Breast changes in early pregnancy. How breasts change in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period when both the physiology and the inner state of mind of a woman change. The body of every sexually mature girl prepares for this event every month, and certain changes occur in it from the previous to the next menstrual cycle. With the onset of conception, they do not stop, but on the contrary, they continue to develop especially intensively.

Almost all organs and systems of the expectant mother undergo various kinds of changes, as a result of which, even before pregnancy is confirmed in the ultrasound or gynecologist's office, she can often determine her new condition by a number of signs.

One such symptom may be breast changes in early pregnancy.

What can be breast changes in early pregnancy

Subjective sensations at the physiological level may be the very first signs of pregnancy. They do not manifest themselves in the same way for all girls and women; different pregnant women describe different sensations. Some say that the chest seems to ache, and in some cases constantly, and sometimes only from time to time. Other women complain of real pain in the mammary glands, which causes severe discomfort and inconvenience.

Very often, already from the first days of pregnancy, increased sensitivity of the breast and especially the nipples is noted. They are simply impossible to touch, the girls say, and even wearing a bra or jerky body movements cause terrible discomfort! However, it is quite possible that this phenomenon may not be so intense.

Another characteristic condition of the onset of pregnancy breast is its swelling and increase in volume. Some women say they simply notice an increase in size and a gradual continuation of its growth throughout the entire period of gestation. But also many experience a feeling of fullness in the chest: it is poured and noticeably heavier.

It should be said that changes in the breast during pregnancy also occur in its appearance. Not in all pregnant women, but in quite a few of them, the nipples and areolas darken and change their color already at the earliest stages and can also increase significantly in size.

The venous network (when the veins seem to appear on the surface and become clearly visible) usually appears a little later, but in the first weeks it can also already appear on the surface of the skin.

In general, the bust becomes rounder with the onset of pregnancy, acquires a more feminine and beautiful shape, which pleases not only expectant mothers, but also, to a special extent, future fathers. Thanks hormones! All these changes occur due to their activity (this is both hCG and progesterone, in particular). It still begins after ovulation at the stage of formation of the corpus luteum, but in the event of pregnancy, the production of these hormones continues, their concentration in the blood increases every day, which is why certain signs appear.

No breast changes in early pregnancy

Changes in the chest, despite a number of symptoms that may indicate that the conception of a child has taken place, cannot be regarded as a clear and unconditional sign of pregnancy. Many girls experience sensations similar to those described on the eve of the next menstruation, a few days before they begin. It is for this reason that they often do not attach importance to such phenomena, believing that critical days will begin not today or tomorrow. But the opposite is also not uncommon: a woman is so eager or afraid of pregnancy that she is able to see its symptoms in the slightest change and manifestation on the part of her body. There is an opinion that it is possible to distinguish between these two conditions - the eve of menstruation and the onset of pregnancy - if the breast has noticeably hardened: this will mean that, most likely, the woman has become pregnant. But such a theory remains only an observation from practice, and not a proven fact.

Moreover, the breast in early pregnancy does not always change. There are a huge number of cases when, until the end of the childbearing period, the pregnant woman did not notice and did not feel any of the dangerous signs in this article.

You must understand and know that any of the existing symptoms of pregnancy may or may not occur to the same extent, and in any case, this will be the norm.

Therefore, dear ladies, do not worry if during pregnancy, the presence of which is confirmed by reliable methods, you do not experience any sensations in the chest and do not notice any changes in it. Also, pain, whining, enlargement, swelling and tenderness in the mammary glands should not be taken as a sign of pregnancy if no other symptoms of pregnancy are noted.

Be reasonable and always try to assess the situation from the position of the "golden mean".

This is useful to know

If severe pain in the chest during pregnancy does not go away with an increase in the term or even intensifies, and if pain or other changes are observed only on one side, then it does not hurt to tell the doctor about this. You should contact a mammologist if a woman feels dense formations in her chest. Do not rush to worry, it may be Montgomery's tubercles, which is completely normal during the period of bearing a child. But in this case it would be better to play it safe.

