Apply in the morning on cleansed face cream. In this case, it is necessary to use two products at once - for dry and oily skin. You may find it tedious at first. However, after a few days, using two creams will become a habit and you will notice that the skin condition has improved. First, slather your entire face with one moisturizer (for oily and inflamed skin) or one gel. Then cheeks - only them! - Lubricate with a fat day cream and gently rub it into the skin.

As an alternative, it is possible to use one cream for mixed (combination) skin for the entire face, but the effect will be less than when using two different specialized products.

Apply a night cream to your cheeks in the evening. A lot of fat is already released on the T-shaped zone at night. However, dry cheeks definitely need a night cream so that they are not rough and rough. After cleansing the face, rub the cream into the skin, lightly patting it with your fingertips. Rub the rest of the cream towards the neck. Do not apply night cream to other areas of the face. If acne appears on the nose, chin or forehead, lubricate them with an antibacterial cream.

Dry eyelids

With a mixed type, the skin of the eyelids is usually very dry. Small wrinkles and crow's feet form very quickly around the eyes. In order to somehow slow down their appearance, it is necessary to use moisturizers for the skin of the eyelids. Apply eye cream with light patting movements morning and evening.

Compresses are also very effective. from medicinal herbs. Take 1 tsp. dry chamomile, dill or sage, pour half a glass of boiling water and insist for 10 minutes under the lid. After that, the infusion is filtered and divided into two parts, one of them is cooled and the other is heated. Then warm and cold compresses are alternately applied to the eyelids. This simple procedure should be done every other day for a month and a half. Regularity is the key to success in this case, because blood circulation returns to normal only after 15-20 consecutive sessions. Then the skin of the eyelids will become smooth and moisturized.

Mask Recipes

Below are the recipes for the most effective masks for combination (mixed) facial skin:

Purifying Yeast Mask: A yeast mask is recommended for skin cleansing and discoloration of blackheads. It works especially well on oily areas of the skin, although dry ones also receive additional nourishment.

Ingredients: 2 tsp. yeast, 3 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Method of preparation: mix yeast with hydrogen peroxide until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Apply the mask on the face in a thin layer immediately after its preparation. Lightly rub it into the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes, then gently remove with a cotton swab dipped in fresh and warm tea infusion.

Purifying mask with semolina: take 2 tablespoons of semolina, 1 egg white. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Nourishing berry-curd mask: Grind 1 tablespoon of berry puree with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, apply a mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Nourishing Carrot Mask: mix medium-sized grated carrots with beaten egg white and add 2 teaspoons of evening cream. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Nutritious apple: peel the apple, grate, mix with two teaspoons of evening cream. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Refreshing mask with aloe: mix until smooth 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 egg yolk, apply the mixture on the face and neck in layers 3 times every 3 minutes. Wash off with warm water after 20-30 minutes.

Whitening Cucumber Mask:

Ingredients: 1 medium cucumber, 0.5 tsp. boric acid.

Method of preparation: grate the cucumber together with the peel on a fine grater and stir the gruel with boric acid. Place the cup with the mixture in a water bath and warm it up a little. Place the warm pulp on the gauze base and apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. After this time, wipe your face with cucumber juice, and then apply a softening cream.

Nutrient yolk-honey mask: grind the yolk with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon of fruit juice (apple or grape) and 1/2 teaspoon of honey or nourishing cream, adding them gradually and alternately. The mask is applied to the face skin washed with warm water in two doses with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

Nourishing, firming mask with cottage cheese: Grind 2 tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese with 1 tablespoon of warm milk or cream, add salt and 1 tablespoon of warm vegetable oil on the tip of a knife. Mix everything until a homogeneous shiny mass is obtained.

Whitening with parsley juice: the mask is recommended for mixed, wrinkled and sluggish facial skin, as well as to reduce pigmentation. It tones, fortifies and perfectly whitens the skin.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. parsley juice and milk, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Method of preparation: mix parsley juice with milk and add a little lemon juice. Apply to the face with a brush or saturate a gauze base with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool salted water. The skin will look rejuvenated, fresh and velvety.

From oatmeal: dilute ground oatmeal with a little warm milk, and then grind with yolk.

Soothing mask with rose hips and lemon juice: not only softening, but also soothing effect gives this mask. In addition, it is favorable for areas with oily skin, as it contributes to the gradual tightening of pores.

Ingredients: 2 tsp. crushed rose hips and sage leaves, 1 tsp. mint, 0.5 lemon, 300 ml of boiling water.

