How to clean a white shirt collar. Effective ways to wash collars and cuffs on a white shirt

There is nothing worse for a shirt than stains. The cuffs and collars of shirts and sweaters are the parts of clothing that get dirty the fastest. The worst thing is that they are easy to spot. For this reason, it is important to know how to launder the collar and cuffs of a shirt. Keep in mind that this will not be as easy to do compared to spotting.

Why do stains appear on the collars and cuffs of shirts?

Of course, this is not pleasant. But if you have to wash your clothes often because of stains, you should think about the reasons for their appearance. Collars and cuffs can get dirty for the following reasons:

We wash the collars and cuffs of shirts correctly

Washing liquid for washing: we look into the corresponding department of the store

The easiest solution to the problem of how to wash a shirt collar is to use liquid laundry detergent. Just open the bottle with it, dip your finger into the cap and scoop up a few drops. After that, they must be carefully applied to the fabric so that the liquid is absorbed where the stains were found. Leave the shirt alone for a few minutes, and then wash it as usual - by hand or in the washing machine. If the stains are old and fairly stubborn, you can also try soaking the shirt in vinegar before using the cleaning liquid.

Shampoo: it can be used for more than just washing your hair!

Shampoo is a product that is designed to remove dirt, oil and sweat from the hair. A mixture of all these substances is often found in stains on shirt collars. Therefore, shampoo can be an effective stain remover. You need to rub it over the areas on the shirt where the stains were found, and then allow the liquid to soak into the fabric.

Aspirin: a medicine that can be found not only in the medicine cabinet

Aspirin - it can be useful for you in many cases, and cleaning sweat from collars is no exception. You can dissolve a couple of aspirin tablets in a glass of warm water and then soak the stain in this liquid for about three hours. Then the shirt should be loaded into the washing machine and washed with the rest of the clothes as usual.

How to wash a collar and sweat stains on a shirt

How to wash a dirty men's shirt collar.

How to wash men's white shirts and how to wash a white shirt collar

Dishwashing detergents: good in the kitchen and... when removing stains?

Dish detergent - its properties make it an excellent tool for removing stains from shirt collars. Since these areas of clothing are most often stained with grease, dishwashing detergent will be very effective. It needs to be dissolved in warm water, and then rinse the soiled clothes in the resulting liquid. The shirt should stay in it for an hour before you load it into the washing machine.

If you want to make the process of removing stains from cuffs and shirt collars easier for yourself, start cleaning as soon as you find them. However, it should be noted that folk remedies are not always effective. For example, ordinary soap and water will not work if the shirt is made of silk. In this case, it remains to hope only for special washing liquids to remove stains.

Shirts, both men's and women's, are favored in contemporary ensembles, largely due to social demands for appearance. For example, the dress code in the offices of various organizations, in restaurants with waiters, in financial, military structures is simply unthinkable without shirts. Not everyone agrees to this, because it is much more convenient to use T-shirts with jeans than to spend difficult everyday life in narrow collars. But when you need order and presentability, alas, you can’t do without shirts.

Naturally, office workers have to walk in them for half a day, day after day. The question is raised: how to wash the collar and cuffs of a shirt in order to restore their original freshness? In the wardrobe of an average bank employee there are three or four identical shirts for every day, which, as they get dirty, can be alternated.

But the fact remains, washing is inevitable, and with each washing procedure, thin clothes wear out more, lose their color, strength, and sometimes even size. And all because of the problem areas - the collar and cuffs, which are very quickly greasy.

Before choosing a method and a means for washing, you need to find out better about the quality of the fabrics used to make shirts. The fact is that some of them do not withstand excessively high water temperatures, stretching and rolling, while others require a delicate shampoo or gel. For us, as economical consumers, it is important to keep the original state of things as long as possible.

