What a man must do for a relationship. You are his universe. Cooking eggs in four ways

Men, you love to post posts with various lists of "what a real woman should be able to do" or "a dream girl is ..." So, the Women's list is presented to your attention. Read carefully. There is nothing super complicated in it. You may be fine with most of the things listed here. Then I'm happy for your friend of life. And if there is something to work on - quietly look here sometimes to check yourself and meet "100%"...
List from women's magazine LQ, compiled by its readers.

1. Do not be silent if you cooked deliciously. Silently eat if it's not tasty.
2. Do not knock on my bathroom. I `ll exit...
3. Bring marshmallows at night if I want.
4. Do not pretend that the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink came to visit from the neighbors.
5. Throw away your holey socks/panties. Even the most beloved and comfortable.
6. Bring to orgasm.
7. Be able and love to cook meat.
8. Dance. At least a little. At least when we're both drunk.
9. Be able to communicate with children of any age.
10. Intercede if someone is rude / sticks to a weaker person on the street.

11. Correctly answer the question of what he liked best of the five proposed clothing options.
12. Know when to stop yelling at stupid me and just hug me.
13. Be there when needed.
14. Turn off the water in the apartment and understand what is flowing in the drain tank.
15. Let you spend the evening buried in your laptop if inspiration strikes.
16. DO cunnilingus.
17. Be confident and generous.
18. Deal with a completely disgruntled neighbor who said that I scratched his car.
19. Love jazz.
20. Remember that when I'm in heels, I need to move slowly and not far.

21. Don't yell when I'm driving.
22. In the morning, after my drinking, bring mineral water, beer and run to the pharmacy for a headache medicine. Regret all day and endure moaning. Even if they were drinking together.
23. Choose your own ring.
24. Make children and enjoy their upbringing.
25. Have sex via SMS using the words of the normative and not very vocabulary.
26. Take responsibility.
27. Be silent.
28. Hug at night so that it is not hot, but cozy.
29. Be able to earn money and spend it generously on me.
30. Determine who is the main woman in his life, and make her happy.

31. Be able to express your feelings, do not be shy about doing it.
32. Know a lot.
33. Do not paint over gray hair.
34. Watch so that goosebumps and butterflies in the stomach.
35. Hug.
36. Never break down on rudeness.
37. Restrain emotions after learning about the amount I spent.
38. Kindle a fire with one match.
39. With self-respect to dissect even on the killed "nine".
40. Cook with pleasure, starve with humor.

41. Make gifts.
42. Cut your nails and hair in your ears and nose.
43. Write competently.
44. Just kissing for hours, delicious, sweet and varied, to trembling in the knees.
45. Worry about the family.
46. ​​Get drunk before a woman.
47. To be smarter than a woman in a harmless form for her.
48. Fool around together.
49. Be able to get sick.
50. Never say "I told you!"

51. Build a house.
52. Don't give up yours.
53. Leave when out of love.
54. Love children from previous marriages.
55. Be able to explain the multiplication table to a seven-year-old dunce.
56. To drag me, cheerful and not very sober, into an apartment, undress, take off my shoes, make a bed, put me down, put a glass of water next to me, and in the morning pretend that nothing happened.
57. Write exciting stories for your son before bed.
58. Watch your appearance, but not fanatically.
59. Leave you personal space.
60. Smell delicious.

61. Jealous|Don't be jealous.
62. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Listen, listen, listen.
63. Understand wine, football and bra sizes.
64. Ride the subway "without hands" and miserable attempts to grab the handrail.
65. Know a lot.
66. Joking.
67. Do at least a little sport to maintain tone.
68. Dress tastefully.
69. Be able to discreetly unbutton a bra.
70. To be able to forgive me even in the most unpleasant situations. And don't force yourself to ask for forgiveness. The phrase "Come on, forgot" - that's it.

71. Quickly finish from a blowjob.
72. Play the guitar.
73. Understand subtle hints. Even very subtle and very hints.
74. Do minor repairs in the house.
75. Give jewelry with diamonds.
76. Have a best friend.
77. Remember your ex only respectfully.
78. Do not be jealous of masseurs.
79. Quickly think that the right is where I point.
80. Forget the phrase "You don't understand."

81. Relax the tip of the tongue. Ras-sla-woman of easy virtue!
82. Don't be afraid of cockroaches.
83. Kiss ass.
84. Fly a kite.
85. Win often.
86. Reinstall Windows.
87. Share shopping with me.
88. Don't be ashamed to buy me pads/tampons.
89. Turn the mattress "winter-summer" in winter and summer.
90. Give compliments.

