Winter patterns from paper templates for cutting. New Year's paper cut patterns for windows

New Year's vytynanki have become an indispensable attribute of this holiday, along with, garlands and. They are most often cut out and glued to the windows, while creating a fabulous atmosphere. But we will not be limited only to this idea: let's see which vytynanka templates can be used for, which ones are suitable for decorating a festive table, and which ones are for creating. In fact, the scope for the use of protrusions is limitless!

In addition to the most fabulous ideas for decorating a house with vytynanki for the New Year 2018, "Cross" will tell you in detail:

What are vytynanki

Most often, vytynanki are cut out on, so we will rely on this topic. So, what can be attributed to the silhouette, and what to the symmetrical protrusions.


  • figures for numbering the coming year
  • symbol of the coming year ()
  • winter compositions
  • and Snow Maiden
  • animal figurines
  • heroes of fairy tales

Even such simple protrusions on the windows will look very elegant:

From simple pictures cut out by stencils, you can make complex compositions, full-fledged plots:

People with great experience cut out plots of incredible complexity:

What materials and tools will be useful in the work

We are pleased to publish on the pages of the online magazine "Cross" a list of everything that may be needed and help in the process of cutting, as well as for gluing.

  • Printer or copier
  • white A4 paper, colored printer paper, not too thick whatman paper, kraft cardboard
  • stationery knife small size (the sharper the blade of the knife, the easier it is to cut, and the smoother the protrusion) or a knife for artwork (paper cutter), for example, by Mr.Painter or Erich Krause.
  • base for cutting(dummy mat, cutting board, piece of plywood, in extreme cases, a thick stack of newspapers or magazines that you don’t mind ruining)
  • scissors(regular and manicure are useful, as well as with a very sharp nose)
  • pencil
  • tweezers
  • box or package for paper waste
  • box (preferably with a lid) for storing finished protrusions
  • glue or double sided tape laundry or other soap
  • sponge or tassel

Vytynanka from kraft cardboard

Artwork knife

Layout mat for cutting


The vytynanka picture will fit perfectly in the box from under:

Even the simplest ones will become more elegant if they are decorated with cut out plots on a topical topic:

Vytynanka cut out of very thick paper or even cardboard:

  • decorate mobile
  • chandelier or lamp
  • suitable as

In order to make such New Year's balls, cut out a New Year's vytynanka from paper or cardboard, and then stick it on cardboard of a different color.

Can serve as decorations in the table setting:

And the illuminated city will literally enliven any window sill! To make such a city on the window, place snowdrifts below, some into which houses can easily fit,. , place on top. Provide a central place for and the Snow Maiden, if you decide to cut them out too.

Hi all! It is winter and cold outside, and we are in full swing preparing for the New Year holidays. I would like to decorate the house as colorfully as possible in order to feel the upcoming events not only by looking at the calendar, but also internally. After all, it is during this period that some invisible onset of the upcoming miracle is felt!

Soon the children will be given tasks to bring some kind of decoration to the class or group. For this case, you can do a lot, or cut a stencil for windows. It is the latter that will be discussed today.

You know, lately you walk down the street and wonder. How many elegant windows around! I used to always think that only people who can draw can do this. And now I understand that having a computer and the Internet, everyone can become a bit of an artist. After all, it is not necessary to have some talent to decorate your home. Now it is enough to print the finished drawing, cut out any fairy-tale plot from it with the help of scissors and a clerical knife. Then we simply stick it with water, milk or soapy water on the glass and that's it!

I picked up beautiful stencils that you can print by copying from the article. You can do this simply by right-clicking on the image and then "save image as", or "copy as". Save to microsoft word. Next, enlarge if necessary and print. It's so simple!

New Year's stencils of snowflakes on windows for paper cutting (schemes, templates)

What can't a New Year be without? Of course, no snowflakes. How not to decorate the windows with such beauty. Of course, you can dream up and cut yourself. But there are no less beautiful stencils. You can make the same or try all of the suggestions below. The main thing is that your windows or cool windows will immediately change!

Did you know that the art of paper cutting (vytynanka) originated in the 9th century in China. That's when paper appeared.

You can also print these snowflakes. Inside they have some kind of character or object.

The level of complexity of the drawings is different. From easy to difficult. Where to start - you decide!

Interesting snowflakes will turn out. Now let's see what other samples there are.

Stencils of New Year's piglets on windows in A4 format to print

The coming year - yellow earthen pig or wild boar. Therefore, how can we do without a New Year's symbol? No way, so be sure to decorate the windows with such little animals. They can be both small and large. Or maybe the window will be entirely of them? The most important thing is that they are funny and very cute.

As you can see, the piglets are very cute. But even these can be in the form of cartoon characters that you will certainly recognize. And now consider other stencils for windows.

Window decoration for the New Year 2019 in the form of New Year's houses

I can’t imagine a window without a house on it. They are so cozy that they immediately bring us closer to this family holiday. Looking at these, you immediately imagine how the whole family will gather at the festive table near the New Year tree. So be sure to choose and print the one you like best. Or maybe this is the home of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? Or some fairy tale character?

You see, even a bird house can be carved with birds. Most importantly, what warmth and comfort emanates from these pictures.

How to decorate windows for the New Year

From what you saw above, it is quite possible to create some kind of plot. But how to do this without the main characters of the holiday. Of course, we also need Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Or forest animals. Let's not forget about them. In addition, children are always waiting for them in kindergarten, schools, and the house is no exception.

And here is a snowman with bunnies. Their joy will soon be transferred to us.

New Year's vytynanka on windows - templates, pictures for cutting

Be sure to add some balls or bells to the windows. Can be and month or candles. After all, the more colorful the window, the more passers-by will cast a glance at it. It's always nice to hear compliments. And the joy of children will be just huge.

Let's not forget about the New Year's beauty.

Now you can safely print at least everything and decorate the windows. Imagine what beauty it will be. It remains to dress up a live or artificial Christmas tree. Be sure to do this with your children. Of course, it is not necessary to trust them with a knife, but they will be able to stick them on the windows. And now I say goodbye to you, see you soon!

Paper vytynankas are one of the areas of needlework. China is considered to be the origin of this art. The task of the master is to cut complex shapes that are used to decorate the interior.

Professionals complement beautiful patterns and images with LED lamps, artificial snow and other attributes. Therefore, you can create a very interesting composition.

In our country, this direction is especially popular before the New Year. Most often, vytynanki are cut out to decorate the glass of window openings. This is the easiest way to create a festive atmosphere.

In one of the previous articles, I prepared for the New Year. Today I offer another selection of themed stencils for decorating the room.

To download or print your favorite drawings for free, just click on the appropriate button at the end of each subheading.

I have collected the most popular and requested templates. This collection is enough to decorate several window openings. Therefore, print and use them for their intended purpose. In the following sections of the article there will be stencils of a specific topic.

I picked up the following options for the New Year's decoration:

All of these cutout patterns can be printed immediately. To do this, click on the button below. As a result, a new window will open with a printer icon in the upper right corner.

If you know how to draw, you can make templates yourself, from which you can create a beautiful and festive composition.

Large piglets for the New Year

According to the Chinese horoscope, next year's patron will be the Pig. Therefore, piglet stencils will perfectly complement the New Year's drawings on the glass of window openings.

You can use all the options or download only the images you like.

For decorating the room, the most popular New Year's attribute is also suitable -.

Peppa Pig Printable Templates

Peppa is a famous cartoon character that children love. They will be very happy if they cut out such a template for gluing on windows together with you. Vytynanka is easy to use, so even small children can cope with decorating a room.

The drawings can be colored as you wish. Do not be afraid to experiment, if you spoil the picture, then just print another one. Drawings with other cartoon characters, you can download.

Boar vytynanki for cutting on windows

The patron of 2019 will be the pig (boar), according to the Chinese horoscope. To appease this animal, decorate a room or other premises with pig patterns. All shapes are not complex, so you can easily cut them out and stick them on the glass.

If you did not find a suitable drawing, then you can copy it from your computer. To do this, attach a sheet of paper to the monitor, and simply circle the silhouette of the animal.

Paper vytynanki symbol of the year - pigs

New Year's patterns are already appearing on the windows. Pigs are the most popular, as they will be full-fledged owners of the next year. I offer an interesting selection of patterns for cutting into window openings.

I think these protrusions are enough to decorate several windows not only in the house, but also in a school or kindergarten.

Stencils of Christmas balls

If only pigs show off in the window openings, then it will be impossible to create a New Year's atmosphere. To do this, use other attributes of the holiday. Balls, which are a universal New Year's decoration, will help to make the appropriate composition.

A ball is a simple element, so if necessary, you can simply draw a circle, and make various patterns inside.

Templates for New Year's toys on the windows

Before the New Year, we decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the premises. To do this, there are many jewelry that are sold in specialized stores. But a beautiful decor can be made with your own hands from paper. Consider the options for protruding toys.

All stencils just download and cut. Toys can be decorated with sparkles or various beads.

Vytynanka Christmas trees for the New Year

The main symbol of the New Year, of course, is the forest fluffy beauty. In almost every house in December, this tree is installed and decorated. I suggest downloading templates with which you can decorate windows.

Such a collection of drawings will help you make a beautiful and original composition on glass.

How to cut and paste on the window vytynanki

Christmas-themed stencils can be attached not only to windows, but also to furniture, mirrors, walls and other flat surfaces. So, you have already downloaded several templates, and now you need to figure out how to work with them.