Due to the high requirements for practicality, modern shirt models in many factories are often sewn from fabrics containing synthetic fibers. They give natural strength, durability, enhance the expressiveness of colors. But for the sake of safety, this content should be no more than 40% for quality items.

If this norm is exceeded, the fabric loses its elasticity, heat-insulating properties, does not allow the body to breathe, undergoes rolling during washing and even during operation. Therefore, fully synthetic clothing is very uncomfortable in terms of wearing, and it looks very “poor”, unaesthetic. But with synthetics, you will not have a question about how to wash a shirt collar if it is heavily soiled, since it is cleaned quickly and easily even after being in this state for a long time.

Now about natural fabrics. They are washed, as a rule, hard, the stains on them are strongly eaten, but you can also wash clothes made of cotton at high water temperatures. Cotton and linen fabrics are very durable, allow the skin to breathe in the heat and warm in the cold.

Regular laundry detergent and stain remover sold in stores may be fine for them.

But how to wash a greasy collar so that there is not even a hint of dirt left?

If the shirt has dirt only on the collar or cuffs, then local cleaning will help here using household products known to everyone.

Laundry soap

It contains alkalis and caustic soda, which has a detrimental effect on various kinds of bacteria, microbes. If we take into account that the pollution on the cuffs and collar is the result of the excretory system of the human body, then we can say that laundry soap will cope with them quite well.

It is enough to wet the soiled areas, rub them with soap and leave for a couple of hours. You can send it to the washing machine in this form, after squealing. If you decide to use hand washing, then after the time has passed, you can wash the item in the usual way and rinse.

kitchen fat remover

The kitchen tool removes fatty foods well, as well as lactic acids. Sweat contains them in large quantities, which means that "Fairy" or "Sif" will help to quickly get rid of dirt on the collar.

They are quite suitable for delicate fabrics that require gentle washing. It's better than washing a delicate thing with machine powder.

Vinegar solution

If you do not know how to wash the collars of men's shirts, then a 9% vinegar solution used for pickling vegetables will help you. It is very effective in dealing with various contaminants. Vinegar not only removes stubborn greasy stains, but also returns the former expressiveness to paints, strengthens natural fibers, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Wet the dirty areas on the shirt and dip them in the solution with a sponge. After a couple of minutes, you can completely wash the shirt and rinse.

Salt solution with ammonia

Salt corrodes any organic dirt, ammonia neutralizes acids and urea contained in sweat, respectively, does not allow them to penetrate even deeper into the fibers of the fabric and causes them to decompose into less active substances. Mix a solution of half a glass of water, ammonia and two tablespoons of salt, wet the shirt collar with it. After a few minutes, rinse the item with clean water.

How to wash the collar of a white shirt? - A similar question torments a large number of men, especially those who work in office space, because their uniform is business suits. And suits for office workers are not just clothes, they are also a business card, respectively, if they are dirty, they will be at least uncomfortable in front of partners and clients. In this article, we will tell you how to wash the collar and cuffs of a white shirt so that they shine clean every day.

Refresh your shirt in 10-15 minutes

After the first day of wearing, unwanted gray or yellow marks may appear on the collar, as well as on the cuffs. Removing them is easy enough. As a cleaning agent, you can use:

  • Talc or baby powder.
  • Ammonia.
  • A slice of lemon.

Lemon juice

The safest way to bleach the collar of a white shirt is to remove dirt with a slice of lemon. Wipe the gray stains thoroughly with the pulp of the fruit, and then leave the product for about 5-10 minutes. Lemon juice will neutralize dirt and whiten the fabric very quickly.


Very fresh dirt will help remove the talcum powder. Simply sprinkle white powder on contaminated areas and then leave for a short time. After that, wash your shirt as you are used to.

Important! If you couldn't detect talc at home, replace it with regular baby powder.

In the event that you want your shirt to retain its snow-white color for a long time, add a small amount of bleach, preferably oxygen, during each wash.

Important! To make these parts of your clothes less dirty, use one of the old methods -.


