All questions for communication with your girlfriend. The best questions for guys or how to embarrass him

In this article, you will learn what questions you can ask a girl.

In addition, you should consider the level of trust that exists between you and the girl, and do not ask too personal questions if you are at the very early stage of dating.

Questions to a girl

1. What do you do best?

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?

3. What was the best gift you ever gave?

4. What is the funniest thing that happened to you at school?

5. What would you save first from a burning house?

6. Where on the planet would you like to go?

7. What did you want to be as a child?

8. If you get stuck in an elevator and you only have to listen to one piece of music, which one will you choose?

9. What was the best advice you have ever been given in your life?

10. If you could live anywhere, which place would you choose?

11. What chance encounter changed your life forever?

12. What achievement were you proud of, but others did not appreciate it?

13. What would be your survival strategy after the apocalypse?

14. At what moments do you feel that time goes faster, and at what moments it seems to go slower?

15. What movie or book heroine do you most resemble?

16. What fact or event surprised you the most?

17. What memory most often pops up in your memory?

18. What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

19. What is a special tradition in your family?

20. Who is your favorite actor or actress?

21. What's the craziest, most spontaneous, or most unusual thing she's ever done?

22. What is your favorite place in this city?

23. If you could bring back one day from the past, what would it be?

24. What talent would you like to have?

25. If you could choose only one of two options: owning a house or traveling around the world, which would you choose?

26. What do you like to do when you are alone?

27. What song do you most often order in karaoke?

29. If you could take only one book, one piece of clothing and one dish to a desert island, what would you choose?

30. What was the last thing you were so worried about that you couldn't sleep well?

31. If you could invite any three historical figures to your place for dinner, who would it be and why?

32. If you could go back 5-10 years in the past and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

33. What was the best gift you ever received?

49. What is your relationship with your parents?

50. If you had all the money in the world, what would you spend it on first?

51. What do you like most about your job?

52. What are you most grateful for in life?

53. How often do you watch the news?

54. What is your greatest achievement?

55. What foreign languages ​​do you know? Say a couple of sentences to them.

56. What book did you like the most when you read it?

57. Where were you born?

58. Would you rather live in a small house with a great view or in a huge mansion in an elite area with a high fence?

59. Would you like to be famous? In what area?

60. Before you call someone, do you mentally say what you say?

61. What has recently been able to inspire and?

62. What is your favorite day of the week?

63. What movie role would you like to play?

64. How do you usually spend your free time?

65. How do you feel about yourself?

66. How do you see your life in 10 years?

67. What confused you the most in life?

68. What type of people do you dislike?

70. What decision did you make that most affected your entire life?

71. What place do you consider one of the most romantic?

72. What is your hobby?

73. Tell me about your three weaknesses.

74. Would you break the law to save someone close to you?

75. If your girlfriend cheated on you, would you take revenge on her or just stop talking to her?

76. What is your favorite childhood movie?

77. Do you have siblings, sisters? What are your relationships?

78. What is the fastest way to make you smile?

79. What is your favorite color?

80. Are you an owl or a lark?

81. Do you have a closer relationship with your mom or dad now?

82. What was your last adventure like?

83. Do you like it more when everything is planned or happens spontaneously?

85. What is one thing you would like to change in this world?

86. What is your favorite quote from successful people?

88. Who is your favorite writer?

89. What TV series did you like the most?

90. Name any 5 things you hate and explain why.

91. How do you usually spend the new year?

92. What is a happy life for you?

93. Describe your ideal vacation.

94. How long was your longest relationship with a guy?

95. Are you into any sport?

96. What do you like most about yourself?

97. Do you like to dance?

264. Who was the most spoiled person you have ever met?

265. What was your worst nightmare?

266. What is the stupid song that you sometimes sing to?

267. On what purchase did you spend the largest amount of money?

268. What were you most afraid of as a child?

269. Where do you like to walk?

270. What is the most dramatic, shocking or positive text message you can write so that, after reading it awake, the dream was taken away?

