DIY toys for cats: how to make puzzles, teasers, rattles. Simple ideas for great cat toys made from scrap materials

Already from the first week of living in the house of a kitten, it becomes clear that he needs trifles for games, because he is, in fact, a small child who loves to frolic, run and do something interesting. But before you run to the pet store for special expensive things, you should think about how to make a cat toy yourself, from improvised materials, thereby saving a lot of money and enjoying the creative process.

Domestic cats, not being able to walk outside for a long time, are more lazy, losing their health, and their natural instincts and innate skills become dull, weaken, which also negatively affects the condition of the animal. To help fluffy be in shape, keep his instincts and health at the level, and these funny trinkets are needed. Moreover, the simplest ones, made with your own hands from what everyone has in the house, are enough. They will not only amuse the kitten during the day, but also allow him to maintain his physical shape, throw out a lot of energy and sleep better later, giving his owner a rest.

Basic requirements for pet toys.

Regardless of whether a purchased or home-made trinket is used for tailed fun, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Safety. The materials used for it must be environmentally friendly, with high-quality dyes, fillers, without sharp corners, protruding threads and other imperfections.
  • Strength. Having sharp teeth and claws, kittens can easily tear up cheap purchased fun, feast on its contents or parts, provoking health problems.
  • Focus on the development of natural instincts. The best cat toys stimulate them to hunt, jump, run, hide, attack and so on.

All this can be easily embodied in simple crafts from waste materials.

Gallery: do-it-yourself cat toy (25 photos)

How to make a cat toy with your own hands: ideas

A lot is used to create interesting trifles for a pet. The most suitable, and therefore popular materials are:

  • Paper.
  • Soft thick fabric.
  • Cardboard.
  • Yarn.
  • Pencils.
  • Rubber balls, including soft tennis balls and the like.
  • Wine bottle caps.
  • Empty boxes of various sizes.
  • Spools of thread, skeins of thread, etc.

It will not be difficult to make a nursery rhyme out of this for a cat.

The best craft ideas for pets

Cats, young and old, love objects that they can chase, jump up and down and hunt.

They will be delighted with such options:

  • Various pendulums made of cardboard and paper.
  • Rattles from jars, containers from kinder surprises, small bottles.
  • Puppets on sticks.
  • Sticks with a bunch of feathers at the end.
  • Textile mice from socks, knitted gloves, shreds.
  • Yarn pom-poms on a small thread.
  • An ordinary cardboard box with holes of various shapes and sizes.
  • A ball made of fabric, sock, nylon or foil.
  • A rustling bag with several rubber balls inside.

The crafts are easy to create and are great for both small cats and adult cats to play with. In addition, they will be a great alternative to expensive, but not always high-quality analogues from a pet store.

How to make a paper cat toy

In every house there is an A4 sheet or a double leaflet from a notebook. And a simple cotton thread, a piece of yarn, twine. That's all you need to create a paper butterfly. We make an accordion out of a sheet, tie it in the middle with a strong thread and proceed to the fun. For some reason, all the tailed ones are simply delighted with such a simple thing and are happy to chase after it.

In every house there is an A4 sheet or a double leaflet from a notebook

To be sure to please your pet, wind a few butterflies, different in size and even color. He will be able to play with them without the participation of the owner, if you hang them around the apartment, for example, on the crossbars of chairs, under tables, on door handles.

Homemade cat toy out of the box

The indisputable fact that purrs love all kinds of boxes can also and should even be used when it comes to crafts for our smaller brothers. There are many options for crafts from them, but the most interesting are sorters and houses.

Sorter track from a box and bushings from toilet paper.

These, at first glance, absolutely unnecessary items will actually become a great nursery rhyme for a kitten.

To make it, you will need:

  • Shoes cardboard box.
  • Toilet paper rolls - the number depends on the size of the box.
  • Glue.

These, at first glance, absolutely unnecessary items will actually become a great nursery rhyme for a kitten.

It is necessary to carefully place the bushings inside the box, smearing them with glue on the bottom circle so that they stick to the bottom and on the outside to glue them together. Decorate the resulting sorter with pompoms, hanging ribbons, yarn fringe, small soft animal figures, decorate it with bright colors.

There are never too many holes - the simplest game with a box

For this craft, you will need a relatively thin box, for example, from pizza, paintings, and similar goods. The main thing is that the sides are of low height.

We take the workpiece and cut in random order the same round holes of such a size that the pet's paw fits freely in it. Close tightly and give to your pet.

