Magic leverage miracle curlers: instructions for creating curls using magic spirals. Magic leverage curlers: description, features and application

Every girl dreams of different hairstyles for every day. The elements of many of them are curls. Often girls avoid such elements because perm takes too much time.

One of the newest developments in the home industry can be considered the “Magic Curl” curlers. Many girls like their unusual appearance and ease of use. With them, every beauty can curl her hair and do an evening hairstyle.

Appearance and composition of curlers

Curl lovers know many ways to create them. The "Magic Curl" curlers, reviews of which will be provided at the end of the article, have an unusual appearance. They are hollow ribbons of polymer fiber twisted into a spiral.

The ends of the curlers are equipped with silicone tips for easy use and prevent hair damage.

Benefits of using silicone curlers

1. Durability. The soft design of the curlers prevents them from breaking due to falling or careless handling.

2. Security. The curling algorithm does not involve heating the hair, so even children can do their hair using the Magic Curl set. The soft design does not cause split ends.

3. Versatility of application. This type of curler is suitable for both everyday use and festive evenings.

4. Space saving. Soft silicone bags take up less space than regular hot rollers designed for the same amount of hair.

5. Accounting for hair length. Depending on the color, curlers come in different lengths. But regardless of this, they can also be used for short haircuts. For too long curls, several curlers are put on.

Reviews about the disadvantages of using silicone curlers

The universal design appeals to almost all customers. But some of them find minor flaws in the products. Negative reviews often concern the quality of the hair hook. It is made of plastic, which often breaks. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to this element.

Options for completing sets of soft curlers

Girls with different hair lengths can find suitable sets of Magic Leverage curlers for themselves. The most common version consists of 18 pieces (9 long and 9 short). If desired, you can find other configurations. For example, there are sets consisting of 48 pieces, they are suitable for owners of thick hair.

When choosing a set, each girl should be guided by her own hair length. Depending on this, the dialing option will be selected. For short haircuts, curlers 15 cm long are suitable, for medium hair - 35-45 cm, for long hair - more than 75 cm.

Sets of 6-12 pieces are suitable for girls who want to combine soft curlers with traditional ones when curling to obtain interesting effects.

Often hairstyles use elements with curls only at the ends of the hair. To perform this, a special type of curler has been developed - Magic Roller; they look like small snails. The set of such curlers also includes 18 pieces.

Achieving a corrugated effect is also possible with the Magic Curl curlers. To do this, you need to purchase a special variety of them.

Each kit includes a special hook for threading strands into the bag. In sets, this additional element consists of two connecting parts. That's all that makes up the Magic Curl set. How to use a hook and spiral polymer ribbons will be described below.

Algorithm for creating curls

1. Wash your hair in the usual way.

2. Let your hair dry naturally. When they are slightly damp, you can begin curling. If your hair is almost dry, the curls will be light and barely noticeable. To enhance curling, you can evenly distribute foam or styling mousse over the entire length.

3. It is better to start curling from the back of the head; as a rule, the hair is longer there. The first strand, 1-2 cm wide, can be separated at the top of the head so that it can be clearly seen in the mirror. Then you can slightly twist the future curl into a braid.

4. Pass the hook with the loop forward through the polymer tape and hook it with the end of the tourniquet.

5. Pull out the hook in a reverse motion. At the same time, the selected strand will pass the entire length of the curler and twist into a spiral.

6. You need to do the same with the strands on your entire head.

7. It is advisable to let your hair dry naturally. In this case, they will not be subject to any aggressive influences. If a girl is in a hurry, it is better to dry the curlers with a hairdryer. They will curl naturally within a few hours. Most often, intensive drying for 15-20 minutes is enough to obtain a curl.

8. To remove the curlers, you need to slightly squeeze the silicone tip on the sides and gently pull them off.

9. Finished curls, if desired, are secured with varnish or divided into smaller strands.

Every girl can learn to create her own look using the Magic Curl curlers. Instructions for using "snails" are very similar to those given above. The only difference is in securing them at the ends of the hair. To do this, the selected strand is hooked approximately in the middle of the length and threaded in the same way.

Cost of curlers "Magic curl"

The fee for this type of product depends on the composition of the purchased set, the length of the polymer spirals and their quantity. Magic Curl curlers, which often receive rave reviews, can be purchased in specialized hair product departments and online stores. Prices in the latter may be slightly lower.

A set of small Magic Leverage costs an average of 400 rubles. The length of these curlers is only 18 cm, that is, they are only suitable for short hair. Medium spirals (20-40 cm) cost 600-900 rubles for a set of 18 pieces. "Magic curl", the price of a set of which is approximately 1000 rubles, can look like wide or wavy bags.

Curls have now become much easier to create, thanks to innovative spiral curlers. The curls are obtained in perfect shape, quickly and without much hassle. We present to you instructions for Magic Leverage curlers, with which you can create curls at home without difficulty and damage to your hair.

