English elastic band made of thick yarn. English knitting gum: several options for how to knit a pattern with a description, diagram, photo and video

The product, connected with an English or semi-English elastic band, looks lush and voluminous. However, those who use this knit for the first time inevitably face the question of how to close the loops so that the sweater or dress does not stretch at the edges. There are several tricks to make the last row even and elastic.

You will need
- a product connected with an English rubber band;
- knitting needles;
- yarn.
Knit to the last row. The peculiarity of the English gum is that some of the loops are first removed untied with a crochet, and on the next row they are knitted together with the same crochet. That is, the first row is knitted like a regular 1x1 elastic band, in the second the front loop is knitted with the front one, and the wrong one is dropped with a crochet on the right knitting needle. In the next row, the front is knitted together with the front crochet, and the wrong side is removed with the double crochet. As a result, before the last row on the needles, there are about 1/3 more loops than it should be in size. If you close them in the usual way loop to loop, then the last row will be longer than all the others by the same third. If you knit the last row with a regular elastic band without making yarn, then it will be thinner than the rest. Therefore, it is better to close them with a double thread.

Without tearing the thread from the ball, unwind a piece and fold it with the main one to make a long loop. It should be of such a size that you can close the last row on it. Since at the end of knitting you will still break the thread, then let the loop be longer. Hold the place where the unwound thread comes into contact with the ball until you close the first loop.

On the last row of knitting, double thread the hem together with the next loop as you normally would. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the pattern of the gum. That is, if the next loop after the edge loop is purl, then purl them and knit them. If there is a front with a crochet, knit it with the front together with the hem and the crochet. Knit the remaining loop on the knitting needle with the next one according to the same principle, over the purl - purl, over the front with a crochet - front.

English rib on circular needles is knitted a little differently. There are no capes in it. The purl loops are purl knit. To knit the "English" front, enter the right knitting needle not into the loop that is now on the left, but under it and knit it like a regular front one. It turns out connected from two loops. Such a simplified English gum is closed like a regular one. That is, just knit 2 loops depending on the pattern.
How to close the loops of a scarf
Recently, handmade designer scarves have been in fashion. The more difficult the knitting, the more requirements are placed on how to properly close the loops in the product.

You will need
- knitting needles of close numbers;
- needle for knitwear;
- a hook corresponding to the knitting needles;
- yarn.
Insert the right needle into two loops at once, including the edge. Knit them together, knit or purl, depending on the pattern. Transfer the resulting loop from the right knitting needle to the left and repeat the process.
Save the pattern when closing the knitting. Use to close the front - the back wall of the loop, and knit the wrong side behind the front. You will get an even scar along the very edge of the canvas. When the entire row is closed, cut the thread, pass it through the last loop and tighten the knot.
Untie the last knot and loosen the closed row if the edge of the scarf is too tight. This happens often, because the width of the loop is greater than the height. And when we put them in the last row, they pull it together.
Repeat the process on the larger needles. Knit not on the tip, but on the thick middle of the tool. Or lift each loop before threading through it.
Take a hook to close the last row, this will help make the knitting more loose.
Use a needle when you need an elastic edge. For example, when a scarf made of elastic should fit snugly around the throat like a turtleneck collar.
Cut the thread from the skein, which was knitted, along the length of three times the size of the seam. Insert it into the knitting needle.
Insert the needle into the edge loop, as in the front, and leave it on it. Repeat the action, skipping the wrong side, and pull the thread through both facial loops. Return to the missed one, thread the needle through it, and through the adjacent purl. That is, through the second and fourth loops.
Close the entire row with the seam described above, it is called the "kettel". If you are already comfortable with it, remove the loops from the knitting needle. The front and back will deviate in different directions, and it will be more convenient for you to collect them.
Use the double crochet method if the knitting of the scarf is openwork, and the edge is needed elastic and free. Knit the edge loop with the front one, throw a thread on the knitting needle. With the second tool, lift the loop, pull the yarn through it and remove it from the knitting needle.
Repeat this until all loops are closed. Close the last of all in the usual way - with a knot. With this method, you can get a different width of the edge, making yarns not after each loop, but after one or two.

The English gum, in comparison with the Polish and Spanish ones, is easier to perform and more voluminous. That is why many needlewomen prefer to make all kinds of clothes with this pattern. Hat with English rib knitting looks stylish. In this way, you can make hats for the whole family, because there are women's, and men's, and children's models.

A hat with an English elastic band looks stylish

A knitted hat turns out to be very warm, which is important when making things for a child. In it, the baby will feel comfortable even in the most severe frosts.

We knit in stages:

  1. In order to do the work with two knitting needles, you need to dial 97 loops first of all.
  2. Immediately start knitting according to the English rib pattern.
  3. Knit without reduction 29 centimeters of the product.
  4. Reduce the turns on the front side, without making a crochet and knitting the purl - purl, and the combination of the front and the crochet - front.
  5. In the next front line, reduce the number of loops by another third.
  6. Transfer the remaining turns to the thread and tighten.

Sew a finished hat and attach a large pompom on top.

Knitting: a hat with an English elastic band (video)

English ribbing hat with double lapel

Knitting a headdress with a double lapel is possible even for a beginner. To make a women's hat of this model on your own, you just need to choose the right yarn and accurately calculate the number of loops, so that later you do not have to unravel the finished product and tie it up again.