For this craft, you will need a relatively thin box, for example, from pizza, paintings, and similar goods.

And to make the sorter boxes less mobile, it is enough to glue rubber clamps on their bottom. Then the cat will not slide on the floor when playing.

Boxed heaven for the purr

You should not bother and buy an expensive house for a cat in a pet store, because you can make it yourself all from the same cardboard boxes of different sizes.

To create a cat house you need:

  • Several boxes of strong cardboard. They can be the same or different in size, but the smallest pet should easily climb through and not get stuck there.
  • Glue, preferably construction, acrylic, it is odorless and colorless.
  • Decorations are optional, without them it will also be fine.

Do not bother and buy an expensive house for a cat in a pet store

The first step is to group the “rooms”, building the future home of the fluffy at your discretion. With a pencil or pen, mark the position of all the holes for the entry and exit of the animal so that it can climb through the rooms without going outside each time. Then glue them one by one, lubricating them with plenty of glue to hold them tight. Outside the house, for greater aesthetics, cover with a thin layer of paint (gouache, watercolor) or simply draw cute drawings with pencils, felt-tip pens.

And if you hang small trinkets in each room, then there will be no limit to the delight of the purr for a long time.

What can be done for a small kitten

For cat babies, there are also many options for crafts, the creation of which does not require a lot of expenses. Common to them is the presence of a thread to hang or pull the craft towards you.

There are also many craft options for cat babies.

Here are some examples of simple handmade fun for kittens:

  1. Textile animals, birds, fish. It is better for them to use felt, fleece, any other durable, soft fabric. It is enough to cut out two identical parts of the figurine, sew them together, filling them a little with holofiber. Glue the finished product to a stick or sew a ribbon or thread to it for convenience.
  2. Yarn pom-poms are perhaps the classics of cat fun.
  3. Rattles from containers from kinder surprises. We fill them with cereals, large beads, small bells, close them tightly and the noise maker is ready.
  4. Fishing rods with tassels at the end. There are many variations - with and without threads, with tassels made of paper, yarn, fabric, foil, and so on.
  5. Ordinary balls of paper, foil, bags. Despite their simplicity, they are able to absorb the attention of kittens for a long time.

Such seemingly unremarkable little things will become excellent helpers in the care, upbringing and development of cats from birth. Is it worth it to buy expensive analogues in specialized stores, if everything can be done independently, thereby showing even more care and love for the pet, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But everyone knows that the best things are made by hand. Therefore, please your pet with a handmade toy, and he will definitely appreciate it.

If you get a cat or a cat in the apartment, you will no longer feel lonely. The animal is domestic, but in your absence, he, the little one, will be very bored. If you do not get special toys, then he will scratch and tear furniture, wallpaper and things with his claws. Toys for a cat can be bought at a special pet store, or you can, after reading the instructions, make it yourself at home.

Little kittens need toys. The older the cat gets, the calmer it becomes, and more and more it becomes like its owners. He and he also sometimes wants to run and play with them.

Believe me your animal it will be absolutely all the same what toy will be presented to him and what it is made of. It can be bought at a pet store for a lot of money, or you can cook games and create entertainment from improvised materials. The main thing is that the animal would be interested in running and playing.

Why do animals need toys?

Basically, kittens, growing up, do not live in their house near their mother-cat. They find themselves in an unfamiliar place where their brothers and sisters are not present and there is no one to play with. Kitten is stressed followed by addiction and boredom. Previously, in his family, he had fun playing with his family, but now he is on his own, and he has nothing to do and no one to run with.

Cat games not only relieve the pet from boredom, but also develop it. There are several reasons why kittens simply need to have toys:

  1. During the game, the animal develops the skills that it needs for life. They get a lot of positive emotions, have fun like children, and then tired and happy they quickly fall asleep. Any game for your fluffy will be an excellent workout that strengthens his health.
  2. If the animal is bored and has nothing to play with, then very soon it will begin to spoil the wallpaper and furniture upholstery. It must not be allowed to start, because then the animal cannot be stopped - it will definitely do this in your absence. If there are several cats in the house, then they must have toys. Only in this way can they coexist peacefully in the same house, know their master and feel love for themselves.
  3. Thanks to the game, the kitten develops both physically and psychologically. It becomes easier and easier for the owner with him. That's why, if you decide to get a kitten, at the same time think about toys for him.