91. Find your own car keys, wallet, tickets, and TV remote.
92. Make plans and implement them.
93. Remember all the pleasant nonsense. Aloud.
94. To be able to stand up for yourself and for me.
95. Put an antipyretic candle on a screaming and struggling child.
96. Be able to have a good time.
97. Take a bath and shower together.
98. Massage.
99. Be my man.
100. With all the splendor listed above, do not be my father.

We know your life is already difficult. Every day you are required to take responsibility, action and initiative. Be patient, my friend, because over the years everything will only get worse. And these 25 things, collected in one material by colleagues from the American Esquire, will help you step by step become a person of action.

1. Skinning the moose

One of the most important skills of a real man. Study the picture, train hard and everything will work out.

2. Get the attention of a busy bartender

He doesn't hate you. He just needs a little patience. And tips.

3. Put on a horse

There are several ways. Either follow the races and study the horses, or hope for luck and put your entire salary on the stallion with the most honest eyes. In Ukraine, betting is prohibited along with gambling, but there is information that the right people gather quietly near the hippodrome.

4. Get a good massage

Forget the two-minute embarrassment you thought was a massage. You must be able to give long-term pleasure.

5. Cut down a tree

A man should not only plant a tree, but also be able to knock it down if something went wrong. Picture to help.

6. Buy women's clothing

We know it's hell. But you will have to make a leap and learn at least the basic values ​​\u200b\u200bof the sizes of women's clothing, and - the most difficult thing - to remember them.

7. Clean the fish

This requires a knife, a dead fish (obviously) and, if you are too sophisticated, gloves.

8. Cooking eggs in four ways

Whether it's fried eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs or poached - breakfast will only benefit from this.

9. Google Effectively

No, this is not a joke. You can spend a whole day studying the results for the query "Google secrets". Highly recommended - you will learn a lot of new things for yourself. Plus, you can become an expert in almost any subject.

10. Sew on a button

Because you don’t need to burden your wife with such trifles. It's better to make her do something difficult.

11. Calm down a crying woman

12. Look Good in a Photo

There will always be someone in your life who makes you take pictures even when you just want to lay down and die. Find a photo that you like and study it in detail - angle, head position, etc.

13. Soothe a crying baby

You will have to accept that the child's feelings are there. And they react very strongly to the sincerity of your actions.

14. Park in parallel (like a man)

You may have few other virtues, but you must learn to park like homo sapiens. 90% of this skill is formula, and only 10% is abilities and maneuver.

15. Screw and power the ceiling chandelier

Additional instructions may be needed depending on the specific model, but here's the basics.

16. Make pancakes

Mom won't always be around. Be a man, it's not that hard.

17. Fix a leaking toilet barrel

Here, too, everything is not as scary as you most likely thought. It's most likely a plaque in the hole closed with a rubber gasket. Or in the lining itself. We pick up a brush, a couple of tools and soon life will become more beautiful.

18. Know how to move correctly

You know what it's about. Women greatly appreciate not only physical data, but also skills. Move clearly and uncompromisingly, but with awareness. Like rowing.

19. Butchering a bird

It's a classic after all. Family holiday, big magnificent table. And now comes the moment when you need to correctly cut the turkey (chicken, goose, duck, etc.).

20. Make a cocktail. Only for her

Some women themselves know what they want to drink. Some don't. Some want something light and special, just for her. Something like the Rosé cocktail, a Parisian classic from the 1920s that combines vermouth and cherry brandy into something beautiful.

21. Choose a ripe fruit

It's mostly about the melon. Or watermelon. An unripe melon has a corresponding smell - harsh, grassy. Ripe melons often smell the same as the inside - soft, sweet flesh.

22. Start the engine in a stalemate

Find a battery buddy and connect the cables properly and you're back on the road.

23. Get the right table

If you haven't thought about it beforehand, then improvise. Run up to a restaurant at lunchtime and start telling heartbreaking stories, appease the receptionist, come up with something-at the end-are you-a-man-or-a-rag?

24. Finish off a wounded animal

Physically, it's not that hard. A sharp movement with a shovel is enough for a toad, a heel of a work boot for a gopher, and a deer will have to be shot. (No, this is not animal cruelty propaganda.)

