Quatrain about the day. Happy birthday quatrains. Short happy birthday poems

Let life be like strong wine,
Over the years it gets richer and brighter!
And let it be filled to the brim
And happiness, and health, and good luck!
Let any plans and aspirations
The worthy is embodied,
Life will open happy pages,
Any dream can soon come true!

May it also be bright every year,
Luck comes unnoticed
May all that this holiday brings,
Life will certainly change for the better,
Will add strength, improve health,
Will give you bright moments of happiness
And in a moment he will make any dreams come true
Great to have a great mood!

Let the birthday number
Will make your wishes come true
Health will strengthen and well-being,
Will reward your patience and diligence,
Will save you from enemies and all sorts of troubles,
He will give all his loved ones many happy years to come,
Will please your daughter with her success at school,
Will protect you from an unhappy fate,
Love and friendship will last forever,
Will allow you to live comfortably and carefree,
Gives food to the heart and mind...

Happy Birthday!
I wish you
In work - speed,
In health - vigor,
In happiness - eternity,
In life - infinity,
From the sun - warmth,
Good from people
From my husband - tenderness,
From friends - love and loyalty.

We are happy to sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you health and good luck!
Give sweet gifts as keepsakes,
Warm smile and hug to you!
Wish you goodness, success and career,
Miracles, surprises, glorious news!
Thank you for the warmth of the atmosphere,
For loving and appreciating your friends!

Let life be bright forever,
A dream with hope will not be deceived,
And may a good man
It will be the only one in the world.
May there never be sorrow
Hiding in an empty mirror...
Bring love and happiness to people,
And the house will be fuller!

From the bottom of my heart on my birthday -
These words are warm:
Beauty, inspiration,
Always have a bright life!
All dreams come true!
Bright days and warmth!
And so that the music of happiness
Joy lived in my heart!

Joy, bright emotions!
Smiles, cheerful laughter!
Let everything work out easily!
Happiness, good luck, success!
Clean, delicate colors
The days will be filled!
The brightest holiday
And endless love!

We would like to congratulate you on your birthday
For beauty, for kindness,
Unrivaled Skill
Give care and warmth!
Let everything that surrounds you be
Spring, bright, and beautiful.
Let the sun shine every day
May every day bring happiness!

Let the congratulations continue
And birthday wishes
Always happy news,
Love and loyal friends.
May all wishes come true.
Lead your endeavors to success!
Let every day be good
And it’s not like the others!

Everyone has known the statement since ancient times,
When a person is born, then
At the beginning of the night, on his birthday,
A star lights up in the sky.
So may your star always shine,
And now let it burn even brighter,
Illuminating the path of your life more and more brightly,
Let nothing darken the road!

On your gorgeous anniversary
Pour wine for the guests,
And don’t sin in your old age,
There is youth of the soul.

Let the anniversary add color
And let him turn life into a fairy tale,
Let this fairy tale not last for an hour,
And he stays with you forever.

Happy birthday!
I wish you with all my heart
happiness, health, longevity,
Celebrate our 100th anniversary in the same company!

I wish you on your anniversary,
So that prospects open up,
Always be happy, healthy,
Live easily, positively.

Happy anniversary from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations, of course,
May the days be insanely good,
And the mood is bright and excellent!

Happy anniversary quatrains for birthday people

May your life go peacefully.
Live without knowing sorrow and troubles
And may your health be strong
For many many, many years.

May your anniversary be fun,
Don't regret your emotions
Have fun, dance and sing,
Don't be shy and be yourself!

Good health to you,
Prosperity and prosperity.
On your anniversary I wish you,
So that life is only sweet.

Happy anniversary! It happens rarely
This day is a big stage in the journey.
May fate throw gifts accurately!
Congratulations! We love you with all our hearts!

I wish you a wonderful anniversary!
It's time to get used to the gentle "starley"
Although youth still shines in the eyes,
So let your life boil with happiness!

May the anniversary bring only happiness,
Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear.
Mental wealth and health
We wish you with all our hearts.

Let us not wish for lofty words,
Unfulfilled desires too,
We would like to wish you health and happiness,
It is known that there are no more expensive ones.

Round dates - bagels of days,
Don’t be shy to tell everyone about them!
Rejoice, laugh, live while playing,
Keep warm feelings forever!

Please accept congratulations.
The anniversary is a milestone, no doubt.
As before, I wish
Move hard towards your dream

Anniversary is a special birthday,
So let him bring it with him to your home
A bright moment of pleasant excitement
Toasts, laughter at the festive table.

