Water for baby bathing. Optimal water temperature and other useful tips for bathing a newborn

The first bath of a baby is the most important. In the future, water procedures will be accompanied by crying if the temperature of the bathing water was not comfortable for the newborn. Parents should prepare for the first water procedure in the baby’s life so that it goes smoothly and brings pleasure to the baby and mom and dad.

A newly born baby easily overheats and cools down. The reason is the lack of thermoregulation. It is only formed in the first month after birth. This is why controlling the temperature of the water is so important. Having bathed the baby in cold water, you can provoke problems in the genitourinary system, painful sensations will appear during urination. Because of the discomfort, he will often cry.

Hot water in the bath leads to other problems:
  • the baby experiences discomfort from contact with hot liquid;
  • the body overheats;
  • the skin becomes vulnerable to infection due to the pores that have expanded under the influence of temperature.

What temperature should the water be when bathing a baby?

By the appearance of the child, it is clear whether it is cold or hot during water procedures. From hypothermia, he shrinks, cries, and on the face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, the skin acquires a bluish tint. When overheated, the skin turns red, the baby becomes excessively lethargic.

In the first 2 weeks after birth

In the first days after discharge from the hospital, the optimal environment for comfortable bathing:

  • water 37 °C;
  • air in the bathroom (children's room) 25 °C.

During the first patronage visit, the pediatrician will give the mother full recommendations on the water temperature at which the baby can be bathed. In the first weeks, you can start the procedure from 38 ° C. During bathing, the water in the bath cools down a little, but remains quite comfortable for the baby, as it does not fall below 36 ° C.

From 2 weeks and older

In a baby at the age of 2 weeks, the body is already adapted to the ambient temperature, so doctors advise to gradually reduce the temperature of the water. There are no exact recommendations on what the water temperature should be at the age of 2-3 months. Each organism is individual, so some babies are bathed at 32 ° C already at the age of two months, and others only at six months.

Parents need to focus on the well-being of the baby, if he develops normally, does not cry during water procedures, sleeps and eats well, then they are doing everything right. Temperature adjustment is needed if the newborn often cries when immersed in the bath.

What to consider in the first month of a baby's life

Every baby's belly button heals differently. In one, he stops bleeding within a few days after discharge, in the other, the crusts are removed and the wound has to be treated within 2 weeks.

To prevent infection from entering the wound, the first month of the baby should be bathed in a baby bath.

It takes less time to prepare (wash, fill). During this period, bathing water will have to be boiled. A measure for an unhealed umbilical wound is necessary. Preparation for bathing takes a lot of time, but boiled water reduces the risk of infection. Water brought to a boil is poured into a bath, where it gradually cools to the desired degree.

How to bathe a baby for the first time in tap water

When you first bathe in tap water, you can play it safe. Add a weak solution of manganese or chamomile infusion to the bath. These funds have been tested on many generations and cannot harm the baby.

Water preparation

When the umbilical wound has healed, the baby is used to daily water procedures, a small bath is no longer needed.

It is replaced by an adult bath, E. Komarovsky recommends switching to it at 2 months.

How to understand that the water temperature has reached the required level?

In a large bathroom, the child behaves more actively. Parents have the opportunity to move the baby around the perimeter. During the movement, he actively twists his legs, moves his arms. There is no need to heat water to a temperature of 37-38 °C. For an active child, 33 (34) °C is enough.

Using a thermometer

There are different types on the market:

  • electronic;
  • on alcohol;
  • mercury;
  • oil.

The electronic version shows the exact value immediately after immersion in water, other types of thermometers need a little time to get an accurate result.

The water in the bath (bath) during filling must be mixed by hand, only then the value on the thermometer will be correct. An electronic thermometer is the most convenient option, it is absolutely safe for a child. Other measuring instruments may break, they should not be given to the baby.

We try with our elbow

Over time, the need for a thermometer disappears. The readiness of water can be determined by the elbow. In this place, the skin is tender, sensitive, lowering the elbow into the water for a few seconds, it is easy to assess its temperature. When a bath has to be prepared every day, parents do not make mistakes.

Duration of water procedures

Until the child is one month old, he is bathed for no more than 3-5 minutes. This time of the hygiene procedure is enough. During this time, the water does not have time to cool down, the baby does not experience discomfort, hypothermia is excluded. Some parents add hot water while bathing, this should not be done.

