Teacher's Day in Russia. What date is Teacher's Day, the history of the holiday in Russia International Teacher's Day, what date

How nice that Internet users are concerned about the question - what date is teacher's day this year? This means that thousands of teachers will receive congratulations for the holiday. From students and alumni. From grateful parents and friends.

For more than two decades there has been a concept world teachers day, which falls on October 5. On this day, teachers in many countries, including Russia, celebrate their professional holiday.

We are happy to join the army of congratulators. Our dear teachers, let the honoring of your merits go beyond one day. Let the whole school year be a holiday for you! Health to you and diligent students!

Many, for sure, are confused by the fact that until a certain time the teacher's day fell on the first Sunday in October. Representatives of the older generation for sure. So it was in the Soviet Union, so it was in the early 90s in the Russian Federation.

Changes took place in 1994. According to the Decree of the President of Russia, Teacher's Day was postponed to October 5. It was timed to coincide with the proclamation by UNESCO of World Teachers' Day. And if earlier the date of the celebration depended on the calendar, now it is a fixed number. So you can score on October 5 in your phone’s memory so that you don’t forget to congratulate your favorite teacher.

Why this particular date? Because on October 5, 1966, the recommendation “On the Status of Teachers” was approved. This first international document assessed the legal status of educational workers.

As for the origins of the Russian Teacher's Day, they fall on September 29, 1965. Then for the first time teachers' day was celebrated in the USSR.

According to old memory or tradition, many even now congratulate teachers on the first Sunday in October. Very well! The main thing is that they remember.

Teacher's Day is one of the few professional holidays that has become national. This is quite understandable. One is just right to remember the classic - "we all learned a little ...", others are still sitting at the school desk, their matriculation is yet to come. Interest in a specific date for Teacher's Day is an excellent confirmation of the popularity of the holiday.

Teachers' Day is a whole event for both students and teachers. In each educational institution, it is celebrated in its own way, in the spirit of established traditions. But these are invariably bouquets of flowers, gifts, tea parties, kind words and honoring teachers. Students arrange concerts, themed evenings, exhibitions of handicrafts made by their own hands.

She finished school a long time ago. But I still remember how they congratulated their teachers. We came long before classes and arranged a solemn meeting. They lined up in two lines at the entrance to the school, between which the heroes of the occasion were supposed to pass. Each had a bouquet of flowers to be given to a certain teacher with a short speech in verse. Short quatrains were invented by ourselves. It was very touching and beautiful.

The brilliance of talents continued in special editions of the school newspaper, in the performance of the roles of teachers. Self-Government Day is a feature of the holiday. And not in one of our schools, apparently.

Among the guests were graduates of previous years. They thanked the teachers, and parting words were given to us. The wonder was their tears in their eyes. Only now can I understand their condition and feelings within the walls of my native school. Only over the years came the realization of the phrase "teachers are engineers of human souls."

I remember the names and patronymics of many teachers. I remember them with gratitude. And the very first teacher! How can you forget her, if she seemed to be some kind of deity. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Many fondly remember their school years.

It is gratifying to see that traditions are preserved and multiplied. And the younger generation is just as reverently preparing for the day of the teacher, as we were in our time.

World Teacher's Day in the global community

Teaching work is revered not only in our country, but also abroad, of course. Back in the 40s of the last century, teachers were honored in Brazil. A little later, Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the US President of that time, founded a pedagogical holiday in America.

Since October 5, 1994, World Teachers' Day has been celebrated in more than a hundred countries. But the date of the teacher's day is different. Yes, even take the CIS. In Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, and in some others, the teacher's day has remained the same, it falls on the first Sunday in October.

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Estonia have postponed the date of celebration to October 5, as well as Russia. If we take the far abroad, then there, in general, the day of the teacher is scattered throughout the calendar. Only vacation months are excluded.
But regardless of the date, the purpose of the holiday in all countries is the same - to draw attention to the honorable teaching work, to the general educational process.

Teachers' congresses and conferences are held these days. Where problems are solved, the latest programs are considered and approved, honored and honored teachers are awarded.

How to congratulate your favorite teacher

With the question of the date of the holiday, others appear - how to congratulate and what to give? Any sign of attention will be appropriate. After all, the teacher does not need much, only to know that he is remembered and appreciated.

Flowers, sweets, cakes have not been canceled. But there are many other ways to express your gratitude. Starting with a banal essay to the teacher, ending with gifts for the school. From everyone, as they say, if possible. Only here are expensive gifts personally to the teacher, I would not advise doing. They can confuse a humble teacher.