272. What has your point of view completely changed over the years?

273. Who is the happiest person you know?

274. If you found a bag with one million dollars inside, what would you do?

275. Do you give names to your things?

276. What is the biggest stupidity you have done in the last 24 hours?

277. If you had to choose your future husband based on one question you asked, what would you ask?

278. What do you think: is the current generation better or worse than the previous one?

279. What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship between a guy and a girl?

280. What do you do when no one is looking at you?

281. Have you ever wondered how many people are born and die on the planet while you are thinking about it?

282. Do you think cats consider people masters or their slaves?

283. Would you like Santa Claus to be real?

284. Do you think aliens exist?

285. Do you believe in life after death?

286. Describe your dream home.

287. Do you like to receive compliments?

288. Are you afraid of the dark?

289. Can you keep secrets?

290. Do you sometimes have wild fantasies?

291. Have you ever shoplifted?

292. At what age did you first try alcohol?

293. Do you often envy other people?

294. Would you like to visit space?

295. What do you think: what is the opposite of the opposite?

296. What would you like to be in your next life?

297. What would you do if you became invisible for one day?

298. Could you manage without a phone during the day?

299. Would you like to change the color of your hair?

300. Tell me honestly, have you ever made virtual love on the intercom?

301. Which is better: a warm bubble bath or an invigorating shower?

302. How many children do you want to have?

303. Do you believe in astrology?

304. In honor of whom were you given your name?

305. Have you ever talked to another person on the phone all night long?

306. What was the most inconvenient thing for yourself that you did out of politeness?

307. What kind of window view would you like to have the most?

308. Have you ever been jealous of your girlfriend?

309. What do you feel when you think about clowns?

310. Imagine the following situation: you are at the gate leading to paradise, and God asks “Why should I let you in?”, what will you answer him?

311. What do you think is the best film of all time?

312. Do you like being massaged?

313. How did your parents meet?

314. Have you ever had coffee in bed?

315. Do you like being in nature?

316. Do you like kissing in public?

317. Do you think I would look good walking down the street in pajamas and sweatshirt?

318. Have you ever winked at yourself while looking in the mirror?

319. What is the strangest question you have ever been asked?

320. If you were a waitress and a customer treated you rudely, would you spit on his plate?

321. Have you ever played an invisible guitar?

322. How would you react if a girl offered to buy you a drink?

323. What are the most hurtful words you said to another person?

324. What would you choose: a month without a bath or a month without the Internet?

325. According to your opinion, why do women love men?

An important stage of a romantic relationship is the study of a partner, finding a common language with him. To avoid awkward pauses, prepare ahead of time. In this article, you will find interesting questions.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, in VK, when meeting, on the phone, talking, on a first date: a list

Guys get excited when meeting a spectacular girl. This is caused by inexperience and ignorance of what to tell about yourself when meeting. A list with prepared questions will come to the rescue.

Be sure to listen to the answers to them:

  1. Do you have a strong emotional connection with your family?
  2. Can you call yourself a skilled cook?
  3. What kind of rest do you like: energetic or passive?
  4. What do you want to achieve on the path of life?
  5. Are you a music lover?
  6. What musical artists do you like?
  7. Are you more important family happiness or a successful career?
  8. How often have you cheated in relationships with guys?
  9. What did you fantasize about at an early age?
  10. What brings you pleasure?
  11. What are your favorite leisure activities?
  12. what kind of weather do you like?
  13. Girl, can I be your friend?

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Meeting questions:

  1. Are you capable of crazy things?
  2. If you have the last hour of your life left, how will you spend it?
  3. What will make you forget about everything in the world?
  4. Suddenly you have a million dollars, what will you do with this amount?
  5. Would you like to get identical tattoos?
  6. Are you superstitious?
  7. Are you a skeptic by nature or do you believe in the paranormal?

How to find out the age of a girl you like?

Age is a delicate topic for the female gender, so you should learn about it carefully:

  1. You are so young and fresh that I find it difficult to guess your age. Whisper in your ear?
  2. Sorry for the awkward question, but I want to know how long we can live together. How old are you?
  3. A tactless question, but how old are you?
  4. What is your date of birth? Just hint, I will be glad to any word.
  5. Are you old enough to accept intimate courtship?

