How to quickly remove yellow stains from white clothes? Yellow spots on white: instant disappearance Removal of old yellow stains

White trousers or a blouse are ideal for summer or special occasions. As a rule, such things are subjected to frequent washing, or, conversely, they lie in the closet for a long time. In both cases, yellow spots of unknown origin may appear on the fabric. It is not necessary to get rid of such clothes, you can try to wash off the yellowness and quite quickly. For this, home remedies or household chemicals are used.

Yellow stains on white clothes are formed for the following reasons:

  • washing in hard water;
  • wrong choice of temperature during ironing;
  • ingestion of fatty substances;
  • using cheap perfume
  • active sweating;
  • the use of unsuitable detergents, aggressive bleaching agents;
  • long-term storage in a room with high humidity;
  • insufficient drying, after which things get wet in the closet.

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes?

To successfully remove yellowness from white, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric. For cotton and silk, different methods are used.

Cotton fabrics

Laundry soap

You can remove yellow spots on cotton textiles and restore whiteness to it using 72% laundry soap. The method is especially relevant if it is necessary to bleach children's things, since it does not cause allergic reactions. Here's how to proceed:

  1. Grate 72% brown soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over the chips and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Dip a white thing into the solution and boil for 15 to 20 minutes. For old yellow spots, increase the time to 2 hours.

Advice! This method cannot be called sparing, since the fibers of the fabric become thinner when boiled. You should not use it often, but for clothes made of thin materials or with the addition of synthetics, it is better to choose a different method.


Yellow spots from a white T-shirt will help to wash off, for example, "Persol", "Bos", "Vanish". It must be dissolved in hot water according to the instructions and immersed in a white thing for 2-3 hours. Such tools do an excellent job even with old formations; it will not be difficult to remove yellowness from things after such a procedure.


To remove yellowed areas from a white shirt, a gruel of baking soda and water will help. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the yellow spot and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then wash with laundry soap or powder.


Dissolve it in water and treat the problem area. Rub gently so as not to disturb the integrity of the fabric. Salt is good at removing yellowish areas on whites and does not cause discoloration. Finally, rinse with warm water.


Suitable for white denim. To remove the yellowness, the acid must be diluted with water and the stain treated. Wait 12 hours and wash with 72% brown soap.

Hydrogen peroxide

Fresh yellow traces can be simply treated with a 3% solution, after wetting them with water. Wait for the end of hissing and rinse.

To enhance the effect, peroxide is mixed with soda and dish gel in a ratio (1: 2: 2). The cleaning mixture must be applied to the stain and rubbed with a toothbrush. The exposure time is 2-3 hours, after which the thing is rinsed.

ammonia + alcohol

A mixture of ammonia and ethyl alcohol also effectively solves the problem of yellowed white clothes. Mix the components in equal parts, treat the required area and leave for 2-3 hours. Then wash the product in cold water.

ammonia + salt

To bleach cotton, a mixture of ammonia, salt and water in a ratio of 1:1:4 is also used. Depending on the scale of the stains, the thing is either soaked in a solution or treated with a small amount of it. Leave to act for 2-3 hours, then wash with laundry soap and rinse well under running water.

Silk fabrics

Silk is a delicate type of fabric. They cannot be washed in hot water and this greatly complicates the task.

Sodium thiosulfate

To remove yellow marks from a white silk blouse:

  1. Mix 1 ampoule of sodium thiosulfate and 200 ml of water.
  2. Treat the yellow spot, wait 20 minutes and rinse.

The silk will again become snow-white and acquire luster.

Vodka or alcohol

To remove yellowness, you can use a mixture of vodka and water in equal proportions. Treat white clothing. Wash off with a suitable powder. Additionally, rinse clothes in cold water with the addition of blue.

Salt + powder

To bleach white silk clothes, a mixture of salt and powder (1: 1) is also used. It must be dissolved in water and soaked for 3 hours. When the time is up, add three drops of brilliant green - just make sure that it gets into the water, and not on the white cloth - and rinse thoroughly.