To wash a shirt collar, use a mixture of ammonia, salt, and water. You can dissolve all these components in water and soak the whole shirt or prepare a thick porridge for local cleansing.

To prepare such a mixture, take 4 tbsp. l. ammonia, 4 tbsp. l. water, as well as 1 tbsp. l. salt.

We clean the collar and cuffs in half an hour

In order to wash heavily soiled shirts, use more effective methods. To do this, you will need the following tools:

  • Shampoo;
  • Soap "Antipyatin";
  • Dishwashing liquid.

Important! All of these agents act according to the same method: they break down fat, which accumulates in large excess on the collar and cuffs during contact with the body.

Ordinary shampoo

An ordinary shampoo will help to wash the collar of a white shirt. In order to completely and completely remove pollution:

  1. Apply a sufficiently large amount of shampoo to the contamination, and then rub.
  2. In order to enhance the effect, you can use a clothes brush. Just do not rub the soiled areas very intensively, so as not to damage the fabric.
  3. Then soak the shirt in warm water.
  4. At the end of 30 minutes after such a wash, the shirt will look like new.
  5. In order to wash the remains of the shampoo, as well as to freshen up the item completely, wash it again using a washing machine.

Important! Apply dishwashing detergent in the same way.


Soap "Antipyatin" will cope with any kind of pollution, including from gray cuffs and collars. It can be purchased at any hardware store for a symbolic price, but the effect of washing is very impressive. In order to whiten the collar of a white shirt and put the whole product in order:

  1. Wet, then lather all the darkened places.
  2. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the soap, and wash the shirt with the addition of washing powder.

Important! In order not to damage the structure of the fabric, apply all substances from the inside out. In the event that the shirt needs to be washed, rubbed, this must also be done from the wrong side.

Choosing cleaning methods

The collar and cuffs of a white shirt are the most vulnerable places, which is why they will have to be restored to their former whiteness by special washing, as well as soaking. The following means and methods will also be able to wash a white shirt.

Option 1

Modern stain removers and, of course, bleaches will help to wash greasy areas. For example, Vanish, beloved by many housewives, will perfectly cope with this type of pollution.

Important! If this tool does not suit you for the price, check out our selection.

Simply follow the instructions and in no case try to experiment using household chemicals. Otherwise, in your favorite little thing, you will be harvesting in the country.

Option 2

Thoroughly rub the dirty areas with laundry soap and leave for several hours to acidify the dirt. After that, you can safely wash the item in the machine using an ordinary detergent.

Important! For greater reliability, before washing, go through places of special accumulation of dirt with a clothes brush. Just rub not very carefully so as not to damage the structure of the product.

Option 3

If you are not completely sure about laundry soap, try to remove dark streaks with dishwashing gel, because its direct purpose is to dissolve all kinds of greasy contaminants. And the dirt on the collar is nothing more than fat mixed with dust and sweat.

Option 4

Moisten the fabric, sprinkle talc on top of the collar, and try to wash it in the morning. True, this method is effective only with minor pollution.

Option 5

Before washing a white shirt, treat the most soiled areas with a special solution. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt along with 4 tbsp. l. water, add the same amount of ammonia.

The solution for removing greasy areas from the surface of the shirt collar is ready.

Option 6

The snow-whiteness of your collar is able to return pharmacy hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Before processing the product, grate the soap, then dissolve in hot water along with 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. After 20-30 minutes after application, you can wash the shirt in the usual way for you.

Option 7

Moisten the material of your product with vinegar, leave for about 15 minutes, and then begin to wash the entire product. This method will help to easily wash the collar of a white shirt and give a fresh look to the entire product at home.

