Combat veterans retirement. Payments to war veterans - a list and the possibility of monetizing benefits, the amount of pensions and indexation. Who is considered a Veteran

In Russia, in addition to the usual pension when a citizen reaches retirement age, in 2019 a pension is also paid to war veterans.

Among them are veterans of the Second World War, Chechen and Afghan soldiers. The amount of these payments depends on a number of factors.

Types of veterans' pensions

The pension for combat veterans is paid in accordance with the norms of Article 8 5-FZ.

Veterans' pensions are divided into three main types:

  1. the insurance part - they are entitled to a labor pension along with a military and disability pension, they are also subject to various federal and regional allowances;
  2. social pension - is assigned subject to the establishment of disability;
  3. state pension - it is due to veterans with relevant length of service. For example, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and residents of Leningrad during the blockade receive 100-250% of the social pension.

The pension fund is responsible for payments in a fixed amount, while a variety of allowances come to veterans from the budget.

The amount of a veteran's pension depends on several factors:

  • how long the military was in the place of armed conflict;
  • whether he was injured and whether he received awards;
  • what rank and position he had during the period of armed clashes;
  • length of service.

Combat Veteran's Pension Supplement

In addition to the listed types of pension payments, this group of persons is entitled to a single cash payment (UDV). Such compensation is paid to blockade survivors, participants in the Second World War, home front workers and those who received a disability during the war.

You can apply for a EVD at your territorial branch of the FIU. You can also apply on the website of the pension fund.

  • disabled veterans - 5403.22 rubles;
  • participants in military conflicts - 2972.82 rubles.
  • participants of the Second World War - 4052.40 rubles.

Registration of a pension

To apply for a pension, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence / registration with the established package of documents: passport, photographs, work book, award documentation.

You must first obtain a certificate of participation in hostilities and a veteran's certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

What is the pension for war veterans? It depends on the length of service, the territory of warfare, the presence of injuries and disability.

So, for example, WWII veterans receive an average of 21.8-30.3 thousand rubles. The minimum bar is valid for widows of participants in the Second World War, the maximum - for disabled veterans of the Second World War.

Combat Veteran Benefits

In addition to a very high level of pensions, participants in hostilities can count on a wide range of different benefits and allowances until the appropriate age.

Among them:

  1. Tax relief. In addition to the tax deduction of 500 r. the veteran is entitled to exemption from property tax (in some regions and from transport).
  2. Housing assistance - beneficiaries can receive assistance from the state in acquiring housing (if they managed to get on the waiting list before 2005), as an alternative, they are entitled to a land allotment for individual housing construction.
  3. Free services in medical institutions, vouchers for sanatorium treatment, preferential medicines, etc.
  4. The right to unscheduled installation of a telephone, purchase of a ticket, etc.
  5. The right to an annual extraordinary additional leave of 35 days (of which 15 days are paid).
  6. Free provision of funeral services.
  7. Discount on utility bills (for example, for veterans of the Chechen campaign 50%).

In addition, regions may establish additional benefits and monetary compensation. They are declarative in nature and can be obtained only after the veteran applies to the authorized structures.

Video: Tax on monthly payments to war veterans:

Pension for combatants in Chechnya

The military, who served in Chechnya in 1994-96, received the status of veterans not so long ago. They can get veteran's certificates at the Department of Internal Affairs, the FSB or the military registration and enlistment offices.

The legislation provided for them to pay a pension in an increased amount and the right to a single income tax, which is not subject to taxation.

In 2019, the payment of UDV is made to him in the amount of 2972.82 rubles. The social package is 1121.42 rubles. It includes payment for medicines (863.75 rubles), vouchers for sanatorium treatment (133.62 rubles) and travel to and from places of treatment (124.05 rubles).

Veterans of the war in Chechnya have a choice: replace benefits with money or use them in kind.

Residents of the northern regions are entitled to additional allowances for pensions.

