How to passionately kiss a guy? Useful tips. Video: Beautiful kiss. What to do with your tongue when kissing passionately

A passionate kiss is particularly intimate and close to lovers. If the relationship predisposes to rapprochement, do not panic - this is an absolutely natural and natural process. Feelings that overwhelm your heart will guide and help you feel your partner. But there are some tips on how not to spoil the desired moment and turn it into a pleasant manifestation of tender feelings.

A kiss is not only physical intercourse, it is a union of loving souls and hearts. Analyze your feelings for your partner: are they true, is the person pleasant, is there a desire and readiness for further rapprochement? A kiss should not turn into mechanical movements, it is aimed at causing trepidation and expressing emotions.

To prevent a kiss from causing negative emotions in both partners, you need to take care of the health of your lips. They are especially susceptible to weathering, dryness, rashes and cracks in the winter. Do not forget to use hygienic lipstick, treat and care for your lips on time. Saturated lipstick applied in a thick layer can interfere with a kiss - not all guys like the taste of the cosmetic and the prospect of getting dirty.

An important aspect for the creation of a desired kiss is fresh breath and a pleasant body odor. Few people like the smell of cigarettes, alcohol or garlic. You shouldn’t overdo it with perfume either - it is recommended to apply a few drops to the clavicular dimple, behind the ears, and slightly scent your hair and clothes.

The first stage of getting to know each other is usually a reverent, exploring, deep kiss without using the tongue. At this stage, partners hold their lips closed together for a long time, lightly bite and suck each other’s lips. Hugs play a big role. Such a kiss evokes gentle caresses of the face, neck, hair, and waist. During this period, there is still a small distance between lovers. Listening to each other, you need to create a single tempo, the rhythm of the kiss.

Kissing with tongue is an expression of passion and sexual desire. A very intimate and close expression of the feelings of two people. You can use your tongue to examine your partner’s mouth, caress the inner surface of your lips, and play with your loved one’s tongue. Any movements should occur naturally, match the mood and rhythm of both partners. The caresses are rougher and more confident. Bodies touch. Two people have already known each other enough if they decide to have a deep intimate kiss. With such a manifestation of intimacy there is no place for timidity or shyness. But if you are a representative of the weaker sex, then keep in mind that guys do not always encourage excessive female activity; they themselves want to lead and guide their partner, to feel their experience and strength. Under no circumstances should you point out to your partner his failures or mistakes - this will negatively affect the relationship and give rise to insecurity and complexes.

The physical manifestation of feelings of attraction and love is absolutely natural and does not require special training. Everything will happen spontaneously - and two close hearts will understand each other without words. There is no need to worry or be nervous, because next to you is a loved one to whom you are giving the most intimate things - your soul and body.

Let's learn how to passionately kiss a guy

Even if a girl has already tried kissing, she still doubts whether she is doing it correctly? And he wonders how to passionately kiss a guy so that both he and she like it.

Many young ladies may simply refuse kisses because of such doubts. Well, if a technique is very important, you should try to learn it.

But first of all, we must remember that the most important thing is emotions. The desire to kiss must be sincere. Self-confidence and, of course, hygiene are also very important. During a kiss, you don't need to think about extraneous things.

And we must also remember that even those who now conquer the hearts of the opposite sex once also did not know how to kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, a girl needs to relax and take her time. You can gently touch your partner’s lips, then barely touching the teeth and gums, gradually reach the tongue. You can caress his lips with yours and gently envelop his mouth with them. You can gently press your mouth to his mouth. It is better not to make too many tongue movements.

First, you can slowly run your tongue over your lips, and then touch your partner’s lips with it, both from the outside and from the inside - this is an erogenous zone. Light biting of the lips is allowed, but not the tongue. The main thing is to do it sensually and gently.

But in fact, no one knows how to kiss deeply. After all, there is no such understanding of what is correct! Kissing techniques can be developed with experience, but feelings can only be sincere.

But if we still talk about the technical side of the issue, then we must remember that the French kiss or passionate kiss, as teenagers call it, begins with the usual. Therefore, you don’t have to immediately put your tongue in your boyfriend’s mouth. The head should be slightly tilted, this will be much more comfortable.