  1. Dial 61 loops with a thread in two additions.
  2. Knit with a dense viscous fabric according to the scheme, the height of which should be forty centimeters.
  3. After that, go to the 1x1 gum pattern.
  4. Divide the fabric into three equal parts and knit in each of the front rows in the marked places, a couple of turns together.
  5. Knit in this way for at least thirty rows.
  6. Move the remaining turns to the thread, tighten and finish the work at this stage.

How to tie a hat with a fluffy English rubber band

Such a headdress looks no less extravagant than a turban or snood, but the work is done much easier and faster. It is enough just to understand the features of knitting the pattern itself.

What is necessary:

  • yarn;
  • knitting needles;
  • hook;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

This hat knits quickly and easily.

Description of work:

  1. For the rim of the headdress, dial 78 turns.
  2. Knit the rim by alternating a pair of purl turns with a pair of facial ones. In total, in this way, complete eight lines.
  3. Starting knitting with an English rubber band, make uniform increases, as a result of which there should already be 95 loops on the knitting needles.
  4. Perform fluffy knitting until the product reaches a height of 25 centimeters.
  5. Form the crown, making uniform decreases in all rows.
  6. Pull the turns of yarn and form a knot.
  7. Run now the connecting seam, trying not to tighten each stitch too much so that the product does not deform.

How to finish knitting

For many beginner knitters, the final stage of knitting a product is quite difficult. It is especially important to understand this process when knitting hats with English rib. After all, if you choose the wrong scheme of actions, then the product at the top will lose volume, and, accordingly, the hat will look less impressive, appear wide or excessively narrow.

For many beginner knitters, the final stage of knitting a product is quite difficult.

There are several options for finishing work:

  1. With concentric circles. Initially, a transition is made to a 1x1 English gum pattern, after which to a regular gum and, finally, stocking knit. The remaining turns are then transferred to the working thread and pulled together. The only drawback of this method is a significant loss of volume.
  2. The formation of a swirling star. The number of turns is divided into six parts and at the end of each of them a decrease is made, but not in each line, but through one.
  3. Cross closure. The number of turns in this case is divided into four. Knitted in each part the last two together. In total, eight rows are performed according to the scheme, and the remaining loops are simply pulled together with a thread.

Reducing English gum

When knitting an English gum, it must be borne in mind that it is undesirable to use curly decreases for this pattern. At a time, not one turn is necessarily reduced, but two at once. For this purpose, a finishing line is selected, where all reductions will be made.

In order to reduce the number of loops, you need to use only the front side of the product. At the same time, the front stitch of the finishing strip changes places with the wrong one, which is to be removed so that the wrong one is behind. Together, first a pair of purl and only then a pair of facial ones are knitted.

When decreasing, do not double crochet in this area. Thus, it is possible to preserve the structure of the gum itself and not resort to changing the pattern and changing the knitting needles to thinner ones.

Men's hat with English rib knitting

A stylish men's hat with a lapel, knitted with an English elastic band, will become one of the favorites of any man. It not only has an attractive appearance, but also sits comfortably on the head, does not slip and does not cause any discomfort. In addition, you can not be afraid of even severe frosts and snowstorms in it. She does get very warm.


  1. Run a set of 96 turns.
  2. Knit twelve lines with the main pattern.
  3. After that, knit three rows exclusively with facial stitches.
  4. Now knit three more lines with a regular 1x1 elastic band. It is thanks to the last six lines that an exact bend is formed that does not slip or turn away for no reason.
  5. Having completed the lapel, knitting continues with an English rubber band. In total, twenty-six lines need to be made.
  6. Proceed to decrease the loops in odd lines, knitting together the front and back, and through a row of a pair of front ones, bring them out in one turn.
  7. Pull the remaining coils onto the working thread, tighten tightly and tie a knot at the end.
  8. If knitting was not done on circular knitting needles, then after completing the work, sew the headdress, not forgetting to make the seam on the lapel on the front side.

Important! Before stitching the finished product, it is recommended to wash and dry it first. Thanks to this, it will be possible to make the seam almost invisible.

Hat with English elastic band with two lapels (video)

Not only an experienced knitter, but also a beginner needlewoman will be able to master the technique of knitting with an English rubber band. All products made in this way are not only warm, but also beautiful, incredibly voluminous. Due to this, the pattern is used in the manufacture of sweaters and hats. Beginners should pay special attention to knitting hats. The work is done very quickly. Even those who are still quite uncertain about holding knitting needles in their hands will be able to knit their first product in a couple of evenings. The result of these efforts will be so exquisite that you immediately want to start knitting a new hat. There are never too many hats.


I want a set of a gray hat and scarf, knitted with an English elastic band, and a double cap, with a lining, for warmth and volume. Ready-made kits do not match the gray elements on my down jacket in color, and they are expensive. I will knit a simple one - 2 facial, 2 purl at the level of the rim, and the crown should be thought out with what pattern it is better to give it roundness so that the hat does not look like a carrot.

Many who have been knitting for more than a year have heard such a thing as an English gum. What is its peculiarity and how does it differ from a simple single gum?