If a veteran became disabled during operations in Chechnya, he is entitled to additional allowances. For disabled people of the first group, this is 3782.94 rubles, the second - 2701.62 rubles, the third - 2162.67 rubles.

The veteran's pension depends on several factors: the amount of monetary allowance during military service and length of service (time spent serving in a hot spot). At the same time, it should not be less than the subsistence level (otherwise the PFR is obliged to compensate for the difference).

Pension for combatants in Afghanistan

The provision of pensions to soldiers-internationalists is carried out according to a scheme similar to veterans of the Second World War. One year of service in a hot spot is equal to three. They also receive an additional 32% of the minimum social pension.

Afghan veterans who refuse social services receive an additional 4094.24 rubles. Instead, they can get free travel, medicines and spa treatment.

If a veteran works in a civilian enterprise, he may receive additional service pensions if he has sufficient service.

The minimum pension for veterans of Afghanistan in 2019 is 8-9 thousand rubles. But on average in Russia, this figure is 20 thousand rubles.

Video: Benefits for combat veterans:

Old-age pension payments are only a small part of the measures of state support existing in the Russian Federation, among them a special place is occupied by social pensions for combatants. From this article, the reader will be able to find out who is entitled to these payments, how to receive and calculate them on their own.

Who is meant by the term "combat veteran"

The concept of "combat veteran" includes various categories of military personnel. According to Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 5, these include:

  • Leadership and rank and file of various military structures.
  • Former military personnel who took part in mine clearance and combat minesweeping in the post-war years.
  • Veterans of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria.
  • Other categories of persons participating in hostilities on the territory of the country and abroad.

Military veterans are entitled to certain types of payments. They differ from civilians not only in size, but also in the procedure and terms of provision.

The provision of benefits and payments to military veterans is regulated on the basis of Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, as well as various federal and regional regulations. The payment of a military pension is regulated by the Federal Law under the number 4468-I, insurance - by the Federal Law No. 400.

The Tax and Housing Codes also contain a list of benefits provided to military veterans. Taken together, the prescribed pensions and discounts will provide the former soldier with a good financial situation.
A civilian who, under the circumstances, became a direct participant in hostilities can also be recognized as a military veteran. In this case, it is possible to issue a civil pension with bonuses for the status received.

Retirement benefits for military veterans

Registration and payment of pensions to veterans is carried out by the pension service of the department in which the person served. If a civilian was recognized as a veteran, the PFR will pay him a pension.
A military veteran has the right to apply for a seniority pension.

The conditions for its provision are as follows:

  1. Minimum military experience. In 2018, it is 20 years old. The experience may be intermittent. Mandatory service is included in it.
  2. Reaching the retirement age. The military retires at the age of 45. In this case, the total work experience should be 25 years, of which 12.5 years is military service.

The size of the pension of combatants depends on the level of monetary allowance. The procedure for calculating payments and registration is quite specific. We'll talk about them a little later.
In addition to a military pension, a citizen has the right to apply for insurance. This right is granted in the event that the military, after dismissal from service, got a civilian job.

In this case, pension payments are provided on general terms:

  • Reaching retirement age. For a woman, it is 55 years, for men - 60 years.
  • The presence of a minimum work experience of at least 9 years.
  • Accumulation of a sufficient number of pension points - at least 13.8.

If a citizen is already receiving a military pension, while wishing to arrange insurance payments, a fixed premium will not be taken into account when calculating them. In this case, the amount of the pension depends only on the number of points and their monetary equivalent. In 2018, it is 81.49 rubles. However, such a calculation is individual. So, do not forget that a simple citizen who is entitled to insurance payments can be recognized as a veteran. In the process of their calculations, the surcharge will also be taken into account.

What is the amount of pension this year for war veterans

The average pension for combat veterans in 2019 is 16,000 rubles. Payments were indexed taking into account the level of inflation following the results of the previous year. The increase was 3.7%.
Since the level of monetary allowance is of great importance in the calculation of military pensions, the military is interested in increasing it. However, this has not happened for several years. Payments to war veterans are increasing simultaneously with other types of pensions and social benefits, i.е. recalculated taking into account inflation, which amounted to 3.2%.
The current government promises to increase the allowance by 4% in the near future. At the same time, when the increase will be carried out is unknown.