What should be toys

A small animal pays attention to everything that moves. He is interested in everything bright, rustling, or made of fur. The toys should have movement, and any game for them is hunting. He can be made to run and have fun with an ordinary candy wrapper, a ball of thread or a bright string. All toys for your pet can be divided into several categories:

  • paper;
  • natural.

Paper toys are the same candy wrappers or crumpled sheets of paper thrown on the floor. To a crumpled leaf you can tie a thread, and thus make the kitten run and hunt for a leaf. It is not known what your kitten will like more, so you just need to experiment.

You can try to play with the animal newspaper. The kitten will be happy to climb under it, rustle and crumple it. The same effect will be from a roll of toilet paper.

Cat toys

For kittens and cats, the cardboard box is a separate category. If you want to put your animal in it, you can get scratched. But it only costs you leave the box open and unattended how your cat can climb into it on its own and hide there. You can make several holes in the box, then the cat will never give it back to you. He will learn new moves from the box through the holes made.

Cat toys can also be made from natural materials. Suitable nuts, cones, acorns and chestnuts. All items are round or oblong can roll on the floor which is very interesting and funny for any kitten. During the cleaning process, you will collect a lot of old forgotten toys around the apartment, with which your animal will play again.

If you use a mirror to let a sunbeam on the floor, then the cat will hunt it with pleasure. In this case, it is simply impossible to stop either the owner or the cat. This game can be extended in the evening, but already using an ordinary flashlight for a sunbeam.

How to make a rattle

A small plastic pill jar with a lid will do. If there is a label, then it is better to remove it. in a jar need to put round, dense objects that, during the movement of the jar, will create a roar. You can use:

Such a toy will imitate escaping small prey. The roar from the rattle attracts the cat's attention immediately, and the natural instinct makes you run after the "prey".

Make sure that the lid on the jar is tightly closed so that the kitten cannot open it during the game.

Wand with feathers

The stick itself should be long enough, then the animal will rush and scratch only her, and not your hands. The longer the stick, the more secure your hands will be.

The kitten likes to play with a feather, but if you hold it in your hand, you can accidentally get hurt. Tie the feather to the end of the stick, to the ball or hank already attached to it. The feather will remind the animal of the birds that need to be hunted.

The resulting toy can simply be driven across the floor and watched as the kitten runs after it. Or you can give it to a kitten so that he played on her own. The feather can be replaced with a shiny decoration, which makes the toy brighter.

Watching him play, you yourself will get great pleasure.

The second life of a stuffed toy

If your house has an old and useless toy that no one has thrown away so far, this is what you need. Now this toy will be for the cat. You need to understand that the animal will gnaw and tear it, so you need to prepare for such a turn of events.

Make a small hole in the toy, preferably along the seam, so that later it will be easier to sew. Put catnip in it and sew it up. To the toy you can tie a rope dragging her across the floor and playing with the kitten like that. Make him hunt.

Interactive toy "box with a secret"

It's nice to watch a kitten that plays on its own. To do this, you need to make an interesting game for him. Let's start. You will need a cardboard box from under shoes or from under pizza. Must be put in the box an item that will be interesting for the kitten. Then he will try to get it.

Using scissors in the box, make holes: 2 pieces on the sides and 6-8 pieces on top. Their size should be slightly larger than the cat's paw, so that during the game it does not damage the paw.

Inside the box we make some kind of jumpers so that the box (if it is low) does not flatten. Close the box and seal with tape. Inside it, through the holes, we place the balls. The kitten will just be interested in chasing them with his paw inside the box.

  • Try to teach the kitten to play on its own, for this, make different toys for it.
  • If your animal is already an adult, then he should also have a chance to play with the toy.
  • If a kitten or cat suffers from poor eyesight, then bells can be chosen for the toy. During games, the ability to hear the toy makes up for the lack of vision.
  • To understand what your kitten likes, give him different toys.
  • All pets love to play with balls.
  • To make a cat toy, use a scent that is pleasant for your animal, and not just shape, texture and sound.
  • If the animal is not afraid of the bathroom and is willing to wander there, then in your absence leave a ping-pong ball in it. The animal will be able to arrange real fun there.
  • If there is not enough time to make a toy, crumple up a plain sheet of paper and throw it to the cat. He will enjoy playing with them.


If you work a lot and get home late at night, then the only joy in the house may be kitten waiting for you. Do not forget about his entertainment in your absence. If you don't have time to make his favorite toys, buy ready-made ones at the pet store. Their selection is huge.

Remember that the more senses the kitten will use during the game, the better.