And cosmetics would be excluded from the list of intended gifts, this is a purely personal matter.

Indoor flowers. Why not a gift? Or the same picture that can decorate a school office. A video about the school, about graduates can be a great gift. An article in a local newspaper or social media.

Well, kind words, of course. They are so important for every teacher who puts his soul into his field. For which they all low bow!

The sponsor of the article is an online store where each student can pick up a school backpack and order its delivery to any region of the country.

Learn with pleasure and love your teachers!

Every adult was once a schoolboy, good or bad, whether he liked the learning process or not - but everyone went through this life stage, which left unforgettable memories in everyone's soul. Teacher's Day 2017 is a universal holiday, kindergarten teachers, university professors, together with teachers, accept congratulations from current and past wards. The vast majority with deep gratitude and love give flowers on this beautiful autumn day to their first teacher. Indeed, for first-graders, she personifies a teacher and a mother in one person, curious children's eyes follow every movement of their first mentor and try to imitate in everything.

It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of teachers to the development of a child's personality.

When is Teacher's Day celebrated?

The history of the holiday in Russia began in 1965, then it was decided to celebrate the professional Teacher's Day on the 1st Sunday of October. On the eve of this day, schoolchildren congratulated their beloved teachers with flowers, arranged solemn lines, concerts, and published a wall newspaper. Later, since 1994, this holiday began to be celebrated on October 5, World Teachers' Day. Traditions have been developed in every school in the country, but invariably this is a special day for both students and teachers. Teacher's Day in 2017 will be joyful and cheerful, bouquets, gifts, warm words of congratulations, often in verse, will be addressed to teachers. The guys independently prepare interesting concerts, put on skits, in which they all laugh together at stories from school life. Initiative guys come up with comic awards with medals for the “Most funniest teacher”, “Best school physicist”, etc., they present certificates and cups, which are very dear to teachers. On this day, conferences and congresses of teachers are also held, at which urgent issues of concern to the teaching staff are raised, issues of equipping schools with technical modern equipment, financing educational institutions, and teaching methods are discussed here.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

As a token of gratitude to the teacher, students and their parents want to congratulate him and give him an original memorable gift for Teacher's Day 2016-2017. Not every thing will be appropriate in this case - you should not embarrass teachers with too expensive presents that will oblige the teacher to take an inadequate response, money in an envelope that looks like a bribe in this case is completely indecent, clothing is also an inappropriate type of gift. Gratitude should not cause embarrassment for the teacher, so gifts from the stationery section are suitable:

  • leather organizer;
  • case;
  • a good pen, possibly with a dedicatory inscription,
  • desktop device that will stand in the teacher's room.

The album with photos and warm wishes from the students looks very touching. This subject will be viewed more than once even after the end of teaching. Parents should participate in the selection of a gift - not always the guys can assess the degree of relevance and adequacy of a gift to an older friend. But the main thing for any teacher is still warm words of gratitude from the pupils, many talented guys write poems, dedicating them to teachers. On what date Teacher's Day 2017, congratulatory events at the city, regional and federal levels also depend. Every year, for this holiday, education committees prepare award lists of the best teachers of the year who have made a significant contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, and the title "Teacher of the Year" is awarded at the government level. Young talented teachers are rewarded for their initiative, new teaching methods, because in recent years the profession of a teacher has been in the ranking of the most popular. And those who have worked in this area for more than 15 years and have significant achievements are awarded the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation".

The Russian government is interested in the development of education, the wages of teachers are gradually being indexed, but the crisis in the country does not allow us to fully appreciate the hard work of a teacher, so earnings do not yet correspond to the proper level. And yet we are all grateful to our teachers for science and education. Teacher's Day, what date we should remember and do not forget to congratulate the teachers, will be on October 5, Thursday. Sometimes it is worth reminding your grown-up children about this, because the teacher, along with knowledge, gives a part of himself, raising the future of our country, each of them remembers all his students by name and will gladly accept congratulations on this day.

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Teachers all over the planet celebrate their professional holiday. This is the perfect excuse to thank your school mentors for their care, attention, and hard work. The holiday is accompanied by obligatory congratulations, school concerts and presentation of gifts. We will tell you more about Teacher's Day and its celebration in this article.