Beautiful words of quatrains for the anniversary

Happy anniversary! Happy holiday,
May your clear path be illuminated with happiness
A ray of love, hope, goodness, luck,
Light, warmth and inspiration!

We wish the hero of the day,
Forget about all the flaws
Health, happiness and love,
After all, all the luck is ahead!

We wish Siberian health,
The tranquility of the Olympic
May successes in business multiply
And life, like a song, will work out!

I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you don’t know doctors
Have green bills
Love, dream and prosper.

On your anniversary in front of honest people
I wish you life to be honey!
But so that you don’t have to plow like a bee,
May happiness itself be found in your life!

May the anniversary bless you
Good luck, joy, goodness!
Everything will leave grievances in the past
And the whole house will be illuminated with happiness!

Don't rush to count the years,
Have some more fun
After all, it’s an anniversary date,
Inventive for miracles!

We admire looking at you:
How much tenderness you have in reserve,
How much light, warmth, purity,
Unspent kindness!

And congratulations on your anniversary,
Wishing you health and joy,
We swear to always be by your side
And we confess our good feelings!

Blush, the anniversary is round!
And there are a little too many candles on the cake...
But what years are we! You can't count them ahead!
I wish you great happiness to find!

Happy anniversary - wishes in quatrains in verse

An anniversary is a milestone and milestone.
Please accept congratulations.
Let the rich fruits
Your all provide solutions.

I wish the whole carriage good health,
One million green money
Friends proven in business,
And magic is not only in dreams!

Let only the best changes
Your anniversary is preparing,
Everything will be fine in fate,
After all, happiness is nearby!

We are happy to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
You deserve all the rewards in life,
Worthy only of high praise,
A loud barrage of applause sounds in your honor!

Never be discouraged
Keep up the good work
For a new anniversary
It was even brighter for you!

Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

Happy birsday, my dear!
Let everything be just like this
How do you imagine
Life will be filled with a sea of ​​blessings!

Think of yourself as a queen
Don't give up the throne to others.
Don't look left yourself
And don’t let others watch!

Beautiful quatrains happy birthday to a woman

Happy birthday, with love!
Life has good things in store for you.
You deserve to live cool
Every minute!

I wish you earthly joys!
Let your head spin with happiness
And the verse will bring good luck,
Which you so deserve!

I respect you, you know
I don't expect your return in return.
Take a rest on your birthday
Let the pressure jump from love!

* * *

I really want to believe in a miracle,
Especially on your birthday!
Let it be nearby
Gives magical moments!

Quatrains in verses happy birthday to a woman

I wish you on your birthday
Brighter than earthly existence!
So that the days flow like honey,
Bring happiness to you every year!

Blossom and reflect joy,
Don't give up your dreams.
Try to turn them into reality.
And leave sad thoughts!

Here it is, your birthday!
We were looking forward to it.
We want to tell you that you are wonderful
And I must live a wonderful life!

Happy birthday! Happiness, health
On this holiday I wish you,
So that every moment sparkles only with love,
Everything always worked out in fate!

Be bright, sweet, pretty,
Always open to goodness
A little ironic, energetic!
Happy birthday! Hooray!

Happy birthday! Happiness and joy
May they always be with you,
So that you smile cheerfully
And she was, like spring, young!

Congratulations! Be the most joyful
Celebrate this day, have fun.
Don't be sad, beauty, not even an ounce,
May life be only sweet!

Funny happy birthday quatrains for a woman

Happy birthday dear
I wish with all my heart
Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana
And a huge house in Havana

* * *

Diamond earrings,
Men with slender legs,
And real estate in Dubai
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

On your birthday I want to wish
For more kisses
And bright events in your life,
And also - smiles and optimism! ©

Be joyful, beautiful and happy -
I wish you this birthday!
May you bloom with a very sweet smile,
It would sparkle with unbridled joy! ©

I wish you on your birthday
Excellent health and good luck!
In love - good luck, in life - optimism.
And more joyful surprises in life! ©

Always be beautiful and happy,
Very joyful, bright and cute!
May all your wishes come true,
Only happiness and success await you in life! ©

Have fun for all two hundred
And smile wider
I wish you on your birthday
You're in a super mood! ©

Be cooler than all the ladies
And don’t frown like a cloud!
On this awesome birthday
Congratulations, have fun! ©

Celebrate your birthday brightly,
Bathe yourself in flowers and the most wonderful gifts.
So that the smile on your lips shines,
And every day you became happier. ©