Miracle curlers Magic Leverage: instructions

Each set of miracle curlers contains detailed instructions. It explains in detail how to use spirals correctly. If you haven't gotten to the instructions yet, we suggest you read our step-by-step instructions for using popular spirals.

Initially, we take out from the set a sufficient number of curlers and a special hook. Hair should be damp and lubricated with styling foam. We begin to separate the strands from the back of the head, this is much more convenient. The volume of the curl depends on the thickness of the strand. Focusing on the desired result, we choose the width of the future curl. Let's look at the photo.

The procedure is quite simple. First of all, insert the hook into the spiral, and use it to pick up the hair at the base, dragging it into the miracle curler. The magical silicone spirals will curl up on their own, without any additional effort required. When all the strands are in silicone bags, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer or wait for it to dry naturally. To obtain results, the curlers must remain on the hair for at least 20 minutes. After finishing the curling, you model the hairstyle to your taste and fix it with varnish. The perfect curl is ready!

Learn proper curling from a video.

Why did Magic Leverage gain such wild popularity?

It is worth noting that magic curlers are absolutely safe for hair. By winding strands on them with enviable frequency, you will not damage the hair structure and avoid delamination of the ends. Also, these miracle spirals are very light, due to which there is no tension on the hair, and, accordingly, premature loss. And their convenience allows you to use them not only on medium-length hair, but also on long hair.

Moreover, you can get the curls you want using just one set of magic curlers. The material of the spirals is durable and resistant to high temperatures, so you can blow-dry wet curls without hesitation. The design is so simple that you can get perfect curls in just 30 minutes. Not to mention the fact that curly hair after curling with curlers looks like after a salon “chemistry” procedure. At the same time, you do not spoil your hair, and the result is perfect!

Unpacking the kit

The set includes curlers of different sizes for hair of different lengths, and there is always a hook for pulling hair into a spiral. You can also conduct experiments. Curl long hair with curlers for short hair to create graceful curls at the ends. The set also contains instructions, thanks to which you will know how to use silicone spirals. The price is not high. Varies from 600 to 3000. But it's worth it!

Their advantages:

1) High-quality materials are used for production - silicone and polymer, which makes the curlers durable and resistant to high temperatures.

2) Even if your hair is not obedient, spirals will work magic - they will give you the perfect hairstyle.

3) The curlers are quite wide, which allows you to curl strands in a short period of time.

4) You don't need a lot of fixing agents. A small amount of foam and a little varnish are enough.

5) They will not slip off on their own, do not pull on the hair or tear it. They are also very comfortable to sleep in and can be easily removed from your hair.

6) They are compact and lightweight, which allows you to take them with you on vacation.


1) Unfortunately, the production of curlers is so large-scale that some of the sets are of poor quality. The hooks quickly break or the spirals themselves have defects. So check the sets when purchasing.

2) Most of the fair sex believe that 20 minutes is enough to dry your hair naturally. But this is a misconception. A high-quality perm will require much more time.

3) Not every perfume and cosmetics store sells miracle curlers. Be careful when ordering goods online.

Video in Russian for your convenience.

Leverage magic curlers are not complex devices. Their design and functionality are immediately clear. They differ from classic curlers in their unusual format. Strips of special synthetic fiber have a spiral shape, which allows wet hair to dry much faster than with conventional knuckles, in about half an hour.

To achieve the most effective result, you can use a hairdryer during the drying process. A directed stream of warm air will speed up fixation. The soft material allows you to leave the curlers on your head overnight. The interference is minimal, but in the morning you won’t have to waste time on your hair, because all that remains is to release the curls and fix them with varnish.


The special qualities of Leverage Magic consist, first of all, in their unusual shape and material used, which significantly distinguishes them from the usual plastic or wooden counterparts.

And the process of winding onto strands occurs in a completely different way. If with classic curlers it was enough to twist the strand of hair, starting from the tip, then with Leverage Magic the hair is threaded through the inner hole using a special hook.

Not everyone succeeds in doing this the first time, but once you get the hang of it, the procedure will take a minimal amount of time. During drying, the hair structure is not damaged, since the strands are in their natural position.

There is no temperature effect if the participation of a hair dryer is excluded. And this gives reason to call this method absolutely safe.

The popularity of new generation hair curlers has provoked the appearance of a large number of counterfeits on the market, so it is better to purchase products from official representatives or on the recommendations of friends.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. The use procedure does not harm the hair structure.
  2. The softness of the material allows you to curl your hair at night.
  3. The range of curlers allows you to choose the desired size and volume.
  4. The material from which the spirals are made does not cause allergic reactions.
  5. Convenient and easy use allows you to perform the procedure yourself.
  6. Using leverage magic allows you to create different hairstyles at home.
  7. Light weight and mobility allow you to take the curlers with you on trips.
  8. They can be easily removed without damaging the hair.
  9. Durability.