Woolen fabrics are also demanding to care for. It is not possible to whiten them without damage by any means.

  • Grate laundry soap. Add water and apply the resulting composition to the contamination. Leave for 2-3 hours and wash off the problem area.
  • Mix 20 g of glycerin, 10 g of ammonia and 200 ml of water. Treat yellowness, rinse white clothes in warm water.

Attention! Dry white and colored woolen items on a horizontal surface.


Clothes made of synthetic materials - elastane, spandex, etc. - less whimsical to care for. To remove yellowness from such clothes, the following methods are used:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. The substance provides an almost instant whitening effect. Apply peroxide to the yellow area and wait 5 to 10 seconds. Rinse and wash thoroughly in the washing machine on the desired setting.
  • Aspirin. Moisten the problem area with water and generously sprinkle with crushed acetylsalicylic acid. Leave for three hours and wash off. This method works well if the fabric has turned yellow from sweat.
  • Formidron / urotropin. 1 st. l Add detergent to the detergent drawer.

Advice! Before processing, clothes must be soaked in a solution of powder or soap for 30 minutes.

Universal Recipe

The following remedy will help to remove yellow spots on white things:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l baking soda, 1 tsp dishwashing liquid and 50 ml hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Treat the stain with the composition and leave for two hours.
  3. Wash clothes and rinse well.

This recipe is suitable for all types of white fabrics. Peroxide also helps get rid of bad odors.

How to remove old stains?

To remove old yellow stains and stains on white clothes, the following tools are used:

  • Oxalic acid. Dissolve 1 tsp in 200 ml of water. substances and process the white thing. Rinse thoroughly.
  • Vinegar. Pour 9% acid on the problem area. After 3 - 5 minutes, cover the contamination with shavings from laundry soap. Leave for 12 hours and wash.
  • Lemon acid. In 200 ml of water, stir 2 tsp. white crystals, treat contamination, rinse.

To remove yellowness from long-term storage from a white thing, the following method is used:

  1. Combine equal volumes of stain remover, oxygen bleach and vegetable oil.
  2. Add to the mixture ¾ tbsp. washing powder.
  3. Pour the composition with warm water (5 l).

Soak white clothes for 12 hours. Then wash as directed.

The following remedies can remove old yellow spots on a silk tablecloth:

  • Starch. Add water to it to make a paste. Apply it on the stain and leave it to dry completely. Then clean the fabric and wash the item.
  • Oxygen bleach. It can be used on any fabric, including white. Mix the product with water until a slurry. Apply it on the yellow area and leave for 2-4 hours. Wash with powder.

Features of caring for white things

The following tips will help in the qualitative removal of yellow stains, spots on white fabrics:

  • Boiling, washing in hot water is allowed only things made of white cotton fabrics. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the stain will only become stronger. It is recommended to use water with a temperature not higher than +40.
  • To give natural fabric whiteness, it must be dried under the open sun.
    If yellowness is a sweat stain, then it is strictly forbidden to use chlorine-containing bleaches.
  • Delicate products are used to wash synthetics. You cannot boil such clothes. They are washed by hand in warm water. Otherwise, the yellowness will penetrate deep into the fibers and will no longer be washed off.
  • White linen is washed at a temperature not exceeding +40, preferably by hand.
    Before use, any selected composition must be tested on an inconspicuous area.
  • To avoid streaks, always start cleaning white clothes from the wrong side. Sprinkling chalk on the problem area helps a lot.

The question of how to remove yellow spots from white clothes is always relevant. They can appear from sweat at any time of the year, may appear after washing or long-term storage. Often no branded bleaches and stain removers can cope with them. However, you should not despair. Proper care and patience will help save your favorite things.


Grouped, there are only three reasons why yellow spots appear on clothes and underwear:

  • improper care: washing in hard or too hot water, incorrectly selected washing powder, less often gel, insufficient rinsing after bleach, inappropriate ironing temperature;
  • pollution: sweat, vegetable fats;
  • long-term storage with a violation of the microclimate.

