Ukrainian women are a collective image of impeccability! The image of a Ukrainian woman - copywriting

3 image

1) (view, figure, likeness, appearance) image (-zu), like, post (-ti), postava; (image drawn, stucco and so on.) image, similarity. The image of man is the image of a man, like a man. There is no human image on it - it does not have a human image (similar to human). Take the image of someone, what - take (take) on yourself the image of someone, like etc.;

2) (way) way (-du), way (-sobu), rank, rob, beaten, beaten. In expressions: in such a way, next - in such a rank (robe, fret, beaten), so, in such a way, otozh, otzhe. In some way - in some rank (in a way, in a way, beaten, in a robe), yak, in a way. No -zom - no way, no light, greedy way (beaten, rank), greedy world, sound-sound. Some -zom - deakim rank (robe, beaten). Somehow - zom - like, like a robe (rank). Equal -zom - equal-zh, zarivno. Known -zom - singing fret (robe, rank). The main -zom - is more important, the head rank, the head, the most, the best. The best - zom - scho-best, like the best, like the best. Proper -zom - garazd. Inappropriate - zom - inadequate. Private -zom - private, private robe (rank). Ordinary -zom - in a special way, in a great way (robe, rank), as usual. Invisible -zom - unremarkable. In a different way - differently, differently, in a different way (robe, rank, way). One way or another -zom - so chi inak (otherwise, otherwise), tim chi other robe (rank, way, beaten). Cautious -zom - quiet (protective) rank (mode). Do according to someone. -zu - robiti (walk) with someone's robe (lad). The mode of action is a reason, a reason, a behavior. The image of government is a system (method) of ordering, order. Here the form of government is republican - here the order is republican. Lifestyle - beaten, beaten. The way of thinking is straight thoughts;

3) See Icon. To lie under (to die) - konati, reach.


2) (a visual representation of something.) image, yava

3) lit. , claim. image, post, -ti

5) (V creative P. in combination with a preceding adjective or pronoun in the sense of a way, the means is usually translated by the form of the corresponding adverb, sometimes by the form creative P. adjective and subsequent noun) rank, way

6) mat. image, -

  • 4 image

    math. image

    See also other dictionaries:

      Image- 1. Statement of the question. 2. O. as a phenomenon of class ideology. 3. Individualization of reality in O. 4. Typification of reality in O. 5. Artistic fiction in O. 6. O. and imagery; system O. 7. Content O. 8. Public ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

      Image- Image: Wiktionary has an article «image» Image visual image, visual image, image. Artist ... Wikipedia

      IMAGE- in philosophy, the result of the reflection of the object in the mind of man. On feelings. stages of cognition images are sensations, perceptions and representations, at the level of thinking concepts, judgments and conclusions. O. is objective in its source ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      image- a subjective picture of the world or its fragments, including the subject himself, other people, the spatial environment and the temporal sequence of events. In psychology, the concept of O. is used in several meanings. Along with the expansion ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

      IMAGE Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      IMAGE- 1. IMAGE1, images, pl. images, husband 1. Appearance, appearance, likeness (book). “Zakhar did not try to change not only the image given to him by God, but also his costume.” Goncharov. “He will get drunk there to the animal form, what good is it?” A. Ostrovsky. Lose the image... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      image- Icon, face. Folder image. .. See the look, image, icon, method, style mainly, in a different way, radically, in no way, in the image, in the image and likeness, take the angelic image, likewise ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and ... ... Synonym dictionary

      IMAGE- a phenomenon that occurs as a result of the imprinting of one object in another, acting as a perceiving formation of a spiritual or physical; O. is the transformation of primary being into secondary being, reflected and enclosed in sensually ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

      IMAGE- IMAGINE, IMAGINATION, IMAGE. To imagine, imagination of the words inherited by the Russian literary language from the Old Church Slavonic language. The morphological composition of the word imagine shows that its original meaning was to give an image to something ... The history of words

      Image- IMAGE (in poetry). The question of the nature of the poetic image belongs to the most difficult questions of poetics, for it intersects several hitherto unresolved problems of aesthetics. First of all, one should discard those narrow and superficial ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

      image- 1. IMAGE, a; pl. images; m. 1. Appearance, appearance; appearance, appearance. God created man in his own image and likeness. I often think of her gentle Fr. O. young Chekhov is captured in photographs. It was a real devil in the form of ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


    • The image of the performance, Alla Mikhailova, The book examines various plans that make up the image of the performance: the birth of the artist's idea, its embodiment, plastic and color structure. With a few specific examples... Category: Theatre. performing arts Publisher:


    LOOK 1, y, h.

