Conditions of contract service for girls. Contract service for girls and women. What documents are required

Hello dear reader. Almost every third message does not come with a question about how it goes contract service for girls and women

In this connection, due to numerous requests and questions in groups from girls, about military service under a contract for women, let's look at the topic: "I'm a girl, I want to serve!"

Military contract service for girls

So let's get started. I am a girl, I am 25 years old and I have declared in the Armed Forces of Russia. What is needed for this?

To begin with, you need to think and ask yourself questions such as: “Do I really want this?”, “Who do I want to serve, will I be able to fulfill the tasks assigned to me?” “Am I soundly aware of my desire and my capabilities?”, “What drives me?”, “Will I be able to go to, go to exercises, live in the field, without the lack of a hair dryer, a normal shower and a well-equipped toilet, etc. P. etc.? ”, to which you sincerely answer in front of you.

How is the service under the contract of girls in the Airborne Forces

If I have decided everything for myself, and my desire to serve has not disappeared, let's move on to the technical side of the issue.

Calculate how much you will receive while serving under the contract, in

In the Russian Federation, women are not subject to general conscription and can only serve under contract.

Hence the question “What is a contract and where is it concluded?”.

According to Article 32 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" No. 53-FZ, a contract is an employment contract that is concluded between a citizen (foreign citizen) and on behalf of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, another federal executive body or a federal state body in which this Federal Law provides for military service, in writing in a standard form in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service. The military service contract stipulates the voluntary admission of a citizen (foreign citizen) to military service, the period during which the citizen (foreign citizen) undertakes to perform military service, and the terms of the contract. The terms of the military service contract include the obligation of a citizen (foreign citizen) to perform military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations or bodies within the period established by the contract, to conscientiously fulfill all general, official and special duties of military personnel established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the right of a citizen (foreign citizen) to observe his rights and the rights of his family members, including receiving social guarantees and compensations established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that determine the status of military personnel and the procedure for military services.

What is a contract we figured out. Now let's move on to the events that we will take before its conclusion.

For many, everything starts with a trip to the military commissariat or to their region. Where they explain to us that before they start working with us, we need to provide them with an attitude from the military unit. The question arises, what is the attitude from the military unit and how to get it.

Relationship for contract service

Attitude is a document that is provided to you by a military unit, which confirms the fact that this military unit, or rather the commander of the unit, agrees to provide you with a position in a certain military registration specialty, within which you will undergo further tests.

Contract service for girls vacancies in 2019

To get the long-awaited attitude, you need to contact the military unit for an appointment with the unit commander. It is advisable to find out exactly what is in this military unit. After an interview with the unit commander, if he approves your candidacy, you will be given the attitude with which you apply to the Selection Point for military service under the contract of the region in which you are registered or where you have a temporary registration.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 2019, about 37 thousand female military personnel are serving in the Armed Forces (which is about 5% of the entire army of the Russian Federation), of which 2.7 thousand officers, 890 senior officers, 25 colonels, 317 lieutenant colonels, 489 majors, 5.5 thousand ensigns and midshipmen, 28 thousand privates, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

But in order for a woman to get a contract in the army, there must be an open vacancy in the military unit established for female military personnel. Female military personnel serve in all branches and types of the RF Armed Forces, but as a rule, contract girls most often they serve in the rear or medical units, or in the communications and information units.

Contract service by girls in the signal troops is one of the most common professions

Requirements when applying for a contract for girls

The requirements for female candidates are exactly the same as for young men.

We divide them into the following categories:

  • Providing all necessary documents
  • Candidate undergoing a medical examination
  • Passing tests for professional psychological selection
  • Verification of the required minimum level of education, vocational and physical training established for each candidate for the contract.
  • and at the end, the candidacy is considered by the commission of the item for the selection of citizens entering military service under the POVSK contract

Let's briefly look at some of them:

Education: not lower than full basic, but preference is given to girls with higher professional education

Professional psychological selection: first category - recommended first

Medical examination: category A - fit for military service;
category B - fit for military service with minor restrictions

One of the types of tests is the passing of standards for physical education. For more information, please refer to the Manual on Physical Training - NFP.

Army for girls in Russianot so inaccessible as it might seem at first glance. However, only those women who meet certain requirements and successfully pass the pre-selection are taken to the service.

Women's service in the army: who can go to serve, do they take married women into the army

Girls in Russia are not subject to compulsory military conscription. Therefore, to the question of how a girl can get into the army, there is only one answer: voluntarily by concluding a contract for service. The Ministry of Defense has established a list of military positions for which female contractors can be accepted.

A woman between the ages of 18 and 40 who has an education of at least secondary education (a number of positions require vocational or higher education) can enter the contract service. In addition, she must pass a health screening, psychological testing and physical fitness standards.

A contract with a woman cannot be executed if:

Don't know your rights?

  • she is under 18 or over 40;
  • a criminal case is pending or a conviction has already been passed against her;
  • she has a criminal record;
  • previously, the woman was serving a sentence in a colony (even if the conviction has already been extinguished).

But the presence of a husband and children is not an obstacle to serving. If a woman believes that joining the service will not negatively affect family relationships, she can join the army.

Enrollment of a woman in the army of the Russian Federation. Where to begin

A girl who decides to go to serve under a contract must submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence or directly to the military unit. Along with the application, you will need to submit a certain package of documents:

Copies of documents must be properly certified.

Checking a woman's readiness for military service

After the application for contract service is accepted by the military registration and enlistment office for consideration, the girl is invited to undergo certain examinations and tests. Only with their successful passage, it can be accepted for service under the contract.

These checks include:

  1. Medical examination. Based on its results, the degree of fitness for service in the armed forces is determined. A girl can be accepted for contract service if, according to the results of a medical examination, she is assigned category “A” (fit for service) or “B” (fit with minor restrictions).
  2. Checking psychological qualities. During this test, such qualities and personality traits are checked as: intellectual level, speed of thinking, ability to communicate, psychological maturity, type of temperament, balance, etc. Based on the results of the survey, one of 4 categories of psychological fitness is assigned. The girls assigned to the first or second category are accepted for service under the contract. If there are no other candidates for a specific military position, then a citizen with a third category can also be accepted.
  3. Determining the level of physical fitness. To check the physical readiness for military service, a woman is invited to pass 3 standards: for speed, strength and endurance. These standards are approved by the Ministry of Defense. If the girl failed to complete at least 1 of the 3 exercises, she is not accepted for contract service.

More materials on the topic in the rubric: "

Quite interesting initiatives sometimes arise in the State Duma. So, some deputies propose to call for military service now and women - they say, we still do not have enough men. According to such a deputy initiative, 18-year-old girls will receive summons to the military enlistment office.

True, according to the deputies' plans, recruits in a skirt will have the legal right to "slope", that is, to decide independently whether to pay military duty to their homeland or not. However, according to sociologists, up to 30 percent of girls are ready to serve on conscription!

And, interestingly, among girls who are ready to serve their homeland, the following motivation prevails: they say, serving in the army, it is easier to find a worthy husband. Well, for the opportunity to find a good military husband, you can serve ... By the way, the sociological "situation" in the ranks of unmarried girls is changing precisely in the "military" direction. Grooms from among the defenders of the Fatherland dream of picking up to 17 percent of the “unringed” weaker sex. It is worth remembering that 10 years ago, only six percent of girls wanted to marry the military. The reasons for this phenomenon, most likely, are as follows: the military has a relatively large salary and in recent years they have been very generously given housing.

But back to the topic of women in the army. Franz Klintsevich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, told Pravda.Ru the following:

By creating conditions for conscription, we could increase a certain quality contingent, including specialists working in the armed forces, because women are physically, organizationally, and intellectually much higher than men, and they are responsible. Recruits in skirts will also become a symbolic example for male conscripts who shy away from military duty.
There are examples of women's conscription service, and they are very eloquent. For example, women are called up for service in Israel. According to the law, all citizens of this country, including those with dual citizenship and living in another country, as well as all permanent residents in the territory of the state, upon reaching 18 years of age, are subject to conscription to serve in the IDF. The term of military service is 36 months, for women - 24 months. The law applies to Jews and non-Jews, citizens of the state, to Druze and Circassians, male and female. Bedouin, Christian and Muslim women can serve as volunteers in the army.

