White discharge during pregnancy. Natural and pathological discharge during pregnancy

With the onset of puberty, the girl appears discharge from the genital tract. This is a completely normal phenomenon, since they perform many functions: they cleanse the vagina of bacteria, prevent the penetration of infection into the uterus, and are a physiological lubricant. The amount and nature of secretions change throughout the menstrual cycle, which is associated with the predominance of estrogens or progesterone in different phases. Also, discharge during pregnancy has its own peculiarity, which usually become more abundant due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic cavity.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

Since in the first three months the body is controlled by the hormone progesterone, under its influence, the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy becomes thick, plentiful, opaque and with a yellowish tinge. In this case, the mucus should not irritate the skin of the external genital organs. There is no normal smell. A thick mucous plug gradually forms in the cervical canal. It is necessary to create a barrier against infection.

In the second half of pregnancy, the discharge becomes more liquid. This is due to the predominance of estrogen hormones in the woman's blood. Whites are formed as a result of increased vascular permeability in the vaginal mucosa. Discharge during late pregnancy requires attention. They must be transparent. A large amount of whiter sometimes leads a woman to bewilderment, but there is nothing dangerous in this. The only unpleasant moment is that an infection can easily join them, so you need to be on your guard.

Pathological discharge

The change in the nature of the discharge can be at any time. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes a woman may experience brown discharge during pregnancy during the expected period. Usually such a picture occurs in the first and second months of pregnancy, since the body has not yet completely rebuilt. These discharges are not dangerous if they are short-lived and painless. But in any case, you need to report them to the doctor. If whites began to be accompanied by itching or an unpleasant odor, then this is a sign of infection and a reason to see a doctor urgently. Bacteria or fungi can harm the fetus, so it is necessary to conduct an examination and treatment as soon as possible.

The most common problem in terms of infection is candidiasis (or thrush). The disease is characterized by white discharge, thick, resembling cottage cheese in consistency. They arise due to the reproduction in the vagina of a fungus from the genus Candida. During pregnancy, candidiasis appears as a result of changes in the hormonal background, which contribute to the formation of an alkaline environment in the vagina. This leads to the creation of favorable conditions for the existence of the fungus.

Thrush can recur several times throughout pregnancy. It is impossible to completely destroy the fungus, since it is part of the normal microflora in the vagina. Also, because of pregnancy, serious drugs for the treatment of candidiasis cannot be taken, therefore, not every woman succeeds in curing curdled discharge during pregnancy during this period. Preparations should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Only a doctor knows which medicines can and cannot be taken. It is also worth using traditional medicine (douching with infusions of herbs - chamomile, celandine, juniper and other herbs).

Inflammatory secretions

During pregnancy, all women experience a physiological decrease in immunity. This is due to the fact that the fetus is perceived as a foreign body. And so that the body does not fight it, immunity is temporarily suppressed using natural mechanisms. Because of this, a woman is more susceptible to infection than before pregnancy. This is manifested by frequent colds and inflammation of the genital organs. A symptom of infection is a change in the nature of the discharge. In addition, there is discomfort from the external genitalia, burning, itching, redness, pain during intercourse.

If an exacerbation of the inflammatory process occurs, then green discharge during pregnancy is one of the first symptoms. They are irritating to the skin and have an unpleasant odor. In this case, the disease is caused by nonspecific bacteria: E. coli, staphylococci, Proteus. Such an infection at an early stage can lead to a miscarriage, which is why it is necessary to be treated when such signs appear. Usually, bacteria are present in the vagina even before pregnancy, so at the planning stage, it is necessary to take a culture of vaginal discharge to detect microorganisms in a timely manner and eliminate them with antibiotics.

The cause of inflammatory discharge may be a sexually transmitted infection. These include gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others. It is best to get tested for STIs before pregnancy. If such a disease was detected in the early stages, then in the presence of an acute process, antibiotic treatment should be carried out. In this case, the harm from drugs is much less than the harm from bacteria. But in the chronic course of the disease, they try to postpone the start of treatment until the second half of pregnancy, when the fetus has already formed and the effect of antibiotics is not so dangerous.

Bloody issues

The most dangerous condition during pregnancy is the threat of termination. Sometimes it's just pain in the lower abdomen, if the pregnancy is still in its early stages. At later dates, these are already real contractions. Also, almost always in such cases, spotting occurs during pregnancy, which occurs due to the gradual detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall. This condition threatens both the life of the child and the life of the mother, so you should immediately seek medical help, even if the discharge is not heavy, or only with a small admixture of blood.

If at the beginning of pregnancy there are pains in the lower abdomen, and on ultrasound the doctor saw uterine hypertonicity, then you should not delay the treatment. These are signs of a threatened miscarriage that should not be ignored. At this point, the rejection of the fetal egg has not yet begun, so the process can be stopped with the help of hormonal drugs, antispasmodics and bed rest. If there is a detachment, then this is a more serious condition requiring hospitalization. The main symptom is spotting during early pregnancy. The treatment is more intensive, since the reattachment of the fetal egg in severe cases is not always possible.