History of Teacher's Day

The exact date of Teacher's Day is controversial. To resolve them, we got acquainted with the origin of the holiday. For the first time, teachers began to be honored in distant Brazil in the 1940s. A few years later, the wife of the President of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, founded a teacher's holiday in her country in order to draw attention to the problems of American schools.

In 1965, the government of the USSR established Teacher's Day on the first Sunday in October. The celebration was loved by employees and students of Soviet schools, who held fun events in honor of teachers. In 1994, UNESCO made 5 October World Teachers' Day. The holiday is celebrated in 120 countries of the world. The government of the Russian Federation postponed Teacher's Day to this day, but many educational institutions meet it the old fashioned way. In the former USSR, events last the entire first week of the second autumn month.

Holiday traditions

Since Soviet times, students have been preparing pleasant surprises for their mentors: hanging up classes with balloons and wall newspapers, decorating the blackboard, preparing songs, dance numbers and funny scenes. On a holiday, lessons begin with congratulations and presentations to the teacher. Some schools hold a self-government day. High school students act as teachers for toddlers, and real teachers enjoy the "day off".

Graduates often come to their native schools to congratulate former teachers. However, do not forget that October 5 is not only a fun holiday. On this day, pedagogical conferences, congresses and awards are held for teachers who have achieved particular success in the professional field.

Teacher Gift Ideas

It's no secret that the most common gifts are flowers, sweets and symbolic trinkets. But sometimes the parent committee decides that the teacher deserves a more substantial gift. We have collected several options that will delight school mentors.

  • A beautifully designed album with photographs and the wishes of schoolchildren will surely touch the class teacher, who has devoted more than one year to his pupils.
  • A collective craft is a great gift for an elementary school teacher.
  • A teacher with a sense of humor will appreciate a humorous diploma or medal.
  • A sleek diary or a handy briefcase will come in handy for a busy teacher.
  • An elegant scarf or shawl will complement every woman's wardrobe.
  • A gift associated with the recipient's hobby will demonstrate special attention to his person. For example, a book lover teacher will be delighted with a rare edition of a favorite author.

And remember that Teacher's Day is the best time to say "thank you" to teachers and arrange an unforgettable holiday for them. After all, no gifts please as much as attention and sincere smiles.

The most important person in the life of any student is the teacher. Teachers not only give knowledge, but also serve as a real example in life for children. Therefore, Teacher's Day 2017 is one of the most important holidays in school life. Being one of the professional holidays, this day is widely celebrated not only by the teachers themselves, but also by students, and even by those who were students many years ago - there is a widespread tradition to congratulate their favorite teachers.

Teacher's Day 2017

What date is teacher's day in 2017? Both the students themselves and their parents often confuse when Teacher's Day is celebrated in our country. “Somewhere in early October,” some say. “On the first day off of the second school month,” the second says.

history of the holiday

For the first time, it was decided to include in the calendar a professional holiday for all people working in the field of education in 1965. More than fifty years ago, on September 29, Teacher's Day was established. The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR became the document introducing a new holiday into the professional calendar. And until the mid-nineties of the last century, Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday in October.

In 1994, by a government decree, changes were made to the holiday schedule. Since this year, Russia began to celebrate Teacher's Day on the same day when this holiday is celebrated all over the world - October 5th.

Many of our neighbors, CIS member countries and former republics of the USSR, celebrate Teacher's Day in the old way - on the first October day off. In fact, at school this holiday is celebrated the day before - on the Friday before the first Sunday in October.

The date of World Teachers' Day was determined by UNESCO. On October 5, 1966, this organization adopted a new legal document designed to draw attention to the situation and problems of educators throughout the world - the Recommendation on the Status of Teachers. This document addressed the main issues related to the work of teachers, and made recommendations regarding their work. World Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5 in most countries of the world, and Russia is one of them.

Celebration traditions

Initially, the holiday was aimed at drawing attention to the problems of education. And the only events that day were congresses and conferences where teachers discussed issues of school life. The main task of Teacher's Day at the dawn of the existence of the holiday was to draw the attention of the public and authorities to school issues.

However, years later, its own tradition of celebrating For the teacher has developed, which has not undergone significant changes to this day. The most notable of these are flowers. Huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy asters are presented by grateful students to their beloved teachers. Colors fill all the free containers in the class - and this flower kingdom cannot but please the eye.