    1. Zovnіshnіy looking someone, something. Urantz thought[Carmel relatives] the first one flew into the dungeon and the first glance, waiting for the same gloomy image of the dungeon(Vovchok, I, 1955, 363); Becoming a wine[stone] if you please, little by little, the human image is thrown off, Like a rose at the marmur, to stand, yet invisible, Not yet finished with a thin cut(Zerov, Vibr., 1966, 311); // Seeing someone, something, witnessing at the sight, remembering the creations in reality. Our mother lived so well in your image.(Kotsyub., III, 1956, 128); Stepan.yati image of Olga(Stelmakh, II, 1962, 154); Sotnik Daring.(Gonchar, II, 1959, 431); // Like, a copy of someone, something. Sinok, the true image of the father is the only potiha .., in the quiet growth of ideas(Fr., VI, 1951, 322); What to lie about? Don't take, don't give: My singing image in appearance, - So wine is thrown on me(Grab., I, 1959, 236).

    In the image- at the sight. [Yuda:] Everything marinated me - either a heavenly gate, or a golden throne, and on the throne the Messiah in the image of that promotion(L. Ukr., III, 1952, 136); Zvir in the image of people for the bombing of your own knowledge(Gonch., Vibr., 1959, 146); Lose (lose) the human image- stop being like a person, spend looking, drawing a person. Yakby people did not practice, step by step they would use the human image(Chorn., Beautiful people, 1961, 52).

    2. Specific for literature and science is a concrete-sensible form of expression of activity. In science, the idea is expressed through understanding, and in science - through images.(Mist. cinema, 1955, 36); Pavlo Tichina I create beautiful golden musical images, spovnenie rush, energy(Talent.., 1958, 32); The image of Dnipro to pass through the crisis[T. Shevchenko] creativity(Rilsky, III, 1956, 26); My friend thinks in images and farbs(Yu. Yanov., I, 1958, 133); // Type, ugly character, creations by a writer, mitze. Concentrating all his hatred to the hizhatstvo of Franco at the image of an eagle-eagle(Kotsyub., III, 1956, 38); In an innumerable number of female images, the image of the mother stood up for all others(Dovzh., I, 1958, 12); The skin of a person, and also mystic instillation in the stage image is fraught with positive and negative character(Z glybin soul, 1959, 72).

    Get in (out) into the image- live with the character of the mystical creation, pereymayuchisya spiritual light (about the role of the actor, the mastery of reading, etc.). - If they let you in, then sit quietly, for I call everyone who is not busy at the rehearsal to leave. What are beshketniks? You don't let you go into the image(Kucher, Love is difficult, 1960, 324).

    3. specialist. The image of some kind of appearance through something else, more specifically, or more clearly for the help of a moving turn, a figurative implantation of a word, etc.; trope. talking[David] garno, voice, non-standard and incorporating into the language live barvy image(Golovko, II, 1957, 129).

    4. transl. pl. Those who are vimalovuetsya, stay in someone else's life. Yogo appears to be pratsyuє nevgamovno, unrolls new images in front of him, and the most wonderful, quiet, clear images of the polonini, lisіv(Fr., IV, 1950, 28); Your soul was already dead in one word: earth, "my earth!", And the images of your old dreams woke up in you(Golovko, I, 1957, 566).

    5. Image of a starry looking at someone, something (about a portrait, photography, sculpture, etc.). [Godwinson:] You are rememberedyataesh that similarity, scho vіn spitting on a mockery, why not change me? I knew by the clothes that this is my image(L. Ukr., III, 1952, 68); In the far distance, with a portrait of the father, a mother's image was attached to the urochisto(Sobko, Zvich. life, 1957: 42).

