Lesson of the rules of the road for children. Traffic rules, traffic lights, traffic. Summaries of classes, GCD. Traffic Laws

How to correctly explain the rules of the road for children so that they not only understand and remember them, but also observe them daily and without reminders?

And how appropriate it is to talk about the importance of traffic rules for children, the statistics of accidents speak for themselves.

According to the traffic police, in Russia, the death rate of children in car accidents exceeds the death rate due to fires and floods, air and railway accidents. Even due to illness, children die less often than from accidents on the road.

Such statistics should make adults seriously think about how to protect their child from tragedy.

Mistakes of parents explaining the rules of the road to children

It often happens that many parents, even those who have a driver's license, cannot correctly convey to the child elementary knowledge about behavior on and near the roadway, at stops and in transport. Limiting themselves to the phrases “Stop, there is a road”, “Walk with me by the hand” and “It is impossible”, they bring up an illiterate pedestrian. And then all hope for kindergarten and school, they say, they will teach there.

The process of understanding and assimilation of the rules of the road is a very complex and long process, which should consist not only of explanations from mom and dad, "How can you" and "How can you not." Traffic rules for children should become an important part of education in every family.

When and how to start explaining traffic rules to children?

It is possible and necessary to teach children such important rules from the age of one and a half. Usually they begin to pay great attention to this when the baby can move independently. Of course, at this age, the child will not yet be able to remember where to look when crossing the street and which light to stop at. This does not mean that there is no need to learn.

Teach your children about the rules of the road, based on the following recommendations:

  1. Together with the children, look at pictures with different types of transport, teach them to name them, show them, recognize them on the street. It is important to know and distinguish the sounds of various vehicles, to be able to pronounce them.
  2. Good helpers in learning will be books with stories and stories about the road, transport, as well as cartoons on these topics.
  3. With kids of 2 years old, you can already play simple games that simulate situations on the road. So, for example, children will be happy to remember the colors of a traffic light and how to act when a light is on. To do this, adults can show the child mugs of red, yellow or green colors and combine them with movements (stand still, clap or walk).
  4. With a child from 3 years old, it will be useful to draw, for example, the road from home to a store or kindergarten, read and learn simple rhymes about the rules of the road for children, solve riddles, look at road signs on the street and special toy road signs for children at home.
  5. It is necessary to develop in kids ideas about space and speed of movement. This will help exercises to determine the remoteness of the object. Choose for the child any object or object in sight and ask him to describe in words far or near, front or back, right or left. Teach your child to determine whether he is walking fast or slow (a car is driving).

What should contain traffic rules for children?

By the age of three, a child should know and understand the following concepts:

  • road, carriageway
  • Sidewalk, sidewalk
  • crossroads
  • Transition (pedestrian, underground, ground)
  • A pedestrian
  • Driver
  • Vehicle (car, bicycle, bus, tram, trolleybus, motorcycle, moped, etc.)
  • Traffic light
  • Road sign
  • Stop

At preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to form children's knowledge about the basic rules of the road. This knowledge can be conditionally divided into four groups.

  1. Rules for crossing the road

  • Cross the street at the crossing (pedestrian, underground, elevated).
  • If a pedestrian crossing has a traffic light for pedestrians, cross when the light is green.
  • If there is no traffic light for pedestrians, cross when all cars have stopped (for them, the traffic light will turn red).
  • If there is no special crossing, look first to the right, then to the left, and if there are no cars, go.
  • Never cross the road. Walk quickly and calmly.
  • Do not talk while crossing the road, be careful.

Adults need to remember the most important rule. Not a single rule of the road for kids will make any sense if you yourself do not adhere to them or start breaking them. Only by setting the right example will you be able to keep children safe on the road.