  • Before choosing a treatment agent, be sure to pay attention to what kind of material the item is sewn from, and also how it can be washed. This information is easy to find on the label that is sewn on the turn of the shirt.
  • First, brush the dry, but still dirty, collar with an ordinary clothes brush to get rid of the fallen off keratinized skin. Due to the friction of the structure of the material on the skin, a certain peeling occurs, the released scales of your epidermis are comfortably placed in the middle of the fabric fibers, collecting sweat, dust, and then forming ugly dark stripes. It is them that you strive to wash by any means.
  • Try to change light-colored shirts every day so that the collars do not get greasy. If you wash excessively often, not quite beautiful pellets may appear on the surface of the fabric.
  • In order for the cuffs not to lose their usual appearance, first turn the entire surface of the sleeve inside out, and fasten the buttons. Pull the cuff onto a container corresponding to its size, preferably a solid one, for example: a bottle for shampoo or shower gel. And only after all these procedures, try to erase the worn areas.

To make a white shirt always look perfect, you need to know a few secrets. Proper washing will help keep the thing beautiful for a long time and get rid of stains.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How to wash a white shirt: care rules

How to wash a white shirt is not an idle question. This thing can be called an aristocratic element of the wardrobe. And the point here is not in silky fabric and not in masterfully coordinated seams. Just wearing such branded clothes and looking neat is a whole art. We will share some of its secrets with our readers.

How to wash a white shirt from yellow sweat stains


The first rule of dealing with sweat stains on a shirt of any color is to wash it right away as soon as you take it off. Thoroughly rub the fabric in the armpit area with laundry soap, walk along the collar and cuffs.


A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is effective in dealing with small stains. Saturate a gauze cloth with it and wet the contaminated places on the shirt with it. Keep the peroxide on your clothes for 10-15 minutes.

If this simple method proves ineffective, you can use heavy artillery - prepare a detergent based on peroxide. For this you will need: 2 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. dishwashing liquid and 1 tbsp. l. 3% peroxide. Mix the ingredients and rub the shirt generously with the mixture. If the fabric is not the most delicate, such as cotton, you can rub it with a soft brush. Leave the solution on the stain for an hour.


Few people know that acetylsalicylic acid, popularly known as aspirin, is not only a remedy for many diseases, but also saves clothes from sweat stains. Crush a few tablets into powder. Moisten with water to form a thick slurry, and apply to the fabric. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. If the remedy does not help immediately, you can hold it a little longer.

ammonia and petrol

This tool will help remove old pollution. First you need to moisten a gauze napkin in gasoline and blot the fabric with it, then do the same procedure with ammonia. Particular attention should be paid to the border of spots.


Salt solution is suitable for delicate fabrics. Take a tablespoon of cooking will and stir in half a glass of water. Apply to shirt and leave to act for half an hour.

Important: after treating stains with any of the listed products, the shirt should be washed in a washing machine with detergent. Choose the washing mode, temperature and powder depending on the type of fabric.

How to wash shirt cuffs and collars

These places on a white shirt, as a rule, are quickly greasy - they are covered with sebum and microscopic particles of the epidermis. In the fight against greasy collars and cuffs, home remedies and some secrets of experienced housewives will help you.

How to wash white cuffs or a collar if your shirt is not made from the thinnest and most delicate fabric? Before removing stains, rub the dirty areas with a clothes brush. The bristles will scrape away a layer of dead skin particles that can interfere with further processing of the fabric.

If we are talking about fresh and mild contamination, take half a lemon and gently rub the contamination with its juice. Hold for 10 minutes.

You can also use a mixture of ammonia and salt with water. Take ammonia and water in equal proportions - four tablespoons each. Salt will need one tablespoon. Leave the solution on the fabric for half an hour.

Talc - baby powder - works well with light dirt. Rub it on the stains, and then, if there is no danger of damaging the fabric, rub gently with a brush.

Laundry soap, shampoo and dishwashing liquid will also help you wash your shirt and get rid of dark shiny stripes. You can apply any of these products, rub the soiled areas a little and leave for a while. After treating the stains, you can soak the item in their solution completely.

