The meaning of weddings by year and gifts. Competitions for guests at the chintz wedding anniversary. years, wedding anniversary - Wooden Wedding

The dreams of newlyweds in love include a long, endlessly happy life together. But “infinity” within the framework of human life is a rather specific concept. And within the framework of marriage, it is also something celebrated.

So, what wedding anniversaries do we celebrate from the first anniversary to infinity?

For a young family, this is the first anniversary, celebrated a year after the wedding. The date was named after thin, fragile chintz. The first anniversary is also called gauze, hinting to the young that over the course of a year their bed linen has turned into thin gauze.

It will be useful for young people to know about fashion trends

In just two short years, a marriage has become stronger, but it can still crack as easily as a piece of paper. In addition, in many families the firstborn appears, which adds worries and conflicts, and therefore the strength of a marriage is compared to paper.

According to popular belief, family ties become stronger and stronger, and after three years they are compared to skin. During this time, the spouses have already learned to smooth out conflicts and show flexibility, like tanned leather.

By this time, the couple had already gotten to know each other well enough and were intertwined like the fibers of a rope. In addition, linen is a sign of prosperity, that is, the family accumulates funds that it can invest in high-quality and natural linen items.

The symbol of this anniversary - tin - symbolizes the transition of relations to a new level. In the old days, after eight years of marriage, the hearth was renewed.

Nine years after marriage, a critical moment comes in family life. Therefore, the strength of marriage is compared to fragile earthenware. On the other hand, relationships after nine years become as elegant as earthenware tea cups.

It is not for nothing that tin was chosen as a symbol of the tenth anniversary of the family hearth. It is very flexible and able to adapt, just like spouses do to each other. This first anniversary is celebrated among the family, also called , which emphasizes the beauty and romance of the relationship.

Family ties become stronger, so they are compared to strong and mirror-like steel. It is believed that by this time the family should already consist of four people.

This is the second fractional date, celebrated from the wedding day on 12.5 years. But it is permissible to celebrate it exactly 12 years later. The anniversary symbol is similar to s, also meaning the strength and splendor of the family hearth.

A beautiful date, meaning that over the years, the marriage relationship has built up, like lace woven by a craftswoman.

Sometimes the thirteenth anniversary is called the Lily of the Valley wedding, thus emphasizing the tenderness of feelings and the subtlety of the relationship between the spouses.

The first date associated with the gemstone. Such a marriage can already be considered strong, solid and setting a good example for younger families.

15 years of marriage – Crystal or Glass wedding

After fifteen years, the family life of the spouses is compared to crystal - a pure, strong and ringing mineral.

16 years of marriage – Topaz wedding

Topaz is a beautiful gem, which is a symbol of the transition of relationships to a more serious level, but with the preservation of romanticism and touching between spouses.

17 years of marriage – Pink Wedding

This is the second Pink Wedding (the first was celebrated for a decade), which is celebrated according to folk traditions. However, according to some sources, 16th and 17th wedding anniversaries are not celebrated.

Ideal for a Pink Wedding -

18 years of marriage – Turquoise wedding

This is a kind of milestone in family relationships, when the main crises have been overcome and the children have become old enough. Therefore, a special period of renewal begins in family life, which is symbolized by turquoise.

19 years of marriage – Pomegranate wedding

Garnet is a stone symbolizing wealth and prosperity. By this time, the family had already acquired several children, made their home comfortable, but the relationship also remained warm and romantic. According to legends, the 19th anniversary is also not celebrated.

20 years of marriage – Porcelain wedding

The symbol of this anniversary is porcelain - an expensive, elegant, but fragile material. Therefore, lovers should be especially attentive to each other so as not to break the harmony of family life.

21 years of marriage – Opal wedding

Popularly, opal is a stone that pushes people away from each other. But this particular symbol is remembered twenty-one years after the wedding, perhaps to try to avoid this.

22 years of marriage – Bronze wedding

Bronze is a strong and ductile metal, as is the relationship between husband and wife after twenty years of marriage. They already know each other well enough, so conflicts and misunderstandings in the family are resolved quite easily and painlessly.

23 years of marriage – Beryl wedding

24 years of marriage – Satin wedding

The time when children are already quite adults and independent, there is harmony and prosperity in the family, so the spouses simply enjoy each other.

25 years of marriage – Silver wedding

A serious anniversary, compared to precious silver. There is a tradition on this day to change wedding rings to silver ones.

26 years of marriage – Jade wedding

Jade is the strongest mineral that is not easily destroyed, just like a relationship after twenty-six years.

27 years of marriage – Mahogany wedding

Rare mahogany is strength, nobility, specialness and wisdom in the relationship between spouses. The date is celebrated among the closest relatives.

28 years of marriage – Nickel wedding

After so many years of living together, the relationship may fade a little. Therefore, this anniversary is associated with bright, shiny nickel - a symbol of newness and radiance of a fresh round of family life. Another anniversary that is not celebrated according to some sources.

29 years of marriage – Velvet wedding

This date was named Velvet to emphasize the softness, warmth and tenderness of the spouses’ relationship. This date should be celebrated on a grand scale, decorating everything with velvet.

30 years of marriage – Pearl wedding

There may already be grandchildren at this wedding, which is why pearls were chosen as a symbol. This is fertility, beauty, uniqueness, and mutual love, just like the relationship of loving spouses who have lived together for thirty years.

31 years of marriage – Dark or Sunny wedding

This is a bright, sunny date, symbolizing the closeness of the spouses. Over so many years, a husband and wife become truly family people, for whom no one will stop them from continuing to remain happy, loving people.

32 years of marriage – Strawberry or Stone wedding

Stone is a very accurate name for the strength of relationships, polished and strengthened by time. And such a wedding is called strawberry because the spouses, like strawberry bushes, are tightly intertwined with each other.

34 years of marriage – Amber wedding

Amber is a stone that has undergone complex processes to transform from a liquid resin into a durable mineral. So relationships after so many years, having gone through many tests, become like amber.

35 years of marriage – Linen or Coral wedding

By this time, the marriage becomes as strong as a quality canvas. In addition, the family already has several generations, like coral reefs.

37 years of marriage – Muslin wedding

For our ancestors, muslin was quite expensive because it required a lot of effort to produce it. Therefore, a wedding anniversary is a symbol of high-quality and strong family ties.