Cartoon about the rules of the road for children

Throughout the year, work is underway to teach children the rules of the road, behavior on the street. For example, acquaintance with a traffic light, studying road signs, etc. At the end of the year, this event is held, which will test the knowledge and skills of children. The holiday is held in a competitive form. Teams of red and green are formed. Evaluates the players by the jury, which includes parents, educator-methodologist, physical education instructor. The competition consists of several tasks. For two weeks, the teams get acquainted with the tasks, prepare for the upcoming game: learn poems, songs, prepare for the quiz; repeat the rules of safety and behavior on the road.




(holiday of the young pedestrian)

Target: consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street and the road.

Attributes and equipment:musical center, music of children's songs in the recording for the background, two easels with magnets; applications of cars, costumes for participants in poetic dramatizations, posters depicting road signs, sheets of blank paper and pens for the jury, an equal number of green and red circles that will be used to evaluate team players.

Decor: trucks, cars and buses cut out of colored paper are attached to the central wall. The place reserved for the performance resembles a street intersection, the road of which is decorated with a footpath. There is also a corresponding sign pointer, another sign is fixed to the side - with the image of running children. A traffic light hangs from the ceiling in front of the makeshift road. Along opposite walls there are chairs or benches for players. A table is placed perpendicular to the walls, at which the jury will be placed, chairs for guests are placed behind them.

Preparatory work:throughout the year, work is underway to teach children the rules of the road, behavior on the street. For example, acquaintance with a traffic light, studying road signs, etc. At the end of the year, this event is held, which will test the knowledge and skills of children.

The holiday is held in a competitive form. Teams of red and green are formed. Evaluates the players by the jury, which includes parents, educator-methodologist, physical education instructor.

The competition consists of several tasks. For two weeks, the teams get acquainted with the tasks, prepare for the upcoming game: learn poems, songs, prepare for the quiz; repeat the rules of safety and behavior on the road.

Event progress

The recording sounds like a march. Teams enter the hall in two columns and sit on the seats prepared for them. Following the players, the members of the jury take their places. The music subsides. The leader comes out. He greets those present in the hall.


Every child is almost from the cradle

Must learn and must understand

That alone along the roads, without adults,

It is very dangerous to walk.

Guys, you already know what danger can lie in wait not only for a child, but also for an adult on the road and how to behave on the street in order to avoid misfortune.

Now is the time to check how well you have mastered these rules of conduct. Your knowledge will be evaluated ... (represents the members of the jury). Each correctly completed task will be marked with a red or green circle, which will be displayed on our scoreboard. The team that collects the most circles of its color will win the game. So red team, are you ready to play? (The team responds with a unanimous exclamation: yes.) Green team, are you ready for the game? (Team answers.)

Attention, the first task: now we are on the street. See, it's pretty crowded.

Lively music sounds. A boy rides a tricycle, another boy drives a car with a teddy bear on a string, a girl with a doll in her hands crosses an impromptu footpath (children of the younger group take part in the situational game).

Leading. Your task, guys, is to guess who is a pedestrian and who is a passenger (the players answer).

Task two: Each team solves four riddles. If the team finds it difficult to answer, it has the right to one hint from the fans.


Riddles for the red team:

Early in the morning behind the window

Knock, and ringing, and confusion.

On straight steel tracks

There are red houses. ( Tram .)

Small, remote, Screams loudly, hangs around the guard's neck. ( Whistle. )

What a miracle: a blue house,

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. ( Bus. )

Runs and shoots

Grumbles quickly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox. ( Motorbike. )

Riddles for the green team:

Got up from the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed scarecrow

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converged

Helps the street

People go. (Traffic light. )

For me to take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves.

And then, raising the dust,

Run ... (car).

Not alive, but walking, Motionless, but leading. ( Road. )

The house is walking down the street

We are lucky in kindergarten.

Not on chicken legs

And rubber boots. ( Bus. )

The results of the game appear on the scoreboard (circles are attached to the easels). One of the jury members announces the result and asks the players a question:

Tell us what the color chosen by this or that team means?

Task three: Road Concert.