  1. There is a big risk in purchasing a low-quality set, especially for a hook.
  2. Unruly hair will require much more time to curl than is regulated by the manufacturer.
  3. It is often difficult to complete the process of fixing the coil the first time.

How to choose the length and diameter?

Curlers are available in a range of diameters and sizes. They are often sold in sets of several sizes. Therefore, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the labeling. You also need to provide the number of pieces for individual use. For thick, long hair, it is recommended to purchase several sets.

When choosing a diameter, be guided by the desired effect:

  1. To obtain small curls – up to 2 cm.
  2. To create curls of medium volume – up to 4 cm.
  3. For large “Hollywood” waves – 5 cm.

The length of the curlers should correspond to the length of the hair:

  • to the shoulders – 15-25 cm;
  • to the shoulder blades – up to 45 cm;
  • below the shoulder blades – up to 55 cm;
  • to the waist – up to 65 cm;
  • below the waist – up to 75 cm.

To create a spectacular hairstyle with wavy curls, you should use several types of curlers.

How to use it correctly?

The rules for using Magic Leverage are clearly described on the kit box. Before use, it is advisable to read the reviews and advice of those who actively use curlers.

With the help of additional information, you can learn about the subtleties and tricks when winding strands:

  1. Before styling, hair should be washed and dried with a towel (not a hairdryer). You shouldn’t twist strands that are too wet, because in this state it’s easy to damage both the hairs and hair follicles. And the process itself will be painful.
  2. To achieve a good result, you can apply a little (mousse, foam, spray).
  3. Comb your hair thoroughly and divide it into strands. The dimensions of each should be smaller than the diameter of the curlers. This way they will easily pass through the hole in the spiral.
  4. Insert the special hook from the kit inside the curler and grab a strand at a distance of 4-5 cm from the roots. Pass it carefully through the spiral. You can straighten uneven hair by straightening the spiral.
  5. You need to start from the bottom of your head, pinning the top bun with a hairpin to eliminate interference.
  6. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, you need to keep the curlers for half an hour. But it is worth taking into account the peculiarity and pliability of hair in each individual case. From reviews, the optimal time is 1 hour. Blow dry the pole for 2 minutes before removing the coils.
  7. After freeing the curls, you need to let them sit for another 15 minutes. Only then can you ruffle your hair at the base with your fingers and finally fix the resulting waves with hairspray.

Price and reviews

You can buy curlers in specialized stores, in teleshops and on the websites of various companies. The cost is not significantly different.

On average, a set can be purchased for the following price:

  • waves 45 cm – 1105 rubles;
  • waves 55 cm – 1387 rubles;
  • universal 50 cm – 1130 rubles;
  • super wide 50 cm – 1860 rubles.


Ruslana, 25 years old

I have always dreamed of beautiful curls, because I have naturally straight hair. I heard about leverage magic curlers and decided to buy them.

The first time I didn’t get a beautiful styling. But after several painful trials, I got the hang of it and noticed something closer to the expected result. The hook didn't seem very convenient. I had to press it with a thin comb when opening the head.

I also didn’t understand the length of the curler strip. When curled, it ended just along the length of my hair. What then should you do if your hair turns out to be longer? Well, be that as it may, I'm happy with the result. Beautiful curls are obtained using a safe method, because after curling the hair became very dry and split.

Victoria, 21 years old

I've been using leverage magic curlers for six months now. Sometimes I put it on at night and it doesn’t interfere with my sleep at all. You get beautiful curly locks, just like after a salon styling.

At first I couldn’t hook the strand, but after several practice sessions I got the hang of it. Thanks to progress that you can now do such beautiful hairstyles at home. There is no harm to your hair, and you also save on salon costs.

Valentina, 31 years old

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the leverage magic curlers. When I ordered, I was more filled with a feeling of curiosity than faith. And after the first hairstyle, done with the help of simple devices, I was glad that I had made the decision to buy.

Advice for those who want to buy: they are unlikely to be suitable for long and voluminous hair. Don’t despair yet if you can’t curl the strand the first time. Need some practice. The hook from the kit is a specific thing. If my sister hadn’t told me how best to use it, I wouldn’t have guessed it myself.

The online store “Magic Curlers” is pleased to offer all representatives of the fair half an innovative solution in the beauty industry – the miracle of curlers. They are supplied in sets of different modifications, with curlers of different lengths and widths.

However, many owners of this new product often have a question: how to use magic leverag curlers? Here you will find detailed instructions on how to use them.

These unique curlers can be used on hair of different textures and lengths. Charming ladies do not need to spend time and money visiting salons, but can quickly and easily create interesting, varied hairstyles without leaving home.