In order to cut out the silhouette of the figurine, we use ordinary scissors. This stage is simple, so it can be entrusted to children. But if the vytynanka consists of complex patterns, especially inside the image, then we need a clerical knife.

To do this, lay the stencil on a hard surface, preferably wood, and carefully cut out the necessary elements.

Now you need to fix the Christmas decoration on the windows. For this purpose, PVA glue is suitable, it is transparent, but after the New Year, the glass will have to be cleaned with special detergents.

Back in the last century, vytynanki were glued to glass using a soapy solution. Laundry soap is best. The cut out figure must be completely moistened in the mixture, we apply the solution to the windows with a spray gun, after which, carefully stick the paper craft.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in using templates. Just allocate some free time and get creative and exciting process.

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There is nothing more interesting than trying on the role of Frost and turning even the most severe design into a Christmas fairy tale in an easy way! We arm ourselves with scissors, paper and a knife-cutter, download window decoration stencils for the New Year from us and enjoy the reaction of unsuspecting household members! Today, the editors of the site have prepared a lot of interesting stencils for you and tell you how to use them.

We selflessly decorate windows for the New Year with the help of intricate or simple stencils

Magic window decoration for the New Year using stencils and drawings

To start decorating the window, you need to decide whether it will be a surprise for the rest of the family, or whether they will take part in this. If you want to surprise loved ones, then it is better to engage in carving in splendid isolation. Well, perhaps, let the cat and the dog be silent witnesses. And if you want collective work, then the kids will not be of much use, except to hold the stencil while you climb into a chair.

Windows are decorated in several ways:

  • download a ready-made stencil on the Internet or take and transfer the picture to paper;
  • draw by hand what you want;
  • draw with a stencil on the windows with paint or toothpaste.

The choice of topics is great, for 2019 a wide variety of stencils are already offered:

  • snowflakes themselves are beautiful, but if you create a composition from them, it will be especially wonderful;
  • images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are an integral part of the New Year, so they can take their rightful place on the window;
  • the next year of the Pig can be displayed on the window in the form of a symbol - the silhouette of an animal;
  • New Year's toys and bells;
  • Christmas tree or spruce forest;
  • various animals, including horses and deer, which are a symbol of the holiday;
  • angels will be appreciated by those who anxiously await Christmas and believe in a miracle;
  • snowmen will immediately bring a winter mood with them;
  • houses and snow towns.

In the photo in the article you will see multi-original and simple stencils.

Cutting out beautiful figures using a stencil from paper figures on windows for the New Year

The first way to decorate windows is to cut out figures from a New Year's stencil, which is easy to download and print. For windows, there are many different options, different in complexity and pattern of shapes.

Decals - another way to decorate windows for the New Year

You can do it this way: in any children's coloring there are interesting figures. If you take a tracing paper and transfer your favorite figure to paper, then there will be an excellent basis for a stencil. To bring the template to mind, you need to think about where to make additional slots.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year: an interesting application of artistic abilities of any level

Drawings on New Year's windows are created thanks to stencils and coloring compositions. You can use gouache as a paint, or simply dilute the toothpaste with a little water, and using an unnecessary toothbrush, spray the resulting composition onto the template. In this case, you need a slightly different stencil, reverse. How to get it? Easily! A regular template for windows is cut out of paper, but the rest is usually thrown away: this is not worth doing, as this is a ready-made template for painting!

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Window Design Tips Using Templates

To prepare the window for the New Year, a special master class is not required. It's really a fun job. What is suitable for creating templates: any paper, including whatman paper, foil. As a cutting tool, there is nothing better than a special cutter.

In the absence of a cutter, an ordinary clerical knife is used. The template itself is cut out with comfortable sharp scissors.To create a stencil, a black or blue felt-tip pen is useful (well, you can take any bright color, as long as you like it), soapy water.

How to cut a stencil without harming your health and your table

New Year's stencils for cutting windows are placed on a large wooden board, otherwise you will have to buy a new table - the cutter can seriously damage the surface.

Try to rotate the cutter on paper: you need to understand how to hold the handle so that it is comfortable to cut, it's not difficult. In the absence of a knife and cutter, small nail scissors are best.

Handle cutting objects with care and cut away from you.

How to stick a stencil on glass

Double-sided tape will do a disservice in this matter: yes, it will firmly stick the vytynanki (this is what carved paper stencils are commonly called), and so firmly that you will then have to study the article on how to remove the tape from the glass. Instead, there is a gentle way: a soapy solution.

We place the picture in the chosen place and lubricate the window with a sufficiently thick solution. If you overdo it with water, then paper with small details will get wet, and this will ruin the composition.

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We select suitable stencils for New Year's windows

The best holiday winter stencils will tell you how to decorate windows for the upcoming New Year. A large window allows you to place a whole view of the forest, houses, sleighs with Santa Claus and deer and with a clear moon above.