    6. philosophy Reflection in the evidence of phenomena of objective action. Our thoughts, our svіdomіst є only an image of the zvіshny world ..(Lenin, 18, 1971, 59).

    7. stagnant, hot Disguise. - Do not marvel, son, at the image, but marvel at the way out before you. Somewhere ugly, that dashing reptile...(Mirny, I, 1949, 354); - Don't get dressed, I'll wait and see, and form your own mind(M. Yu. Tarn., Den.., 1963, 43).

    LOOK 2, A, h. (pl. form, iv).

    1. Those same things icon. Until the night she prayed before the images, went to the god of happiness-share of her first child(N.-Lev., I, 1956, 142); A candle blinked, a friend blinked, and a third - and the stench lit up with equal fire in front of the image of St. Nicholas(Stelmakh, II, 1962, 312).

    2. stop Painting. On the side wall .. hanging a great image in gilded frames(Fr., V, 1951, 186); Vazhe sklepinnya[hall] was decorated with images on historical themes, works of German painters, in gilded frames(Punch, Gomon. Ukraine, 1954, 44).


    Executive is not an absolute synonym for femininity and the feminine, that is, it is not a manifestation of the psychology of only the female sex.

    Not less often we observe the executiveness of the male part of the population, in particular, this is a fairly typical phenomenon in Ukrainian psychoculture. And vice versa: in intentional (human) societies, intentionality due to emancipation can become a psychological sign of women (American or German psychoculture).

    What is included in this concept?

    First of all, executive psychoculture correlates with a reproductive, imitative, and not a creative principle.

    In any creativity there is always an element of risk and innovation, deviations from the standard, non-standard design and solutions. Executive, on the contrary, is an avoidance of excess of normativity and non-standard, and an executive psychotype is almost always a kind imitator, a follower "from and to".

    The second feature of the executive as a characteristic parameter of psychoculture is that the executive reveals itself through the fulfillment of goals, performance, service activity, is centered on current interests and needs, on detail (usually aesthetic).

    Finally, the executive principle can be defined through the dichotomy "autonomy - heteronomy". The executive psychoculture is authentic and self-sufficient, it is not capable of self-determination. After all, self-determination provides for the certainty of the principles of axiological activity, the main meanings of life.

    Since ancient times, the sacred image of a woman has been formed in the national mentality of Ukrainians. A mother woman could even claim the status of a kind of proto-deity: songs and poems were composed about her, her image was sung in epics and thoughts, they went to death with her and returned to peaceful labor. The archetype of the native Mother Earth, Mother Ukraine, was also associated with a certain psychological space: freedom, peace, harmony and love, that native comfort in which you can relax after long life trials. Bright and beautiful feelings for a woman were embodied in lyrics and prose.

    If the Ukrainian male psychotype is capable of fruitful work alone, then in the collective forms of life the maternal model of "protection" works: service, institutional, formal business relations are replaced by informal ones with an element of family.

    But ensuring strategic interests is the business of men. Indeed, a strong Ukrainian woman is capable of sacrificing herself to the imperfection of the environment created by her own depraved man, but she is simply not able to change this environment. But this is not her mission. And then the drama of Ukrainian psychoculture begins: a woman takes over the role of a guarantor of strategic interests, leading and manipulating a weak and weak-willed man. She does this, of course, in the female system: avoiding disruption of the usual environment, with flexibility and perseverance, but without unnecessary revolutionary spirit. Something seems to be happening, but nothing is changing. It cannot be otherwise in a society where women play both the role of men and their own, and men themselves consider themselves as an organic link in the comfort created by a woman.

    An effeminate man is not used to choosing a clear line of behavior and, when making a decision, begins to hesitate: he weighs and sorts out different options for a long time, tries to combine them, but only with the sole purpose of delaying as long as possible. In the end, a collective decision is made, or again a woman is taken, who here, too, reveals herself to be the bearer of intentionality.