Another type of congratulations, immediately following the presentation of bouquets, is a concert. Children's amateur performance, cheerful and touching at the same time, becomes the best reward for the selfless work of teachers. Songs and dances, poems and funny scenes - schoolchildren strive to demonstrate all their talents. Such concerts are held not only in schools. City and regional authorities meet the wishes of the public and help organize performances by schoolchildren in regional Houses of Culture - this is how the holiday becomes more widespread.

In addition, on this day it is customary to give gifts to teachers. The most common are an organizer, a leather-bound diary, a bag or case for documents or homework. Recently, however, it has become customary to make lists of gifts in advance - this is usually done by the parent council / committee at the class. Often a decision is made to give gifts not only to the class teacher, but also to the most beloved teachers - they are chosen by the students themselves. However, whatever the gift, the most important thing for the teacher is the warm words of gratitude and wishes that schoolchildren say on this day.

In 1994, UNESCO proclaimed October 5 as World Teachers' Day. It was on this day in 1966 that an important event for teachers took place: at an intergovernmental conference in Paris, UNESCO and the International Labor Organization adopted the Recommendations on the Status of Teachers, the first international document on the legal status of educators.
The recommendations set out the rights and obligations of teachers and international standards regarding their training, advanced training, recruitment and working conditions.

Meaning of Teacher's Day

World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the problems of educators at the national and global levels and to analyze their progress in an international context. It is also an occasion to express gratitude to the teachers.

Teachers are an investment in the future. They need knowledge and support to meet the diverse educational needs of each child.

In many countries, the quality of education is undermined by a shortage of teachers. There is also the problem of quality education: teachers often work without the necessary resources and qualifications.

© Sputnik / E. Alesin

The Russian Framework for Action "Education 2030" highlights the fact that teachers play a fundamental role in equitable and quality education.

By 2030, an additional 3.2 million teachers will be needed to achieve universal primary education and 5.1 million teachers to achieve universal lower secondary education.

In the USSR and Russia, Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October for three decades. Later, Teacher's Day began to be celebrated on October 5th.

© Sputnik / Ruslan Shamukov

Traditionally, on the eve of Teacher's Day, the final stage of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" is held, the founders of which are the Ministry of Education and Science, the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and the Teacher's Newspaper.

How is Teacher's Day celebrated?

The traditions of the Teacher's Day are constantly being transformed, adjusting to the modern course of life.
If in the past, each class on Teacher's Day made wall newspapers for teachers, where congratulations to teachers were beautifully written, now this tradition has not been preserved everywhere. But in almost all educational institutions, schoolchildren arrange a concert for their teachers, where they perform dance numbers, songs and read congratulations from the stage.

In many classes, after school, tea is arranged with the class teacher, during which the teacher is given flowers and gifts.

Also on this day, parents of students come to school, and not because they were called there. They also congratulate the teachers.

It has also recently become customary to congratulate all teachers on social networks and by e-mail.

© Sputnik / Vsevolod Tarasevich

Also on Teacher's Day in schools, they try to make teachers have a little rest on their holiday and be in the role of students. Lessons are usually conducted by high school students, so the holiday is also called Self-Government Day.

Initially, the only events on Teacher's Day were conventions and conferences where teachers discussed issues of school life. The main task of Teacher's Day at the dawn of the existence of the holiday was to draw the attention of the public and authorities to school issues. However, years later, a tradition of celebrating Teacher's Day developed, which has not undergone significant changes to this day. The most notable of these are flowers. Huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy asters are presented by grateful students to their beloved teachers. All free containers in the classroom are filled with flowers - and this flower kingdom cannot but please the eye.

What to give for Teacher's Day

A good gift for teachers on their professional holiday can be a set of good chocolate or sweets, coffee or tea - it will always come in handy. It is also appropriate to give tickets to the theater for two. It is relatively inexpensive and very "intelligent". Surely teachers will like books or CDs from the series "Museums of the World", "Great Artists", "Great Composers".

You can also give a certificate for purchases in a store. For example, in GUM or TSUM: the teacher knows better what she lacks - paper, pens, folders or face cream. A calendar with a photo of the class will also be pleasant - touching, individual and useful.

© Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

But what should not be given is cosmetics and perfume. It is clear that this can simply confuse the teacher. In addition, the chosen perfume may simply not suit her! But a body or hand cream of a well-known brand and of good quality will please any woman. Tights, underwear, scarves and other items of clothing should also be excluded. Of course, as a woman, a student's mother understands a teacher as a woman, but this is very personal.

The material is based on open sources.