How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend?

Before flirting, make sure that the lovely lady is free and not in a relationship:

  1. Girl, could you leave the guy and run away?
  2. I hope the heart of such a beauty is still free?
  3. You think I can get you off your boyfriend?
  4. Does your young man let one such beauty go for a walk?
  5. I liked you so much that I'm even ready to forget that you're married.

How to ask a girl if she likes me?

If you already have feelings for a girl, it doesn't hurt to find out if they are mutual.

Asking a question directly is not worth it, so as not to frighten her with pressure.

Possible questions:

  1. You live in the heart and thoughts. Can't you feel it?
  2. I'm crazy about you, can I expect sympathy?
  3. Do you know what I would like to hear now? that you like me.
  4. Have you had a similar experience: do you think about a person all the time and want to spend all the time with him?

How to ask a girl for her phone number?

A great chance to start communication and acquaintance is to ask the lady you like for her phone number.

To make everything go well, unobtrusive cute questions will help:

  1. Now Aladdin's lamp and only one wish, I would guess your phone number.
  2. I'm sure the question is extremely banal, can I get your phone number?
  3. If I get your phone number, I'll be just happy!
  4. Girl, can I immediately write down your phone number “beloved”?
  5. Today is my birthday. Your gift is a phone number.

How to ask a girl how many boyfriends she had?

At the initial stage of a relationship, a rare girl will want to talk about the number of her exes. Therefore, ask about it only after the emergence of trust and intimacy between you.

Question options:

  1. Admit it, how many men before me have you broken hearts?
  2. I'm sure you've been successful with men. Did you have many?
  3. I want to talk about a personal topic. How many men have you dated, and I'll tell you about myself.
  4. I understand that you are not the only man. How many were there before me?
  5. I want to know how many men you had? Don't worry, I won't be offended.

How to originally ask a girl “how are you”, “how are you”?

Many guys start a conversation with the proverbial “how are you”. Educated ladies answer such questions, although it does not arouse their interest.

Intrigue the lady by making a banal question original:

  1. Tell me urgently, how are you?
  2. We haven't seen each other for so long that I was worried all the time, how is my sweetheart?
  3. What interesting things are happening with the mistress of my heart?
  4. I miss you and want to know how my princess is doing!
  5. Well, how is it?

What's cool to ask a girl?

Girls love to flirt with funny guys.

Therefore, defuse the situation more often and ask her cool questions:

  1. Today I was told a meeting with a beautiful stranger. Isn't that you by any chance?
  2. I think I saw you somewhere. I remembered in my dream!
  3. Girl, are you looking for me here?
  4. I'm going to the flower shop here. Which one do you like better?
  5. Don't you miss me here, beauty?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

When relationships go far, young people tend to know as much information about each other as possible.

Asking the right questions will help you get to know your partner better:

  1. What were you like as a teenager: a good boy or a wild child?
  2. Are you more of a leader or follower by nature?
  3. How many kids would you like to have?
  4. Do you care about other people's opinions?
  5. What is the most exciting adventure of your life?
  6. Do you dream about the future before bed?
  7. What things turn you on?
  8. Do you recognize feelings at first sight?
  9. Do you like TV or books more?
  10. Did you often leave home for the whole night?
  11. How do you see your old age?
  12. How do you see life in many years?
  13. Have you forgiven loved ones betrayal?
  14. Do you like order or creative chaos?
  15. Who is your ideal woman and man?
  16. What are you willing to do for big money?

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It doesn’t matter at all whether you are going on a first date or you have been dating for some time, when communicating with girls it is always important to be able to find the right approach, because in order to interest the beauty you are interested in, you need to lure her with something.

Girls, unlike guys, are much less likely to be led to a cute appearance, no, of course, it is very important for them that a man looks well-groomed and tidy, but that's another story.

After the first impression of pleasant appearance has been made, it is necessary to move on to the heavy artillery, which consists in an interesting and exciting conversation, through which you can get to know each other as best as possible.