    Male executiveness also has a huge number of positives, the main among which is positive motivation for routine work. By the same ... the community gets a good opportunity for the development, for example, agriculture, where women's endurance and patience have long been valued (which is not, for example, in Russia). Destructive, destructive manifestations of psychoculture are neutralized: aggressiveness, militancy, cruelty, hatred - everything that is connected with American and European psychocultures.

    But the same turns into destructive consequences for a defenseless domestic child who is not accustomed to defending his interests either before the state or before a stronger one in any respect, accustomed to confronting brutal violence and enduring abuse of his own dignity ...

    An executive disposition, a tendency to fluctuate under the influence of the slightest external stimulus, recreates psychological chameleonism, inconsistency and changeability. Such a person seems to have an infinite number of masks and abilities, erased, embodied in different ones. He easily breaks promises, betrays, changes plans, running away under the pressure of circumstances.

    In today's Ukraine, we are witnessing a typically executive reaction to domestic socio-economic and political problems. Many men, saving themselves and their families from the consequences of unemployment and economic chaos (and here they can be understood), rushed to seek happiness abroad: someone went to the famous "shuttle boats", someone - to agricultural work in Poland, Greece, France . Well-fed Europe received a huge number of cleaners, laborers, drivers, cooks and prostitutes from Ukraine. With all sincerity, sympathizing with these family patriots, their human endurance, you cannot understand why it is easier to search in someone else's paradise than to create your own?

    Why does female weakness, zoological conventionalism erase national dignity and solidarity? Why is a woman's "yes" said where a man's "no" should be said?

    Female beauty has driven the representatives of the stronger sex crazy more than once. It is not for nothing that beautiful ladies work hard on their appearance and learn many new secrets of creating an image.

    Ukrainian girls are considered among the most beautiful in the world. Traditionally, most Ukrainians have earth-black eyebrows, long eyelashes, and brown eyes. Even folk songs worship this appearance. To emphasize this incredible beauty, girls use cosmetics, with the help of which all small flaws can be hidden, and virtues can be made more noticeable.

    Few people know the history of Ukrainian makeup. A long time ago, when there were not so many different brands of cosmetics manufacturers, no one could even imagine what mascara or foundation was. All this came with time. But even then, Ukrainian girls cared about their appearance and tried to be charming every day for their Cossacks. Smart beauties used vegetables and fruits to make natural cosmetics. So, for example, with the help of cherries, women painted their lips. To make their eyes beautiful and deeper, they lined them with soot. Many other vegetables such as beets, carrots, cucumbers, melons have been used to strengthen the skin, for massages and masks. They didn’t forget about the fragrance either, and instead of modern perfume, they often used the smell of mint, which makes a woman very tender.

    Ukrainian makeup

    Today, of course, there are no problems with the choice of cosmetics or access to it. Girls can use any tones to their liking. But, how does the makeup of Ukrainian women differ from others?

    Traditionally, the clothes of Ukrainian girls are an embroidered shirt. Although these clothes seem ancient and historical, young beauties of all parts wear such an outfit on holidays, on weekends, and some wear it on weekdays. Therefore, the external image of a Ukrainian girl should be considered in an embroidered shirt, in most cases with a flower wreath on her head.

    The best makeup for a Ukrainian girl will be a modest, but very sophisticated look. It is generally accepted that in Ukrainian women the skin is white, like sour cream, so you should not overdo it with a tonal foundation in preparation for applying the rest of the cosmetics. The skin should remain light and look gentle. Brightness can be given with the help of blush. To create a Ukrainian makeup, you should use pink blush, apply on the cheekbones with a rather large ball, but not so that it seems vulgar. In the make-up of this style, the main thing is simplicity and innocence, which at the same time look very feminine and confident.

    Ukrainian makeup video

    It is recommended to bring the eyes with black eyeliner, you can draw arrows, but this will be a more modern version. If you stick to the classic style, then you should circle the eyes along the contours and use mascara for a more expressive look of the girl. Strictly speaking, nothing else needs to be done with the eyes. The emphasis in Ukrainian makeup is on the lips of the young lady. To create the perfect look, you need to use bright red lipstick. You can cover it with a transparent gloss or nothing at all. It will look very elegant and sophisticated. But in fact, nothing complicated. This makeup goes well with red beads and a shirt embroidered with red threads. This image is suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women with brown eyes.