It would not be amiss to mention the benefits of kissing, which have long been scientifically proven. Firstly, a kiss improves mood and immunity; secondly, it gives self-confidence and optimism; thirdly, it serves as an excellent antidepressant and improves memory; fourthly, a kiss helps to lose weight, improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, and also protects against caries and is a good pain reliever.

It is believed that kissing helps strengthen the family, as well as the development of sexual relationships. In those couples in which partners kiss more often, there is always more mutual understanding than in those where this pleasant activity is considered a waste of time.

There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed - an inexperienced young girl looks much more touching and sweet than a schoolgirl who pretends that she is already quite experienced in matters of kissing.

How to kiss deeply?

Why is this nice?

It is passionate kisses that make us tremble with excitement. Why? During such a passionate kiss, the lips are maximally stimulated thanks to “suction” movements. Remember the blowjob technique, when the penis is stimulated in the same way - and you will understand why everyone likes passionate kisses so much! By the way, have you ever thought that kissing a man is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for our body?

The benefits of kissing

1. During kissing, the blood supply to the gums improves, as a result of which the teeth become stronger, and periodontal disease is also prevented.2. Kissing improves mood and relieves stress due to the fact that we receive a dose of excitement and the release of hormones into the blood.3. Just like smiling, kissing uses many facial muscles. Their training helps the skin maintain its elasticity longer.

4. The longer the kiss, the more calories you burn! Not only sex can be considered a sport, kissing also promotes weight loss.

Wrong kisses

With a kiss you can not only charm a guy, but also push him away. What kisses can cause a negative reaction?1. Bad breath. Many guys don't like girls who smoke precisely because they don't like the taste of kissing them. The same goes for ladies who drink alcohol - well, who would like to kiss a girl who smells of fumes? Your breath should be fresh; do not hesitate to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth before the kiss. Especially if before this you ate some specific foods, after which you must, if not brush your teeth, then at least chew gum.2. Many girls give too much initiative to a man, even during a kiss. These are the ladies about whom, after sex, guys say, “I was lying like a log.” Likewise, when kissing, inactive girls simply open their mouths and, at best, sluggishly move their tongue. There is no point in such kisses, so if you have already started kissing, then both should try to please each other.3. Excessive activity will also not give you points. If you're itching to kiss a guy, you can hint him about it by playfully looking into his eyes or stroking his hair. Men want to take the initiative in love games; a hint is enough for them to begin active actions. But they are unlikely to like it if you start kissing first.

4. Long kisses can also make a man feel bored. It's clear that you would like to lie and kiss for hours, but isn't it time to move on to the main course? Too much foreplay can strangely affect a man’s desire to possess you, and he may also get tired of just kissing you on the lips.

How to disguise a hickey?

After a passionate night, you may notice kiss marks on your body. Probably the guy didn’t know how to kiss passionately without leaving marks. Therefore, you will have to mask the “traces of the crime” for several days, unless of course you want to demonstrate how good you were the day before. Immediately after a hot kiss, you can apply a piece of ice to the skin.1. To make the hickey disappear faster, you need a cream with vitamin K, which tightens the pores and relieves redness. Generously apply it to the kiss mark several times a day, and soon it will disappear without a trace. Anti-bruise ointment will also work, so hurry to the pharmacy.2. Powder or foundation will help even out your skin tone a little. But a green pencil, which is used to disguise acne, will cope even better with this. The green color neutralizes the redness, and on top you apply a beige tone, as a result the hickey will become almost invisible.

3. Properly selected clothes will help hide hickeys without cream and powder. The choice of clothing depends on the place where you have a hickey. If on the neck, then a turtleneck or scarf is suitable, on the shoulder - a long-sleeve T-shirt. Hickeys on the legs can be hidden with dark tights or stockings.

Do you miss kisses?

Sometimes there isn't the right man around to kiss to your heart's content. You have to dream alone about touching someone's lips and getting pleasure. What to do in this case? Eat a tomato. It is on this vegetable that inexperienced teenagers practice kissing. Your lips will remember the movements that you usually make when kissing, and your body will receive a supply of tomatoes. Some sweet candies (your favorite) or chocolate will help relieve stress without kissing. It will be sweet in the literal sense of the word! Talk on the phone. Call some friend who loves gossip and give her half an hour of your time. Your lips and tongue will work actively, and for a while you will forget that you want to kiss.

Finally, start looking for the right partner! After all, in fact, nothing can replace kissing your loved one!