37.5 years of marriage – Aluminum wedding

This incomplete date reminds spouses that, despite the strength of a marriage, it also requires sufficient flexibility, like aluminum, to maintain and increase love and respect for each other.

38 years of marriage – Mercury wedding

Mercury is the only liquid metal that can change shape to adapt to conditions.

Likewise, spouses who have lived for such a long time must re-evaluate their relationship, allowing themselves to devote their lives to each other.

39 years of marriage – Crepe wedding

The anniversary is named so because the strength and complexity of a relationship after thirty-nine years together is comparable to crepe - the strongest fabric that cannot be torn.

40 years of marriage – Ruby wedding

The love of spouses forty years after marriage is comparable to a ruby. This is a symbol of eternity, love, sensuality, and also blood, because during this time the spouses become one.

42 years of marriage – Mother of pearl wedding

Previously, mother of pearl was considered a witchcraft substance that brought happiness and peace to the home. In addition, it is a very beautiful mineral, shimmering in various shades, just like the family relationships of the spouses on this date.

43 years of marriage – Flannel wedding

An anniversary when spouses treat each other very carefully, with warmth, protecting and protecting each other from bad weather on the street and in family life. That’s why cozy and warm flannel fabric was chosen as a symbol.

44 years of marriage – Topaz wedding

Topaz is a transparent and strong stone. By this time, the spouses no longer had reasons for quarrels, intrigues and insults against each other.

45 years of marriage – Sapphire wedding

Previously, sapphire was considered a stone that protected from the evil eye, bringing kindness and renewal of feelings. After forty-five years of marriage, the relationship needs protection and renewal of feelings, so sapphire was chosen as the symbol of the date.

46 years of marriage – Lavender wedding

The age of marriage is already quite advanced, therefore the relationship is calmer, not so passionate, but also never ceases to be tender and beautiful, like lavender.

47 years of marriage – Cashmere wedding

Cashmere, as a natural and non-allergenic material, symbolizes the warmth of the relationship between spouses. In addition, the husband and wife became so close over the years of marriage that there was no reason left to irritate each other.

48 years of marriage – Amethyst wedding

An anniversary associated with amethyst emphasizes the purity and maturity of a relationship. The couple learned to complement each other, like halves.

49 years of marriage – Cedar wedding

A year before the half-century anniversary, a cedar wedding is celebrated. Cedar is a noble, strong tree, the greatness of which symbolizes the forty-ninth wedding anniversary.

50 years of marriage – Golden Wedding

This is a serious date, the symbol of which is gold - an expensive, rare and beautiful metal.

The couple went through this half-century-long journey together, working on their relationship, so over the years they can be compared to expensive metal.

55 years of marriage – Emerald wedding

Emerald is a rare and expensive gem, as is the relationship between spouses who have lived together for more than fifty years.

60 years of marriage – Diamond wedding

The strength of a diamond and the labor of cutting a diamond - this is the path traveled by the spouses over sixty years. Such anniversaries are very rare, so they are as valuable as a diamond.

65 years of marriage – Iron Wedding

Many years of marriage brought children, grandchildren, and prosperity to the house. Therefore, iron is both an iron relationship and an iron love, strengthened over the years.

67.5 years of marriage – Stone wedding

The spouses have tested each other over time, the relationship has become rock-solid and smooth, and the marriage is no longer afraid of any natural disasters.

70 years of marriage – Blessed wedding

Very few married couples live to see this date. That is why children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren treat their relatives who have lived together for so many years with such love and care.

75 years of marriage – Crown wedding

An anniversary that brings pride to older people who have seen so much in their lives.

80 years of marriage – Oak wedding

The symbol of this anniversary is the oak - a tree that lives for centuries, not afraid of either winds or bad weather. Married couples who have lived to see this anniversary are real long-livers.

90 years of marriage – Granite wedding

Granite is an even more durable material, as is the health required to live until this anniversary.

100 years of marriage – Red or Platinum wedding

An example of eternal love, because marriage is exactly a century old. This is a very rare, almost impossible anniversary. You should be proud of such parents and surround them with attention and love on this day. It is customary to celebrate surrounded by all generations of a large family.

Definitely, we wish all newlyweds to live to see the Red Wedding!

1 year. Calico wedding. First modest anniversary. The honeymoon passed and the newlyweds really got to know each other and felt what family life was like. On this anniversary, young people can give each other items made from chintz. Relatives and friends follow the same rule.

2 years. Paper wedding. Relationships are still very fragile and can easily tear like paper. It is customary to give notepads, postcards, notebooks, calendars, books, photo albums or paper money.

3 years. Leather wedding. The relationship has already become stronger. They give leather wallets, belts, purses, and key rings.

4 years. Linen (wax) wedding. Slowly wealth comes to the house. It's the turn of flax. They give linen towels, sheets, tablecloths and beautiful candles. On this day, a candlelit dinner is held.

5 years. Wooden wedding. The first serious anniversary of a young family. The family is already quite strong, but wood burns well. Therefore, there is a danger of fires and family quarrels. For this celebration, you can give wooden souvenirs, jewelry, household items, boxes, spoons and carved crafts.

6 years. Cast iron (cypress, rowan) wedding. They give cast iron pots, pans, etc. The rowan bunch is a symbol of the family hearth. Keeps love alive. Brings his son home. On this day, the house is decorated with rowan branches.

6.5 years. Zinc wedding. She reminds us that scraps, like galvanized cookware, need to be polished from time to time. They give galvanized utensils. In order to keep the heat in the shower, pieces of zinc are thrown out the window.

7 years. Copper wedding. Copper is a durable, beautiful and quite valuable material. On this day, spouses can exchange copper coins - a symbol of a future prosperous life. Copper products can serve as gifts.

8 years. Tin (poppy) wedding. Sparkling tin is a symbol of renewal of relationships. The best gift is shiny kitchen utensils: baking dishes, trays, buckets. You can also donate household appliances.

9 years. Faience wedding. They give a variety of dishes, cups, vases made of earthenware, crystal, and glass.

10 years. A pink (tin, amber) wedding marks the first decade of marriage. The relationship between spouses is strong, time-tested. Everyone who attended the wedding is invited. The wife can wear a pink dress. Relatives and friends can also wear roses (in their hair, on their dress, in their hand...). A husband gives his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses - a symbol of love and fidelity. Relatives and friends also give the spouses roses and everything connected with them. As well as products made of tin and amber.

11 years. Steel wedding. Gifts include stainless steel dishes or items containing a steel tint in their color.

12 years old. Nickel (silk) wedding. Reminds spouses to maintain the shine of their marriage. They give nickel-plated dishes and silk products.

13 years old. Lace (woolen) wedding. They give items made of lace or wool.

14 years old. Agate wedding. Guests bring gifts of agate jewelry and ivory figurines.

15 years. Glass (crystal) wedding. As a sign of the purity of the marital relationship, it is advisable to make gifts in the form of glass and crystal items.

17 years. Tin wedding. On this anniversary, the spouses are given pewter items.

18 years. Turquoise wedding. Guests give turquoise jewelry.

19 years. Krypton wedding.

20 years. Porcelain wedding Considered. that by this time only memories remained of the old sets. It is advisable to set the table with new porcelain. Therefore, porcelain sets are given as gifts for this anniversary.

21 years old. Opal wedding. Guests give jewelry with opals.

22 years old. Bronze wedding. They give bronze items.

23 years old. Beryl wedding.

24 years. Satin wedding.

25 years. Silver wedding. Marks a quarter of a century lived together. A family union is as noble as silver. Its strength no longer depends on any accidents. The silver anniversary can be solemnly celebrated at the registry office or the Wedding Palace where the marriage was registered. The whole family gathers for the celebration. Spouses can exchange silver rings. Guests also give silver or silver-plated items.

26 years. Jade wedding.

27 years. Mahogany wedding. Guests give items made of mahogany.

29 years. Velvet wedding. Spouses are given velvet clothes.

30 years. Pearl wedding. This is a symbol of the fact that the past thirty years of married life, like pearls, are strung on the thread of time. The relationship between the spouses has not faded, just like natural pearls. A husband gives his wife a string with thirty pearls - according to the number of years she has lived. They give natural mother-of-pearl pearls.

31 year. Dark wedding.

34 years. Amber wedding. Amber jewelry can be gifts for this anniversary.

35 years. Linen (coral) wedding. A linen tablecloth is presented as a gift - a symbol of peace, prosperity and home comfort. Or you can surprise everyone present and give real corals.

37 years. Muslin wedding.

37.5 years old. Aluminum wedding. Symbolizes long and strong family relationships. Aluminum products are given as gifts.

38 years. Mercury wedding.

39 years. Crepe wedding.

40 years. Ruby wedding. Couples can set ruby ​​in their wedding rings. Or a husband can give his wife a ruby ​​ring.

42 years. Mother of pearl wedding.

43 years. Flannel wedding.

44 years old. Topaz wedding. They give jewelry with topaz.

45 years. Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity. And this anniversary symbolizes the spouses’ loyalty to each other.

46 years old. Lavender wedding. You can give each other a bouquet of lavender, which retains its tenderness even after so many years.

47 years old. Cashmere wedding. Guests give cashmere clothes that are as warm and cozy as the relationship between spouses.

48 years old. Amethyst wedding. As a sign of marital fidelity, the husband gives his wife an amethyst jewelry

49 years old. Cedar wedding. Relationships are as strong and reliable as this tree.

50 years. Golden wedding. Husband and wife exchange gold rings. The golden anniversary can be celebrated solemnly at the Wedding Palace or the registry office at the place of marriage registration or place of residence.

55 years. Emerald wedding. They give emerald jewelry.

60 years. Diamond (platinum) wedding. The couple lived together for 60 years, withstanding the storms of fate like a diamond. This means that no one and nothing can dissolve such a long marriage. On this anniversary, guests give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

65 years old. Iron wedding. It couldn't be any stronger. The couple has already proven everything to everyone! Now they can enjoy the attention of their children and grandchildren.

67.5 years old. Stone wedding. And a stone is capable of destroying time, but love, tested by such a period, cannot be destroyed by anything or anyone.

70 years old. Blessed wedding. This is the anniversary of married life, when they look back at their grown-up grandchildren and great-grandchildren and understand that love sent from heaven is grace and true happiness.

75 years old. Crown (alabaster, last) wedding. Crowns a long and happy life together.

80 years old. Oak wedding. Family life is as long-lived as this tree.

100 years. Red wedding. This name was proposed for the centenary faithful marital anniversary by 126-year-old Niftulla Agayev from the high-mountain village of Zuvuch in Azerbaijan, who lived a whole century in love and harmony with 116-year-old Balabeim Agayeva.

Wedding statistics are impressive, according to the Moscow registry office.
6,130 couples celebrated their golden wedding (50 years);
The emerald wedding (55 years) is behind 2,467 couples;
There are also Diamond Wedding (60th Anniversary) celebrants, a total of 1020 pairs;
And the Iron Wedding (65 years) was celebrated by 49 Moscow couples;
20 families celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary!

What's your anniversary?

The wedding day always remains in the memory of the spouses as one of the brightest and happiest in their lives. Each date of this holiday has its own name and characteristics. Basically, this is what determines what to give for each of them and how to celebrate.

Wedding anniversaries: their meanings and gifts

Each wedding anniversary has its own characteristics and long-standing traditions. Currently, they are gradually fading into the background, so when choosing how to celebrate the holiday and what to give for it, you should show imagination and creativity.

Wedding anniversary and its namePeculiaritiesWhat to give
1 year – Calico weddingThe anniversary received this name as a sign that after a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to calico. For a year of life, the newlyweds have not yet gotten to know each other enough, have not experienced the life difficulties that they still have to overcome togetherProducts made of chintz, cotton or linen. This could be bed linen, aprons, decorative pillows
Year 2 – PaperAfter two years of marriage, it is believed that the spouses have already begun to understand each other much better, have learned to distribute responsibilities and make concessions to each other.On this anniversary, it is customary to give money, photo albums, books, paintings and other paper products.
3rd year - LeatherLeather is a denser material than chintz or paper, which symbolizes even stronger family relationships between spousesAs a gift, you can give leather goods, for example, a wallet, belts, key rings or a bag.
4 years – Linen or waxAccording to tradition, wax candles are always lit on this anniversary as a symbol of undying love and a linen tablecloth is laid out or napkins are placed.You can purchase linen products - tablecloths, decorative napkins or other accessories. Candles can be another gift option.
5th year - WoodenThis is the family's first significant anniversary. Wood is a stronger material than chintz or paper. On this day, spouses can plant a young tree as a symbol of their love.It is customary to give gifts made of wood. These can be cute trinkets, photo frames, boxes and furniture
6th year - Cast ironThe first “metal” wedding of the spouses. But cast iron is not a strong enough material and can be damaged if handled carelessly. This suggests that despite the years lived together, the relationship remains fragile and subject to external circumstancesIn this case, it is better to give preference to cast iron kitchen utensils or fireplace grates
7th year - CopperCopper symbolizes the durability and reliability of family relationships. In the old days, on this anniversary, spouses exchanged copper coinsOn this anniversary, it is worth purchasing interior items made of copper. For example, candlesticks, trays, coasters or decorations
8 years – TinTin in its structure, durable, but at the same time quite flexible metal, just like family lifeGifts can include candy in tin boxes, kitchen utensils and decorative items
9 years – FaienceIt has a double meaning. According to one version, family relationships become more stable every year. According to another version, nine years after the wedding the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like earthenwareThe name of the anniversary speaks for itself - these are earthenware, sets and figurines
10th year - TinIt is customary to celebrate the first wedding anniversary on a grand scale. Give expensive gifts and invite a large number of relatives and friendsIn addition to tin items, spouses can also be presented with red items, for example, bed linen and tablecloths.
11 year - SteelThe name of the date suggests that during this time the relationship between the spouses has already hardened, become stronger and strongerOn this day, you should pay attention to kitchen items made of steel - pots, trays and cutlery
12 or 12.5 years - NickelThe anniversary is celebrated halfway to another milestone anniversary - 25 years of marriage. Its symbolism is similar to a tin date.Nickel jewelry (bracelets, chains, earrings), as well as nickel dishes, candlesticks or lighters
13 years – Lily of the valley or laceLife goes on as usual and tirelessly weaves its laces. On this day, small bouquets of lilies of the valley become iconicOn this anniversary, you can give anything that has lace. Underwear, textile furnishings or bed linen
14 years – Agate or ivory weddingEvery year, family relationships take on new colors, just like the agate stone, which is famous for its diversityAgate jewelry (rings, earrings and bracelets) or decorative boxes made of ivory
15 years – Crystal, crystal or glassOn this day, spouses should drink from crystal glasses - a symbol of this anniversaryFor this date, crystal products (sets, vases) or products with crystals are most suitable for gifts.
16 years old - TopazovayaThe symbol of this date was the openness and sincerity of the couple’s feelings. That is why it got its name topaz because of the lightness and transparency of the stoneVarious types of jewelry with topaz
17 years – Pink weddingIn some sources, the wedding is described as a tin wedding. But in any case, this is a significant event for both spousesIt is worth paying attention to interior items made in pink or an elegant bouquet of roses
18 years old - TurquoiseTurquoise is a fairly bright stone. This symbolizes that all the crisis and difficult moments of the family are already behind us.On this day, gifts can be turquoise-colored items or items with a turquoise stone.
19 years old - GarnetIt is customary to celebrate the anniversary in shades of red, which symbolize love and passion.You can present jewelry with garnet or interior items inlaid with this stone as a gift.
20 years – PorcelainPorcelain is a valuable and expensive material, but it is also very fragile. This suggests that over 20 years of marriage, the spouses’ relationship has become strong, but at the same time they should be treated with care so as not to break or losePorcelain sets, vases, figurines, cups and other items made from this material
21 years old - OpalOpal has long symbolized the strength and fidelity of family feelings, so it is not surprising that the 21st anniversary of marriage received exactly this nameJewelry with opal (rings, earrings and bracelets)
22 years old - BronzeBronze is a strong and expensive metal. And to earn it requires a lot of strength and patience in family lifeHousehold utensils made of bronze
23 years old - BerylThis day is usually celebrated in yellow-green shades in a close family circle. If possible, you can go into natureAny paired items made of beryl can be a gift.
24 years old - SatinIt is believed that after 24 years of marriage, the relationship between spouses becomes smooth and silky, reminiscent of satin.Satin textiles: tablecloths, curtains, curtains and napkins
25 years - SilverAnother significant anniversary for spouses is 25 years of marriage. After all, they were able to overcome all the troubles and adversities. Silver in this case symbolizes the inviolability of the unionThe best present would be various silver items, from jewelry to silverware.
26 years old – JadeJade is the most durable mineral that is almost impossible to destroy. This quality becomes a symbol of the twenty-sixth anniversaryJewelry with jade
27 years – Mahogany weddingThe mahogany tree has long been a symbol of nobility, wisdom and endurance. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle of children and grandchildren.On this day, as a gift for spouses, it is better to choose mahogany products (figurines, boxes, pieces of furniture)
28 years old - NickelNickel is a durable material that is magnetic. These qualities should also be observed in the relationship of a couple who celebrates this holiday.As a gift for this anniversary, you can choose any interior items made of nickel
29 years old - VelvetThis fabric symbolizes softness and tenderness, which, despite any troubles and adversities, should not leave the spousesAny products made of velvet or with velvet elements (boxes, paintings and other decorative items)
30 years – ZhemchuzhnayaReal pearls never fade. This meaning is also included in the name of the anniversary. Over 30 years of marriage, relationships should not acquire dark shades, but only gain brighter colors and impressionsProducts with pearls and mother-of-pearl, necklaces with 30 pearls, interior items in white, pink or black colors
31 years old – Sunny or dark weddingThis anniversary has such an unusual name for a reason. After all, it symbolizes the transition from a pale and dull relationship in a couple to a more “tanned” one, thanks to the problems they have experienced togetherAny items with a “sunny” theme - glasses, beach umbrellas and blankets, paintings with a summer landscape
32 years old - CopperIt is customary to celebrate this anniversary in a close family circle.Items made of copper
33 years old - Strawberry or stoneThe stone, as one of the symbols of strength and indestructibility, is the main attribute of this anniversary. But so that it does not seem so boring and monotonous, it is given another name - strawberry. On this day, a cake with berry decoration would be appropriate.On this day, spouses can be presented with any red items or products with the image of strawberries, for example, household utensils. Gifts made of stone would be appropriate.
34 years old - YantarnayaAmber hardens for a very long time, turning from an ordinary resin into an expensive stone. So family relationships throughout this time froze to turn into something beautiful.The best gift for this holiday will be jewelry with amber
35 years – Coral or linen anniversaryThe symbols of this holiday represent the health of the spouses, a long life together and comfort.There are many gifts to choose from for this anniversary. Spouses can be presented with items made of coral (jewelry or boxes), red items, expensive red wine, or linen clothes or linen tablecloths.
36 years – Bone china weddingIt is customary to celebrate this anniversary in clothes made of light, light-colored fabric with family.Porcelain products: sets, floor vases or figurines
37 years old – MuslinMuslim is a thin but very durable fabric, the creation of which requires a lot of patience and dexterity. It is believed that in order to “seek” family life you will need exactly these qualitiesWardrobe items or interiors made of muslin: curtains, tablecloths and curtains
38 years old - MercuryBy this time, the spouses have already experienced enough together and the moment has come when they want some changes. It is not for nothing that the symbol of this date has become mercury as the only liquid metalSilver-colored products, decorative mercury thermometers or objects with moving elements (pendulums, hourglasses and compasses)
39 years old - CrepeThe crepe threads are intertwined very tightly to create this type of fabric, and therefore it is believed that over the past time the spouses have also been able to intertwine tightly and nothing will destroy themInterior and wardrobe items made of crepe: tablecloths, napkins and scarves
40 years - RubyRuby is a symbol of strong and fiery love between spouses. Despite the many years they have lived together, their love should not fade, but each time shine with ever brighter colors.Ruby jewelry, red items
42 years old - Mother of pearlIf you look at mother-of-pearl from different angles, it will shimmer and play with new colors. It is believed that during these years family life also shimmers and becomes multifaceted.Mother-of-pearl interior items and jewelry with mother-of-pearl can be gifts for this anniversary.
43 years old - FlannelFlannel, in its structure, is a very soft and cozy fabric. This is exactly how the relationship between spouses has long been.Clothes made of flannel or other warm materials
44 years old - TopazovayaTopaz is considered one of the most expensive and crystal clear stones. He is the symbol of this anniversaryOn this day, it is better to purchase various jewelry with topaz or porcelain dishes, items made of transparent blue or pink glass
45 years – SapphireSapphire has long been considered a stone of fidelity, which gives new strength to fight all adversities and problems.Jewelry with sapphires
46 years old – LavenderLavender grows in mountainous areas and always survives all the disasters that occur. This is a symbol of the date, so traditionally it should be present on the festive table on this dayThe gift can be any lavender-colored items, perfumes
47 years old - CashmereThe symbol of this day is a very warm and soft material - cashmere, which personifies the warmth and comfort of a couple’s love.Clothing made from cashmere (coats, scarves, hats) or other soft fabrics
48 years old - AmethystGifted jewelry with amethyst symbolizes the honesty and sincerity of the spouses’ intentions towards each other.Amethyst jewelry
49 years old - KedrovayaCedar - as one of the most durable trees, symbolizes the same strength and reliability of relationshipsOn this anniversary, it is better to give preference to items made of cedar (caskets, kitchen utensils and stands) or cedar oil
50th Anniversary – Golden WeddingProbably the most significant date for spouses in their life together. On this anniversary, it is customary to give each other new wedding rings to replace the old ones worn on the wedding day.Jewelry made of gold, commemorative coins or gold-plated interior items
55 years - EmeraldThe bright green color of this crystal confirms the brightness of feelings that have not faded over the past years. It is customary to celebrate this day with familyAs a gift, you can purchase green items or jewelry with emerald (rings, earrings and bracelets)
60th Anniversary - Diamond, Diamond or Platinum AnniversaryA diamond is the strongest of precious stones, which symbolizes the strength of the family unit celebrating such a date.Diamond jewelry made of platinum or gold

Interesting to know! So far, only one couple in the world has celebrated the centenary. These are the Agayevs from Azerbaijan. At that time, Niftulla was 126 years old, and his beloved Balbeim was 116. It was they who gave the name to this holiday - the Red or Platinum Wedding.

How to celebrate

Each family decides independently how to celebrate this significant day. In addition to traditional dinners with a large number of relatives and friends, you can approach this issue more creatively.

Five wedding anniversary ideas.

  1. Arrange a life-long Lovestory photo shoot. In this case, not only spouses, but also their children, relatives and close people can be captured in photographs. You can reproduce several significant events that occurred in the life of a couple. The main thing is to show your imagination.
  2. First date. Perhaps this event will forever remain in the memory of each spouse. So why not repeat it? You can spend the evening in the cafe where you first met or take a walk in the park, remembering the beginning of the relationship.
  3. Fulfill an old dream together. Sometimes there is almost never time for such things in everyday life. Your wedding anniversary is exactly the moment when you shouldn’t give up on it.
  4. Go on a trip. This may not necessarily be an expensive vacation, which is not always affordable for everyone. A short trip to places that will be interesting to both is enough.
  5. Romantic dinner in an unusual place. Sometimes you just want to take a break from the imposed formality of restaurants and feel comfortable. To do this, you can simply organize dinner on the banks of a river or lake or in a park.

What to gift:

Calico wedding - first marriage anniversary

A year after marriage, the young spouses celebrate their first joint anniversary - their wedding anniversary. This important date for the family is called a “calico wedding,” and it has quite a lot of traditions. You should know what you need to give each other, with whom to celebrate your first wedding anniversary, where to celebrate the festive event.

A lot depends on how the first anniversary goes, so it is important to observe all the customs and have a fun celebration with your loved ones. Such a holiday should be remembered for many years.

Explanation of the name “calico wedding”

To the question why the first wedding anniversary is called calico, there is a simple answer - it symbolizes the degree of strength of the marriage. Chintz is a very thin material that can tear without the slightest effort. However, it has many bright colors, and the cost per meter is low. This is the meaning of the name “calico wedding” - the relationship after 1 year from the wedding day is still fragile, fragile, and can collapse due to troubles and quarrels.

The love between young spouses does not subside after 1 year of marriage; it is as bright and varied as the colors of chintz. Even frequent quarrels are not worth attention, quickly forgotten after hugs and kisses. In addition, it is believed that this is the time for young people to have a child. Often, thin diapers for newborns, baby vests, scarves, and bed linen are sewn from chintz; this is another hint at the name of the anniversary.