Each of the teams shows their own, pre-prepared, amateur number.

Poem by Mikhail Plyatskovsky "Traffic Light"

Stop, car! Stop, engine!

Slow down, driver!

(Pointing to a red circle pinned to his chest.)

Red eye staring

I'm a strict traffic light!

(Threatens the audience with his finger.)

I let on a strict look,

The driver waited a little,

Looked out the window again.

Pedestrians this time

Showed a green eye.

(Points to a green circle and winks with one eye.)

I winked and said:

“You can go, the path is open!”

important signs,

Compass for adults and children.

Children, be careful!

Know what is impossible, what is possible,

Do it immutably

Everything the signs say!

Leading. Guys, do you know why traffic lights are installed in the busiest places, at crossroads? (They regulate order on the road.) With color signals, a traffic light maintains order on the road, preventing collision of car streams going in different directions, and helps pedestrians to cross the road without risking their lives. Well, it's time for the green team to introduce us to their musical number.

"Road ditties".

We will sing ditties now

Yes, quite ordinary.

Yes, and the topics in them for you,

In general, the usual.

Prepare your ears

We will start now.

All about the rules of the road

We'll tell you, let's drink.

Let's sing pretty loud

For everyone to get:

Being an exemplary pedestrian

This is very good!

The traffic light is on and flashing

It is not known for what.

But the boy Petya does not see,

Ignores him.

Here comes the red light

So stop! There is no passage!

Don't rush, don't fuss

Don't break your head!

The traffic light barely blinked

Our Petya rushed forward ...

What are you doing?

No matter how bad it is!

Don't turn your ears

We continue to sing ditties.

Listen carefully,

We will sing to you in detail.

Chase the ball on the road

The boys thought.

About danger friends

Somehow they didn't think about it.

The ball rolled off the field

Right on the road.

Seryozha ran after him,

He suddenly twisted his leg.

He fell, he can't get up

Right on the road.

Oh, what will happen to him now?

Friends are very worried.

The brakes screeched

The boy has fear in his eyes.

He presses the ball to his chest,

What to do, he does not know.

Well, the driver is experienced!

He sees a small one on the road.

He turned the wheel sharply

Turned over to the curb.

Henceforth, Sergey, science to you.

If boredom prevails

Don't play ball by the road

And watch your feet!

Leading. What can misbehavior on the street, non-observance of traffic rules lead to? (An accident may occur, people will suffer.)

Captains competition.

1) It is necessary quickly, without hesitation and hesitation, to repeat the words of the tongue twister after the leader:

Empty post on the pavement

It stands on the side of the guard.

2) Tell about who the guard is, what his job is.

The captains take their seats. While the jury is conferring and summing up, Svistulkin appears - a fairy-tale character from the Dunno cartoon in the Sunny City. He performs his favorite song, which is called Svistulkin's Song (lyrics by I. Shaferan, music by V. Shainsky).

Surprise moment.

The character greets the guys. He asks if they behave well at home, in kindergarten, on the street. Svistulkin praises them and offers to relax and dance a little.

Pop moving music sounds. With a trill of his whistle, the guest invites the children to dance, shows the movements, the children repeat.

Svitulkin. Well done! It's nice to deal with such disciplined and obedient, intelligent children. Residents of our city, such as Dunno and Donut, have a lot to learn from you. And you know what, come to us in Sunny City. Conduct, so to speak, a conversation for educational purposes with our residents. Will you come?

Children. We will definitely come!

Svistulkin. (salutes). Very good. I'm going to please my friends. see you guys! (Leaves. Meanwhile, the jury evaluates the contestants. The game continues.)

Task four:teams in one minute must make an application of the car. The first team to successfully complete the task wins.

Task five: each team invites its opponent to guess the meaning of the road sign.

Red Team Mystery.

A poster with a pedestrian crossing sign is displayed.

This sign is like this:

He is guarding the pedestrian.

Let's go with the doll together

We make our way to this place.

