Squirrel squirrel and dad. How the squirrel's father outwitted the terrorists. polar bear, polar bear, cub

Once upon a time there was a family of squirrels in a large forest and they lived happily. The squirrel dad was gathering nuts in the forest all day, and the squirrel mom was helping him. Their son, a little squirrel, went to school where he had many friends. But, one day, big people came and started cutting down the forest. Gradually they forced out all the inhabitants of the forest to the very edge, and after a while the forest was empty. All animals are gone. And after some time, instead of tall, broad-leaved trees, there were low stumps stretching for many kilometers.

The family of squirrels was forced to look for a place for themselves in another forest. The path to it was dangerous and long, but they managed and reached. Gradually, life settled into the old course. Squirrel dad and squirrel mom were still picking nuts, but the squirrel missed his friends very much, who had gone somewhere. If he knew the addresses, he could use the owl post service.

The little squirrel did not work out at the new school either. He got in the middle of the school year, and the rest of the animals in the class hurt the squirrel. The wolf cub was the most cocky, every time the squirrel was bored, he ran up to him and bit him lightly.

This went on for quite some time. One evening at dinner, the squirrel mother asked the squirrel how things were at school, he could not stand it and burst into tears. The squirrel dad listened to his situation and said that you need to learn how to solve any problems yourself. No one will help in this cruel world. The squirrel mom agreed and told her son to go to school tomorrow and talk to the wolf cub. But the little squirrel was very afraid that he would be bitten again.

On the way to school, he began to cry again and stopped near a large tree to wipe his tears. Suddenly, an old woman's voice was heard from somewhere above. It was an owl, she was interested in a crying squirrel. She asked what happened, listened to the problem and said that somewhere in the forest there is a lake of problem solving, where everyone who drinks water will understand how to solve the current situation.

The squirrel wiped away his tears, thanked the owl for the advice, and instead of going to school, he went into the forest to look for a lake. He walked for a long time, often heard incomprehensible rustles somewhere in the bushes, and ran away from them. Ahead, he saw a fox and decided to ask her where he should look for a lake. But the fox replied that all this was fiction, no lake exists and that the squirrel was deceived. The fox waved its red tail and disappeared into the thicket of the forest. The squirrel was seized with doubts. Why did the owl say there was a lake, but the fox said no. Which of them is right, and who is deceiving, and if deceiving, then for what purpose? Suddenly he heard a pitiful squeak. He ran towards the sound and soon saw a river. A small chick lay on the shore and called for help. He did not yet know how to fly and fell out of the nest. But the worst thing was that a large snake was slowly approaching him.

The squirrel was very nimble, assessing his strength, he realized that he could quickly save the chick. And so he did. Instantly jumping and grabbing the chick, he climbed the nearest tree. The snake hissed angrily and disappointedly and disappeared into the bushes. The chick thanked the squirrel for saving his life. The squirrel returned the chick to its native nest and went on to look for the lake. He decided that it was better to find out the truth himself, and not to believe other people's words.

Walking down the river bed, he met a tortoise, which lay with its feet to the sky, and itself could not turn over. The little squirrel helped her to her feet and asked her if she had heard of the problem-solving lake. The turtle asked why he needed a lake, and when he listened, he thought. A quarter of an hour passed, and she remained silent. The little squirrel lost his patience and asked the question again, but the answer was silence. Inside the squirrel, two feelings fought. Acute desire to know the answer and impatience. But the desire to know the truth won over impatience. The little squirrel sat down next to the turtle, calmed down and began to wait for an answer. A little more time passed, and the turtle said that she knew where the lake was and could take it away. The little squirrel was very happy and ran ahead of the turtle, but it crawled very slowly. The joy of the news was again replaced by impatience, and the little squirrel did not know how to hurry the tortoise. He ran in circles around her and soon ran out of steam. He sat down to rest, and the turtle gradually moved forward. A couple of times he caught up with her, but quickly realized that he was getting tired of this even more. He decided to move in time with the turtle and managed to suppress his impatience. Thus they walked for a long time, and when they came to the lake, instead of it there was an empty pit, at the bottom of which grass grew. The squirrel got very angry. For the time spent, for believing the owl, for the turtle that had tormented him for so long.