On the shelves of stores you can find many different special tools that help get rid of yellow spots, but, unfortunately, not all of them are particularly effective and do not always guarantee a 100% result.

An alternative to buying special, often expensive products is to use hand-made solutions, which will be discussed later.

What to do: a few time-tested remedies

You can get rid of yellow spots on white clothes without the use of special tools and preparations, but this only applies to fresh traces. To do this, it is enough to soak the item in a solution of laundry soap for 2-3 hours, then wash in the usual way and rinse thoroughly. If more than 24 hours have passed since the formation of the stains, then, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to easily remove the unsolicited dye.

If it was not possible to get rid of yellow spots on clothes, then you can use the following pharmacy products:

  1. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Aspirin.
  3. Dry fuel.

Hydrogen peroxide

To start cleaning clothes with hydrogen peroxide, you must first soak the item in soapy water, and then apply peroxide to places where there are yellow spots. If, after applying hydrogen peroxide, you hear a characteristic hiss, know that this is a sure sign, and the peroxide has already reacted with the fabric. For better cleaning, it is recommended to leave the item for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and wash in the washing machine.


First you need to soak the item in soapy water. Take a glass, throw 2 aspirin tablets and pour a minimum amount of water. After the aspirin dissolves in water, apply the solution to the yellow areas on the clothes. Leave the item for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly and wash in the machine.

You can buy it in almost every pharmacy. The method of cleaning with dry fuel is completely similar to cleaning with aspirin.

For absolutely all types of fabric, baking soda (1 tablespoon), dish detergent (half a tablespoon) are perfect. The products must be mixed, rubbed into the stain with a brush, then wait a few hours and rinse the item thoroughly and wash it.

Yellow stains from storage - how to remove

If, after washing, things were not rinsed well (regardless of whether the powder was used, gel, soda or soap) or stored in moisture, long-term storage may leave yellow spots. Such marks are not fresh, and proven and reliable stain removers often do not help to remove them.

A colored item can be saved by re-soaking with gentle stain removers (for example, Vanish, Prox, etc.): apply a gel or gruel (a product with a small amount of water) on the stain, hold for as long as recommended on the package, then rinse, repeat the procedure 5-6 times, finally wash with the addition of the stain remover as usual.

A white thing can be saved by strong household chemicals, for example, "Ace - gentle bleaching." Hydrogen peroxide may also be helpful. It (2 teaspoons) must be mixed with dish detergent (the same amount) and two tablespoons of soda. A mushy mixture is applied to the mark, then the dirt needs to be rubbed a little, left for 20 minutes, rubbed well again, then washed on a regular basis with the addition of a stain remover.

Rinse clothing thoroughly after any bleaching. Always use "Extra Rinse" in your washing machine. This will prevent the reappearance of yellow marks on clothing.


  • Each fabric and thing requires a special (individual) approach. For example, you can remove yellow stains from a white item made of cotton with ammonia and kitchen salt. To make a solution, you need to take 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and ammonia. Next, put the thing in the solution and leave for several hours. After that, the item must be thoroughly rinsed and washed in a washing machine.

  • Spots that appear on the collar and cuffs can be removed using a highly concentrated composition. To prepare it, it is enough to apply half a teaspoon of ammonia on the yellow mark, the same amount of salt and rub the solution well into the yellow spot, then leave the thing for several hours. This is necessary so that the cleaning composition is well absorbed into the fabric, and then completely rid it of yellow spots.

  • If a white thing has had a yellow drip for a long time, then you can remove the yellowness in the old proven way, namely, by boiling in a soapy solution. To do this, just take a saucepan, pour some water, dissolve shavings of laundry soap in it (if necessary, you can add washing powder), place the stained wardrobe item there and boil for 20-30 minutes, and the old thing will have to be “cooked” longer, 1- 2 hours. The method does not spare the structure of the fibers, and the fabric becomes thinner, so boiling, like chlorine bleach, is an extreme remedy.