It is easy to guess that for the success of the case it is important to interest your opponent, which means being able to easily maintain a conversation, find topics and questions that will not strain, frighten or embarrass the young lady.

In order not to go on a date unprepared, you can make a whole list of interesting girls who will not only keep the conversation going, but will help you and your beautiful guest open up.

Of course, the best option is when the conversation takes place at ease and in order for the evening to be really interesting, you don’t have to remember prepared tips, but, unfortunately, it also happens that conversations come to a standstill.

In such a situation, not everyone manages to instantly get out and come up with a new and interesting topic for conversation, and here some standard, but not banal designs that can be prepared in advance come to the rescue.

What can and should be discussed on the first date?

The fundamental step in any nascent relationship is, of course, the first date, it is on its success or complete failure that the second and all subsequent meetings with the young lady you are interested in will depend.

It is very important to be able to build the communication of the first meeting so as not to seem intrusive and oppressive, but at the same time not to overdo it with silence, exposing yourself as a complete bore.

It is important to observe logical pauses between questions, let the girl speak in full, and then express her opinion on the same subject, tell an incident from her life or give her the opportunity to also ask questions of interest. So where to start?

General and Primary Topics of Conversation

If you practically don’t know each other and don’t know absolutely anything about each other, then of course you can’t immediately lean on her with serious topics. It is necessary to choose original and partially funny ones that will help defuse the situation and set it up in a comfortable and cozy way for both of you.

  • "What was the best day of your life?";
  • “Who did you dream of becoming as a child?”;
  • "What is happiness for you?".

Questions may seem strange to start communication, but they allow you to talk about your favorite films and books, you will always have time to talk, although, oddly enough, even such, at first glance, primitive topics sometimes save communication and find kindred notes in two strange souls .

It is quite possible that when the girl starts talking about her childhood dreams, she will also mention where she comes from, who her parents are and how she grew up, but at the same time, it will not look like an interrogation, because she will touch on many facts of her biography herself. When the general topics are finished, you can move on to the specifics:

  • "Do you often go to the cinema?"
  • "With friends or alone?"
  • “Have you ever been to night sessions? And the night non-stop?
  • "Would you like to visit this?"

Usually such topics drag on for a long time, because there is something to discuss here: favorite genres, what were the latest releases at the box office and which ones did you like the most? The theme of going to the cinema can smoothly flow into a discussion of friends and the company that surrounds the young lady, which will help to draw unobtrusive conclusions about her preferences and the environment, which, in many ways, shapes the personality.

Do not forget to dilute the topics with jokes, you can ask funny and extraordinary questions that make you smile, there should always be some kind of magnetism and euphoria in the meeting.

Interests, hobbies and free time

It is always interesting what a beautiful young lady does in her free time from work or study, because it is during this period that a person, in many ways, opens up and shows, at first glance, the hidden corners of the soul.

It is possible that she has been involved in some kind of sport for a long time or plays a musical instrument, or maybe she has more rare and unusual hobbies for a girl: shooting, equestrian sports, extreme sports, writes music or plays in the theater in her free time.

  • "What kind of music do you listen to?";
  • "What sports do you prefer?";
  • "Do you like cooking? What dish do you make best?
  • "Would you like to go skydiving?"

Of course, a specific question must be chosen according to the situation, as well as depending on personal preferences, because if you yourself don’t want to skydive for anything, and the girl, on the contrary, only dreams about it, the situation will turn out to be awkward.

Talk about love and relationships

If the conversation is gaining favorable momentum and you feel that the atmosphere is quite relaxed and wholesome, then the conversation can be transferred to a more intimate and personal channel, which, of course, is of interest to any person who is trying to build some kind of relationship with another. This, of course, will be about relationships, about her opinion on the account of the concepts of love, family, as well as a discussion of the experience of past years.

