Anastasia Kamensky and Potap are married. The wedding of Nastya Kamensky with Potap was prevented by her unsuccessful parachute jump

The legendary ex-duo "Potap and Nastya", which has delighted its listeners for 11 years, does not leave its admirers alone to this day. As you know, Nastya Kamensky began a solo career, and Potap continued to produce. Numerous fans continue to follow not only their creative development, but also their personal lives.

Recall that for the first time Potap and Nastya were suspected of having an affair 4 years ago, when photos of their joint vacation at one of the resorts in Cuba appeared on the Web. In these pictures, the couple kissed and hugged on the beach. As it turned out, it was then that Potap's marital relations with his wife Irina Gorova finally deteriorated. And a year later they divorced.

Attentive fans even saw a wedding ring on the ring finger of the singer Nastya Kamensky.

In addition, Potap then commented on the rumors about a possible marriage with Nastya:

However, after some time, this topic ceased to be relevant, and the rumors remained only rumors. Recently, an interesting photo appeared in the fan accounts of the stars, in which Nastya poses in a white dress and holds Potap's hand. As we can see, in the photo they are very joyful and the very atmosphere on it resembles a wedding ceremony.

As previously reported by the Znayu portal, Ukrainian singer Nastya Kamenskikh, who has recently performed solo under the stage name NK, told how she lives without Potap and what attracts her to work in Russia.

Recently, the singer visited the Russian festival "Heat", where for the first time she felt how it is to glow in public without her partner.

The artist walked the red carpet and answered questions from the hosts of the festival. Nastya said that she feels quite comfortable without Alexei Potapenko in public and is happy to attend events alone. The video with the release of the pop star was published on the Instagram account of the music TV channel "Zhara".

The famous Ukrainian duo "Potap and Nastya" gained mass popularity in 2007. It was then that they released their most popular songs: “Not a couple”, “Vnature”, “Die Hard”. After these releases, the duo gained tens of thousands of fans not only in Ukraine, but throughout the CIS.

Having performed at several popular competitions, including in Jurmala, this couple is firmly entrenched in show business. In addition to creativity, many also looked at the personal life of musicians. Nastya, for example, always carefully concealed her gentlemen and did not disclose details. And Potap was married to Irina Gorova until 2014.

The secret relationship between Potap and Nastya was talked about in the early years of their creative activity, but the artists themselves denied these rumors. However, now everything has fallen into place.

The first comments regarding their marriage, the artists began to give at the end of 2016. It turned out that their wedding could have taken place even earlier, but the circumstances were to blame.

Potap suggested that Kamensky get married in the summer of 2016. She agreed and after some time broke her leg after a parachute jump. The girl flatly refused to go to the registry office with plaster, so the wedding had to be postponed until better times.

But most likely, the couple of Nastya and Potap simply do not want too much attention from the press, which is why they hide everything so carefully. Otherwise, how then to explain the photo with the engagement ring, which Nastya posted on the network?

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After the sensational news that two years ago, rumors rapidly increased in the party that the famous rapper was spinning. Sources close to the famous duet "Potap and Nastya" claim that the couple plans to get married in the near future.


If you believe the source, who told "KP" the curious details of the personal life of Potap and Nastya Kamensky, the couple in love has long been living together. In addition, the feelings are so strong that soon they intend to legalize their relationship officially and reveal all the cards.

Moreover, Potap and Nastya have already once decided on the date of the wedding, only this happy event was prevented by the singer with a parachute, after which she restored for three long months

Later, as you know, the artists went on an all-Ukrainian tour. Accordingly, the wedding also had to be postponed. It is further reported that the celebration, which has been postponed to another date (this time it is kept in the strictest confidence) is not the only news that Potap and Nastya will soon surprise their fans with. Like most couples in love, the stars of the popular duet dream of seeing their continuation in common children.

An insider said that Nastya Kamensky is planning a pregnancy. Note that the soloist of the popular duet herself has repeatedly said that she dreams of becoming a mother soon, and recently admitted that she would like to. By the way, Potap's mother loves Nastya Kamensky and. Agree, after all the information that revolves around the famous duet, it is impossible not to think that Potap and Nastya are a full-fledged couple in love.