Previously, guests gave spouses pieces of chintz fabric for baby diapers, and wide strips of chintz for sheets and duvet covers for the family bed. They wished the future or born baby health, strength, long life, so that he would quickly jump out of calico swaddling clothes. Young spouses, on the contrary, were advised not to get out of bed for a longer time, washing the clothes on it with active actions until it became gauze. It is because of such hints that a chintz wedding is also called a gauze wedding.

Traditions associated with the first marriage anniversary

The first anniversary of marriage is rich in interesting traditions and customs that will be remembered for many years. A year after the wedding, the spouses must take several actions to contribute to the longevity of the marriage bond and strengthen family life. You should not neglect the signs on your first common anniversary, because each year of marriage involves observing its own customs and rules.

A chintz wedding has long had the following traditions:

  • on the first anniversary of marriage, spouses are obliged to invite all friends, relatives present at the wedding, and witnesses to the wedding;
  • on this day, the husband and wife open one of two bottles of champagne that were kept at home from the date of the wedding celebration, the second had to be uncorked after the birth of the first child;
  • the husband must give his beloved wife an elegant chintz dress, and the wife must prepare a new chintz shirt for her husband as a gift;
  • the room for meeting guests should be decorated with chintz curtains, a bright tablecloth made of this symbolic material should be laid on the table, napkins and towels should be prepared;
  • guests should give the newlyweds things made of chintz for their anniversary, accompanying the presentation of the gift with wishes and instructions to live in happiness for many years.

The most important tradition is tying knots on scarves. In the morning, spouses are obliged to give each other, in addition to their outfits, a new cotton scarf for the first anniversary of their marriage. Moreover, you need to not just exchange scarves, but tie knots on them. You need to take the handkerchief by the opposite ends, holding it diagonally, tie a knot on the side of the husband and wife, wishing each other many years of marriage and love.

The charmed handkerchiefs should be kept throughout your life together, so that after many years you can take them out, remember this ritual and enjoy the happy years of marriage.

Tips for guests on what to give for a chintz wedding anniversary

A chintz wedding involves a noisy celebration and inviting friends to the anniversary of marriage. No matter how many other anniversaries there may be over many years, this is the very first, which is why it is so important for spouses. Guests must decide in advance how to congratulate the newlyweds and what to give for their anniversary.

The very name “chintz wedding” dictates to the guests the requirements for souvenirs and gifts - they must be made of chintz. There are many options for gifts for the anniversary of married life. As many guests as there are, so many different packages or boxes with chintz items should be received by the spouses at the holiday, because any store will offer a lot of options to choose from.

Here are some ideas for gift ideas for your first marriage anniversary:

  • cotton bed linen, bright beautiful pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover;
  • sets of thin diapers, if the family already has a baby;
  • tablecloths, chintz napkins, colored curtains for the kitchen;
  • an apron with oven mitts for the wife, towels;
  • scarves, handkerchiefs with bright designs;
  • toys with soft fillings, panels.

A friend, sister or mother can give a young wife a cotton robe for the house, a dress, a sundress, a shirt, packing the gift in a bag tied with ribbons and a bow. In turn, the mother-in-law or sister can give the husband a shirt or bright rompers for his son. Spouses will also enjoy funny toys made with their own hands from colored scraps.

For the first anniversary of married life, you can give a pair of identical soft toys, made yourself or purchased in a store. These can be two hares, a bear cub, a hedgehog, funny people, soft hearts made of fabric. Many years later, the spouses will take them off the shelf and remember the bright moments of the first year of marriage.

If you have the ability and talent, you are encouraged to donate handmade crafts made from chintz material. It can be:

  • fashionable apron with lace inserts;
  • fabric-covered sofa cushions;
  • a napkin or tablecloth embroidered with bright threads;
  • letters from fabric, for example, can be cut out using a stencil and sewn into soft three-dimensional letters for the words “wedding”, “1 year anniversary”, “anniversary”.

You can give anything you choose, the main thing is that the gift pleases the spouses and even after many years of marriage reminds them of the first anniversary of their life together.

Ideas for celebrating your first marriage anniversary

There are many options for celebrating your first wedding anniversary. It all depends on how many guests will come to the celebration and where the holiday will be celebrated. If the main question for guests is what to give to the newlyweds, then the spouses begin to think about how to celebrate the date.

Here are some interesting tips for a fun party:

  • if the anniversary falls in the summer, you can gather friends and celebrate the anniversary in nature - all you need is treats, drinks and a good mood;
  • you can celebrate at home, in the country, by the river, in a cafe or restaurant - it all depends on the desires and capabilities of the married couple;
  • if you want to spend a holiday together, you need to prepare dinner in advance, decorate the room, table, choose music at home or book a table in a restaurant;
  • when decorating a room or hall, it is better to use white, decorating walls, windows, tables with chintz stripes;
  • in the warm season, you can ask all guests to come to the anniversary in cotton clothes, just like spouses should dress;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a fun photo session with all the guests, using fabrics and toys for decoration;
  • In order not to get bored, you should think through the scenario in advance, select competitions and tasks;
  • You can end the holiday with fireworks, shots from firecrackers, lanterns launched into the sky, or bundles of balloons.

Competitions for guests at the chintz wedding anniversary

To avoid getting bored at the holiday table, you can play fun games or competitions with your guests. Here are a couple of examples to get you in a fun mood.

Compliment competition

All guests should be divided into 2 teams - a husband and wife support group. Spouses should be at the head of the teams, let them stand opposite each other. Guests should take turns giving compliments and gentle words of affection, praising spouses from someone else’s team. Whose team, husband or wife, turns out to be more talkative, will win.

Button competition

The housewife should prepare in advance 2 pieces of calico, 2 needles and threads, scissors, and various buttons. Guests are divided into identical teams. For a period of time, for example 10 minutes, team members must take turns sewing a button onto the fabric each, while giving each husband and wife a compliment. Whoever turns out to be more original and faster will receive a prize - a potholder, handkerchief or napkin from the spouses.

You can remember the fun competitions from the wedding and repeat them with the guests, choose your favorite music, hire a toastmaster and a photographer - let the memories of your chintz wedding anniversary remain in your memory and in photographs even after 30-40 years. The more interesting the anniversary, the stronger the relationship between the spouses will be in the future.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

Celebrating the years spent together after marriage is an old Russian tradition. Each celebrated anniversary becomes another stone in the strong foundation of the family. Any guest going to celebrate an anniversary should know what to give, and the heroes of the occasion should properly prepare the holiday. Let's remember all the wedding anniversaries with their names by year.

Only a year has passed since the wedding, but if the newlyweds have kept their family together during this period, this is already worth something. Relationships at the moment are still very delicate, like chintz, they can break off at any moment, which is why it is so important to protect them.

The couple has two years of marriage behind them, and most likely they already have a child, which in many ways becomes a test for the family. In the second year, the risk of divorce is still high, since the spouses have only just learned each other’s habits and began to adapt to them. Relationships are like paper - they tear easily.

The name of this anniversary speaks for itself - the family is becoming stronger. Spouses feel each other's skin, understand each other perfectly and know how to adapt to each other. This anniversary is the first sign of strong family ties.

Linen is a very durable material. Here it acts as the fundamental material of relationships. The characters and destinies of the spouses are woven into each other, like threads of flax in a canvas; it is already quite difficult to separate them. Also, flax, as an expensive material, symbolizes the material wealth of the family, which by this moment should already be decent.

So, the first round date is a wooden wedding. The family is compared to a tree - strong, tall, which has taken root in the ground and spread out its branches. This means that the spouses have already gotten used to each other, built a family nest and had children. It is from this moment that we can talk about a serious, long-term relationship.

This first “metal” anniversary suggests that the relationship is already quite strong. However, even cast iron can be broken by a strong blow, so the family still needs to be careful. At this time, it’s time to strengthen your home - perhaps it’s worth moving to a more spacious apartment or house.

6.5 years: zinc wedding

This anniversary is not celebrated by everyone. It doesn’t have any special meaning; it’s a kind of additional reason to meet with loved ones. On this day you can sit in a restaurant or invite guests home for dinner.

Copper is a more valuable metal than cast iron. The couple's relationship is strong, the wealth in the house is good. In the old days, on this anniversary, spouses gave each other copper coins, and today some adhere to this tradition.

8 years have passed since the wedding, and family relationships are becoming stronger. Now they are full of mutual understanding, support and warmth, and it is the tin that sparkles brightly in the sun that symbolizes them. During this period, you can make renovations in the apartment so that the relationship moves to a new level.

9th wedding anniversary: ​​faience wedding

The nine-year anniversary is a rather significant date. This period is a crisis for many couples, and some break up before this anniversary. Relationships are strong, but, like earthenware, they can crack, so they need to be protected with double strength.

10 years of marriage: tin (pink) wedding

The second round anniversary after the wedding is celebrated on a grand scale - the spouses order a banquet in a restaurant or arrange a big celebration at home (for whom the space allows), and guests come with gifts and in full dress. The tin anniversary indicates that the spouses have “grown” to each other and are not going to separate.

11 years of marriage: steel wedding

After 11 years of marriage, the spouses should already have two children and their own home. Relationships are like steel – strong and brilliant. Husband and wife support each other and value each other in everything.

12 or 12.5 years of marriage: nickel wedding

It is allowed to celebrate this anniversary 12 or 12 and a half years after the wedding. The anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle. Spouses are given shiny nickel-plated items as a symbol of the strength and beauty of their relationship.

13th wedding anniversary: ​​lace (lily of the valley) wedding

For the spouses, this is a new round of relationships, which are now as refined as lace and pure as lilies of the valley. During this period, you should pay especially much attention to each other and your marriage.

14 years of marriage: agate wedding

If a couple made it to this anniversary, it says a lot. Agate acts as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity. This is the time when spouses develop, taking into account each other's characteristics.

15 years wedding: crystal anniversary

Couples that reach this threshold are considered very strong. Their relationship is like glass: just as transparent and pure. On this day, it is customary to give crystal and glass objects, and it is necessary to celebrate until someone breaks the crystal wine glass.

18th wedding anniversary: ​​turquoise wedding

In some cases, this anniversary coincides with the coming of age of the couple's first child. In any case, this date means that relationships are playing in a new way, leaving stressful and crisis situations in the past. The couple have already raised children and are enjoying their life together.

20 years of wedding: porcelain anniversary

The marriage is very strong at this point, in contrast to the dishes given for the wedding, which, most likely, have already been broken by this time. Therefore, on the twenty-year anniversary of marriage, it is customary to give expensive porcelain items.

21st wedding anniversary: ​​opal wedding

The relationship between the spouses became as precious as this beautiful stone. Husband and wife gift each other with opal items and cheerfully celebrate the holiday with their closest people.

22 years of marriage: bronze wedding

Bronze is a material that can be easily melted. This also applies to spouses who know each other extremely well and know how to adjust at the right time. The destinies of the spouses are already intertwined like fusible bronze.

23 years of marriage: beryl wedding

Beryl is a stone of greenish shades, strong and very beautiful. On this day, it is customary to give each other beryl jewelry and sit together at the festive table. 23 years of marriage is not considered a special anniversary, so noisy company is unnecessary.

24th wedding anniversary: ​​satin wedding

The satin anniversary is a symbol of the smoothness and beauty of the spouses’ relationship. Satin is also a very durable fabric, just like the bonds of marriage at this point. As a rule, people who do not love each other do not live to see such a date, which means those who do celebrate this anniversary deserve applause.

25 years of wedding: silver anniversary

This is the first “precious” anniversary of the spouses. The main feature of this date is that you can even celebrate it officially, in the registry office where you signed. Gifts for a silver anniversary should be expensive: silver items or, at a minimum, silver plated.

26 years of marriage: jade wedding

Jade is a beautiful natural mineral. Its peculiarity is that it is extremely difficult to break. It’s the same with our spouses: having lived together for 26 years, they are unlikely to be able to separate. This anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle with jade gifts.

27th wedding anniversary: ​​mahogany wedding

The name of this anniversary was given by mahogany - a noble, expensive material. Guests are lucky - they don’t have to worry about what to give, because the name speaks for itself: they give products made of mahogany. The anniversary can be celebrated both in a limited circle and on a grand scale.

29th wedding anniversary: ​​velvet wedding

Velvet is a luxurious and delicate material. The couple crossed the line when the relationship was sorted out based on emotions. Now they are more tolerant, calm and gentle. On the eve of a big anniversary, the velvet anniversary is celebrated modestly, with family, or not celebrated at all.

Pearls are a symbol of impeccability and beauty. Every year this stone becomes stronger, building up new layers. On the thirtieth wedding anniversary, it is customary for the husband to present his wife with a pearl necklace containing 30 stones as a symbol of each year spent in marriage. This big holiday is celebrated noisily over a rich dinner.