How to kiss correctly for the first time?

How to kiss passionately for the first time: 3 stages of preparatory work + 7 elements of instructions + 5 tips on how to choose the moment + 5 recommendations for kissing passionately.

For both a boy and a girl, the first touch of lips with a partner is an exciting and unforgettable event, for which it is advisable to prepare in advance in order to prevent a complete fiasco.

Not everyone knows how to kiss correctly for the first time, so such an important moment turns out blurry and not at all as pleasant as it should be.

But you just have to try a little, choose the right moment, learn from more experienced people first - and everything will go great.

When and how to kiss correctly for the first time?

There is no single correct opinion about what age you should kiss for the first time.

Someone experiences the joy of touching the lips of someone other than their parents in kindergarten and carefully cherishes this precious memory of their first kiss all their lives. Some people have to wait almost until they reach adulthood to start kissing a boy or girl.

Both are correct and do not contradict any rules or moral standards.

A deep kiss (or something like it☺) is an experience that usually occurs during adolescence. Some at 12 years old, some at 16.

Here are a few facts you should know about when and with whom to kiss for the first time:

  1. Girls mature faster than boys, so they experience their first kisses at about 12–13 years old, while boys do so at 14–15 years old.
  2. More than half of teenagers (both boys and girls) decide to kiss an older partner for the first time, hoping for his experience.
  3. Who you kiss for the first time plays a big role, especially for girls. It’s one thing if this happened by chance at some party or while playing spin the bottle, it’s quite another if it’s a boy you like.

Important! Still, the first kiss is not the first sex. Even if you had to kiss the wrong partner for the first time and when you were not ready for it, you should not be so upset. Take this as an experience, even if not very successful, as preparation for a real kiss.

Which kiss should you choose if you are kissing for the first time?

It would seem, what types of kisses on the lips exist? Well, let there be two: with tongue and without tongue.

Nevertheless, there are several dozen ways to kiss your partner for the first time.

We won’t talk about all of them, but I would like to tell you about the main types so that you can choose correctly.

1. InatoA smooth romantic kiss without the use of tongue. The partners seem to glide over each other's lips.
2. PasonThis is when one clasps the other’s lip with his own, changing the order: upper lip, lower lip.
3. PugnaYou lightly suck and bite each other's lips. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not bite too hard.
4. FrenchIt implies not only contact of lips, but also of tongues. The movements should be soft and progressive. It's as if you are stroking your partner's tongue with your tongue.
5. AtaThis is something like an exciting game when you tease your partner: lightly bite his lip, capture his tongue with your lips and start sucking, quickly move from lips to cheek, then return, etc.

The so-called passionate kiss is somewhat similar to the French one, only the movements of the tongue and lips are more decisive.

The technique is clear from the name: your task is to kiss a girl or young man as if you were sucking a lollipop. But remember: suck, not eat the whole thing, because a wide open mouth and an aggressive tongue licking the tonsils is a terrible thing and no one likes to be kissed like that.

Important! A passionate kiss is not very correct if you want to kiss for the first time. Even fairly experienced partners believe that it is not very right to suck each other on the first date. What can we say about those who get such an experience for the first time? It is better to give preference to Inato or French if you feel that you are ready for it.

All about how to kiss correctly for the first time...

Kissing correctly if you are doing it for the first time is quite difficult, especially if you cannot rely on a more experienced companion. But a little preparatory work, the right moment, light movements - and you will succeed.

1) Preparatory work on how to kiss correctly for the first time.

Actually, all preparation comes down to watching how other people kiss and remembering what movements with the tongue and lips need to be made.

I don’t think this is a super difficult task, considering how many kisses flash on the TV screen every day. So, I think you understand how to kiss correctly.

Let's talk about the purely practical side of the issue.

In order for everything to go right the first time, you will need a little preparation:

  1. Get rid of food particles in your mouth. If you had dinner somewhere, it is advisable to go to the toilet to rinse your mouth.
  2. Take care of fresh breath, better not with chewing gum (because where do you put the chewing gum then?), but with a spray or mint candy.
  3. Moisturize your lips. Chapped, rough lips are unpleasant to kiss, so take care to soften and moisturize them.

Advice for girls! If you suspect that today you will kiss for the first time, then do not wear lipstick, because it will be smeared not only on your face, but also on your boy’s face. The right thing to do is use a delicious-smelling gloss or fruit balm.