Keep in mind that with increasing term, the breasts of a pregnant woman in most cases are constantly growing. Therefore, very soon you may need a new bra. Be sure to wear a bra in size, in no case allow squeezing the mammary glands and any other discomfort - rubbing, pressure from bones, seams, lace and other decorative elements. The bra should slightly lift and securely hold the chest, avoiding its excessive oscillation during walking. Best of all, bras with wide, durable straps cope with this task.

In addition to the correct selection of underwear during pregnancy, special care is also required for this part of the female body. Start it early in order to avoid problems and troubles in the future. It's mostly about stretch marks. Although it is believed that it is impossible to prevent their occurrence in the case of a genetic predisposition to their formation, experts still recommend applying moisturizers and oils to the chest. Women's breasts always need a regular hygienic shower. Now a contrast shower will be useful, but temperature changes should not cause you discomfort. Please note that mammologists recommend avoiding soaping of the areolas and nipples while washing the breasts.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

With the onset of conception, changes in the mammary glands occur in the female body, which are difficult to miss. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts in early pregnancy increase and become more sensitive.

These changes are sometimes attributed to premenstrual syndrome, since they appear even before the pregnancy is diagnosed. But at this stage, a new life is already developing. It is important to understand how breasts change during pregnancy and what to be wary of.

The growth of the mammary glands is noted in all women preparing for motherhood. From the first weeks, they notice that the mammary glands become more voluminous. This is due to the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast and milk ducts - their growth is stimulated by the hormones estrogen and.

Despite the intensive growth of the breast while waiting for the baby, after childbirth, these changes may come to naught - for many women, it may take on its original appearance. There is no need to worry if the breast does not change at the beginning of pregnancy - sometimes the process of its increase starts a little later, closer to the sixth month.

Sensitivity and pain

Against the background of hormonal changes, expectant mothers note the appearance of soreness in the chest. In this case, the nipples become sensitive, and the glands become more tense and dense. This indicates that the body is actively preparing for.

It is because of the increased sensitivity of the breast that many women begin to suspect pregnancy yet. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether the chest hurts in the early stages of a normal pregnancy will be positive.

This pain will be more pronounced than before menstruation, since there are much more hormones in the body.

Areola darkening

Areolas are dark patches of skin around the nipples. With the onset of pregnancy, they darken and increase, characteristic pimples appear on their surface. The size of the areolas can increase from 3-5 to 4-7 cm.

After the birth of the baby, these changes will disappear, the color and size of the areolas will become the same.

Discharge from the nipples

Many women mistakenly believe that breast discharge, namely colostrum, begins to be produced just before childbirth or only after the baby is born. Actually it is not. Of course, everything is individual. But discharge from the chest can appear even in the early stages of pregnancy, closer to the 12th week. And this is a completely natural phenomenon.

You should not worry about the discharge from the chest, you need to pay more attention to the care of the mammary glands. In order not to stain underwear and outerwear with secreted colostrum, you can use special pads for bras.

Venous mesh on the chest

As the mammary glands of a pregnant woman increase in size, blood flow to their tissues also increases. That is why a network of veins appears under the skin, resembling a cobweb.

This is a completely normal phenomenon that occurs in all women expecting a baby. After childbirth and the end of breastfeeding, there will be no trace of the venous network.

Reasons for change

Changes in the breast occur under the influence of hormones. After conception, estrogen and progesterone are intensively synthesized in the female body. Intensive development also begins, which causes the production of the hormone prolactin.

Under their influence, a woman's breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation. It increases due to the growth of glandular and connective tissue, its blood supply improves. All this leads to increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

How long do unusual sensations last?

Discomfort and pain in the chest usually decrease by the second trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is stabilizing by this time.

But this does not mean that the mammary glands have ceased to prepare for breastfeeding. Their growth and development continues throughout pregnancy, but is no longer so noticeable for a woman.

If there are no changes?

If pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes do not bypass any woman. But if in the early stages of pregnancy the breast does not hurt, it is not necessarily a pathology.

This may be due to the lesser susceptibility of a woman's mammary glands to hormonal changes - this is an individual phenomenon that is the norm. In some women, intensive breast growth is observed only in the second half of pregnancy.