    Pismak Yury Alexandrovich - teacher of Architecture and
    art institute OGASA, corresponding member of the Engineering
    Academy of Ukraine, member of the International Federation for Conservation
    cultural heritage EUROPA NOSTRA, Odessa, Ukraine.

    The colorful, expressive, romantic, heroic and courageous images of the Ukrainian Cossacks have long attracted the attention of artists. Foreigners who arrived from far away on Ukrainian lands sought to capture their appearance, unusual clothes, hairstyles, weapons, accessories in order to subsequently illustrate books, albums, engravings. designed to expand the knowledge and horizons of residents of other European countries. For example, the engraving by V. Gondius “Portrait of Hetman of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytsky” (mid-17th century) widely reproduced in books and textbooks on history is widely known. But the Cossack themes in the visual arts reached their peak in the 19th century. It was in this glorious century for painting that such great masters as Ilya Efimovich Repin and Jan Mateiko turn to the theme of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Among the prominent artists who touched on this topic are N. Samokish, S. Vasilkovsky, F. Roubaud, G. Narbut.

    Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that the most famous painting dedicated to the Ukrainian Cossacks is the painting by I. E. Repin “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan” (1878–1891, oil on canvas). . The height of the painting exceeds two meters, and the width is about 360 cm. Repin was born in the small Ukrainian town of Chuguev (near Kharkov) on July 24, 1844. His work, dedicated to the glorious and heroic page in the history of the Ukrainian people, is permeated with the sympathy and love of the brilliant master for the land on which he was born. “Repin was fascinated by the idea of ​​a noble mission, which the Cossacks took upon themselves, who created a national knightly order, which aimed to protect the free life of their brothers and sisters. The creation of such a complex, multi-figured work required great efforts from the artist.

    The master worked on this grandiose historical painting for twelve years. Repin writes in November 1890: I have not finished Zaporozhtsev yet. What a difficult thing to finish a picture! I don’t foresee the end: it’s going hard.” First presented at the artist's personal exhibition in 1891, the painting "Cossacks ..." was a great success. Emperor Alexander III purchased it for his museum for 35,000 rubles. Such a significant amount was too high even for P. M. Tretyakov. The conclusion suggests itself: if the emperor bought the painting, then he liked it (its plot and characters)! Does this mean that he felt sympathy for the Ukrainian people, their history, the glorious heroic past of the Zaporozhye Cossacks? They say that when painting the picture, Repin consulted with a young, but already well-known at that time, historian Dmitry Yavornitsky, who specialized in studying the history of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Emperor Alexander III also consulted about this work with historians, connoisseurs of Ukrainian antiquity. Currently, the painting is kept in the collection of the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. A less grandiose painting by Repin is also known, related to the topic we are considering - “Cossack in the Steppe” (1881).

    The exposition of the Odessa Art Museum presents a painting by Sergei Vasilkovsky (1854-1917) "Cossack on duty" (Wood, oil. 35.26.5 cm.). The hero of the picture is already an elderly Zaporozhye Cossack. He stands leaning on the barrel of his gun, carefully peering into the distance. The head of the warrior is shown almost in profile. His clothes are traditional and correspond to the weather: a high light fur hat is on his head, a sheepskin coat is thrown over his shoulder, and boots with low tops are on his feet. Blue spacious bloomers contrast with the maroon color of the wide belt. Behind the Cossack stands his saddled horse. Despite the small size of the picture, the artist, nevertheless, managed to reveal his character, masculinity and military training in the stern expression of the Cossack's face ... The background is a gloomy autumn landscape with a burning settlement in the background. The smoke of the fire merges with lead clouds. The trunks and twigs of two birches inclined towards each other, almost completely devoid of foliage, form an openwork pattern on the left side of the picture...

    In the artistic heritage of S. Vasilkovsky, the watercolor “Cossack Pushkar” (“Cossack Garmash”) also attracts attention. The young gunner stands firmly on the ground next to his gun. In all his appearance, in the expression of his face, one can feel steadfastness and determination to defend the interests of his people, his native land.

    Cossack themes also attracted romantic artists who lived in Western Ukrainian lands. A graduate of the Vienna Academy of Arts, Kornilo Ustiyanovich - "a tireless seeker of truth in life and art, a great Ukrainian patriot", painter and poet created the battle "Cossack Battle" (1890), which is stored in the National Museum of Lviv. The collection of the Lviv Art Gallery presents a watercolor by Julius Kossak "Cossack in the steppe". A distinctive feature of the warrior depicted on it, proudly riding a white horse, is a beard. The hat is famously tilted to one side, the shoulder covers the cloak. Behind his belt is a pistol, and behind his back is a gun. Under the bridle, the Cossack leads next to him a second horse in a rich harness. In all likelihood, this is his trophy. In the background is a lava of cavalrymen in Cossack hats, bristling with uplifted spears.

    The well-known Ukrainian graphic artist Georgiy Narbut (1886–1920) also touched upon the theme of the Cossacks in his work. For him, she is associated with illustrating books, including those for children. Creating illustrations for I. Kotlyarevsky's "Aeneid", Narbut depicts Aeneas's associates in the form of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks: in bright trousers, caftans, with muskets on their shoulders and sabers in sheaths. Long mustaches and forelocks - "settlers" that stand out from under their hats, leave us no doubt - we have before us the Cossacks in the role of ancient heroes. The Kharkiv Art Museum has a bright, stylized illustration for the Aeneid, made by G. I. Narbut in 1919. On it, in a gilded helmet decorated with feathers and a red cloak, Aeneas is depicted at the head of his army. A Cossack on a rearing horse, with a famously twisted mustache, with a saber on his side and with a gun in his right hand, is depicted on a sheet of the “Ukrainian Abetka” (sheet “K”), created by G. Narbut in 1917. The original illustration is in the collection of the Russian State Library in Moscow. “As you know, Georgy Narbut was one of those artists who developed drawings of the first Ukrainian paper money, which replaced the Russian one after 1917. G. Narbut is one of the initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts in Kyiv, which Taras Shevchenko dreamed about.”

    The famous battle painter Mykola Semyonovich Samokish (1860–1944) is the author of a number of paintings related to the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Among them, the most famous are: “The Entry of Bogdan Khmelnitsky to Kyiv” and “The Battle of Maxim Krivonos with Jeremiah Vishnevetsky”. These canvases are very expressive and dynamic. Close to the works of N. S. Samokish in its dynamics, swiftness of movement is the battle painting by I. Lebedev "The Battle of Pilyavtsy". In this picture, the Cossacks of Bohdan Khmelnytsky overtake the Polish soldiers who have been put to flight. The horses are running fast. Like lightning, the deadly blades of the Cossack sabers sparkle in the air. In the center of the composition, the Cossack has already raised his punishing steel over the hated enemy flying on a white horse. The painting "Battle of Pilyavtsy" was replicated in the form of lithographs.

    Professor of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, famous battle painter, academician Franz Alekseevich Roubaud (1856–1928) entered the history of art as the creator of the first national panoramas. Some researchers persistently assert: Roubaud was born in Odessa. It was in our city that the foundations of his professionalism were laid. The year of his birth coincided with the year of the end of the Crimean War. By 1904, Franz Roubaud with a group of assistants created a huge canvas (with an area of ​​1600 m 2) depicting the assault on Sevastopol on June 6, 1855 and a substantive first plan. To the 100th anniversary of the epochal battle of 1812 F. A. Roubaud with assistants from 1910 to 1912 created a grandiose panorama "Battle of Borodino", recognized as the pinnacle of his work. Among the works of the master there are also wonderful paintings depicting Zaporozhye Cossacks.

    In the middle of the 20th century, a new surge of interest in the topic of the Ukrainian Cossacks was observed in art. This time it was associated with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the "reunification of Ukraine with Russia." Soviet ideologists wanted to make the most of the "round" date. A special role in the propaganda of the centuries-old unbreakable friendship between the two fraternal East Slavic peoples (the flowering of which, in their opinion, became possible precisely in the USSR) was assigned to fine arts. The canvas of the Ukrainian artist M. Khmelko “Pereyaslav Rada. January 8, 1654". In this picture, the Cossacks enthusiastically greet Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who came out to them hand in hand with the Moscow boyars, accompanied by the clergy. His face is illuminated with the greatest happiness. It's done! Representatives of the Cossack elders and ordinary Cossacks cannot help but cheer with enthusiastic exclamations. Against the background of the snow-covered roofs of the surrounding buildings, hats fly into the air. The assembled valiant warriors raised their sabers over their heads, hardened many times in the liberation struggle against the Commonwealth. The general joy and jubilation are supported by a symbolic sincere handshake between the Ukrainian Cossack and the Russian archer. If we discard the ideological background and motivation for creating the picture, the skill of the artist, the heir to the glorious traditions of the domestic fine arts, commands respect.

    The work of the masters of the 19th–20th centuries, who made a significant contribution to the coverage of the topic of the Ukrainian Cossacks, inspires modern Ukrainian artists to new achievements. In particular, the author of this article on December 31, 2000 in the West German town of Erlensee (the federal state of Hesse, Main-Kinzig district) painted the watercolor "Cossack Rada", which was presented as a New Year's gift to a family of local residents ... The next day after the creation of the work, her the author said: "Yesterday I painted a watercolor of the last century and the last millennium." Almost two thousand kilometers from my native land, I wanted to reflect my own perception of Ukrainian history with a brush on paper. Shortly before that, Odessa was decorated with a sculpture by A.P. Tokarev, a native of the Krasnodar Territory, “Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Host Anton Golovaty” (1999–2000). I. Ivchenko creates sculptural images of the Cossacks on a completely different scale. Relatively small figures of this master are dynamic and expressive. One of his works is “Slayer” (2000, wood, carving, tinting, waxing). The well-known Odessa sculptor Pyotr Ivanovich Kravchenko devoted a whole series of his works to the Ukrainian Cossacks.

    Previously, the image of the Ukrainian Cossack, captured in watercolor, was presented by the author of these lines at the second solo exhibition: Yuri Pismak "The Wormwood Star", held in April-June 1998 at the Odessa State Scientific Library named after M. Gorky.

    The above facts allow us to conclude that the coverage of the topic of the Ukrainian Cossacks in the visual arts has a rather long and glorious history. The prospects for its development are also quite optimistic.

    Sources and literature:

    1. Vlasov V.G. Big encyclopedic dictionary of fine arts. In 8 volumes - T. 3. - St. Petersburg: LITA, 2001. - 848 p., ill.
    2. George Narbut. Album. / Author-scheduler P. O. Biletsky. K.: Mistetstvo, 1983. - 119 p., il.
    3. Illustrated history of the USSR / V. T. Pashuto, B. S. Itenberg, K. N. Tarnovsky and others - 4th ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Thought, 1987. - 509, p.:
    ill., maps.
    4. Cossack graves // Remembrances of Ukraine: history and culture. 1997. No. 4. S. 22–23.
    5. Image-creating art: Encyclopedic illustrative dictionary-dovidnik. / Sovereign A. Pasichny. К.: Fact, 2007. - 680 p., ill.
    6. Ovsiychuk V.A. Classicism and romanticism in Ukrainian art. K.: Dnipro, 2001. - 447 p., il.
    7. Rus' many-sided: Collection. Publicism. / Comp. D. N. Merkulov. M.: Sov. writer, 1990. - 368 p., ill.
    8. Samin D.K. 100 great artists. - M.: Veche, 2004.
    9. Stamerov K.K. Draw from the history of costumes. Part I. K.: Mistetstvo, 1978. - 244 p., il.
    10. Ukrainian historical calendar '96 / edited by acad. NASU P.P. Tolochka. K., 1995. - 390 p.
    11. Masterpieces of Russian painting. Album. / Text by P. P. Gnedich. M.: Bely Gorod, 2005. 568 p., ill.