Supplement to departmental pension

According to the current legislation, the departmental pension of military veterans is subject to an increase of 32%. In this case, the registration of increased civil payments is implied. This is relevant for individuals with mixed work experience, the minimum amount of which is 25 years.
The amount of payments will depend on the minimum amount of the social pension, taking into account the allowance of thirty-two percent. In addition, funds are subject to mandatory indexation, carried out once a year. If a veteran is entitled to several allowances at the same time, he must choose the most advantageous of them. Thus, it is impossible to simultaneously assign a pension for years of service and disability.

Retirement payments to veterans of Afghanistan

Participants in military operations in Afghanistan have the right to apply for a military pension, while one length of service is equivalent to three years. In addition to the basic payment, a supplement of 32% of the minimum social pension will be provided as a UST.
Afghan veterans can receive additional payments in cash or in kind. The size of the first will be 3696.40 rubles. If the recipient refuses the money, he will be provided with medicines for this amount, paid for treatment in a sanatorium, medical institutions.
Disabled people occupy a special place among veterans of Afghanistan.

Pension payments for them are subject to increase:

  1. For disabled people of the 1st group - three times.
  2. For disabled people of the 2nd group - twice.

If, after retirement, an Afghan veteran decides to continue working in a civilian job, having reached retirement age, he will be able to apply for insurance payments. Their average value across the country is 9 thousand rubles, the total amount of pensions of former Afghans is 20 thousand rubles.

Pension payments to veterans of Chechnya

Servicemen participating in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya are also entitled to receive military pensions and UDV.

Upon receipt of the status of a disabled person, payments increase by:

  • 3138 rubles for 1 disability group.
  • 2241 rubles for the 2nd disability group.
  • 1794 rubles for the 3rd disability group.

EDV for veterans, in this case, is 2781 rubles. In addition, it is planned to receive a social package in the amount of 1053 rubles. It includes payment for medicines, travel and spa treatment. The total amount of pension payments will depend not only on the required allowances, but also on the length of service and the amount of military allowance.

Pension payments to Syrian veterans

Syrian veterans are entitled to receive:

  1. Social and insurance payments.
  2. Disability allowance.
  3. Monthly EDV.
  4. Discounts on utility bills.
  5. Priority and free care in medical institutions.
  6. tax incentives.

The supplement to the social pension of combatants in Syria is:

  • 3088 rub. - Persons with a disability status.
  • 1699 rub. - persons seconded from service due to the performance of a combat mission.
  • 927 rub. - persons performing auxiliary functions, but not participating in hostilities.

The average pension for Syrian veterans is 20,000 rubles in Russia. In Moscow, this figure is 30 thousand rubles.

The subtleties of calculating the pension of a combat veteran

The pension of military veterans is calculated taking into account individual factors:

  1. Seniority payments are provided in the amount of half of the monetary allowance with a surcharge of three percent for each year of processing.
  2. Payments for a mixed type, which implies a total length of service of 25 years, are calculated in the amount of half the monetary allowance and a one percent surcharge for each year of processing.

Do not forget about the required allowances, which were discussed in the previous sections of our article. These include additional payments for the disabled and monthly allowances.
If a civilian who took a direct part in hostilities or performed an auxiliary function was recognized as a veteran, payments will be calculated taking into account:

  • Fixed amount.
  • Retirement points.
  • increasing factor.
  • The cash equivalent of one point.

Also, persons can count on the provision of a UDV, the amount of which is about three thousand rubles. It has already been said above that these benefits are provided in kind or in cash. The choice depends on the wishes of the recipient. UDV, like other payments, is subject to annual indexation. In 2019, the increase was 3.2%.

