Water manicure. Water nail design – I want everything to work out

Have you heard about marble effect manicure? Captivating curves of lines, alluring interweaving of colors, graceful patterns. You may have more than once noticed amazing nail designs in photos in glossy magazines, believing that creating such a delightful design is only possible in a beauty salon. Let's tell you a little secret: exquisite nail art is created on water. But that is not all. The good news is that water manicure is possible at home!

Today you have the opportunity to receive comprehensive information on creating amazing design. You will be presented with interesting video tutorials, a photo gallery with charming ideas and step-by-step instructions on how to do a water manicure at home. This is truly a trending phenomenon in the world of nail art, so you should definitely pay attention to it.

Unique execution technique

Manicure on water is quite difficult to perform. The first time you will need about 2 hours of free time. In the future, you will be able to do nail art in an average of 30-60 minutes. You will need a little skill, a set of necessary tools and additional accessories, including:

  • set of nail polishes: transparent, white, several colored;
  • container with water;
  • scotch tape or thick cream;
  • toothpicks (wooden skewers will do);
  • cotton swabs or disks;
  • nail polish remover.

If you decide to perform a manicure using water, you should remember an important rule. Compliance with it largely determines the success of the entire procedure. The water in the glass should not be cold or hot! The optimal temperature is room temperature or slightly higher, at which the varnish spreads best over the surface.

Step 1. Preparing your nails

Treat your hands with antiseptic. Tidy up your nails using classic (edged), European (unedged) or. Pay special attention to the cuticle. After all, to make a beautiful manicure using water, you need to achieve a smooth and even surface of your nails.

Apply the first coat of clear polish and wait for it to dry. Water suggests a contrasting combination of different colors. To make the composition brighter and more saturated, we recommend applying a base coat. You can use white or colored varnish that will be included in your nail art.

Before the procedure, cover each finger with tape, leaving the nail plate open, as in the photo, or lubricate the skin with a rich cream to protect against bright pigment. Manicure has a very unusual technology, and these simple steps will make your task much easier.

Step 2: Creative Process

Place a container of water in front of you. A regular plastic cup will do. It is important that it is not too small, otherwise your nails will cling to the walls and it will be difficult for you to create high-quality nail art. If the container is too large, the consumption of varnish will increase significantly. Since manicure is performed using water, the liquid should not contain foreign components or air bubbles.

Open all the jars of colored varnish slightly and prepare simple toothpicks. Let's assume that you decide to get a manicure in two tones. Open the first varnish and hold the brush over the glass at a distance of no further than 2 cm. A droplet should fall into the water. You will see how the varnish spreads. Take the second color and drop it into the center of the resulting stain. Repeat 6-8 times, alternating varnishes.

Each circle of water should spread towards the walls of the glass. You can help this process by running a toothpick from the first streak to the side of the container. Do not immerse the stick too deeply; it should glide through the water.

It's time to get creative! Swipe the toothpick over the rainbow several times, as in the photo. Be sure to clean the stick when it gets dirty. You are literally painting your future nail art on the water. Once you get carried away with the process, don’t forget about time. From the first drop of varnish to the finished drawing should take no more than 40-60 seconds.

When the water pattern is ready, smoothly lower your nail into a multi-colored rainbow parallel to the plane of the table. The finger should be completely immersed in the liquid. Using a toothpick, use a quick twisting motion to remove excess polish from the surface of the water. Carefully remove your finger. Repeat the procedure with each nail separately. To get the most out of water nail designs, you need to be patient. Any rush can ruin your manicure.

Step 3. Final chords

You're almost done with your water-based manicure. Remove the tape or remaining cream and clean the skin with a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover. Apply the top coat to your nails, but first make sure that your “water” design is really dry.

Several water manicure lessons will help you consolidate your knowledge. The wonderful Alexandra demonstrates step by step the process of creating nail art on water. A visual reinforcement of the theory will help you understand all the intricacies, so the video will be extremely interesting and useful for you.

Stylish water design ideas

Now you know how to make stylish water nail art step by step. Agree, there is nothing supernatural in this. Everything can be quite easy if you understand the technique and have some practice. Flowers, waves, zigzags, tiger color - these are just some of the things you can do with a wave of a toothpick, like an artist's brush. We invite you to look at an excellent collection of photos that present interesting ideas for water nail art.

When doing a manicure, you don’t have to limit yourself to just varnishes. While the pattern dries, decorate your nails with rhinestones. Accentuate your sexy curves with a sprinkle of glitter. You can even make an unusual French manicure by dipping only the free edge of the nail into water. The smile line will be decorated with sparkling varnish. Take a look at the dizzying compositions presented in the photo.

Knowing how to do water manicure at home, you can create stunning decorations. You don't have to use only bright colors. Try creating, for example, a black and white design by watching an interesting video tutorial.

Why doesn't something work out?

Have you followed all the instructions step by step, but the water design didn’t work out, or are you not very happy with the result? Let us consider the main difficulties that arise during this procedure.

  1. Do the varnish droplets spread or curl up? Check the fluid temperature. If it is normal, the reason may be that the consistency of the varnish is too thick. To achieve a successful manicure at home, replace the polish with a more liquid one.
  2. Are the patterns on each nail different from each other? Over time, you will learn to make almost identical drawings, the main thing is to maintain the style of stains on the water.
  3. A drop of varnish does not spread, but sinks? You may be holding the brush too high. Let us remind you that in order to properly make the film, the distance to the water should be minimal, no more than 2 cm.
  4. Does your manicure end up smudged? Most likely, you take your finger out of the water too quickly or do not completely remove the remaining water rainbow with a toothpick.

By improving your skills, you will be able to do nail art faster, designing several fingers at once. An accelerated technique is demonstrated in the final video lesson of water manicure. Knowing how to design on water, you can always surprise others with original nail art. Your hands will look incredible. Experiment and always stay beautiful!

Nails are an integral element of the image of a modern girl, which makes her image complete and complete. In order to remain original, the female gender undertakes many incredible tricks and methods to create a unique manicure. In some cases, this results in complex and lengthy procedures, but there is a way to create an individual manicure that allows you to use your full creative potential and achieve excellent results. In some cases, the most ordinary materials can help create a magical nail design.

How to do a water manicure at home

Oddly enough, the procedure for creating a water manicure is very simple. This will not take much time and will allow you to add a unique nail pattern to your image, the parameters of which are determined only by the imagination of the creator. This technique does not involve particularly complex manipulations and is accessible even to beginners.

The specificity of the so-called marble manicure lies in the sequential application of nail polish to the surface of the water, creating a soft colored film on the surface of the water. The design is transferred to the nail plate by immersing it in a container of liquid and removing it with the finished masterpiece.

What water and tools are needed

A manicure does not require many auxiliary tools; it is only important to decide on the basic color scheme that will reflect the mood. You can create bright, catchy, truly summer designs using warm varnish colors: yellow, red, green, blue. If an extravagant presentation is not suitable at the moment, then the nails can be covered with more strict shades, using white and black. In water manicure, the main thing is to realize the contrast of color shades, since this is a distinctive feature of the technique.

It is important to understand that varnish is a rather specific material that behaves differently under certain conditions. Based on this, it is important that the water used to dilute the nail coating remains the same, cool temperature. The temperature of the water plays an important role during the implementation of the event; for this reason, to ensure a constant thermal state of the liquid, a sufficiently deep container, such as a glass, should be used. Having filled a pre-prepared vessel with cool water, you can begin mixing paints.

It is also necessary to take care that the process is not delayed due to wiping off the varnish from dirty fingers. To do this, you need to wrap your finger with any material that will protect them from staining. As a barrier, you can use adhesive tape, adhesive tape, or any other material, wrapping it around the phalanx of the finger so that only the nail plate is accessible to external influence.

It will also be necessary to prepare acetone in case particles of varnish get on the skin, since they should be removed immediately with a cotton pad. You will also need a toothpick or some other thin, pointed object to create a design. And, of course, several nail polishes in matching colors.

Step-by-step instructions

  • First of all, add varnish to a glass of water. This should be done carefully by dripping, applying a drop of one color to the center of the container. After the varnish has spread through the water, creating a thin film, apply the next color to the middle of the round spot and so on until the intended number of shades has been accumulated. The result should be something like a target.

  • Then you will need to create the desired pattern; to achieve this goal, take a toothpick and make several cuts on the “target”, moving it from the edge of the container to the base of the pattern. Having performed several manipulations, you can notice that a completely clear composition that suits the creator has formed on the water surface. It is important to remember that before each cut, the toothpick must be removed from moisture and varnish residues.

  • The next step is to create “protective equipment” for the finger so that the varnish film does not get on the skin, which dries out immediately. After this, you can safely dip your finger into the water so that the nail falls parallel to the surface of the water. The immersed finger should be left in the liquid until the remaining varnish film is removed from the glass using a toothpick.

  • After all the stages have been completed, you can take out your finger and remove the barrier clothing from it. As a result, the nails are left with a very original manicure, which is very easy to create yourself at home.

Video tutorial on how to create a marble manicure

This video tutorial will give you all the necessary instructions for creating a marble manicure at home. In addition to simple tips, the author of the video offers several options for creating patterns to create an original and unique look.

Photo ideas for nail design with marble effect

The most important thing that is needed to create a marble effect on nails is imagination. Using a toothpick, you can not only make cuts in the film from the edges to the center, but also vice versa. Spiral cuts will also look great, which allows you to create the effect of marble. In fact, any chaotic manipulation with a thin tool will result in a creative nail design idea.

Gel polish is becoming very popular. This is due to the fact that the coating is stable and reliable, the pattern is interesting and individual. Thanks to the simple technology of water manicure, it can be done at home.

What is water manicure

Is it possible to do a water manicure with gel polish? Yes! This is a new product in the world of nail art, which has already gained popularity. In order to create an unusual and individual design, you do not need expensive materials. Every representative of the fair sex who does not have professional artistic skills can do a water manicure. It is created using water and several colored varnishes. The coating, which is added to the water, spreads over the surface, as a result of which you can create a magical and unique bright nail decor. The design can be in the form of spirals, streaks, stripes and other unusual ornaments. The essence of creating a multi-colored design is to alternately add varnish to a container of water. As a result, a film is formed on which chaotic patterns are drawn using a toothpick.

Advantages of water manicure

Before you learn how to do a water manicure with gel polish, let's talk about its benefits.

  1. This type of manicure is now at the peak of popularity due to its uniqueness and originality.
  2. Easy to do. Water manicure can be done at home.
  3. Marble effect. The magic of every drawing.
  4. Saving money.

Before creating a masterpiece, you need to prepare your nails, do a hygienic manicure and apply a solid color of varnish. The most effective base is white, but again, it all depends on your preferences. After all, the choice of colors is limitless.

What will you need to perform a water manicure?

Is it possible to do a water manicure with gel polish? Yes! And we will tell you how and what is needed for this.

  1. Colored varnishes to create a pattern. You can use at least three, the most important thing is that they combine well with each other. Please note that the consistency of the gel polish should be liquid. Select the coating so that it is from the same company. The varnish, which is thick in consistency, spreads and mixes very poorly or may even end up at the bottom.
  2. Cuticle oil or nourishing cream, tape. This is necessary in order to protect the skin of the finger from staining.
  3. or a toothpick (to create patterns, stains).
  4. Container with warm water. You can use any, but keep in mind that its walls will be painted.
  5. Nail polish remover, cotton pads.
  6. Base and finishing product for manicure.
  7. Lamp for drying the coating.

Rules to follow when creating a manicure

  • Before creating a water manicure, treat each finger with a rich cream. It should not get on the surface of the nail plate, otherwise the polish will not stick.
  • The water in the container should be warm, then the patterns will be varied and interesting.
  • The principle of manicure is that all the designs on the nails will be made in the same style, but at the same time they will be completely different.
  • The varnish must be very liquid.
  • Before the procedure, be sure to do a manicure and cover the nail plate with a base color. If you are doing the procedure for the first time, two shades will be enough. Combine colors correctly to avoid vulgarity.
  • Clean the stick you use to mix varnishes, then the drawing will turn out beautiful and neat.
  • Choose a container that is deep and not narrow, so as not to catch the walls with your fingernail and smudge the design.
  • Gel polishes with a thermal effect look impressive.

Mistakes when creating a water design

  • If you touch the wall of the container with your finger, then it is not selected correctly.
  • If the varnish droplets do not spread in water, this indicates that the varnish is not liquid.
  • If the gel polish immediately becomes crusty in water, change the water to warmer water.
  • If the pattern doesn’t work out or is unclear, use a needle instead of a toothpick and don’t forget to clean it.
  • The stains must be done lightly; the maximum immersion of the toothpick or needle should be 5 mm.

Water manicure with gel polish: how to do? Execution technology

Once you have prepared for the procedure, you can begin.

  1. Prepare a container with water, open all the varnishes, take out the lamp (for drying gel polish).
  2. Do a manicure, apply a base product, dry it in a lamp. Apply base tone.
  3. Lubricate the skin around the nail with a rich cream or cuticle oil.
  4. Now you need a container of water. Take a transparent gel with a liquid consistency and drop it into the water. A film should form that gradually spreads through the water. Next, we drip gel polish of a different color; clearer outlines of the color border should appear. Use a toothpick to place a dot in the center and continue dripping colored polishes. There should be a lot of rings. Using a toothpick, we draw lines from the center to the edges with smooth movements, that is, we make a drawing. It can be in the form of a spiral, stripes, teeth, or simply chaotic patterns. Use your imagination and creativity.
  5. Once the pattern is complete, immerse the treated finger parallel to the pattern in water. The gel polish film should lie flat on the nail and cover the skin around it. Using a cotton swab and disk, remove excess varnish.
  6. We quickly dry the finger under the lamp. Then you can apply the finishing coat.
  7. For each finger, make your own spot of circles and repeat the pattern. In this way, you create a unique manicure that will last for more than two weeks and delight not only you, but also those around you.

Beautiful nails with a spectacular, original design will always attract admiring glances. Fashion trends dictate to us marble patterns in nail design, and they are very easy to make using water and the resulting colored stains of nail polishes. If you want to make yourself an interesting nail design, try a water manicure. It looks impressive, attractive and fantastic. It is possible to combine different color combinations and various, unique patterns.

Today's site website will show what water manicure looks like and how to do it yourself. Of course, such nail decoration requires accuracy and a certain skill in order to ultimately obtain the desired result.

Creating a water manicure is a creative process from which you will certainly get pleasure and a good mood.

Water manicure - how to do it?


  • Small glass of water room temperature. If the water is cold, the varnish will harden quickly and you won’t be able to make a pattern. Hot water is also not suitable, because... will change the structure of the varnish.
  • Several colors of nail polishes(at least two colors). The palette can be anything and the choice will depend on your taste and mood. Important! - Quick-drying varnishes are completely unsuitable for water-based manicure.
  • Toothpick.
  • Scotch tape or fat cream for application to the skin around the nails. This will help quickly remove the colored varnish film from the skin.
  • Top coat - clear varnish, which is applied at the end of the entire procedure. Smoothes the nail surface and adds shine.

Water manicure can be done on all fingers or highlight one or two nails, because multi-colored nails are now in fashion. The finished drawing can be coated with sparkling varnish with glitter.

Water manicure is one of the most unusual. Simple stains with multi-colored nail polishes look very impressive. This manicure can be done both for every day (especially in summer) and for a holiday (combining the appropriate shades of varnish). It is also interesting that each nail can have its own unique pattern. How to do a water manicure at home and why it doesn’t work – read this article.

How to do a water manicure at home

The effect of blurry waves on nails in water manicure is very simple. As is clear from the name itself, water takes an active part in creating such beauty.

So, to do a water manicure at home, you will need:

– multi-colored varnishes (you can take a variety of shades that contrast with each other, the number of varnishes is from 2);

– a small container with water;

– a toothpick or other thin stick to create a pattern on the surface of the water;

– another stick for removing excess nail polish from your finger in water;

– paper or ordinary tape, cuticle protector (PVA glue or greasy cream, oil) – to protect the cuticle from varnish;

– fixative varnish.

Stages of water manicure

1. Prepare your nails by removing any remaining polish from the surface. Take care of the skin around your nails, lubricate it with cream, oil, apply a special product or PVA glue. This is done to make it much easier for you to clean your skin of excess polish later.

2. Pour water into the prepared container.

3. Drop one varnish onto the water, after a couple of seconds it should spread over its surface. Drop the second varnish into the middle of the first layer of varnish on water and wait until it spreads. In the middle of the second layer - the third, and repeat as much as you like. A good drawing is obtained from just 5 drops.

4. Use a toothpick and quickly make streaks of varnish on the water. These can be flowers, stars or any other patterns:

Make sure that the varnish does not accumulate on the toothpick, otherwise it can pull the entire design along with it and assemble it like an accordion. After each movement, remove excess with a cotton pad or napkin. Also, do not immerse the toothpick deep into the water; work with the tip.

To achieve a water manicure, you need to take fresh liquid varnishes that will easily spread over the water, creating beautiful patterns. Quick-drying varnishes are also not suitable.

Water for water manicure, based on my experience, should be warm. Cold water will dry the varnish quickly, not giving you time to create the desired pattern with a toothpick. Water manicure doesn’t work with hot water either.

5. Dip your finger into the water (directly onto the nail polish design), nail side down. In the water, collect the remaining design around your finger with a toothpick or other stick.

To protect the cuticles from varnish, and to make the manicure itself neater, use tape. Wrap it around your nails so you don't have to wipe off the polish later. If there is no tape, use PVA glue (wait until it dries completely, turning into a translucent film), fatty cream or oil. Today, by the way, special products are sold that protect the cuticle from varnish when creating a water manicure, a gradient manicure, or when using.

6. Pull the nail out of the water.

This is what you should get at this stage:

Another secret of water manicure: use a narrow but deep container for water. This will make varnish consumption more economical.

7. Without touching the nail, remove the cuticle protection (tape, glue film or special product). Use a cotton swab or a thin, angled manicure brush to wipe off any remaining polish from the skin. After this layer has dried, you can use a fixative varnish. Repeat these steps with all your nails.

You can even do a water manicure:

Here is a brief overview of all the stages of creating a water manicure at home:

Water manicure, photo

I offer you the following ideas for water manicure:

Surprise everyone with a French manicure done using the water method:

How do you like these photos of water manicure:

Elegant classic manicure black and white in an unusual version:

Why doesn't water manicure work?

Of course, water manicure has a lot of benefits:

– water manicure at home is an excellent alternative to a salon manicure;

– ease of technique for creating a wide variety of patterns;

– a wide field for imagination.

Disadvantages of water manicure that I can highlight:

– creating the perfect water manicure takes a lot of time;

– high consumption of materials;

– You can do a manicure on only one nail at a time.

Why doesn't water manicure work? The reasons may be different

Problem: Droplets of varnish do not spread in water.

Possible reason: You have chosen dry, thick, stale varnishes that dry quickly in water.

Problem: varnishes that use water dry out quickly, which is why there is not enough time to create a pattern and transfer it to the nail.

Possible reason: You may be using too cold water.

Problem: It’s impossible to make a clear pattern, the lines blur or overlap each other.

Possible reason: Do you wipe the toothpick after each line on the pattern? Work with the tip of the toothpick, do not put it deep into the water.

Problem: The pattern is smeared on the nail.

Possible reason: You pull your finger out of the water too quickly or don't pick up all the leftover polish around your nail with a stick.

Remember, water manicure requires perseverance, speed of movement, ideal consistency of varnish and water temperature. If something doesn't work out for you, check all these components. Don't be discouraged if the water manicure doesn't work out the first or even third time. Only through trial and experimentation did this type of manicure work for me!

Water manicure video

To finally understand all the secrets of water manicure, I suggest you watch this video:

Experiment and be beautiful!