If the threat of miscarriage was in the first weeks, then it can persist until the end of pregnancy. After 16 weeks, the placenta is considered to be already formed. She begins to produce her hormones, which reduces the likelihood of abortion. Also, the placenta is usually tightly attached to the uterus, and it cannot separate just like that. But under the influence of provoking factors (a blow to the stomach, stress, infection, high blood pressure), placental abruption may begin. In this case, serious bleeding develops, which is extremely difficult to stop. Therefore, throughout the pregnancy, you should lead a neat lifestyle, take care of yourself and your unborn child.

Another option when brown discharge may appear during pregnancy is ectopic pregnancy. Many girls are in no hurry to go for an ultrasound with a positive pregnancy test, as they are afraid of the negative effect of ultrasound on the fetus. But a home test becomes positive even with an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to do an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks to confirm the normal position of the fetus.

Shortly before childbirth, discharge with streaks of blood may be due to the discharge of the mucous plug. This is not dangerous, since there is a gradual opening of the cervix, which is not possible without traumatizing its edges. If there was erosion on the cervix, which often occurs during pregnancy due to hormonal surges, then there will be bloody streaks. But it is worth informing the doctor about such a phenomenon right away, since the woman herself cannot differentiate the reason why spotting occurs during pregnancy. This can be seen only after examining the pregnant woman and assessing all risk factors.

Pregnancy is a special state of the body, so a woman should constantly listen to changes in her well-being. Sometimes diseases during pregnancy are bright, sometimes hidden. Any changes should be reported to your doctor. In particular, it is always worth monitoring discharge during pregnancy, as it may be the only symptom of a problem, for example, with thrush. You should never self-medicate, as the effectiveness of such methods is low, and a neglected disease is much more difficult to treat.

Pregnancy is not only a long-awaited miracle, but also a completely new and unexplored period in a woman's life. Too many changes at this time going on in her body. This also applies to the genitals.

The first trimester is considered the most difficult period of pregnancy, especially the first weeks, when the embryo is fixed in the endometrium, and organs such as the placenta and amniotic sac have not yet been formed. It is at this stage that you need to be especially attentive to your body.

Are there discharges in the early stages of pregnancy? Allocations accompany a woman throughout her life, why should they be absent during pregnancy? Moreover, the nature of the discharge in early pregnancy may change before the delay. Part of the discharge is a variant of the norm, some is a non-dangerous deviation from the norm, but some still indicate serious diseases and pathologies, so it makes sense to discuss any changes in the discharge with a doctor. But you should not be nervous ahead of time, a large proportion of the problems associated with secretions are easily solved.

The expectant mother does not need any extra stress. Sometimes, faced with incomprehensible secretions, young mothers panic, begin to get nervous and look for a solution to the problem. And after a visit to the doctor, it turns out that there is simply no reason for concern, and the woman tormented herself and others in vain.

Variants of the discharge rate in early pregnancy

Discharge at an early stage of pregnancy is most often the norm. Firstly, under the influence of progesterone, the natural secretion of the vagina increases: whitish or transparent discharge, sometimes with a slight yellowish tinge. The purpose of these secretions is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the vagina, and without them, a woman will feel severe discomfort.

In addition, immediately after conception and attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, mucus begins to be produced, which forms a mucous plug. Naturally, some of this mucus may come out of the vagina. Such mucous, transparent, a bit like egg white, secretions are also normal options.

In general, normal discharge in early pregnancy can be very diverse in both color and consistency, most often there is a clear and white discharge in early pregnancy.

Most importantly, they are united by the fact that they do not cause any inconvenience to the woman. Except, perhaps, natural anxiety due to sudden changes. If the discharge has a neutral smell or it is absent at all, the woman does not feel pain, itching or burning, then there is nothing to worry about. However, going to the doctor for your own peace of mind is not superfluous.

Pathological discharge in the early stages of pregnancy

Brown spotting during pregnancy

Smearing brown or beige discharge during early pregnancy, they can be both completely harmless and indicate serious problems in the body of a pregnant woman. In any case, having found brownish marks on your underwear, you must first contact the doctor and arrange a visit. Still, in most cases, they are symptoms of severe pathologies.

So, the cause of bloody brown discharge in early pregnancy can be detachment of the ovum accompanied by rupture of blood vessels. This pathology requires prompt medical intervention and preservation of pregnancy.

In addition, such discharges may indicate ectopic pregnancy, that is, about a situation where the embryo is attached not inside the uterus, but inside the fallopian tubes and completely outside the reproductive system. Spotting discharge can turn into scanty bleeding, and is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.