When the child is one month old, the duration of the water procedure begins to gradually increase. At the same time, the state of the child, his mood are analyzed. Gradually bring the time up to half an hour.

Is there a difference in temperature when swimming in winter or summer

There is no seasonal adjustment. Temperature requirements are the same in summer and winter. The rules that young mothers and fathers must adhere to when bathing their baby if the apartment is cold:

  • water 36 °C (not lower);
  • if the room temperature is below 22 °C, cancel the procedure or create more comfortable conditions using a heater;
  • close the door so that there is no air movement in the room;
  • in the cold season, you can bathe less often (every other day).

Is it possible to harden the baby

The topic of hardening is popular with moms and dads. Well-known children's doctors believe that it is necessary to harden without harm to the health of the child. Take into account his development, well-being. The optimal age to start hardening is 2-3 months.

Self hardening

With a properly organized life of a child, his hardening occurs naturally. The baby does not need to wear a lot of clothes. Buy for him panties and undershirts, sewn from natural fabric. Starting from the first days of life, accustom the baby to air baths, leave him undressed for a few minutes while changing clothes. Regularly ventilate the nursery, walk a lot, conduct contrast rubdowns.

Dousing with cold water

Scientists have proven that dousing with cold water in infancy is not beneficial. According to statistics, in families where parents hardened their child almost from birth, children are also prone to colds. They get sick at least as often as children who are hardened naturally.

For the health of the child, daily water procedures are enough. Immunity will naturally be strengthened if, from 2 months, the temperature of the bathing water is gradually reduced, bringing it over time to 26-28 ° C.

When a little man appears in a family, not all parents know how to properly, and most importantly, safely take care of him. Water procedures are one of the most important moments in the life of a baby.

You will learn about what the water temperature should be for bathing a newborn baby, and about other important features from this article.

  • maintaining cleanliness of the skin;
  • calming, relaxing effect;
  • Preparation for sleep;
  • adaptation to the outside world and environment;
  • hardening of the body;
  • the healing process of the umbilical cord is much faster;
  • a pleasant procedure: both children and parents usually love it very much.

Basic rules for the procedure

What do you need for swimming?

  • Take care in advance that the air temperature in the room is comfortable: it should not be too cold. Otherwise, the child may cry, and bathing will not cause him positive emotions.
  • Bath. Of course, it is better to use a special baby bath, however, if this is not possible, then you can bathe in a common large adult bath. In this case, keep it clean: clean it with soda and soap, pour boiling water over it.
  • Thermometer for monitoring water temperature.
  • All kinds of devices for convenience: mattresses, chairs, slides, rugs, sunbeds.
  • Ladle for rinsing.
  • Soft towel.
  • Baby cream.
  • Napkins.
  • Talc powder.
  • Diapers.

Water temperature for bathing a newborn baby

Preparation for this ritual must be carried out in advance. The most important thing is the comfort of the child throughout the procedure. The baby's skin is very thin and he is especially sensitive to temperature changes: too hot or cold water can cause negative consequences for his health. How can young parents not be mistaken in this matter? Let's take a closer look at this.

Why is too hot water harmful?

  • It steams the skin, and bacteria can enter the body through open pores.
  • May cause general overheating of the body.

Why shouldn't the water be too cold?

  • It will cause a general cooling of the body.
  • It will negatively affect the urinary system, complicate the processes and lead to pain.
  • May lead to colds and other illnesses.
  • Reduces immunity.

It is believed that water for bathing newborns should be at room temperature - from 35-36 degrees and not exceed 38-38.5 degrees.

Some experts believe that the first time you should bathe the child in a thin diaper, so the baby will be comfortable, and the process itself will not cause stress. Also, this technique should be used if you add potassium permanganate to the water.

Bathing may vary depending on the time of year. In winter, water procedures should also be carried out every day. Make sure that there are no drafts in the apartment. If the room is too cold, you can turn on the heater first.

In summer, it is allowed to bathe the baby more than once a day, especially if the weather is hot. This will help to get rid of the heat and prevent heat stroke.

Water for bathing a newborn temperature, how to determine it

Use a thermometer! It will help you accurately and determine the temperature of the water. If there are no special devices at hand, then use this method: dip your elbow into the water in which you are going to bathe the baby. If you do not feel cold and excessive heat, then the temperature is normal. The fact is that the skin on the elbow is more sensitive than the fingertips. You should not turn swimming into gatherings in a bath or sauna!

For an adult who is used to taking a hot bath, water at 35-38 degrees will be too cool, but do not forget that thermoregulation processes have not yet formed in newborns, and for a small body this temperature is quite comfortable. She reminds the baby of the time when he was still in his mother's tummy. It is believed that small children feel very comfortable while swimming.

Lowering the child into the water should be very careful not to frighten him. Hold him in your arms, calm him down. There should be no harsh sounds or noise. The neck and head should be above the water, located on the mother's elbow. Bathing is carried out in stages: from top to bottom. Starts with the head and ends with the legs.

Usually, newborns are very fond of water and splash with pleasure, move their arms and legs, trying to make swimming movements.

Finally, rinse the child out of the bucket and dry with a towel. Then you can proceed to other hygiene procedures: treat the skin with a moisturizer or oil, treat the umbilical wound, cut your nails.

After that, you can have a massage session. To relax and prepare for sleep, you should choose techniques such as stroking, vibration and light rubbing. The baby's skin should be dry and without any rashes. Oils and creams do not need to be used! All actions should be smooth and gentle. During the massage, you can sing a lullaby or tell something in a calm voice - this will lull the baby to sleep.

When should hardening start?

Many parents believe that hardening of the body can be carried out from the first days of a baby's life. They are partly right - this is certainly useful: it strengthens health, immunity, and forms the processes of thermoregulation. But it is worth approaching this process very carefully and carefully. The main rule is do no harm!

The temperature of the water in the bath should be lowered little by little, no more than 1-2 degrees! So the baby will not be stressed and he will have time to get used to the ongoing changes. Make sure that the room is warm to prevent hypothermia of the baby. Otherwise, it will lead to the fact that he gets sick.

It is also not necessary to pour cold water over the child in the first months of life. This will not benefit a small body, and may cause fear of bath procedures. It is better to wait until he grows up: the optimal age is 2-3 years.

Do not forget that every child is an individual, with their own needs and characteristics. Therefore, it is possible to understand what temperature your baby prefers water - cooler or warmer - only over time, by observing him. Strictly follow the simple rules of bathing for newborns, this will help you adapt the baby to the environment, maintain his health, and strengthen immunity. Try to have maximum pleasure and make bathing an enjoyable experience for both of you.

Bathing a baby is not only and not just a hygienic procedure. It gives the child pleasure and psychological comfort, a small but useful physical activity, helps to establish contact with the mother and the outside world, and also strengthens health and hardens. But this is the case if the temperature of the water suits the baby perfectly. What should be the optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn baby, let's figure it out.

Hot or cold?

Too cold water is not much better. If the child is cold, there will be no pleasure from bathing. And it is also a risk for the urinary system: if it freezes, urination will be painful.

Ideal water temperature

What should be the optimal temperature for bathing the smallest. Both pediatricians and mothers agree on one opinion: not higher than 37 degrees, but not lower than 34. Such water may seem cold to adults, but the fact is that the child is accustomed to such water even before birth: amniotic fluid has a temperature of 37 degrees, and it was in these conditions that the child developed before birth. Water temperatures above 38 can lead to heart palpitations and overheating of the child. Too cold water out of habit can scare the baby and discourage him for a long time from any desire to swim, and the child may begin to be afraid of the bath. Important: .

Water of this temperature will prevent the penetration of infections and is good for children's skin. In addition, the umbilical wound in a child heals faster with water at 37 degrees.

It is important to know. Until the umbilical wound has healed, the child should be bathed in boiled water. You can swim in the flow starting from 10-14 days of life. By this time .

Do not be afraid that the water will cool down quickly and the baby will freeze, because the first bathing lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. Even if the water cools down by one or two degrees during this time, it will not be critical.

It is also important to monitor the air temperature while swimming. A child will definitely not like a big difference between the temperature of water and air, so the bathing room should not be overheated and it is better not to close the door to it.

So, we start bathing at a temperature of 34-37 and every 3-4 days we lower the water temperature by 1-2 degrees. In general, the lower the water temperature, the better. But, no violence against the child, you need to see the measure.

Some children prefer warmer water, others colder. How to understand whether a child is cold in the bath or hot? - If the baby is cold, he shrinks into a ball, his nasolabial triangle turns blue, after a while the child begins to tremble. If it is hot, the skin will turn red and the child will become lethargic. In both cases, the child will notify you by crying.

How to check the temperature? Thermometer or "elbow"

The easiest way is to buy a special bath with a built-in thermometer (). If this is not available, you can use a special water thermometer, which is sold in pharmacies. And finally you can use the "grandmother's method" - measure the temperature with your own elbow. The skin on this part of the hand is especially delicate and sensitive to temperature changes. So, if you put your hand in the water of the temperature in which we are used to swimming, it will seem normal. If you dip your elbow into it, the water will seem very hot. It will look like this to a child. If the water seems normal when lowering the elbow, this temperature will be ideal for the baby.

Arranging the optimum temperature

Making bathing water ideal is a simple matter. It is enough to arm yourself with a water thermometer, and then everything is simple.

  1. Pour cold water into the tub. If the child is not two weeks old, it is pre-boiled and cooled for several hours.
  2. We put a thermometer in it.
  3. Add hot water little by little until the thermometer shows 36-37. It is in the cold that you need to add hot!
  4. In order for the thermometer to tell the truth, the water must be stirred all the time.

To heat up or not?

Who will be here kup-kup,
Squish-squish in water?
Quickly jump into the bath, jump, jump,
in the bath with a leg jerk-jump, jerk!
The soap will foam
And the dirt is going somewhere.

We swim, we splash
And in the water we have fun with you!
Foot up, foot down!

Handle up, handle down!
Let's twist the legs
And we swim like ducks!
Plop-plop! Boo-boo!
Wipe out!

Gently and gently lather your baby with a soft bathing mitt or sponge, singing a song or saying a nursery rhyme:
We'll go swimming
And splash in the water
splash, frolic,
The baby will wash.
We wash our feet
To our sweet little one,
Let's wash our little hands
Dear little boy
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
Pure is what
Dear son!

And, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

In this article:

The temperature of the water for bathing newborn babies is quite important. The older generation is accustomed to thinking that the water will be better warmer than colder, for fear of catching a child's cold. But the perception of water temperature in babies is very different from the perception of an adult. By making bath water as warm as your own, the chance of harming the baby is greater than vice versa. The main thing is not to overheat the baby.

This can be quite difficult for the perception of an adult, since we are used to the idea that the bath should be hot, and only in this case it can be a pleasure. But water, which will be pleasant for an adult, will be scalding hot for a child.

Optimum temperature

Many people think that you need to bathe your baby only in boiled water, or with the addition of potassium permanganate (in other words, potassium permanganate), as our mothers did. But here everything depends on your plumbing to a greater extent. If you think that there may be some kind of harmful infection in it, then you should still boil it, in other cases there is no need for it. In addition, potassium permanganate dries the skin quite strongly, and if it gets into the eyes of a child, it can cause a burn. The best option would be to add an infusion of herbs when bathing. If the baby's skin is dry, then an infusion of chamomile is suitable, if the skin is with sweat, then an infusion of a string.

For the first bath of the baby, the water temperature is equal to 36.6 degrees. It is very easy to measure it by dipping your elbow into the water, since the fingers are less sensitive. But it is better to purchase a special thermometer for baths, so that you can be sure of the temperature of the water.

Water temperature is a matter of personal preference. You need to pay attention to how your baby reacts to water. After all, the wrong temperature can serve as a reason for the whims and crying of the child. And water procedures should not cause negative emotions.

For a newborn, the bathing temperature is considered acceptable in the range of 27 to 37 degrees. When bathing a baby, the primary task is not just to wash off the dirt, the procedure itself is important. The child should not be completely relaxed. But he shouldn't feel too uncomfortable either. The thing is that exposure to cool water causes the skin to increase blood flow in the muscles, activates the heart, and also increases the body's resistance to infections.

By immersing the child in water above 36 degrees, he will have absolutely no incentive to move. Such a bath will not cause discomfort, because although it is small, it is still a person, and therefore by nature lazy. But such bathing is completely useless in terms of health. In addition, it is very easy for a child to overheat. And it's much worse than hypothermia. Imagine your state after a sauna or a bath, where you overheated and you feel bad. In this state, you don’t want anything at all, and the main idea is to leave the steam room as soon as possible and lie down. The child may experience this condition at a temperature that seems slightly warm to you.

On the other hand, with one hundred percent accuracy it is impossible to say what bathing temperature is definitely suitable for all newborns, one can only say in general and approximately. After all, all people are different from birth.
When bathing a baby in water with a temperature below 30 degrees, the child can show negative emotions, and this does not mean at all that he is cold, he just does not want to move to warm himself. But if the child begins to shrink and then tremble, then this is a sure sign that he is cold.

No need to worry if the first time you fail to guess the “correct” temperature, because this can always be easily corrected and make the water pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

Is it worth tempering a baby?

Today you can hear a lot about hardening. And at the same time, they advise that the temperature of the water for bathing a baby be no more than 27-30 degrees. It is still worth adhering to the "golden mean" so as not to discourage the child's desire to swim at all. And this can be done with too cold water, and too hot.

Do not worry that the water can cool down during water procedures. During the time that bathing takes, the temperature will not be able to drop critically. And even vice versa, if it is difficult for you psychologically to immediately bathe your baby in cool water, then its gradual cooling will have an excellent hardening effect and at the same time will not lead to overheating. At least until the water has cooled down by more than 2-3 degrees, you should not worry, although the water may seem cold to you.

The doctor's story about what should be the temperature of the water for bathing the baby

Reading time: 10 minutes

After discharge from the hospital, young parents will have to bathe the newborn for the first time on their own, using special baths and herbal decoctions for the baby. So that mom and dad are not afraid to do this procedure, they should study the features of the preparation. The baby will enjoy the procedure, harden, and fall asleep faster. Bathing gives the child a pleasant feeling.

How to bathe a newborn baby

Experienced mothers determine the time and carry out the process “by eye”, but it can be difficult for young parents with their first child to cope with the procedure on their own. There are several general rules for bathing a newborn:

  • pay attention to the condition of the baby - refusal of the process if the child cries, wants to sleep, or his stomach hurts;
  • acquaintance with water should be done gradually so that the baby gets used to the new environment;
  • hold the baby in a special way: support the head and back, this will help to avoid water getting into the ears and eyes;
  • lather and wash the body in a certain sequence.

The benefits of water procedures for the baby

Bathing the baby is necessary not only for the cleanliness of the body and an important hygienic component. Regular water procedures have the following effect on the body:

  • harden the body several times stronger than air baths - the effect will increase if you pour cool water on the newborn at the end;
  • positively affect the nervous system, the psycho-emotional development of the child, stimulate the nerve receptors of the skin, which trains the central nervous system and maintains their balance;
  • improve the motor activity of the newborn- strengthen muscles, train the heart, increase the strength of breathing;
  • increase appetite, provide sound sleep, relieve pain and colic.

bathing time

Choosing the optimal time for bathing a newborn is not an easy process, which depends on the characteristics of the child himself and the rhythm of family life. Because of the soothing effect of the bath, it is useful to take it before evening feeding. If the process has an exciting effect on the baby, it is better to wash it in the afternoon or in the morning. It is important to observe a break between meals - bathe the child an hour after eating or 30-40 minutes before feeding. It is not recommended to carry out a hygiene procedure when the baby is hungry. Evening bathing immediately after feeding will cause discomfort, regurgitation.

What you need for bathing a newborn

Before bathing a baby, you need to prepare the necessary equipment and accessories that facilitate the process of washing and maintaining hygiene:

  • baby small bath- optional, some parents bathe babies in a large bath;
  • soap and shampoo- apply a couple of times a week so as not to overdry the delicate baby skin;
  • special baby washcloth- instead of it it is allowed to use a soft clean cloth, a piece of cotton wool;
  • herbal infusions- for antiseptic, anti-allergic, soothing and restorative effects;
  • water thermometer;
  • ladle with water to rinse the baby;
  • soft towel for wiping the skin of the baby;
  • clean clothes.

Baby's first bath

According to children's doctors, the first bathing of a newborn can begin after discharge from the hospital. If there are contraindications (discharge, the navel is bleeding), it is recommended to proceed with the procedures after the umbilical wound has healed. In the latter case, instead of washing the baby, wet wiping with towels, baby wipes, washing the genitals and buttocks, and caring for the ears and nose are used.

With an unhealed umbilical wound, the water is disinfected with sea salt or herbal infusions. You can also boil it, but you will have to be careful and monitor a comfortable temperature. An unhealed wound requires careful handling and a short procedure. If the navel has healed (crusting lasts 20 days), the bath time can be increased. For a newborn, a bath is contraindicated, up to 6-8 months, you can not bathe babies with a cold.

When can I bathe a newborn after the hospital

If the pediatrician has not prescribed any recommendations, the next day after returning home from the hospital is suitable for the first bath of the newborn. Parents are advised to carry out water daily procedures at the same time so that the baby gets used to the daily routine. It is better to postpone bathing if the baby is naughty, expresses fatigue, suffers from pain in the tummy.

Is it necessary to boil water and why

Bathing a newborn should be carried out in special temperature conditions. The optimum air temperature is considered to be 20-22 degrees, and water - 34-37. It is undesirable to boil water, because there is a risk of getting burned. Boiled water is required only if the tap water is too hard. Bringing it to 100 degrees and cooling it will make the water softer, but it is better to use a weak solution of sea salt or bath foam to soften it. If the umbilical wound has not healed, the water is boiled to prevent infection.

What to bathe a newborn baby

For comfortable bathing of the newborn, special baths are used. They are placed in a standard bathroom on a tiled floor and a rubber mat, or inside an adult bath. The location of the bath should provide free access to the child. You can choose from different models:

  • double-walled– keeps water temperature for a long time;
  • with built-in temperature sensor– temperature control;
  • slide- built-in or removable, to hold the child inside the bath;
  • with drain hose- facilitate the process of pouring water;
  • stand- to facilitate the adult (unloading the back).

bathing herbs

Bathing a newborn takes place in an ordinary bath, but you can diversify the water with herbal infusions for a positive effect on the body. You should not get carried away with them, use only according to the testimony of a doctor. Under the ban chistotell, broom, wormwood, citrus fruits, thuja, tansy. You can add:

  1. Chamomile decoction- helps with excessive dryness of the skin, it is recommended to add for girls. For infusion, take 2 filter bags or a tablespoon of dry grass, brew a liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Pour into bath.
  2. Decoction of a series- gets rid of rashes. 3 tablespoons or 6 filter bags are brewed with 10 liters of hot water. Fill the grass with water, put in a water bath, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave to infuse for 45 minutes.
  3. Antiseptics for prickly heat and allergic dermatitis - collection of equal parts of calendula, succession, chamomile, sage. Pour a glass of dry raw materials with a liter of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Strain before use.
  4. Similarly, you can use a decoction bay leaf with diathesis, needles from rickets, motherwort, mint and lemon balm with increased nervous excitability.

Potassium permanganate solution

Bathing a newborn a few decades ago required the presence of potassium permanganate to disinfect the water. Modern scientists have proven that there is no need to add potassium permanganate, because it has a harmful effect on the skin of a child, drying it out. Use is indicated for a child with an unhealed umbilical wound. It is necessary to dilute the substance strictly according to the instructions:

  • take 10-15 crystals of potassium permanganate, pour into a transparent glass;
  • pour a glass of boiling water to make a purple solution;
  • stir the crystals thoroughly, check by light for sediment - if it comes into contact with the skin of a child, it can cause a burn;
  • pour into the bath so that the water turns a light pink color.

Children's cosmetics

Pediatricians recommend using special detergents marked "0+", "Baby" or similar. Popular formats are soap and shampoo. The first is available in liquid, solid and gel states. Unlike conventional varieties, baby soap contains a minimal amount of alkali and a neutral pH level. Due to this, it does not dry out and does not irritate the skin. You can use soap once a week.

Shampoo is used at the age of 2-4 weeks no more than once a week to wash the hair. When using it, you need to make sure that the foam does not get into the eyes of the baby, does not cause irritation. On sale you can find various foaming products of domestic and foreign brands:

  1. Bubchen (Germany)- produces a series for newborns and older children. The products have a natural composition, safe ingredients, enriched with panthenol, herbal extracts, chamomile, aloe. For kids, the "From the First Days" series is suitable.
  2. Little Siberica (Russia)- popular inexpensive products with a natural composition on decoctions of herbs. Products are certified according to the European system, have a pleasant design. The series includes foam, cream, oil, shampoo, milk.
  3. Weleda (Germany)- an old European brand has an eco-certification, its products are enriched with calendula and herbal decoctions.
  4. Eared nanny (Russia)- a popular brand of the mass market, but it does not have the safest compositions. The pluses include accessibility, the minuses are the use of preservatives and parabens.
  5. My sun (Russia)– gel, foam and oil contain calendula. The disadvantages of the products are the use of aggressive detergent components, they cannot be used too often.
  6. Our mother (Russia)– the series contains highly active surfactants. The safest product for newborns is solid bar soap.
  7. Head to toe- foam-shampoo from Johnson's Baby (Italy) - contains components that are unsafe for the baby's skin. It is undesirable to use them every day.
  8. Pigeon (Japan)- releases the main and additional line. The second is safer in composition, sold in special soft packaging, does not contain sulfate and paraben compounds.
  9. Sanosan baby (Germany)- brand products are designed to care for atopic skin of newborns, prone to dermatosis, eczema. They do not contain mineral oils, only vegetable oils, but parabens were found in the composition of the cream-gel and shampoo.

Water temperature for bathing a newborn

The delicate skin of a newborn is distinguished by a thin structure, so thermoregulation is still poorly formed. After overheating in a hot bath, he may become ill, the pores will open, infections will get there, weaken the immune system. Too cold water will also bring discomfort and the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. The ideal temperature is 34-37 degrees, it is close to the temperature of amniotic fluid. Too high values ​​(more than 38 degrees) will lead to overheating and heart palpitations. Every 3-4 days it is recommended to lower the temperature by 1 degree to 30-32.

To determine the temperature, you can buy a special bath with a temperature sensor or a water thermometer. In their absence, measure warm water with your own elbow: lower it into the bath, if the water is hot, cool it. When feeling normal temperature, you can bathe the newborn. First, you should pour cold water into the baby bath, gradually adding hot water, stirring constantly.

How to properly bathe a newborn - bathing technique

The first bath is always exciting for parents, but following the step-by-step instructions will help make it easier. It includes several stages:

  • preparation of the bath and the child himself, water;
  • preparation of decoctions or disinfectant infusions;
  • washing, accustoming to water;
  • the bathing procedure itself with the support of the crumbs;
  • air hardening;
  • drying, dressing the baby.


Bathing requires the preparation of all equipment used. Stages of preparation for a pleasant procedure in a warm room:

  1. Disinfection of the bath - wash it with hot soapy water, clean with baking soda, rinse with boiling water.
  2. Boil water, cool if necessary.
  3. Pour cold water into the bath, gradually add hot water, measure the temperature.
  4. Pre-prepare decoctions of herbs when indicated, feed the baby in an hour.
  5. Collect all washing supplies: shampoo, baby soap, sponge, warm towel, toys, clean diaper.
  6. Wash your hands.
  7. Lower the baby into the tub carefully.

How to hold a baby

After the preparatory stage, the baby should be undressed, let him lie down a little in the air naked for hardening. Proper child support

  1. For the first 1-2 weeks, wrap your baby in a soft diaper and unfold it in the bath.
  2. Gradually lower the child to the shoulders, keeping the head and neck above the water.
  3. Hold the baby with your left hand, supporting the head on a bent elbow. Place your thumb over your left shoulder, the rest under your armpit. If desired, use the slide to bathe the baby

How to wash a newborn

The baby should be bathed from top to bottom, following the sequence of actions indicated in the step-by-step instructions of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • wash the child with clean water;
  • lather a cloth or hand, wash the area from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • rinse ears, neck, hands, armpits;
  • go to the chest, sides, inguinal region, rinse the folds (for boys under the foreskin, for girls - the perineum);
  • rinse with clean water.

Procedures after bathing

Put the washed clean child on a towel, gently blot the skin with movements, avoiding friction, first the hair, then the chest and back, wrinkles. You can not wipe the skin, but let it air dry. After complete drying, lubricate the baby's skin with special products (cream, massage oil), apply diaper cream on the buttocks. Dress the baby before feeding: feed, let him fall asleep - tired and full, he should sleep soundly.

Age features of bathing a baby

According to the WHO World Health Organization, daily bathing is used at the age of up to six months, three times a week up to a year and 2-3 times a week after reaching a year. The following age features of bathing babies are distinguished:

  1. Up to one and a half months- the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, the use of baby shampoos and soaps is allowed once a week. The duration of bathing lasts 5-8 minutes, it is advisable to bathe the baby in a diaper or a long vest. Add decoctions wisely, on the advice of a doctor.
  2. Up to three months- the procedure lasts 15 minutes, you can start bathing the child at a temperature of up to 30-32 degrees in order to harden.
  3. Up to six months The procedure takes half an hour. It is allowed to use inflatable circles, toys, developing accessories, chairs. The temperature is already 28-30 degrees.
  4. Up to a year Bathe your baby for 40 minutes. It is useful to do gymnastics, swimming, it is allowed to use foam - this will help the baby to fall asleep later.