Templates of different letters of the inscription "New Year" for paper cutting on windows

New Year's decorations on paper windows can be in the form of a letter inscription. The only disadvantage of placing letters is that they will be displayed in a mirror image from the street. But if the windows of the fifth floor are decorated, then the minus becomes insignificant.

Cozy New Year's stencils-pictures for windows in the form of houses and villages

It is not difficult to carve a whole settlement or a single house on the window for the New Year. Even the palace is within the power of those who crave the special royal appearance of the window opening.

Advice! If you cut out the snowdrifts under the houses and sleep them with shiny confetti, it will be even more beautiful.

Paper stencils for decorating windows: and here she came to us dressed up for the holiday

The tree has always symbolized the New Year celebrations. And it will also look elegant on the windows.

Christmas paper stencils for windows: Christmas decorations on glass

We offer beautiful templates for Christmas decorations on the windows: an interesting solution, because the balls have different patterns and can become an excellent decor.

Stencils for window decorations for the New Year: snowflakes, moon, stars

New Year's patterns for cutting on windows are also in the form of funny figures of the month, stars, snowflakes. Snowflakes are placed as they decrease towards the center of the window.

Vytynanka in the form of candles, angels and bells: the light and ringing of Christmas night

The New Year will pass, Christmas will come. Usually in Russian families they make one decor for both holidays. If the family is a believer, they want to decorate the room in a special way. For this purpose, you can cut beautiful angels.

For lovers of the New Year theme, vytynanki in the form of candles and bells are suitable.

Paper templates for decorating windows in the form of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Traditional Father Frost and Snow Maiden do not always stand under the Christmas tree, guarding gifts: today they have the right to settle on the window either in the form of solid figures, or as masks.

New Year's paper templates for the window: a snowman is visiting us

Among the templates and New Year's pictures on the windows, one cannot fail to mention the snowmen. Funny winter guests will add zest to the children's window.

Vytynanki in the form of deer

Deer remain a favorite topic not only for children, but also for adults. As a child, everyone wanted to see the flight of Santa Claus in a sleigh pulled by deer.

Vytynanka in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a pig

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, so you should place a cute pig in the form of a vytynanka on your window.

Other animals as New Year's window stencils

Even placing a pig on the window, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of sticking other beautiful little animals there.

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With the approach of the New Year, the desire to decorate the home space becomes stronger. A Christmas tree in balls and tinsel, sparkling garlands, snowflakes and rains - these are not all options for New Year's decor. Decorate the windows with New Year's stencils, and this will allow not only you and your family members, but also passersby on the street to enjoy the beauty.

Options for New Year's window decoration with stencils

How to make stencils yourself

Windows decorated with stencils will be relevant not only on New Year's holidays, but also on their eve and until the end of winter. This decor option is also convenient because it does not require cash costs and shopping trips. To place New Year's stencils on the windows, you need to print the pictures that are selected for you in this article. A little effort, time and patience, and your windows will look just like in the photo.

Christmas picture on the window

In order to make window stencils for the New Year, you need to have:

  • white office paper;
  • wooden or plastic board;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • toothpaste.

Before you get started, you need to print New Year's window stencils.

As a decoration, you can choose any drawings. But images of dogs will be especially relevant in 2018.

2018 is the year of the yellow dog

The dog is the symbol of 2018

Dog stencil

After you print all the stencils, you can start cutting them out. The outer contour of the image is easy to cut with scissors, but for the inner holes, use a clerical knife. In order not to spoil the surface of the table, put a board under the stencil.

This is a painstaking work that requires perseverance, attention and accuracy.

Once everything is finished, you can place New Year's stencils on the windows, fixing them with tape or soapy water.

Stencils on windows

You can paste stencils at your own discretion, placing images of New Year's attributes randomly, or creating real paintings.

And you can use paper stencils for their intended purpose and use a sponge and toothpaste to apply selected New Year's drawings to the windows, which are then easily washed off with plain water.

If you want to decorate not only the window, but also the window sill, create a three-dimensional panoramic composition.

Panorama on the windowsill

To do this, cut out a forest or city landscape from paper, make a base and place it on the windowsill. Behind the stencil, stretch a garland or put a few small lanterns. At night, the illuminated composition will look especially magical.

Popular Christmas window stencils

The most current patterns:

  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;

Santa Claus in a sleigh

Santa Claus

Santa Claus hides gifts under the tree

  • Christmas tree;

Christmas tree with toys

original tree

  • New Year's toys;

Christmas ball

Christmas decorations

Christmas ball


  • snowmen;

snowman family

  • thematic inscriptions;

Happy New Year

  • Christmas stories;

Birth of Jesus Christ

Try to make window stencils for the New Year, and you will feel how this exciting activity lifts your spirits and enhances the feeling of a holiday.