It is also extremely important to learn to relax. It’s understandable that you’re worried because everything has to happen for the first time, but there’s no need to tremble like a leaf at the most crucial moment. Otherwise you will scare your soulmate.

2) To kiss for the first time, choose the right moment.

I wrote this section for guys, because I think that it is they who should take the initiative for the first time, but it is also advisable for young ladies to read this information in order to understand when a boy is going to kiss you and not ruin the moment.

  1. Don't do this in public, because you will probably embarrass the young lady, especially if she is young and inexperienced.
  2. It’s better to kiss in the dark - it’s more romantic, and the darkness will help hide embarrassment.
  3. Choosing the right place adds chances. It's great if you're trying to kiss a girl on the embankment, under the bright moon and twinkling stars. Bad - somewhere near the trash can.
  4. Don't rush at her quickly when she tells you something and doesn't expect such actions at all. It is better to fill the pause that arises in the conversation with a kiss.
  5. Hint to your lady that you are going to kiss her now: hug her, lean towards her, slightly open your lips. If she didn’t pull away, but rather leaned towards you, feel free to kiss her. This is exactly the moment.

Important! Give preference to the classics: the first kiss at the end of a successful first date. If a girl is not ready to kiss you on the first date, wait until the third. If she doesn't want to kiss you at all, then it's better to look for another girl.

3) Instructions on how to kiss correctly for the first time.

The maximum amount of panic that floods teenagers is when it comes to the kiss itself. A thousand questions arise here:

I will try to answer some of them now.

Here are practically detailed instructions on how to kiss someone for the first time and act correctly when doing so:

  1. Relax and normalize your breathing.
  2. Touch your partner (just don't touch his/her private parts). It is better to place your hands on your shoulders, waist, at the base of your neck, and cup your face with your palms.
  3. Slowly bring your face closer to your companion's, while slightly opening your lips.
  4. Before your lips touch, maintain eye contact; after, it is better to close your eyes.
  5. It is better to tilt your head a little to one side to avoid bumping noses.
  6. Make a few kissing movements without tongue. The lips should be soft, do not pinch them.
  7. Finish the kiss at the same time as your partner, without stopping touching each other.

Important! If you both liked it, then you can repeat it, but don’t overdo it if this is new to you. For the first time, you can limit yourself to a couple of light kisses, moving on to more decisive actions with each date.

About how to properly kiss passionately - we learn the technique...

If you are sure that you are ready to kiss passionately, but do not know how to do it correctly, you can watch several training videos.

First you need to figure out what kind of kisses there are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - “French”;
  • kiss on the hickey.

Touching the cheeks of friends and relatives with your lips is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing friends and relatives when meeting and saying goodbye is considered the norm among loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kisses between two loving people are replete with variety, forms and feelings. You can kiss “like an adult” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings" represent gentle touches of various parts with a closed mouth: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words into your loved one’s ear.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given as a token of gratitude for the gift of the evening. Tender touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes a harbinger of a stormy night for two lovers.

French kissing- the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. It is performed with the mouth slightly open. Tongue contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, biting.

Usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, having decided to have sex with your lover, you need to know how to kiss correctly. The process should not confuse a person or make them feel embarrassed. When kissing, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

The following tips will help you learn how to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions or garlic before a date, and do not drink alcohol or tobacco. It is especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman who smells of cigarettes.
  2. The girl's lips, hands, and hair must be in perfect and well-groomed condition. A girl should be like candy: smelling and beautiful so that you want to eat her.
  3. Create a romantic atmosphere: dim lighting, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Oral and body hygiene. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage even the most loving person from kissing. If you can’t brush your teeth, you can use chewing gum, a spray for fresh breath, and also eat an apple or chew parsley.
  5. Don't freeze in one position. Stroking your loved one's hair, back, and shoulders will help you and your partner relax during a kiss.
  6. Don't be shy: focus on the pleasure, not the technique itself.
  7. Don't be silent. A “wet” kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in your beloved’s ear.

Exercises with a tomato or peach will help you kiss correctly for the first time.. Imagining your partner’s lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a lot of pleasure to yourself and your girlfriend.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. By learning to do this correctly, you can bring a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be immediately noted that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not attack her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on their first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships did not last long.. Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl, on the first date, does not attack a guy and does not allow him anything unnecessary.