Cooking method: mix the vegetable raw materials, pour boiling water over it and put it in a water bath with the lid closed for 30 minutes. Cool the infusion a little, mix with lemon juice and do not strain. On a gauze base, apply a thick herbal mass and apply on the face. Cover with a thick terry towel on top and after 15-20 minutes remove the remnants of the mask by washing them off with warm boiled water or strong tea infusion. Let the skin dry on its own and lubricate it with a moisturizer.

Herbal mask with honey: prepare a slurry from any one of the following herbs: dandelion leaves, large plantain, chamomile flowers, stinging nettle or peppermint. To do this, the grass is carefully ground in a mortar, a little water is added and mixed in equal proportions with honey. Wash off with room temperature water after 20 minutes.

Mask with honey and black bread: combine the pulp of 1 slice of black bread with 30 ml of hot milk. Then add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply a nourishing cream to dry areas of the skin, then put the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask for combination skin with yogurt: Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. fresh yeast; 1 st. l. yogurt (or sour cream); 1 tsp baking soda; 1 st. l. warm water. Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. No need to wait for the mask to dry (it takes a long time to dry). Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing fat-free face cream or gel.

Cleansing Grape: mash the berries of red or black grapes (the easiest way to do this in a mortar or mixer) and mix with low-fat yogurt or kefir. Apply the mixture on your face, wait 20 minutes and remove the mask with a swab dipped in warm black or green tea. This mask exfoliates, cleanses, and at the same time narrows enlarged pores.

Compress Recipes

Nettle and chamomile decoction compress:

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and chamomile flowers, 0.5 l of water.

Cooking method: place nettle and chamomile in a glass or porcelain dish, fill with water and, with the lid closed, heat for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath. Cool the infusion and strain. Before the compress, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face. Then moisten a small terry towel with hot infusion, wring it out slightly and apply it on your face for 3-5 minutes.

Do a cold compress according to the same principle, only the time of application to the face is reduced to 20-30 seconds.

Hot rosehip compress:

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of rose hips, 0.5 liters of water.

Method of preparation: cook rose hips on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then strain the broth and cool slightly. Make a compress as described above (see compress 1). Rinse your face with cool water afterwards.

Cold compress of yarrow and dill:

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. chopped yarrow herb, 30 g fresh dill, 0.5 water.

Cooking method: chop yarrow and dill, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth and cool. Soak a gauze pad in herbal decoction and apply it on your face for 20-30 seconds. After the compress, wash with cool water.

Biostimulant plants

  • Plantain: prepare an aqueous infusion of a large plantain (1: 5), and even better, plantain juice is diluted in half with boiled water. Such a drug has a good effect on the skin, delaying its natural aging. Plantain juice also slightly whitens the skin.
  • Dill: mix dill water with glycerin, 2% boric water, cologne or alcohol (6:1:7:6). Wipe the T-zone of the face with the resulting tonic.
  • Linden: linden flowers are dried and brewed like tea (1:10), infused for 20 minutes, filtered, cooled. Wipe the entire face with the resulting tonic.
  • Chamomile: an aqueous infusion of chamomile is being prepared (1:10). It is used to wipe the skin of the entire face several times a day.

Combined (mixed) skin type is the most common in Russia. It occurs in 80% of adolescents, 40% of young people under 22, and 10-15% of adults. The combination of dry, oily and normal areas requires more careful facial care. Properly selected cleansing and moisturizing products eliminate minor defects (pimples, peeling, redness) and provide a beautiful appearance of the face.

What such combined leather

Cosmetologists call this type "a worsened version of the normal." Combination skin often looks healthy and has an even texture. Her problem is dividing the face into several zones: as a rule, more sebum is formed in the nose, chin and forehead (T-zone), so enlarged pores and oily sheen are often observed in these areas. At the same time, the area of ​​the cheeks, temples and eyelids often remains dry. With improper care, redness and peeling appear. Sometimes oily and dry areas are distributed differently, but this variant is the most common. There have also been cases where combination skin changes with age and becomes normal.

Causes appearance combined type

Combination skin type is characterized by a large number of sebaceous glands in the T-zone and their increased activity. At the same time, in other parts of the face, the sebaceous glands are not so active and actually do not cause problems. Excess sebum is deposited in the form of a greasy, shiny film. The main reason for this process is an increase in the amount of male hormones (testosterone) in the body that stimulate the sebaceous glands on the face. Most often, the combined type occurs in young girls, in guys less often. But after 30 years in women, the process of sebum secretion normalizes, and the face looks healthier.

How define zones With oily skin

To choose the right type of care for combination skin, you need to identify oily and dry areas of the face. To do this, wash your face, and after 2-3 hours blot it with a paper towel. If greasy marks remain on it, then oily skin is present in these areas.