A simple elastic band, consisting of alternating purl and front loops, is most often used to obtain an elastic edge of the product. It can be processed neck, cuffs or bottom. This pattern does not give much volume and stretches well. And here English gum knitting- a knitting pattern for a pattern that gives volume to the loops, special elasticity to the fabric, and a beautiful texture. It is great not only for processing the edge, but also used independently, as the main pattern of the entire product. By English rubber band pattern knit pullovers, cardigans, it is good for hats, snoods and scarves.

So, let's highlight the main properties of the knitting pattern English gum, made with knitting needles:

  • exquisite texture, creating a beautiful canvas even in large products;
  • excellent elasticity, thanks to which it is well suited for decorating the edge of products;
  • looseness and splendor of the pattern, formed due to the peculiarities of knitting, allows you to create a warmer fabric.

But this pattern also has its own small drawback. For example, it is recommended before starting execution knitting patterns with English rib knitting, knit several rows with a simple elastic band. Otherwise, the edge of the fabric may stretch during wear.

It is also worth noting that English gum, unlike a simple single, requires more yarn consumption. Yes, it is not quite economical, but how impressive it looks in products.

Knitting technique and pattern pattern of English gum with knitting needles

Rotary knitting pattern "English gum" 1x1

We said earlier that a single simple elastic band consists of alternating purl and front loops. English elastic in its essence also consists of purl and front loops, but with the addition of a crochet and throwing loops, not knitting. Let's look at the diagram in more detail:

It is worth mentioning another important feature - the number of loops cast on for knitting a pattern should be odd. This is done to create a more accurate edge edge of the canvas.

So, on the knitting needles we collect the required number of loops. For example, 15 + 2 hem = 17 stitches.

1 row: Remove the first edge loop without knitting (). Next, alternately knit 1 purl, 1 facial loop to the last loop. Knit the front loop.

2nd row. Slip off the first loop as a hem loop. Then * 1 front loop, yarn over, remove 1 purl loop without knitting *. Finish the row with an edge loop.

3rd row- yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting (thread behind the work) *, knit the loop and yarn over of the previous row together with the front one, yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting *.

4th row- * knit the loop and yarn over of the previous row together with the front one, yarn over, remove 1 loop *, knit the loop and yarn over of the previous row together with the front one. Then alternate the 3rd and 4th rows.

If you complete the fabric with an English rubber band, then knit the 3rd row from the above description last, and then close the loops in a way convenient for you. Then your edge will be neat.

Circular knitting pattern "English gum" 1x1

At its core, circular knitting is practically no different from rotary knitting. The purl and front rows, for example, in the front surface or in a regular elastic band, go one after another, without any changes in the technique of making the pattern.

But now you are going to knit yourself a snood or a sweater with a raglan sleeve with an English elastic band. And here you may have difficulty knitting yarns or loops together. But do not panic, everything is solved redistributed simply, you just have to figure it out.

  1. In the first row we knit: 1 front, we make a crochet, and remove the loop without knitting.
  2. In the second row: Nakid, not knitted loop, we knit the wrong loop.
  3. Third row: we knit two loops together, then there is an unknitted loop.
  4. Important! In circular knitting, do not forget to highlight the beginning of the row with a marker. So you will not get confused in the alternation of rows!

Types of English gum (step by step lessons for beginners):

Above, we have considered a standard English elastic band with knitting needles. In fact, it is the only correct one. But since the pattern is quite popular, many simplified versions of it have appeared.

False English gum (fake or simplified)

One of the most famous imitations of the knitting pattern of English gum with knitting needles is called false or fake. Purely visually connected in this way, the canvas is practically indistinguishable from the original. But working on it is much easier.

To begin with, you should dial the loops, their number should be a multiple of 4 + 2 edge. The entire rapport of this pattern consists of two repeating rows:

Row 1: Edge st, *knit 3, purl 1* - repeat to end of row, end with edge st.

Row 2: Edge st, *knit 2, purl 1, knit 1* - repeat to end of row, end with hem st.

As you can see, in this version of the false English elastic band, there are absolutely no yarn overs.

Volumetric two-tone English rib knitting

If you like experiments and just adore the color variety in clothes, then pay attention to the possibility of knitting a two-color English gum pattern. The technique may seem a little complicated, but the result is worth it. You will receive a voluminous and elastic fabric, which can be used as a pattern for knitting a hat or even a pullover.

The whole uniqueness of the two-color pattern lies in the fact that each row is knitted twice - 1 time with a thread of one color (color A), 2 times with a thread of another color (color B).

Important! All purl loops of this pattern should be knitted in the classic way.

The principle of knitting with a two-color English elastic band with knitting needles:

Cast on an odd number of stitches on the needles.

1 row: knit with thread A - * 1 facial, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting *, 1 facial

2 row: knit with thread B - * 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, knit 1 loop together with the yarn over with the front loop *, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting

3 row: knit with thread A - Attention! Knitting is moved to the opposite end of the knitting needle * 1 loop together with the crochet, knit with the wrong loop, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting *, knit 1 loop with the yarn with the wrong loop

4 row: knit with thread B - * 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, knit 1 loop together with the yarn over with the wrong loop *, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting

5 row: knit with thread A - Attention! We move the knitting to the opposite end of the knitting needle * 1 loop together with the yarn over, knit the front loop, 1 yarn over, remove 1 loop *, 1 loop together with the yarn over, knit the front loop. 2-5 rows are repeated.

Double English elastic

It is logical that if there is a classic variation of the English gum 1x1, then there should be 2x2. Just this way of knitting will definitely look good in pullovers, especially in oversized models. To perform it on the knitting needles, you need to dial the number of loops a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops.

  • The first row is knitted with a standard elastic band 2 facial, 2 purl. There is one caveat: the last two loops must be facial.
  • We start the second row with a crochet, then two loops are transferred to the right knitting needle not knitted, two front ones. At the end of the row, a yarn is made and the last two loops are removed without knitting.
  • Third row. We knit the yarn over and the loop of the previous row together with the front one, knit 1, yarn over, leave two loops not knitted. At the end of the row, we knit the penultimate loop with a front crochet and the last one also front.
  • Fourth row. We knit according to the rapport: yarn over, two not knitted loops, the next loop is knitted together with the front yarn, then again the front one. The row ends with one crochet and two unknitted loops.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until the size of the fabric reaches the desired size.

Methods for decreasing, adding and closing loops in English gum

To preserve the beauty and integrity of the pattern in the canvas, reduce, add and close the loops of the English gum should be in a special way. This is an important point, especially when working on large items - cardigans or pullovers, where the evenness of the reduced loops along the armhole or sleeves when knitting from top to bottom determines the beauty of the entire product.

How to reduce the loops of the English gum:

Decreases are carried out in 3 loops, this allows you to keep the sequence of running loops of the pattern.

So, we knit an edge loop. Then the loops from the previous row (knit 1, purl 1, knit 1) are knitted together as follows (decrease on the right): Remove the first loop as a front loop, knit the next two loops together and stretch the removed loop through the resulting loop. Then knit in pattern until 4 loops remain on the needles. Decrease left: Three loops together knit. Edge loop.

How to add English Ribbon loops.

To add loops in the English Ribbon pattern, you first need to knit a sample. It is enough to knit 5-7 rows. In the next front row, in a convenient way for you, add 1 loop on each side. Then make uniform increases according to the sample.

Closing the loops of the English elastic band

In order for the edge of the product connected with an English rubber band to look neat, the loops should be closed correctly. For this you should:

  1. Knit the product to the last row.
  2. Then knit a row with a simple elastic band 1x1. This is done in order to remove the yarn over loops so that holes do not form on the edge.
  3. Since the density of an ordinary elastic band is less than that of an English one, it is necessary to make the edge thicker. To do this, you can close the loops in the usual way, but with a double thread.

A video on how to decorate a raglan line with English Rib shows how to add loops in a pattern:

Products connected with an English rubber band with a detailed description

You will need: 250g blue-green or 200g in Schachenmayr Mouline Art green-red (55% acrylic, 45% wool, 50g/55m); knitting needles No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; hook number 6, 1 button.

Knitting density, English rib, knitting needles No. 5: 12 p. and 28 p. = 10 x 10 cm. Knit from top to bottom.

English gum: odd number of p. 1st p. (outside): chrome, 1 person. * remove 1 p. as out. with a crochet, 1 person., repeat from *, chrome. 2nd p.: chrome, remove 1 p., as out. with a crochet, * 1 p. with a crochet knit faces., remove 1 p. double crochet, repeat from *, chrome. 3rd p.: chrome., 1 p. with a crochet, knit faces., * remove 1 p. as out. with a crochet, 1 p. with a crochet, knit faces., repeat from *, chrome. Run 1 time 1st - 3rd p., repeat 2nd and 3rd p.

Blue knitted vest with a hood

Size: 42-48
You will need: 350 g blue yarn in 4 additions (30% mohair, 70% acrylic, 50 g / 275 m); circular knitting needles No. 5.5; a large button in the color of the yarn; 2 buttons.

Front surface, garter stitch,

English gum:
1st p.: chrome., * 1 person. p., 1 out. n. *, chrome.
2nd p.: chrome., * 1 person. p., straight yarn over, 1 p. remove without knitting, like a wrong side *, chrome.
3rd p.: chrome., * 2 p. together faces., straight yarn over, remove 1 p. without knitting, like a wrong side *, chrome. Repeat 3rd row.

Knitting density: 10 p. x 16 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitted poncho with knitting patterns and mitts

Poncho sizes: (38)40(42-44)

Finished product dimensions: width of the lower part - (117) 129 (142) cm, length measured from the neck - (44) 48 (50) cm.

You will need: Sandnes Alpaka yarn (100% alpaca, 110 m / 50 g) - (250) 250 (300) g white for ponchos and 50 g for mittens, (50) 50 (100) g each in gray and black, Sandnes Silk yarn Mohair (60% kidmohair, 15% wool, 25% silk, 280 m / 50 g) - 100 g white for ponchos and 50 g for mitts, 50 g each in gray and black colors, circular knitting needles No. and No. 7.5.

Attention! Knit with a thread in two additions: Alpaka + Silk Mohair in the appropriate colors.

English gum:

1st row (front): * 1 persons. p. remove, without knitting, with a crochet, 1 out. *, repeat * - *, at the end remove 1 person. p. with a crochet.

2nd row: * knit a loop with a crochet from the next person. remove the loop with a crochet *, repeat * - *, finish 1 out. n. Repeat 1st - 2nd rows.