Exempted from compulsory service are women who are married at the time of conscription or for health reasons. Most of the country's women serve in the Israel Defense Forces (women in Israel are liable for military service). At the end of military service, most women are exempted from annual military dues. In 2001, the Office of the Adviser on Military Women's Affairs was established at the General Staff, dealing with issues of equal opportunities in the IDF. The department was headed by General Suzi Yogev.
An acute problem is the physical capabilities of women. According to American experts, the physical strength of a woman, on average, is only about 60 percent of the strength of men, if they have the same height and weight. These circumstances affect the practical activities of women in the army or in the course of training.

There are many women in the US Army. Female soldiers in 2004 made up 14.5 per cent of the armed forces there. A 1991 law lifted the ban on women in ground operations, allowing them to hold any position other than those requiring physical contact with the enemy, heavy lifting, or submarine service. In 1994, under pressure from feminist organizations, as an exception, women were allowed to serve in combat units. As of 2004, there were 12 women in the ranks of generals and admirals in the US Army. In 1997, President Bill Clinton signed an order to promote US Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Claudia Kennedy to the rank of lieutenant general, and she became the first female "three-star general" in American history.

In 1985, the Royal Norwegian Navy became the first navy in the world to allow female personnel to serve on submarines. In 1995, the appointment of a woman as a captain of a combat submarine followed. The Danish Navy allowed women to serve on submarines in 1988, the Swedish Navy in 1989, the Australian Navy in 1998, and Canada and Spain in 2000.

Most Western armies began accepting women for active duty in the late 1970s. However, so far only a few of the countries allow women to perform active combat roles. Among such countries are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Norway, Israel, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland.

Western experience suggests that the increase in the proportion of women in the army creates certain, and serious everyday problems. In particular, the command has to solve problems with the placement of personnel on ships and submarines. There is an opinion that the introduction of women into combat units can negatively affect the cohesion of groups, since not all men trust women. There are concerns about the development of romantic or sexual relationships in the military environment, or that a woman might become pregnant to avoid combat. Some commanders may deliberately overprotect women from being captured by the enemy for fear of sexual violence, as there have been precedents for this.

The situation is commented on by Pravda.Ru by Colonel of the Reserve, Candidate of Military Sciences Igor Veniaminovich Kartashov:
- In general, the issue of allowing women to serve in the army is not new at all. So, for example, in tsarist Russia, women were not taken to military service at all, in those days women were engaged in the business for which they were intended by nature - that is, the birth and upbringing of children. Only a few women, who perceived their sex as a kind of mistake of nature, secretly under the guise of a man made their way to military service. So, at the end of the 18th century, under the name of the murdered brother Alexander, Sasha Tikhomirova, who served in the cavalry for 15 years, commanded a company of lancers. The first Russian female officer, the daughter of the hussar captain Nadezhda Durova, in 1807 entered the cadet in the Horse-Polish Lancers under the name Sokolov.

For the first time in the world, women, on an equal footing with men without professional restrictions, entered the ranks as full-fledged military personnel with the corresponding status in Canada in 1895. It was at this time that they began to be accepted for military service in peacetime, not only in support services, but also in combat units as full-fledged military personnel. But we somehow did not work out with this.

Russian women, awarded the Order of St. George during the First World War, got this opportunity only because they pretended to be men. So, Elena Tsebrzhinskaya, when presented, was listed under the name of Tsetnersky as a paramedic of the 186th Aslanduz Infantry Regiment; Olga Shidlovskaya - as a hussar of the 4th Mariupol regiment Oleg Shidlovsky; Antonina Palshina, holder of two St. George's crosses, fought in the 9th hundred cavalry regiment of the Kuban division and the 7th Sevastopol infantry regiment under the name of Anton.
Women entered the army during the Civil War, and in even greater numbers during the Great Patriotic War, where they served mainly as nurses, radio operators, and typists at headquarters. Many women were snipers and pilots.

After the war, women continued to serve in the army in their usual positions, but their number was very small. However, in connection with the collapse of the USSR and the processes of democratization under pressure from the states of Western Europe (under the strong influence of feminist organizations), our officials decided that we should also increase the number of women not only in government bodies, but also in the army.
Women gladly responded. As a result, at present their number exceeds 10 percent of the entire personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia has reached the same level with the countries of Western Europe. Many women in the Russian army already have officer ranks up to general.

Should women be called up for compulsory military service? I don't think it will do any harm. However, in my opinion, women's service will significantly "raise the cost" of the army. Imagine - it will be necessary to build additional women's barracks, introduce, excuse me, separate toilets and so on. In addition, the physical capabilities of women are much more modest than those of men. Of course, it is known that the physical strength of women is slightly less than that of men. On the other hand, a woman's lack of strength is easily compensated for by training and mastery of weapons.

Although women are weaker than men, they have another advantage - they are more enduring. No wonder the world record for swimming long distances belongs to a woman. Not only are women more resilient than men, but recent studies at the Military Medical Academy have shown that they are more resilient to stress. It is not surprising that, having mastered all the civilian professions and occupations of men, they moved into the army. And, as it turned out, they serve no worse than the representatives of the stronger sex. Many women in the army already have officer ranks up to the general.

By the way, back in 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev supported an experiment on the admission of representatives of the weaker sex to the country's military schools. A few years ago, in the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, well-known throughout the country, 20 girls were even recruited as an experiment. And nothing, they serve. By the way, the number of women exceeds 10 percent of the entire personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia has reached the same level with the countries of Western Europe.
Well, here's another interesting figure. Women make up about 50 per cent of the total number of contract employees. As far as I know, a draft of a new federal law “On military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation” is currently being prepared. Since women continue to demand equal rights with men, the government, in my opinion, can also include in this law the obligation of young women to serve in the army on an equal basis with men. One way or another, women can still serve under the contract!
And here is the opinion of the Doctor of Law, a member of the International Bar Association Igor Vasilyevich Schmidt, which he shared with Pravda.Ru:
- As studies specially conducted in our country have shown, there are no fundamental contraindications to military service for females. Moreover, research results have shown that female military personnel are characterized by a higher level of health than male military personnel. Today they are engaged in all professions and all specialties that were previously and were considered only male (from the point of view of not only men, but also women). They not only wrestle on the carpet, fight in the ring, fight with bulls as matadors (matadors), but also lift heavy bars and move multi-ton cars. It is not surprising that, having mastered all the civilian professions and occupations of men, they moved into the army. And, as it turned out, they serve no worse than men.

For example, US women have recently received the right to serve on submarines. Thus, there is already an example for our women, it remains only to legally give them the opportunity to serve in the army on an equal basis with men. In addition to equalization of rights, women will also receive certain benefits: they receive free education (specialty). In addition, in the army, with its excess of men, it will be easier for them to find a life partner (which they always strive for).
Everyone is well aware that the proposal to equalize the rights and duties of women with men, that is, to make military service for women mandatory, may not please all women and not even all men. But for some reason, none of them protests when women, considering themselves equal to men, enter the rings (including fighting with men), go in for weightlifting, powerlifting, serve in special forces, work as correspondents in the war zone, strive to win men in diving competitions in the ocean depths without an oxygen tank (like Angela Bandini, who reached 107 meters in deep diving without scuba gear!).
Article 19 (part 3) of the Constitution says that a man and a woman "have equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for their implementation." But citizens of the Russian Federation, in addition to rights, also have duties. And if the rights of men and women are equal, then the duties should also be equal, in particular in connection with military service. In addition, article 19 (part 1) says that everyone is equal before the law. If the law requires the performance of military service for some people - men, then it should also apply to other people - women. Thus, if women seek to obtain all the rights of men, then they must also assume the responsibilities that are directly related to these rights.

Given these and other trends in women's behavior, the proposal to extend to them the obligation to serve in the Armed Forces on an equal basis with men is quite fair. Indeed, in addition to direct service in the Armed Forces, young women can also be useful in alternative service - to perform civic duties in hospitals, hospices, children's institutions, and so on ...

Based on materials from