It must be remembered that with a mixed type, a person needs special summer or winter care. In the summer, you can take care of combination skin in almost the same way as oily skin. It is mandatory to use gels for daily washing, scrubs once a week (in the absence of inflammation), light (non-greasy) creams with a moisturizing effect or gels with an anti-inflammatory effect. With improper care for combination skin in the cold season, there is a risk of overdrying in the cheeks and eyes, so in winter you should pay special attention to dry areas. The face must be carefully cleaned with cosmetic cream or milk, and scrubs should be used as rarely as possible (1 time in 2 weeks), after cleansing, a thick protective cream should be applied. All procedures should be carried out at least 20-30 minutes before going outside. If the skin remains dry in the evening in winter, you can use a moisturizing night cream before going to bed.

step by step care behind skin

daily cleansing. Washing with cleansers should be done every day in the morning and evening. It is better to wash off gels and foams with water at room temperature, this helps to narrow the enlarged pores in the T-zone and reduce peeling in dry areas. Hot water has the opposite effect. When cleaning the T-zone, you can use a sponge that gives the effect of light peeling. After washing, you can wipe your face with a cosmetic disc moistened with a moisturizing tonic. To disinfect inflammatory processes, it is necessary to point the problem areas with an alcohol-containing lotion.

Peelings. As mentioned above, facial cleansing with scrubs should be done about once a week. Such products help to remove dead skin cells and fight the release of excess sebum. But when peeling, it is worth paying special attention to the T-zone, while you need to be very careful with dry areas. The procedure should take no more than 1-2 minutes.

Steam baths. This procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a month. The best time for her is in the evening, before bedtime. Steam helps cleanse combination skin from blackheads and activate blood vessels. For a toning effect, you can add lemon juice to the water.

masks. Combination skin care must include the use of cosmetic masks. It is better to apply the compositions in the evening before going to bed, since it is at this time that nutrients are actively absorbed by the skin.

Moisturizing. Moisturize your face in the morning, if necessary, and before bed. At the same time, cosmetologists advise using a separate cream for each zone. It should be applied to cleansed skin with light pats with the fingertips.

Care O centuries. With a lack of attention to the dry area around the eyes, early wrinkles and crow's feet can quickly appear on it. To avoid such defects, it is necessary to regularly moisturize these areas with special products, gently applying the cream with light finger movements.

Usage funds CLEAN&CLEAR ®

The CLEAN & CLEAR ® product line contains a variety of products that are suitable for the care of combination skin. With a mixed type, washing gels, cleansing lotions, moisturizing emulsions from the Shine Control, Deep Action and Gentle Care series can be used.

To keep the skin of the face in perfect condition, systematic care is required. Combination skin is especially in need of proper care. Owners of this type of skin, which is also called mixed, have to make a lot of efforts to make their skin look beautiful. Combination skin care has its own characteristics, and we'll talk about it.

Combination skin: features, advantages and disadvantages

Combination skin is characterized by the following features:

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It is noteworthy that the combination skin type is the most common, and in adolescents and young people it practically prevails. This is explained by the fact that in adolescence, the sebaceous glands are very active, located mainly in the problem area - the T-zone. The culprit is the male hormone testosterone. It stimulates excess sebum secretion. This, in turn, leads to clogged pores and the appearance of blackheads (comedones), and often inflammation and acne.

But there is also good news. Around the age of 30-35, when testosterone production decreases and the sebaceous glands stabilize, combination skin becomes normal. And in the future it does not cause so much trouble to its owners. But until then, you need to work hard, because improper care for a mixed skin type or its absence can lead to premature aging of the face. That is why competent care for combination skin at home is so important.

Combination skin: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, special care

What is the right care for mixed skin? Consider the basic procedures:

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Home care products for combination skin

Not every woman can afford regular trips to the beautician. And there is no disaster in this. Home remedies are just as effective if used regularly and wisely. We offer you the best recipes for remedies that you can easily make yourself.

Black bread scrub

Excellent cleanser and moisturizer.

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Take 100 g of black bread crumb, add 50 g of kefir (yogurt or fermented baked milk). Pour 2 teaspoons of soda into the mixture, mix. If the mass is too liquid, you can add more crumb or cornmeal. The mixture is applied to the face with light massaging movements for several minutes. Wash off with contrast water.

Orange Peel Scrub

You will need ground orange peel - 1 tbsp. spoon and the same amount of natural yogurt without additives. Rub the mass into the face for 3 minutes, moving clockwise. Then wash off the scrub with lukewarm water. Such cleansing is very useful for facial skin after 30 years.

Milky oatmeal mask

Nourishes and cleanses the skin, refreshes the complexion.