Registration of a pension for a combatant

A combat veteran can apply for a pension at the commissariat of the organization in which he served. If, in addition to military payments, a citizen wants to receive civilian payments, he will need to contact the Pension Fund.
Whatever organization the veteran applies to, he needs to write an application for a pension.

If registration takes place in the PF, you will need to provide:

  1. Passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. A copy of the work book.

To apply for a pension at the military commissariat, you will need to provide the following list of documents:

  • Passport.
  • Photo 3*4.
  • Awards documents.
  • Employment book and other documents confirming military service.
  • A document confirming the assignment of a disability.

The list of required documentation can be expanded, depending on individual circumstances. In this regard, it is worth visiting the pension service in advance and find out the exact list.

Standard payment procedure

Before applying for a pension, a veteran should familiarize himself in advance with an approximate sequence of actions:

  1. Registration in the military registration and enlistment office is being carried out.
  2. Documents confirming the right to receive payments are drawn up.
  3. A bank account is opened or an extract with details is taken.
  4. A complete package of documents is collected, which is subsequently transferred to the pension service.

After receiving the documents, the employees of the pension service check them for authenticity. This procedure is carried out within 10 days, then a decision is made on the appointment or refusal to apply for a pension.
If a positive decision is made, the first funds will be credited to the owner's account no later than the end of the third month after the receipt of documents.
Note that the veteran will be able to receive a pension not only to a bank account, but also in the post office or in the hands of a postman. It all depends on the wishes of the citizen. So, it will be convenient for one pensioner to receive payments on a bank card, for another - at the cash desk of the post office.

For Russia and the citizens living in it, the period during which the war in Chechnya lasted was very difficult.

Today, military personnel who served in a "hot spot" can receive a pension, having the status of a veteran or combatants. For this status, payments are made on the basis of the law "On Veterans".

How status is determined

For pensioners who participated in hostilities, a pension is not automatically accrued - it must be issued. The first step on the way to receiving state benefits is obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities in Chechnya.

To get it you need:

  • be a participant in hostilities that took place on the territory of the Chechen Republic, or take other functions comparable in scale to participation in a military operation;
  • apply for a military veteran's certificate, which gives the right to receive a pension. To do this, you need to apply to a government agency.

Persons who participated in the Chechen Campaign can obtain a certificate of a combatant in a social security agency, or in a branch of the organization that accepted a citizen for service - in the military commissariat at the place of residence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB.

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Upon receipt of the certificate, the military submits an application, after which the commission checks all the papers.

After that, the military commissariat sends the documents for verification to a higher authority, where a decision will be made on granting the citizen the status of a participant in hostilities and issuing a certificate.

The document, together with the seal and signature of the head of the department, is handed over to the citizen. If a veteran changes personal data, you need to get a new certificate.

Features of the veterans' pension

Only after the introduction of amendments to Russian legislation, military personnel who participated in the battles in Chechnya from 1994 to 1996 were given the status of VBD. This status gives the right to receive an increased pension, and an additional payment - UDV, which is not taxed.

In addition to the monthly payment, citizens who are participants in hostilities also have the right to issue an additional package of social services, which consists of:

  • sanitary-resort treatment, if the veteran needs it on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • free travel to the place of treatment;
  • provision of medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Various lump-sum allowances are also paid. The amount of payments may depend on the length of service in the military, and the position held during the hostilities in Chechnya, the availability of awards.

The recipient of a pension has the right to increase the amount of payment by monetizing the benefits due to him. To do this, you need to apply to the FIU with an application.

The amount of pensions for veterans of military operations in Chechnya in 2019

The size of pensions for combatants, including disabled people, is established at the legislative level.

Text inside the info block

The social package includes compensation for:

Participants in the hostilities in Chechnya can choose the type of payment - in kind or in cash. Pensioners living in the northern regions of the country are entitled to additional allowances.

So, together with all additional payments, the minimum pension today is more than 4,700 rubles, an additional social supplement is paid - 1,000 rubles.