31 years of marriage: dark wedding

This strange name is explained by the fact that the basis of marriage is a warm, sunny relationship, which over 31 years has become “tanned” - strong and overcoming a huge number of difficulties. Last year the couple celebrated their silver wedding, so the dark wedding is not celebrated on a grand scale. You can sit with your loved ones over a modest dinner.

32 years of marriage: copper wedding

Most couples do not celebrate this date, but you can celebrate with friends or family in a quiet circle. By this time, the bonds of marriage become strong, like copper that cannot be broken.

33rd wedding anniversary: ​​stone wedding

The relationship in marriage at this point is like a stone - it has withstood a lot and smoothed out due to the fact that the spouses got used to each other. The figure is very symbolic, but it is not customary to celebrate such an anniversary. If you still decide to celebrate it, do it with your family or together.

34th wedding anniversary: ​​amber wedding

The name of the anniversary speaks for itself - the relationship is sunny, bright and happy. In ancient times in Rus', the bride was decorated with amber items on her wedding day, which were a symbol of a long and happy marriage. On the holiday, spouses give each other amber items and modestly celebrate this date.

35th wedding anniversary: ​​coral (linen) wedding

Coral and linen are very strong things, as are the relationships between spouses. This round anniversary is celebrated cheerfully and noisily. The main color of this day is red and coral.

37 years of marriage: muslin wedding

Muslin is a fabric that was of great value in the old days. Over 37 years of marriage, husband and wife have built a family, a loving relationship, and now they have moved to a new level, full of mutual understanding and tenderness.

38 years of marriage: mercury wedding

The anniversary received such an unusual name due to the comparison of the relationship of the “young” with the properties of mercury - flexibility and strength. 38 years is a serious period before which many couples break up. The spouses can be honored for the saved marriage.

39th wedding anniversary: ​​crepe wedding

And again, the name of the anniversary involves fabric - crepe. This is a very durable material, the threads of which are strongly intertwined, just like the destinies of the spouses. It is symbolic to give products made from this fabric on this date. They usually don’t organize a holiday, but you can sit in a small group.

40th wedding anniversary: ​​ruby ​​wedding

Ruby is a beautiful gemstone that in the context of wedding anniversaries signifies love, passion and blood kinship. On this anniversary, the spouses undergo a special ritual - they must exchange their wedding rings for new ones, inlaid with rubies, and the old ones must be put in a box to pass on to their children and grandchildren.

44 years of marriage: topaz wedding

Topaz is one of the strongest gemstones that symbolizes the purity of relationships. For such an anniversary they give jewelry with topaz or any gifts in blue or pink.

45th wedding anniversary: ​​sapphire (scarlet) wedding

Sapphire is a symbol of wisdom and patience. Spouses who have lived to see this anniversary can give advice to any “green” couple on how to live so many years together in both sorrow and joy. This is a big anniversary, to which many guests are invited, many of whom witnessed all the obstacles that stood in the way of the couple these long 45 years.

46 years of marriage: lavender wedding

Lavender has many symbolic meanings - it is both a very expensive product and a symbol of eternal youth. Now it’s difficult to say why it is related to wedding traditions, but we can say with confidence that by the age of 46 years the couple’s relationship had become calm and peaceful, just like the effect of lavender.

47th wedding anniversary: ​​cashmere wedding

A cashmere wedding symbolizes the warm and cozy relationship between husband and wife. They have become so accustomed to each other that it is simply impossible to separate them. And the hypoallergenic nature of cashmere is a symbol of the absence of former irritation of the spouses to each other’s habits and shortcomings.

48 years of marriage: amethyst wedding

Amethyst is an extremely strong stone, just like the marriage of our anniversaries. This is a family holiday to which you should not invite anyone. It is best for spouses to go on a date, remembering the old days and spending the evening with a glass of wine.

49 years of marriage: cedar wedding

Cedar is a giant tree, a symbol of patience, endurance and longevity. Only the strongest couples are able to live together for so many years and maintain tender feelings for each other. On the eve of a big wedding anniversary, this anniversary is not particularly celebrated, except perhaps in a narrow family circle.

50th wedding anniversary: ​​golden wedding

“We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding!” Everyone who is getting married has heard this, and what great fellows are those who are celebrating this anniversary! A golden wedding is a kind of crowning achievement of a marital relationship. Half a century hand in hand through all obstacles is not something every couple can do. This anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale, with many guests and a good table.

55th wedding anniversary: ​​emerald wedding

Emerald is a symbol of eternity and youth. The anniversaries are no longer young, and each new anniversary is a gift for them, because no one knows how many years of life are measured for them. This date should be celebrated modestly, without noisy fun. The best gifts for anniversaries will be congratulations from the lips of great-grandchildren.

60th wedding anniversary: ​​diamond (platinum) wedding

The relationship between the spouses is as pure as a diamond. On this day, the husband gives his wife jewelry with a diamond as a sign of gratitude for 60 happy years of marriage. The most touching will be congratulations from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; material gifts for the “young” are no longer really needed.

65 years of marriage: iron wedding

The ironclad relationship between the heroes of the day is such only on the outside; inside, the spouses have incredible tenderness and gratitude for each other. Iron in the name of the anniversary signifies the spouses' departure from material values. Expensive gifts are no longer important to them; a gift is every day spent with each other and their family. This date of life together can only delight.

70th wedding anniversary: ​​a blessed (grateful) wedding

75th wedding anniversary: ​​crown wedding

For many couples, this anniversary becomes the last, so according to tradition, if a couple has not been married before this time, they must do it now in order to remain inseparable even in heaven. The 75th anniversary is celebrated in a restaurant, with a large banquet, but without very noisy dancing.

80 years of marriage: oak anniversary

Oak is the personification of strength and reliability, the steadfastness of the relationship between husband and wife. The couple who lived to see this anniversary deserved special attention and a quiet feast on this day.

100 wedding anniversary: ​​red wedding

There are very few couples who lived to see this wedding. The most famous is the family from Azerbaijan, which managed to celebrate this anniversary. A century lived together is a whole feat that is worthy of the highest respect. The gift can be a chic bouquet of 100 roses or family valuables.

Our editors wish EVERY couple to celebrate their red wedding with their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren! 🙂