Facial surface: persons. rows - persons. loops, out. rows - out. rows - out. loops; with circular knitting - only persons. loops.

Knitting density: 17 p. persons. satin stitch and 11 sts with English ribbing on needles No. 6 = 10 cm.

Cap with pompom knitting with English ribbing

head circumference 50-53 cm.

You will need: 50 g of LANG YARNS Maxi Tosca purple melange yarn (55% natural wool, 45% acrylic, 92 m / 50 g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 7.

Main pattern, circle, r.: 1st p.: * 1 persons. p., 1 p. with a crochet, remove as out., repeat from *. 2nd p.: * 1 persons. p., 1 p. with a crochet, knit together out., repeat from *. Repeat 1st and 2nd p. Knitting density, main pattern: 16 p. and 18 p. = 10 x 10 cm. Attention! The hat is knitted on the wrong side.

How to tie a hat with an English rubber band:

How to do the job: cast on 72 sts, distribute them on 4 needles (= 18 sts per needle) and knit with the main pattern. After 13 cm from the typesetting edge in every 2nd circle. R. at the beginning and end of each knitting needle, knit 8 x 2 sts together. Pull off the remaining 8 sts with a working thread and turn the hat out.

Assembly: make a medium-sized pom-pom and sew on top of the hat. Tip: The typesetting edge will be very beautiful if you perform the "Italian set"

Knitted hat and scarf from Drops Design studio

Hat size S/M - L
Head circumference ~ 54/56 - 58 cm.
Scarf size: 33x 180 cm.
Yarn: (wool; 100 g/36 m)
For a hat: 200-200 g
For scarf: 600 g
Knitting density: 6p.x8 p. (Eng. Elastic band) = 10 × 10 cm.
7p.x 8p. (face. surface) = 10 × 10 cm.
For knitting you will need: circular knitting needles 15 and 10 mm
Plat. knitting with straight and reverse rivers: we knit all the items.
English gum: straight and reverse p.

1 row: p. boards. viscous, * persons., nakid, reshoot the trace. n. as out. *, repeat from *-* to the last 2 sts, then sts of persons. and p. boards. viscous.
2 row: p. boards. viscous, * double crochet, remove the item as out., we knit faces together. nakid and removed in the last row p. *, repeat * - * until the last 2 p., finish: yarn over, remove the p. as out., p. viscous.
3rd row: p. boards. viscous, * we knit faces together. nakid and sts removed in the last row, nakid, remove sts as out. *, repeat *-* until the last 3 sts, we knit faces together. nakid and removed p., p. boards. viscous.
We repeat 2-3 p.
We attach a new ball, wetting and twisting the ends.

We knit a hat with straight and reverse p. to the circle. spokes.
Cast on 27-29 sts on 10 mm needles. We knit a row of out. with IS, then continue with an elastic band with drugs: p. boards. viscous, elastic faces. / out. until the last 2 p., persons., p. boards. viscous. We knit, thus, an elastic band 7 cm (we knit the last row with IS). Switch to 15 mm needles and continue knitting in English. rubber band with LS. At a height of 26-28 cm, we knit a row of faces. with drugs, knitting 3 persons each. together along the line. We get 14-15 p.
We cut the thread, stretch it through all the stitches, tighten and hide the tip.
We carry out the back seam.

We knit a scarf. Cast on 23 sts on 15 mm needles and knit the boards. viscous 10 cm up straight and reverse p. In the last row with IS, we evenly add 4 sts. We get 27 sts. We continue with RS: 6 sts of boards. viscous, out., M.1 (= 6 p.), out. M.2 (= 6 p.), out. and 6 p. boards. viscous. We get 27 p. Thus, we knit up to 170 cm up (we lay the pattern completely vertically), then boards. viscous in all p. up to 180 cm, while evenly decreasing in the 1st p. 4 p. We get 23 p. We close all the p. You will find all the necessary knitting patterns

English gum is a beautiful, voluminous, popular, but at the same time, simple pattern that even beginner needlewomen can do. This pattern differs from simple and familiar elastic bands in relief, lush volume.

The yarns used in the pattern give volume, but at the same time they do not form holes at all, thanks to which the finished products are soft, free, with the effect of volumetric friability. Therefore, the pattern looks perfect on such products as scarves, hats and berets, wide leggings, sweaters, including men's, and much more. The classic way of knitting English, patent gum looks the same both on the front and on the wrong side.

Be sure to take into account before choosing this pattern that it will require an order of magnitude more thread than any other openwork pattern for knitting the same product.

The subtleties and secrets of knitting a beautiful English gum

  • To get a smooth fabric and avoid skewed edges, a set of loops must be made with a thickened edge. It is necessary to complete the finished product with a double thread.
  • The English rib pattern is completely unsuitable for items of clothing that “hold” their shape, such as cuffs or the bottom of a sweater.
  • Proportionately select threads with knitting needles, the thicker the thread, the thicker the diameter of the knitting needles should be. Experienced needlewomen recommend knitting the front loops on the front wall, then you will save the pattern from distortion, and the product will turn out to be elastic and even (see the video below for more details).
  • Be sure to remember and keep in mind that a scarf that is knitted with English rubber really stretches a lot after washing. Moreover, the thicker the diameter of the spokes, the more it will stretch. If you plan to knit an openwork scarf with this pattern for a warmer period, then it is better to use mohair. And, for example, frills or luxurious ruffles will turn out great from ribbon fantasy yarn.