  • “When did you first fall in love? How did it happen?"
  • "What is a serious relationship for you?"
  • "When was your first kiss?"
  • "Do you believe in destiny?"
  • "Did you confess your love first?"
  • "Have you ever tried to take the first step first?"
  • “What would you like to change in your appearance?”
  • “What does the ideal man look like to you?”

It should be remembered that on the first, and on subsequent dates, you can’t ask the girl vulgar and stupid questions that run counter to the concepts of speech culture and communication. It is unlikely that you will raise your authority in the eyes of the beauty you are interested in with something like that, rather, everything will happen exactly the opposite.

For the most part, ladies are subtle and vulnerable natures who seek, first of all, to get romance and a feeling of lightness, love from relationships, although, of course, it all depends on the particular individual and her personal beliefs.

You can’t write down all the girls under one rule and determine what in a particular case will please this or that lady only on the spot, this is called the art of flirting and communication.

If you still have not decided what to ask the girl you like, then try to go the other way, ask questions that can hardly be called ordinary or banal, who knows, such originality may interest the lady of your heart.

  • "Are you afraid of thunderstorms?";
  • "How are you different from other girls?";
  • “What do you miss the most in life?”;
  • "Have you ever been arrested? If yes, then why?
  • "Do you believe in love at first sight?";
  • "Where would you like to visit the most?";
  • “How do you feel about tattoos?”;
  • How much time do you spend on social media?

Naturally, there is absolutely no need to ask all these questions at once, it is quite possible that there will be a good moment or situation for some of them.

But be that as it may, you should always remember that if communication stubbornly does not want to develop, and memorized questions only help to prolong the moment of truth for a while, then it is quite possible that you simply made a mistake with your halves, because real feelings arise quickly and naturally.

They say women can't be understood. Speaking in defense of the fair sex, I affirm that this can definitely be done. And it’s worth starting on the first date so that it or one of them does not become the last. The recipe is the following - ask questions. Not about Dom-2 and not about piercings in intimate places. What to ask to get to know your girlfriend inside and out - a cheat sheet below.

Test drive: questions to ask a girl to get to know her better

That awkward pause when you don't know what to talk about can be costly - cost a relationship or, okay, good sex. Don't be banal and boring. Ask the girl questions. In all respects, a profitable maneuver - you will get to know the girl better, you will evoke vivid emotions, emphasize your interest and be remembered.

You don't have to ask everything at once. Choose a few and, like a spider, weave them into the web of conversation. He asked - listen, clarify, dispel and reason. Time will fly by unnoticed, and the date will leave a bright aftertaste. As for the interpretation of the answers - a conversation worthy of a weighty book. In short, do not listen to the words, but read between the lines, and, most importantly, watch the reaction. Of course, it's not easy. The highest level, access to which requires experience. In general, I leave the interpretation to you and move on to the questions of the first block, which will help you get to know the girl better and just have fun talking.

White-list: questions that will help strengthen relationships and become closer

The soul of a partner is dark until you speak frankly. One of the essential factors of closeness between partners is dialogue. And here are some questions to ask your constant companion.

Blacklist: Questions Guys Should Never Ask Girls

Perhaps you have already encountered a situation where, in response to your question, her cheeks were filled with a blush of shame or anger. You can cross out the prospect of a relationship or feel the power (sometimes literally) of girlish excitement on yourself with one careless word. Memorize these questions so you don't create awkward situations in which she will be torn between wanting to get up and leave or call you, get up and leave. Well, or just not to be banal.

It's good to have someone to ask questions. Lonely hearts unite dating sites, the rating of which you can find on our portal. Honest user reviews and competent expert opinion. Study, register and bookmark our site so that surfing in the world of online dating is productive and bright. Good luck!

The article offers guys and men options for interesting questions that can be used to get to know the girl you like.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, in VK, when meeting, on the phone, talking, on a first date: a list

Good relations between a man and a woman are built at the stage of acquaintance. It doesn’t matter in what circumstances you met (real communication, communication on the phone or in social networks), you need to establish yourself “in the first couple” as an interesting conversationalist and a positive person.

There are such situations that it is quite difficult for a guy to find a common language with a girl he likes. The reason for this is excessive excitement, modesty or lack of experience. In such cases, a pre-prepared list of interesting questions will help. You can ask them at any time of your acquaintance, the main thing is to listen carefully to the answers.

IMPORTANT: By asking a girl questions, you not only show yourself as an interesting interlocutor, but also learn more about her interests, life, and affairs.

Question options:

  1. Do you have such a favorite movie that you are ready to watch it again and again over and over again?
  2. Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
  3. Do you like spending time in nature?
  4. How do you feel about the sea and what do you love more? What rest? Active or romantic?
  5. Do you always wake up in a good mood in the morning?
  6. How do you usually fall asleep: with a book, looking at the ceiling, with headphones?
  7. How does your summer usually go?
  8. What do you think is missing in life?
  9. Do you believe in loyalty?
  10. How often do your friends call for help?
  11. Do you have many bright moments in your life? Which one do you remember the most?
  12. Does your family have any special traditions?
  13. How often do you listen to music?
  14. What are your musical preferences?
  15. Can you send me a song that would best describe you?
  16. Do you have "crazy" dreams?
  17. Do you love flowers?
  18. What flowers are your favorite?
  19. Do you like surprises and surprises?
  20. How often do you receive surprise gifts from loved ones?
  21. Are you a leader?
  22. Do you like cooking? If yes, what is your favorite dish?
  23. Your favorite color?
  24. Are you interested in psychology? Would you be a good psychologist?
  25. Are you always confident in your abilities?
  26. Do you have moments of weakness?
  27. If you feel bad, who will you turn to first for help?
  28. Do you like children?
  29. Would you like a daughter or a son?
  30. Do you have a strong family?
  31. How soon would you like to start a family?
  32. What is more important to you: family or personal career growth?
  33. What time of the year do you like the most?
  34. Why do you love this time of year?
  35. Do you live by associations? For example, do you have memories in your soul that you live over and over again?
  36. Do you often mourn the past?
  37. Have you ever been disappointed in life?
  38. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book?
  39. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  40. What do you think, what is missing for a person to be completely happy?
  41. Do you believe in fairy tales?
  42. What is your favorite fairy tale?
  43. What fairy tale character do you associate yourself with?
  44. Have you ever experienced painful love?
  45. What do you think is the most romantic time of day?
  46. Have you ever wanted to walk all night until morning?
  47. Are you one of those who think that the glass is half empty or half full?
  48. Do you like your name?
  49. What is your favorite male or female name?
  50. Do you happen to be able to draw?
  51. What do you feel when you draw?
  52. Do you have a big fantasy?
  53. Do you like walking?
  54. Do you like rain?
  55. What do you like to do when it's raining and thundering outside?
  56. Do you have a lot of friends?
  57. Are you the soul of the company?
  58. Do you have a hobby, favorite pastime, hobbies?
  59. Do you like to read books?
  60. What kind of books do you like: real with paper pages or in electronic form?
  61. How do you feel about very expensive and completely cheap gifts?
100 interesting questions for a girl to make an acquaintance

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Flirting is a complex science, which should be based not only on sexual interest, but also on intellectual one. Prepare in advance a list of questions that could cheer up the girl and introduce you to her sincere companion.

Question options:

  1. How do you feel about me wanting to ask you out on a date?
  2. How long have you been on a date? Do you want to refresh your memories?
  3. I had a dream that I invited you for a walk. Do you think he is prophetic?
  4. Do you believe in destiny? I started believing after I met you.
  5. I read in my horoscope that romantic adventures await me today. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  6. I would like to invite you for coffee, but I don't know how. Will you help?
  7. Tell me, how many digits are in your phone number? What are they?
  8. Do you have hobbies or are you just looking for something interesting?
  9. Skin become your passion
  10. You know, I have always considered myself a worthy photographer, do you want to be my photo model?
  11. Is your computer working well? I'm a master at reinstalling systems, didn't you know?
  12. What would you like to receive as a gift? What can make you happy?
  13. How do you feel about active rest? Let's take a break together?
  14. Have you already thought about how to spend this evening? I can give you a couple of ideas.
  15. What are your plans for the next evening, week, life?
  16. Girl, don't you need a very interesting and gentle interlocutor?
  17. How long have I been waiting for you just to ask how you're doing? Forever!
  18. Have you got a dream? Do you want me to give it to you?
  19. Do you often do crazy things? Maybe we can fool around?
  20. You are happy? Otherwise, I can give you happiness.