This condition threatens not only the woman's reproductive ability, but also her life. Unfortunately, if the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, it will have to be eliminated.

In some cases, spotting may make itself felt erosion of the uterus. Erosion is an inflammation of the epithelium of the uterus, accompanied by the formation of small wounds and ulcers. Many talk about a direct connection between cervical erosion and a cancerous tumor. In fact, erosion itself has no connection with oncology, however, if the treatment of this problem is delayed, the risk of developing a cancerous tumor increases.

As a rule, cervical erosion is asymptomatic. However, in some cases, small spotting may occur, for example, after violent sex, or after examination by a gynecologist, in general, if the injured cervix is ​​disturbed.

Yellow and green discharge

There are also green or yellow discharge in early pregnancy. The color, shade and consistency of these secretions can vary greatly. Patients describe green bubbling discharge, or bright yellow, which, in fact, are accumulations of pus. Most often, such discharges are symptoms of acute infections, in some cases, they even talk about sexually transmitted diseases.

In these cases, additional studies are carried out to clarify the diagnosis, after which treatment is prescribed. In the early stages, infectious and fungal diseases are especially dangerous for the fetus, for the reason that the placenta - the organ that protects the child from external influences - is finally formed only by the fourth month, but for now, all the infection from the mother's body can freely enter the blood of the fetus. So the infection needs to be treated urgently.

But here, too, problems arise. Moreover, they are all associated with the same risk of penetration of drugs into the blood of the child. During pregnancy, the selection of medicines is always difficult, but in the early stages it is a particularly difficult task.

The danger of self-treatment or delay in treatment is not even worth talking about. However, I would like to mention those women who refuse to take medication in an effort to protect the child. Their motives are clear, now a lot and often they talk about the dangers of medicines.

Is there a discharge in the early stages of pregnancy - the question is fundamentally wrong. Of course have. Much more important is what kind of allocations take place. It is very important to be attentive to your body, to monitor all, even the smallest, changes in your well-being. And about any alarming symptoms immediately report to the gynecologist.

It is very important that the doctor who observes the pregnant woman is experienced and qualified. In some cases, it makes sense to change the doctor or clarify the diagnosis with another specialist. Although there is not always time for this. In some cases, urgent action needs to be taken.


During pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in the amount of mucous discharge from the vagina. What kind of discharge during pregnancy are there? This is an individual phenomenon.

Types of discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy is explained by an increase in blood flow to this area, and the activity of hormones that are activated during pregnancy - progesterone and estrogen, due to the activity of which the walls of the vagina become softer and at the same time the mucosa increases the volume of secretion. Therefore, discharge is considered to be the norm.

Another reason that may explain the abundance of vaginal discharge is the formation of a kind of mucus plug on the cervix, which provides protection to the unborn child. However, discharge during pregnancy can be twofold:

Normal physiological discharge in women during pregnancy

If we talk about how normal discharge looks like, then it should be milky white or transparent in color, mucous to the touch, without a strong smell, although it may differ from that which was before pregnancy, they do not irritate the skin, as, for example, with thrush or other vaginal infection.

In order to avoid discomfort, during pregnancy, with normal discharge, it is enough to use daily pads or change underwear at least twice a day.

If by the end of a pregnant woman's vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, do not be afraid, this is normal. Sometimes copious discharge, especially in the morning in the later stages, is taken as signs of the onset of labor, but if the woman does not feel pain, you need to empty the bladder and change the hygiene product. However, if after a few hours the fluid still comes out, there is a chance that the waters are really leaving, and you need to go to the hospital.

Causes of the pathological type of discharge during pregnancy

And at the same time, it should be remembered that not all discharge for a pregnant woman is the norm.

If your vaginal discharge is white but odorless, itchy, burning, or uncomfortable during intercourse, it's most likely a yeast infection.

If the discharge takes on a whitish or grayish tint, and its smell after sex, as a result of mixing with semen, resembles the smell of fish, then these are signs of bacterial vaginitis.

Discharge, the color of which is greenish or yellowish with an unpleasant strong odor, is a sign of trichomoniasis - this disease can also be transmitted sexually.

In these cases, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of spotting during pregnancy

Strange as it may seem, although any bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy indicates a pathology that needs immediate medical attention. Moreover, it will appear in the very early stages of pregnancy, in the form of inconspicuous bleeding, which is an ordinary sign that is not classified as a cause for concern and does not pose a threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

The first weeks of pregnancy is the time of a large-scale restructuring of the woman's body, hormonal and physiological. What can be the prerequisites for the release of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman?