How to knit an English gum with knitting needles: all pattern options with a description, diagrams or photos

English gum 1x1

Double sided pattern.

1 way, detailed master class:

To get started, we collect loops. The number of ordinary loops without fail must be naturally odd. For the sample, we scored 35 loops.
In order for the edges of the product to be even, the first loop, of course, of each row must be completely removed, without knitting at all, while the corresponding thread should remain behind the product. The last loop must always be purl, regardless of the pattern.

The first row - we make one single crochet, then we completely remove one loop, without knitting at all, the thread remains behind the product, one loop is knitted with the front one.

We turn the product over to the wrong side.
The second row - we make one single crochet, then we completely remove one loop, without knitting at all, the thread remains behind the product, then we knit two small loops, be sure to knit together the front one. Here you should pay attention to the picture, which clearly shows exactly which two loops should be knitted together - this is the yarn, as you understand, from the previous row and the loop that was removed without knitting.
We turn the product over, we knit the next row.
Third row - we carefully knit two loops together with the front one, then yarn over, remove one loop, the thread remains behind the product.
Next, repeat the pattern from the second row.

Having knitted about 5 centimeters, you can already clearly see the structure of the knitted gum pattern.

It is important to finish the English rib products correctly, otherwise if we are making a scarf. Its edges will turn out to be of different widths.

So, we knit the last row of English gum in this way: we remove a single loop, just like in a pattern, we knit 2 together, but we don’t make a crochet. This allows us to reduce the number of loops to 35, as it was originally.

Now we finish the product from the English gum in the same way as any other product.

For clarity and convenience, we will provide a diagram of how to knit an English elastic band.

Symbols of available loops for the above scheme.

2 way:
For the sample, an even number of loops plus 2 edge loops are dialed.
1 p - 1 chrome, (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, purl 1), 1 chrome;
2 r - 1 chrome, (1 reverse yarn, 1 person. remove without knitting, purl 1 together with the adjacent yarn, knit the purl), 1 chrome;
3 p and all subsequent ones - like 2 rows.

Video how to knit an English gum with knitting needles

English gum 2x1

One-sided pattern. For the sample, dial the number of loops, a multiple of 3 plus 2 edge.
1 p - 1 chrome, (2 persons, 1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop), 1 chrome;
2 r - 1 chrome., (1 person. together with the adjacent yarn, knit the front, 1 reverse yarn, remove 1 loop without knitting, 1 reverse yarn, remove 1 loop without knitting), 1 chrome .;
3 p - 1 chrome., (knit 2 faces together with adjacent crochets with facial ones, 1 reverse crochet, remove 1 inside out without knitting), 1 chrome .;
4 p and all even ones - like 2 rows;
5 p and all odd ones - like 3 rows.

English gum 2x2

Double-sided pattern, it turns out to be embossed, it seems more dense. Suitable for wide leggings, hats and scarves. Knit on 5 needles or on circular needles with fishing line. It is convenient to knit hats from thick threads with such an elastic band. They are seamless and knit quickly.

For the sample, dial the number of loops, a multiple of 4 plus 2 edge.
1 p - 1 edge, (2 faces, 1 reverse yarn, 1 loop to remove without knitting, 1 reverse yarn, 1 loop to remove without knitting), 1 edge;
2 p - 1 hem, (knit 1 front together with the adjacent yarn over, knit the front one together with the adjacent yarn over, 1 reverse yarn over, 1 purl without knitting, 1 reverse yarn over, 1 purl without knitting), 1 hem ;
3 p and all subsequent ones - like 2 rows.

Half English gum

One-sided pattern. The wrong side of the semi-English rib looks like a real 1x1 English rib. Therefore, its wrong side is used as the front side, and the front side is used as the wrong side.
For the pattern, cast on an even number of stitches plus 2 edge stitches.
1 p - 1 edge, (1 front, 1 reverse yarn, 1 loop to remove without knitting), 1 edge;
2 p - 1 hem, (knit 1 front together with the adjacent yarn over, 1 purl), 1 hem;
Then the pattern is repeated from the beginning.


False English elastic bands were invented to save yarn and knit products faster.

False English gum #1

For the pattern, cast on an odd number of stitches plus 2 edge stitches.
1 p - all facial;
2 p - 1 edge, (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, while the thread is at work, 2 facial), 1 edge;
3 p - 1 edge, (2 purl, 1 front, reduced to the right), 1 edge;
4 p - as 2 row;
From the 5th row, the pattern is repeated from the beginning.

False English gum #2

For the pattern, cast on an even number of stitches plus 2 edge stitches.
1 p - 1 edge, (1 front, 1 reverse yarn, 1 loop is removed without knitting, while the thread is at work), 1 edge;
2 p - 1 edge, (1 front, reduced to the right, 1 purl), 1 edge;
3 p - 1 edge, (1 front of the previous row, 1 reverse yarn, 1 loop is removed without knitting, while the thread is at work), 1 edge;
From row 4, the pattern is repeated from row 2.

Simplified English gum

Double sided pattern. For the sample, dial an arbitrary number of loops.
1 p - 1 edge, (1 front, 1 purl), 1 edge;
2 p - 1 edge, (1 front from the previous row, 1 purl), 1 edge;
3 p and all subsequent - as 2 row.

Faceted gum

Double sided pattern. There are many ways to knit this pattern. Here are a few of them.

1 way:
For the sample, dial the number of loops, a multiple of 4, plus 1 loop for symmetry, plus 2 edge loops):

2 p. - 1 chrome, (2 out, 2 persons), 1 out, 1 chrome;
3 p. - the pattern is repeated from the beginning.

2 way:
For the sample, dial the number of loops, a multiple of 4 plus 3 additional.
1 p. - 1 chrome-I, (2 persons-e, 2 inside-e), 1 persons-I, 1 chrome-I;
2 p. and all subsequent - as 1 row.

3 way:

1 p. - 1 chrome-I, (3 persons, 1 inside-out), 1 chrome-I;
2 p. - 1 chrome-I, (2 persons, 1 inside-I, 1 persons-I), 1 chrome-I.

4 way:
For the sample, dial the number of loops, a multiple of 4 plus 2 edge.
1 p. - 1 chrome-I, (2 persons, 2 inside-out), 1 chrome-I;
2 p. - 1 chrome-I, (1 person-I, 2 inside-e, 1 person-I), 1 person-I, 1 inside-I, 1 chrome-I;
3 p. - the pattern is repeated from the beginning;


Two-tone English ribbing 1x1 with vertical stripes

For the sample, we collect an even number of loops with a blue thread.
1 row - 1 chrome-I, (1 person-I, 1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting), 1 chrome-I;
Now let's return to the beginning of the row, moving the knitting to the other end of the knitting needle, attach a white thread there, and we will knit the next row with a white thread:
2 row - 1 chrome-I, (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 person without knitting, knit 1 wrong side together with the adjacent yarn), 1 chrome-I;
Front side

3 row (blue thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 person without knitting, knit 1 wrong side together with the adjacent yarn), 1 chrome-I;
Let's return to the beginning of the row, moving the knitting to the other end of the knitting needle (there we still have a white thread), we knit:
4 row (white thread) - 1 chrome, (knit 1 person together with the adjacent yarn, 1 reverse yarn, remove 1 purl), 1 chrome;

We turn the work, we continue to knit:
5 row (blue thread) - 1 chrome, (knit 1 person together with the adjacent yarn, 1 reverse yarn, remove 1 purl), 1 chrome;
Let's return to the beginning of the row, moving the knitting to the other end of the knitting needle (there we have a blue thread left), we knit.
6 row (white thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 face without knitting, knit 1 wrong side together with the adjacent yarn), 1 chrome-I;

Two-tone English ribbing 1x1 with horizontal stripes

Cast on an even number of stitches for the pattern. In order to get a strip of a given color with a height of 1 pigtail, it is necessary to knit 2 rows with a thread of this color. For example, to get a blue stripe one pigtail high, we knit as follows:
1 row (blue thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 person-I, 1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting), 1 chrome-I;
2 row (blue thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 person, together with the adjacent yarn, knit the front one, 1 reverse yarn, 1 wrong side, remove without knitting), 1 chrome-I;
To get the same white stripe, we knit the next 2 rows in the same way, but with a white thread:
3 row (white thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 person-I, 1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting), 1 chrome-I;
4 row (white thread) - 1 chrome-I, (1 person, together with the adjacent yarn, knit the front one, 1 reverse yarn, 1 inside out, remove without knitting), 1 chrome-i;
and so on.
Accordingly, in order to get a strip with a height of 2, 3, 4, ..., n braids, it is necessary to knit 2 * n rows with a thread of a given color.
According to this principle, using the appropriate descriptions, you can knit English elastic bands 2x1, 2x2, as well as multi-color horizontal stripes.


English elastic band 1x1 round

For the sample, we collect 33 loops. We distribute them 8 on each knitting needle. There should be 9 stitches left on the 4th needle. We transfer this 9 loop to the 1st knitting needle and knit one from the first two loops (there are 8 loops on the 4th knitting needle). So we closed knitting in a circle. Now you can start knitting the main pattern:
1 circular row - (1 facial, 1 purl);
2 circular row - (1 front, 1 reverse yarn, 1 purl to remove without knitting);
3 circular row - (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 knit without knitting, knit 1 wrong loop together with the adjacent yarn over with a wrong loop);
4 circular row - (Knit 1 knit together with the adjacent yarn over with the front loop, 1 reverse yarn over, remove the purl without knitting);
Further, the pattern is repeated from 3 rows.

Two-tone English elastic band around

For the sample, we collect 33 loops with white thread. We distribute them 8 on each knitting needle. There should be 9 stitches left on the 4th needle. We transfer this 9th loop to the 1st knitting needle and knit one of the first two loops (there are 8 loops on the 4th knitting needle). So we closed knitting in a circle. Now you can start knitting the main pattern:
1 circular row (white thread) - (1 facial, 1 purl);
2 circular row (blue thread) - (1 front, 1 reverse yarn over, 1 purl is removed without knitting);
3 circular row (white thread) - (1 reverse yarn over, remove 1 front yarn, purl 1 together with the adjacent yarn over);
4 circular row (blue thread) - (knit 1 front together with the adjacent yarn over, knit 1 reverse yarn over, remove purl 1 without knitting);
Further, the pattern is repeated from 3 rows.

Photo of clothes knitted with an English elastic band on knitting needles

Knitting is a popular type of needlework. Using it, you can create clothes and jewelry.

It is also a great way to express yourself. There are different types of patterns, having studied which, you can make original things.

One of them is English gum. This is a well-known and simple knitting method.

Knitting features

This type of knitting is used to create scarves and hats. It is also often used to make cuffs. Things made using this method look impressive, since English gum is characterized by volume and splendor.

This method involves alternating front and back loops. The volume of the pattern is given by a straight yarn. The pattern can be knitted with regular knitting needles or circular.

Very often, threads of two colors are used - this makes the thing more spectacular. Since this knitting is characterized by volume, it takes more yarn than in other cases.

There are several ways to knit a pattern. You need to consider them in order to be able to use them.

Simple traditional knitting

You need to start work with a set of the required number of loops. There must be an odd number of them so that the product is neat.


  1. The first loop must be knitted with the front, make a straight yarn over, and the next one should be removed without knitting. Continue like this until the end of the strip. The thread is supposed to be kept at work.
  2. In the second row, you need to throw on the thread, remove the eyelet, and knit the yarn over and the loop from the previous row together like a face. So you need to act until the strip ends. The thread should be in the same position as when knitting the first row.
  3. The next strip should be started by knitting a loop and a crochet from the previous row. Then the thread is thrown on, and the next eye is removed. The principle is preserved to the end.
  4. Further work is to alternate the sequences of the second and third rows.

The loops located at the beginning and at the end are hem. The scheme does not take into account their presence.

Volumetric two-color English yarn

The principle of such knitting is to use threads of two colors. This allows you to create bright and unusual things.

In a two-color elastic band, each strip is knitted twice - once with each thread.


  1. The first row starts with a knit stitch, followed by a yarn over. Next, the eye is removed without knitting. So they knit to the end.
  2. Change the thread and yarn over. Next is withdrawal. A loop with a thread thrown over from the first row is knitted together like a face. We must continue until the loops run out.
  3. Return to the first thread, and shift the resulting flap to the opposite edge of the knitting needle. The loop and the yarn must be knitted with one purl loop, throw on the thread and remove the eye. Knit like this to completion.
  4. Change thread. You need to start by throwing on the thread, followed by the removal and knitting of the loop with a crochet as a purl.
  5. Again, change the thread and shift the knitted flap in the opposite direction. They knit a loop and a yarn over as a front one, make a new yarn, remove the loop.

Further work is to repeat steps 2-5.

double rib knitting

Start work with a set of loops in an amount that is a multiple of four, and add 2 pcs. (edge).


  1. In the first row, alternate front and back loops of 2 pieces. The last 2 eyes must be knitted as facial.
  2. The strip begins with threading, 2 pieces are removed without knitting, 2 pieces are knitted face.
  3. Yarn with a loop must be knitted behind the face, make the front one and throw on the thread, remove 2 eyes.

To create a canvas, repeat steps 2-3 until you get a canvas of the desired length.

Fluffy English knit

This type of knitting is similar to the pattern in question, but is easier to perform. The beginning of work is a set of an even number of loops.


  1. The loops are knitted alternately one by one for the wrong side and for the face.
  2. From the second row, the wrong side is knitted in the usual way, and the front eyes are knitted from the eyes of the row below. The top loop must be removed.

You need to knit, repeating the second step. Removed loops can be dissolved or left in their original form.

Simplified false or fake gum

This option is designed for those who find it difficult to knit according to the rules. The pattern is similar, but the principle is simpler.


  • first you need to dial the number of eyes, a multiple of four;
  • it is necessary to knit 3 loops for the face and one for the wrong side;
  • 2 facial loops are made, one - purl and one facial loop.

To obtain the canvas, continue to perform 2-3 steps.

Products connected in the indicated ways

This pattern is used in the manufacture of various products. But it is most convenient to make hats and scarves (snood) with it.


Scarves of this type are very popular. This item is easy to knit.

Begin work with a set of an odd number of loops. In the first row, the usual knitting principle is used - the front, thrown thread, removal without knitting. At the beginning of a new strip, they knit an edge, make a crochet, remove the eyelet, and process the loop with the crochet together - like a front one.

When the eyes run out, turn the fabric over and knit a yarn over with a loop. After that, the thread is thrown on, and the next loop is removed.

Work continues until you get a thing of the desired length. The fabric must be sewn at the ends to make a scarf collar.

English knit hat

An English elastic band will be able to quickly tie a stylish hat. You need to start by measuring the volume of the head and dialing the required number of loops. They are combined to make a ring, and distributed over the knitting needles.

The knitting of the edge implies the alternation of the face and the wrong side. In the second and subsequent rows, a simple English gum scheme is performed. So you should knit until you need to form the crown (reduce).

When reducing, it is necessary to knit 2 eyes together for the face. Between them, make one loop on the wrong side. This will reduce by a third. After the strip is completed, a row is made in a pattern, then reduced again. When the strip ends, you need to cut the thread, leaving a small piece that should be pulled through the remaining eyes. This is where the work ends.

Knitting an English gum is not difficult. To do this, you need to understand the principle and study the main varieties of the pattern. After that, you can practice creating different things. It can be scarves, hats, mittens, etc.