25. Shine your shoes

Because childish excuses don't work anymore.

Does he really love? Or does it just seem? Such questions often arise in the mind of those who have just begun to build a relationship. Especially if a man in love does not have the ability to scream about his love from morning to night. This is quite normal, because. for many representatives of the stronger sex, it is much more important to prove their love in practice, and not to speak empty words. So how can you still understand that his feelings are real and reflect their own feelings? There are 8 things that a man in love is simply obliged to do.

A man in love should have the desire to spend as much time with his woman as possible. If he has a constant excuse why he cannot meet at the moment, this may be a sufficient sign that he is not in love. However, if a man calls often, tries to surprise his girlfriend by constantly making unexpected but pleasant visits to her, or adjusts his free time to the girl, then you can be sure that he enjoys being with her. Even if these are short meetings, he is undoubtedly in love.

Although some, even strongly men in love and are opponents of showing their relationship in public, some signs of attention should still be present. It is enough if a man walks by the hand, gently kisses at a meeting, at least on the cheek, or seeks to touch his beloved. For some, this is already a manifestation of the deepest feelings in public. But if a man walks with a companion, putting his hands in his pockets and pretending that she is not with him, but behaves like a tiger indoors, then most likely this is not love, but passion.

If a man is in love, then he does not want to lose a woman. And therefore, for the sake of maintaining a relationship, he will agree to the closest and most monogamous relationship. If a man in love plans to connect his life with a girl, he should not oppose cohabitation and other obligations.

When a man is in love with a woman, he will pamper her to show genuine concern for the girl's well-being, as well as to make her feel incredibly special. He cares about her well-being, whether she has eaten, whether she needs anything. A man in love knows what kind of flowers his chosen one loves. In general, she manifests herself as the most caring mother in the world.

When a man is in love, everything else fades into the background. so, he would rather sacrifice meeting friends and playing football for a romantic dinner with her. Otherwise, football and friends are still a priority for him. And the girl is somewhere in third positions.

A man who is in love often does what his girlfriend likes. He makes the bed the way she likes, watches the movies she likes. And he can even go to yoga classes, just because she asked him to. This really makes the girl happy, and therefore even more beautiful.

At some point, a man still has to utter those very cherished words, or at least start talking about the future. If in the reasoning of a loved one there are such words as marriage, joint children, a common home, then you can be safely sure: he is what you need.

Categories of letters

My friends

The guy owes the girl - what should the guy do?

1. A guy should not look at women as a toy for

2. The guy is obliged to be interested in the mental abilities of the girl, her hobbies, aspirations and desires.

3. A guy has no right to exalt himself over a girl, that is, to single out the male sex as dominant.

4. The guy must be able to cook, clean and do the laundry himself.

6. A guy shouldn't have sex with a woman unless he has the confidence to take her seriously.

7. The guy is obliged to apologize to the girl if he offended her with something.

8. A guy should never leave one girl on the street at night, he is obliged to bring her home, until the very

9. The guy is obliged to consult with the girl and always tell only the truth.

10. A guy should not be stereotyped - like all other men ... No smoking, obscenities and

11. A guy is obligated to solve problems that arise, and not just say "solve everything yourself."

12. A guy must be a real man, not a rag.

13. A guy must be able to stand up for himself, stand up for the person he loves.

14. A guy must be neat, stylish and pleasant in every way.

15. The guy is obliged to speak on the merits, and not stupidly chat without getting tired.

16. A guy is obliged to be interesting to his girlfriend all the time, and not to perceive her as an achieved goal and a book read up and down.

17. A guy should not leave a girl if it so happens that the general topics are over. We need to find them.

18. A guy has to worry about contraceptives.

19. Everything must be done jointly and mutually.

If a woman wants to cook something, she will cook, if she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t cook, she is not a cook or a slave, everyone has their own

20. A guy must take care of his appearance and figure, and not walk around at 25 with a huge beer belly!

21. A guy must shave at least every other day.

22. A guy must clearly say what exactly he needs from his woman.

23. A guy shouldn't be a talker.

24. The guy is obliged to be attentive, and not to show excessive obsession.

25. A guy must have a good sense of humor.

26. A guy must be smart, but not boring.

27. A guy should be able to keep up a conversation.

28. A guy has to be a good listener.

29. The guy is obliged to be responsible for the actions done and the words spoken.

30. The guy must go through the candy-bouquet period of the relationship.

31. A guy has no right to be mercantile.

32. A guy has no right to be offended by a girl if she has a successful career.

33. A guy must actively participate

in raising children

and help in everyday life, because the girl is not a draft horse!

35. A guy should not think that he is the navel of the earth.

36. The guy is obliged to accept the girl as she is in life, in fact, and not try to re-educate her.

37. After an intimate relationship, a guy must call the girl and say something nice, even if he does not want to continue the relationship.

38. A guy must be very frank in a relationship with a girl. If he

her, then it is necessary to tell about everything cleanly, and not just cut off communication.

39. The guy must be prepared for a negative reaction to the previous paragraph.

40. A guy must understand that sometimes girls do not want to have sex, and not force them to do it.

41. A guy has no right to blame a girl for spending a lot of money on her.

If you do not want to spend, then seriously think about the life of a hermit.

42. A guy should not reproach a girl when she admits that she no longer loves him and has found another man.

43. The guy must finally realize that the GIRL is also a HUMAN.

8 things a man in love should do
If a man is in love, then he does not want to lose a woman. A man who is in love often does what his girlfriend likes.
What should a guy do in a relationship?
What should a guy do in a relationship Categories of letters My friends A guy owes a girl - what should a guy do? 1. A guy should not look at women as a toy for 2.

(Visited 359 times, 1 visits today)

Does he really love? Or does it just seem? Such questions often arise in the mind of those who have just begun to build a relationship. Especially if a man in love does not have the ability to scream about his love from morning to night. This is quite normal, because. for many representatives of the stronger sex, it is much more important to prove their love in practice, and not to speak empty words. So how do you understand and reflect your own feelings? There are 8 things that a man in love is simply obliged to do.

Together forever

Must have the desire to spend as much time with his woman as possible. If he has a constant excuse why he cannot meet at the moment, this may be a sufficient sign that he is not in love. However, if a man calls often, tries to surprise his girlfriend by constantly making unexpected but pleasant visits to her, or adjusts his free time to the girl, then you can be sure that he enjoys being with her. Even if these are short meetings, he is undoubtedly in love.

Expressions of love in public

Although some, even strongly men in love and are opponents of showing their relationship in public, some signs of attention should still be present. It is enough if a man walks by the hand, gently kisses at a meeting, at least on the cheek, or seeks to touch his beloved. For some, this is already a manifestation of the deepest feelings in public. But if a man walks with a companion, putting his hands in his pockets and pretending that she is not with him, but behaves like a tiger indoors, then most likely this is not love, but passion.


If a man is in love, then he does not want to lose a woman. And therefore, for the sake of maintaining a relationship, he will agree to the closest and most monogamous relationship. If a man in love plans to connect his life with a girl, he should not oppose cohabitation and other obligations.


When a man is in love with a woman, he will pamper her to show genuine concern for the girl's well-being, as well as to make her feel incredibly special. He cares about her well-being, whether she has eaten, whether she needs anything. knows what kind of flowers his chosen one loves. In general, she manifests herself as the most caring mother in the world.


To the back

When a man is in love, everything else fades into the background. so, he would rather sacrifice meeting friends and playing football for a romantic dinner with her. Otherwise, football and friends are still a priority for him. And the girl is somewhere in third positions.

How is she

A man who is in love often does what his girlfriend likes. He makes the bed the way she likes, watches the movies she likes. And he can even go to yoga classes, just because she asked him to. This really makes the girl happy, and therefore even more beautiful.

Future plans

At some point, a man still has to utter those very cherished words, or at least start talking about the future. If in the reasoning of a loved one there are such words as marriage, joint children, a common home, then you can be safely sure: he is what you need.

20 things your man should be able to do, otherwise it's a shame

Distinguishing Heine from Nietzsche, folding origami and throwing three-pointers are useful skills, but not necessary. But these 20 points your man should definitely master. And then they will have respect from the progressive public, fresh borscht on the stove and world peace.

1. Keep track of your wardrobe

A heirloom T-shirt with half a century of history and a ketchup stain, 13 mismatched socks and a freaky Bart Simpson tie? A normal man himself should be able to distinguish dear garbage from clothes.

2. Transfer from plumbing

“Yes, you have condensate in the nozzle, you need to change the clamp on the coil.” For gentle creatures like us, the irony of harsh personalities in uniform overalls is not available, but men understand it perfectly. Well, ideally.

3. Clean up the apartment

Cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner like fire. Real men don't. Real men bravely lasso him and with cries of “Yiii-haaa!” they drive around the ranch until the rogue technology subsides. After that, they straighten the hat and go to tame the mop.

4. Keep promises

Promises have an expiration date. Unfulfilled promises go rotten and spoil the air. Between "I'm taking you to Spain" and paella on the Costa Dorada should be no more than a few months. And three years are waiting only for a diploma of secondary specialized education.

5. Respect your hobbies

These are not dirty rags. This is batik.

6. Cook

Does anyone here still think that standing at the stove is not a man's job? Let them go to the forest, cut down a mammoth and eat it raw. The inability to cook a dinner from pasture is so-so a reason for pride. Jamie Olivers are not born, Jamie Olivers are made.

7. Compliment

Often, in large quantities and without fear of repetition. This is a joke from repetitions spoils, and compliments - on the contrary. For every "I'm not fat?" there should be at least three laudatory odes, and such that Derzhavin would weep with envy. Simple arithmetic.

8. Wait

A real freshly washed face in the morning most often looks not like a May rose, but like an atomic war. It takes us an hour to do natural makeup - but then we are so beautiful that by golly, it was worth waiting and not moaning under the bathroom door.

9. Give flowers

“You haven’t died yet”, “These Dutch are greedy grabbers”, “I already gave the eighth of March the year before last”, “It will dry up anyway” - these are pitiful excuses unworthy of a true macho. A true macho knows that his Carmencita needs to regularly bring a scarlet rose in his teeth. Do not confuse: Carmensite - a rose, and carnations - a monument to fallen soldiers.

10. Accept your friends

You have known them for a long time, but you see this cat for the first time in your life. It doesn't matter why you once became friends with Lenka, who is a complete fool and will probably teach you bad things. Lenka is like a motherland. Only you can scold her, and let everyone else not even dare to blurt out a half-word at her expense.

11. Drink

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. Carrying a hundredweight of a live but drunken weight to a taxi is good for the muscles, but bad for the mood. The ability to drink lies in the ability to stop in time.

12. Asking for directions

Finding out from a passerby where the street of Heroes-Tank builders is is, in any case, much more courageous and courageous than silently trying to determine the north by which side moss grows at a traffic light. To drive into the dense concrete jungle, where no human foot has set foot, and run wild there is a sad prospect.

13. Tell it like it is

As he sits as gloomy as a Von Trier film and mumbles under his breath that "everything is fine," she plagues herself with guesses, one more dramatic than the other. And he would have honestly voiced “Something from yesterday’s foie gras has cramped my stomach” - and the horizons would have cleared up.

14. Unbutton your bra

In fact, this is taught in high school. Around the same time, the understanding comes that a bra can have a clasp both at the back and at the front. And by the time they graduate from university, especially gifted people can unbutton their bras with one hand and do something else interesting with the other.

15. Endure

A hefty bull that turns on a whiner in the middle of the store and asks to go home, resembles a three-year-old mother's bunny, who is impatient for wee-wee. The right man understands that it is impossible to run into H&M or IKEA “for 5 minutes”.

16. Deliver an orgasm

Porn is not a documentary, even if for some it will be a revelation. There, the girls reach the handle in 30 seconds, but in reality the path to the seventh heaven is long and thorny. And the telegenic technique “speed sewing machine” usually does not work.

17. Choose a restaurant

So what if you had a great time in this cheburechnaya with the boys on Friday? Impossible, you know, absolutely impossible to imagine 007 making a date with his bond girl in a shabby tavern. Not for that, our mother gave birth to us, not for that we squeezed into a corset.

18. Dance

The dance of the little swans drunk and the Irish step (from him) do not count. Your man must be able to gracefully stagnate in place with a girl at the ready. And then suddenly a ball at the queen, or (what the hell is not joking!) wedding and the first waltz of the newlyweds, and he dances as if he is boxing with an invisible, but fierce enemy?

19. Tie a tie

First, it's beautiful. And worse than elastic band ties are only socks with sandals. However, no. No worse.

20. Turn off the computer

Do not turn on, do not reinstall the system with one left and do not wet the goblins of the thirteenth level in the dark with two hands to rustle, namely what to turn off. Because a man who cannot tear himself away from the blue screen when perfection in a peignoir wanders behind him is a geek, a scammer and some kind of nonsense in general, but not a man. At least not yours.

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