For starters, during the period of strengthening of the fetal testicle into the wall of the uterus, small fragments of its mucous membrane can be rejected, which causes the appearance of small bloody discharge from the vagina. These vaginal discharge may be brown, brown, or intensely red. First of all, the discharge with all this is not plentiful, does not last more than a few days. From time to time they will be accompanied by insignificant spasms, from time to time they are absolutely not painful for the pregnant woman. Directly such bleeding are the first signs of pregnancy. Let us repeat that this does not happen when the pregnancy has already been established, but during the period of implantation of the fetal testicle, in other words, in cases where the “real” uterine pregnancy has not yet started. Most often, these spotting are similar in time to menstruation, which leads to a fairly popular opinion that not everyone stops menstruating with the onset of pregnancy.

Dangerous discharge of blood during pregnancy in expectant mothers

However, after the pregnancy is established, any bleeding should make the pregnant woman think and force her to immediately appear to the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy. A fairly well-known root cause of bleeding from the genital tract in pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy is erosion of the cervix. This also happens for a completely clear root cause: due to the intense blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy, the mucous neck of the uterus can begin to bleed, transforming into some kind of inflammatory ulcer.

In the case of erosion of the cervix in pregnant women, blood from the genital tract is noticeable after sexual contact and spontaneously stops. Apart from erosion, the cause of bleeding in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy can be cervical canal polyps and decidual polyps - harmless tumors growing in the uterus or in the neck of the uterus. Bleeding with all this is not too noticeable. Based on the exact situation, the doctor will be able to remove the polyp or wait until the polyp falls off on its own, as it happens in the first place. Removal of a bleeding polyp does not interfere with the course of pregnancy, because curettage of the uterine cavity is not required when it is removed.

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Most often, yellow discharge signals hidden inflammatory processes. These symptoms are fraught with miscarriage, especially in early pregnancy.

Bubbly discharge can cause, for example, trichomoniasis; abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy indicates a bacterial infection in the vagina, or inflammation of the ovaries, possibly inflammation in the fallopian tubes - that is, the consistency, abundance and smell of the discharge matter.

The cause of yellow discharge during pregnancy are infectious agents:

  • staphylococci,
  • Proteus,
  • coli,
  • or diseases - chronic adnexitis and salpingitis, cervical erosion.

An unpleasant odor, along with yellow purulent discharge and burning / itching in the genital area, characterize the presence of gonorrhea.

The causes of this phenomenon can cause non-specific and specific inflammatory processes. Non-specific inflammatory processes include common pathogens, and at the same time, such processes simply become aggravated during pregnancy, being not diagnosed before it occurs.

Danger of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Such processes in early pregnancy are fraught with miscarriage, which emphasizes the need for timely treatment of all foci of infection before conception. There are methods for treating inflammatory processes detected in the early stages of pregnancy.

Specific inflammatory processes include infections that are sexually transmitted. They can proceed hidden, due to the influence of antibiotics, and later, with hormonal changes caused by the restructuring of the body, cause an exacerbation.

The main criterion for the norm of the microflora of the vagina is the absence of a fetid odor with yellow discharge during pregnancy, since normally the microflora of the vagina has an acidic reaction - in such an environment, pathogens simply cannot multiply. Therefore, even abundant and liquid, but clear discharge without an unpleasant odor during pregnancy is within the normal range.

In any case, discharge during pregnancy is a signal for a pregnant woman to be more attentive to her health and an incentive to contact a antenatal clinic doctor who will conduct all the necessary tests and determine whether this is normal or not.

Causes of white discharge in women during pregnancy

Such symptoms appear in pregnant women in the first month of pregnancy. When a woman has a little stomach ache, this is the norm and is caused by the active work of hormones. The main thing at this time is for a woman to pay attention to the nature of the pain and the color of the discharge. If the pain is too intense, and the discharge is brownish, then this indicates possible pathologies and disorders, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

When thick white-yellowish discharge is explained by monthly hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the same hormones can regulate the amount and regularity of the secretion produced. Meet estrogen and progesterone, in the form of viscous and abundant white discharge in the early days of pregnancy, and specifically in the first 12-13 weeks, after which estrogen weakens, and the discharge becomes the most liquid.

A healthy cervix produces its own secret every day: the mucous membrane is updated, the walls of the vagina are moistened, a sufficient environment and microflora of the vagina are maintained. The change in the nature of the discharge depends on hormones or hints to the fairer sex about a possible infection or irritation.

Ordinary panty liners, which help out stains on linen, have every chance of causing an allergic reaction during pregnancy. In this case, it is worth eliminating the irritant - and the white discharge stops.

Infection is an unsafe problem during pregnancy. Healthy, at first glance, the body with the onset of pregnancy quickly loses resistance to any disease. Disturbing unusual discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant odor may indicate the "awakening" of a latent virus. An urgent laboratory examination and proper therapy with this option are simply necessary. Postponing the trip to the doctor the next day and comforting themselves with hope, expectant mothers escalate the situation and complicate the treatment process.