In addition, not all women are attentive to their body and think about how the chest hurts in the early stages of pregnancy. Due to their own inattention, they miss the first signs of pregnancy.

What symptoms should alert?

Sometimes women worry about the fact that the breasts do not enlarge and remain soft to the touch. This is not always a reason for panic, but a woman is advised to listen to her feelings and possible symptoms of trouble.

So, the cause for concern may be:

  • from the genital tract of any intensity;
  • sudden increase in body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • asymmetric breast growth, the presence of bulges and depressions;
  • general weakness.

If you have any of the symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Also, attention is required when the breast stopped hurting in the early stages of pregnancy or returned to its original volume.

If the tension and sensitivity of the mammary glands are completely absent, we can talk about conditions such as or.

How to care for breasts in early pregnancy

Enlargement, changes in the appearance of the breast and discharge from it during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon.

After the end of lactation, the mammary glands most often return to their previous volume, but at the same time, stretch marks and sagging skin often appear on them. To preserve the beauty of the breast, it is necessary to take care of it from the first weeks of pregnancy.

In the process of washing, it is not necessary to treat the areola and nipples with detergent. The fact is that soap destroys the protective layer of the skin, drying them out. On the delicate skin of the areola, this can cause cracking and irritation.

To prevent stretch marks, you can use oils or other cosmetics. You need to carefully approach the choice of a bra - in it a woman should feel as comfortable as possible.

Changes in the breasts in the first trimester of pregnancy manifest themselves differently in all expectant mothers. In some, they are certainly associated with increased sensitivity and pain, in others - with external manifestations, and in both cases we are talking about variants of the norm.

There is no single standard for how healthy breasts look in early pregnancy, everything is individual. If the changes are not accompanied by pathological symptoms, there is no need to worry.

Useful video on how to prepare breasts for lactation

At the initial stage of pregnancy, there are not so many signs of successful conception. First of all, women are guided by sensations in the chest area, since it begins to change in the first months after fertilization. What should be the breast at different times and which of the changes are the norm?

How does a woman's breasts change during pregnancy?

To understand what happens to the breast during pregnancy, it is important to know its structure. The breast consists of the mammary gland, or parenchyma, adipose and connective tissues. Parenchyma is formed by glandular cells in which milk is produced. Sometimes cells can also be found in the armpits, which is why this area changes during pregnancy and lactation. Connective tissue divides the mammary gland into 15-20 lobes and connects it to the pectoral muscle. Adipose tissue is located between the lobes of the gland and protects the parenchyma from damage. The volume of adipose tissue affects the size and shape of the bust.

The lactiferous ducts leaving the alveoli of the mammary gland unite into the lactiferous sinuses, which form the nipple. The pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple is called the areola. When this area is stimulated, milk is released.

The changes mainly concern the parenchyma and how the areola and nipples look. The breast during pregnancy changes gradually under the influence of hormones, and the nature of the changes depends on the period.

In the early stages

Swollen breasts are one of the first signs of pregnancy. The hormones progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and prolactin, which are produced during pregnancy, stimulate the division of glandular tissue cells. This process is often accompanied by pain in the mammary glands and armpits, an increase in their size and an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples.

The breast at the 6th week of pregnancy changes externally. Many girls have dark areolas. This is due to the increased production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin. There is a version that the dark color of the nipples serves as a visual signal for the baby. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the breasts sometimes begin to grow in the last months, and the above signs may be absent.

In 2-3 trimesters

Sometimes at the end of the 1st trimester, the pain disappears. This may signal the death of the fetus. If the mammary glands stop hurting by the beginning of the 2nd trimester, it is worth being examined by a doctor to exclude a missed pregnancy. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the pain will return soon.

In the 2nd trimester, blood circulation in the chest increases and a venous network appears on the surface of the skin. A viscous yellowish liquid is released from the nipples - colostrum (more details in the article:). At first, a little colostrum is produced - a few drops a day, but by the 30th week, the volume of secretions increases.

The skin of the bust does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of the mammary glands, which causes stretch marks. Fresh striae have a purple or reddish tint, but fade over time. The skin in places of rupture becomes thinner.