Do not forget that when boiling, it is necessary to stir the water and the thing in it from time to time.

  • There was a need to clean a very old thing from yellow spots? Then do not do without cleaning with ammonia and ethyl alcohol (solution ratio 1 to 1). To do this, pour half or a whole tablespoon of ammonia and ethyl alcohol on places with yellow spots, leave the solution for 1-2 hours, then wash the thing in cold water.
  • You can clean white things from yellow stains with detergents (for dishes). To do this, it is enough to apply the gel on streaks, leave for 1-2 hours, then wash in a washing machine, preferably in water whose temperature is above 30 degrees.
  • Also, in the absence of special tools at home, you can use ordinary powder and a washing machine, but before that you must turn on the “Boiling” mode (washing at a temperature of 90-100 degrees).


Silk is a very delicate fabric, the cleaning of which must be approached carefully, otherwise you can ruin the whole thing.

  • To clean white silk clothes, you can use a very common stain remover in the field of photo printing called "Thiosulfate". To do this, it is enough to dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in a glass of water, apply to the place with a yellow spot, and then wash it well with your hands or in the washing machine on the delicate fabrics mode and without spinning.
  • It helps to clean yellow stubborn stains and white soap with washing powder. To prepare the desired solution, it is enough to apply 1 teaspoon of powder to the stain, then wash the stain with ordinary soap. Next, leave the item for 20-30 minutes and wash in the washing machine.
  • To clean long-formed yellow spots at home, you can use vodka and water (proportion - 1 to 1). Apply a little solution on yellow spots, leave for 1-2 hours, then wash in a washing machine.


Woolen things are very whimsical, and old stains must be cleaned very delicately. To remove yellow traces from woolen clothes, it is necessary to make a solution based on laundry soap. To do this, grind the bar on a grater and dissolve in a small amount of water. Then place the item in this solution and leave for 3-4 hours. After the thing is well infused, it must be washed in the washing machine, rinsing well.

It may seem to many people that removing yellow stains from white clothes made from absolutely all types of fabric is easy, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. To successfully remove yellow sweat stains from clothes, you need not only to know how to prepare cleaning solutions, but also tips that will help you not to ruin a white thing. Miss Purity magazine recommends paying attention to the nuances:

  1. To clean a white thing, it is highly undesirable to use solutions containing chlorine.
  2. Solutions with acetone and acetic acid are in no way suitable for cleaning silk things.
  3. Before you start cleaning things from yellow spots, you need to conduct an experiment. Just apply the prepared solution to any unnecessary thing of the same fabric and see if the thing loses its qualities.
  4. The recommended temperature for washing whites with yellow spots is 20-30 degrees. Boiling, as already mentioned, spoils the structure, thins the canvas.

If you notice that yellow spots have formed on your favorite white thing, do not be upset and throw it away. Perhaps the tips and tricks described above will help you put things in order.

Various pollution often spoil bright things. Yellow stains on white clothes are clearly visible, and it is not always easy to get rid of them. Machine washing cannot solve this problem, especially if the fabrics are delicate. It is possible to remove stains manually by preparing the necessary solutions on your own.


A yellow stain can appear on white clothes due to various factors. Main reasons:

  • pollution - from drinks, food, fats, sweat;
  • when washing - the use of water, hard in composition;
  • improper processing and care of the fabric - poor-quality detergents, non-compliance with temperature regimes during washing and ironing;
  • careless use of the iron;
  • use of perfumes and deodorants that contain aluminum;
  • prolonged improper storage of light-colored clothes.

Features of cleaning different types of fabric

To remove yellow stains from white clothes, you need to make the right choice of cleaning agent.

To determine the cleaning method, it is important to know the exact composition of the product.

In this case, the tissue structure must be taken into account. For any type of material, you need to choose your gentle technique. The nature of the pollution is also important. An old stain can be removed with volatile agents. You can wash a white shirt or other things that have simple dirt using simpler methods.

cotton material

Salt and ammonia


  • salt - 6 tsp;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • ammonia - 6 tsp.

The order of the procedure:

  1. Dilute ammonia and salt in water.
  2. Put a thing in the solution, hold it.
  3. Wash using the usual method.

Alcohol and gasoline

Ammonia solution should be combined with fuel to obtain a mixture.


  • gasoline - 30 ml;
  • ammonia - 20 ml;
  • technical alcohol - 40 ml.

The order of the procedure:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Spread the composition on the stain, hold for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash well, rinse.


This type of material is the easiest to maintain. Due to its structure, it is difficult for dirt particles to penetrate into it. To bleach white synthetics and get rid of yellow marks, you can use almost any cleaning agent, with the exception of gasoline and alcohol, as they deform the fibers of the fabric. Suitable ammonia.

Woolen things

Ammonia with glycerin

Glycerin is one of the key ingredients in a cleansing solution.


  • glycerin - 4 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • ammonia - 2 tsp

The order of the procedure:

  1. Add ingredients to water.
  2. Apply the solution to the stained area.
  3. Wash and rinse well.

Silk products

Glycerin and ammonia


  • glycerin - 10 g;
  • ammonia - a few drops.

Cleaning order:

  1. Mix glycerin with ammonia.
  2. Apply the composition to a dirty place, hold for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse.

Getting rid of yellow spots depending on the origin

Most often, greasy marks from fallen food remain on things.

Pollution is:

  • oil;
  • fatty;
  • from rust;
  • from sweat;
  • colored.

A universal stain remover that can remove any dirt from any materials has not been invented. The means produced by the industry are classified according to their purpose. Different types of pollution can be eliminated using modern stain-removing preparations. But not always their application brings the desired result. Many contaminants are not removed during washing, but, on the contrary, are fixed under the influence of high temperatures. As a result, any stains that cannot be removed by washing must be removed first. It is important to know the nature of the origin of the contamination and the type of material. It must be understood that the older the stain, the more difficult it is to remove.

The main types of pollution and means for their removal are shown in the table:

The nature of the origin of the stain Cleaning method
Fat Soap
Dry chalk powder
Potato flour porridge
Stale bread (after cleaning with gasoline)
Grated soap + 2 parts turpentine + 1 part ammonia
Vegetable oil Dentifrice
Machine oil Magnesia + ether
Turpentine + ammonia
Shoe polish Turpentine
Denatured alcohol
Vegetable oil with vinegar Laundry soap + 1 part ammonia + 2 parts turpentine
Eggs Petrol
tea leaves Oxalic acid
Coffee with milk
Ice cream Borax + water
Fruits Warm water without soap
Wine acid
Berries Vinegar + lemon juice
Aniline dyes Denatured alcohol
Perfume and cream Petrol
Flowers Oxalic or citric acid
Rust Tartaric acid + table salt
Sweat Salt
ammonia + hydrogen peroxide
Burn marks from the iron Lemon juice + powdered sugar
ammonia + peroxide

Bright things are in every wardrobe. Both men and women wear them. But the snow-white appearance is preserved only as long as the structure of the tissue is not disturbed. When sweat or deodorant stains appear on white clothes, getting rid of them can be difficult. Purchased funds are not always able to solve the problem. Fortunately, there are many folk methods with which you can remove yellow stains from white clothes. And the right ingredients can be found in every home.

Causes of spots on white

Stains on light-colored clothes can appear due to various reasons. Most often, their occurrence is due to the following factors:

  • too hard water during washing;
  • grease on white material;
  • improper use of the iron;
  • increased sweating;
  • applying perfume to clothing
  • unsuitable washing powder;
  • usage ;
  • incorrectly selected temperature regime;
  • long-term storage.

Traces of sweat remain due to the presence of urea in its composition, it is she who is the cause of the traces. Antiperspirant does not help with the problem, but rather, on the contrary, exacerbates the situation, leading to the formation of difficult stains. For preventive purposes, you should follow the rules of hygiene, every day treat the armpits with warm water and apply a mixture of talc and lanolin on them.