How to interest a girl in a conversation? What to ask her?

How to ask a girl you like for age?

The question of age for a woman can be very delicate and therefore such questions should be asked very carefully, not wanting to offend her.

Question options:

  1. Are you old enough to return my kisses?
  2. You look so confident and beautiful that it seems to me that you are older than me, isn't that true?
  3. Can you tell me how old you are in my ear?
  4. If you were brave, would you admit how old you are?
  5. You look so good, so fresh and young, I can't even tell how old you are. Do you confess?
  6. I know it's tactless, but you definitely don't have to worry about it. How old are you?
  7. How old are you? Don't be shy, I just want to know how many more years we can spend with you together.
  8. I'm embarrassed to ask how old you are, but I want to know: are you perfect for me or should I deviate from the ideal?
  9. If you don't tell me how old you are, I'll have to pet you for a very long time. Do you want this?
  10. How old are you? If you don't want to talk, at least hint. I believe your every word.

How to communicate with a girl in order to interest her?

How to ask a girl you like if she has a boyfriend?

When starting a relationship, it is important to make sure that a woman is free and open to new relationships. Such questions should be asked very delicately so as not to offend your interlocutor, and most importantly, not to “scare her away”.

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if such a woman is single or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. You most likely have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to settle in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? And then, I have a feeling that there already is, and it's definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It's just important for me to know if I will have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to beat you off the guy?
  11. Girl, do you need a boyfriend? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I'm ready to forget that you're married.
  13. I really want to become your soulmate so much that it’s not even interesting whether your heart is busy or not. I hope you're free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and what the "ex" boyfriend could not give you?

How to start a conversation with a girl? flirting rules

How do I ask a girl I like if she likes me?

If you decide to win a girl's heart, you need to make sure that the girl is not indifferent to you. It can be quite difficult to ask this directly, so it is important not to frighten a woman with your “direct pressure” and at the same time attract her to you.

Question options:

  1. Do you like me? After all, I really like you.
  2. I feel like falling in love with you, do you like it?
  3. I can't stop thinking about you, I hope you like me too?
  4. Hope you feel the same as me
  5. How I like you! Goosebumps! Does this happen to you?
  6. I can't stop thinking about you, what do you think?
  7. You are not only in my heart, but also in my head. Don't you feel the same?
  8. What do you think I want to hear the most right now? The answer is simple, I want to know that you like me.
  9. I tried so hard to please you, I hope I succeeded?
  10. What else do I need to do to please you?
  11. I'm willing to do anything to earn your sympathy, have I done it yet?
  12. I want to please you and be the subject of your sympathy. Is it possible?
  13. How much you attract me, I guess I don't attract you that much?
  14. Who do you think you like more: me or you?
  15. Do you know what I dream about? - You like it!
  16. I want all your thoughts and desires to come down to me and I will achieve this, do you doubt it?
  17. I didn't want anyone as much as you. Have you ever felt like this?
  18. Baby, I like you and it excites me. Do you think it's long term?
  19. I can not help myself, you settled in my head. Do you want me to kick you out? But, I wouldn't want to.
  20. I like you, but can I count on such reciprocity?

How to attract the attention of a girl? flirting rules

How to ask a girl who likes her phone number?

Some guys are embarrassed to ask for a girl's phone number, and thereby miss the opportunity to make a romantic acquaintance. Help in this can questions, unobtrusive and positive, based on all the rules of "successful flirting".