The playfulness of kittens is so widely known that even those who have never kept cats at home know that little kittens need toys. Experienced pet owners can add at least two hard facts to this information. Firstly, grown-up kittens do not stop playing with everything that falls into the paws and / or is of interest. Secondly, if you do not make a toy for the cat with your own hands, he will find it himself, and it is possible that he will choose your socks, curtains or other items that are completely not intended for this for his games. Therefore, it is better to make a toy for the cat as early as possible, literally along with his appearance in the house.

Caring owners try to give their pet all the best, especially if they can afford to choose and buy a cat toy in a trendy pet store. But in 99% of cases, they will be disappointed: a four-legged pet will not show the expected interest in an expensive present. But he will enthusiastically drive a cap from a plastic bottle, a button or another worthless trinket across the floor. At the same time, home-made toys for cats are also good because they are safe, and you can not be afraid that the fluffy bastard will get hurt or swallow a small part. In a word, you definitely need a cat toy made at home.

Why do cats need toys? What are kittens playing with?
Kittens and other cubs, including human ones, do not play out of spoilage and by no means out of boredom. The game is one of the most complex natural mechanisms, "sewn" by evolution into the nervous system of mammals, and neither kittens, nor even you and me, are an exception. The gameplay develops and shapes the psyche of kittens, and toys directly help this. They imitate phenomena from adult life and from childhood teach kids how to handle them, train dexterity, endurance and other necessary skills.

From the typical games of cubs, it is easy to understand what kind of lifestyle their biological species leads - all this is reflected in the toys that babies choose. A suitable toy embodies one or more behavioral rituals:
When making toys for a cat with your own hands, you have to take into account all these requirements, among which there are no unimportant or secondary ones. But the process of creativity, difficult and exciting, will make the toy for the cat correct and unique.

What to make a toy for a cat? Cat Toy Ideas
Now we know the types, properties, composition and rules for choosing toys for cats that are safe and effective. But the perfect toy should bring joy! And it is hidden in the little things: the material and details of the toys. Cats are, of course, not magpies, but they also love everything shiny, rustling and interesting. And in every house a lot of things correspond to these parameters:
If the listed items are in your house, then it will not be difficult for you to make a cat toy with your own hands. But there is another list, the components of which must be hidden away from pets. Remember that cellophane and foil in any form, Christmas decorations and tinsel, nylon tights and socks and spools of sewing thread are deadly for kittens and adult cats.

How to make a toy for a cat? Toy Making Instructions
If you have the opportunity to observe the habits of a cat, then pay attention to which toys he devotes more time to and make just those. If a kitten or cat is in your house for the first time, make any or more of the toys listed below so that he chooses a favorite for himself. In addition, a variety of toys will benefit the psyche and growth of the pet:
As you can see, even the most complex homemade pet toys are very easy to make. It is even easier to let the cat play with a rustling candy wrapper or tease him with a beam of light from a flashlight. In other words, attention and activity are important for the pet, and not the toy itself. And it is in your power to give him this attention, spending a little of your time. A domestic cat needs toys, but he himself is not a toy and requires a responsible attitude towards himself. On the other hand, non-lazy owners know that a happy cat remains a bit of a kitten until old age and gladly supports offers to play and run around.

Surely, cat owners have often noticed that their pets are more willing to play with items found by chance in the apartment than with toys from the store. The reasons for this behavior of animals are inexplicable, but the fact remains. Therefore, instead of once again spending money on toys for cats, it is better to make them yourself from improvised materials. We share simple ideas that will tell you how to entertain your pet simply and quickly.

1. Play station for furry explorers

Glue toilet paper rolls in various positions onto a sturdy piece of cardboard. Inside them, put the little things that attract the attention of the cat - for example, large buttons, beads. The cat will try to get them.

2. For a few pennies

In the base of the toilet paper roll, make several holes in a chaotic manner. Pass cocktail tubes, bright shreds or pompoms through them. Such a toy will take the animal for a long time.

3. From your favorite cardboard box

Everyone knows the fact that cats are not indifferent to cardboard boxes. Use this feature of theirs and make a gaming station out of the box. Inside the box are small items, and on top are bright cords that will also attract the attention of the cat.

4. Mini tangle with protection

Letting your cat play with regular balls or spools can be dangerous as he can choke on the thread. Therefore, we propose to slightly modernize this option for entertaining a cat. Roll the thread into a ball of medium density, leaving one end free. Then wrap the ball with plain foil. Cats love its rustling and soft sheen.