If during the fighting a veteran was injured or contused and became disabled, the additional payment for him is:

Also, the size of a veteran's pension may be affected by the amount of monetary allowance he receives during his service, as well as the military experience received during his service in Chechnya.

The pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level. Otherwise, the PFR compensates for the missing part. After annual indexation in 2019, the pension for a combatant will be 2868 rubles instead of 2780.

When will they raise

According to the Federal Budget Law adopted in 2019, pensions will be indexed. At the same time, the volume of growth will be 3.7%. The amount of monthly additional payments also increases by 3.2%. Indexation is carried out annually by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the existing additional payments to the pension provision provided by the state to former military personnel and participants in hostilities, benefits can be accrued - pension, social and tax.

Tax incentives apply to the following types of taxes:

  • property;
  • transport;
  • land.

The conditions for providing various benefits may vary depending on the region in which the recipient lives.

The provision of pension benefits is carried out in the form of a package of services, which can be received both in kind and in monetized form. It is possible to assign regular surcharges and various individual allowances.

In some regions of the country, combatants may receive additional support from regional budgetary funds.

In addition to discounts for housing and communal services, combatants are entitled to a number of social benefits:

  • free medical care in public institutions, including dental ones - dental prosthetics are possible;
  • provision of housing under a social contract;
  • training in educational institutions, in advanced training courses on the budget;
  • Spa treatment;
  • service at the box office out of turn;
  • entry into housing and construction cooperatives and gardening partnerships out of turn.

One of the types of benefits for servicemen who fought in Chechnya is a transport tax benefit. It belongs to the regional category. Its accrual to citizens is regulated by various regulatory documents of the subjects, as well as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, discounts for citizens who participated in the Chechen war were provided in 33 regions of Russia. Only in a few regions and republics were residents completely exempted from the tax.

These regions include: Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Murmansk and Sakhalin, as well as two republics - Adygea and Kabardino - Balkaria. In 2019, the amendments have not yet entered into force and the benefits are valid in the same regions.

In order to start receiving a pension, you need to apply to the state authority and submit documents. After their consideration by the commission, a decision will be made. This type of pension is not required.

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The categories of citizens who may qualify for an increased social payment include, first of all, war veterans. This is provided for by Law No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". The amount of such assistance from the state can differ significantly from standard pension accruals.

Combat veterans - who are they?

In order to understand what pension will be accrued to combat veterans in 2018, it is necessary to clarify information about who can apply for a social payment of this category.

The increased amount of pension accruals is due to the following persons:

  1. The employees of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Office of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments and other bodies of the Russian Federation, in these institutions are responsible for the state of security of the state. These individuals had to stay for a certain period of time in hot spots on the territory of the Russian Federation or on the territory of other countries.
  2. VTB includes employees of state bodies of the Soviet Union. For example, those citizens who served in the Soviet Army or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for an increased pension. Individuals were required to undergo a post-war demining program that lasted from 1945 to 1951. This category also includes sailors who were engaged in combat etching in the period from 1945 to 1957.
  3. Drivers of vehicles who were engaged in the transportation of goods in Afghanistan can apply for an increased pension.
  4. Other types of military personnel involved in combat operations in Afghanistan, including during combat missions.
  5. Individuals who have taken part in hostilities in Syria since 2015.

Thus, the pension for combat veterans in 2018 will be accrued to these categories of citizens. The amount of accruals is determined by several laws based on acts regulating military pensions and insurance accruals.

They are equated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, so they can count on a higher social payment from the Russian Federation. These include citizens who worked in hot spots as drivers of vehicles, pilots and airmen, crew members of military air transport. The same category includes employees in Afghanistan, sent on a business trip to a hot spot on duty.

Not all veterans will receive the increased amount

The main types of military pensions

Veterans' pension is calculated in three directions. The basis of the social payment is the insurance part. In addition, a social pension from the state is accrued.

The insurance part of the pension, which is guaranteed by the laws of the Russian Federation, depends entirely on the labor activity of a citizen. Individuals may qualify for additional payments that are charged by local governments. These bodies include regional and federal agencies.

In the event of a disability, a combat veteran can apply for a social pension. State pension accruals directly depend on the number of years of service in hot spots.

Types of military pension

Rules for the formation of social payments

In order to form a pension payment to a war veteran, it is necessary to obtain information about the length of service and its age category. The minimum length of service for receiving a pension is 20 years. To receive social subsidies from the state for a combat veteran, his age must reach 45 years. Additionally, a total work experience of 25 years is required. The minimum period of military service is 12 years and 5 months.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, including combat veterans, can receive upon reaching the age of 60 or 55. Women retire five years earlier than the male part of the Russian population. For insurance experience, you need to have an indicator that is equal to 8 years. The individual coefficient as of today is 13.8 points.

Who is entitled to monthly payments

How much do IBD get

Combat veterans' pensions in 2018 may depend on a number of factors. The first and most important thing on which the amount of the VDB accrual depends is the place in which he served.

Please note, since the pension payment consists of several parts, it will have an individual character. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact of the size of the accrual of labor pensions, social payments and additional assistance from the state.

If the total length of service of a combat veteran is more than 20 years, then he is entitled to another 50% of the monetary allowance. For a period exceeding 20 years, for each subsequent year, an accrual of 3% of the base amount is due. Additional payments can be up to a maximum of 85%.

WBD payments

Mixed implies that a citizen has 25 years of experience, which includes different types of activities. In this scenario, a combat veteran is entitled to a 50% allowance, for each subsequent year of presence in a hot spot, he should be credited with another 1% allowance. Receipt of funds occurs through the pension fund of the Russian Federation. The amount of the monthly cash payment will be based on which category the combat veterans fall into.

The pension for combat veterans in 2018, like any other social payment, must be indexed. The indexing size has not yet been published yet. According to preliminary data, combat veterans should expect a 3-4 percent increase in their social benefits.

The minimum pension for, which can be accrued to a citizen, is about 10 thousand rubles. Allowances of various levels will be about 15 thousand rubles. According to the disability group, they give from 2 to 3 thousand rubles additionally.

The fighting on the territory of Afghanistan was carried out by the Soviet Union in the period 1979-1989.

The USSR has long since ceased to exist, but the Government of the Russian Federation has become the successor to the obligations of the Soviet state in terms of social support for participants in the Afghan military operation.

Veteran internationalists of that time in modern conditions apply for a wide range of state assistance.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The list of applicants for social support, the range of benefits and payments, the forms of veterans' public associations, the procedure for going to court in disputable situations are determined by the Federal Law No. 5 "On Veterans" dated January 12, 1995.

Also, title information for citizens who have passed the battle roads of Afghanistan contains:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law 178 "On State Social Assistance";
  • Federal Law 181 "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation";
  • Federal Law 173 "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

Afghan veterans are beneficiaries, first of all. But in terms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state support is supplemented by their own social measures.

Who is in this category

The international duty in Afghanistan was carried out not only by the military, but also by representatives of civilian specialties. And they risked no less than people "in uniform". The general list of all preferential categories for Afghanistan is established in Article 3 of the Federal Law No. 5.

Benefits are provided:

The law does not single out conscripts as a separate line. However, within the meaning of articles 1 and 3 of the Federal Law number 5, they are considered veterans of military operations (on the territory of other states) and apply for the corresponding ones.

An important clarification. The Law "On Social Protection" Afghans who were injured, shell-shocked, and became disabled as a result, equated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 5). They have extended benefits. The same Afghan veterans who took part in the hostilities, but did not receive a disability, enjoy the social support approved in paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Veterans".

Types of assistance from the state

State support for veterans-internationalists subdivided on social measures in the so-called in-kind form and cash payments. Let's start with the financial side.

Pension provision of personnel

Regulates pension appointments for this circle of persons Federal Law No. 4468-I of February 1993.

If a participant in the conflict was in combat army formations as a regular soldier and then continued his military career, then he claims for the following forms of support:

  • - the main additional payment to a veteran on a well-deserved rest: the amount of the allowance directly depends on the length of service, military rank, salary for the position held. At the same time, 1 month of Afghan service is counted as 3 months of service (Federal Law No. 941 of 09/22/93). But this applies only to contract soldiers and long-term military service;
  • a monthly allowance for participation in hostilities (CFE) - is due to a participant in a military conflict, as well as to family members of a military man who died in the confrontation with the Mujahideen. This type of state aid is assigned to combat veterans. Taking into account the indexation on February 1, 2019, the amount of the CU is RUB 2972.82
  • Disability pension supplements:
    • Group 1 - a threefold increase;
    • 2 groups - in double size;
    • 3 groups - increase by a factor of 1.5.
  • a set of social services () - the provision of prescription drugs from the approved list, preferential sanatorium and resort treatment, free travel on suburban public transport. The veteran has the opportunity to replace in-kind benefits with cash compensation up to 1,211.43 rubles.

In 2019, the “optimization” of the assignment of benefits did not bypass Afghan veterans either. Now an applicant for state support with a disability group must decide in favor of one of the additional payments: disability or a pension for participation in a military conflict (EDV).

disability allowance varies between 1900-4500 rubles. The applicant can apply for the most favorable allowance.

Pensions for conscripts

The bulk of Afghan veterans are servicemen. These are regular military personnel of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Troops, and, as noted above, conscripts.

If a conscript who has gone through the Afghan “crucible” has chosen the military path as a professional activity, then pensions, including preferential allowances, are determined by Federal Law No. 4468-1.

In cases where, after demobilization, a person worked in a "citizen", he is entitled to next pension:

  • labor (insurance) after reaching the required age;
  • EDV for participation in hostilities or disability pension if there is a group;
  • also, a monthly supplement of 32% of .

Pension provision of such persons is handled by the FIU. Concerning service life credit in Afghanistan on a preferential basis, a unified legal position has not been developed here. Currently, the set of pension legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a direct rule that implies such a calculation at the rate of 1:3. That is, there are no grounds for those who went through the Afghan war on conscription.

Additional state support

Saved in 2019 tax preferences in hot spots:

Employees veterans have the right to choose the optimal time for their vacation. In addition, the employer is obliged to provide (without pay) up to 35 days, regardless of the applicant's personal reasons.

Assistance in resolution of housing issues. If an internationalist veteran without decent housing becomes in need of better housing before early 2005, the municipality is obligated to provide housing first. This option is only available to veterans with disabilities. Also, the beneficiary claims to equip the apartment with a landline telephone free of charge.

For the use of housing the veteran pays only half the cost. Members of the veteran's family living together are also taken into account. established at the regional level. Here, local authorities are independent and, given the tendency to limit the number of beneficiaries, in many subjects such exemptions are tied to the level of income of a particular citizen.

Medical guarantees:

  • participants in the Afghan conflict are provided with prosthetic services free of charge, subject to the use of inexpensive materials;
  • subsidized prescriptions for medicines are issued;
  • provision of prosthetic and orthopedic products for veterans with disabilities;
  • free service in medical institutions of the state structure, to which the veteran is assigned;
  • provision of preferential vouchers for health resorts.

Right to preferential use urban public transport placed under the jurisdiction of the municipalities.

How to get the status of a veteran of the Afghan conflict

You should start with the design of the appropriate agency certificates who sent a citizen to perform combat missions:

  • if the applicant got into a hot spot as a police officer - through the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • conscripts apply to the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of conscription or to the nearest division of the military department;
  • persons who have continued military service are somewhat simpler: they can issue a certificate at the home office.

The main part of compensation is issued at the FIU at the place of registration. Regional benefits are assigned by municipal subdivisions of SZN.

See the following video about state support for the soldiers of the war in Afghanistan: