Military law total length of service. Retirement of servicemen based on years of service. Preferential pension for military personnel

According to the law, military personnel can apply for a pension if they have the necessary length of service, also called length of service. Today we will tell you how to calculate the length of service for assigning a pension to military personnel, and we will also figure out how the length of service is determined for assigning a pension to various categories of the military.

Who is eligible for a retirement pension

In general, citizens have the right to apply for a pension upon reaching retirement age, or upon the fact of incapacity for work acquired as a result of disability.

The procedure for the retirement of military personnel differs significantly from the registration of pensions for ordinary citizens. The military can retire before reaching retirement age if they have the required length of service. The categories of citizens who are entitled to a service pension are enshrined in federal law No. 4468-1, which regulates the procedure for assigning pension payments to military personnel.

The provisions of the law confer the right to a service pension:

  • military personnel of all branches of the armed forces, including officers, soldiers, warrant officers who served on conscription and/or under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the joint Armed Forces of the CIS;
  • border guards;
  • members of the National Guard troops;
  • military Investigative Committee;
  • employees of the state security and intelligence agencies;
  • military federal bodies of government communications and civil defense troops.
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • employees of the Federal Security Service;
  • members of the rescue teams of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • correctional officers.

Conditions for granting a retirement pension

A service pension is assigned to servicemen both in the presence of military service and in case of mixed length of service. According to Art. 13 of Law 4468-1, the following conditions are provided for the appointment of a pension:

  1. A citizen has the right to retire on a seniority pension if the total period of his service in the Armed Forces is 20 years or more . The age of the military in this case does not matter;
  2. A person with mixed service can apply for a service pension no earlier than the age of 45. At the same time, the total work experience of a citizen must be at least 25 years old , and work in the military service should be at least 12.5 years.

The concept of length of service is understood as the number of years of work experience in military service, as well as in positions in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the correctional system, and other areas, service in which, according to the law, is taken into account in the calculation of length of service.

The procedure for calculating length of service for the appointment of a pension was approved by Government Decree No. 941. The document contains a list of structures and positions, service within which is taken into account when calculating length of service. According to the Decree, the length of service is calculated as the total periods of service:

  • in the Armed Forces (both on contract and on conscription);
  • in the bodies of foreign and internal intelligence, the State Guard;
  • in the troops of the National Guard;
  • in the bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and paramilitary fire protection;
  • in the police / police, as well as in the tax police (for employees with special titles);
  • in military construction detachments, partisan detachments and formations of the people's militia of the USSR;
  • in correctional facilities and drug control agencies.

The above periods of service when calculating length of service are taken into account in calendar terms (a year of service is equal to a year of service).

Additional settlement periods of service

In addition to the main periods, the calculation of length of service may take into account periods when a citizen fills positions in bodies:

  • state power;
  • prosecutors;
  • Investigative Committee.

In case of illegal dismissal of a citizen from the service, the period of forced break in work is taken into account when calculating the length of service. That is, the time from the moment of dismissal to the day of restoration to the service is equated to the "military" experience. The basis for attributing this period to length of service is a court decision, on the basis of which the dismissal from service was declared illegal.

Accounting for the period of study in the calculation of length of service

For military personnel who, before entering the service, were trained in higher or secondary specialized educational institutions, the period of such training is counted in the total period of service. In this case, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • the period of the credited period of study is no more than 5 years;
  • the procedure for calculating length of service - 2 years of study are equal to 1 year of service;
  • the period of study is counted in the period of service only if the educational institution had a military department.

Full information on the conditions for offsetting the period of study when calculating length of service can be obtained in paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 941.

Preferential calculation of length of service

In addition to the general procedure for calculating length of service, Decree No. 941 also regulates the mechanism for calculating "military" length of service on preferential terms. Annexes No. 1-3 to the Resolution provide for a special procedure for calculating length of service in the following cases:

  1. Military personnel and persons equated to them, having military service experience in remote areas, have the right to calculate length of service on preferential terms - a month of service is equal to 1.5 or 2 months of service . The applicable preferential coefficient depends on the place of service, the list of which is approved by Appendix No. 1 of the Resolution.
  2. The calculation of length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military personnel and other persons is carried out in a special manner if the service of such citizens took place in special climatic conditions. We are talking about the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them. The service adjustment factor depends on the specific duty station and is 1.5 or 2 (1.5 or 2 years of service for 1 year of actual service).
  3. The right to special conditions for calculating length of service is granted to employees of the Border Guard Service if they have experience before 01/01/1976 ( a month of service equals 1.5 months of service ). The list of localities, service in which gives the right to a preferential calculation of length of service, is approved by Appendix No. 3 of the Resolution.
  4. Citizens who held positions in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at enterprises approved by Appendix No. 2 of the Resolution until 01.01.1970 are entitled to the calculation of length of service in the following order - 1 month of service is equal to 2 months of service.

Russian legislation allows teachers and other educational workers to retire earlier than the main period, only on the basis of 25 years of teaching experience.

In fact, this is the same labor, only the employee whose work activity falls under certain conditions has the right to receive it.

Legislative framework and recent changes

Educational workers have the opportunity to take a legal vacation in old age much earlier than other categories of citizens.

This right is indicated by the current Russian legislation. For those who applied for a pension before 2001, the basis was:

The total teaching experience of the employee is 25 years and age has nothing to do with it.

The first changes in the legal documents relating to the work and pension provision of teachers were adopted in 2001. Then for the first time accruals for length of service were abolished - they were replaced by preferential pension payments by age. The state retained the right of the teacher to retire early for a well-deserved rest.

In 2015, changes again affected education employees. The salary that was accrued to the teacher is not taken into account when calculating the entire pension content. Like other categories of the country's population, teachers' pensions can be influenced by only pension funds- the more of them, the higher the payments by age.

In February 2016, amendments were made to the previous legislation, according to which only those years that the teacher spent on his education, that is, the period of his studies in higher educational institutions of Russia, will be included in 25 years of experience. At the same time, pedagogical work should be carried out both before the start of studies and after its completion.

If the seniority allowance is already being paid, the person claiming the benefits is obliged to stop working, and in the future his right to educational work is lost. Directly the principle of calculating pensions has not changed.

Categories of teaching staff

Oddly enough, not all categories of workers in the pedagogical field may have the right to a preferential pension. The list of professions is prescribed in Law No. 173.

It includes the following categories of workers:

In addition to the list of professions, the law provides for list of educational institutions:

  • schools and lyceums;
  • gymnasiums with in-depth study of subjects;
  • cadet corps;
  • naval schools (Suvorov and Nakhimov);
  • orphanages;
  • boarding schools for children under the age of majority;
  • sanatorium-type schools;
  • kindergartens and nurseries;
  • music and ballet schools;
  • institutions of additional education.

Thus, before you start applying for a preferential pension, you should pay attention to the place of work. By profession, you can fit into the category of beneficiaries, but by the name of the institution - no. Only a thorough check of the entries in the work book and their comparison with the legislative list can protect against such a situation.

Almost every year, amendments and changes are made to the Law acting on a permanent basis. The names of institutions and positions are changed and supplemented, for example:

  • the preferential category of educators includes all varieties of this position: a school educator, an aftercare teacher, a kindergarten, a nursery, a boarding school, and the like;
  • the position of a music worker may have the modern name of a music teacher or head of a music class;
  • the name gymnasium includes such names as school-lyceum and school-gymnasium;
  • Since 2007, the boarding school for mentally retarded children has also had a second name - the Children's Psychoneurological Boarding House.

Since 2001, not only teachers, but also pedagogical workers of additional education, which simultaneously have the following conditions:

  • work experience as of 01.01.01 must be at least 16 years and 8 months. Moreover, all years of work should have been held in the appropriate position and institution prescribed by law;
  • the fact of work in the additional field of education must be confirmed in the period from 01.11.99 to 31.12.2000.

Exit Conditions

A pedagogical worker will be able to issue a preferential pension only if during his work the conditions agreed by law were met:

  1. Firstly, work experience in the field of education should not be less than 25 years.
  2. Secondly, all these years, a person had to work full time, and the employer had to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of Russia. The payment of insurance premiums applies to both periods of temporary work capacity.
  3. Thirdly, for women it is not included in the experience of more than one and a half years. But if the teaching practice was started before September 2000, all this will be included in the experience.

Hours of work

Until 09/01/2000, when registering a preferential pension, the development of the prescribed working hours was not taken into account.

Accounting for the study load went after this date. According to labor law, an employee applying for a preferential old-age pension had to work 6 hours a week, 240 a year.

Those teachers who work in secondary vocational institutions must work 360 hours a year. However, for elementary teachers and those who work in, such an amount of work does not apply and in no way affects the calculation of pensions.

Periods taken into account when taking early retirement

One of the conditions for obtaining a preferential pension is the total length of teaching experience. He must be at least 25 years old.

According to current legislation experience includes the following periods of work:

  • time of activity equivalent to a full working day and confirmed by insurance deductions;
  • temporary unemployed period;
  • time allotted for annual rest;
  • the time of study in educational institutions, if the teacher, before and after the training, worked in the field of education, and his position is prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation.

Calculation procedure

The calculation of the preferential pension of the teacher takes place on the basis of the submitted certificate, which reflects the person's salary.

In recent years, the calculation is based on the size of the funded part and the insurance part. This is due to the transition to a new pension system.

In each case, the pension is calculated individually, however, payments cannot be less than 40% of the teacher's average salary.

The procedure for obtaining and the list of required documents

In order to start the procedure for obtaining a preferential pension, a teacher needs to visit regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation either where he is registered, or where he really lives, and submit the relevant documents in this case. Moreover, this can be done either by contacting the fund personally or by sending a representative there, the status of which will be confirmed by a legally certified power of attorney. Recently, you can not visit the organization at all, but use public services via the Internet on the portal of the same name.

In order for the issue of granting a pension on preferential terms to be resolved, the future pensioner is obliged to provide to the Pension Fund next package of documents:

  • Russian passport confirming identity;
  • a work book of a pedagogical worker, which reflects the entries in accordance with the legislation in force in the country;
  • military ID (for men applying for a pension, a mandatory document);
  • birth registration certificate;
  • application for early retirement benefits.

This package is standard for all territorial districts of Russia. However, one must be prepared for the fact that the Fund's employees may be asked to bring documents and certificates clarifying the nature of labor activity.

The submitted application and the attached package of documents, on the basis of the current legislation, are considered within 10 days.

So, every teacher or employee of additional education has the opportunity to retire much earlier if he meets the conditions prescribed by law. For the majority, the right given by the state is important. Most often, teachers retire at the age of 40-45, but not all of them are ready to quit their favorite job.


Women teachers are often concerned about the question whether maternity leave, as well as leave to care for a child, is included in the teaching experience, which is necessary to determine the period of pedagogical activity.

In this case, there is paragraph 21 of the Clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1996 “On the procedure for applying the Lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators, giving in accordance with Articles 12, 78 and 78.1 of the RSFSR Law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” the right to an old-age pension in connection with special working conditions and a pension for long service”, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1996 (ed.) No. 29, in accordance with which a special seniority, giving the right to a pension due to special working conditions, the period of women being on leave to care for a child is included, if this leave took place until October 06, 1992 , i.e. until the entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1992 No. 3543-1 "On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation." The period of a woman's stay on such a vacation after 06.10.1992 no longer included in teaching experience.

In addition, according to the Explanation of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2005 No. 25 “On some issues that arose with the courts when considering cases related to the exercise by citizens of the right to labor pensions” when resolving disputes that arose in connection with the non-inclusion of women in the experience work in the specialty of the period of being on parental leave in case of early appointment of an old-age pension, it was established that if the specified period took place before 06.10. entitlement to early retirement pensions.

The second question that concerns citizens is whether the period of study in educational institutions of higher and secondary education is included in the experience of pedagogical activity. In this matter, too, everything is not so clear.

There is a Regulation on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions for long service to workers in education and healthcare, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 No. 1397. According to clause 2 of the said Regulation, the length of service of teachers and other workers in education time of study in pedagogical educational institutions and universities is included in the special seniority , giving the right to a pension in connection with special working conditions, if it was immediately preceded and immediately followed by pedagogical activity. This resolution has not been applied on the territory of the Russian Federation since October 01, 1993 in connection with the adoption of the same Law of the Russian Federation No. 3543-1 on September 25, 1992, subsequently this procedure for calculating the length of service was canceled. From 01.10.1993, the period of study is not included in the teaching experience.

Male educators are concerned about Will military service be included in preferential service?, and here the answer is as follows. Until 1991, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 No. 1397, approved by the Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions for length of service to workers in education and health, was in force, paragraph 1 of which provided that teachers, doctors and other workers in education and health in the length of service work in the specialty, in addition to work in institutions, organizations and positions, work in which gives the right to a pension for length of service, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR is counted. This rule has not been applied since the beginning of 1991.

What is the order in 2019?

In connection with the large-scale pension reform in the country, starting from 2019, the requirements for the length of service of teachers will not change, but after the end of the transition period (2019-2023), a teacher will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after working out 25 years of experience.

The new condition will be introduced gradually. If a teacher has completed 25 years of service in 2019, then the right to a preferential pension is deferred for 6 months from the date when the experience became exactly 25 years. In 2020, the right to pension will be deferred for 18 months, in 2021 on 3 years, in 2022 - on 4 years and starting from 2023 is postponed for 5 years.

For example, on May 20, 2019, a school teacher marks exactly 25 years since his teaching career began, the right to a pension arises only on November 20, 2019 (+6 months).

Another example, a kindergarten teacher develops a teaching experience of 25 years - on January 10, 2020, in connection with this, the right to a preferential pension arises on July 10, 2021 (+18 months).

Some features of calculating a preferential pension for teachers are described in the following video:

Military personnel, due to their professional activities, often become pensioners much earlier than ordinary citizens.

A completely young man or woman, having served a certain number of years, which is called length of service, is entitled to a pension under special conditions. And the calculation of their pensions is different from the civil one. Let's talk about this in more detail.

According to the legislation (law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1), military personnel are entitled to receive in the following cases:

  1. If by the time of dismissal from service the length of service is 20 years or more. This rule also applies to citizens who are in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the bodies of the penitentiary system, in the fire service.
  2. If the total length of service is 25 years (and twelve and a half years of them are given to military service), the age of the serviceman is 45 years old, and he is dismissed due to the age limit of the awarded rank, with ongoing organizational measures or for health reasons. This paragraph also affects the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

If at least one of the conditions is met, then the serviceman can count on a seniority pension. And when the opposite happens, then his length of service is counted in the total, and he retires on the general basis, which are provided for by pension legislation.

The limit for military personnel varies significantly. It depends on the title awarded. So,

  • enlisted personnel retire at the age of 50;
  • average generals - at 60 years old;
  • captains - at 55;
  • marshals, colonel-generals and other senior staff - at 65;
  • women - at 45 years old.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

For military personnel

  • service in the army of the Russian Federation or CIS countries;
  • serving in the army of the countries of the former USSR”;
  • they have served more than 20 years or have reached retirement age;
  • in other cases, which are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families ".

For cosmonauts, pilots and testers are citizens of the Russian Federation

  • have work experience (for men - at least 25 years, for women - at least 20 years);
  • if they leave the service for health reasons or other valid reasons;
  • cease their activities for reasons providing for obtaining such a type.

Minimum and maximum pension

The calculation of the seniority pension for a serviceman is carried out in accordance with the laws 173 FZ and 4468-1 FZ. Accrual mechanisms depend on the reason for retirement:

  • When leaving for length of service - 55% of, with the addition of 3% for each irregular year, but not more than 85%.
  • When leaving for length of service, but in the presence of mixed (for example, with civil) seniority - 55% plus 1% for each irregular year (over the service life).

The average basic pension at the moment is 14,000 rubles for privates, 20,000 for captains, and more than 35,000 for higher-ranking officers.

Financing is made from the funds of a special fund of the relevant state structures. Moreover, co-financing from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is also possible.

The calculation procedure is established by Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1.

The retirement pension for servicemen is set at 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years plus 3% of the monetary allowance for each year over 20 years. Its size cannot exceed 85% of the monetary allowance.

Monetary allowance is according to military rank, according to position (excluding increasing coefficients) and an allowance for length of service in percentage terms. Salaries are set by the Ministry of Defense and are fixed. The most common salaries for some titles are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Pension supplements are shown in Table 2.

table 2

It should also be noted that this type of pension increases:

  1. Disabled persons who became disabled as a result of a military injury:
    • Group 1 - by 300% of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;
    • group 2 - by 250%;
    • Group 3 - by 175%.
  2. Disabled people who became disabled due to a general illness and participants in the Second World War:
    • group 1 - by 250%;
    • group 2 - by 200%;
    • Group 3 - by 150%.
  3. Disabled people who became disabled as a result of the general and have the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad": group 1 - by 200%;
    • group 2 - by 150%;
    • Group 3 - 100%).

The following are added to the seniority pension:

  1. Military pensioners who are disabled of the 1st group or disabled of the third degree, as well as those who have reached - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension.
  2. If a military pensioner has disabled family members (if one is disabled - 32%; if two - 64%; if three or more - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension). It should be noted here that these allowances are charged only for those disabled family members who do not receive a social or labor pension.
  3. Participants in the Second World War, but who are not disabled - 32%, when they reached the age of 80 - 64% of the basic part of the old-age pension.

What is preferential and minimum length of service?

Length of service is not always counted according to the calendar.

When a serviceman serves in special conditions, a preferential calculation of length of service is applied to him.

For example, for participation in hostilities, the experience goes: 1 to 3 (that is, three are counted in one year). It should be noted that the maximum coefficient that is applied when calculating a military pension is 1.5.

According to the general rules, the grounds for preferential calculation of military service are:

  • participation in hostilities, performance of tasks in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts, counter-terrorist operations;
  • military service in and equivalent areas, as well as in areas with adverse climatic and environmental conditions;
  • military service outside the Russian Federation;
  • military service in military units and on ships involved in the performance of special tasks;
  • being in military positions, the performance of duties for which is associated with an increased risk and danger to life and health.

With a length of service of 20 years in a preferential calculation, the minimum pension comes.

The procedure for calculating the length of service for military personnel

(ATD + HVD + NVL) x 55% + 3% for each year of service,

  • HVZ - salary by rank;
  • NVL - seniority bonus.

As you can see, when calculating the amount, the following are taken into account:

  • Position salary.
  • Work experience.
  • Rank.
  • Excellent qualification.
  • Seniority allowance.

Salary and bonuses are cumulative. After that, the amount is multiplied by a percentage of the allowance. If necessary, the district coefficient is added to the result.

The maximum amount of the superannuation pension is 85% of the allowance.

Example 1

Suppose a serviceman retires with the rank of lieutenant colonel, the position is deputy regiment commander.

  • Military school: 07/01/1979 - 06/30/1984.
  • Service under the contract: 07/01/1984 - 01/31/2010 (of which he participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan: 12/01/1986 - 11/30/1987, in the hostilities in Chechnya: 05/01/1994 - 11/30/1994).
  • Service in the Chita region: 12/01/1987 - 04/30/1994.

The pension is assigned in the Tula region, where the pensioner lives. There are no dependents.

  1. We consider the length of service and whether he is entitled to a military pension:
  • Years of training in a military school are included here. It turns out 5 years.
  • The time from 07/01/1984 to 11/30/1986 is considered in calendar terms - 2 years 5 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1986 to 11/30/1987 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. (since there was participation in hostilities). It turns out one calendar year, which becomes equal to 3 years.
  • The period from 12/01/1987 to 04/30/1994 is also considered on a preferential basis - one month for a month and a half (since the Chita region is a remote area). According to the calendar - 6 years 5 months. Preferential - 9 years 7 months 15 days.
  • The time from 05/01/1994 to 11/30/1994 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. According to the calendar 7 months, on benefits - 21 months or 1 year 9 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1994 to the date of dismissal is counted according to the calendar. It turns out 15 years 2 months.

Add up: 5 years + 2 years 5 months + 3 years + 9 years 7 months 15 days + 1 year 9 months + 15 years 2 months = 36 years 11 months 15 days.

The amount of the pension is 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years of service and 3% for each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85%. In our case it turns out:

55% + (36 years old - 20 years old) * 3% = 103%. Since there is a limit on the maximum amount, the pension will be 85% of the monetary allowance.

2. We determine the amount of monetary allowance itself:

The salary for a lieutenant colonel is 3034 rubles. The salary for the deputy regiment commander is 4374 rubles. The length of service is more than 25 years, so the maximum allowance for calculating a military pension is 70% of the salary. Amount of allowance:

(3034 + 4374) + (3034 + 4374) * 70% = 12593.60 rubles.

3. Determine the amount of military pension:

12593.60 * 85% = 10704.56 rubles. There are no dependents, so there are no additional payments for this.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the total amount of pension payable:

10704.56 + 1000 = 11704.56 rubles.

Example 2

The major is dismissed as senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment. Date of birth - November 15, 1964.

  • Education at a civilian university: 07/01/1984 - 06/30/1989.
  • Then he worked in a non-military organization: 09/01/1989 - 06/15/1995.
  • After that, he enters military service and serves until 01/31/2010.

Dismissal occurs upon reaching the age limit for military service. After being discharged from military service, he does not work, has two sons, 22 and 20 years old, and a daughter, 25 years old. The 22-year-old son studies in an educational institution full-time.

  1. We determine the length of service and the right:

Length of service from 06/16/1995 to 01/31/2010. We count the periods according to the calendar, it turns out 14 years 7 months 14 days.

2. We determine the "mixed" length of service and the right to a military pension:

  • The period of study is 5 years of experience.
  • Work in a civilian organization is counted in the length of service for calculating a military pension according to the calendar. And that is 5 years 9 months 14 days.

Total "mixed" experience, taking into account the service:

5 years + 5 years 9 months 14 days + 14 years 7 months 14 days = 25 years 4 months 28 days.

The condition for calculating a military service pension is met (25 years of total work experience are required, of which at least 12 years 6 months is military service).

On the date of dismissal from military service, the major turned 45 years old. Thus, there is a right to a military pension for long service on a "mixed" length of service.

The size of the military pension is 55% of the allowance for 25 years of total work experience and 1% for each year of service over 25 years. In total, in the case under consideration, the size of the military pension will be 55%.

4. Determine the amount of allowance:

  • The salary for a major is 2660 rubles.
  • The salary for the senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment is 3853 rubles.
  • The percentage increase to the military pension for 15 years of service is 55% of the salary.

Total allowance: 2660 + 3853 = 9769.50 rubles = 6513

5. We determine the size of the military pension itself:

6513 * 55% = 3582.15 rubles.

The pensioner has a dependent son (one who studies full-time). The amount of the supplement to the military pension in this case is 32% of the calculated amount of the military pension.

The estimated amount is 2562 rubles.

The amount of the military pension: 3582.15 + (2562 * 32%) = 4401.99 rubles.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the amount of the military pension payable:

4401.99 + 1000 = 5401.99 rubles.

Example 3

Let's take the same major, but, let's say, he worked in a civil organization for a year less.


  • passport with registration;
  • a military ID, or other certificate, where there will be marks that the serviceman served, was fired and handed over his weapon.
  • private bussiness;
  • prescription;
  • token (or personal number);

All available records must be certified by the official, his signature, as well as the seal.

When all the documents are collected and the fact of retirement comes, it will be necessary to write an application for a military pension.

In addition to the above documents, you will also need:

  • photo matte 3 x 4 in one copy;
  • SNILS;
  • employment history.

Other documents confirming the fact of special conditions of service may be required.

It is important to note that the registration of a pension will begin from the moment when the military enlistment office receives military officer's certificate. After this point, it will take about three months for the serviceman to accrue the first pension.

It is quite possible to issue this pension in the usual PFRF at the place of registration. Only here you will still need to provide a certificate of the average monthly salary for the last five years.

Length of service of military personnel gives the right not only to receive an allowance for the years of service by a citizen, but also to receive a pension on special conditions. ABOUT length of service of military personnel and the procedure for calculating pensions, taking into account length of service, we will talk in detail in this article.

What is the length of service for military personnel?

According to the current legislation, military personnel are entitled to receive a pension for long service only in two cases:

  1. If at the time of dismissal from service the serviceman has a length of service of 20 years or more. Moreover, this rule is also true for citizens who are in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service or the bodies of the penitentiary system.
  2. If at the time of dismissal the age of a serviceman has reached 45 years, the total length of service is 25 years (with at least 12 years 6 months of it given to military service) and the employee is dismissed due to reaching the age limit for being in this service, in connection with ongoing organizational -regular activities or for health reasons. This condition will also be valid for the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

If one of the above conditions is met, a citizen is entitled to a pension for long service. If the situation does not fall under the above, the length of service to him will be counted in the total length of service. This means that the former serviceman will retire on the general basis provided for by pension legislation.

Servicemen's pension for years of service

So, let's say that you are a soldier, your situation falls under the above requirements of the law and, accordingly, you are entitled to a seniority pension. How much will you end up getting?

If at the time of dismissal and retirement a serviceman had a length of service of 20 years, then the amount of his pension will be ½ of the monetary allowance that he received during his service. The same rule applies to persons whose total work experience is 25 years, of which 12.5 are years of service in military structures, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

In the case when a citizen has served for more than 20 years, there will be discrepancies. So, if a serviceman has worked his entire length of service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or the armed forces, then for each year exceeding this period, he will be credited with another 3% of the amount of monetary allowance (but not more than 85% of these amounts in total). If a serviceman has a mixed length of service (that is, 12.5 years for servicemen, and the rest is general labor), then for each additional year he will be credited with only 1% of the amount of monetary allowance.

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In the total mass of monetary allowance when determining military service pensions include:

  • military salary;
  • salary according to military (or special) rank;
  • seniority bonus;
  • payments related to the indexation of cash benefits;
  • compensation for food, the monthly cost of the corresponding food ration.

It is important to note that in this case, the allowance will not include an allowance for service in high-mountainous regions, remote areas or in other special conditions. The legislator also strictly establishes that the final amount of the pension provision accrued to a retired military serviceman cannot be less than 100% of the basic part of the old-age pension established at the time of its accrual to military personnel. The basic part of the pension is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and special laws of the subjects of the state based on the current size of the subsistence minimum.

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Availability of the required quantity years of military service, although it confirms his right to receive a service pension, but at the same time does not limit his choice in favor of an old-age labor pension. In other words, a serviceman who has retired on a well-deserved rest and has the right to receive a pension for years of service may refuse to receive it and receive an old-age pension on the general grounds provided for by law.

Is it possible to receive two pensions?

As we have already said, a serviceman has the right to refuse a service pension in favor of old-age labor. However, in an effort to protect the social rights of former military personnel, the legislator also provided for the possibility for them (as well as for employees of the State Fire Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) to receive pensions both for length of service in the listed departments and an old-age labor pension guaranteed to every Russian.

At the same time, receiving 2 pensions at once is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • a former serviceman must, after the end of military service, continue his labor activity under the contract;
  • a citizen applying for an old-age labor pension must first reach the age established by law (55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively);
  • the total insurance period of the employee must be at least 5 years (in accordance with applicable law, any citizen with the necessary work experience is vested with such a right, provided that during this period the employer paid insurance premiums for him);
  • military personnel are entitled to a service pension.

It is important to note that when determining the amount of the old-age pension, the authorized state body (PFR) will not take into account the periods of activity of a military pensioner, which were taken into account earlier when applying for a service pension, and the periods of military service prior to the appointment of a military disability pension.

Calculation of length of service for military personnel who previously served in special conditions

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Every soldier knows that length of service is not always calculated on a calendar basis. When a serviceman serves in special conditions or during the period of his activity he performs complex tasks, a preferential calculation of length of service may be applied to him. For example, if he participated in hostilities or did military service in a state of emergency: each month of such work will be taken into account for him for 3 months. At the rate of 1 for 3 will also be calculated length of service of military personnel who took part in counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus.

The legislation highlights other cases when the calculation of the length of service of a serviceman will be reflected not in a calendar calculation, but on preferential terms. Thus, special attention should be paid to cases where military personnel serve and live in territories with adverse climatic conditions, for example, in the regions of the Far North or other areas equated to them. For such military personnel, when calculating the pension provision, the district coefficient in force in the region should also be applied. Other mandatory coefficients in force in the territory of the formation are also subject to application. However, it should be noted that the maximum coefficient used in calculating the military pension is 1.5.

In the event of the restoration of a military pensioner in the service, the payment of his pension is suspended. At the next dismissal, the payment is renewed based on the seniority and length of service that will take place at the time of the last dismissal.

As you know, length of service is the length of service of military personnel and affects the amount of pension benefits for a future veteran. Monetary allowance also depends on military experience, because. comprises salary And percentage premium calculated from length of service. The calculation depends on a number of conditions and can be made both on a calendar basis and on a preferential basis.

Calendar calculation of length of service

In the case of a calendar calculation, a calendar day is equivalent to one day of service and includes the following periods of service in:

  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • SVR of Russia;
  • Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Rosguard);
  • departments of state security and the FSB of Russia;
  • railway, border, as well as civil defense troops;
  • subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;
  • other military formations of the Russian Federation.

Service is also considered studying time(up to 5 years) in specialized educational institutions. The countdown starts from the moment of enrollment, provided that 1 year of study is equal to 6 months of service. It is worth noting that the "draft" term is also a calendar one. However, with the participation of a serviceman in hostilities, the calculation will be made on a preferential basis.

Preferential calculation of seniority

A preferential calculation means a period of service credited in a larger amount (a year for two, or a day for three). The legislation contains a very wide list of conditions under which a serviceman falls under the preferential calculation of length of service, so we will indicate only some of them:

  • service as a pilot, regular parachute jumping;
  • elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and work in special conditions;
  • activities related to the direct use of the nuclear arsenal and work in separate facilities with radiation sources;
  • the period of arrest, imprisonment or exile upon wrongful conviction.

In addition, in the event of service in adverse climatic conditions work experience will be calculated at a concessionary rate, taking into account the district coefficient in force in the region.

The impact of seniority on pensions

As already noted, military experience affects pension payments. The calculation of the length of service of military personnel, as well as the procedure for calculating payments, is carried out on the basis of the following conditions:

  • if military experience is 20 years or more, then the soldier is entitled to a 3% allowance, for each subsequent year. At the same time, the total amount of the pension with the received supplements should not exceed 85% from previously received salary;
  • in the presence of mixed experience of 25 years, the allowance will be 1%, for each revised year.

Special attention should be paid to receiving funds from benefits. In the event of dismissal, payments begin immediately upon submission of the relevant documents. At the same time, the main requirement for a serviceman is the termination of military service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. If the military is reinstated and returned to the ranks of the armed forces, pension provision will cease until the military is dismissed.