Montgomery's tubercles become more noticeable - anatomical formations on the areola. Their function is currently unknown. Presumably, the Montgomery glands, the excretory ducts of which open at the tops of the tubercles, secrete a secret that contains a substance that is captured by the child's olfactory organs. This substance encourages the newborn to suckle at the breast.

By 9 months, a pregnant woman's breasts increase by 2-3 sizes. If in non-pregnant women the mammary glands weigh 150 - 200 g, then by the time of delivery, the weight of each gland is 900 g.

Why do the mammary glands hurt in pregnant women?

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Breast pain during pregnancy is normal. Pain and increased sensitivity are due to the growth of glandular tissue.

Preparation for lactation in different women occurs in different ways: some feel aching pain, while others only feel tingling. You need to be wary in cases where only one gland hurts or the pain has become too strong.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by tight clothing. This is especially true of the bra. Incorrectly selected underwear interferes with normal blood circulation. When choosing a bra, you should make sure that it does not squeeze the mammary glands. It is advisable to choose underwear, the size of which is adjustable, because during pregnancy the volume of the breast will change.

Early and late breast examination

Pregnant women are prescribed the following types of examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. Ultrasound is performed if there is a suspicion of the presence of neoplasms. The intensive growth of glandular tissue makes it difficult to diagnose, so ultrasound reveals only large formations.
  • Palpation and examination of the glands and axillary lymph nodes. It is performed in a lying or sitting position. Can be used for self-diagnosis prior to admission.
  • Blood test for prolactin and macroprolactin. Assign to confirm or rule out the presence of a pituitary tumor.
  • Test for tumor markers.
  • MRI of the brain. Carried out for the diagnosis of prolactinoma.

Why did the breasts swell and shrink?

The first 10 weeks of pregnancy, when the endocrine system is rebuilt, the bust increases, but after that it may decrease. This is a variant of the norm - in the early stages the body adapts to hormonal changes. When colostrum begins to be produced, the breasts will grow again. However, a decrease in bust size can be a sign of a miscarriage. If a woman notices that her breasts are deflated during pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a specialist.

Another possible reason is weight loss. A significant part of the mass of the breast is adipose tissue. When a woman loses weight, the fat layer decreases and, as a result, the volume.

When should you see a doctor?

The first sign of mastitis is hot mammary glands during pregnancy. Inflammation is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus and some other types of bacteria that enter the mother's body from the mouth of the baby. Lactostasis and difficult emptying of the milk ducts create favorable conditions for pathogens. Mastitis is more commonly diagnosed in breastfeeding women, although it also occurs in girls. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the breast "burns" if the glands are overflowing with milk. The disease is treated with antibiotics and novocaine blockade.

Seals are a wake-up call. The breast becomes denser due to lactostasis. Often the stagnation of milk in the ducts is accompanied by swelling, touching the chest can bring pain. Also, the seal may be a cyst or fibroadenoma. The cyst does not interfere with feeding, however, if it is detected, it is advisable to follow an anti-estrogen diet. In order not to provoke the growth of cysts, you need to eat less sweets and fatty meat.

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor. If it does not grow and does not hurt, do not touch it until the end of lactation. Otherwise, in the 2nd trimester, the tumor is removed surgically.

Regardless of whether the chest hurts or not, a specialist consultation is necessary if:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood flows from the vagina.

Prevention of stretch marks on the chest

When a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should take care of increasing the elasticity of the skin. The doctor will select a complex of vitamins. If there is excess weight, it is better to get rid of it - with excess body weight, the risk of stretch marks is higher. Regular contrast showers and massage with oils will also help improve skin turgor.

It is important to pay attention to the diet. The menu of a pregnant woman should contain low-fat fish and meat, fruits and vegetables. You need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein in early pregnancy and 1.7 g 6 months after conception per 1 kg of body weight per day - protein is necessary for the growth of the mammary glands. Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day.

From the 6th week of pregnancy, you can start using creams for stretch marks. They should contain moisturizing agents (for example, aloe extract or hyaluronic acid), amino acids and collagen. As a preventive measure, their use is recommended at the planning stage.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the tone and elasticity of the breast. Before you begin to engage in any complex, you need to consult with your doctor. A less dangerous alternative to training is walking and swimming in the pool.