A frivolous man, of course, will be cooled by this fact, but an interested and serious man, on the contrary, will arouse greater interest in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he has not yet shown her any signs of attention. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of your loved one. For example, if he is a football player, go to a match with him and sincerely root for his team. You just need to do this naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of your favorite team.

If the guy is a romantic - walks under the moonlight, conversations about poetry and music should become her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not go overboard to please her lover. If the guy is a skydiver, then it is not at all necessary to jump with him, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels a woman’s sincerity and will definitely respond to her “efforts.”

By sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, a girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. It’s as if a girl should give a young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You shouldn’t quickly force things, but showing excessive shyness is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the initiative should be given to the man. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has arrived, but the guy still doesn’t dare to kiss her after a week of dating, then in this case you can be the first to make a move.

The correct way to kiss a guy is this:

  1. Look with an inviting gaze. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are truly better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look into the guy’s eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then open your mouth slightly. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more bold actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. When kissing for the first time, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help you achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

The French kiss eliminates various manifestations of timidity and uncertainty. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not begin such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man must be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

During intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided.. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sporting competition.

Also, avoid excessive salivation. A too hot kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Want something interesting?

To kiss with your tongue correctly, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. A kiss from a guy in love will give a girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in amorous affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn how to kiss your beloved boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and clean body. When giving an intimate kiss, it is important not only to have fresh breath, but also to have a pleasant body odor, the aroma of clean hair, a neat manicure, and neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. A girl should use cosmetics in moderation. “Licking” bitter lipstick is unlikely to appeal to any guy. You also need to pay close attention to the smell of perfume: it should not be harsh or intense. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, gentle.
  4. The kiss should happen naturally and effortlessly. The guy does not have to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. There is no point in holding your breath at all - this is not a sports jump. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. To prevent the nose from interfering with the process, the head should be positioned at an angle to the partner’s head.
  7. You need to kiss a guy while hugging him. Wrapping your arms around your partner's neck and stroking your partner's back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust and passion.

Correct French kissing technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There shouldn't be any taboos here.

Rules for how to kiss:

  1. A kiss begins with a light touch on the partner's lips.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your loved one, and slightly open your lips.
  3. Penetrate your tongue into your loved one’s mouth, touch his tongue and gently swipe. The tongue should not be tense and sluggish. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The lovers' tongues should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. The lips should also not be indifferent. They should touch their partner’s lips with different intensities: sometimes stronger, sometimes more tenderly. Throughout the kiss, the lovers' mouths do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner’s face, this adds a certain amount of pleasant sensations.
  7. The depth, speed, and method of kissing can be changed. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with deep penetration of the tongue. Tender is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss quickly or slowly. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desires of the two persons.

Learning to kiss with tongue is not difficult. The perfection of this practice comes through experience and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction arises between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. Kissing a hickey is the first step to violent sex.

You can kiss a hickey with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetration, gently biting your partner’s lips.

In the first option, the partner’s tongue can caress the girl’s tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. The tongue option provides more sensual pleasure for both partners.

You need to kiss a guy with a hickey with your tongue, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the ground, you should gently touch his lips with your half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond to this by touching his partner’s lips with his tongue. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone; such manipulations bring them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the tender flesh.
  3. Many men like stroking the inside of their lips with a woman's tongue. To do this, run your tongue along the inner contour of your mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug her lover's neck, caressing his back, chest, and shoulders.

You should listen to your partner’s wishes and do what both of you like. There is no need to be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing passionately, you should breathe through your nose, since breathing through your mouth will not be possible physically.

Kissing “like an adult” for the first time may not work out right. However, by constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art by expressing tenderness, passion, love and affection to each other through kisses.

Sometimes just one kiss can ruin a relationship. That's why it's so important to know how to kiss a guy passionately for the first time. On the one hand, you don’t want to show your complete inexperience in this matter, and on the other hand, you don’t want to be too experienced in the kissing technique. First of all, you should not treat love kisses as a mechanical process. Mutual affection cannot be built on compliance with precise instructions and rules. In addition, a girl who stops during a kiss and starts saying that some important part of this exciting activity went wrong, as was written about it somewhere, will look very strange. It also looks ridiculous if the partner suddenly pushes the guy away, shouting that she doesn’t know how to do that, and she wasn’t taught that way. So, let's try our hand.