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground oatmeal, pour in a small amount of warm milk, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the skin, soak for 20 minutes, rinse with chamomile decoction.

Cucumber-egg mask

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Indicated for sagging and puffiness of the skin, for effective nutrition and hydration, refreshing the complexion.

Take 100 g of chopped cucumber, 1 raw protein, 1/5 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix ingredients. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad, hold on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm, then cool water.

Milk curd mask

Mix 3 parts fat-free cottage cheese with 1 part warm milk. Apply a thick gruel on the face for 15-20 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes. Rinse with contrast water, tone with an ice cube.

Berry milk mask

Well nourishes and fortifies the skin, has a slight lifting effect, prevents premature aging of the skin. .png" alt="lifting mask for combination skin" width="450" height="252" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 828w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Take low-fat cottage cheese 1-2 tbsp. spoons, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of puree from fresh berries (preferably local - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, etc.). In its absence, replace cottage cheese with kefir or yogurt. Apply to clean skin, leave for 20-40 minutes, rinse with cool water.

orange lotion

An excellent tonic for daily care of oily skin. Refreshes the complexion, fortifies and improves skin elasticity.

Fresh orange peel - 200 g, mineral water - 1 glass. Pour the washed orange peel with 1 glass of mineral water, grind with a blender. Pour into a dark glass container and leave to infuse for 2 days. Strain. Can be used instead of washing, as well as make cosmetic ice.

Cosmetics for combination skin type

This set of cosmetics is necessary for the care of mixed skin types:

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When choosing skin care products for oily skin, avoid products based on glycerin, which clog pores. Always pay attention to the expiration date of products and the mark "for oily or combination skin."


Oily skin care is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to accustom yourself to systematically care for your skin. And at least 1-2 times a year visit a beautician who can give you professional advice and assist in the selection of cosmetics.

Proper care of combination skin requires a lot of effort. The difficulty lies in the fact that it combines oily areas in the T-zone and dry areas in the cheek area. Next, we will look at how to consistently care for problematic combination skin.


Cleansing is an important link in skin care. To prepare your face for the application of nourishing masks, use special cleansers. Take a foam or gel and apply 2 times a day to damp skin. Pay special attention to oily areas of the skin on the nose, forehead and chin. Be sure to rinse off the cleanser with cool water.


After cleansing, you need to use a matting tonic. It will provide deeper cleansing of pores and disinfection of microtraumas after washing. You can use both purchased tonic and self-prepared:

  • Pour a cup of chilled green tea.
  • Add two tablespoons of lemon to it.
  • We wipe oily areas of the skin with tonic using cotton swabs.


Nourishing masks are best applied in the evening, when the skin begins to intensively absorb the beneficial elements contained in these products. Use one of the recipes, and your skin will receive a huge supply of vitamins for a whole week:

  • Mask with berries. We take 30 grams of puree from any berry, add 30 grams of cottage cheese to it. The mixture is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, washed off.
  • Yeast mask. We mix 20 grams of yeast with 30 grams of three percent hydrogen peroxide. Apply diluted yeast to the skin with massaging movements. Keep the mask for a quarter of an hour. Soak cotton pads in tea and use them to wipe the mixture from the face.
  • Aloe mask. We mix the yolk with 15 g of aloe juice. We apply the first layer of the mask and let it dry, we also apply the second and third layers. Keep the mask for half an hour and rinse with warm water.


After cleansing or applying masks, be sure to use a moisturizer. It will provide the necessary skin protection for the whole day. First, apply a cream for oily skin on the face and let it dry. Now we put a fat cream on the cheeks and eyelids. After evening cleansing and toning the skin, apply the night cream only on the cheeks.

Extra Care

Combination skin will benefit from treatments such as steam baths and exfoliation. Steam well tones and fills the skin with vitamins. And the use of peeling twice a week will reduce the production of sebum in the T-zone.

Cranberry Lemon Steam Bath Recipe

Take a lemon and cut it into two halves. We skip half a lemon through a meat grinder and crush half a glass of cranberries. We put everything you need in a saucepan and pour two liters of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam for 15 minutes. Before this procedure, it is worth applying a little oily cream to dry areas of the skin.

Peeling with oatmeal

This scrub will soften and moisturize dry skin, as well as cleanse oily skin from excess sebum. We pass 200 grams of oatmeal through a meat grinder and mix with 30 g of soda, 25 g of salt and 15 g of sour milk. Apply the mixture on the face with massaging movements. We wash off the scrub when it starts to slide a little on the skin.

By following the tips for caring for combination skin, you can enjoy a healthy glow every day. You will never worry about oily nose or chapped cheeks again.