Magic curlers are incredibly convenient to use. Any woman, even one without special skills, can figure out how to use curlers. They allow you to create any hairstyle: from flowing curls to fixed evening and wedding hairstyles. With their help, you can create any image and change the image within an hour. These curlers allow you to easily adjust the direction and uniformity of styling without creasing. The process of winding up Magic Leverag will never tire a beautiful lady.

Miracle curlers MagicLeverag are made in the form of twisted spiral rollers, which provides convenient and, most importantly, completely harmless hair curling. They are very light, you hardly feel them on your head, and the curls are fixed quickly and reliably. Magic Leverag are elastic, their set does not take up much space, the curlers can always be used on vacation or on business trips.

How to use Magic Leverag correctly:

  • Wash your hair and use conditioner or conditioner for unruly or damaged hair. After this, you should dry them naturally or using a hairdryer. To preserve the curling result for a long time and for a brighter effect, it is recommended to apply styling cosmetics to your hair: gel, foam or mousse.
  • The process of curling curls should be carried out on moisturized hair, and not on wet or dry hair.
  • First you need to connect the two parts of the hook. After this, thread the hook inside the magic curlers.
  • Separate a small strand, no more than 2 cm thick, hook it and pull it through curlers, starting from the back of the head. Do this procedure with each evenly distributed strand.
  • Dry your hair completely naturally or using a hair dryer. For best results, leave the curlers on your head for another 5 to 7 minutes.
  • To remove the magic curlers, you just need to pull the bottom end.
  • For a more secure hold, secure the created delightful curls with hairspray.

Our online store has step-by-step video instructions for using the magic leverag. On the company's electronic platform, each visitor can get acquainted with a detailed description of the unique curlers, decide on the model and place an order.

Magic leverage curlers have appeared on our market relatively recently, so many beauties have a very reasonable question about how to use them.

Owners of long hair are often dissatisfied with the results of using conventional curlers. When curling a long strand, there are often situations when the hair simply slips off, so you have to curl only half of the possible length, and it is simply impossible to use curlers with Velcro. When untangling the “hedgehogs”, not only does half of the beauty straighten out, but many unpleasant moments also arise when the hair has to be torn to get rid of the curlers.

The ideal option in this case are curlers with a hook, which, on the one hand, are very smooth, so nothing gets caught anywhere, and on the other hand, they provide good fixation, allowing the hair to hold on.

What is their advantage of hook curlers?

  • Compared to other types, their use takes much less time, especially with proper skill.
  • They are ideal for medium to long hair. Even if the length of the curler is not enough, you can add another piece to the same hair.
  • These curlers are absolutely safe for hair health, so you can use them even when creating hairstyles for girls.

How do they look?

These are hollow polymer tapes, twisted into a spiral, with silicone tips at the ends.

Plus, the kit includes a hook with which the strand is pulled through the ribbon.

By the way, the only criticism that this type of curler causes applies specifically to this hook; it quite often breaks during use. In order to avoid this problem, purchase curlers from trusted stores that sell quality products.

How to use hook curlers

Perhaps using curlers with a hook is easier than all other types. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the matching length of the ribbon and the strand of hair. But even if you didn’t guess the size correctly, you can always put another ribbon on the same strand.

Cheating procedure

1) Your hair must be clean, so wash it and dry it naturally or with a towel until it is semi-damp.

2) If you are using these curlers for the first time, do not use any additional styling products to understand how your hair will behave. Or apply a little foam or mousse of light consistency so as not to weigh your hair down.

3) We curl our hair according to the rules, that is, we start from the top of the head, then move to the back of the head. The sides will be next, and we will finish with the bangs. Depending on the type of wave you need, choose the width of the strand. If you need a fine curl, then take a strand of 1-2 cm; for a large wave, the thickness, accordingly, should be greater.

However, you shouldn’t get too carried away either, as practice shows, it’s difficult to thread a very thick bunch of hair through the ribbon even with a hook.

4) Insert the hook into the tape so that its tip looks out of the hole.

5) Hook the strand and pull it through the tube. Try to pull the tape closer to the roots of the hair so that later the hairstyle looks as natural as possible, see in the photo.

To prevent the hair from becoming disheveled during this procedure, the strand can be twisted into a loose strand.

6) Let go of the tape, and it will twist itself into a spiral.

7) We carry out the same actions with all other hair.

8) How long to keep the curlers on your hair depends on the way you dry your hair. It’s better to dry naturally, but if you’re in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer, because silicone curlers, unlike most other types, are not afraid of high temperatures.

9) To remove the curlers from your head, you only need to lightly squeeze the tip and gently pull them off the curl.

10) You can make a hairstyle out of the finished curls at your discretion or leave them loose. Just like after using other similar accessories, after curling you should not get carried away with combing, but use a wide-toothed comb for styling. If necessary, fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Below is a selection of videos that explore this topic in more detail.