How to kiss girls passionately

When two inexperienced partners meet, each of them is overcome by doubts. How will I turn? Will I be able to breathe normally and what should I do? How will I look? How to kiss a guy passionately? To control the situation, you need to put one hand on the guy’s neck and the other on his chest. So at any moment you can move away slightly in order to take a breath and look your partner in the eyes. Moreover, it's so sexy!

When kissing, you should exhale through your mouth. During love games, the human body is too relaxed. Therefore, when you exhale through the nose, it is still unknown what may appear from the nose. Stiffness will not allow feelings to fully manifest themselves. Maximally relaxed lips, most suitable for kissing. So all the sensations are the brightest, the most passionate and the most tender.

Don't rush and demonstrate your skills, be more modest. The initiative for the first serious kiss should come from the guy. During a kiss, the main thing is to relax and completely surrender to the surging passion. You can even close your eyes to enhance your personal impressions and add romance to the situation.

The kiss always progresses. The girl gently retreats before the guy's pressure. A tongue sticking out to the maximum and a wide open mouth, as if at a doctor’s appointment, can frighten any man. It's better if you have the guy's tongue in your mouth first. At this moment, you can tickle your partner’s tongue with your tongue, and then carefully move the tongue into the guy’s mouth. The first passionate kiss should not be too wet, you should not try to fill the guy’s mouth with your saliva. Let the man get used to your smell and taste, feel and enjoy them completely.

Also, don't try to demonstrate the longest kiss in the world. The easiest way is to pause for a few kind words. This way you can take a breath and strengthen your overall emotional state.

Well, of course, we can’t help but talk about oral hygiene. It is unlikely that anyone will want to kiss a girl whose breath smells bad, much less continue a further love relationship. If everything goes as it should, then the first kiss will be immediately followed by a second, followed by a third, and this will go on and on forever!

Kissing is an ancient art that, like many activities, comes with practice. A person who kisses for the first time does it timidly and uncertainly, because this phenomenon is new and unknown to him, this is something that he has only heard and observed before, but has not done it himself.

There is another reason why the first kiss is most often timid and uncertain. The fact is that if a kiss occurs out of love or infatuation, it means that the people who are going to kiss value each other very much and are afraid of doing something wrong.

Therefore, the first kiss is always tender, timid and uncertain. Also, this kiss is short, not passionately, but reminiscent of the touch of lips to lips.

People kiss because nature arranges it in such a way that sympathy first appears between a man and a woman, then it develops into love, which involves bringing bodies closer together. This usually first manifests itself in a kiss. If people trust each other and want to be closer, then they touch each other's lips.

This is an intimate place that, when touched, produces the hormone pheromone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

With a kiss, people of the opposite sex also become acquainted with their bodies. They sniff each other (yes, like animals!) and thus get used to it.

It may happen that after a kiss, people separate, they realize that they are not suitable for each other. This process began millions of years ago with the advent of humanity. This is a natural action that serves people to procreate.

If, after the process of getting to know each other with lips and sniffing, people realized that they are suitable for each other, then their relationship develops into a more intimate one and they begin the process of procreation.

Not only among people, but also among animals, kissing also takes place in life. However, each animal kisses differently. Many animals simply sniff, some look closely, while others intuitively find a mate.

Kisses, if they occur between people who love each other, should bring pleasure from touch. Therefore, it is better for those who do not know how to kiss to learn this in order to give them the opportunity to enjoy the kisses of themselves and their partner in the future.

Features of passionate kisses

Passionate kisses are considered deeper and more intimate kisses, characteristic of passionate love and attraction. Engaging in such activities in public is considered indecent. After all, a kiss is an intimate activity, unless of course it is symbolic and friendly.

Passionate kissing is an art that requires some preparation. After all, for a passionate kiss, there is a technique that allows it to be correct.

Since ancient times, girls have learned to kiss on tomatoes, since they are approximately similar in shape to lips. They are just as soft and rounded.

But this does not mean at all that if a girl or guy has not practiced kissing on tomatoes, then he will not be able to do it beautifully with the opposite sex. For many people, the ability to kiss is given at birth.

His temperament depends on how well a person knows how to kiss. If a person is choleric or sanguine, then he does it skillfully, passionately and loves this process. But melancholic and phlegmatic people, as a rule, do not like to show their feelings and therefore kiss rarely and reluctantly.

There are two ways to kiss passionately:

  • with tongue;
  • without tongue.

Both options are correct.

The opinion that you need to kiss passionately only with your tongue is wrong. People often confuse passionate kissing with French kissing.

Indeed, in the French kiss there is the participation of both languages. However, if we talk about a passionate kiss, then this means touching the lips tightly, slightly sucking each lip in turn and without sticking out the tongue.

In order not to find yourself in an idiotic situation, a passionate kiss should take place according to some basic rules. If you take them into account, then even any timid teenager will not suffer a fiasco, but will be able to kiss his partner with special pleasure, even if it is his first kiss in his life.

Rules for passionate kissing:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly;
  • use a mouth freshener or chewing gum;
  • completely relax;
  • throw all thoughts out of your head and concentrate on your partner;
  • Do not overdo it with lip suction, otherwise you may hurt your partner.

If the kiss is not the first in life, and the person has sufficient practice in this matter, and by mutual agreement, the partners can experiment with a kiss in rather rougher tones, that is, with lip sucking. In this case, they should be prepared for the fact that after such kisses there may be traces, for example, bruises or streaks.

Pain may also remain. After all, the lip area is very delicate and therefore sudden movements can injure the skin.

For many people, no matter what age they are, passionate kissing, especially with the participation of the tongue, is generally considered taboo. Many religions prohibit doing this, because it looks vulgar and ugly.

And for others there is no sexual relationship without kissing with the participation of the tongue. Thus, all people are different in character and temperament, so each kissing technique has its own and there are no rules or restrictions here. For everything to go smoothly, you need to try and get to know yourself and your partner very carefully.

Kissing technique with tongue: rules and techniques

Kissing with the tongue is a very serious step and it requires special preparation. You cannot do this thoughtlessly, because your future relationship with your partner may depend on how well the kiss is performed.

How to properly kiss passionately with your tongue:

This technique is most common among lovers of passionate kissing. If the partner takes the initiative, then together it will be easier to figure out this situation, even if both partners have never kissed before.

After all, nature is designed in such a way that when bodies touch in a kiss, they themselves must manage the situation. And a person just has to help them a little with his mind, following simple rules.

The kissing technique depends on how ready the partners are for the kiss. Many facts depend on how passionate and lingering the kiss is:

  • mood;
  • the nature of the partners;
  • situation;
  • lip skin condition, personal hygiene.

For a kiss to be unforgettable, the partner must ensure that her lips are in perfect condition. Not only your oral hygiene should be in order, but also your lips. If it is frosty outside, then your lips must be moisturized with balm.

Under no circumstances should you try to kiss your partner if there is a cut on your lip or, for example, herpes.

This can cause discomfort or even scare your partner away. It is better to wait until the wound heals and confidently proceed to the first kiss.

How to learn to kiss passionately without a partner

The question of how to learn to kiss passionately worries every teenager, because sooner or later they will have to do it.

If a student did not have time to learn how to kiss at school, then when entering adulthood, he usually becomes embarrassed at the moment when the time comes to kiss his partner, and this has never been done before. In order not to get into trouble, you need to properly prepare for a passionate kiss.

Rules for kissing without a partner:

  • learn to relax;
  • get rid of fear and constraint;
  • lips should be soft and relaxed;
  • for the partner imitator, you can choose several options for objects: your own hand, a tomato, an apple, or anything else that comes to hand.

An apple and a tomato are perfect for kissing exercises.

  1. stand in front of a mirror;
  2. take an apple (tomato);
  3. slowly touch it with your mouth slightly open;
  4. Gently suck the apple with your lips, slightly capturing it between your lips;
  5. imagine that in front of you is not an apple, but your partner’s lips;
  6. closing your eyes, gently move your lips over the apple, slowly tilting your head left and right.

If you follow all the rules, then there shouldn’t be anything complicated in the kiss.

If people are suitable for each other and like each other, then the process of the first passionate kiss should go smoothly.

How to kiss on the first date

A first date is an exciting and very important event in the life of every person. To make it go smoothly and with pleasure, you need to remember a few rules:

The first date should leave some unsaidness to the partner so that he (she) can count on the next meeting and look forward to it.