It is worth buying a bra for pregnant women - underwear should be made of stretchy and absorbent materials. Microfiber or stretch cotton will do. It is better to give preference to closed seamless models with a plastic frame. The stitches and metal plates compress the glands and irritate the sensitive skin of the breast. The bra back extension should have several rows of fasteners.

Preparing for lactation

It is worth buying a nursing bra (photo below) or with a fastener in front. It is comfortable to wear clothes that are easy to take off. So you can quickly expose the chest for feeding and dress after.

A woman should remain calm - due to stress, milk can be lost. You need to try to exclude irritating factors from your life at the time of feeding.

To prevent cracks on the nipples, you need to prepare the skin of the chest. Take air baths for 10-15 minutes a day, then rinse the chest first with warm, then cool water. After the procedure, massage the nipples with a terry towel. Glue sanitary pads to the inside of the bra - they will absorb colostrum and excess milk. It is better to wash with mild surfactants instead of soap, so as not to overdry the skin of the areola. It is important to ensure that the child captures the nipple with the areola in his mouth. After feeding, you can lubricate the nipple with lanolin oil.

Women who have given birth before know that the first sign of pregnancy is not a positive morning urine test, but changes in the mammary glands. It is the breast that reacts to hormonal changes, which without fail occur during the fertilization of the egg. How does the breast change during pregnancy, what is normal, and what to look for?

An indicator of female reproductive health is the mammary gland. It is this organ that is extremely sensitive to changes in the body that occur naturally and during pregnancy. With the beginning of the development of the embryo, hormonal support also develops, the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys and heart work more than before. Now the mother's organs need to ensure the vital activity of not only her own, but also the baby, who will appear very soon.

Changes in the mammary glands should be conditionally divided into physiological and external. The first include changes that will later help to feed the child without complications for the period that the mother considers necessary. External changes are increases in size, which by the third month will be visible not only to the pregnant woman herself, but also to all her friends. At the same time, the larger the breast before conception, the more it increases after fertilization.

Changes in the first trimester

For the first three months, a woman's body reacts sharply to any changes in the hormonal plan. Progesterone, which is now produced in greater quantities, affects the increase and swelling of the alveoli, in which milk will accumulate and collect after childbirth. During the gestation period, the alveoli only develop, filling with the right amount of prolactin. The bust of a woman becomes sensitive, while the pregnant woman herself reacts sharply negatively to uncomfortable underwear.


During the first trimester, a woman can feel not only discomfort in the chest area, but also a burning sensation of the skin on her stomach. Wearing high panties becomes an impossible task due to the irritation that has arisen. This manifestation is considered a normal reaction of the body to elevated progesterone.

Changes in the second trimester

The change in the physiological characteristics of an important organ for future feeding does not decrease with the onset of the fourth month, but the woman herself already feels more free:

  • toxicosis has passed;
  • the breast is not so painful, but is still edematous (until the end of lactation);
  • skin sensitivity is reduced;
  • irritability passes;
  • frequent urination in a few drops is no longer observed.

The mammary gland is still growing in this period, but the change is quite controlled, less painful for the woman herself, which cannot but rejoice. As a rule, breast sizes at this stage are already visible to others, while the woman herself changes her underwear to more spacious ones.

Changes in the third trimester

Changes in the last trimester before the birth of the baby again make themselves felt: the breasts become large, now its size is two, three sizes larger than before pregnancy. Pain as such is absent, but before the birth itself, a slight painful symptomatic manifestation is possible.

In the last months, it is important not only to prepare the mammary gland for the birth of a baby and lactation, but also to prevent stretch marks that appear on delicate skin. To do this, you should use moisturizers that are based on petroleum jelly, natural oils without fragrances.


Do not spend huge amounts of money on expensive branded creams. You can use olive oil with a dispenser or sprayer, which you can buy at a regular pharmacy.


Normal symptomatic manifestations in the chest are determined not only by the doctor, but also by the woman herself, who is able to assess the situation on her own. Questions about whether this is normal or not will appear all the time, but why not run to the doctor for every reason? Therefore, it is important to independently be able to determine normal manifestations, without worrying about how dangerous it is for the child and your own health.