After applying each of these methods, the item must be completely washed.

How to get a pen off a white shirt

If you just accidentally put a blue pen stain on your shirt, you can try minimizing the damage by applying talcum powder to it, which will absorb some of the dye liquid. If the pen is leaking and the stain is large, a tissue or other absorbent paper will come in handy.

When processing clothes stained with ink, one important rule must be observed: in no case should the item be rubbed - this way the dye can penetrate the fabric even deeper.

Rubbing a ballpoint pen from a white shirt will help alcohol. Dampen a cotton swab with it and try to gently blot the contaminated area. If the alcohol acts as a solvent, you will immediately notice it. Continue processing by changing swabs until all ink has been removed from the fabric. If streaks remain, you can immediately treat the stain with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

If the method you have chosen does not help, it is important not to put the soiled clothes in the dryer, do not hang on the radiator and do not iron - strong heat can permanently fix the ink in the fabric.

How to bleach a shirt

Even white things that are not spoiled by stains often lose their appearance. From frequent wear and washing, they turn yellow or become grayish. How to bleach a white shirt? Whitening helps to refresh the white color.

For a complete treatment of a white shirt, a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is well suited. The shirt should be pre-washed as usual to remove unstable dirt. Then you should place it for one and a half to two hours in cool or warm water (depending on the type of fabric), to which 1 tbsp is added. l. ammonia and 3 tbsp. l. peroxides.

You can also use another antiseptic - hydroperit. Dissolve 9 tablets in 10 liters of water and soak the shirt in the resulting liquid for one and a half to two hours. Choose the temperature of the water for soaking, taking into account what fabric the shirt is made of.

You can try washing a white shirt made of synthetic fabrics with salt. Prepare an aqueous solution by adding 2 tbsp. l. salt per litre. The water must not be hot. The label on the wrong side of the item will help you choose the right temperature. Soak clothes for 20 minutes.

Boiling is a good old method for bleaching cotton fabrics. Put the shirt in an enamel basin, bucket or pan, add soda ash, bring to a boil and keep on fire for half an hour, stirring with wooden tongs.

If you live outside the city and have a nice weekend ahead, you can wash your white shirts and lay them out to dry in the sun. Ultraviolet in this case works as a bleach. However, keep in mind that this old method is not as effective if you live near a dusty, gassed freeway.

  1. When choosing laundry detergents, pay attention to what type of fabric they are intended for, otherwise you risk getting a new one instead of removing the stain.
  2. Always wash your shirt immediately after taking it off. This will save you a lot of time as fresh stains are much easier to remove.
  3. Ammonia perfectly removes not only greasy on the collar, but also stains from greasy food.
  4. Do not use chlorine bleach to remove yellow sweat stains - it specifically acts on protein stains, as a result, an irremovable gray stain may remain on the shirt.
  5. Things with the addition of synthetics should not be washed at high temperatures and boiled, cotton - you can.

Now you know how to wash a white shirt. We hope you find our tips useful!

Collars and cuffs give a lot of trouble to hostesses. It is this part of the shirt that gets dirty the most and is the hardest to clean. These areas should not be intensively rubbed so that the product does not lose its original appearance. Knowing how to clean a white collar and shirt cuffs in a simple and inexpensive way can greatly reduce cleaning time and extend the life of your favorite item.

Removing minor stains

If the thing was worn for a short time and only slight traces of wear are visible on it, without strong oily stains, simple home methods will do. Means for removing stains on a white shirt are available in every kitchen or medicine cabinet.

You can clean the cuffs and shirt collar with:

  1. Lemon.
  2. Talc.
  3. Baby powder.

Lemon. Effectively eliminates stains, helps to lighten existing traces of wear. To wash the collars of men's shirts, you need to cut a lemon in half and wipe the contaminated area with a slice. Leave the fabric on for 10-15 minutes. After that, the shirt should be washed in any convenient way.