5. The second life of the remnants of water pipes

From the remains of water pipes, you can make a toy for a cat with your own hands. It is only necessary to connect them with the help of corner elements, which are sold in any hardware store. You will also need to cut holes in the pipes a little more than the paws of cats, and put various little things inside. The cat will try to get them.

6. Soft pom-poms

Pompoms on a string are a favorite toy of many cats, which does not bother them for a long time. Ready-made toys can be hung on the doorknob so that the cat tries to get them.

7. Making a sommelier out of a cat

Cats love to play with wine corks because they are light. You can just give the cat a cork, but if you have some free time, make a more complex toy. For example, crochet it or attach bright feathers, ribbons.

8. For needlewomen who are friends with a needle

A person who knows how to handle a needle can sew a simple toy for a cat in a couple of minutes. We recommend choosing fabrics of sufficient density, such as wool or felt.

9. From a T-shirt that gathers dust in the closet

To make such a cat toy with your own hands, you will need an old knitted T-shirt. Cut it into thin strips, put them together and tie in a knot. To make it more interesting for the cat, we recommend using T-shirts of different colors and knitwear that differ in density.

10. Recycling corrugated board

Corrugated cardboard, from which large boxes are made, is useful for creating toys for a cat. Cut out a lot of circles from it, in each of them make a small hole in the middle. Then string them on a piece of lace, tying it into knots.

11. Bright shreds for the cat

Cut into square pieces. To fill them, foam rubber, fabric scraps, threads are suitable. In order for the bag to arouse increased interest of the cat, you can put a little catnip inside it.

12. If a baby sock is left without a pair

Using the method described in the previous paragraph, it will turn out to make a toy for a cat with your own hands from a children's sock. Just fill it with something soft and tie it in a knot.

13. Cat rod

A thin wooden stick, strong thread and flat thin fabric - that's all you need to make a cat fishing rod. Fold the fabric with an overlap, use a needle to thread a thread through the strips. Tie the free end of the thread around the stick.

When the issue of entertaining cats is resolved, a lot of free time is released. Why not spend it on improving the interior of your home? For example, familiarize yourself with

When a kitten appears in the house, a loving owner should take care of the toys for the baby. If this does not turn shoes and furniture into toys. Toys are needed for the physical development of the kitten, for entertainment and communication with the owner through joint play. In addition to the benefits that everyone understands, the toy must be safe enough. It should not have sharp edges and small parts that break off easily. It would also be nice if the kitten could play with her on her own when the owners are not at home.

DIY toy for a kitten

How to do it yourself? There is nothing easier. The first thing that comes to mind is to twist a bow out of a piece of paper, tie a thread to it and hang it so that it does not reach the floor a little. The rustling of the bow will constantly attract the kitten. You can make the same hanging toy from a box with an elastic band. Put a few peas inside the box so that they rattle with every movement. Plastic boxes from Kinder Surprise are great for such toys. You can sheathe them with fabric to serve your pet longer, look more beautiful. Instead of an elastic band, you can use a long spring, then fix the toy well on a horizontal surface.

You also need a soft one, it is very easy to make a mouse out of dense fabric. Fold a piece of fabric in half. Draw the outline of the mouse body, cut it out. To make the mouse look plump, put something soft between the two cut out pieces: pom-poms from an old hat, a large ball of cotton wool. If you are working with felt, felt, dense drape, then the edges can be glued together, but it is still stronger to sew the top and bottom of the mouse body with threads. We firmly sew on the eyes so that the kitten does not bite them off and does not choke accidentally. Make them for safety, too, from fabric. Don't forget the tail. It will be especially interesting to drive such a mouse on the floor if something rumbles inside too.

Do-it-yourself interactive toy for a kitten

Interactive animal toys do not require human intervention. They are very good for satisfying the hunting instinct in kittens. For example, a transparent tunnel with balls inside and holes on top so that you can put your foot in and try to get the ball. If there are no skills for such work, make a similar toy from a flat cardboard box. Make round holes in it over the entire surface, fasten balls, balls or pompoms on long elastic bands very well inside. The kitten will diligently catch these balls and pull them out through the holes, picking them up with claws. This will be a cheap interactive toy for a kitten, with your own hands you will make it from improvised materials.

What toy to make for a kitten, choose for yourself. It can be a teaser toy, a rattle ball, an interactive toy, maybe a whole play complex combined from cat slides, scratching posts and loungers for relaxation. So that your fluffy baby does not get bored, play with him. This is how you show your love for him. The attention you give your kitten every day while playing with him will help you raise an obedient pet.