However, it is also necessary to plan the replenishment of the family in advance. As soon as the usual watery white discharge during pregnancy suddenly becomes thick, sticky, has an unpleasant sour aroma, and the external genitals constantly itch - this is thrush. Self-medication is not acceptable, although a medical professional will most likely prescribe Pimafucin or another antifungal agent. Subsequently, drugs are prescribed for treatment to restore the natural microflora of the vagina, which guarantees the subsequent normal course of your pregnancy.

What to do for abdominal pain and white discharge during pregnancy

Firstly, if you are a woman in an interesting position, and you have a stomach ache and white discharge, then immediately go to the doctor, it is better to seek specialist advice and be completely calm that everything is normal. The gynecologist knows the state of your body, the details of the development of the fetus, is familiar with the clinical picture and, after examination, will be able to tell you how serious this problem is.

Most often, however, there is nothing to worry about, and the doctor will assure you of this. The ligaments begin to stretch, which is accompanied by pain, and this is quite natural, such pain can be aching, most often it goes away on its own after some time, without the use of painkillers.

Sometimes such pain occurs due to disturbances in the work of the stomach. Many pregnant women are quite refined in their taste preferences, they, of course, eat a lot and often, sometimes completely incompatible foods. Best of all, during a diet, follow a diet, and do not try to eat whatever your heart desires.

Most often, the pancreas during pregnancy begins to hurt when the diet is not followed, a large amount of meat and fatty foods makes itself felt, if, in addition, a woman smokes or drinks alcohol, then you should immediately run to the doctor. After all, such violations can cause irreparable harm to the baby.

The reason may be more serious, for example, such a symptom appears in pregnant women when placental abruption occurs, only in some cases with timely diagnosis can a child be saved, in most cases a miscarriage occurs. Most often this occurs, starting from the 8th week of pregnancy.

The reasons can be quite understandable, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking Aspirin, high blood pressure, or for reasons that are not clear to the doctor. An accident and frequent travel (jogging) can cause discharge and abdominal pain.

Hello dear expectant mothers! By the way, if future dads read this article and draw the appropriate conclusions, then their wives can only be proud of them. After all, it means that dads are sincerely worried about your condition, being interested in such a delicate problem as discharge during pregnancy.

So, focusing more on the female audience, let's talk about whether there are discharges during pregnancy, which ones, and how should you respond to them?

Why does discharge appear during pregnancy

In the female body, a number of changes occur related to the preparation for bearing a child, including hormonal ones, which occur at the beginning of pregnancy.

Allocations during this period can be considered as a normal version of the norm, of course, if they do not cause discomfort, do not cause irritation, and also do not have an abnormal smell and color.

Normal discharge in pregnant women should be translucent, light, in moderation. After childbirth, they pass without causing much concern.

But there are cases when the discharge indicates that the pregnancy is not going as it should. We will try to consider such cases together with you.

What are the discharge in pregnant women

Yellowish or white discharge (leucorrhoea)

If abundant discharge during pregnancy becomes white, and their consistency may also change: one can say that they become sticky and at the same time thick - this is leucorrhoea.

The reasons for such allocations may be the following:

  • erosion on the cervix;
  • thrush, she is also vaginal candidiasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • other reasons.

Therefore, it is important to determine the cause, most likely, for this it will be necessary to pass special tests, and prescribe the correct treatment that may be compatible with pregnancy.

The most common cause is thrush, which is a white curdled discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, accompanied by irritation and severe itching.

In pregnant women, thrush occurs quite often and is usually treated with antifungal suppositories that are as safe as possible for your crumbs. By the way, thrush can be in women at any stage of pregnancy and even later.

Brown highlights

If the discharge has turned brown, this may be a signal of some kind of problem, for example:

  • such discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage (termination of pregnancy). In this case, following the bed rest, which the doctor will advise, and having undergone appropriate treatment, it is highly likely that the pregnancy can be maintained;
  • pipe or, as it is also called,. This is a serious enough problem that will require urgent surgery;
  • erosion on the cervix;
  • pathology of the development of the placenta: detachment or presentation;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • in the later stages - cork discharge, as a signal of the onset of labor.

Brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy may also be due to hormonal changes in the body, at the time of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine mucosa.

Discharges are bloody and stinging

The most dangerous is bloody spotting. In the first weeks, they can be a variant of the normal state of pregnancy if they coincide with the period of the next menstruation.

But, it is imperative to report such discharges to the doctor, since they can be a signal of a pregnancy disorder: placental abruption or a miscarriage that has begun. If you seek help in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be saved.

Other types of secretions

If the discharge from the vagina becomes yellowish, grayish or greenish in color, and an unpleasant odor occurs, these are most likely symptoms of infection with such infections that are transmitted through the genital tract.

If you notice mucous discharge in late pregnancy, moreover, with streaks of blood, you may have a mucous plug, as they say in obstetrics. Prepare packages for the hospital, because this is one of the first harbingers of the onset of labor.

Take the period of bearing the baby with all seriousness, especially carefully monitor the discharge and be healthy.

Pregnancy is an extremely important period in the life of any woman. Discharge from the genitals almost always causes anxiety, so it is extremely important to know the mechanisms of their occurrence, types and possible consequences for the body.

Outside of pregnancy, the cervix constantly produces mucus, while several types of it are produced during the menstrual cycle:
  • the first half of the menstrual period. The work of the whole organism, primarily the organs of the reproductive system, is aimed at the release of the egg from the ovary and possible fusion with the sperm. For this, the woman's body produces a rich and liquid secret, the purpose of which is to facilitate the movement of spermatozoa;
  • the second half of the menstrual period. When the egg is fertilized, the woman's body prepares for its direct introduction into the uterus. In this case, an opaque and viscous mucus is produced, the purpose of which is to protect the entrance to the uterus from foreign microorganisms.

The first half of the cycle is regulated by the female sex hormone estrogen, the second half by the hormone progesterone. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the work of the uterus and its appendages is regulated by progesterone. She produces a small amount of thick discharge. However, starting from the thirteenth week, the female body begins to produce significant amounts of estrogen, so the vaginal discharge becomes plentiful and liquid.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

The course of the first trimester of pregnancy (the first twelve weeks) is determined by the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone. At first, it is secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovarian menstruation (it is formed after the rupture of the follicle, from which the egg is released during ovulation). After fertilization of the egg occurs, the corpus luteum of ovulation expands under the action of the pituitary luteinizing hormone and then turns into the corpus luteum of pregnancy, producing large amounts of progesterone. This hormone helps to retain the embryo (fertilized egg) in the uterine cavity by blocking the exit from the cavity of this organ (a thick mucous plug forms in the cervical canal), as well as suppressing the contractility of its muscles.

Under the influence of progesterone, very thick, glassy, ​​transparent, in some cases whitish discharges appear directly in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can be found on linen in the form of mucus clots. This is the norm only in cases where the discharge does not have any odor and does not bother the pregnant woman, that is, it does not cause itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations.

In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, it is necessary to look for another reason, that is, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

After the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is firmly strengthened in the uterine cavity and the placenta almost matures (the organ that connects the mother and fetus and provides the latter with all the necessary nutrients, hormones, biologically active compounds), estrogens begin to be released in large quantities again. The task of this period is the development of the uterus (it is the organ in which the fetus develops, therefore it must constantly increase in size) and the mammary glands (new glandular tissue begins to form in them and new milk ducts begin to form).

Under the influence of these hormones in the second half of pregnancy, women develop abundant discharge, colorless or slightly whitish in color, from the genitals. They should not be classified as any pathological conditions, however, such discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, cause symptoms such as itching, burning and other manifestations of discomfort.

The presence of these signs is extremely important, since the appearance can be deceiving and serious diseases can be masked under it.

White discharge during pregnancy

White discharge appears most often during pregnancy. They can be a cause for concern in women, but only in extremely rare cases are they associated with any pathological condition.

The composition of the selection includes the following components:

  • slime. Its source is the numerous glands of the woman's reproductive system: the uterus, her cervix, vestibule, and also the vagina itself;
  • microorganisms. The microflora is always present in the vagina, which can have a diverse composition, which is different for each woman. If it is healthy, then it is mainly the so-called lactic acid bacteria. The presence of other microorganisms does not yet allow us to judge the development of any disease;
  • epithelial cells. They cover all the structures of the female reproductive system, are constantly exfoliated and replaced by new ones.

Vaginal discharge can be both a pathology and a norm. Usually, white discharge is directly related to the menstrual cycle. In its first half, there are not abundant discharges of a watery consistency, with the course of ovulation they become thick and viscous, and may acquire a beige tint. By the end of the menstrual period, the amount of discharge increases again. White discharge can also appear due to other factors: after intercourse, accompanied by the use of hormonal contraceptives. Pathological white discharge may be associated with infectious diseases, such as candidiasis.

White discharge can be called the first sign of pregnancy. At this stage, they are associated with the influence of the hormone progesterone. From the thirteenth week, its influence decreases, increases, respectively, the action of estrogen. During this period, the discharge becomes more abundant, they are transparent and do not have a certain smell. They do not cause unpleasant symptoms, such as burning, itching, which is extremely important for the diagnosis of pathological conditions.

Despite the fact that such discharge during pregnancy is quite normal, it is necessary to pay attention to their consistency, color and quantity. A change in these indicators may indicate the addition of an infection, hormonal status disorders, and diseases of the genital organs. The most common cause of such changes is candidiasis or thrush of the female genital organs. In this case, the discharge will look like cottage cheese, exude a beer smell and become plentiful. Other conditionally pathogenic microflora can also join, since during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity.

To prevent thrush, doctors prescribe probiotics to women during pregnancy, including dairy products. If it is not possible to prevent the development of pathology, then special antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Another source of secretions is bacterial. At the same time, they have a watery consistency and a transparent shade, and a rather unpleasant smell.

If pains in the lower abdomen join the secretions, then this condition requires immediate hospitalization, since there is a high risk and threat of miscarriage.

Thus, white discharge in women during pregnancy is quite normal, but it is necessary to pay attention to indicators such as smell, appearance.

yellow discharge during pregnancy

The presence of yellow discharge cannot be considered normal, but it may not cause any concern if it is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as an unpleasant smell, burning, itching and pain. Otherwise, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist, especially if the discharge is dark yellow.

There are several reasons for the appearance of such a pathological symptom. The first of these is the presence of inflammatory processes of any nature, which are exacerbated by pregnancy or other factors. Immunity during this period is weakened, which allows pathological microorganisms to easily penetrate the vagina and accumulate there, causing a similar unpleasant symptom. In addition to all this, discharge can be triggered by spontaneous abortion. Therefore, you need to respond to them as quickly as possible.

The appearance of dark yellow discharge may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to underwear or intimate hygiene products. Certain micro-organisms can also cause a specific yellowish discharge.

If the color of the discharge changes to green, then the problem that has arisen indicates the development of serious abnormalities. For example, this may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. They are also characterized by the appearance of itching, pain when urinating, burning in this area.

If the discharge is bright yellow, then it is most likely caused by inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries, as well as various bacterial infections in the vagina.

Many infections and inflammatory diseases that manifest themselves during pregnancy with specific yellow discharges only worsen at this time, and do not appear in connection with the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, before the moment of conception, the expectant mother must undergo a complete examination. This will help determine the state of the body, identify unwanted pathological conditions and diseases and get rid of them even before the pregnancy period.

brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge can suddenly occur in almost all women during pregnancy. There are several reasons for the development of this condition.

The first one is . When it occurs, the egg is inevitably rejected. One of the characteristic signs of its development is brown discharge. Bleeding may also occur. Unfortunately, many women at this time do not even know about the onset of pregnancy.

In many cases, the appearance of brown discharge indicates a threatened miscarriage. In this case, an experienced gynecologist should take all possible measures in order to save the fetus (surgery or conservative treatment). A miscarriage is a serious complication that occurs only in the early stages of pregnancy. At first, bleeding may be minor and not accompanied by pain. However, it is not able to stop within a certain period of time and gradually increases.

With an incomplete miscarriage, significant bleeding may occur, they are thick red with a brown tint, clots may be present. All this is accompanied by infrequent, but intense pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to scrape the uterine cavity and remove the remnants of a dead fetal egg.

The appearance of discharge that is brown in late pregnancy may be evidence of placental dysfunction. This organ may disintegrate. As a result, minor bleeding may occur.

The next reason for the appearance of such symptoms may be diseases associated with inflammatory processes or erosion of the cervix.

If the due date is already on the way and brown discharge suddenly appears, then this indicates the onset of childbirth. Another extremely important reason for the appearance of such secretions is uterine rupture. Most often, it develops in those women who have previously had abortions or have scars on the uterus.

Thus, the most common causes of brown discharge are sexual diseases, as well as cervical erosion. To eliminate such pathological conditions, it is necessary to contact a specialist gynecologist.

When the placenta ruptures, bed rest is prescribed, any emotional and psychological stress is excluded, as well as the use of hormonal drugs.

Bleeding is quite common, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. According to statistics, eighty percent of women calmly and without any deviations continue to bear the fetus.

There are many reasons for bleeding. For example, active blood supply to the internal genital organs or their excessive sensitivity. This usually happens after an ultrasound examination, if it is carried out with a special vaginal probe or when used when examining a gynecological speculum.

Similar discharge may also appear after sexual intercourse, as there is irritation of the cervix, as well as the mucous membrane of the vagina. Discharge also begins due to a slight detachment of the placenta: a certain amount of blood accumulates under it. When released to the outside, it has a pinkish tint.

Often in women, discharge appears on the days when they had menstruation before pregnancy. They are also accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. This is due to hormonal disruptions in the body in early pregnancy and it is absolutely safe.

A signal that indicates dangerous complications is the appearance of blood clots. It is urgent to consult a doctor, because, most likely, this is a threat of miscarriage.

If the discharge has a brownish tint, then a hematoma may have formed in the body.

With the development of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may also experience spotting. Another reason is a “frozen” pregnancy. In this case, a week after intrauterine death of the fetus, a spontaneous miscarriage develops.

A rare cause of spotting is hydatidiform drift, in which there is an overgrowth of placental tissue. Allocations in this case are abundant, but they are absolutely painless. The outcome of this condition is the death of the baby.

The most dangerous spotting in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. They can be evidence of pathology, threaten the life of not only the fetus, but also the mother.

Blood discharge can also develop in the presence of fibroids, cervical erosion, cervical canal polyps, genital injuries.

Despite the fact that bleeding in most cases does not pose a danger to the fetus and mother, it is necessary to contact a specialist in time in order to exclude the development of dangerous complications and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

Discharge in early pregnancy

The discharge that appears in the early stages of pregnancy can be both normal and pathological. A change in discharge in the first weeks after conception is an inevitable process. This is due to the fact that in the female body the secretion of the hormone progesterone increases. It provides attachment to the uterine wall of the egg fertilized by the sperm, is involved in the preservation of the fetus and the formation of the placenta. At the same time, vaginal discharge becomes scarce, opaque and viscous. This nature of the secretions contributes to the formation of a protective plug in the cervical canal, which protects the uterus from the ingress of pathological microorganisms.

On the tenth day immediately after conception, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, which also does not belong to pathological conditions. This is due to the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. This organ has an extensive network of blood vessels and capillaries, which can be slightly damaged when the embryo attaches. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding and lasts no more than two days. Strong and longer bleeding indicate the development of a pathological condition.

Discharges are considered pathological, which are distinguished by yellowish, brown, greenish colors, curdled consistency and an unpleasant odor.

Yellowish discharge from the vagina, which has a sharp and unpleasant odor, indicates the presence of inflammation in the uterus and its appendages. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs during pregnancy are very dangerous, as they often lead to its interruption.

If spotting is observed that does not stop within three days, then this indicates the development of serious complications and requires immediate medical attention, as this is one of the signs of a developing miscarriage. Often, such a sign is accompanied by pulling, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, loss of appetite, and intestinal dysfunction.

In early pregnancy, discharge mixed with blood can be a sign of cervical erosion. They are almost always painless and stop within a few hours.

The appearance of dark red, brown or bloody discharge a few days after conception may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the blood is released after the rejection of the fertilized egg. An ectopic pregnancy poses a significant threat to a woman and reduces the chance of a future pregnancy.

Thus, white, homogeneous, viscous and odorless discharge in early pregnancy is normal and should not cause any concern, and curdled, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor can be a sign of candidiasis or inflammation of the uterus. Abundant brownish, bloody discharge is also an alarming symptom and requires immediate medical attention.

Usually, late pregnancy refers to the period from the thirty-fifth week until the onset of labor. At this time, the body is actively preparing for the birth of a child. The discharge has a mucous consistency, milky color, they have no smell. Normally, they do not cause unpleasant discomfort, burning, itching and any other irritations.

Often before the expected birth, at about the thirty-seventh week, brown discharge and a mucous consistency may appear. This is due to the fact that the cervical mucosa begins to prepare for childbirth. It softens, then opens slightly and is released from the mucous plug. A similar phenomenon indicates an imminent birth.

However, if foamy discharge with a greenish, bright red or brown tint is observed in the last days of the week, this indicates the development of dangerous complications.

Bright red discharge may indicate placental abruption. In this case, urgent emergency medical care is needed.

Greenish frothy discharge, which is accompanied by itching, most likely indicates the addition of an infection. In this case, it is extremely important to eliminate their cause before childbirth, since otherwise their course may be complicated and there is a threat of infection of the fetus.

Discharge after pregnancy

After the birth of a child, regardless of the type of delivery, a woman has bloody discharge from the genital tract. Such postpartum discharge is called lochia.

The reason for their appearance is the healing process of the inner surface of the uterus, usually in the place where the placenta was attached to its wall. If there is a timely release from all non-viable tissues, then the postpartum period proceeds without any complications.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the duration and color of lochia. Their character changes - over time, the discharge becomes more scarce and changes its color:

  • red lochia. They begin in the first two or three days after birth. This is a bright red, bloody, profuse discharge with a small amount of blood clots;
  • serous lochia. They begin on the fourth day after birth. The discharge turns pale and acquires a serous-sanious (pinkish-brown) color with a high content of leukocytes. During this period, there should be no bright red lochia and hemorrhagic clots.
  • white lochia. They begin approximately from the tenth day and continue until the twentieth day. Allocations acquire a yellowish-white or yellow color, become spotting, odorless liquid and blood impurities.

The number of lochia gradually decreases, from the third week after birth they become scarce and contain an admixture of mucus from the cervical canal. From the uterus, the discharge stops at the fifth or sixth week after childbirth. Only vitreous mucus flows out of the cervical canal, in which single leukocytes are noted.

Therefore, the discharge that begins after childbirth and lasts up to a month and a half has nothing in common with menstrual bleeding. They pass on their own and do not depend on whether the woman is breastfeeding or the child is bottle-fed.