Suddenly the tortoise asked him to tell about the journey he made coming here. The little squirrel calmed down and talked about how mom and dad advised to solve the problem himself, how he met an owl and found out about the lake, how he met a fox who deceived and said that there was no lake, then he helped the chick and finally met a turtle that had tormented him for so long his. To which the turtle replied.

“You little squirrel is surprisingly brave. But let's think about what really happened. You listen to your parents. You are fearless, since you helped the chick. You had a problem and you decided to solve it. You believed the owl, but think for yourself, if such a lake existed, how much would it be? Every day we all have problems and if everyone drank from the lake, it would have ended long ago. The thing is that no lake is needed to solve problems. Read books and help others. We help each other solve problems. And you do it too.

You think that the fox deceived you, but you see a lake in front of you, but there is no water in it. So, she did not deceive, but did not tell the whole truth. Maybe she didn't know it was empty.

Then, you helped the chick, you correctly assessed your strengths and made the right choice. And finally, you met me. I thought for a long time how to help you solve your problem, that's why we are here. You, little squirrel, overcame impatience. He managed to calm down the joy of the news that it exists and quickly realized that it was better to go slowly and calmly to the goal than to run headlong. Because very often we will be disappointed and regret that our expectations were not met and that at the end of the path we get something completely different from what we wanted.

The squirrel listened and could not believe his ears. Is he really that brave and strong? Since he was not afraid of the snake and managed to defeat himself, then what is it worth defeating the wolf cub?

The turtle continued: “Do you know what is most important, little squirrel? - he shook his head negatively, - and most importantly, the little squirrel, it is necessary to read books and learn to reason correctly and make choices yourself. Assessing your strength to help others. If you can't swim, never try to save a drowning man. Now go squirrel and solve your problem.

The joyful little squirrel went to school, and when the wolf cub again approached him and wanted to bite him, he said:

“You, wolf cub, are surprisingly very weak and cowardly. You bite only those who are weaker than you and cannot fight back, I feel sorry for you, wolf cub. The cub just laughed and bit the squirrel again. But he didn't feel as bad as before. He began to think about how to solve this problem and went to the library to read books that, as we all know, have answers to any problems in our lives.

Suddenly, a magpie flew in and trumpeted to everyone that a terrible fire was coming and very soon it would be here. Everyone panicked and the animals did not know what to do. The little squirrel heard screams and ran to the others. He ordered the animals to hurry home. Everybody left. Suddenly, he heard a lonely, drawn-out howl. It was a wolf cub howling. He was locked in the classroom. Everyone in a hurry forgot about him, and he fell asleep and now asked for help. The little squirrel, without thinking twice, ran to the teacher's room and began to look for the key to the office. And the fire at that time was already very close. Finally, the little squirrel found where all the keys were stored and, grabbing the right one, ran to the wolf cub. He opened the door, and the two of them ran into the depths of the forest, away from the fire.

Fortunately, people managed to put out the fire and even planted new trees. And the little squirrel thought that not all people are bad, there are good ones. Some people cut forests for their own profit, while other people, on the contrary, plant forests so that animals and people can hide in a pleasant shade from the hot scorching sun.

Life continued to flow. And one day, the wolf cub approached the squirrel and said that he would no longer bite him, because he saved him and wants them to be friends, moreover, he will protect him. The squirrel agreed and said: “Do you know, wolf cub, what is the most important thing? And most importantly, wolf cub, you need to read books, they have solutions to all our problems.

For our youngest readers

Dear friends! If your family has small children, then let them learn more about animals.

Children are especially interested in observing the relationship between parents and children in animals. This will allow the baby to better understand the distribution of social roles in any community. Young children actively absorb everything new, and interesting information about the family life of animals helps them to more correctly determine their place in their family and in the team.

So, to start with pets.

Dog, dog and puppy

The dog is the very first animal tamed by man. It happened 14 thousand years ago. Now there are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and not only decorative ones. Dogs are hunting, guard, shepherd, service, etc. Dog cubs are called puppies. The father of a puppy is called a dog.

Cat, cat and kitten

Cats, like dogs, have been tamed by humans for a very long time. Even now they not only delight their owners, but also protect the home from mice and other rodents. The kitten's father's name is cat.

Bull, cow and calf

The cow is a very useful animal. She gives people milk. Her cub is called a calf. The father of the calf is a bull.

Goat, goat and kid

The goat gives people very healthy milk and wool. Her cub is a goat, and the goat's father is a goat.