May you always be lucky in your personal life,
Trouble passes you by.
Let happiness flow over the edge,
And let your life be like paradise. ©

I wish you a dear fur coat,
A solid car – a foreign car.
And a two-story, steep dacha,
And you always looked bright. ©

I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
May you be as happy as anyone on this day.
I want to take away the seal and add joys,
So that you bloom with youth every day. ©

I wish you on your birthday,
So that the mood is excellent.
Lived to be magical, harmonious,
And everything turned out just fine. ©

Comfort, affection, peace and kindness,
Luck, peace of mind, success.
Huge love, tenderness, warmth,
Lots of adventure, more laughter. ©

On my birthday I wish
Joy and happiness to you!
Let the sorrows go away quickly!
Peace, light and harmony! ©

Today I wish you
Love and joy without end!
Be happy, my dear!
Let there be no sorrows! ©

Joy, happiness, success,
Good luck and laughter in life!
On my birthday I wish -
Let all sorrows pass! ©

I wish you on your birthday
Good luck and good luck!
May all your dreams come true
Any business is controversial! ©

Super prince on horseback
And in a cheerful vest
I wish on your birthday,
To improve your mood! ©

So that your brain doesn't get shortened
And everyone around you loved you
I wish on your birthday,
Well, and a lot of fun! ©

Prosperity, financial well-being,
May everything work out in all your endeavors.
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
And let them understand you perfectly. ©

I wish you not to encounter any obstacles on the way,
To drown in tenderness, affection, care.
Go confidently towards your cherished goal,
And life can only be turned around for the better. ©

I would like to gather with guests today,
And enjoy your birthday.
Gifts, surprises, flowers,
And become more joyful and happier. ©

Let the positivity never leave you,
Let the energy overwhelm you.
Let the mood be great
Especially on your holiday - your birthday. ©

Let your cherished wishes come true,
So that you bathe in care and attention.
So that you can easily achieve all your goals,
And be sure to remain happy. ©

Let everything be in your life as you want,
Or maybe even better, by the way.
Let happiness overwhelm you,
And in life everything will be in your power. ©

Joy, happiness, smiles, fun
I wish you on your birthday!
May all your dreams and wishes come true,
So that you don’t encounter suffering in life! ©

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness and joy.
And health and success,
Lots of money, lots of laughter!

Success, joy, goodness,
Surprises, happiness, magic.
Warmth, love, fun,
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, may this day and all the other days of your life be wonderful, interesting, eventful, amazing and impressive. I wish you health and unlimited happiness.

Happy birthday,
I wish you positivity
And also kindness,
May your dreams come true!

Always live cheerfully
Happiness - so that for all years,
Love, joy, luck
And health. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!
I wish you all the best!
Let your dreams come true
Everything you want!
May your health not fail you
Love and joy come into life!

I wish you pleasant gifts, surprises,
Money in my pocket, around the world cruises,
Health, love (this is without discussion),
Good luck and happiness to you on your birthday!

I wish you to live and prosper,
Charge everyone with optimism,
Be successful in all matters
And be the most confident!

Beautiful success, peace, warmth,
Let life be good and bright.
Let joy happen more often,
Prosperity, health, good luck and happiness.

Let your cherished dreams
Yours always come true
Only happiness and goodness
Let your house be filled.

Happy birthday! Good luck!
Let all problems be solved!
Happiness is a stormy waterfall,
A bright series of happy days!

Happy Birthday!
May good luck come to you
All dreams come true
Wishes come true.

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness and profit.
The house is beautiful and cozy,
Where relatives are always waiting.

Happy Birthday!
May good luck be with you.
We wish you smiles, kindness, understanding,
Let any wish come true!

Let him give you a birthday
Happiness, joy, beauty,
Many joyful moments
And a wonderful dream.

On a happy day, on a birthday,
I wish you no jam,
No cakes, no dishes, no pickles,
And happiness, joy, luck,
Health, money and patience,
Love, good luck, inspiration.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
Blessed warmth,
Good health, success,
Smiles, humor and laughter.

There is so much I want to say:
I wish you health and happiness,
Not knowing losses and not knowing troubles,
And live long, don’t lose heart,
Multiply your victories,
Don't forget true friends.

Happy Birthday to You,
I wish you well
So that your health is strong,
And it didn’t let you down!

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness and health.
Let everything you dreamed about
It has most likely come true in your life.

A joyful and kind life,
Lots of happiness and health,
Joyful, simple ideas,
Easy and carefree days.