During the first kiss, in principle, as with the second and third, you cannot be tense, otherwise the lips will be hard and the kiss will not bring any pleasure. You cannot rush and be distracted by anything, otherwise your partner will see that his partner is not thinking about the kiss, but is simply kissing “for show.”

What not to do when kissing

  • You should not bite or strongly suck your partner’s lips. This may cause injury. In addition, causing pain to the partner, the kiss may be the last for both;
  • You should not eat garlic or onions before kissing. These insidious vegetables will turn breathing into very unpleasant and when kissing the partner will not feel pleasure, but rather, on the contrary, disgust;
  • You cannot use force and, without listening to your partner’s wishes, continue the kissing technique to your taste. You should always listen to your partner’s wishes, and listen in a figurative sense. After all, a couple does not talk during a kiss and does not discuss the kiss itself. Therefore, with your eyes and touches you need to learn to understand each other’s desires.

Whatever happens, whatever the situation, basic rules in kissing must be observed.

Partners will always be able to help each other find an idyll and privacy, bringing unforgettable pleasure from the touch of their lips.

And more additional information on the topic is in the next video.

Most guys and girls, being at the initial stage of relationships with the opposite sex, are often concerned with the question “how to kiss passionately?” No one wants to get into a completely ridiculous situation during their first kiss. There is nothing complicated about a passionate kiss, the main thing is to trust your intuition.

In this article we will talk about what you need to know before giving your beloved or chosen one the first kiss. The tips below will help you avoid awkward situations.

How to passionately kiss a guy or girl

Where to start

If you are convinced that a girl or guy has feelings for you and is ready to give you a kiss, you should control your emotions, which will definitely overwhelm you at this moment. Look into the eyes of the person opposite, hug and gently touch your lips to his.

If you are a girl and are going to kiss a guy, remember male psychology. You shouldn’t be too active and take the initiative completely. Most guys might be intimidated by this. But this does not mean that your active position should be zero. Just make sure that sensuality and shyness do not outweigh each other.

What to do with the tongue

When kissing passionately, the main role goes to the tongue. You can use your tongue to caress your partner’s lips and penetrate his mouth. Although a classic passionate kiss can easily be done without a tongue and does not allow anything lighter than biting and swallowing the partner’s lips. But French kissing involves partners using their tongue to give each other pleasure.

If the person you kissed parted your lips with his tongue, then you can consider him a fairly experienced partner. However, if after a minute this still does not happen, then you need to take the initiative. The main thing is not to overdo it.

The partner's tongue should be licked with quick circular movements. Guys especially enjoy this. Be careful not to accidentally bite your partner's tongue, as this may interfere with the continuation of the kiss.

For many, the inside of the lips is an erogenous zone. Start licking her in a circle, this technique will definitely make your partner lose his head.

When kissing passionately, don’t be afraid to experiment, watch how your partner reacts and what your sixth sense tells you.

It is also worth thinking about where your hands will be at this moment. While kissing your partner, you can gently hug him, caressing his back, neck, chest and face. This will instantly create an intimate atmosphere and give your partner a pleasant feeling.

How to breathe correctly during a passionate kiss

If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then even your most passionate kiss is unlikely to last longer than one minute. You need to get rid of this habit.

Try to learn to breathe through your nose, so you can extend the kiss for as long as you wish. And you don’t have to constantly pull away from your partner to gasp for air. The ability to breathe through your nose during a passionate kiss will allow you to completely relax.

At the first kiss, your partner, regardless of whether it is a guy or a girl, opens up to you from a completely different sensual side and a gentle touch of your tongue on your lips will say much more than words.

How to learn to kiss passionately

Kissing technique is of great importance. But knowledge of how to behave correctly when kissing passionately plays an equally important role.

  • Keep it simple and perfect. Make sure that your kiss is not interfered with by bad breath or strong aroma of perfume. Aesthetics and naturalness are the ideal for most.
  • Relax. Throw away all unnecessary thoughts that constrain you and cause fear. Try to completely relax with your loved one, concentrate on the sensual kiss and have fun.
  • Move. Don't stand like a statue! Remember that kissing is like two people playing. Change your body position, bite your partner, stroke his head, back and neck.
  • Trust. Stop clenching and withdrawing into yourself, open up completely to your partner.

How to kiss passionately: video

If our instructions are not enough for you, use visual video lessons on “how to kiss passionately.”