Traces on clothes can occur from eating spicy food in the summer. It enhances the formation of sweat. With intense sweating, you should consult a doctor and be examined.

Even new things stop being fresh if they are kept in the closet for a long time. Keeping dirty clothes for a long time is all the more not worth it.

If the clothes are not properly dried after washing, yellowing may appear on them. Sometimes the cause of stains is increased humidity in the room and mold. Dirty laundry is recommended to be placed in a basket with special holes.

It is advisable to wash and store children's clothes separately from adults' clothes. Old products should be ventilated in the fresh air.

In order to avoid stains, it is important to choose the right washing powder, take into account the type of clothing and its color. The powder contains substances that react with hard water salts. Softening can be achieved with special formulations. For example, a solution of vinegar, Calgon and soda will help.

Before the first ironing, be sure to look at the label that is attached to the item. There is information about the recommended mode. It is better to start ironing with a low temperature, increasing it as needed. First, spend on an inconspicuous part of the product.

If you need to use bleach, again, you should read the attached instructions, all the warnings are indicated there. If the composition is used incorrectly, traces may form, which then will be difficult to remove.

Things that have been in the closet for a long time

To remove stains from products that have been in the closet for a long time, there are some recommendations. There are the following general rules:

From chronic stains, there are several effective recipes. To remove old yellow stains on white, you can use one of the following methods:

You can boil products with persalt. Take one measuring cap of the product for each liter of liquid. Linen is boiled for at least half an hour.

Cotton products

Each material needs a special approach. As for clothes made of cotton, salt and ammonia will help to bleach them. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of ammonia and salt in a glass of water. The components are thoroughly mixed, the problem area is wetted with a solution. You need to leave the item for a few hours. Next - an additional wash with laundry soap.

The following recipe is also suitable: 4 tablespoons of soda are added to a glass of water, the mixture is rubbed into the place of contamination and left for an hour. Then the product is washed in the machine. Do not rub the material strongly: this can damage the fabric or lead to pilling.

If the stains are on the collar or cuffs of the shirt, you will need a more concentrated composition. For 1 part of water, take 1 part of salt and 4 parts of ammonia. The mixture is rubbed into the contaminated area and kept for a couple of hours.

If the stain has formed on an old cotton product, you can try the time-tested method. It's about boiling. This method is especially indicated for children's things. Grind laundry soap on a grater and put in a small amount of water. The clothes are put into the solution and boiled for 15 minutes. With old contamination, you can do the thing for up to two hours, stirring from time to time.

As for the most neglected cases, they cannot do without ammonia and ethyl alcohol. The ingredients are mixed in the same proportion, the clothes are treated with a solution and washed in cold water. You can also use dishwashing detergent. The gel is applied to the problem area and left for two hours, after which the product can be washed.

Oxygen-containing compounds do an excellent job with yellowness. They are sold at a low price. The product is diluted in water and rubbed into the stain with a brush, then the product is washed in the usual way. Boiling mode allows you to increase efficiency. Almost every powder guarantees results in this case.

Delicate silk

Silk is a delicate material, when bleaching it, high temperature should not be used: this can harm the delicate fabric. Many prefer a recipe that uses thiosulfate. Previously, photographs were printed with it.

So, to remove a yellow stain on a silk blouse, you need to dissolve an ampoule of thiosulfate in a glass of water. The agent is applied to the desired area of ​​the tissue. This composition allows not only to wash off dirt, but also gives +9 shine to the material.

If thiosulfate is not at hand, you can get by with ordinary soap and washing powder. A solution of water and vodka is also used, the components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. The agent is rubbed into the problem area, and then the thing is washed.

You can also use blue, before it was constantly added to the water when rinsing. It is recommended to use one cap of this remedy. The blue is dissolved in water, and then the laundry that needs to be rinsed is placed there.

A solution of powder and salt is no less effective. The thing is put into the mixture for three hours, then 3 drops of brilliant green are added to the water, and the clothes are thoroughly rinsed.

Wool and synthetics

If woolen white clothes are damaged, it will be possible to remove yellow spots with ammonia and glycerin. In a glass of water, you need to dissolve 10 grams of ammonia and 20 grams of glycerin. Problem areas are treated with this mixture, then the products are rinsed in warm water and dried in the open air.

You can also remove stains from wool with laundry soap, crushed on a grater. It is added to water, stirred, then the solution should be applied and wait two hours, not forgetting about washing. Wool is a very delicate material, it needs special care and careful handling.

The easiest way to care for synthetic things, because they have a smooth structure that prevents the penetration of dirt into the material. You can get rid of yellow stains on synthetic clothes using any of the listed means, except for gasoline and alcohol. They can ruin clothes by deforming the fibers of the fabric.

Alternative ways

There are other methods to remove yellowness from the fabric. For example, you can use dry alcohol. One tablet is dissolved in water and applied to problem areas. After waiting for a while, you need to rinse the thing well.

The next recipe is using egg yolk and denatured alcohol. The components are mixed and the solution is applied to the yellowed places. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of a crust, which is easily peeled off. If it is not possible to scrape off the crust to the end, it is necessary to process it with a cotton pad dipped in glycerin.

You can prepare a solution of vegetable oil and bleach. You need to take 2 tablespoons of oxygen bleach without chlorine, a similar amount of olive or sunflower oil and ¾ cup of washing powder. If there is a stain remover, you can add it. The mixture is diluted in 5 liters of liquid. Clothes are soaked overnight, and the next morning things should be washed with washing powder.

You can remove yellow spots from white things with citric acid mixed with alcohol. Products are soaked before going to bed in a solution, a tablespoon of citric acid is taken per liter of water. If the stains are very ingrained, then before washing it is advisable to treat the clothes with a solution prepared from a teaspoon of heated alcohol and a pinch of citric acid.

You should also heed the following advice:

If you properly care for things, you won’t have to get rid of yellow spots. In advanced cases, it is better to go to dry cleaning. But if you want to cope on your own, there are a huge number of time-tested methods. So old clothes get a second life.

Yellow spots on white clothes - how to remove? This issue is very relevant, since you can face this problem absolutely any day, regardless of the time of year. Such widespread pollution appears for various reasons and sometimes occurs at the wrong time.

As practice shows, in the fight against some yellow spots, for example, old ones, even professional stain removers do not always cope. But do not be upset. There are several proven products that effectively remove yellowness from white clothes, and we will look at them in this article. However, first we propose to find out where such pollution comes from.

There are three main reasons why yellow spots may appear on textiles.

  • Most often, snow-white things begin to turn yellow due to improper care. In this case, the use of hard water or unsuitable detergents is implied. Often, yellowness appears if the fabric is poorly rinsed after normal washing or bleaching procedures. An iron, or rather, an incorrectly chosen temperature regime during ironing, can also become the “culprit” of the described problem.
  • Another common cause of yellow stains on white clothes is sweat. Sometimes, even after a single use of a thing, yellowish sweat marks are noticed in the armpits. Even stains may appear on textiles due to contact with food, for example, if clothes were stained with dinner prepared with vegetable fats.
  • White clothes can also become dirty due to improper storage conditions, for example, if the item has been stored for a long time in a room with high humidity and air temperature. On the contrary, some fabrics are badly affected by a dry and cold climate.

These are the most common causes of yellowness on snow-white clothes. Therefore, if you, too, have become a “victim” of the described problem, immediately proceed to eliminate it.

Removing yellow spots

Removing yellow stains from white fabrics is easy. Sometimes this can be done even without the use of any special stain removers. However, this applies only to fresh contamination. In this case, it is enough to immerse the soiled textile product in hot water with laundry soap and wait from two to three hours. After that, the thing will remain washed in the washing machine and rinsed additionally.

In the event that a day or more has passed after the appearance of yellowness, the method described above will not work. To remove yellow marks on white clothes, you will already need more effective products, such as peroxide, aspirin, or baking soda. These options are detailed in the table below.

Tool name


hydrogen peroxide

Before using this preparation, the soiled item is first soaked in soapy water for two hours. Only after that, contaminated areas on clothing, for example, underarms, are treated with peroxide. It is recommended to keep the applied product for twenty to thirty minutes. After that, the treated fabric is rinsed and washed in the usual way.

As in the previous case, the soiled textile product is pre-soaked in a soapy solution, after which it is treated with two aspirin tablets soaked in a minimum amount of water. In this form, the clothes are left for three hours, and then rinsed well and sent to the washing machine for a normal wash.

Soda is considered the most versatile folk remedy. It is suitable for absolutely all textile varieties. To use it to get rid of yellow spots on white clothes, soda powder (1 tablespoon) must be mixed with dish gel (0.5 tablespoons) and rubbed well into contaminated places. Then it remains to wait a couple of hours, then to stretch and rinse the thing.

Unfortunately, old yellow spots are not always removed with folk remedies alone. In this severe case, it is better to use industrial bleaches. Ace bleach has proven itself well, but you need to work with it strictly according to the instructions left by the manufacturers on the package.

Attention! After using any bleaching agent, including folk, white fabric needs additional rinsing. This prevents the appearance of new yellow marks.

White clothes made from delicate types of fabrics

White clothes made of delicate types of fabrics require a special approach so that when cleaning fresh and old yellowness, you do not completely spoil the thing. So, for example, cotton textiles can be treated with ammonia and salt. Therefore, in order to easily remove yellow stains from cotton, prepare a bleach solution from one glass of water and the previously mentioned ingredients. They will need to take one teaspoon of each. Immerse the soiled item in the resulting composition and soak there for two hours. Then rinse the cotton product and wash it well with washing powder.

If a yellow spot appears on the collar of a cotton blouse, then the textile element can be cleaned of contamination with pure ammonia and salt (0.5 tsp each). First, the first component is applied to the affected area, and then the second is rubbed over it. Then you need to wait a while for the applied product to completely soak the fabric and fulfill its function.

Old yellow stains can be washed from cotton by boiling. For this, a soap solution is prepared from water and a crushed piece of laundry soap. If necessary, the liquid can be supplemented with washing powder for white linen. It is necessary to boil a new contaminated item for twenty to thirty minutes, and an old one for at least one hour. The boiling option is best used as a last resort, since this procedure thins the structure of the fabric fibers.

Another reliable way to bleach old cotton clothes from yellowness is to use ammonia in combination with ethyl alcohol. These components are taken in equal amounts and generously applied to contaminated areas. After one or more hours, the treated product is washed in cool water.

No less delicate fabric is silk. Its processing also needs to be approached very carefully, otherwise you can lose your favorite silk thing forever. To remove yellow stains from this delicate textile variety, use any of the following remedies.

  • Stain remover "Thiosulfate". It is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of water. All traces are processed with the resulting solution, after which the item is immediately washed. The last step can be performed both manually and in the washing machine. However, in the latter case, you must not forget about the delicate mode.
  • You can try to remove yellowness from silk with laundry detergent and ordinary soap. First, fill the stain with the first component, and then immediately process the second. Leave the item in the washed form for half an hour, then wash as usual.
  • Well proven vodka, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. In this solution, the stains are soaked for two hours. Sometimes it may take less time if the pollution is not too old.

Important! White silk clothes are never bleached with chlorine-containing solutions, as well as mixtures that include acetone.

Natural wool is very whimsical in care. Wash it from various contaminants, including yellow spots, should be as careful as possible. For woolen products, a solution consisting of water and laundry soap is well suited. Soaking things in this case usually takes three to four hours. After all, according to the standard scheme. Treated wool garments are thoroughly laundered and rinsed.

Remember a very important rule: before removing yellow stains from white things, the agent used must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe textile. It is possible that the selected stain remover is not suitable for the fabric from which the clothing is made, and thus completely ruins it.