Green team response: This sign means a pedestrian crossing.

Green mystery:

Demonstrate a poster with a picture of a spoon and a fork.

Here is a fork, here is a spoon:

Refueled a little

They also fed the dog.

Saying "thank you" sign.

Red Answer: This road sign indicates that there is a food service nearby.

The jury sums up the results of the competition, announces the results of the game. The winners are awarded, the rest of the participants receive memorable souvenirs.

In conclusion, the children together read V. Semernin's poem "Forbidden, Allowed."

V. Semernina "Forbidden-allowed"

1st child: Both avenues and boulevards

Everywhere the streets are noisy.

Walk on the sidewalk

Only on the right side.

2nd child: Here to be naughty, to interfere with the people ...

In with e. For-pre-shcha-et-sya!

2nd child: Be an exemplary pedestrian

In with e. Raz-re-sha-et-sya!

3rd child: If you just walk,

Look ahead anyway.

Through a noisy intersection

Walk carefully.

4 child: Crossing at a red light

In with e. For-pre-shcha-et-sya!

4th child. With green, even for children ...

All. Allowed!

5 child: If you are on the tram

And the people around you

No pushing, no yawning

Move forward quickly.

Leading. What do you remember, friends?

All. Traffic rules!

We remember from "A" to "Z"

The ABC of Movement!

Lecture for parents on traffic rules.

Rules of conduct on the road. Safe movement .

Do you want or don't you want...

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, you are parents,

And everything else - then!

The need for a meeting on the rules of the road is dictated by life itself. The terrible statistics of child mortality and health damage as a result of traffic accidents on the roads is simply appalling. A large number of people die on the roads every year. Some accidents are the fault of motorists, others are the fault of pedestrians. But the result is the same - someone's lost life, tragedy and grief for loved ones.Who among you does not want to see your child healthy and unharmed? And everyone thinks that his smart and reasonable kid will not be under the wheels of a car for sure. But sometimes it is not easy for a child to avoid a traffic accident. Of course, each case on the road is unique in its own way. But there are so many of these tragedies on the road!

Learning the rules of the road requires knowledge from both children and their parents. It is necessary to teach children in a timely manner the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, to educate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. And parents - not to make the most common mistake - actions on the principle of "you can with me." If you show your child by example how to run on red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Respect for the Rules of the Road, the habit of strictly observing them should be instilled in their children by parents. It is in our power to form the skills of safe behavior on the roads, to educate a conscious and competent pedestrian responsible for the life and health of road users. Traffic police officers found that 80% of accidents occurred within a radius of one kilometer from the place of residence of the child. Special studies have established that children cross the road differently than adults. Adults, approaching the roadway, are already observing and assessing the situation from afar. Children, on the other hand, begin observing only when they approach the edge of the road or are already on it. As a result, the child's brain does not have time to "digest" the information and give the right command for action. In addition, young children transfer their ideas from the microcosm of toys into the real world. To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to:

see the road;
correctly assess the traffic situation in all its variability;
see, listen, assess the situation, anticipate, avoid danger

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully it is necessary to examine the street when there is a home on the opposite side, acquaintances, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Reminder for parents.

Let me remind you once again of the basic rules that a child should know

1. Basic terms and concepts of the rules.

2. Obligations of pedestrians.

3. Obligations of passengers.

4. Traffic regulation.

5. Traffic lights.

6. Warning signals.

7. Movement through railway tracks.

8. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people.

9. Features of cycling.

Pedestrians should move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip, along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles.

When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers

Groups of children are allowed to drive only along sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence, also along roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence, at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

Traffic rules for pedestrians


An analysis of traffic accidents with children shows that it is not enough to teach a child to look to the left before crossing the street, and to the right when they reach the middle of the road. Too many unforeseen situations await children on the road, and it is necessary that the child is well oriented in them. The earlier the better.
Each of these seven rules must be learned separately. Only when the child learns to perform them completely consciously, you can allow him to cross the street on his own. But keep in mind that usually children under the age of seven cannot yet estimate the speed of approaching cars and the distance to them. Therefore, at preschool age, a child should cross the street only holding the hand of an adult.

Rule one.
Choose a safe place to cross.
If there is no pedestrian or traffic light crossing nearby, choose a location where you can clearly see the road in all directions. Do not try to get on the road between standing cars. It is important that not only you have a good view of the road, but also that you are clearly visible to any driver. Having chosen a place suitable for the transition, wait, look around.
Rule two.
Before crossing, be sure to stop before stepping on the roadway and carefully inspect the road. You need to stand at the edge of the sidewalk, stepping back a little from the curb - so that you can see the approach of cars.
Rule three.
Look around and listen. The car may leave unexpectedly. But if you are careful, "keep your ears on top", you can hear the approach of the car even before it becomes visible.
Rule four.
If a car is approaching, let it pass, then look around again and listen for other cars nearby.
When the car passes, you need to look around again. In the first seconds, she can obscure a car that is driving towards her. Without noticing it, you can fall into the "trap".
Rule five.
Do not enter the road until you are sure you have enough time to cross. Just making sure you're safe
don't hesitate to cross the street. Cross it only at right angles.
Rule six.
When crossing the street, keep watching the road,
to notice changes in the situation.
The situation on the road is changing rapidly: parked cars can go, driving straight ahead can turn; new cars may emerge from an alley, from a yard, or around a corner.
Rule seven.
If during the transition suddenly there is an obstacle to the view (for example, the car stopped due to a malfunction), carefully looking out from behind it, inspect the rest of the way. Step back if necessary. You need to behave in such a way that you can be clearly seen by passing drivers.

Traffic rules for cyclists

Driving a bicycle while driving on roads is allowed for persons not younger than 14 years old, and a moped - not younger than 16 years old.

Bicycles, mopeds should move only on the extreme right lane in one row, possibly to the right. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from:

drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;

move along the road if there is a bike path nearby;

turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

It is forbidden to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.
At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

(According to the materials of the newspaper Good Road of Childhood)

"Traffic Laws"

Lesson-game for children

Library №40

Leading : Guys, you all live in the city, walk along its streets. Have you ever noticed that the street is able to "talk" with the drivers of cars and buses, with pedestrians and cyclists. You just need to know the language spoken by the street well. And this language was created gradually. Now it is called the Rules of the Road. Traffic rules were born a long time ago. They were not the same as now, but much simpler. But even then everyone should have known them. In England, for example, when the first cars appeared, a special decree was issued stating that three people should drive mechanical carts. In the city, a person with a red flag should run in front of a mechanical cart to warn of danger. Now we can't even imagine him running and signaling danger. No better runner can do it. But at that time there was no other way to warn people. True, the speed of the cars was not the same as now.

But technology developed, cars improved, their number grew, cities grew, and the road became more and more difficult. Our modern life is unthinkable without traffic rules. In our country, there are uniform rules and everyone is obliged to comply with them: drivers of cars and pedestrians.

Guys we live with you

In a beautiful big city.

There are many streets and lanes here.

When we go for a walk

We see a lot of cars.

They run without interfering with each other


fire and cargo,

Taxi, buses, trams,

A traffic light helps everyone.

He's on duty at any time

And manages all at once.

He has three bright eyes

But he doesn't look at them right away,

Take turns igniting

And he keeps order.

For everyone to follow the rules

Haven't been in an accident.

And how do you behave

When are you walking down the street?

All the rules guys know

And they don't yawn on the road

So that the traffic light tells us

Anyone will be happy to explain.

The facilitator raises the red circle :

Attention! The red light is on

So the traffic light screams:

It's dangerous to go! Wait a minute.

Let it be closed! Stop and wait!

The facilitator raises the yellow circle:

Now the yellow light is on

The traffic light gives us advice:

Yellow light warning:

Wait for the signal to move!

The facilitator raises the green circle:

Now the green is on

And we definitely know

What the traffic light tells us:

Go ahead, the path is open!

Leading : Now you know which traffic light you need to stand on, which one to get ready for, and which one to go to. And now we will check how you understood everything. If I raise the red circle, you stand still, if it's yellow, you clap, if it's green, you stomp your feet. Agreed? (repeat the game 3-4 times.). Okay guys, we played great!

Wait a minute, one question

I want to ask you seriously:

Needed along the way

Cross the road urgently

And if there is no traffic light,

What to do? Give us advice.

Far from traffic lights

Isn't he around anywhere?

It's easy to remember the rule

It will help:

Look to the left, there is no car -

Then walk to the middle

And look to the right

There is no car - go.

Leading : And now riddles. Listen carefully.

1. If you are in a hurry, on the way

Walk across the street

Go where there are people

Where is the inscription ... ( Transition)

2. Red light at the traffic light

What does it mean?.. ( no move)

3. Yellow color - warning

Wait for the signal... ( for movement)

Be serious on the road

You must know the order

On the roadway strictly

All games are prohibited.

Leading : Guys, now we will read the statements to you, and you will say whether they are correct.

  1. On the yellow light of the traffic light, you can cross the carriageway of the street, because the transport is stopped. (No)

  2. You can not cling to the car or bus. (Yes)

  3. You can cross the road at a red traffic light if you do not see traffic. (No)

  4. Cross the road only if the green light for pedestrians is on and all cars are stopped. (Yes)

  5. If the red traffic light is on, and the car is far away, then you can quickly cross the road. (No)

  6. Do not talk to the driver while driving. (Yes)

  7. Buses and trolleybuses need to be bypassed from behind. (Yes)

  8. The tram must be bypassed in front. (Yes)

  9. Can I cross the road in front of oncoming traffic? (No)

  10. Is it possible to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads before the age of 14? (No)

Riddles about road signs:

Red circle, rectangle

Every student must know:

This is a very strict sign.

And wherever you are in a hurry

With dad in the car

You won't get through. ( No entry).

Machines spoke:

It's time to cool the tires,

Let's stop where the park is!

But the letter "Er" intervened:

Only I can decide

Where is parking allowed? (Parking place)

What kind of sign is this?

- "Stop!" - he orders the cars. -

Transition, go boldly

Stripes in black and white. (Crosswalk)

In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful,

On road … (children)

Under this sign, oddly enough,

Everyone is waiting for something all the time.

Some are sitting, some are standing...

What kind of place is this?

(Bus stop location)

Burrow under the road.

Who is the quickest to swipe,

Why on it in the morning

Are people walking back and forth?

(Underground pedestrian crossing)

Walk boldly young and old,

Even cats and dogs.

Only here is not a sidewalk,

It's all about the road sign.


You can find a sign like this

On the fast road

Where is the big hole

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the area is being built

School, house or stadium.

(No Pedestrians)

Road sign on the way

The iron path ahead.

But there is a riddle in the sign:

Why is moving dangerous?

(Railway crossing without barrier)

Host: And now, guys, another game. I will show you a letter and read the question, and you must give an answer that begins with the letter shown. Is the assignment clear?

« W» - what kind of traffic light allows you to cross the street? ( Green)

« P» - what should you use when crossing the street? ( transition)

« G» - which organization monitors compliance with traffic rules? ( GAI)

« ABOUT» - what is the name of the place in the middle of the street where the pedestrian feels safe? ( safety island)

« W» - which door is intended for the exit of passengers? ( back)

The lesson in our school of "traffic light sciences" has come to an end. But this is only one lesson, and in life you will find many such lessons on the street, on the road, on the bus. And we would like you to always remember our school.

After all, the city in which we live with you,

Can rightly be compared with the primer,

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads.

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet above your head, -

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.