Question options:

  1. Girl, I lost your phone number and this is the worst thing that ever happened to me. Can you help me remember it?
  2. Girl, if I had your phone number, I would probably be the happiest! Won't you make me happy?
  3. You know, today is my birthday and you can give me the best gift in my life - your phone number.
  4. I know it's not original, but I'm so impressed with you that I don't want to miss the opportunity to get to know you. Will you leave me your phone number?
  5. Girl, I'm ready to agree that you give me the full phone number, forgetting to name one number. And then I'll prove that I can get through to you. Will you make me happy?
  6. To be happy, I only need two things: your name and phone number. Will you help me be happy?
  7. It's a pity we don't have mutual friends. I would definitely get your phone number, and now I just have to beg you to give it to me.
  8. If I had one wish that could come true, it would be your phone number. Do you know where to find the nearest Magic Genie?

How to ask a girl for a phone number beautifully?

How do you ask a girl you like how many boyfriends she's had?

Such questions are very intimate and not every girl wants to talk about it with a man, and if you have the opportunity not to ask about the number of guys, you better not do it. However, if you want to test the sincerity of feelings or find out more about the person you are in a relationship with, ask a question in a playful or delicate way.

Question options:

  • I understand that I am not your first man, but, to be honest, I would like to know how many guys you had before me. Won't you share with me?
  • Let's talk to you on intimate topics? I confess to you how many girls I had, and you tell me how many guys you have.
  • I love you very much, but one obsessive question does not leave my head: how many guys did you have before me? Believe me, I will not be angry and jealous. I just want to know more about you.
  • I think you're still that heartbreaker! Admit it, how many men's hearts have you already broken before me?
  • You are so charming that I have no doubt that men adore you. This is true? Did you enjoy popularity and male attention? Got something to brag about?

How to ask a girl a question on an intimate topic?

How to originally ask a girl “how are you”, “how are you”?

It can be quite difficult to interest a girl you like. To do this, you should use the entire arsenal of jokes, beautiful words and compliments.

Options for unusual questions to start a conversation:

  • How is my queen?
  • Beauty, how are you doing sweet things?
  • Hello! What does the queen of my heart do?
  • I missed you so much, it's important for me to know how you are doing. Tell me soon!
  • What's new in your life, baby?
  • As soon as I saw you, my head immediately boiled with a bunch of questions: how are you? Where are you? What's new? Tell everything!
  • How are you Tell me immediately!
  • How are you, what's new? I'm listening to you carefully!

What's cool to ask a girl?

If you want to cheer up a girl you care about, try using your sense of humor and ask her a couple of "interesting" questions.

Question options:

  • Did you miss me? Answer the truth, I know that I missed you!
  • I've been told that you missed me. This is true?
  • You know, I didn’t understand this, but now I thought: damn, I missed you! And you?
  • Hello! Tell me, how many times did you think of me until we saw each other?
  • Be honest, do I come to you every night in my dreams?
  • I have been given great happiness here. That's not you?
  • Did you know that your eyes can speak? I can clearly hear the words: "I'm glad to see you."
  • Girl, don't you miss me?
  • Girl, I'm sure that in my horoscope today was a meeting with you. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  • I'm going to buy flowers, but I don't know to whom. It's not you, by any chance?
  • Girl, what kind of flowers do you like? I want to meet you, but I'm afraid not to guess with a bouquet.
  • Girl, do you like delicious chocolates? I now want to buy a huge box in honor of our acquaintance and I'm worried, all of a sudden, you like marmalade.
  • Do you have a love song in your headphones? The thing is, I want to hear it too. Will you give me one earpiece?

How to get acquainted with a girl with an unusual question?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

Some questions that a guy can ask a girl will allow you to know better and more about the person you love.

Question options:

  • Can you tell me something interesting about yourself?
  • Tell me, what kind of girl were you as a child: obedient or mischievous?
  • Try to surprise me with some fact from your personal life. Got something to brag about?
  • Admit it, you are still that girl, are there any interesting stories from life?
  • I am sure that you have had a lot of adventures in your life that you are not ready to tell everyone about. But, do you dare me?
  • You are so interesting! What do other people say about you?
  • Do you think you have a funny story from your personal life?

Video: "Rules of flirting"