Do not worry in such cases of changes in the chest:

  1. The appearance of aching pains in the chest over the entire area. The action of progesterone is irritating to all mucous membranes and skin, and therefore it is natural to feel irritability, constant itching and even burning of the nipples.
  2. Halo soreness. It is also a fairly common cause of fear in pregnant women. You should not worry about this, since the halo is preparing for lactation, there may also be an increase in the size of the halo itself, its darkening. If the nipple is initially light, then veins may be visible, giving the nipple a bluish appearance.
  3. The appearance of balls to the touch all over the chest. The alveoli, which are located in the chest, during engorgement, as well as after the birth of the first child, forever change, turning into relief formations. Such a reaction is natural, and this is what distinguishes the breasts of a primiparous girl from a woman who already has children.


After the cessation of lactation, the alveoli decrease in volume, but they can be easily felt on palpation. Such changes in the mammary gland are not reversible, they are the norm.

Change should not be scary if one breast is visually larger than the other. As a rule, by the end of pregnancy, the situation changes and the woman notes the same size of the mammary glands, which have increased in volume and become symmetrical.

If a woman sees cyanosis in the form of stripes on the sides or near the nipple, you should also not worry if such a manifestation is not accompanied by pain when touched. It can be like newly formed stretch marks that were not warned in a timely manner, or veins that are located on top of the mammary glands, close to the skin.

Major changes

Of course, the main changes that are noted not only by a woman, but by everyone around her are a change in the size of the mammary glands. The increase in volume is not accompanied by soreness, swelling, pain of an acute nature. But, by the end of pregnancy, with the appearance of colostrum, soreness may return, remaining until the period of milk in the maternity ward.

How to distinguish the most important changes that differ by periods of pregnancy without confusing the symptoms of a pregnant woman from the dangerous manifestation of pathological neoplasms? Hormonal changes in the body can provoke changes in all other organs. Often, against the background of pregnancy, the development of dangerous diseases of an oncological nature is noted.

But, women should not worry, because the risk of developing oncology or cystic formation during natural pregnancy is extremely low, and depends more on the individual characteristics of the body and heredity than specifically on hormonal changes.

Breasts in the early stages are painful mammary glands that do not allow you to wear previously familiar clothes, cause irritability, constantly itch and bake nipples. The action of progesterone and prolactin does not end throughout pregnancy, but a reduced reaction of the body is observed after the third month. That is, by the beginning of the second trimester, all acute symptomatic manifestations are not observed.

The breast before childbirth is an organ already prepared by the body, which, in the event of the appearance of a baby, is ready to produce useful and irreplaceable milk for the growth and development of the baby. It is important to note that the first colostrum appears already in the sixth month of gestation, and therefore if there is a slight discharge of yellow thick secretion from the nipples, this is a sign of preparation for the birth of the baby.


Colostrum is produced from the seventh month. If the baby is born prematurely, then the mother's body will work correctly, providing the baby with milk. However, feeding is contraindicated for the reason that the baby still does not have sucking reflexes. .

What is considered a danger signal

Considering the main changes in the mammary glands, special attention should be paid to the abnormal development of the process. In particular, if a woman's body is prone to cyst formation or neoplasm in the form of tumors, then it is worth more carefully undergoing regular examinations by a surgeon and an obstetrician, indicating the characteristics of her body and possible changes that were previously noticed.

Dangerous manifestations are:

  1. The formation of a ball in the chest, under the arm. Oncology develops rapidly during pregnancy, under the influence of hormonal imbalance, the neoplasm grows rapidly, medication will be required, often - termination of pregnancy or premature birth according to indications.
  2. A tumor in the axillary area that does not move from side to side. If the formation can be moved to the side as a jelly-like consistency, then you should not worry. Most likely, this is an inflammation of the lymph node, which took over the attack of microorganisms. The growth of education and soreness in the chest in any of its areas should alert.
  3. Change the size of the ball. If the neoplasm is round in shape, and then lengthens or migrates to other parts of the body, this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosis is possible with the help of ultrasound, testing for tumor markers;
  4. Changing the size of the nipple, its arching inward. Nipple contraction is a dangerous manifestation that is important to notice in time. If the nipples naturally have a concave shape, then you should not worry - these are anatomical features, but with a normal nipple shape, when it is pulled inward, it is worth worrying about;
  5. Allocations of a greenish or dark color with an admixture of blood. Blood in the discharge from the chest is a sign of a serious illness, the treatment of which must be carried out immediately. To determine the norm and pathology, secretion is taken, chest palpation, ultrasound and a detailed study of the symptoms and their increase are performed.