Ram, sheep and lamb

Sheep give people warm wool. A baby sheep is called a lamb. The father of the lamb is a ram.

Horse, horse (mare) and foal

The horse is used as a vehicle for riding and transporting goods. A baby horse is called a foal. The foal's father is a horse.

Donkey, donkey and colt (donkey cub)

Donkeys in the southern and mountainous regions are used as a means of transport.

Camel, camel and baby camel

The camel is a very hardy animal, which is indispensable in the deserts for the transport of goods. In addition, camels give very good wool.

Rabbit, rabbit and rabbits

Rooster, hen and chickens

The hen lays eggs. Chickens hatch from eggs, and their father is a rooster.

Drake, duck and ducklings

This is a drake dad, his head is green, unlike the gray mother duck.

Goose, goose and goslings

Turkey, turkey and turkey poults

And now a little about wild animals.

Elephant, elephant and baby elephant

lion, lioness, cub

Tiger, tigress and cub

Bear, she-bear and cub

polar bear, polar bear, cub

Panda, baby panda

Cheetah and cheetah cubs (kittens)

Leopard and leopard cub (kitten)

Wolf, she-wolf and cubs

Moose, moose, calf

This is papa moose. He, unlike the moose cow, has huge horns.

Deer, deer, deer

Hippo, hippo and baby hippo

Rhinoceros, female rhinoceros and baby rhinoceros

giraffe, giraffe, baby giraffe

Buffalo, buffalo and buffalo

Bison, buffalo and bison cub (calf)

Gorilla, female gorilla, baby gorilla

Zebra and zebras

Walrus, walrus and walrus

Seal, female seal and baby seal (pup)

penguin, penguin and baby penguin

Swan white and black, swans

Owl eared and owlet

Turtle and baby turtle (turtle)

Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog

That's all our examples. Did you remember everything and repeat?

We invite you to watch the video as well.

Here is a video with animal names:

There are also baby animals here:

And here the animals "speak":

How Belchonka's father outwitted the terrorists.

(detective fairy tale
happy ending)

Belka in the family
real grief,
her family
stays in minor.
And the squirrel cries:
"Misfortune, attack!
Where could the son
favorite abyss?
Everything was today
in the morning, as usual.
He went to school
along the usual path.
I gaze it
walked all the way
where could he
swerve unnoticed?
For lunch and afternoon tea
He did not come,
I thought washes
with the boys.
I rushed to look
son, leaving business,
but nowhere
I didn't find it."

Neighbors - Hedgehog,
Hare and Mole
gossip: "We didn't know
we are such worries.
After all, it was in the forest
everything is calm and quiet,
where did it come from
is it bad for us?"
But suddenly it rang
phone call
and squirrel pipe
grabbed: "Son!"
but the voice was heard
rude, foreign
"Son so far
yours is still alive.
We ransom for the son
carry under the tree
from the death of the faithful
save the child."
Confused Squirrel
looking at dad
and dad, all grief
killed, silent.

Here Owl sitting
on a birch branch
said, wiping
burning tears:
"I heard that Woodpecker
knocked very fast.
"In the forest appeared
We have terrorists."
I saw today
bandits are insidious
and very scary
what they love
kidnap babies
and hide them somewhere
in his cave."

Here soon resounded
"It's over, Belka,
appointed time!
Do you hear? We are more
don't wait a minute
and we start eating
The squirrel is alive.
Send money
Exactly ten bags!
We are terribly impatient
eat barbecue.
steel knives,
do not hesitate, to the son
Hurry alive!”

Helplessly Squirrel
crying all evening
and father Belchonka
consoles her:
"The leaves are dry,
how money moves.
Are you savvy? In the forest
leaf fall has come.
We are leaves and
twenty sacks
and this cunning
Let's save the squirrel!"
Neighbors for joy
upset mom
stuffed bags
"gold roubles".
Tried, worked
with one thought
so that only Belchonok
stayed alive!

tied to a tree
The little squirrel sits
and next to the squad
terrorists are worth it.
They are wearing black masks.
and gray coats
and in this forest
nobody knows them.
Near the meadow
helicopter is ready
with thieves' money
waiting for takeoff.
And Papa Belchonka
told them: “Take it!
Here's the money, but son
return first."
Belchonka bandits
released to the father
tight bags
loaded into a helicopter.
Shouted: "Like money
nice rustle!
We won't touch again
animal boys."

Helicopter immediately
off the ground,
but the sky is high
he didn't get up.
Closed from branches
forest dense tent,
the car fell
with a broken screw.
She on impact
of course it exploded
only black soot
remained in the area.
And dad rejoices:
"The little squirrel is saved!"
he hears from Belka:
"You are very smart!"
Rustled underfoot
golden carpet,
happy animals
hurried home.


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Baby animals sometimes have non-obvious names, and you may have even wondered questions like:

  • What is the name of a female ferret?
  • What is the name of a female deer, capercaillie, giraffe, peacock, woodpecker, wild boar?
  • What is the name of a baby seal, walrus, swan, sheep, elk, badger?
  • What is the name of a male duck, squirrel, cuckoo, pig, panther?
  • What is the name of the baby animals? For example, elephants, eagles and so on.

In a word, in this article we have collected the names of females - mothers, males - fathers, as well as the names of animal cubs, including animals (they are also mammals), birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

If you did not find someone, then be sure to write about it in the comments, and we will add this material in the very near future.

The collected material is presented in the form of a table with 4 columns. The first column is the name of the male, the 2nd is the name of the females, the 3rd is the name of the baby animal, and the last column is the plural name of the baby animal.

Note also that there are colloquial names , which are acceptable in speech, but use them in a scientific report, or when preparing an essay, it will not be correct .

Names of baby animals

Parents Cub (child) in the singular Plural babies
Father (male) Mother (female)
Ram Sheep or sheep Lamb lambs
Walrus walrus walrus walrus
Giraffe Giraffe, in colloquial speech there is a name - giraffe. A calf is the name given to all young artiodactyl animals, but there is also a giraffe. Calves or in colloquial speech - giraffes.
Elk moose calf moose
Seal female seal; in colloquial speech, you can find the name of the seal. Belek, and in the scientific literature, a seal cub is usually called a puppy. Belki, and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies.
Badger Badger Badger Badgers
Zebra Zebra Foal Foals
Hedgehog hedgehog hedgehog Ezhata
Deer That's right - a deer (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary), and not a deer, as it might seem. The name Lanka is also found in Efremova's dictionary. deer deer
Wild reindeer or sokzha - this is how the peoples inhabiting the tundra call the reindeer. Wild female reindeer or female reindeer. A deer up to a year old is called “non-blowing” or “non-spitting”, and only a born baby is called “fawn”. Fawns up to a year old are called “non-blues” or “non-spits”, and only those born are called “fawns”.
Serpent Snake serpent Serpents
Rhinoceros Rhino female A calf, in colloquial speech, a rhinoceros is also found. Calves, in colloquial speech - rhinos.
A boar is a male pig. Descendant of a boar. You can also meet a boar, but a boar cannot reproduce, as it is a castrated boar. Pig Piglet piglets
Lynx male Lynx A lynx or kitten, as a lynx is from the cat family. Lynxes or kittens.
Stallion (Horse) Horse (Mare) Foal Foals
Ostrich ostrich Ostrich ostriches
Swan Swan A chick, and in simple colloquial speech it is called a swan or a swan. Chicks, swans.
male panda Panda A panda cub, a panda bear cub, since the panda belongs to the bear family. You can meet the names "pandenok" or "pandenysh", but in the scientific literature the terms are not used - only in common parlance. When a panda cub grows up a little, they begin to call him a little panda. Panda cubs, panda cubs.
Fish fry Fry or juveniles
Crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodiles
Raccoon A female raccoon will be correct, but you can also find the names of a raccoon or a raccoon. Puppy Puppies
Eagle Eaglet Eaglet Eaglets
male monkey Monkey A baby monkey, and colloquially, a baby monkey can be called a "monkey". monkey cubs
Bull Cow Calf calves
Whale female whale, whale In scientific publications, either the phrase “whale baby” or “calf” is used; in colloquial speech, you can meet a whale. Whale cubs, calves, whales
male squirrel Squirrel little squirrel Belchata
Leopard female leopard Kitty kittens
Donkey donkey Foal donkeys
Wolf She-wolf wolf cub cubs
male toad Toad Zhabyonka (feminine), zhabyonok (masculine) according to Dahl's dictionary Frogs
Hippopotamus (hippopotamus) Behemoth A baby hippopotamus, and you can also call the baby hippopotamus. Also note that hippos belong to the artiodactyl family. In the scientific language, the cubs of all artiodactyls are called calves. Baby hippos, calves
fox fox, fox fox cub fox cubs
Nerpa (type of seal) Seal Belek (belek), and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies. Belki, and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies.
Kangaroo Kangaroo Kangaroo kangaroo
Goat Goat Kid goats
Camel Camel camel Camels
arctic fox fox female A fox cub, but it can also be called a puppy, since the fox is a mammal of the canine family, and a cub is called a cub not only of a dog, but also of a wolf, fox and other canines. fox cubs or puppies
male turtle Turtle Turtle
Fur seal female fur seal Puppy Puppies
male marten Marten Puppy Puppies
Pigeon Dove Dove chick, in colloquial speech there is a dove. Pigeon chicks, colloquially - pigeons.
Gusak (Goose) Goose Gosling Goslings
Elephant Elephant Baby elephant Elephant
Magpie male Magpie shirt Sorochata
Martin Swallow chick. In Dahl's dictionary, the name of the cowgirl is found. Swallow chicks.
a lion Lioness lion cub lion cubs
Male mouse - colloquial Mouse little mouse mice
male panther Panther A kitten, like a panther from the cat family. In colloquial speech, you can sometimes meet: a panther or a panther. kittens
male frog Frog Tadpole (frog larva emerging from eggs). After the process of metamorphosis, he becomes a frog. A frog is a young frog. Tadpoles, frogs
Dolphin female dolphin Dolphin, according to the explanatory dictionary of Efremova from 2000. Dolphins
Dog Dog Puppy Puppies
Sable Sable female Puppy, sable is also used colloquially. Puppies
Crow Female crow (emphasis on 1 syllable - crow) or crow Crow crow or crow chick. Crows or crow chicks.
Male crow or crow Crow Crow chick, crow. Crow chicks, crows.
Stork Stork in colloquial speech. stork storks
Cheetah female cheetah A kitten, like a cheetah from the cat family. kittens
shark male Shark baby shark shark
Hare hare Hare Bunnies. In general, the offspring of hares happens 3 times a year. The first brood at the end of March. They are called - "nastoviki", the second brood is born in June, and they are called "spikelets" and "herbalists". Autumn hares are called "leaf fall", and they appear in September. Thus, late hares are called "deciduous".
Tiger Tigress tiger cub tiger cubs
male red panda Red panda Panda cub or small (red, red) panda cub Panda cubs or small (red, red) panda cubs
The male cuckoo, and names like: cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo are not correct. Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
A male roe deer, and the Altaians call him kuran or guran. Hunters call a male roe deer a goat. Roe deer or goat. You can also find the name of the female among the Altaians - kerekshin. And in some places the name is used - goat. Roe deer in the dictionary of Efremova. Roe deer
lizard Lizard lizard Lizards
male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Ferret female ferret Puppy Puppies
male antelope Antelope Calf, although in colloquial speech you can find such names as "antelope", "antelope" or "antelope", which should not be used in literary speech. calves
doe male Doe Calf calves
male killer whale Killer whale, sometimes you can find the spelling killer whale, but the correct version is still killer whale. In colloquial speech, you can use killer whales, or rather killer whales, but in general, killer whale cubs are called that - a killer whale cub. killer whale cubs
Starling female starling Starling skvorchata
male mink Mink Puppy Puppies
Turkey Turkey, and in cooked form, for example, fried will be a turkey. turkey chick Turkey poults
Penguin Penguin little penguin penguins
male gorilla Gorilla Gorillion Gorillion
male weasel weasel Puppy Puppies
Gopher The female gopher, and options like gopher, gopher, gopher - are not true. Baby gopher. And the name like gophers is not true. gopher cubs
Mole A female mole, but a mole is allowed in colloquial speech. Mole or mole according to Dahl's dictionary. moles
Sparrow or diminutive to sparrow - sparrow, sparrow Sparrow - according to Ozhegov's dictionary Sparrow or colloquially sparrows or little sparrows and you can even meet a little sparrow. sparrow
male otter Otter Puppy Puppies
Rabbit Bunny rabbit rabbits
Crane Female crane, crane, crane Crane Cranes
Polar bear polar bear bear cub bear cubs
male jackdaw Jackdaw Galchonok Galchata
Rook rook rook Grachata
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Bear Bear bear cub bear cubs
Rooster Chicken Chick chickens
Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk
Cat Cat Kitty kittens
Drake Duck Duckling ducklings
Buffalo buffalo Calf calves
Beaver is also a beaver, but the word "beaver" means the animal itself, but "beaver" is the fur of this beautiful animal. The beaver is used in scientific literature, and the beaver in colloquial. beaver beaver beavers
Goat Goat Kid goats
male titmouse Tit Tit chick, colloquially found - titmouse Chicks of a tit, colloquially also used - titmouse
Woodpecker female woodpecker Woodpecker chick, woodpecker is used in zoology Woodpecker chicks, zoologists use - woodpeckers
Boar Boar boar Boar
Mammoth Mammoth or female mammoth Mammoth Mammoths
Thrush A female thrush or a female thrush. In colloquial speech, it is found - a thrush. A thrush chick, in colloquial speech - a thrush. Thrush chicks
Desman or crest Desman female Desman cub, colloquially a muskrat. Desman cubs, in colloquial speech - desmans.
Teretev, a kosach, he is a polyukh. The female black grouse, you can also find the names - black grouse, scythe, female scythe, chicken. black grouse chick Black grouse chicks, popular name - powders.
A male owl, hunters use the name owl. Owl Owlet Owlets
Partridge male. Ornithologists call the male cock, hunters - partridge. Among the local names there are names: drummer, pitoon. Partridge, there are also many local names: chicken, partridge, partridge, white grouse, tallovka, alder, birch. partridge chick partridge chicks
Skunk female skunk Puppy, colloquially - skunk Puppies
Ant-eater Female anteater, colloquially - anteater Anteater cub Anteater cubs
Vulture Vulture female Vulture chick Vulture chicks
Toucan female toucan toucan chick toucan chicks
Tapir female tapir Foal or baby tapir Foals or baby tapirs
Male coati or male coati Nosuha, the scientific name is coati. Noseha cub or coati cub Nosihi cubs or coati cubs
meerkat A female meerkat, colloquially a meerkat A baby meerkat, colloquially a meerkat. Meerkat cubs, colloquially - meerkats.
Tamarin or saguin female tamarin baby tamarin tamarin cubs
Jackal female jackal Puppy or baby jackal Jackal puppies or cubs
Ermine female stoat baby stoat baby stoat
Bison or European bison A female bison, also called a cow, in colloquial speech - a bison. A calf or a bison cub, in colloquial speech - a bison. Calves or young bison, in colloquial speech - bison.
male bat Bat Puppy or baby bat Puppies or baby bats
Snow leopard, irbis or snow leopard Female snow leopard or female irbis or female snow leopard Kitten or snow leopard cub or snow leopard cub or snow leopard cub Kittens or snow leopard cubs, or snow leopard cubs, or snow leopard cubs
Jerboa A female jerboa, colloquially you can sometimes meet a jerboa Baby jerboa. Also on the Internet you can find the name - jerboa. This option can be considered colloquial. Jerboa cubs, colloquially - jerboas.
Hamster Female hamster, hamster. A baby hamster, and colloquially - a hamster. Hamster cubs, colloquially - hamsters.
Yak. The Tibetans call him g-yak. Yak female. Tibetans call a female yak - dri. Calf, baby yak or lamb. Calves, baby yak or yak.
male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Male gull or male gull. And no seagulls or seagulls! Gull Seagull chick, chabar (an outdated version from Dahl's dictionary). In colloquial speech, you can meet - tea. Also, a chick of a seagull is called - kavysh. This name is also applicable to goslings and ducklings, but it is used very rarely. Seagull chicks, savory, kavysh.
A male pike, and in Ukraine a male pike is called a pike. Pike Shchurenok, pike cub, there is also a name pike. Squirrels, pike cubs. In the fairy tale "At the command of the pike" the name of the pike is found.
Fenech or fennec fox or male fennec fox fennec female Fennec fox puppy or fennec cub Fennec fox puppies or fennec cubs
male gazelle Gazelle Baby gazelle, colloquial version - gazelle Gazelle cubs, colloquial version - gazelles
Parrot Female parrot, colloquial version - parrot Parrot chick, colloquial version - parrot, parrot Parrot chicks, colloquial version - parrots
male echidna Echidna Echidna cub, in English, echidna cubs are called the word puggle, which means “cute” or “cute” in Russian, also the name puggle is a zoological name. In colloquial speech, you can find the name - viper. Echidna cubs, in colloquial speech - vipers.
Platypus A female platypus, colloquially a platypus. Baby platypus. In colloquial speech, you can find the name - platypus, which is a diminutive of the name platypus. Platypus cubs, in colloquial speech - platypuses.
Bullfinch, in the people they are called mockingbirds. The female bullfinch, in colloquial speech - the bullfinch, among the people they also meet the name of the female snow maiden. A bullfinch chick, in colloquial speech - a bullfinch. Bullfinch chicks, colloquially - bullfinches.
Wren female beetle Kinglet chick King chicks
Quail Quail quail chick quail chicks
swift Strizhikha - in colloquial speech. Haircut - in colloquial speech. Sheared - in colloquial speech.
Perch female perch Perch - in colloquial speech perch

A fairy tale about a baby squirrel for children who do not want to sleep in their own crib.

There lived a little squirrel. He slept in his bed. Squirrel mom and squirrel dad - in their own.

One day, my mother brought a little squirrel into the hollow. Just tiny. Wrapped up in an envelope. “Here,” she said to her son, “this is your little sister.” When she grows up, you will collect nuts and play with her.

But while the sister was still small. And very capricious. I whimpered at night. I didn't want to sleep alone. And the squirrel mother began to take her to her bed. And the squirrel dad moved to sleep on the sofa next to the bed of the older squirrel.

“This is news,” thought the older squirrel, looking at the younger sister, who was snoring, pleased, next to her mother.

“I want to sleep with you too,” he told his mother.

You slept when you were little. And now he grew up and began to sleep in his bed.

- I don't want any more! I want with you!

But I don't have a place!

“Then I want to sleep next to my dad!”

“But dad doesn’t have a place either!”

The squirrel pouted. And at night, after all, he climbed over to dad on the sofa.

"Lie down," Dad whispered.

- Don't want. I want with you.

- OK then. But only for one night.

But the next night it all happened again. The little squirrel again huddled under dad's side. There was not enough space, and dad sighed. Dad looked sad in the morning. He even spilled coffee nut all over his new suit.

Why are you going to bed with your dad? the squirrel's mother asked sternly. - He doesn't sleep! Look how pale he is!

"I don't like my bed," the little squirrel muttered.

“Leave him,” dad asked mom, “now is the time.” I'll be patient, nothing...

And dad began to endure. And the little squirrel slept restlessly. It was spinning in a dream. He lay across the bed. Then he touched dad on the nose with his tail. He scratched his cheek with his paw. By accident! In a dream!

Dad woke up and went to work pale, sad and with scratches.

And scattered. Instead of coffee, I once drank it nice for the hands. The foam was...

Belchonka eventually felt sorry for dad. He gathered his strength and moved back to his bed. Dad cheered up. But now the little squirrel was sad! He was alone! Completely alone!

And one night he figured out what to do! He took and moved his bed to his father's sofa. And now everything was fine! He slept next to dad, but did not interfere with him.

Autumn has come. And it started to rain. One night the little squirrel woke up all wet. Guard! It was raining in the hollow! And just - on the bed of the little squirrel! Horrible. He swam in bed, as if in a puddle ...

I had to move the beds again. And again the little squirrel's bed was far from everyone. And again he was very sad. He couldn't even sleep. I lay at night and thought.

— You know what? Dad suddenly said.

Perhaps he, too, lay and thought.

“Let’s pretend our beds are side by side?” Let's? You imagine. And I will present.

The squirrel closed his eyes and imagined his father's sofa next to him. Inside the squirrel immediately became warm.

“I imagined,” he whispered, “and I also imagine that you are holding out your paw to me!”

“I stroke you and say: good night,” dad picked up.

- Affectionately so glaaaad, - the squirrel yawned.

Inside, he was getting warmer and warmer ... It was as if he had drunk a whole jug of peanut coffee.

- Very affectionately, - dad confirmed, - and I hug you again. A hundred times.

“Quick-quick,” my sister squeaked.

She probably wanted to hug her older brother too.

- Okay, - the squirrel smiled, - two hundred hugs and a quick quick is great. Let's sleep now, shall we?

And soon it became quiet in the squirrel hollow ...

From book "Tales about pests"

Julia Kuznetsova "Tales about pests"

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