Talc. A great way to wash a greasy collar. The substance effectively absorbs fat. To clean the product, apply a generous layer of talcum powder to the collar and leave for 20 minutes. This will be enough to get an excellent result after a normal wash. If the collar is heavily soiled, then the powder should be changed 10 minutes after application and left for another 10 minutes.

Baby powder. It has a similar effect as talc. To remove stains, it is better to give preference to the cheapest product that does not have additional components in the form of flavorings and others. From this, the cleaning efficiency will not change, but the price of the product will change. Sprinkle greasy collars and cuffs in a thick layer and leave for 10 minutes. Shake the rest of the powder and

Valued for its ability to absorb fat and moisture. It will help to make the shirt collar snow-white. Starch is diluted with a small amount of clean warm water to the consistency of a thick slurry. Apply the prepared product to the collar and cuffs from the side in contact with the body. Leave for 15 minutes, and then send the item to the machine.

Fresh traces on the shirt will help to remove a simple laundry soap. It is necessary to wash the soiled area and leave for 10 minutes, then wash the clothes. If the spots are outdated or pronounced, more effective products should be used.

Reinforced Arsenal

How to wash:

  1. Vinegar and peroxide.
  2. Salt and ammonia.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Dishwashing liquid.

Vinegar and peroxide. In combination, these 2 components effectively wash off even the most difficult stains and refresh the whiteness of things. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and intensively saturate the collar and cuffs. Leave it on for 30 minutes.

Salt and ammonia. Both substances are able to enhance the whiteness of the material and eliminate old stains. Save even yellowed things. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l salt and 4 tbsp. l ammonia. Add another 10 ml of water to the resulting slurry. The gruel will become rarer. It should be applied to the dirty area and left for 15 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide. It, like vinegar, can be used separately. This tool is widely known in the fight against a wide variety of stains. You need to add 30 ml of the product to 5 liters of warm water and soak the item. Leave it like this for 35-40 minutes. Wash as usual.

Dishwashing liquid. It is advisable to choose colorless so as not to stain the thing. They need to wash the parts of the shirt that are dirty and leave for 20 minutes. The tool will remove grease and traces of dirt.

If the methods did not help, you can try to repeat the procedure.

store funds

When there is no time to check the advice of grandmothers or there is simply no desire to wash and wait, you can use special tools. They will safely remove dirt and whiten the product. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use and study the composition of the product. Strong bleaches have a negative effect on delicate fabrics and can ruin the item.

The most popular means:

  1. Vanish.
  2. Sarma.
  3. White.
  4. Antipyatin.

Vanish for white can be added to the drum with clothes during machine washing. At the same time, one should not forget that the agent only enhances the effect of a conventional powder or gel, and is not an independent agent. Has a fairly high cost.

Bos is an oxygen bleach. Effectively eliminate traces of dirt, sweat and other origin. The agent is added during machine washing. Also used for soaking heavily soiled laundry.

Sarma will remove vegetable stains, as well as traces of dirt and grease. Additionally removes linen mites. Does not contain chlorine, which is safe for fabric fibers. The tool will not only remove dirt from the collar, but also give whiteness to the whole thing.

White. Inexpensive and proven over the years tool. Suitable only for natural fabrics. It is strictly forbidden for colored linen. It contains a high content of chlorine. It is better to use for soaking dirty clothes, as aggressive whiteness substances can corrode parts of the washing machine.

Antipyatin. Available in powder and soap form. Both options are effective. The powder is added during washing. Soap can wash the contaminated area and put in the machine. After normal washing, the product will become snow-white.

Regardless of the type of fabric and intensity of soiling, white shirts should be washed immediately after removal. Old stains are strongly eaten into the fibers and it will be more difficult to clean them. Also, you should not wear such things, it is better to have 2-3 pieces in your wardrobe at once. This will avoid rapid wear and tear and eliminate the need to wash them every day.