In 80% of cases, when a neoplasm is detected in the thoracic region, we are talking about inflammation of the lymph nodes. As a rule, this is observed after an illness or at the time of infection, when a woman is just starting to get sick.

How long does the change start and how long does it last?

Changes in the breast begin on the fifth or sixth day after the fertilization of the egg. A woman may still not feel nausea, not feel a change in smell, but her breasts have already begun to signal that the fertilization of the female germ cell has taken place.

The corpus luteum, which released a hormone into the uterine cavity at the time of rupture, provides changes in the breast immediately after a change in the uterus. After the attachment of the fetal egg, the same change occurs in the mammary glands, which increase, become sensitive and itch.

Changes in such an organ of a woman continue throughout the entire period of gestation, and continue until the cessation of lactation. Moreover, endocrinologists note that changes in the breast will be obvious and observed until the baby is three years old.


After three years after the onset of pregnancy, any discharge should disappear from the breast. If this does not happen, you need to seek the advice of a doctor who will determine the hormonal or other disorders that provoked such changes.

In the first three months after the birth of a child, a woman's breasts undergo the greatest visible changes - milk appears, the tides of which are accompanied by a simultaneous increase in the mammary glands by two sizes. Then this condition stabilizes, but initially it is worth preparing the chest for obvious changes.

You have a slight delay, but the mammary gland has changed significantly: it has swollen, it has become more sensitive. At times, you experience quite unpleasant sensations. This is especially true of the nipple and areola. Did the desired pregnancy still come? One hundred percent this question can be answered by a doctor or, in extreme cases, a pregnancy test. And we can assure 95% that you are indeed pregnant.

Indeed, breast changes are one of the first signs of pregnancy. It increases in size, becomes more elastic and, as we noted earlier, more sensitive. Some women even complain of unpleasant painful sensations.

Breast growth occurs under the influence of "pregnant" hormones and continues until childbirth. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, it is a good sign that she is preparing for breastfeeding by ensuring the growth of the halo, in which milk will be produced. The size and shape of the breasts of each woman are individual and do not affect the implementation of successful lactation.

But! Keep in mind that these symptoms - slight breast enlargement, swelling and tightness, as well as pain - may indicate the approach of menstruation. After all, after all, but with the onset of menstruation, the hormonal background, albeit not much, but also changes.

In addition to breast growth in early pregnancy, a woman may notice darkening and enlargement of the areolas (the skin around the nipples), the diameter of which in the "non-pregnant" state is 3-5 centimeters.

Approximately at the end of the first trimester, a yellowish liquid appears - colostrum. For 2-3 days after birth, colostrum will pass into milk, and in the first minutes after birth, it will perform an important function: it will create strong immunity for the baby.

The weight of the gland in young nulliparous women ranges from 150-200 g, in those who have given birth (during lactation) it increases to 300-900 g. Although now the breast is growing, and during feeding it will have an impressive size, then after, no matter how much someone would like it, it will “deflate”. To avoid stretch marks and sagging breasts after breastfeeding, start caring for her from the very early stages of pregnancy. First of all, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. To do this, direct jets of warm and cold water alternately on the chest. Make sure that the water is not very hot and, at the same time, that the procedure does not bring discomfort. In addition, during water procedures, avoid soaping the areolas.

Being in an "interesting position", it is very important to ensure that the pregnant woman's bra is in size and comfortable for her. It should be on wide straps, pitted, slightly raise the chest (but in no case squeeze!).

Usually by the end - the pain will decrease. Although it can resume in the third trimester.

Remember, childbirth is an excellent prevention of breast cancer. Therefore, bear a child, give birth, breastfeed and be healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak